SKOOL Regional technology project for girls Project time frame Preparation phase: Betweem January - Februray, 2015 Local market analysis, scale-up study Finalize the curriculum and methodology Recruit and hire the local instructors and tech volunteers Get in touch with local tech companies, potetial partners and schools Advertise the workshops and the classes Train the instructors and tech volunteers, both in Budapest and locally Prepare the venue for the workshops Execution phase: Between March and May, 2015 Manage the first workshops Evaluate and review the day with the instructors and tech volunteers and check the girls’s feedback and make changes in the process if necesarry Manage 3-3 onde-day workshop in Miskolc and Salgótarján Half-time review session with the instructors and tech volunteers Post phase: June 2015 Write a report, communicate the results Based on all the feedbacks from the girls, volunteers, instructors make the changes in the process if necesarry Finalize the methodology and think of how to scale the project and bring it to different citites Project Goals Direct goals: To develop the content and methodology of an intensive, experience-oriented digital-competence developing program for 330 girls in two underdeveloped cities, Miskolc and Salgótarján in Hungary, and realization of the program. Our teaching material consists of high quality interactive programpackage, through which the children will be part of digital creation, while their IT skills improve almost imperceptibly. Their social and cognitive skills and their self-confidence will be developing, which will help the girls interested in programming and multimedia to make the first steps towards a profession. Parallel to this it will help eliminate the prejudices amongst grown-ups in the program. The Foundation is therefore going to be augmented with valuable experiences, which makes it possible to scale the knowledge and start nationwide Skool trainings. Focusing on two underdeveloped cities, Miskolc and Salgótarján we will introduce technology and programming to 330 girls age between 14-16, to awaken love for technology as a career for them, and to change the image that lives in society of what it means to be a “techie”. To achieve a measurable change in the environment of the girls who take part. We organize at the beginning of each training a separate discussion with the parents, where we talk about the Foundation, the necessity of our Project, the Hungarian IT market and why we believe that this profession is suitable for girls too. This is the point when the parents can ask questions from us and from the leaders of the tech companies who lead the courses. But what's more important and what has a long-term effect on our indirect target group is the positive experience the girls get with us and what they share at home. We are aware of the fact that without family support a child's dreams rarely come true. Long term plan: According to a research conducted in Hungary in 2013 at Óbudai Egyetem, the ratio of girl applicants is 8% as average: only 28 girls applied in 2013. The BME bears the same ratio (6,6%), 370 girls from the 5600 VIK students. Our aim is to get this number higher, around 10% by the end of 2018. This would likely to help Hungary in the internatinal competition for jobs, capital and talent in a growing tech economy. Activies and methodology One-Day Workshops provide an opportunity to girls to get introduced to technology and get a taste of what they can learn and how. No prior programming experience is required for these workshops. These events are geared towards introducing girls to the technological universe. Each workshop is held at a sponsor company`s location. The tematics are not built on each other, any workshop can be attended with prior knowledge. Our aim is to get the girls interested and make them continue the learning. Structure One day long workshop from 9am to 4pm on Saturdays One instructors and 3-4 tech volunteers work with a group of 15 girls Pitch at the end of the day, when each girl has to talk about her project in front of Skool, instructors, volunteers and families 10-week long after school classes. During this activity girls work on specific projects once a week for 10 weeks. The tematics are built on each other in this case, making the knowledge exchange, deepeing knowledge and increasing their feeling of success as top goals. Next to the programming part girls will cultivate the following soft skills: ● Presentation and public speaking ● Working in small and big teams ● Problem solving ● Structural thinking Structure Once a week 90 mminutes of intensive hands-on learning with a group of 15 girls One instructors and 3-4 tech volunteers work the girls Half-time there is a review session,and the girls also can meet female role-models, field trips Pitch at the end of the day, when each girl has to talk about her project in front of Skool, instructors, volunteers and families Tool we use: Scratch. It is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Our curriculum is project based learning with sharable technologies. We put everything in context, make relevant to real life. Scratch is available for free of charge and there is an offline version too so there is no obstacles for keep going on learning at home. Project outcomes Direct results: in two cities, 3 one-day workshop and one 1o-week long after school class focusing on programming with 330 participants. Girls’s self-confidene will increase, they will believe themselves and think of themselves not only users but the ones who can create and shape their future. Digital skills like typing and areas like :basic algorithm thinking, computer usage, vizual and verbal knowledge, confidence with tech gadgets, motivation will be improved and increased. Indirect results: Among families, friends and volunteers stereotypes like tech is not a girls thing will change. Human and civil rights enforcement Monitoring and evaluatiour team is continuosly growing and our hiring policy is a fundamental corporate value that our employees and our partners are judged solely on the basis of their actions and their work performance, and without regard for their sex, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic background, political convictions, physical abilities, or other characteristics. Women and men have equal opportunities at the workplace In addition one of our indirect results is the gender equality impact as we work on increasing the number of women in technology. We focused on monitoring and evaluation to capture qualitative and quantitative data measuring the program impact. Some indicators from post program surveys demonstrating how the programs were directly achieving our mission of increasing the number of women interested in computer science. At the end of each workshop and half-time during the 10 week after school class, we send out an evaluation form to both the student girls, as well as to the instructors and volunteers, which include questions on the curricula, the organization, the location, the equipment, the level of preparation from the instructors and organizers’ side, what improvement they would suggest, what they like the most, or the least. We also inclueded questions for the girls on more personal but equally important questions on how they felt to be in their group, and what they take away with them. It is imporant that our aim is not to turn every girl into developer. We would like them to be more confident in technology, see this field as an option for them too. Organizational structure We are a women-led not-for-profit team who has decided to step up against the gender gap in technology. Our team: full-timers: Koleszár Szilvi and Guzsaly Péter, part-timersl: Major Zsófi and Sóti Anett. Our work is also supported by professionals and a dedicated advisory board. Please see the full list on our website: The Advisory Board is an international network of experts who agree to give Skool meaningful help on a regular basis in many different areas, including technology, education, entrepreneurship, engineering and organizational development Professional partners Óbudai University, ELTE IK T@T Lab,BME, RisingStack. Financial structure The project will be financed by tech companies and grant. The project total budget 5.800.000 Ft Program management 1.400.000 Ft Professional team fees 1.000.000 Ft Human Recoures fee 2.000.000 Ft Traveling fee 800.000 Ft Services 600.000 Ft (Communication, office supplies, accounting, bank service fee etc) Current budget from Partner Companies Requested amount 2.300.000 Ft 3.500.000 Ft