IK 4 33. snanvran^'ZB&B -^- . And , w ww ' I f ; " * ' single gppieg,io <?W ALBANY cmmrr Our long list of advertisers speaks well of the valujs of advertising! In this paper. Use Enterprise ads to tell . readers about what^you .l$V*. to,.wll. POST AI.TABf0N3?, N!, T5 $£QPpg& ^BB^BSlBSff 2& Wm PPACES) '.",•. ?.. TOflEB; 33, .^VJgfiflmtefe;^^^-. Berne.Fire Co. Plans fefgQ&refa nig$ft tfts? ofSeers of Annual Pancake Supper 4heWamlsis',ISpH^^E^EffiiiESBE afiafc'feia; an, Saturday, (tomorrow) the Berne or^aiiBfflfetmfl araafiag: a* W&l Volunteer Fire company and iis : tern? !£ff 35Et 8Emfl ffi&s. W. 1L. Auxiliary will sponsor a paijcake supper at the Berne fire&ouse. "mar wtsms, mam vs&e comFirst table will be served at 4:30 pl^tea fer fife aKfijmlies' of Qie p.ni. with continuous servings. The coining jqakr TIftH gruup has- planmenu consists oi pancakes, saus- ned h pry^ran nttur -ihuuiu phivc,; age, "Helderberg" maple syrup lo^bf uj in3iai>Rrt! ai ifv«ry<jni}' in the from Wilisie's sugarbush, our fab-, town. ulous "Kraut salad," homemade TPhe dWb step trgminris everyapplecauce, pickeld beets and those one -feat t a » fismr ffftw T?b\«ns, will' delicious homemade pies we're so; hajpp a g^te cSnmar gactg?- at the noted for. Shadow ©as tin ffiufflfecTaini on No reservations needed — Just DSmsSa US. (Tfenlftml aDoa membeis, hearty appetites — we'll fill you or teran insaimriitifeiHnem fSnr tjeftets for tSiif winJi. whiE& is open up. to @se jpiftiHE. Ski Ste (iSteBs off tfflff mssjteg, refefi^anteiHB weaie samweiii % Mis-.. ALTAMONT BOARD OUTLINES A MASTER AT UWC0JLN DAY OBB4ME.R—Pictured ahove are a few of the many Town of Guilderland "faithful" who afcfceiMfed ttfcs ansssaeB Lmeoto Day dinner Feb. 17 at the Thruway Hyati House, Albany. The event nwas sspansffireoa 6y S6ss AEbaray/ County Republican committee. At the left side of table are, ftiorri left: ElalliiferfensiS SffigsaanflissHr Catrl J . Walters^ Mrs. T. Gerald Buckless; Mr. Buckless, town ennneiteran aafl eftaiincfflsa off tfoe Guilderland Republican committee; Mrs. Joseph Rose (her husband is Ehafasjazi off 3fee towsi pliaTsnftig board);. Curtis Tucker, town councilman. At right: Altamont Po35ce JaasltJiBB E&wxsn W- StoifairdL (Photo by Edward C. Brandow) sSf! "TO© CSSffiWEUE© — TTftifeis/ a photo taken at the Altamont Village Hall (Train Station) at v the BEGaNMUIMIS <sS tfte a n n u a l vffiage. caucus Tuesday night, Feb. 18. It\was impossible to conduct the Sbus'rosss off tflte eamaas here,, with a crowd of 300 j amming the old railroad station "to the shingles." B P S B Bto^tar ILasffitrence Warner sat on the floor (lo wer left). Behind the Mayor is Marge Hilton, with toer ita^tesraft, BEew. James K.. Hilton, towering abov e her. What were people laughing about? Well, Ifee "sBs*'..'" ftes$ jjaait ujiwiltedi the whole assemblage to adjourn to the Lutheran church, and — he wonJ itereS — e H t&ey taw the way to the church? ft/l any people in the photo are identifiable - but we'll ith hand on table) Edward Heins, teller; seated, Siaws to ssSHfe fetr fine ansa a t the table. At left (w iMirsl Afflseirit Mamma,, caucus secretary; standing behind chair, William R. -Wands, chairman; at iritEJtet <imaS off *3&lte))„ CIMaect Shore, village clerk. If you're there, pick yourself out! "Preservation of present pleas-! antness and foment of future ime-j, ness" is what the proposed jmasteri plan for the Village of Altamontj TDhe Baaua sfffflHtaGffitfemof* the 33emie-I3HBK: Cferitaail SEftoeil will is all about~ Consultant Matthew Delaiiy andi sifinfit <a BBogHKEll to dfetftfett nesmembers of the Altamont: Plan-j adejnB ffar tfifoe jpmafiases off three ning Board outlined, the proposed, slew isrihma SUBBES, am Wednesday,. ^ land use regulations at the fhirxij ffiaaaih S. and final public hearing on ftoei A spsnM nmgttihTg to explains subject,' Monday night in the •\SA the jnJsjHJSifflan will Ite Bsdffl By theThe "Hilltown" Republican comlage hall. mittees are sponsoring a fund raisiboEHii can TtaeBla®' evening;. Mkr 4i The plan would strengthen and' at fS (sjidtadk. l u t e nesffltobiiani as ing banquet Mar. 15. The Shamconsolidate existing commercial' iPEOsaflHS fin KBEffimi 4fflffi ofi Ufte Edrock banquet will, be held at the outlets in the center of the v i k ucation Sa-aw amftsnizes, ttre pur- State Senator W a t e r K. ILansThe Reformed and Lutheran Shadow Box Restaurant in Guillage aijd keep the existing R-10 or' jjhase teff tfihuse HEW 60.,-gasseiiger ley, of the AlMJny-SdbaflDainie ^ M B churches of Altamont and Guil- derland. Watch next week's issue 10,000 square feet requirement forj school BaHBSS *att am astii mated, max- .district, has scteeWlsefl a sarfes flrif derlaiiMl Center have planned a for further information on what residents in t h e heart of Altamont,' imam ajast aff 5ffD,200i eacH. The four Senate t l w a SSffl^tis^"; to series of six Union Lenten services. is planned to be an annual event. which also is to be designated a! <agguegafce ttaaD uoasa afl ^33,600 offer residents <eif iffliffi ttwro sflmiinit- The first of these was held Feb. historical district. w J l ifae (nantDftufiail % sfiate aid at ties a n ^pportenity to "sllaiite tfflne&r 191. Ash Wednesday, at the HelSpreading out from the center: $3Q^4Q, ^nfl (fee fiatame of $3360 views on matters <aS sttate con- dieroerg Reformed church in GuilThis was an of the village, first medium and is sajgiEnttfifl %• fiha. acfinol dis- cern. AssemfeflaiaaHm FteoS Ffe!M„ dterteid! Center. then low density residential areas; ttaatiL Clarence HX T .-amp,, Eiwi^pa K. Mai- Agape communion service in the atmosphere of the Upper Room, are programmed with the excep- .Qne toff tffliE BaiHea- vsdil be used son and RaymoEffldl Sfamse with' t h e Revs. Charles J. Boontion of a multiple resident zone on for a iHejffeanBnHnfl,, antfi tfae? other attend meetings finsr ittew stea,, James K. Hilton and James the eastern side adjacent to the tbw© ante msBtoS ffinr ihfineased; en?Senator Langlfeejc saM he JX. Reidi participating. There was Dunnsville road. loBmeBfe.' Mimes ffindteBedi early to eEicit pulaEc <mpmmimm «aB SOBEIIB Delany noted that the traffic in the sdhnril yaair HHiwe- t&e ad- matters as ttoe OroramamirTs taiai- aw attendance of over 150 at this Next Friday, Mar. 7, the women generated from this project would 'waHtage <sK a£a%- dfetaeiiy and will- get, increaang sstaite aMffimrBaxBali affl&sual and deeply meaningful of McKownville United Methodist ssirvtee. be, away from, not through t h e vil- be on tt3nffi Star tftu? apening of school districts, church will h o s | World) Day of The- second service was held l a s t Prayer services at 8 