PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PLAN BHSD228 M ay 2 8 , 2 01 5 DANIELSON Changes to the process POSITION ON CHANGES Recommendations made by the pre -PERA committee to the negotiating team Based on feedback from teachers and observers Meant to make the process more streamlined and ef fective TENURED TEACHER OBSERVATIONS 1 Formal observation (Required) Teacher chooses the class and period Lesson plans (5 days: 1 full plan for observed lesson and 4 abbreviated plans), PCQ/RCQ Participate in Planning and Reflection Conferences Observer provides scripted and coded notes Formative feedback sign-off 1 Informal observation (Required) Observer chooses the class and period Provides a one week notice Observer provides scripted and coded notes Required reflection conference – no paperwork by teacher Teacher can submit artifacts for class observed (lesson plan, RCQ, etc.) Formative feedback sign-off “Drop-ins” (Optional) Announced or unannounced Teacher or observer driven TENURED TEACHER OBSERVATIONS For the required observations: One observation is to be completed by last Monday in November Second observation is to be completed by the last Monday in January Drop-ins can occur at any point in time NON-TENURED TEACHER OBSERVATIONS 2 Formal observations (Required) Teacher chooses the class and period Lesson plans (5 days: 1 full plan for observed lesson and 4 abbreviated plans), PCQ/RCQ Participate in Planning and Reflection Conferences Observer provides scripted and coded notes Formative feedback sign-off 1 Informal observation (Required) Observer chooses the class and period Provides a one week notice Observer provides scripted and coded notes Required reflection conference – no paperwork by teacher Teacher can submit artifacts for class observed (lesson plan, RCQ, etc.) Formative feedback sign-off “Drop-ins” (Optional) Announced or unannounced Teacher or observer driven NON-TENURED TEACHER OBSERVATIONS For the required observations: One observation is to be completed by the end of the first quarter Second observation by the end of the first semester By the start of winter break Third observation by the last Monday of January Drop-ins can occur at any point in time OTHER DANIELSON ITEMS ON DOCKET Lesson plan templates Pre-PERA Committee will identify three to four recommended templates for teacher use Teachers are not required to use one of these templates Committee will identify strengths and weaknesses of the templates PCQ/RCQ Revise questionnaires to be more direct and specific Artifacts Revised resource guide will have examples that are more aligned with the components STUDENT GROWTH MODEL PERA Committee IMPLEMENTATION Required by PERA, beginning in the fall of 2015 District 228 will implement the student growth model as part of its Performance Evaluation Plan for teachers. 30% of a teacher’s evaluation will come from student growth data. This data will come from two sources: 1) A Type I or Type II assessment National or District-created assessment Based on Common Core Reading skills 2) A Type III assessment Teacher-created assessment Based on content skills ASSESSMENT TYPES A quick look… T YPE I/II Type I assessment READ 180 – for English Skills, English 1 and English 2 (Self contained) Type II assessment Mostly at the 9 th and 10 th grade level, a couple at grade 11 More courses will be added over time All teachers in the same course give the same test Questions assess Common Core Reading Standards: 1: Citing key details and making inferences 7: Evaluating diverse media 8: Evaluating arguments Reflect higher-order questioning Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate T YPE III Teacher-created Individually or in teams Assessment can include any one of the following: Multiple choice test Short answer Essay Performance assessment Combination of selected response and short answer May include matching, true/false or fill -in-the-blank Test items or tasks should reflect a range of rigor I.e. different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy ASSESSMENT PROCESS Type I/II T YPE I/II • • • • This assessment will cover the entire first semester. Pre-assessment - within the first 15 days of school. Mid-point assessment - at the end of the first quarter. Post-assessment – within the last 10 days of the first semester. Step 5: Roster Verification Step 3: PostAssessment Step 1: Preassessment Step 2: Progress Monitoring/Midpoint Assessment Step 6: Measuring & Reporting Student Growth Step 4: Assessment Scoring Process of implementing Type I/II assessments DETERMINING GROWTH D228 will use a simple growth model. Difference between pre- and post-assessments Looking for growth from pre-assessment Data will be collected from the Type II assessments to determine actual growth target for year 3 and beyond. Teacher performance rating for Type I/II assessment determined by the percentage of students meeting the growth target. Performance Rating: Percentage of Students Showing Growth: Excellent 80% - 100% of students met the growth target(s). Proficient 60% - 79% of students met the growth target(s). Needs Improvement 40% - 59% of students met the growth target(s). Unsatisfactory Less than 40% of students met the growth target(s). ASSESSMENT PROCESS Type III T YPE III This assessment type will cover at minimum three weeks and at maximum 5 months. Teachers will use the process of creating a Student Learning Objective (SLO) for this assessment. SLO Process This process helps teachers organize evidence of student growth over time. 1. Develop SLO 6. Final Review 2. Initial Review of SLO 5. Monitor Progress 3. Monitor Progress The teacher and observer work through the SLO process together. 4. Midpoint Checkin SLO ELEMENTS There are five elements of the SLO: Learning Goal Assessments & Scoring Growth Targets Actual Outcomes Teacher Rating A learning goal is a description of what students will be able to do at the end of a specified period of time. It is aligned to appropriate content standards. Represents an enduring understanding, or big idea, of the discipline. Assessments will include, at minimum, a pre -, mid- and postassessment. The teacher will set a growth target for the whole class. The target can be the same for all students; or The target can vary by individual or groups of students. SLO ELEMENTS There is a midpoint check -in with observer to discuss progress and make adjustments, if needed. At the conclusion of the SLO process, the teacher will identify which students met or did not meet the growth target. Teacher performance is determined by the percentage of students meeting the growth target. Performance Rating: Percentage of Students Showing Growth: Excellent 80% - 100% of students met the growth target(s). Proficient 60% - 79% of students met the growth target(s). Needs Improvement 40% - 59% of students met the growth target(s). Unsatisfactory Less than 40% of students met the growth target(s). DETERMINING OVERALL STUDENT-GROWTH PERFORMANCE Combining Type I/II and Type III STUDENT-GROWTH RATING PERA (2010) requires districts to combine student achievement results from the two types of assessments. The resulting performance will represent 30% of a teacher’s overall summative rating. Each assessment will represent half of the student growth rating. Second Assessment (Type III) (15%) First Assessment (Type I/II or Type III) (15%) Excellent Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Excellent Excellent Excellent Proficient Proficient Proficient Excellent Proficient Proficient Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Proficient Proficient Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Proficient Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PLAN SUMMATIVE RATING Danielson + StudentGrowth Data SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE RATING PERA (2010) requires districts to combine student achievement from a growth model with performance on the Danielson Framework for Professional Practice . Student growth will account for 30% and performance on Danielson will account for 70%. Student Growth Data (30%) Professional Practice – Danielson (70%) Excellent Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Excellent Excellent Proficient Proficient Needs Improvement Proficient Excellent Proficient Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Proficient Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Proficient Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory