BEFORE THE MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION UTILITY LD. NO. GC-123-0081-00 DOCKET NO. RE: TO CHANGE OF INTENT OF ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION RATES BY IMPLEMENTING A REVENUE NEUTRAL CHANGE TO CERTAIN RATE SCHEDULES NOTICE PREFILED TESTIMONY OF KATHRYN S. TAYLOR 1 Q. Please state your name, job title, and business address. 2 A. My name is Kathryn S. Taylor. I am a Rate Analyst for Atmos Energy Corporation ("Atmos" or "Company"). My business address is 790 Liberty Road, Flowood, MS 39232. 3 4 Q. What is your educational 5 A. I graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2003 with a Bachelor of Business background and professional experience? 6 Administration. I graduated from Mississippi College School of Law in 2007 with a Juris 7 Doctorate. I am licensed to practice law in Mississippi and Texas. I completed my Certificate in 8 Accounting (equivalent ofa Bachelor's degree) in 2011 at Mississippi College. I anticipate 9 completing all the requirements for my CPA license in the third quarter of 2013. 10 My professional experience 11 legal issues including commercial litigation, civil litigation, child support, and family law issues. 12 In 2010 l accepted 13 Q. includes six years working for different law firms on a variety of the position of Rate Analyst with Atmos. What are your responsibilities as a Rate Analyst? 1 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 A. As a Rate Analyst, I provide technical analysis and support in the determination and margin revenues. This includes 2 regulatory approval of rates that produce the company's 3 preparation and review of revenue deficiency studies, analytical exhibits in rate filings, and 4 responses 5 models 6 required compliance reports, and monitor and analyze financial data and rates of comparable 7 utilities. to Mississippi Public Utility Staff data requests. I also develop financial and statistical to improve departmental efficiency and accuracy in rate filings, prepare and/or file 8 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in 9 A. My testimony sponsors a revenue neutral redesign of certain rates for the Company's this proceeding? operations in Mississippi. 10 11 Q. Why is Atmos implementing 12 A. The new rates are designed to reduce the volatility of the Weather Normalization Adjustment a revenue neutral redesign of certain rates? 13 (WNA) on distribution charges to customers by shifting some revenue recovery to customer 14 charges. The recent winter (November 2011 15 temperatures resulting in large WNA adjustments to usage on customers' bills during the months 16 of March and April. By shifting revenue recovery from distribution charges to customer charges, 17 should such a warm winter occur again, 18 customers. - April 2012) experienced much warmer than normal the WNA adjustment to bills will have a lesser impact on 19 Q. How do the new rates differ from the existing rates? 20 A. The new rates seek to increase certain customer charges and correspondingly decrease certain 21 distribution charges in a revenue neutral manner. The new rates would be effective for the 22 following residential and commercial rate schedules; 301 Year Round Residential, 304 Multi Unit 2 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 Housing, 305 Year Round General Gas, 306 Small Business Incentive Rider, 331 Heating Season 2 Only - Residential, and 335 Heating Season Only Commercial. - 3 Q. How did you determine 4 A. I applied the current rates to the billing determinants for the twelve months ended April 30, 2012 that the change in rates is revenue neutral? 5 and calculated the total current margin using current rates. The total margin under the new rates 6 were set equal to the 7 customer 8 revenue neutral. 9 10 total current margin using the current rates in order to increase certain charges and calculate the new distribution charges. Therefore, the new changes are See Exhibit KST-1 for these calculations. Q. What are the new monthly A. The new customer charges are listed by Rate Schedule in Exhibit KST-1. For the residential rates customer charges? 