p. m. Mrs. lage. welfare, the sdhoiaQ iin Sqjttenriten:. The land along the slopes ofj Taylor Law, and IfJimmaimiTOs tegisliai- ChMTCfe.ait the Altamont Reformed Ralton Speers represented her church on the planning committee the Helderbergs would be classi-, tion. T h e other union services are as and has enlisted the help of many fied two-acre residential to preMeetings are sdhateiW Soar S lollaws.:. women for that- evening. Among serve the stands of trees and overp. m. a t tne icfflkRWBE tlmiws ammfi Tuesday,, Mar. 4. St. Mark's them are: Mrs. Joseph Bessenall uniqueness of this foot-hillsplaces; ILrali&ffltapi church, Guilderland Cen- bacher, organist;. Mrs. Julian Learea. j March. 5 — ter; Wednesday, Mar. 12, St. vine, soloist; Mfs. Robert Hart, As future growth occurs, deveP John's Lutheran church, Alta- coffee hour; Mrs. Floyd Johnston ^ AnfflmhtfWfi With, Stete- 'High sdhooL ISelEijar opers will be required to program; ^SmvssnxmitL" & tfltet tifti^aap San the 'Hangley, Assprm? monei Thursday, Mar. 20, Helder- and Mrs. Edward Wise, usher;?. forever green areas which will %e IjMk aroHuril ISfew TGatfe State 4VH. lSterg K^formed' church, GuilderOther participants will be Mrs. developed into small reereatiDHBi; SalKrfl ffiig» JRnssiani.." -feffi mem.- 1 March 33 - Scfewsl! W.§® mmflj" Center; Tuesday, Mar. 25, Ward Legg and Mrs. John Frawparks. ' 'hecs'ffiKEBn am <mmr t&s state will school), linccfe 'Paaft;, AJtenttont Reformed church. ley, of .Altamonfe„an{J, Mrj;. Robert Also suggested ' is the re-land-' spanM thw® ifl^s an ^IBans as they Senator Xsas^s^ AH these services will lead up •Gridley of Guilderland. scaping of the present village park learn steratt tftes imfiiriifiiai's role Field and Sfeuse. to t h e final Good Friday service, The guest speaker will be Rev. near the former train depot which of cififfian^mj) amfl taw each. New pMcmed! by the Guilderland CounMarch IS Boonstra of Helderberg is now the village hall. Yorlk s^alte nfflaiflmU m affected by school — Senator LapgB^y ami As- cil! off Churches, which will be held Charles Reformed church. All parts of the The village board will request "what '-haitfiaiB iin canr Sbatte CapitaL semblyman Mascaa. ftxwxs 12 noon to 3 p. m. on Fri- service are based on Ephesians 4: that either the state or county l..mfta fcmnmmi and' Tony March 20 - Shabar ffl^fin sdtawrl.. day, Apr. 4 at the Helderberg Re- 4-6 and the theme, is "Growing create a by-pass in the general StoraMM wffll negneseait: Albany North Colonic — Saniattrar iLangCey formed: church. Together in Christ." vicinity of Pangburn road which iCBauny «Btt ffn'fe steBte-vRiife event. and AssemMyamiam F M i . * T ¥lflE ©BSUlHtECH Tiftfe would; have been a good church attendance, if it had been Sunday! The Families in the Helderberg area iLiinda fts Iflae e&BigJUjsr off 3SDE: and will ring the village and divert These meefimgs sure mttomdimtH to are urged to attend this service eBSlfiie body ffif ffle etarcfti was filled to capacity with Altamont-citizens, and many were standing. Mfcs. SEirihaBfl TffiymTromTi H Dumtraffic anticipated as the "hfll give persons m itte Ssnattoar's (35J5and to give their support to this Tibs gzSfeny w a s one-third! to one-half filled The business of the caucus was conducted with ease and towns" increase in population. It taton ffite,, IMhiajr Tbny's par- trict a chance to jgiwe itflmw legjjrinternational observance sponsored •ents -SCPB Tfifcand D&si Richard jm EBtEifewtt im thfe wonderfuli surrounding. Thanks are due to the pastor of St. John's, and to his conwould join Route 146 outside t h e lators the benefit rf ittear WSKS OMI by Church Women United. The sFlenraireifi. b s r a BQfl,, ^Bibamont. village for traffic generation tothe most pressaa^ giregjaaferav, few iifee use of the. church in the emergency. offering is used to train Christian Hit aaH attartfe (EDD Mfonxfer. Mar. ing the state. ward Schenectady and Albany. Nasthaniel B. Merrell of Low- leaders in all parts of the world 3, twhti a Hafflfett ttinn&i a* Sheraton wiffie,. president of the Easter Seal and to fight illiteracy. i n n TFawDE Mhttear Em;. KneadquarSociety of New York, announces ters for tftfe 5®HT&; dHtegaJtes> AftUke- state-wide mailing of Easter t e r tHirwta tfliB ®itiaiB) ftsads-- up, the Seals for the 1969 campaign which 4nll Snr m tSmssr mS ti&e? C ^ i t e l ; with officiality opens on March 1 and speoial ismjihBBs; am ffie-' South (Mmtiimiiies through Easter, Sunday, Donors are urgently needed for Mall iprsjjpdt ami Haw t&fe afiects April! 6. The regmter "fine egaBuilifen] asS sSa^ff gErKernment next Tuesday's Red Cross bloodT h e Easter Seals, accompained Robert McGann of Altamont Board of EdjacadiiKi Next =a wiiHtt ttB tetlii ftauHes of the mobile collection at the Guilder-, % a n appeal for donations to sup- Blvd. Altamont was re-elected as -land firehall, according to Mrs.' Legi^laajniK tts gas Siff members in Central school port the year-round rehablitation president of the Guilderland Boys' Monday eyemmag,, Arthur Martin, chairman. Hours action. programs serving the handicap- Baseball League at the "annual orAt Ififae Mnnfesi e^xelIi^g, banquet. board made itibe are 1 to 7 p. m. ped children and adults of New ganizational meeting of the league. Prospective donors are now be- Senator TOBHani SiniMii w i a speak ments of tfiaehers Yorfe state, are already in the ing contacted by area Boy Scouts on ' f f l w affiffl]ffiSKBrnes-& Eaw." school year: Cyanifflj^ Amrnn OSSK SOS post office and should be delivered Livingston "Bud" Smith of Sunset Dr. was chosen vice president, and members of the Key Club, IDelegaasB wiill ftrase tfte? ffipportunity a school mmrse-ifieadtan; S00HL Guilderland Central High school to ^ k <gjffiftt&aiH, atauf; this pro- Ann Jessmer a s a faaater off ftassi- According to Mr. Merrell, con- and George A. Naginey of Plank boys' service organization. Boy cess. Jk ttnnr aff tfte Mew Tork iness education 5m Ifflae saansar Bi%J!ii toffinartsions in response to the an-Rd., secretary and treasurer. Mr. Scouts are also distributing post- State CSfeill HtaiHigfflms; Operating school; Mrs. ©altera Cfeaan as ai imal appeal are responsible for the McGann set Sunday, Mar. 9, as ers and will help pack bloodmi- Center .snfl ailtteiniHdff sea* of gov, teacher of EngfisSn fiaa ttftoe Jnmafejar major portion of the funds sup- the next meeting date of the srmnertt jprihtb, onrtt some of the high school, and JSannty JT„ Speeirs porting current rehabiliation pro- group, at the Altamont firehouse. bile equipment Tuesday evening. Edward Pollard, manager of the Persons desiring to make ap- compEn^tefl OBEmfHfena a Branch as a teacher of insmttitanitBiflJks