lnNSFIP TEnnNOLOOY. Tribp: B~~olong Bo6~atshidi n'afeking, C. F. PAT::;;WAL RELA'IJVr:S. , '- Fate rn£ll Gre'Olt-SraTJdfatr er .•..•..•....•........••...•.••• Rrar.lOgolvlana Fath~r I S father •..........•............. Rragw~'Rre •.•.... • 'Rramogolo FaUer's fatrer' s brotrer--elder •• RramogolViagwe~re ••.•.•• Rramogolo younger •• Rr"nL,'WanflB\'leRre •......• RrAMogolo FR tt er';; fAtt er' S Rister •••......• ~r" kgac1 iRIj\"eRrl! •.•••••• "m<1mogolo PaternRl ,re~t-r;rpndrnott,'!r ••••.....•.....•.......•......• "marnoGolv:an'l Fatter's mother •••..•....•.......•.......••.•.•.•.....•.. 1.:Oamogolo Fatr,e r 's l:lotr e r' < brot]' er .•••..•.• 'II' lomagweRre •••........ Rramogolo FaUJer 'f r:lot)-.er' s !'if'ter- -e lder, t • '''nRmogol\':agwe Rre ••••.•• 11ma!!logolo younger ••• VrnangWf.nab1Vre ::tre •....... r.Jn8mogolo Fatr.er ................................................... :ira Father's elder brotl'er ................................... Rrllmogolo Fatrer'e elder broU.er's wife ..... l!ogats<1Rramogolo ....... l~a FRtl'er's elder broUer's son •.•••• l·orwalramogolo ......... l'JJgolole(m.p.) ?!neke(m.E. ) J<gant,."d1 p ke (I".,.. FAtrer'r .. lcler brot)-:er'f son's wif'~ •.....•.........•....• ·ogokF,ne(w.s.) l'ogolole (m. s. ) JTnake (m. s. ) Fatl'er's elder brother's daugr.ter •• t:~orwadiaRramogolo ••.•• Y.gantsadi ak e (m. R. Mogolole(I'I.s. ) Nnakelv:.s. ) FRtl'er's elder brotrer's dRugtter's husbRnd •••.•..•••.... I:o!0'leke(m.G.) Ilogolole(w.s. ) Nnake(v:.c. ) Fatt,er' F youncer brother ••••.•........•.•.............••• Rrangwane Fpther's younger brother's wi fe ••• "oeatsaRrangl'.'ane .....•• lema Fptrer'f younger brother's ron .... ·orl"aRrang'·:an'! •......•• l'ogolole (m. s. ) Nnake(m.s. ) y.gllntsadiRke(w.s. Fotrer's younger brot~er'F con'r \"1i f~ .••.•.........••.•• • r'ogok,qne (\';. S. Uogolole(m.s. nnake(C1.s. ) )) Fatter's younger brother's daugt ter •• l'orwadiE.RrangVlana ••• Y.eantsadiake (m. s. Mogolole(w.s.) Nnake(w.s. ) Fattl!r's younger broUer's daughter's husband ............ Vo6"·ak~(m.s.) "ogolole(w.s. ) ~'nake(w.s. ) Fr tl er I s si ster ....... 1(~"ae'¥l'~~cn.:gr ;l.i •.•• ~M.]a8u. •.•••• • , nrakgadi Fatr@!rl C sister I ~ rusband. "l:oJ~tsa~ra.tCg.ldi • • trakl8di ..... ~ra Fet!": e r ISS ister I s son •....•....• Ney:r,nfl Rr.akeDdi •.......•••• !~t~ala I'aternal Great-r;randlmoU·e r •••••.••.••••••••••••..•••.••••• r.lm~ogol\":ana lrotrer f ~ fatr.er.............. . ........................... '1.rgJi!of;olo ycunber •• ~rA!lf;\' 'ot~~r' 6 an"i;\~e! ·me ••.•...•• :!raMOj:Olo fetr er' s siste.r •••••••••• ]!:!lkgedi£i,."!!.ellMe ••••••.•• 1.~IlMo;:olo "aternal great-grl'ndc1Otrer ••••.•.••.••. " •••.•..•.•.•••.•• r~amogQ.l,... anl!. I'other' f ,"ot: er •••.••....••...•••••.•••••.••••••••.••..••• r.~Ilmop;olc r'vtrer .................................................. .. r~ "'ot:'~r I S ,sp.nior co-,··ife ................................... ~n~ (Q~oc:rO..LQ) (~ ntlo ~ !reQlo) IroUer's junior co-v'ife ••••••••••••••••••.•••••..••.•. Ull.I'm1l,(Q....m.nQ.tlnna (~ ntlQ. ~ rrotlana "otrer' f elder siEter ••••.••.•. <....•.•..•..••.••...•••••• "f:namogCllo !~otter f S elder sister I s husbRnd •... r~ogatp.aMmar.lOg91o ••....