11 the new monthly customer charges are increases of $2.00 over current rates. The new rates 12 increase in Schedule 301 from $6.95to $8.95,in Schedule 304 from $20.00to $22.00,and 13 Schedule 331 from $8.91 to $10.91.For the commercial rates the new monthly customer charges 14 are increases of 15 $16.27and in Schedule 335 from $19.24to $24.24.Rider Schedule 306 only increases $3.75 16 from $8.45to $12.20.Rider 306 is the Small Business incentive Rider, a temporary rate schedule, 17 designed as a 25% discount on the customer and distribution charges for eligible customers in 18 schedule 305. The new 306 customer charges provide a 25% reduction to the new 305 customer 19 charges. $5.00over current rates. The new rates increase in Schedule 305 from $11.27to 20 Q. How did you develop the new customer charges? 21 A. The new customer charges were derived as being the minimal increases necessary to offset the distribution charge decreases designed to benefit the customer during the WNA months. 22 23 Q. How did you develop the new volumetric distribution charges? 3 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 A. In Exhibit KST-l, I applied the current rates to the billing determinants; volumes billed and 2 number of bills, for the twelve months ended April 30, 2012 to calculate the customer charge 3 revenue, distribution revenue, and total current revenue. I then applied the new customer charge 4 to the number of bills to calculate the new customer charge revenue. Using the total current 5 revenue 6 into the new distribution charge using the volumes billed. 7 Q. A. Q. to determine the revenue neutral revenues? The billing determinants, bills counts, and volumes came directly from the Company's billing What would have been the impact on customer bills if the new rates had been in effect during the past winter? 12 13 used system for the year ended April 30, 2012. 10 11 How do you know that the billing determinants change in rates are consistent with the Company's 8 9 I was able to calculate the new distribution revenue. From this total I was able to back A. In Exhibit KST-2, I pulled the customer data for bills issued from March 11, 2012 through April 14 9, 2012 because this was the most extreme 30-day period during past winter of warmer-than- 15 normal weather. 16 these customer bills with the new rates. The Exhibit, separated between residential 17 commercial, 18 rates. The results show 19 more than $2.00while 78% would experience 20 residential customers 21 decrease in charges for commercial customers of $44,546.55even though 71% of customers 22 would experience 23 Overall there would have been a 24 customers had the new rates been in effect. The intent was to determine an after effect of these rate changes by recalculating and shows the increase or decrease in the customers' bills after implementing the new an for residential customers that 22% would experience an increase of no would a decrease. The net decrease in charges for be $414,612.54.For commercial customers there would be a net increase of no more than $5.00,while 29% would experience a decrease. $459,159.09decrease for both residential and commercial 4 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 Q. In the future will the new rates produce the same annual revenues as existing rates? 2 A. That is the intent; however, actual revenues will depend on the number of customers and volumes 3 used during the future period. In some periods the current rates may produce more revenue than 4 the new rates, while in other periods less revenue may be produced. Overall, the revenues 5 produced should vary less as a result of changes in the amount of volumes used. 6 Q. In summary what are the benefits of the new rates? 7 A. The benefits of the new rates will be reduced volatility of bills for customers during the WNA 8 months. Because we are shifting some revenue recovery 9 customer charge, the amount of customers' bills will be less dependent on weather and will be 10 from the distribution charge to the more stable. 11 Q. Are you sponsoring 12 A. Yes, I am sponsoring changes to the following Company tariffs; 301 Year Round Residential, 304 the new changes to the Company's tariffs? 13 Multi Unit Housing, 305 Year Round General Gas, 306 Small Business Incentive Rider, 331 14 Heating Season Only Residential, and 335 Heating Season Only - 15 Q. Does 16 A. Yes. 17 - Commercial. this conclude your testimony? WITNESS, THIS MY SIGNATURE on this the 31 day of August, 2012. 18 19 22 23 24 25 KATHR S. TAYLO Rate Analyst Atmos Energy Corporation 5 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 2 3 COUNTY OF RANKIN 4 AFFIDAVIT VERIFYING AND ADOPTING TESTIMONY 5 6 7 KATHRYN S. TAYLOR, being first duly sworn, on oath, says that she is the Rate Analyst for 8 Atmos Energy Corporation as identified in the foregoing testimony; that she caused to be prepared such 9 testimony; that the answers appearing therein are true to the best of her knowledge and belief; and that if 10 asked the questions appearing therein, her answers would, under oath, be the same. KATHRYN 13 14 TAYLOR SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this the 31 day of August, 2012. 15 16 17 NOTARY PUBLIC 18 19 20 21 22 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MISSi · ..• . NOTARY PUBUC ', 6 * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 6 s 4 3 2 1 No. une 8.91 20.00 $ 0.18394 $ 0.13205 32,173,527 $ $ $ 5,891 103,123 109,015 $ $ 219,085 16,009,225 7,137,540 8,871,685 $ $ $ $ 207,245 11,840 14,344,219 $ $ 17,829,3DS $ 48,182,752 $ 328,100 310,369 17,731 21,481,760 $ $ $ $ 26,700,993 $ $ $ 8.99 10.91 $ $ $ Total Distrib.Chargechange 96,755 7,606,172 $ 19.24 8.45 0.12922 0.17229 5 0.15421 $ $ 3,034,514 1,172,948 1,861,566 25,983 $ $ $ $ 18,595 7,387 11,604,204 $ $ $ 2,037,300 9,566,904 $ $ 2,118,525 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,929 3,676 9,253 5,774,136 4,760,396 1,013,740 1,509,944 926,297 583,647 $ $ $ $ 73,645,244 4,544,458 1,756,595 2,787,863 38,912 $ $ $ $ 11,063 27,848 $ 17,378,340 $ $ 14,327,300 3,051,041 3,172,682 1,343,552 1,829,131 $ $ $ 1,054,157 $ 607,748 446,409 $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.11398 24.24 12.20 $ $ (0.06360) 0.09061 73,645,244 4,544,458 $ $ 1,032,098 $ $ 3,512,360 38,912 15,972 22,940 17,378,340 12,973,688 4,404,652 3,172,682 $ 2,239,710 328,100 932,972 $ $ $ (0.01221) 0,11701 19,505 308,595 $ $ (0.00105} 0.18289 48,182,752 13,798,021 34,384,732 (k) SRrevenue $2.00 (0.04723) 0.08482 New Margin with (0.05016) 5 Customercharge + $5.00 18.27 $ 0.15601 $ $ $ (0.01628) 5 $ - $ $ 11.27 897,142 1,221,383 $ $ 335HeatingSeason Only Commercial 143,907 55,527,912 $ 0.16414 S 874 180,772 5,465,715 Distrib.Chargechange 306SmallBusiness Incentive Distrib.Chargechange 305YearRounclGeneralGOS Distrib.Chargechange 137,080 beforeSRF (j) Customer charge+ 22,00 (i) $ before5RF (h) New Distrib. Chg/CCf $ $ $ 6.95 New Cust. Chg Margin Target 331HeatingSeason Only• Residential 1,126,701 108,627,182 $ {g) 0.49759 StableRateRev $ 592 2,565,368 Total Current Current Customer Distribution CurrentBase Actual Volurnes/Ccf Charge Chg/Ccf Revenue {c) (d) {e) (f) is the current tariff minimum bill. Chg is remainder of current margin, divided Charge SRF of 1.49759. Distribution Customer Distrib.Chargechange 304MultiUnitHousing (10+units) Distrib.Chargechange 301 Year Round Residential (a) DeScription Number ofBills (b) Detail of Revenue at Current and New Rates Twelve Months Ended April 30, 2012 MississippÏ Atmos Energy Corporation 1,773 724,497 (724,497) Page 1 of 2 ExhibitKST-1 $ $ 4,908 (4,908) $ (1,353,612} 1,353,612 (410,579} 410,579 (1,773) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,683,739 $ (7,683,739) (k)-(h) by volume. * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electroni - - season Total General Heating Season Yr Round General Gas Rate 306 Small Business Incentive Rlcler Rate 335 Rate305 Rate 331 Heating Season Res Rate 304 Multi Unit Housing Rate 301 YRRoundRes General Total Heating Incentive Rider Rate 335 Rate 306 Small Business YrRoundGeneral Gas Intentive 306 100 mcf/day7653 - - $19.24Ind Seasonal $19.24PASeasonal - - (Oct May) 7852 (70) (Oct May) 7853 (70) - Business Incentive 306 (70) (Oct May) 7851 (7D) $19.24 Com Seasonal $8.45Com $11.27Com<100meflday7651(70) $11.27 Ind < 100 mcílday 7652 (70) $11.27PublicAuthority<100mcílday7GS3(70) - $8.91Res Gas Hearth Seas (Oct May) 781H (70) $8.91Res Seasonal (Oct May) Mu Iti 781M (70) - 520.00 ComMultiUnitHousing 7641 (70) $20.00 Public Auth Multi Unit Housing 7843 (70) $8.91 Res Seasonal (Oct May) 7810 (70} $6.95ResRateMulti-Unit761M(70) - Seasonal (Oct May) 7853 Rate Codes $6.95 Res Rate 7610 (70) Base Charge $1.5421Publie Auth - $1.5421 Com Seasonal (Oct May) 7851 $1.5421 Ind Seasonal (Oct May) 7852 $1.292175Com Business < $1.7229Ind<100meflday7652 51.7229 PublicAuthority - (Mcf} Rate Codes Rate 301 $1.3205 Res Rate 7610 YR Round Res $1.3205 Res Rate Multi-Unit761M Rate 304 $1,8394 Com Multi Unit Housing 7641 MultiUnitHousingS1.8394PublicAuthMultiUnitHousing7643 $1.6414 Res Seasonal (Oct May) 7810 Rate 331 $1.6414Res Gas Hearth Seas (Oct May}781H $1.6414Res Seasonal (Oct May) Multi 781M Heating Season Res Rate 305 $1.7229 Com < 100 mcf/day7651 Charge Distribution O 3 228,888 257,913 - 10,889 54 851 132 0 0 227,153 5 78 209 1,887 215 1,897 1,914 293 3 3 12,844 420 2 2 13,091 16,325 106 38 13,151 212 20 30 211,391 390 Base Charge Count 584,611 1 (141) 39,215 (3) 195,876 24,782 21 30 212,687 388 213,926 399 0 0 0 319,178 345 2,220 3,152 (15) 19 30 Base Charge Count Base Charge Count {268) . (317) 652,459 0 0 46,747 205,725 28,691 (0) 365,806 397 2,708 3,266 (283) (2) 861,527 0 12,314 493 2,410 88,974 466,296 611 2,898 4,135 12,320 34 24 239,194 31,822 0 0 0 0 0 0 227,373 1 3 58 217 1,903 13004 211,566 365 20 30 185 1 Base Charge Count 607,338 (172) (58) 47,255 202,741 34,380 (217} 3,154 317,612 359 2,286 May June July August Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2011 FIscal 2011 Fiscal 2011 Billed Billed Volume Volume Billed Billed Excl WNA Excl WNA Volume Excl Volume Excl (MCF) (MCF) WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF) 623,896 0 (5) (31) 37,935 50,329 200,579 226,769 11 290 217 1,896 12,846 210,852 388 20 31 213 5 Base Charge Count 0 0 0 0 0 (5) 2 329,308 388 2,289 3,106 254,406 845 55 18 10,834 213 1,899 96 36 12,837 15,797 211,337 391 19 29 Count 255,912 54 847 39 10,904 12,022 207 1,876 101 39 16,527 212,058 389 19 30 Base Charge Count Base 1,494,656 6,730 4,666 38,712 777 107,670 35,257 61 302,953 939,451 1,131 4,089 6,364 46,690 107 Charge 797,814 3,014 4,354 36,408 184 31,547 59,335 99 218,937 414,656 488 2,508 3,858 22,359 68 258,820 57 848 11,002 82 1,899 218 108 40 12841 17,025 214,261 389 19 30 Charge Count Base 2,880,404 122,922 8,912 18,069 1,942 222,226 55,577 244 486,851 262,360 58 856 102 11,604 1,930 13,320 214 106 39 17,403 216,284 395 19 30 Charge Count Base 3,478,208 2,520 179,624 11,386 23,G75 228,517 60,074 282 584,678 2,222,732 1,837,195 2,519 2,225 6,705 7,429 9,31410,321 144,109 107,966 341 256 2G1,52G 58 850 11,304 172 12,979 211 1,906 261,713 58 848 11,294 225 12,898 218 1,909 37 17,408 106 216,273 390 19 30 Count Count 216.080 395 19 30 17,381 105 36 Base Charge 2,079,013 6,409 12,575 3,152 86,126 151,032 43,954 79,467 212 103 401,840 1,281,613 1,491 4,815 6,223 Base Charge 2,887,070 9,170 18,947 3,543 137,967 208,240 117,999 280 294 490,851 51,833 1,831,086 2,056 6,344 8,459 Total 17,849,759 44,980 88,636 14,391 627,001 1,308,608 874 258,608 56 849 Page 2 of 2 ExhibitKST-1 2,981,441 451 6,816 89,488 236 11,098 166,393 2,567 22,812 135,938 836 306 97 36 12,760 216 1,896 16,961 Base Charge Count Total 213,970 2,560,684 3854,684 19 233 29 359 902,764 930 2,319 2,274 13,475 77,067 13,721 544,110 37 1,335 1,127 24 3,781,519 251,294 28,812464,664 505 196 10,850,132 575 12,586 2 874 47,164 4,16865,508 September October November December February March April January Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2012 Billed Billed Billed Billed Billed Billed Volume Billed Billed Volume Excl Volume Excl Volume Exci Volume Excl Volume Exci Excl WNA Volume Excl Volume Exc1 (MCF) WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF} WNA (MCF) WNA (MCF) * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/1/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - $ Totals Net OVER/UNDERTHRESHOLD WNA CONSUMPTION $27,311.44 22% ($441,923.98) ($414,612.54) 78% $42,060.77 71% ($459.159.09) ($86,607.32) ($44,546.55) 29% 212,523 TOTAL - Exhibit KST 2 Page 1 of 1 156,822 74% $2Ï 55,701 26% 0. DECREASF 0 41,624 36,167 26,989 17,438 10,981 17,168 4,422 972 374 210 TOTAL NO.OFACCOUNTS 0 33,632 11,645 2,150 3,397 4,877 0 0 0 0 0 INCREASF NO.OFACCOUNTS