m. grams which last year benefited Altamont Fire department team, pointments to donate blood can Of gavBiminHitt arightl hHwe to qper- the junior high srita*. more than 11,500 of New York's telephone either Mrs. Martin or ate •wSlih. Debra Long, a SHUBDST handicapped, most of them chil- was appointed to handle "Opening Day" slated for Saturday, Tuesaay,, Mfec. 41. eacdr of the erland Central Mrs. Alexander Murray, scheduldSreED_ ing chairman. Other chairmen, deleuaaes anfl aftajjerones wiff be the district's Amsrifcaum The state society is affiliated April 26. Leonard J. BerschwinpSearalso Guilderland residents, aire: lireakfaittiiEg; wjifla tliteii: respective vice student in ISEi with the National Easter Seal cr, manager of the Guilderland Mrs. Charles Bauersfeld, volun- Senators tanil Assiembljpnen. This school i e a r in SwittzffirilauiBdl., must Society for Crippled Children and Center Fire department team, will teers; Mrs. Lansing Glass, es- informdl rnm^feg; neallSj gives both with the board aaadl B^BHUffiril aam Adults which nationwide serves al- arrange the schedule of game*. corts; Mrs. Thomas Van Wagenen,; parties .a (rihanOE to. get acqpainted. her year abroad. orost a quarter million handicap- Peter Alland, enmmissioner from Sr., canteen; and Mrs. Harold, M Hffl a. an. tftagy ^siHal tfte Cburt the Altamont Kiwapis club, is to F r a n k Cinema, dhamnmimni mS 6fe' ped! each year. of AppsaSte. Warner, nurses. F o r New York residents not re- be in charge of uniforms, equipforeign languages dtepaMimDiHnitt im Cookies are being made by 4-H 'QovBimnr fflsutefelteir will then the senior hjgii srihnffiC amril Wil- ceiving an appeal in t h e state- ment and supplies. Club members and Girl Scouts. receive tfte oBdhg^tes- in> the Red' liam Drake, a. wide mailing and wishing to make Sponsored by the A.F.D., AmerScouts will also furnish babysit-, Boom ait tfte C&jpbGrE The gov- ,foreign a contribution, donations can be ican Legion, G.C.F.D., Kiwanis, K. ting service. The canteen .is being! ernor ^ta^saffi taro' tfte- executive the junior high sctaanO,, sjMfe? wifflii ! mailed: directly to the state office of C, and the V.F.W., the league staffed by women of the Hamilton, brandh •iff gpwfflnnnentt strives to the board audi should be addressed t o . the of about 90 boys last year, is open Union Presbyterian church, l^ynn-, serve its ipHEijfc amfi Bow youth be taken bw staBtoatts m& ttibe dis- Easter Seal' Society, c/o Manu- to any boy 9 through 12 years, as wood Reformed church, St. Mad can fcentifiit fSranu Basiig: interested trict to Spain uSamriting tttoe HaarttBixMnraK facturers Hanover Trust, 221 Park of May 1, and who is eligible to eleine Sophie church and auxil- arifl anfe® aflStenK. CAaSHBHBBATCS — Pitetotrqdi above are four of the five candidates nominated for village office a t the Ave. South, New York, N. Y. attend the Altamont Elementary exfensibtt iing Spring recess. iariees of the Guilderland audi ILaniS' iSSteaBsnusi. 