• ira "otr.er'" elder sister's son •••••••• ~orv<l'fI[mtlMogolo ••••••••. ":>Golole(M.s.) ......n'"'ke'!:'J c: ) Fgantel'dillJ(~(\'I.c l'c,trer's elder sister's ~on'f ,':ife ....................... !..:Q£Q.!5.anel.ULE.) I:Qgolole(m.s. ) Nnllke(Cl:-r. ) Notrpr'F el~er sister's l'ot!'pT" "lrl~r sifter's (1[lugrt a r' f 5 hu~b nc •.............• ~"l'ke(m.s.) l'ogoTcee (w. e.) -7,w.s. ) ~:nnke rot! er' oS YOUTJger ~ister •............•..............••.••• ~,r.tangwp.ne i'ot}1er's younger 8ister' s I~ther's youn[er sister's son'F wi fe .................... r~oeokane (,'r. s. ) gQ£Q.!(le(m.r.. ) Nnak~ m.s.) . t 1~otr_er 18 ~roun6er SlS ' dnughtt'r •• ltorv:aoil1l'MI1I'11<y'ane •• rgilntsadil1ke(Cl.s.) er s -------- i'~or:olol~ (\". S. ) Ewu (v,::-s. ) "otrer'F younger sister's (!"u,;h't~r , ~ rus"enn ........ ... l'ogl'1F.ke(m',F.)) !'oiIQ.lole(v.s. EnHkee w• s • ) ~~ot:rer I f brotrer ..................................... . r81o~ J:otl er's brother's \"i Ie ........ rQf.IfltRaD:bQMta •...••.•.• !~p.lo~; t~~_ :!ott er' 8 brotl'er'l' son •........ ~·;~na~~lo~~ •.......... ~r,~ln f'other I s brotl.er's son's wife •• ro~at£~~tsal~ •...•....• Ntl'ala Ilotrer's brott'er's daughter •••• ~_ana~~lo~ •..•....•.. ~tsal~ Motl'~r' Eld~r s brotr'er r ~ dauE;htpr 's r,ul'b~nd •.• ,",ogatsa"tsala. }'tflala brotrer(men speakinG) ••••..•• I'orViaRr~ ••..••..••• lloeolole ',lner brotl.er' s \'life (man speaking) ••• r$ogatsallogQlole •• lJIoaolole E.Ln ~r brctr.er' s cr ild (m1'n I'peakina) •• n","anal·ogolole •.• 1'01"" eke (s) "0 T'I"adi ekl! (d) Yo",~ger ~rother(c12n sp .. pking) ••.•. l'o!:'''I'Rr~ •••........• rnak~ YOl-nger brot"er'e '''ife(man speakij\a). .I'o@tsp.Nnake •.•• rnak~ vO\.d"cer Brotrer' s ct il<:' (man s'leaking). Ngw~nal'n~ke •... .I'oT'lvakeis) r~oT'l'ladi ake (d) Brother(woman speekinb) •...... , .....•....•........... Kgarrts~di~ke Brothr's vife(v'oman spe!lking) ••..•..•.....•.••...... Noeok§!!.t Brotl er '(; chiLd' l;1ot:laJ;l. s?eakitlg) ...••..••..••....• ~v. !lm'KI;!lnt~1!9~§.ke Elder sister(Vioman epe1'king) ••.••................•••• ~Q&Q.lole E1n~r pi ster' s husbnnd(woM?n epellkin,;) •• roc;atsali:ogo1ole •• 1:ogolole E.Lder cister' schild (v'omp.n E>peaking I . .. ~~nlll!ogolole •••• ..1QEvlllke~l )'oT'l'ladiake (d) 'ounger F,ister("'or:8n speaking) •.•...•...•............•.•• !;:nflke "our ge I' Fister' £ hu sbann (v'oman '" p~{' k' ng) ..• r..:!2B:"t~ a ~'nflt~ •.• !!nak e Vou'1g .. r Eis.ter 's chi 11 (v·or.'pn spoflki nb') ..• ~B!:~!2a}Jna ke •.•.• "orwake (fl ) r:oI"."Adiake (d) 8i ster (man ~pe" ki ng) •.••..............••.•..•....••• &Ian!&'.di§.te 8i ster' f' hurbl'nd (man I'peakine) ••..•...••......•....• 1'oQ"a~ ~ .,. i r tel" 's cr. ild (Men ,;ceak ing J. .... ~gy,:an§.!SB:ants?di aK" •..••• Setl!llolQ. Brott er t S son's cIli£d(J:lan ~pe[\king) •• N;;I' anal.:oruaJ'9bolole •• 1:otlogobQ. , gW.5..!!ar'or\'.a~!!nke Brotl',er I s dAughter's chi In •••••••• !!gy;ana)'oT'l':fldi eYop;olole ••• ~ot1ogo!.o ~'ma~~o!:,:::adiaJTnake S' "ter' S) Eon' f' ct, ild (m. s • ) •••• ~,~. ~!!a.r·OI'l"flrgarrts"di? k~ ••.•. !.:otlogolo ~(II.:.."naSetlogolQ. SiFt~r' s deugrter I S 81' iln ("1. f . 1 ••• !Zv'''rr/lI·To~~QierC:~!2:!:,~~di§.ke .