SuBjEct PrOFESSOr What is the best thing about the

Student status:
BME curriculum in Hungarian
BME curriculum in English
Erasmus student
Other exchange student
Number of lessons (you) attended
More than 80%
Less than 20%
Grade Point Average
Above 4.0
Between 3.5 and 3.99
Between 3.0 and 3.49
Between 2.5 és 2.99
Below 2.5
No grades yet
Did you learn problem solving in the classes?
Yes, this was the primary goal
Yes, a lot
More or less
Just a tiny bit
No, not at all
This question is not applicable to this subject
Were the problem solving seminars useful?
Yes, they definitely helped me understand the subject
Yes, they were very useful
They were useful
They were somewhat useful
Had nothing to do with the lectures
There was no problem solving seminar
Were the handouts/course books useful?
Yes, they definitely helped a lot
Yes, they were very useful
They were useful
They were somewhat useful
They were not useful at all
There were no handouts/course books
No, they were not helpful/I have not seen any
7. Were the prerequisites necessary to understand the
{{ Yes, they were necessary
{{ Yes, they helped to understand the subject
{{ Yes, they were adequate
{{ Some of them were not necessary
{{ No, they were inadequate
12. Are relations to other subjects taught in this class?
{{ The professor presents interesting relations
{{ Often presents interesting relations
{{ Sometimes presents interesting relations
{{ Rarely presents interesting relations
{{ Does not present such relations
{{ In this class these are not required
I do not want to answer/there were no prerequisites
Do you consider this class difficult?
Very difficult
A little bit difficult
Very easy
I do not want to answer
13. Communication skills in English
{{ Fluent
{{ Good
{{ Average
{{ Weak
{{ Poor
{{ I do not want to answer
What do you think about the pace of the lectures?
Very fast
Very slow
I do not want to answer
10. Would you urge others to attend these classes regularly?
{{ I would convince everybody to come
{{ I would urge them to come
{{ Maybe I would urge them to come
{{ I would rather discourage them from coming
{{ I would definitely discourage them from coming
{{ I do not want to answer
11. The structure of the lessons
{{ Excellent
{{ Good
{{ Medium
{{ Poor
{{ Not acceptable
{{ I do not want to answer
14. Is the professor well prepared?
{{ Very well prepared
{{ Now and then small flaps may occur
{{ Some small errors occur
{{ Often makes mistakes
{{ Regularly makes mistakes
{{ I do not want to answer
15. Discipline (schedule)
{{ Fully disciplined, according to schedule
{{ Teacher is rarely late or rarely runs overtime
{{ Often cannot keep to schedule
{{ Often arrives late or runs overtime
{{ Has cancelled some of his/her lectures
{{ I do not want to answer
16. Attitude toward students
{{ Optimal
{{ Usually appropriate
{{ Sometimes somewhat disrespectful
{{ Teacher’s attitude is questionable
{{ Does not respect the rights of students
{{ I do not want to answer
17. Would you urge others to attend the classes of this
{{ I would convince everybody to attend
{{ I would urge them to come
{{ Maybe I would urge them to come
{{ I would rather discourage them from coming
{{ I would definitely discourage them from coming
{{ I do not want to answer
What is the best thing about the professor or the class? What is missing, what should be changed? Further remarks:
(Continue overleaf)