100031. school. Registration for all boys Fs&k. US (cmmas* iaim t h e ptfesen* mayor, Lawrence Warner (at left). Beginning second from left: The board beamfl a SEjjraartt rf ttflceleadHC, CiamriB nHriiaeiisasp;. will b e Fort Hunter Fire companies. ! will be held Saturday, Mar. 22, '1968 sunmaer pnojedt "Viss. C^mnsBiai"' Jtata SB. Mater,, itamitoatediVfor mayor, two years; Bruce Robertson, trustee, one year to fill vacancy; guest qparikrir att l u e s t f i ^ s IUnehWhile Tuesday's bloodmobilej from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Al:— a program fer yosmttfti «jff Hflae atreai feon wiSki Jfessailii ffiOBMOiefli,' presi© t a f e s B8. (Dreamer,, tiru's8eef/t\«o years; Edwin W. Sanford, village justice, four years. Absent from visit will serve primarily t h e Guil! tamont firehouse on Main St. •held in ' C onjEaadtanaD (dent (Eff Kfew » n i k S3S3bB s, 4-H? derland and Fort Hunter aueas, Sbs ip'tata is JJa&m iftirawslirgngi, cenorninated for trustee, two years. (John had to leave, to attend to his •Heldetoerg Wtssrikda^p. AgentffissssoMiiinn,prasifiiig:. anyone can give blood and moi . * (Photos by Edward C. Brandow) TDhe iptE5^J!Hm mill csnElltdte wftfc ' Richard SnEHitaa smai Walter F . advance appointment^ is necessary. a nranepStem aft tfte exemiffiKe' marc- |Fick, meinibers (off HSos taaimi,, garsce' Ttoe> Albany Lions Club will |a- complete itejaortt (off Kite Amrnwrwamn have a "radio auction" Mar. 15 n . ;sion. Mrs. Arthur Cramer, president TDhe anannrifitee, IteaiiteS 1% ffiss, jAssociHitdon i©f Sdhimiill Aimtftijfettira- tear funds to support the club's EaSnssn M. ffasufffi off Sidienee^ ;'tors conwenifdmn Baela fim AtiPaimtira- ffitairitiaMe and sight' conservation of the Hudson Valley Girl Scout Council, announces plans for the * a % CBTOH%5, impolite 4Hffi' eafen?-- iCUy dnTiiiiig ftfe W E * of Eteto. Iffi. actfiwfitiies.. t h e Childbirth Education As•sion sa^arits: ^BSeott Eiransfiury,, Speefel gmestts aft ffite The Heart Fund Drive for the Lions CM)' members are busy observance of national Girl Scout Village of Altamont will be held sociation of Albany will sponsor a smleitiing gifts from businessmen Week, Mar. 9-15 by the 11,000 Churches, Schools, Fraternal, | SHnattgga asanrtls;; TOiftlnes;- Baas- meeting wene CMlteffiim •nrafflt, Mfemfemiffliy araun%;; Mary fpeople wbo bawse teem wfeaHiig Sm Iter tire auction, which will be held Girl Scouts in the Hudson Valley SfeHsntt n i n o l i - : a this Sunday night, Mar. 2, between showing of the movie, "LaMaze and Other Organizations Training and Delivery," a t Albany Girl Scout Council. On WednesAndHCSHii a m i Jferedl Soobfls&jf,. 1WK GufflderlainH idfisfetet imr fife fcraHaghout the day. CteffiHtt <5ff Ttensday,. MiwtSh & and 7 p.m. The collecting will Medical Center, 8 p. m., WednesSBhenHEte^awmtiss/" EEdtert T&U'-weeks rander amsjakieB <aff tifte E&- Display of donated items at Na- day, Mar. 12, more than three and be done by the youth groups of 33, adt tfflffi Centf^lfce- the local churches. Please have day, Mar. 5. The movie deals sey, CfelkmMa awxttisr,; Bfengaaiet Sperinient in iWianiiiafffiiBiiHill ILMm®. tffiDHaa Savings Bank, 90 State St., three-quarter million Girl Srouts DANCE F E B . 