S # “ Reaches l e Mass Of Beailers MAIUNG EDITION H F fe p T H IlN B R i^ E a " •I VOL|JMN 17 R«. 21 DURHAM. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY •, lt37>^ m c s i» H ' o m e n F ordsd To V\^ork^lh V^ater - h p "Jo 1 heir K nees MISS. STUDENTS VOTE FOR QAVAGAN ANTI-LYNCHING BILL Couple Barely Miss Deatli When Home Is Shatterd By Early'Morning Blast One of the moat heinous cri'Des In the history of Durham was afr. tempted fc«re Tuesdayc morning »t 2:30 when the homS of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Walksr located at 410 Piedmont Ave., \vaa dyna­ mited while both of them slept. Both Mr. and’ Mrs. W at\er n«r~rowly eMaped death ;\t the hands M .would h a _juuaaian,-ti^ eharire of dynamite niianing tha feed in which they were sleeping only »bout a foot. The blast which tore the room under w>ich it was. set so badly - that it-w u-4m £it -fet -occupancy, lifted the bed in which' Hr. and Mrs. W^alker were sleepinjr to the top of the ceiling. Practically every window in the ^louse was shattere<^^d thi^ plastering' tom from l^e walls. Bad the chaise been set' directl^ under the bed as it apparently ^wa9 intended both ocflupants would ^ v e doitbt]ess met death', ' ! When interviewed iit his home Tuesday morning by a represen­ tative t>f the “Caroling Times Mr. 'Walker > ^ ted that jijb'had no idea who attempted to take his life. So far as he knew he had no avowed enemies. Ski«|Mag in another part of the WalVer home were threp children of the couple who were unharm­ ed. Although the parents of the ■4 ' children show no signs of the dy­ namiting, Mrs. Walker is suffer­ ing from a nervous attack brought about \>y the sudden ex­ plosion, The lu>UBe is owned by Mr. aind ift*. Walker whd purchased it frdm Attorney Lathxop Morehead about 1^ years ago. They have been living there since that jF iiia i G P l a n s o m m C O M M IS S IO N E R DYNAMITED HOME AND ONE OF OCCUPANTS m JAh^ES NATIONAL HOSPITAL DAY TO The following program has been Ar4«nged for the day: ]|0 A. M. ^ 5 P. M: Coadneted Tours—Patrol -Girls Assisting. 3 P, If. —• '5 P. M; Tea Nures Home—Young Women of the Freshman Class N. C. College for Negroes and Senior ClMa of Hillside Park High School. 7:30 P. M. — 9 P. M: Dr. G. M, Leiby, North CarOli&a State Bdard of Health, Raleigh, H,C, T h e alM ve ph o to i* th a t o f 0 « c a r W allcer, (taniliB li in ' of J ^ m a w hick wm» d r n a n i t e d « a r ly T u etd ajr m o rn in g w hiki M r. W al­ k e r a n d hi* w ife a le p t in th e ro ein u n d e r wJitch th e d y n a m ite wm» placed . Tkei U a»t U ew th e b ed in w hich M r. W a lk e r an d . hi* w ife w e re U eeping to th e to p iof tlie hou*e. T h e hole cau sed by th e exp losion can ea«ily b e *een a t th e r ig h t o f M r. W alk er. R a c e W om en P ris o o e rs B a d iv m is tre a te d if*" ji jt RAIFOJ^, Fla., 'May 6— (By R^fihardMn fpi; A NP|;^There are «4v«|#l{^ dozeA N*egrjf wf.men 'Wf.rin the fields, soipeiitimcs in wil<|er nearly Isaees.^in all kinds, of weather a t the Fla. State ptison, officials of two leading' Negro organizations were in f o ro ^ . ^ . a recent visit* to the No ^S^S^^iona were m ad ^io r periodic,^! illnesses of the wothenf during i^which stand­ ing in w a t^ mighty seriously imC o a ti'il^ d on, ;^ K « 'e ig h t c n t — i WPA TO HOLD EXHIBIT ,f»JNClPAL CITIES OF STATE r " I AlfrMi Ed||ar Sniith, A^ministratlv« A**i«(taai Vo Adnili^stlrator Hopklaa Will Joumay Prom Washington To Addrc** Pttblic Meetii^s KALEiGH—Accjsrding to a lelease srot from tb'e office of Obul^d b< Pearson, WPA Con•n Nigro Affairs, 'iif N. arrangements ate now for tl^ h o t^ n g ^ f an jVoca^onal Opportu • iet- t^e Works ’Pregress Admiioistration. /AIf)^d Edgar Smith, AchhinisA ssistant,ifrom Washingjopned to the state te te in the several meetin AshviUe, Chari-Sidem,' Q r^& ^orq [ion. and Durham, WHITTED 'ilh^deceasetf was bom iil ChUt\|<^jinty the aon of ijimd Mrs. IKorace Sbutherlana, and had lived, m iHurham for moro than 40 %e4m A t the time of his death he had b«eti married about ---29 ye«fS.’*T TAv«nty two ^eara ago the deceasjed jtolned, White Roek Baptist ^hurch.l,F4r a hvn(i* her of y ^ ^ l^ ih ad sung in the church and hlw'served las secretary of the Bataca . Riye Class. 1;, (■ Ir In addition to hi^ wife, M r.. Southerland is survived by five children namely: John, Iforfleet, and Willie Southerlaid; Misses Marion and Madeline Souther­ land ^ of Durham. One brother William Southerland also sur­ vives. __ Although ni^ complete a t the time of going to press the fune­ ral will ItkelyL be held a t the White Rock Baptist churchf Sun­ Rev. W. ,<?i Willliamson, for­ day afternoon. In tei^ent will be atH hd New City, Cametery _ on mer pastor of the Mt." Vernon church of this city^jwho will con­ Fayetteville Road. duct a revival from May IT to 21st for the Rev. P. O. Bass, pas­ tor o 'jthe First B*pUst church of ^id ^ o ip e. Rev, Bass is also a ^ rh a m minister. Rev. W iU ^ o n & well knovm in N. C^trolina ministerial grdops as 6ne «utstandp|f preachers of the^ace. V V JACXSON, Mias., May 6,— (A NP)-i—I^^pite the ravings of Southern Congressni^ * against federal anti-lynchin^-- legislation on the ground 0 a t fheir consti­ tuents are oi#6Sed, young South­ erners are opposed to mob and w a n t^ federal ||a tu te against »t, if a tak en '||l MUIsaps college iiH any c ri^ i^ ^ .' ' Millsaps'pSllege is located here a t Jackson riot far from ttie Duck Mr. Smith! will addless the seve­ ral groups on the work of the ad­ ministration and Moving picture-) wi^b sound effects will Fe"shown depicting the program of the Vo­ cational Opportunity E^hibil s, atid the program of allied gover­ nmental agencies H ie meeting which will beg"! «n er about the 12th of May through the 20th will be announ* eed later as to- apecif^e date* for the respective cHies. ; 1H ill, sectioA where the double torch lynching of two colored men took place as Co^gress^ de­ bated the >Gavagan bill. In a vote taken l*^st week by the Pui-ple and White, v^eekiy student news­ paper, 159 :flf, the school’s 400 students (declared themselves in favbr of th e ’davagan measure to only SS-'against it. The remaii.ing students did not v o te .' ___ The 2 to 1 majority for federal anti-lynching legi^tton_4Kas .m turned after the Gavagan bill wafi strongly supported b y *a edi,|«i:ial in the ^udent ^ p e r capitioned, "Do You Unction Mur­ der?’' A mass meetin^g was also held to securetj student opinion openly before the poll Was Wken. Mrs. !Eart Grandy 'a^m p an ied by her. sister-in-law attm ded the gn^’aduatioii exercises of iiiittle R ^er High School ea iSs>o9^ evening. • ■ The .h e re to fe ^ s^ isp u t^d leadership of Dttrham Negree*,' vested in Dr. James E. Shepard and C, C. Spaulding, hung in the balances here this week when a letter from the former and a tele­ gram from the latter, protestia^ the unequitable distribotieB ef e> ducatienal fun<Hi by the tiie rit7 and xounty failed to bring the ze-^ salts desired by tte Committee am. Ni^ro Affairs. The letter sent by Dir. Shepard was addressed to the Charinaaa; of “Ihe Boaef of Education and dealt with tiw failure of Board Education to complete the cw stroctiof^-of Whitted ^Scfc^ Shepard in h » letter said in par as follows: The Whitted School building baa no anditoirium, and the rteachen are put to a sir^ : deal of inconvenience in teaehinf ^as the building ia. so arrangad at at prMent, and there was a pro­ mise on the part of some that school would be finished and i ^ e the Koel o fthc colo­ red pMple of Durham. “’^ i l e J do no know the #ijf of 'S rf board of eda«>« tion in regrad ^ the building of schola in the City of i^Durhattf. I do know tta t o^^the pme%, of the colored p eo p le^ S ^ ^ fili^ general dissatisfaction are not getting the kind b f deal which would make t^em sa t^ ie d with the attitude and progress of our system, especially as it reli^tes to tke colored people of Du|hara. “T!;is buOding program u vital to us. It is not simply a que^ion a generosity, h u t it » 'm qtfettias^ practically of life and deaj^ aa it means as much or more to iny group as it does to the wkita g^up. I am jealous ef the good name of Durham. I take a par­ donable pride in the achieve­ ments here, and in the friendl/ feeling existing between the races. I know the members of your bowed personally and 1 know that it » the intentioD of ea<k one of them to do the right thifi^; Uierefore, I am sim|dy writisg SOOt H’S OI^LY • B O T T U l^ t|is as an appeid to you to cess* f plet« Whitted-WipoL /, 'I fw' FIRM PROSPERS ^ J. “There may'lbe also a ' reason fwr tUs. The Nerttr Caro- <SUES FLETCHER HENDERSON HOUSTON, Tex., May 6 , ^ 3 r lina College for Negroea FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT John'i^. Thompson for iU'TP)— ^choo^ in ita iauaediate One of|the only Negro owmed antf DBS MOINES, ia.. May 6,— operated 'bottling companies in# which will serve as a ptrfdiett (ANPy ^ e t ^ e r Henderion. Southwest is the Crown BotUiH|( liehool ^or the teachers wa are famous danc« band leader, was Works in this city, eslabUshgtHi^ sendi% oat;**____ ^ teleinHB a n t by ]ir. . named defiradatit in a suit for La%ey Jones in 1913. T h i^ o n with tite hiaa^ filed by Atty. ^em weaihered the "d ep ri^J. NAlMn T hoD ^m , president o f ion' and despite adverse Business lo make ^ mmit C«MBg|pa ai^iiii^it/" the tYodpt#jil«ib which spon­ conditions has tHived and b 9 w priatioii te the colored cW ise* e#: • '. sored a ^ a o d iv ,.J ^ Nov. 25 a t stands as a mdnument to tiie for«^ Durham. As fa r as could he leaziMd *»> whic1> He>tdei;|on' failed iqppeazr thought' and perseverance . o | diy h e tt tiw -tetagrw ae4-<M»= Mr. Tiiomp^n ehari^s "breach Jones. t^r SMit h f Dr. 8hepard —A M»of iWntiSict^ }a th a t no notice of nse year^” output o f tWSi «f!Wb r o « |^ ae canc^llatioti of the dance was pany is over £01000 bettles a t S p a u ^ ig « i^ven the J|lt ||rpdueto club or the soft . drinks and Mr. Jones esti- Of Bdnd hi the povair musieiaas unien, although a de­ m ^ s i e has sold over a q iu r t^ the educational »arstata o f BMS, posit had bten made on the cobt mulibn bottles since Parting. ISis hWB, WhO^ the re<fcti*WEy. tract. Kotice- of tiie suit was sei^, b u ^ e e a serves both an d ved fledereoQ when he appeared colorid dealers, but deals mostly i m M -W Br. are as a t a danct in Des Moines lest witit Negroes. He aj^lpe his pro­ bate4 hcwUi fa r ducts to maay »irii>«adhMr N#»ed dttfendaois, along with some of it going aa fac aa G alrv^ mai B «i^fiton, |r « Sd Fox, hia maom- ton. He eeaidoys five m m tike ConpoUdated-Radio Artk»a, TMur round; iraa ffve u n e .ig iie ^ Hendtraen for fa r deUviprf^: h u anJi«aeB<Mt_ Ok b m ^ , |n«; C'e*tiwwd e^-’ * Hiii§idfe|CoMeg6" Students Near Duck The annual commencement exThe graduating exercise 'vfili eyciMS at Hillside High! School ‘^ i i l b ^ in Friday, May 28*h be held Thursday, June S. Thli's % lth the Junior-Senior Pirom. are 90 members of the class whji| The second event on the com­ will be awarded diplomas at tfllil m encem ent proj^am will take time. The Theme for c^m enite^Uce ^unday morning. May 30, ment is “Our Public Schools^ (I) Yesterday,; (b) Today; (cy akd ^ a t which time the baccalauvoate sermon will be delivered by Ror. TomoitfoWi There will be thres, Miles Mark FisHer at White Rock student speakers. Six of the honor students in the class are partici­ Baptist Churclt| *t 11 o’clock. pating in an elimmatiott content On Monday, May 3li 8t00 dock, a sprang ^shioH' shciv that will be presented Thursday. sponsored by Mrs. u . A. Wins­ May 20 in. the schlool auditorium. low will toe t>resented for the Hitese students are:' i_ Beatrice benefit of the school. Tueaday Edwar<lfei^ftbecca ChrMmas, Ida night, June 1, will be "Cla'M Isler, l ^ i e B a jic ^ , lEIdward Nigfct" ^ .e sd ay June J, will l>fl_ Nprri^, aijd f A m d ^ y ^*wrenc»., a]so-1)i^*Ppfn House Day.’* All '^ e ' meiH?l|«nti^to^e: city schools members 'of the P. T. A.' ani H l&e in§o3aced &y W. F. friends will be- 'iw^ited td visit the school on this day. . Spccial W ^ren, Superintendent of the exhibits of the Home iEkonomic p i» Schools, who ^ 1 also prosAd Manual Training Depart­ sej^ sch(^rsh{ps to imembers i of ments will ibe open to th« gene­ th« graduating claA. ral public, Wednesday, June 2, Waanamaker, Chairmai^"’if " |li : : ; i i T ‘^ , ; : ; T R e < ;^ ^ - f Edu-^ti^. w n i ^ ^ ^ t Day and a specUl program will the diplomas. . be preaanted in chapel during the ■' .3 ’’f f W«r;iii^ a t which time honfcrs Miiw Bvm P htter^li & sp |P in ir and awards will bp presented a few dajns 'srtth f i ^ d s in 'w c k / meritorious students. Mount, * 'r ‘ at IN REVIVAL James tEdgar Southerly lUSband of Mrs. Laura M< de Southerland died suddenly h e re Thursday at 12' o^clock noon at his home MH)*! Whitted Street as the result of a heart a tta ^ . \Mr. Soi^herland had been in declin­ ing health for "nore than four years having suffered an iniury se ^ ra l years ago whfle working as | an employe o f the American Ti^bacco Company Wednesday, I b y is th is *'Na|*l ftoiapltalj D«y.^ UncolA Hospiial |h e people o | Durham t» . ■ it on beeoma wUp aetivitiiiir Ko Effort W0 lia’^maiae by tha Sospital tW l|^tcit funds a« this is not a part of the program of National Koi^Mtal Day. The iSenior and Junior laady Soarda will be hostesses and serve refreshments to the visitors,. e n c c m SOUTHIRLAND STREET HOME HOSPITAL MAY 12th F o r E. SUfccUMBS C»SERY^D AT LINCOLN Dr. W. Geor|r« Avant, pastu* of the Pine Street Presbjrterian church who was elected commis­ sioner to the Cr^iieral Assembly of his church which meets at Co­ lumbus, Ohio May 26 to June 2. Admisson Free—Hillside Par>< Dr. Avant k a membec of Yad­ High School Auditoriubi. kin Preeribytery. i;i;hibita will be dispUyed by time and according to Mr. Wal­ e a ^ department of the JSospltal. ker H ve had no trouble with O^r Hospital wants to see old persons in the immediate vicin^y friends and make new frienda. or elsewhere. It wiuj hi« opinion Come and get acquainted lUfd that the bljMt was probably in­ bring your friends. tended fo r’^anotkter person, and Literature will bo dis that the attempted killer got his tributed ihrough the courtesy >f: house mixed up with ano^etPolice w e working On "tl«e Casg N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Co., knd have promisied dl^elj>p- N. C. State Board of Health, ments. At the scene of tbe blatit- Parke Davis and Company and ing crowds continued to come and the Metropolitan Life Insui«nce Company. go throughout the weelt fuh White Schools Get Frojn Connty But Ifegro Schools Get $21,000