Amplification and Relaxation of Electron Spin Polarization in Semiconductor Devices Yuriy V. Pershin and Vladimir Privman Center for Quantum Device Technology, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York 13699-5720, USA Spin Relaxation of Conduction Electrons Due to Interaction with Nuclear Spins Abstract: Relaxation of conduction electron spins in semiconductors owing to the hyperfine interaction with spin-½ nuclei, in zero applied magnetic field, is investigated. We calculate the electron spin relaxation time scales, in order to evaluate the importance of this relaxation mechanism. Master equations for the electron spin density matrix are derived and solved. Polarized nuclear spins can be used to polarize the electrons in spintronic devices. G σ G Ii G I i +1 G I i+2 G I i +3 G I i +4 Main assumptions of the model: Electrons move classically and interact with nuclear spins located on electron trajectories. At each moment of time an electron interact with only one nuclear spin or does not interact at all. Change of electron spin state occurs only due to interaction with nuclear spins (zero external magnetic field, spin-orbit coupling, etc..). G G H = σ ⋅ Ai ( t ) I i Hamiltonian of electron-nuclear spin interaction: . i Ai = Ai θ t i + δ ti − θ (ti ) The constant of interaction is selected in the form: . Low electron density: back reaction of electron on nuclear spins is neglected. (( ∑ ) ) Evolution of the electron density matrix during a single interaction ρ (t i ) = ρ ei −1 ⊗ ρ i The initial density matrix of the two-spin system is The evolution equation : The resulting electron density matrix: sin ( 4ai ) x 1 ρ = ρ cos ( 2ai ) + (1 + Pi z ) sin 2 ( 2 ai ) + ( Pi Im ρ10i−1 − Pi y Re ρ10i −1 ) 2 2 sin ( 4 ai ) e − i 2 ai x y i −1 sin 2 cos ( 2ai ) ρ10i = ρ10i −1 cos 2 ( 2ai ) + iPi z + + − ρ 00 i P iP a ( ) ( i i ) i 2 2 i 00 i −1 00 ρ ( ti + δ ti ) = e i − H i δ ti = ρ (ti ) e ρ ei = trI ρ ( ti + δ ti ) i H i δ ti = . . . i 2 Master equations that connect the electron density matrix elements before and after the interaction. Electron density matrix after interaction with many nuclear spins We found that electron spin relaxes exponentially to the direction of nuclear spin polarization. Longitudinal and transverse spin relaxation time: T = − Polarized nuclear spins a) b) ∆t ∆t , T⊥ = − , G 2 2 ln(cos(2a )) ln cos(2a ) cos 2 (2a ) + sin 2 (2a ) P Aδ t where . ai = i i = Evolution of the electron spin density matrix due to interaction with completely polarized nuclear spins in a) (-z)-direction. and b) (+x)-direction. Initial electron spin polarization is in (+z)-direction. ai=0.01. Unpolarized nuclear spins a) b) Evolution of the electron spin density matrix elements caused by interaction with unpolarized nuclear spins. Unpolarized nuclear spins were modeled by zero polarization vector (dotted and dashed lines), and by unit polarization vector directed randomly (noisy data lines), with a) ai=0.01 and b) ai=0.003. Reference: Yu. V. Pershin and V. Privman, Nano Lett., 3, 695 (2003). Focusing of Spin Polarization in Semiconductors by Inhomogeneous Doping Abstract: We study the evolution and distribution of non-equilibrium electron spin polarization in n-type semiconductors within the twocomponent drift-diffusion model in an applied electric field. Propagation of spin-polarized electrons through a boundary between two semiconductor regions with different doping levels (n/n+ junction) is considered. We assume that inhomogeneous spin polarization is created locally and driven through the boundary by the electric field. We show that an initially created narrow region of spin polarization can be further compressed and amplified near the boundary. Since the boundary involves variation of doping but no real interface between two semiconductor materials, no significant spinpolarization loss is expected. The proposed mechanism will be therefore useful in designing new spintronic devices. Physical Model ∂n↑(↓ ) ( ) G G e e = div j↑(↓ ) + n↓(↑ ) − n↑(↓ ) + S ↑(↓ ) (r , t ) 2τ sf G G ∂t j↑(↓ ) = σ ↑(↓ ) E + eD∇n↑(↓ ) G e (N i − n ) div E = εε 0 The equation for electric field profile: The equation for spin polarization density: Injection of spin-polarized electrons in a system with two levels of doping. Two-component drift-diffusion model. Here: n= n↑ +n↓ is the electron density; P = n↑ – n↓ is the spin polarization density; S describes the source of spin polarization. j0 e ∂ 2 E e ∂E e 2 N i + E − E = − + ∇N i εε 0 D εε 0 ∂x 2 kT ∂x kTεε 0 G G G ∂P eE e∇E P = D∆P + D ∇P + D P− + F (r , t ) ∂t k BT k BT τ sf Results: Electric field profile near the Dynamics of propagation through Distribution of the spin polarization boundary, N2/N1=5. the boundary of spin-polarized density created by a point source electrons injected at τ=0, for N2/N1=10. The blue curve denotes located at x=-10. Spin accumulation effect near the boundary becomes the electric field. The other curves more pronounced with increased N2. show the distribution of the spin polarization density at different Conclusions: times. Propagation of spin-polarized electrons through n/n+ junction studied within drift-diffusion model. Spatial distribution of the electron spin polarization is calculated for different doping levels. We found that electron spin polarization can be enhanced at the boundary between two semiconductors if electrons drift from low-doped to high-doped region. This mechanism of electrons spin amplification can be useful in designing new spintronic devices. Reference: Yu. V. Pershin and V. Privman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 256602 (2003). Spin Relaxation of Electrons in 2DEG with Antidot Lattice Abstract: We study the effect of Sinai billiard lattice (periodic lattice of r a disks in 2DEG) on electron spin relaxation due to D’yakonov-Perel’ relaxation mechanism. Using a Monte Carlo simulation scheme we show that in such system electron spin relaxation can be efficiently suppressed. We found that in a certain regime the electron spin relaxation time increases exponentially with the disk radius. If the radius to the lattice period aspect ratio is fixed, a power-law dependence of the electron spin relaxation time on the lattice period is obtained. Two-dimensional lattice of antidots. Physical model: Electron spin relaxation is of D’yakonov-Perel’ type. Electron spin relaxation time is calculated using a Monte Carlo algorithm with the following main assumptions: the spatial motion of electrons is considered semiclassically; all electrons have the same velocity; scattering is considered to be elastic and isotropic; reflecting and diffusive boundary conditions are assumed; Electron spin relaxation time is calculated as a function of a and r. An example of electron trajectory when antidots almost are tangent to each other. Results Electron spin relaxation time as a Relaxation time at fixed r/a as a Relaxation time at fixed r as a function of antidot radius for function of the distance between function of the distance between different distances between the antidotes. antidotes. antidots, ηLp=0.2. The straight lines are fitting functions. Conclusions: Electron spin relaxation time was calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation program. It was found that DP spin relaxation mechanism could be suppressed by antidot lattice. Spin relaxation time increases exponentially with increase of antidot radius r. Scaling of parameters leads to an unusual change of relaxation time. Diffusive scattering on the disks leads to an additional increase of electron spin relaxation time. Reference: Yu. V. Pershin and V. Privman, preprint. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, grants DMR-0121146 and ECS-0102500, and by the National Security Agency and Advanced Research and Development Activity under Army Research Office contract DAAD 19-02-1-0035.