28 Story., ItensfiEdafflT anunttK. and! Eli rmsmtmsf will bgiijnY a t your contribution ready or give it with the LaMaze technique, of AUtany,. includes "free use of new throughout this country will be A round and square danee ^willj len fflffiirtttt aroB Asnrfhew E^vey o£ educated childbirth, which stresses car ffor one month" and many celebrating their 57th annivers]Ba<%E£ fa- axjEafewenafiJECt to- $j$r- to a neighbor if you will be away. the role ot the father during, preg- be held' Friday, Feb. 28, -with ary of the founding of the organi:e.i atlteeir articles and, services. tmsSL Sairantfik® nante will fie? M&*> Heart research is accomplishing nancy., preparation"1 for delivery music donated by the Tune TopF- ©onald' Lewis, auction chair- zation. srartefl. WW itfe ffir&t Bme'fanSlny miracles! HAVE A HEART . . . and in childbirth. Anyone interest- pers and dancing from 9 p . m . to I KnsseH Sage © * 3 g e Im M Girl Scouts in the 45 neighbortmani,, saidt "Lions themselves will tfssnis,, (ffins Ergjfe Badge: v t l t j i e GIVE! ed is invited to attend. There is 1 a. m. at Ravena Grange toall on ,and T r o y reports attmdsallireg&ltoai- te tire "radio announefers and auc- hood associations throughout the sffiKscrtea. IB© caaadfifeee i t l f e Route 143 in Coeymarts .Hollow. no admission charge. jtion of 3;9S9 SOT tttoe sjprtlig Sannm tionejers and .will deliver the items four counties of Albany, ColumThe event is for the benefit of! TDhe iMbm©. CftaffBear o£ tBfe. Hfew- which began Bdh. 3. TTifie TOffliaaEmfs SccicSt Itaam BMSaafiff of AKjatijolifc M O V I E S AT M U S E U M BanCTitfe off S ^ E f e and! t&p $$bGive the family a treat and the Coeymans Hollbw ' United .comeEs dhfb is, ssBnaomfng, a, Bmie- ; campus in Troy effiMfeaJ!,,«!)- Wtoe tollBe high bidders the same day. bia, Greene, Rensselaer and a por-r- th;e members' wives tion of Saratoga will be renewing JBE an® SmStaffl tm attend. 1 ...':''.' To Methodist church Which w a s re- ifrt ucaEfl jpattfe, to tfte ISfew Tprk, 'Jttnior College of &ffli£ml$„ ttwovlionesses The rriovies, "Children of • the bake some bread or foils. j AssohialfiHn far ffliaihi HoiureC jseaa:, co-edncaJtfiisnafl (feMmm o-ff — will receive bids from, listeners their promise with an emphasis on Pallns Indians" and "Snookie: learn how to do it, 'fsfew York cently burned to the ground. % plhona. We expect to have patriotism, service arid appreciatlte Adventures of Black Bear,"'will be state homemakers may request TSkm affiant will BeM' on jS'a^e, has SI©; Use ©maniiiiig; dfisfe- more than 200 items, and it should tion to leaders and sponsoring vsto> eaai su#&e$sfMi$r shown, a i 1 p, rii. and 3 p. m. to- single, free copies of Cotnell Bul- PANCAKE SUPPER Wlittt H i ^Ohaaran. Is Sto ibn in Alteu®- aaaffl "Stoyfr irapnrts; fte a Msy and happy day for all." groups. Msec, ffiaat rtfeSMSifeffi T&an on, Cen*tffi£ femaft'S p^aCtd morrow (Mai*. 1) ih the New York letin E-888, "Yeast * JTread, ;and The annual pancake suppei,! tferal Mss„fflMtonn?.afl $ gi. nil. TJiere ia record forsaKing U S S BBMIII auoaifl a maltar TT self, __" State Museum, Education Building, Rolls," from the . Mailing Room, sponsored fey the Berne Voluttteer,' toe a®fii5Bdhnmtt&, amfi a. fashion, ! women as cummjiiainHdl to IMS a We who givps only when h e ' is Subscribe to the Altamont En; Albany,, ' Research Park, Jthaei |4850, """a! year ago. astedl has waited: too long, show Ife; fflfe&iiB, terprise — $3.50 per year. (Continued from Page 3 ) : $hamrock Banquet Services Scheduled World Day of Prayer To Be At M'Kownville of 1969 Easter Seal Campaign Mar. 1 Blood Donors Needed For Next Collection McGann Re-elected As Head of Boys League Radio Auction Planned Mar. 15 By Lions Club Heart Fund Drive fit Movie At Center Girl Scout Week Mar. 9-15