
List of Manhole/Vault Explosion References
W. Z. Black
Georgia Tech
404 556-6054 - Cell
Red Type = I have these references
Andrews, G. E. and Bradley, D., The Burning Velocity of Methane-Air Mixtures,
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the 11th International Symposium on Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Prague, pp.
2118-2138, 2004.
Phase I Final Report, EPRI Project EP-P25698/C12429, Manhole Event Gas Explosion
Modeling, W. Z. Black, Bryan Walsh and Robert Snodgrass, March 2008.
Rasbach, D. J., Drysdale, D. D. and Kemp, N., Design of an Experimental Relief System for
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Solberg, D. M., Pappas, J. A. and Skramstad, E., Experimental Investigation of Flame
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Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 302-307, April 2002.
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Brzustowski, T. A., Burroughs, J. C., Chu, F. Y., and Twardus, E. M, Explosions in
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Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 365-70, April 1999.
Hamel, Andre, Gaudreau, Andre and Cote, Michel, Intermittent Arcing Fault on
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Koch, Bohdan and Christophe, Patrick, Arc Voltage for Arcing Faults on 25(28) – kV
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Lee, Ralph H., Pressures Developed by Arcs, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol.
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Lee, Ralph, H., The Other Electrical Hazard: Electric Arc Blast Burns, IEEE Transactions
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Lutz, F. and Pietsch, G., Investigation on the Pressure Rise in the Surroundings of a HighCurrent Fault Arc, 6th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications,
Part 1, pp. 270-273, September 1980.
Mosier, Rachel, Antoniello, Victor and Black, W. Z., Design and Test of 345 kV Cable
Vaults, Transmission and Distribution World, pp. 18-25, May 2006.
Snodgrass, Robert E. and Black, W. Z., Design of Safety Devices to Mitigate Explosions in
Underground Vaults and Manholes, IEEE Trans., Power Delivery , Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.
2262-2269, October 2008.
Snodgrass, Robert E. and Black, W. Z., Mitigating the Effects of Explosions in Underground
Electrical Vaults, IEEE Trans., Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 1767-1774, April 2005.
Walsh, Bryan P. and Black, W. Z., Thermodynamic and Mechanical Analysis of Short
Circuit Explosions in Underground Vaults, IEEE Trans., Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 3,
pp. 2235-2240, July 2005.
Walsh, Bryan P. and Black, W. Z., Thermodynamic and Mechanical Analysis of Gas
Explosions in Underground Vaults, IEEE Trans., Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 8-13,
January 2002.
Walsh, P. J., Lama, W. and Hammond, T. J., Voltage – Current Relationship for Pulsed Arc
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Zhang, Lily, Boggs, Steven A. et al, The Electro-Chemical Basis of Manhole Events, IEEE
Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 25-30, Sept/Oct 2009.
Snodgrass, Robert, Mitigation of Explosions in Underground Vaults, M. S. Thesis, School
of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 2002.
Walsh, Bryan, Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of an Explosion in an Underground
Electrical Vault, M.S. Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, January 1999.
Zhang, Lili, Mitigation of Manhole Events Caused by Secondary Cable Failure, University
of Connecticut, 2011.
These research reports are available to EPRI members at Selected reports
can be downloaded for non-EPRI members.
Manhole Cover Tests for Con Edison at the EPRI Manhole Test Facility, Nov. 2007,
Product I.D.: 1015220
Manhole Event Mitigation Strategies, Dec. 2006, Product I.D.: 1012305
Gas Explosion Tests on Pacific Gas and Electric Company Round Manhole Covers with the
Swiveloc CPR-II Controlled Pressure Release Manhole Cover Restraint System, March
2010, Product I.D.: 1020559
Manhole Event Gas Explosion Modeling, March 2008, Product I.D.: 1016476
Manhole Event Gas Explosion Modeling, December 2008, Product I.D.: 1018404
Gas Explosion Tests on Con Edison’s Prototype Covers, July 2009, Product I.D.: 1019477
Manhole Event Risk Management, Dec. 2007, Product I. D. 1013886
Final Report on Explosion Tests on Clogged Vented Covers for Con Edison at Lenox, Nov
2007, Product I. D.: 1015223
138-kV Maintenance Hole Restraining System Testing, Sept 1999, Product I.D.: TR-113556
Manhole Event Risk Management Strategies, Nov. 2005, Product I.D.: 1010212
Gas Explosion Tests on East Jordan Iron Works Rectangular composite Secondary Box,
July 2007, Product I.D.:1019482
Manhole Event Risk Management Strategies, Dec. 2008, Product I. D.: 1015889
Underground Event Mitigation: State-of-Science Workshop Report, Nov. 2002, Product
I.D.: 1001647
Vault/EPRI Vault Explosion 2007/List of Explosion References