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This content may be frequently modified. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 Switches - SPDT - SMT GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz Typical Applications Features The HMC641ALP4E is ideal for: Broadband Performance: DC - 20 GHz • Telecom Infrastructure High Isolation: 45 dB @ 10 GHz • Microwave Radio & VSAT Low Insertion Loss: 2.3 dB @ 10 GHz • Military & Space Hybrids Integrated 2:4 TTL Decoder • Test Instrumentation 24 Lead 4x4 mm SMT Package: 16 mm² • SATCOM & Sensors General Description Functional Diagram The HMC641ALP4E is a broadband non-reflective GaAs pHEMT SP4T switch in a compact 4x4 mm plastic package. Covering DC to 20 GHz, this switch offers high isolation, low insertion loss and on-chip termination of isolated ports. This switch also includes an on board binary decoder circuit which reduces the number of required logic control lines from four to two. The HMC641ALP4E is controlled with 0/ -5V logic, exhibits fast switching speed and consumes much less DC current than pin diode based solutions. Electrical Specifications, TA = +25° C, With 0/-5V Control, Vss = -5V, 50 Ohm System Parameter Insertion Loss Isolation (RFC to RF1 - RF4) DC - 12 GHz DC - 20 GHz Return Loss “On State” Return Loss “Off State” Min. 30 30 DC - 12 GHz DC - 20 GHz DC - 20 GHz 15 20 Typ. Max. Units 2.0 3.0 3.2 4.2 dB dB 42 40 dB dB 18 17 dB dB 13 dB 20 24 dBm dBm Input Power for 1 dB Compression 0.05 - 0.25 GHz 0.25- 20 GHz Input Third Order Intercept (Two-Tone Input Power= +10 dBm Each Tone) 0.05 - 0.25 GHz 0.25 - 20 GHz 30 41 dBm dBm DC - 20 GHz 30 100 ns ns Switching Characteristics tRISE, tFALL (10/90% RF) tON, tOFF (50% CTL to 10/90% RF) 1 Frequency DC - 12 GHz DC - 20 GHz For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz Insertion Loss vs. Temperature Isolation 0 -1 -20 ISOLATION (dB) INSERTION LOSS (dB) -10 -2 -3 -30 -40 -50 -60 -4 -70 -5 -80 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 24 4 8 +25 C +85 C 20 24 RF3 RF4 1 dB Input Compression Point 30 INPUT COMPRESSION POINT (dBm) 0 -5 RETURN LOSS (dB) 16 RF1 RF2 -40 C Return Loss -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 25 20 15 10 -35 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 24 2 4 6 RFC RF1,2,3,4 On 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) RF1,2,3,4 Off 1 dB Input Compression Point (Low Frequency Detail) Input Third Order Intercept Point 30 50 45 25 40 IP3 (dBm) INPUT COMPRESSION POINT (dBm) 12 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) Switches - SPDT - SMT 0 20 35 30 25 15 20 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) 0.8 1 0 5 10 15 20 FREQUENCY (GHz) For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or 2 HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz IP3 (dBm) Switches - SPDT - SMT Input Third Order Intercept (Low Frequency Detail) Absolute Maximum Ratings 50 Bias Voltage (Vss) -7V 45 Control Voltage Range (CTRLA & CTRLB) Vss -0.5V to +1V 40 Maximum Input Power Insertion Loss Path Terminated Path 35 30 Channel Temperature 25 Thermal Resistance Channel to ground paddle Insertion Loss Path Terminated Path 15 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 FREQUENCY (GHz) Truth Table Control Input Signal Path State CTRLA CTRLB High High RF1 Low High RF2 High Low RF3 Low Low RF4 201 °C/W 321 °C/W Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C Operating Temperature -40 to +85 °C ESD Sensitivity (HBM) Class 1A ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RFC to: Bias Voltage & Current TTL/CMOS Control Voltages Vss Range = -5 Vdc ±10% 3 150 °C 20 0 +26.5 dBm +23 dBm State Bias Condition Vss (Vdc) Iss (Typ) (mA) Iss (Max) (mA) Low -2.5V to 0V @ 30 µA Typ. -5 1.7 5.0 High -5V to -3.8V @ 0.5 µA Typ. For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz Switches - SPDT - SMT Outline Drawing NOTES: 1. LEADFRAME MATERIAL: COPPER ALLOY 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS] 3. LEAD SPACING TOLERANCE IS NON-CUMULATIVE 4. PAD BURR LENGTH SHALL BE 0.15 mm MAXIMUM. PAD BURR HEIGHT SHALL BE 0.05 mm MAXIMUM. 5. PACKAGE WARP SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.05 mm. 6. ALL GROUND LEADS AND GROUND PADDLE MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB RF GROUND. 7. REFER TO HITTITE APPLICATION NOTE FOR SUGGESTED LAND PATTERN. Package Information Part Number Package Body Material Lead Finish HMC641ALP4E RoHS-compliant Low Stress Injection Molded Plastic 100% matte Sn MSL Rating MSL1 [2] Package Marking [1] H641A XXXX [1] 4-Digit lot number XXXX [2] Max peak reflow temperature of 260 °C For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or 4 HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz Pin Descriptions Switches - SPDT - SMT Pin Number 5 Function Description 1, 5, 6, 13, 18 N/C These pins are not connected internally; however, all data shown herein was measured with these pins connected to RF/DC ground externally. 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24 Ground Paddle GND These pins and the exposed ground paddle must be connected to RF/DC ground. 3 RFC This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. A blocking capacitor is required if RF line potential is not equal to 0V. 8 RF4 This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. A blocking capacitor is required if RF line potential is not equal to 0V. 11 RF3 This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. A blocking capacitor is required if RF line potential is not equal to 0V. 14 Vss Supply Voltage -5 Vdc ± 10%. 15 CTRLB See Truth Table and Control Voltage Table. 16 CTRLA See Truth Table and Control Voltage Table. 20 RF2 This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. A blocking capacitor is required if RF line potential is not equal to 0V. 23 RF1 This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. A blocking capacitor is required if RF line potential is not equal to 0V. Interface Schematic For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or HMC641ALP4E v00.1013 GaAs MMIC SP4T NON-REFLECTIVE SWITCH, DC - 20 GHz Switches - SPDT - SMT Evaluation PCB List of Materials for Evaluation PCB EVAL01-HMC641ALP4 [1] Item Description J1 - J5 PCB Mount SMA Connector J6 - J9 DC Pin C1 1000 pF Capacitor, 0402 Pkg. U1 HMC641ALP4E Switch PCB [2] 600-00782-00-1 Evaluation PCB [1] Reference this number when ordering complete evaluation PCB [2] Circuit Board Material: Rogers 4350 or Arlon FR4 The circuit board used in the application should use RF circuit design techniques. Signal lines should have 50 Ohm impedance while the package ground leads and exposed paddle should be connected directly to the ground plane similar to that shown. A sufficient number of via holes should be used to connect the top and bottom ground planes. The evaluation board should be mounted to an appropriate heat sink. The evaluation circuit board shown is available from Hittite upon request. For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or 6 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Analog Devices Inc.: HMC641ALP4E HMC641ALP4ETR