• lfotlogolQ. Ero::~naS .. tlof{olQ. Brother's son I s crild (w. s. ) ••• rm;"!281·o!:,,_nKg~!2:!:,sadiat~ •...••••• ~otbQ£.Qlo Brother's dcugrter' schild (w. f . 1~.:.£llil.I'0!:,- ed~ ~!SB:~nts 3diake •.••. Ie t1QiiQ.lo SiE\ te r 's d"ugt't~r' schild (v • [' • ) •.•• N"0""DD1;o~p.dia l'oeolole ••.• "ouoeolo YF(V'anal'oJ:7W?d i [' rnak e Son •..................................................... . :":~ake Son t S v:il'e •....................................•......... . Nsv/ets! Son I child •.............................................. r.'otlogolQ. $ Daughte r .................................................. }'o!:y;~di f!.k e_ 1JAug}--t~r I s huf:bAne •.•...•....•.....•.•......••••....•.. IO • • ~oe".'e DpuGtter's crild ••..•..•.•• ~~pnpl'~v·~dipke • .•...... ..•.•• ;~otl£&ol~ Son \,/i f'e IS I s parent •...................................... ~QB'oGarl!. Jrug~tcr's husbp.nd'~ pArent •••.•.....•••.......•.••.....•• t~gogadi Son's daugrter' s cpild •• ~Tm·Bna!·otlQe:olwnk~ .•••••• '" .....• "otloeobY!.S!l!! D~ugrter's son's child •• Egv;anal:ot!ogo!~ake •..•....•....••• ~otlOEol\.~~ DAugrter' ~ dAughter' 8 child'»!illY:nn!\lIotbogolwak~ ••........• toUQ£'~J.wanA ,lIFE'S RSLATIVSS ·:;if~ .................................... !:.oSac1.i_y[L~ •••..••.••• r~oe~ts8kt' "~I' fe' 0 f'Atf,er ••...•••.•.•......•••.•••.••.••....••.•.• rOjiOendi (~ §.enna) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ~'ogoe;tni ('!:..e. ~P.Ag~) ";ifp. 1[; rnott"'r. ,'life IS brott,'!"r •...•.•...............•...............••• 1'Og\";Rkfl! ,life's brother's ife ••.••••• ~og,,!&at·Qgy:Ake •••.....••• 1lOe.kolOb~ }:na e l':ife 's elder brotf'er' s sun •.• 1·or;"1!~2ill·:?ke •••.......•••. rgy:allil~ogol~b.e ":ife 's elder brotrer' s daugJ,ter ••• "orwadi~kell0m'nke •••• }!g..;a!2e.VQ.@lO!~ Wife's younGer brotrer's "on ••••• ~~·:al'.QgvIA~~ .•..•••.•. ~~~narr!2ake '::i fe's younger brotrer' s daughter ••• Hon:Ildi;!I(ogwake ••.• ~2en;!Nnllke Vlife IS siEter •......................................... ~'oflo.lol~ "n:>ke "Tif'!"s Fir'ter'E chiln. ..... o •••••••••••••• o ••••• 0 ••••• •• ~··~nE'f~ogQ.±-Ql~ !!ir:..i!.na~np.ke Pusband ............................ • 1~0!l~~ .................................... • Mog(1.t§.n.ke rusbflrld's fptrer ••..•••......•.....•.......•••.. ···· •• · .1~!\:!&l!b~(l:C{l §.!m!!;!) rur,b",nd' p motI .. r .......... ........................... "ptM',!&(l!.!'. £~pd!.) JUFband's elder brotrer •••...••...••....••.••....•••• _OeO!~l~ rusb"nd's younger brotl',er •••..•..•.•..•..•....•••..•. l'nak~ } uebnnd 'E elder brotr.er' s v,ife ••..•• ,-=&?t,§r;JogolQ.le •...•• 1-!QgQlob~ } usb?nd' s youneer brotter' s wife •••• lIo@tsaNnM<e •••.••••• ~nfl!>.~ Eu~band' s elder broU~r' schild •.•....••..•.....•..••• Ngy.'ana!,ogobol~ Pusbllnd 's younger brotr'er' s chile' ••.•...•.••.•..•....• ~~nl!lI'!!ak~ fu~bf'nd's eld~r Fi~ter ............................. · .. · .• ~·oe.okp.'D!l Fusbanrl I ~ young~r siE.ter .............................• rogokn~ Fusband's elder sister's husband •.•....•••.••.•• Mog~i~ru~ogQbq~_ husband's younger sister's hul"bllDd •..••..•.••..• ~Qg:atsal'1nake Fusband's elder sister's child •.••••••••••..•••••.•.••••• ~~ogOlo FUf'banc1's younger sister's chilrl •.•..•••.•.•..•...•..•••• §e"L!.Qgo.l.Q. Seni 01' co -wi l'e •••••....•.....•..........•.••.•..••.....•• Mogajikane Junior co-wife ........................................................ Mot~adiM\"'8na. 1.Can a man marry his l.brother's daughter •••• ves,if the hrothers are not sons of the same mother. i1.sister's daughter •••• "es,if brotrar Dnd sigter are not children of s~m~ women. iii-mott'er's brother's dilUgt·t~r ••• ves; suppo!'erl to be a preferrerl marriage. iv.father's brother's daughter •• ves; a fairly cocmon ~pe of marriage. v.mother's ~ister's d~ught~r •• yes,especially if parents are not children of same mother. vLfath .. r's sister's daughter •• veqnot,ho\·;ever as sommon as (iv) 2.Can a Man inherit his i.fatt,er'e widov.' ••.•.••• ves,but not his OVin mother. ii.elder brother's widow •• ves,hut not comMoll,slilch widow heing regarded aE'. Mot'her iv FOn'f' ·... ioow .... " ......... . "'TO V. MOtl 3.C~n er' s brother's wido\" •• No a Man marry his i.Vlife's elder sister •••• Yes but not comMon for reason given in 2(ii) ii.wife's younger siAter ••• ves,preferred for seantl£. iiLv:ife's brotter' s daughter •.•• }'o iv.wife's sister's naughter ••••• 1'0 v.step-sister .................. Ves,but very rare. vi. ste p-daughter ................ No. NOTES. 1.All relatives of the third ascendant generation (~nd beyond) are addressed by the same tera whether they belong to the paternal or maternal side o~ the family,due regard being paid,however,to sex differentiation,e.g.Rramogolwana means paternal or maternal g~eatgrand­ father; l~maaogolwana aaternal or paternal greatgdandllother. To Ili.xtq distinguIsh between the paternal and the lIaternal sides of the family the expressions keha mohameng wa ga Rre(on the side of lIy father), kaha 1I0hamenz "a ga }'me ( on the side of my mott.er) may be used. 2.The same lIlay be aaid in regard to the second ascendant generation,e.g. Rrs mogolo refers to paternal or maternal grandfather; ~~smogolo to Maternal or paternal grandmother. 3.In regard to colLaterils of the second and third ascendant generations much use is cade of descriptive terms such as RramogoLwagweRre(father's faUer's elder brother; RraitgadiagweRre(father's father's sister); MalomagweRre(father's mother's brother). 4.The tel'l:ls ~ata and AUllama(probably borrowed from Afrikaans) ~re fairly cOlllllonly used nowsdays for relstive~ of the ~econd pr, third ascendant generations. They have the advantage of av'iai~ confusion between rather's father(Rramogolo) and fatter's elder brother(Rrsllogolo The tera t.utsta is used for the for1:ler,making it poseible to reserve .Rramogolo for the latter. SimilarJ:y the term AUllalla ia used for father '. 1I0ther making it ponsible to veserve l.!IIsllogolo for 1I0tter' s elder I sister. On the death of the father's father the term Autata is transferred to Father's elder brother· similarly on the death of the mother's mother the term Aumama Is transferred to mother's elder sister Another way of making a distinction between father's father and father' elder brother is as folLOws:Rr8l0mogolo means Your father's father whereas Rraaogolwago means Your father's elder brother. Rragwemogolo