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Enterprise Messaging Platform
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.
Enterprise Messaging Migration Summary
• What:
– The Enterprise Messaging Access Gateway (EMAG) platform is being upgraded to a new,
internally managed system. The new system provides upgraded hardware and software,
and will be backwards compatible with existing platform capabilities
– All of your existing data and configuration will be migrated to the new platform. Also, all
domain/URL routing will automatically route to the new platform when the cutover is
– Please Note: If firewalls have to be opened on your end for outgoing traffic or incoming
traffic, please open the firewall rules for the IP listed alongside the protocol you are using
and the outbound IP listed on the last slide of this presentation
• When (Target Date, subject to change):
– On or about July 23, 2015
• Questions:
– If you have any questions, please contact your Verizon sales representative or wireless
enterprise help desk.
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.
New Enterprise Messaging Features
► Enriched UI
► MMS Support
► Active/Active connection for all protocols (including SMPP)
► IPv6 Support
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.
What will be the impact of the migration on customers?
For most customers, the migration will be seamless. Customers who migrate
prior to the main cutover, will need to make changes to the domains/URL’s
used in their configuration. Also, customers will need to update their Firewall
settings , if applicable, prior to the migration (see next page for IP Addressing
Are all the devices supporting EMAG going to remain the same?
The Pilot mobile number and device will be maintained before/after the
migration. There will not be a need for the customer to change these.
Are customer distribution lists going to move to the new EMAG Platform?
Yes, they will be moved to the new platform as part of the migration.
Will customers be able to keep their long/short codes?
Customers using fixed codes will be able to maintain those fixed codes through
the migration.
What is the impact if a long/short code is in use during the migration period?
There will be no impact until the customer actually migrates.
If the customer is using a direct IP, is the IP address changing?
Yes, customers using fixed IP addresses will be required to change.
What happens if the customer’s application cannot utilize a domain or URL?
The customer will have to change the EMAG IP address that they have
When would new customers start being added directly the new platform?
New customers would start to be added to the new platform at commercial
launch , targeted for July 1st. Customers with more complex implementations
that require testing prior to production traffic flow can start testing against the
new platform immediately, and launch on the new platform directly (assuming
their launch is after new platform commercial launch).
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.
Firewall IP Address updates
• If customers have firewalls programmed to allow incoming and/or
outgoing traffic from/to EMAG, the below updates should be made prior to
the migration. Customers should add both locations to their firewall rules.
• Branchburg:
– Portal
port 443
port 8305
port 444, 7777
port 80,443
port 80,443
– Outbound to the customers (Delivery receipt)
(available port 80, 443, 8000 – 8100)
• Southlake:
– Portal
port 443
69.78. 95.228
port 8305
69.78. 95.228
port 444, 7777
69.78. 95.228
port 80,443
port 80,443
– Outbound to the customers (Delivery receipt)
(available port 80, 443, 8000 – 8100)
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement.