Spacial EMC solution Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Introduction General The increasing presence of electromagnetic interference in industrial environments, together with the use of equipment susceptible to such interference requires the use of suitably protected enclosures. In order to suppress electromagnetic interference, S3HF enclosures, due to the type RIVKHHWPHWDODQGVSHFLDOJDVNHWVXVHGIXO¿OWZRIXQFWLRQV b Provision of adequate screening, with the effectiveness of a Faraday cage. b Ability to provide effective protection of sensitive equipment by using galvanised sheet metal chassis, and by following recommended installation procedures. Electromagnetic interference (OHFWURPDJQHWLFGLVUXSWLRQVFRPSULVHVDQHOHFWULFDO¿HOG(JHQHUDWHGE\DGLIIHULQJ SRWHQWLDOVDQGDPDJQHWLF¿HOG0FDXVHGE\FXUUHQWFLUFXODWLRQZKLFKFRPELQH WRIRUPHOHFWURPDJQHWLF¿HOG The electromagnetic interference or "noise" is a disruptive electrical signal which affects the useful signal and it likely to cause a malfunction. Interference can be carried through the conductors or emitted through the environment. Main sources of electrical interference and equipment sensitive to it b b b b b Programmable controllers. Electronic circuits or boards. Regulators. Input signal cables (detectors, sensors, measurement probes). Analogue signal cables. Main sources of electrical interference Material Frequency range Motors 7UDQVIRUPHUVUHFWL¿HUV Inductive load switching Spot welders Fluorescent lamps Relays, contactors Switching power sources Computers (internal clock) Variable speed drives Induction furnaces Power cables, etc. 10 kHz… 100 MHz 10 kHz… 100 MHz 50 kHz… 10 MHz 10 kHz… 50 MHz 100 kHz… 3 MHz 10 kHz… 200 MHz 10 kHz… 30 MHz 50 kHz… 200 MHz 10 kHz… 100 MHz 0… 10 kHz 0… 10 kHz DB300006 $WWHQXDWLRQOHYHORI(0&¿HOGV 7KHZDYHVRIHOHFWULFDORUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVDUHUHÀHFWHGZKHQWKH\PHHWWKHVKHHW metal of the enclosure. The effective rate of the screening or dampening "a" of the incident wave is measured in decibels (dB) using the following formulae: Incident wave E0 G%IRUHOHFWULFDO¿HOGV E1 a = 20 log H0 G%IRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGV H1 Radiated wave 5HÀHFWHG wave Enclosure surface Outside 386 a = 20 log Inside b E0 and E1DUHWKHFXUUHQWYDOXHVRIWKHHOHFWULFDO¿HOGEHIRUHHQWHULQJDQGDIWHU entering the enclosure respectively. b H0 and H1DUHWKHPDJQHWLF¿HOGYDOXHV Spacial EMC solution Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Introduction Installation According to the type of interference generated by the devices: b Low frequencies, "conducted interference" (up to 30 MHz), b High frequencies, "radiated interference" (higher than 1 MHz), the rules to be taken into account relate to the choice of components that provide the most economical solution to complete the installation. Low-frequency interference b Importance of the protection systems: v ¿OWHUVRYHUYROWDJHVXSSUHVVRULVRODWLQJWUDQVIRUPHUIRUWKHSRZHUVXSSO\ v cable length. High-frequency interference b v v v Importance of the installation method: earth connections, cable length and section, cable selection and rules, cable runs, connections, enclosures and installation. Earth plate or reference potential sheet connected to the chassis DB300008SE-39 DB300007SE-40 6SHFL¿FV Screen connections P / It is recommended to earth screens at both ends. In addition, it is advisable to increase the number of intermediate earth connections. If the screen is only earthed at one end, there can be a considerable difference in potential between the two ends. In addition, this screen will be ineffective against external high-frequency interference. Transformers Poor The transformer chassis must be mounted, metal to metal, on the reference potential plate, that is, on a plain chassis supporting the equipment. Excellent Soldered DB300010SE-60 Earth connection by the screws Metal ground plate or reference potential sheet Cable runs Paint = INSULATION The metal ducts and conduits, when correctly connected, provide an extremely effective second screen for the cables. Cable ends must be screwed to the metal enclosures in order to provide an effective connection. DB300011SE-46 Excellent Heating Enclosures Low level The interfering and sensitive components, cables etc. should be installed in separate enclosures or located at some distance from each other. Note: )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQFRQVXOW\RXUORFDOVDOHVRI¿FHRURXUHGXFDWLRQDOOHDÀHWHQWLWOHG (OHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\ To the power Mains units Actuators Sensors Probes Detectors, etc. 387 Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Spacial EMC solution Introduction PB500205-46 Spacial S3HF wall-mounting enclosure IP55 IK10 From H 400 x W 300 x D 200 to H 1200 x W 800 x D 300 mm b Metal monobloc enclosures constructed from special ALU-ZINC 150 sheet. Body constructed from single folded and welded sheet. b 7KHHQFORVXUHVXUIDFHFRPSULVLQJDOXPLQLXPHQVXUHVJRRGUHÀHFWLRQ of radiated electromagnetic interference. b 7H[WXUHGHSR[\SRO\HVWHUH[WHUQDOSDLQW¿QLVKFRORXUJUH\5$/ b Integral, galvanised, sheet steel, plain chassis (reference potential plate). The low resistivity of this plate facilitates earth continuity. Special body/door gasket (IP + EMC) providing both environment protection and continuity between the door and body of the enclosure. Body completely sealed, without any cable entries or apertures. Integral earth braid between enclosure body and door, ensuring good earthing and, in consequence, good electromagnetic compatibility. Metal closing points with earth continuity, thus improving overall screening. EMC box, IP55. PB501683-46 6SDFLDO60+)ÀRRUVWDQGLQJHQFORVXUH,3,. From H 1800 x W 800 x D 400 to H 2000 x W 800 x D 600 mm b Metal monobloc enclosure constructed from special ALU-ZINC 150 sheet. 7KHHQFORVXUHVXUIDFHFRPSULVLQJDOXPLQLXPHQVXUHVJRRGUHÀHFWLRQ of radiated electromagnetic interference. b ([WHULRUSDLQWHGZLWKDQHSR[\SRO\HVWHUH[WHUQDOSRZGHUSDLQW¿QLVK colour grey RAL 7035. b Integral galvanised sheet steel plain chassis (sheet potential reference). The earth continuity is much easier thanks to its weak resistance. b Special body-door seal (IP + EMC), providing not only water tightness, but also electrical continuity between the door and the body, necessary for those assemblies. Cable gland plate with special built-in seal (IP + EMC). EMC enclosure, IP55. PB501682-46 Spacial SFHF suitable enclosure IP55 IK10 From H 1800 x W 600 x D 600 to H 2200 x W 800 x D 800 mm b 0HWDOH[WHQGDEOHHQFORVXUHFRQVWUXFWHGWKDQNVWRDFORVHGWULDQJXODUSUR¿OHGRRU and panel from special ALU-ZINC 150 sheet. The enclosure surface, comprising DOXPLQLXPHQVXUHVJRRGUHÀHFWLRQRIUDGLDWHGHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLQWHUIHUHQFH b ([WHULRUSDLQWHGZLWKDQHSR[\SRO\HVWHUH[WHUQDOSRZGHUSDLQW¿QLVK colour grey RAL 7035. b Integral galvanised sheet steel plain chassis (sheet potential reference). The earth continuity is much easier thanks to its weak resistance. b Special body/door gasket (IP + EMC) providing both environmental protection and electrical continuity between the door and body of the enclosure. b Integral earth braid between enclosure body and door, ensuring good earthing and, in consequence, good electromagnetic compatibility. b The suite joining set is also available for the EMC enclosures, IP55. (0&ÀRRUVWDQGLQJ enclosure, IP55. 7KLVUDQJHFDQEHFRQ¿JXUHGDFFRUGLQJWR\RXUQHHGV 4 differents services available: Assemble to order Mounting of standard accessories Painting See page 450 for details or consult our web site 388 Machining Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Spacial EMC solution Introduction DB300006 The next illustrations indicates the attenuation (dB) curves related to the frequency (MHz). Attenuation of the Spacial S3HF enclosure General information on Electromagnetic Compatibility, see pages 386 and 387. Enclosure surface Outside Attenuation (dB) Radiated wave 5HÀHFWHG wave PB500415 Incident wave Inside 0DJQHWLF¿HOG (OHFWULFDO¿HOG The presence of 55 % aluminium on the surface of the sheet metal ensures good UHÀHFWLRQRIHOHFWURPDJQHWLFZDYHV Frequency (MHz) Floor-standing compact enclosure DB300716 The enclosure is tested with earth braids mounted on all claddings (test performed following IEC 61587-3). 80 70 Attenuation (dB) 60 50 40 30 20 Mean vertical attenuation values Mean horizontal attenuation values 10 0 10 100 1000 Frequency (MHz) Floor-standing suitable enclosure PB501694 Enclosure is tested with its sides panels and earth braids mounted on all claddings (Test performed following IEC 61587-3). 80 70 Attenuation (dB) 60 50 40 30 20 Mean vertical attenuation values Mean horizontal attenuation values 10 0 10 100 Frequency (MHz) 1000 389 Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures PB500205-38 Characteristics Characteristics Spacial S3HF Finish Colour Ingress protection rating Mechanical protection rating &HUWL¿FDWLRQV Fixing Height (mm) 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1800 2000 Width (mm) Depth (mm) Fig. Weight (kg) References 300 600 400 400 600 500 600 800 800 600 800 200 200 200 200 250 250 300 300 300 600 400 600 400 600 800 1000 400 600 800 1000 600 600 800 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 7.5 13.0 11.5 13.0 20.5 19.0 32.8 53.2 59.0 - NSYS3HF4320P NSYS3HF4620P NSYS3HF5420P NSYS3HF6420P NSYS3HF6625P NSYS3HF7525P NSYS3HF8630P NSYS3HF10830P NSYS3HF12830P - 600 800 2200 390 Single-piece metal enclosures made from special sheets of ALUZINC 150. 7KHSUHVHQFHRIDOXPLQLXPRQWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHVKHHWPHWDOHQVXUHVJRRGUHÀHFWLRQRIHOHFWURPDJQHWLFZDYHV b Body v single-piece body, folded and welded, v entirely sealed body with no cable entry and no opening. b (TXLSSHGZLWKIRXUVKRXOGHUHGEDFNVWXGVDOORZLQJGLUHFW¿[LQJRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH v built-in plain mounting plate made from galvanised sheet steel (potential reference sheet), v its low resistivity promotes earth continuity, v GLUHFW¿[LQJRUXVLQJZDOO¿[LQJOXJVUHINSYPFCR (to be ordered separately). b Door v the special body-door gasket (IP + EMC) provides, in addition to water and dust tightness, electric continuity between the door and the body of the enclosure, v the metal lock with earth continuity helps improve the general shielding, v an earthing braid added to the enclosure between the body and the door guarantees a good earth connection and, consequently, good electromagnetic compatibility, v 3 mm double-bar lock as standard delivery (if a 405 key is needed it is possible to mount ref. NSYCLL405CRN). b Enclosure delivered with solid mounting plate. Other sizes: consult us. Painted on the outside with epoxy-polyester resin RAL 7035 grey IP55 IK10 Fixing lugs, ref. NSYPFCR to be ordered separately (1 set of 4 lugs) 600 800 Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures PB501685-28 PB501683-34 Characteristics Spacial SMHF Spacial SFHF b v b v v b b b b b Structure v galvanised-steel structure, v top and bottom frame, vertical upright. b Claddings v enclosure with screwed panels (on side and rear) and front plain door (with reinforcement frame) made from Aluzinc steel, v side panels have to be ordered separately, v special gasket (IP + EMC) between body, door and panels. b 1 single plain door with door-reinforcement frame (double door on request, please consult us). b Left or right opening to 120°. b Delivered with standard locking system handle and 5-mm double-bar insert. b 1 rear panel screwed from the outside. b 1 removable roof. b 1 part cable-gland plate with special gasket (IP + EMC). Body body made from Aluzinc steel painted on the outside only. Door front plain door (with reinforcement frame) made from Aluzinc steel, special gasket (IP + EMC) between body and door. 1 plain door with door-reinforcement frame. Left or right opening to 120°. Standard handle with 5-mm double bar. 1 part cable-gland plate with special gasket (IP + EMC). Painted on the outside with epoxy-polyester resin (inside not painted) RAL 7035 grey IP55 IK10 RoHS compliant - Painted on the outside with epoxy-polyester resin (inside not painted) RAL 7035 grey IP55 IK10 RoHS compliant - References Side panel references Enclosure references NSYSMHF18660P NSYSMHF18860P NSYSMHF20840P NSYSMHF20860P - NSY2SPHF186 NSY2SPHF184 NSY2SPHF186 NSY2SPHF204 NSY2SPHF206 NSY2SPHF208 NSY2SPHF2010 NSY2SPHF204 NSY2SPHF206 NSY2SPHF208 NSY2SPHF2010 NSY2SPHF226 NSY2SPHF226 NSY2SPHF228 NSYSFHF18660 NSYSFHF18840 NSYSFHF18860 NSYSFHF20640 NSYSFHF20660 NSYSFHF20680 NSYSFHF206100 NSYSFHF20840 NSYSFHF20860 NSYSFHF20880 NSYSFHF208100 NSYSFHF22660 NSYSFHF22860 NSYSFHF22880 391 Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Dimensions Spacial S3HF Fig. 1 DB300148-170 A: Height. B: Width. C: Depth. C B 21 A-44 40 A- 5 B-44 A-75 A A-50 10 B-50 B-75 B- 5 DB300148-170 Fig. 2 B C 21 125 40 125 B-44 B-50 B-75 B-95/135* B- 5 * Model 1200 x 800. 392 A- 5 A-75 A-50 25* A A-44 10 Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Dimensions B 17 C 17 C+5 B-280 C-130 A-62 A-150 A A-90 A-150 B-150 A-150 A: Height. B: Width. C: Depth. DB300717-143 Spacial SMHF 600/800 393 Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Dimensions A: Height. B: Width. C: Depth. DB300389EN-151 Spacial SFHF 18 x 18 A+ 9 A A - 150 A - 150 Ø 5.2 Ø 10.5 min. 85 max. C - 90 27 C - 90 C+5 C + 42 B - 150 C - 90 C - 125 C B - 125 B - 219 B - 90 Ø 16 B 394 Spacial S3HF - SMHF - SFHF Electromagnetic protected steel enclosures Accessories All mounting accessories are compatible with the SF and SM standard range. PB500084-43 b Mounting plate (see page 220). b Rails (see page 230). b IUDPH¿[HGDQGVZLQJLQJVHHSDJH Earth braids b They guarantee the earth connection for high frequencies, avoiding the disturbing electric currents that are produced. b Material: tinned copper. b Supply: 10 earth braids (nuts and washers not included). Length (mm) 150 PB500513-49 155 200 Width (mm) Section (mm2) Terminal Ø (mm) References 12 17 17 27 33 6 10 16 25 50 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 NSYEB156D6 NSYEB1510D6 NSYEB1516D8 NSYEB2025D8 NSYEB2050D8 EMC coupling kit b Used to join enclosures side-by-side or depthwise. Special gasket for EMC solution. Attenuation level is decreased by 5 db when enclosures are joined (please consult us). b Ingress protection rating: IP55. Height (mm) 1800 2000 2200 Depth (mm) Ref. SM EMC 400 600 400 600 800 1000 600 800 NSYSFHFBK184 NSYSFHFBK186 NSYSFHFBK204 NSYSFHFBK206 NSYSFHFBK208 NSYSFHFBK2010 NSYSFHFBK226 NSYSFHFBK228 395