means Ris father father whereas Rramogolwagwe means I~s father's elder brother Rremogolo means my father's father whereas Rramogolo lIeans my father's elder brott,er • . S.With regard to the spouses of father's brothers and sisters the foras mogatsaRramogolo,~ogatssRrangw8ne,.ogatsaRrakgadi are used in explainIng the relationship e.g.to a stranger; otherwise in speaking to the rel~tive concerned either the teras Rramogolo,Rrangl'lane,Rrakgadi(i.e. with the word mogstaa are used or the teras '~s or ~,as the case may be are used when it is not intended to speciry-the relationship. 6.Silllilarly with regard to the spouses of mother's brothers and sisters the foras .0gstsaHalome, mogatsalfllslllogolo, mogatsaMasngwane are u sed in explaining therelationship e.g.to a stranger; otherwise in speaking to the ralative concerned the terms Malome,Mmamogolo,Mlllangwan.(i.e.with the word mogatsa omitted) are used or the terms Hra or Maa,as the csse may be,are used when it is not intended to specify the relationship. 7.As between siblings of the same sex the principLe of age differentiation cOlles into operation so that 1:og0101. meansnolder brotr,er (man speaking) or older sister(woman speaking),while Nnake means younger brotJer(.an speaking) or younger sister(woman speaking.This principLe does not ap ~ly as between siblings of opposite sex. The tera kgantssdi lIeans sister(man sperking) or brother(Vlolllan speaking) irrespective of age differentiation. The tera I~ogolole used between l'ibl1ngs of the sSlle sex tends to be replaced nowadays by the teras Aubuti(older brotller--lIIan or woman speaking) and Ausi or Ausisi (older sister--man 0 woman speaking).The term nnake has not been similarly affecte'. 8.The children of siblings of the same sex address one another in the saae way as brothers or as sisters ae the ca~e may be. Thue father's older brother's son and father's younger brotrer's son is eitrer nogolole(m.s.) or nnake(m.s.) depending upon whether he is older or younger than the speaker.Similarly mother's older sister's son and motter's younger sister's son is either mogolole(w.s.) or nnake(w.s.) 'epending upon whether she is oLder or younger than the speaker. The tera kgentsadi hused f f sister's sson(m.s.) or ather's brother's son (w.s.) and mother's 9.With regard to the spouses of siblings the te~ mogokane(sister-in-law) is u~ed for brotber's wife or husband's sister where a woman isspeaking, but where a man is apeaking the tera mogolole or nnake i~ aaed depending upDn whether the apeaker is younger or older than the relstive referred to. Similarly the te~ mogwakll(mogwe lOa kA sbbr.) is uaed for siater's husband or wife's brotrer where a man is PJ--lifts speaking,but where a woman ia ,peaking the tera mogglole or nnake is used de pending upon whether the speaker 1s younger or older than the relative referred to. The asme will,or course,ap ~ly to father's brother's son's wife and to father's brott.er' s daughter's husband. In other words tt.ere is no specia t.~ for brotber's wife(m.s.) although there is one(mogokanel for brother's wife(w.a.); thwwe is no special tera for sister'a huaband(w.s. although there is one(mogwaka)for s1ster's husband(m.s.) lO.Children of siblings of oppor.ite sex address one anotner by the reciprocal tera Ntsala without sex or age dif'wrentiation. ~~en it is intended to specify the exact re~ationship the term, ~aR~di--father's a1ster's child or ~anaWaloae--mother's brotner'a ch1ld,as the case may be,is employed. The husband or wife 0' Ntsala is addressed as Ntsala,or if is intended to specify t:he relat10nship,as aogatsaNtS81s. 11.The tera mogwaka~ogwe wa ka abbr.) meaning brother-in-law tends nowadays to be rsjlaced by the tera awaw. borrowed from Afrikaans swaer. This has the advantage that it makes it possible to avoid confusion between m.~ mogwaka meaning brother-in-law and mogwe meaning son-inlaw. 12.The term kgantaadi used between siblings of opposite se. i.e.betw.en brotr.er and sister tends to be replaced by the tenls Aubuti and Ausisi or Ausi. Thus a msn refers to his older sister as Ausisi or Ausi and a woman t01her older brother as Aubuti,but thes. borrowed terms which emphasiae age differentiation are not emplJPed when younger aiblings are referred. Thus a man does not refer to his younger sister as Ausi or Ausisi nor a woman to her younger brother as Au~uti. The term kgantsadi or the term nnake is ased in that case. 13.Informants differ as regards the use of the terms setlogolo and ~a¥x motlogolo. All are agreed that setlogolo is the proper te~ for sister'a child,but in regard to grandchil' so •• say the proper term is setlogolo while others give motlogolo as the right te~. Majority opinion is in favc;>ur of motlogolo for grandchild. ( N. fl. Wookey's "Secwana-English Dictionary" gives MOtlogolo as "man's sister's child" and setlogolo as "woman's nephew; a niece; a man's sister's Child; a woman's husband'a sister's childl a grandchild".) 14.The terma Rra(father) and Vma(mother) are used aJ great deal as te~s of respect not only by younger persons in addressing old~r persons but also by older persons tD addressing younger persons. This at. ia a characteristic feature of polite speech among the Barolong. lS.As is undoubtedly the case among all Bantu tribes at the present time knowledge of kinship te~s is becoming more and more scanty among the Barolong,not only among the younger people as might be expected but even among the older people. The old custom under which great care was taken to instruct the young in the kipship terms by which they ahould address different xat.ttx.. members of their kinship group is no longer as strictly observed as it used to b •• 16.There is no term among the Holong corresponding to the tenl aofobe( (borrowed from Nguni) which is uaed for wife's sister's husband(aan speaking) among the Southern Sotho. I found some informants,however,who used the term gamre which they said was borrowed from Bushman or Hottentot. The word is not,bowever,in common u.e and I have therefore not 1meluded it in the list of Rolong kinship teras. rOTF:s. 1.Al~ re~ tiv~~ of th~ tpird e~c~nrlant gen~ration (ann r.e~'ond) ar~ .~c~r~sEed by tr.~ r.1'~~ t~rtl v:h~trt'r U',ey bt'long to tr~ pat~rnpl or I!lat~rnal sid~ of th~ f?Mily,due r~gl'rd b~ine paid,loow~o ('ex differ~ntiation, ... g .Rramogoh'anfl (Fat~rMl.(V:~l'tgrandfather);">1H ......~L' ~~flmogolwana