Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or Biopsy

for Consumers
Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine
Needle Aspiration
(FNA) Or- Biopsy
Printed from Diagnostic Imaging Pathways
© Government of Western Australia
Information for Consumers - Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine
Needle Aspiration (FNA) or Biopsy
This article tells you about the benefits and the risks, what happens before, during and after having a
percutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration (FNA) or biopsy.
What is a percutaneous transthoracic FNA?
A percutaneous transthoracic FNA is used to look at and take samples of lumps or growths in the lung or
other tissues in the chest, such as lymph nodes or problems in the lining of the lungs.
A CT scanner, x-ray or ultrasound machine is used to guide a small needle through the skin and into the
lump or growth.
Benefits of a percutaneous transthoracic FNA
Used instead of surgery to obtain a diagnosis
Used to see how far the disease has spread before surgery or other treatment
Risks of percutaneous transthoracic FNA
Your doctor knows the risks of a percutaneous transthoracic FNA and will advise you whether the benefits
outweigh any possible risk. Possible risks are:
Pnuemothorax (air around the lung) - may need treatment with a tube in the chest
Cannot see the area around the lump or growth. Other problems may be missed because of this
Small risk of infection or bleeding
You may cough up some blood during the procedure. This usually stops soon afterwards
Not being able to get a large enough sample to make a diagnosis
Bring your referral letter or request form and all x-rays taken in the last 2 years with you
Leave the x-rays with the radiology staff as the doctor may need to look at them. The radiology
staff will tell you when these are ready to be picked up
Leave all jewellery and valuables at home
You will be admitted as a day patient
You will be asked not to eat food or drink milk for a few hours before the test
You will be asked not to drink water for 2 to 4 hours before the test
Just before the percutaneous transthoracic FNA
You may be given a gown to wear
You may be asked to remove any metal objects
You may be given a tablet to relax you
Phoca PDF
for Consumers
Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine
Needle Aspiration
(FNA) Or- Biopsy
Printed from Diagnostic Imaging Pathways
© Government of Western Australia
Important to tell your doctor before the percutaneous transthoracic FNA
If you are or may be pregnant
If you are on any blood thinning medication (warfarin, regular aspirin, clapidrogrel)
If you are diabetic
If you are planning to fly on a plane soon after the FNA
What happens during a percutaneous transthoracic FNA?
You will be asked to either sit or lie down depending on why you are having the percutaneous
transthoracic FNA. Staff will clean the skin where you are having the biopsy and place sterile drapes over
you. They will sometimes inject a local anaesthetic into the skin, but not always.
The radiology doctor will use x-ray, CT or ultrasound to guide them while they put a needle into the lump or
area they are looking at. They will use the needle to take a sample (biopsy) of the area. You will feel a
slight pressure but this should not hurt.
The percutaneous transthoracic FNA usually takes about 30 minutes to one hour including time taken to
get ready.
You have the right to refuse an examination and may do so if you wish. You will be asked to fill in a
consent form.
When will I get the results?
The amount of time it takes for you to get your results will differ depending on where you get your scans
done. The radiology doctor will look at the pictures and write a report. The pictures may be on films or on a
Ask whether you should wait to take the pictures and report with you, or whether they will be sent to your
Your doctor will need to discuss the report with you. You will need to make an appointment to do this.
After the percutaneous transthoracic FNA
You will usually have a chest x-ray straight after the procedure and then 3 - 4 hours afterwards to
check for pneumothorax.
You will be taken to a recovery area on a stretcher
Staff will check your heart rate and blood pressure a few times
Staff will give you any special instructions
You will usually stay in hospital for a few hours after the procedure has finished. You should rest when you
get home but can continue with normal activities the next day.
Phoca PDF
for Consumers
Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine
Needle Aspiration
(FNA) Or- Biopsy
Printed from Diagnostic Imaging Pathways
© Government of Western Australia
If you had sedation
Sedation can last for up to 24 hours afterwards
You must not drive a car or take public transport and must have someone with you for 24
hours after your test
You must not operate machinery for the rest of the day
For an Australian patient in a Public Hospital in Western Australia
Public patient - no cost to you unless advised otherwise
Private patient - costs can be claimed through Medicare and your health insurance provider
For a patient in a Private Hospital or Private Imaging Site in Western Australia or a patient outside Western
Ask your doctor or the staff where you are having your test done what the cost will be
Further information
For more detailed information, please access InsideRadiology at:
This is a resource produced especially for consumers by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
A guide to gathering information that you may need for making informed decisions is published by the
Consumers' Health Council of Australia at:
If you would like to look at other relevant articles, please access the following:
CT scan
Plain x-ray
Radiation risks of x-rays and scans
Or access the Diagnostic Imaging Pathways website at:
Or if you have questions or require any other information please contact your doctor or speak to the staff
where you are going to have your procedure.
Consumer participation
This information has been reviewed by representatives from the following groups:
Aboriginal people
People with disabilities
CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse)
Phoca PDF
for Consumers
Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine
Needle Aspiration
(FNA) Or- Biopsy
Printed from Diagnostic Imaging Pathways
© Government of Western Australia
The Health Consumers' Council
All feedback, comments and suggestions regarding consumer information at Diagnostic Imaging Pathways
are welcome. Please direct them to the following email address:
This article is intended as general information only. The Department of Health cannot accept any legal
liability arising from its use. The information is kept as up-to-date and accurate as possible, but please be
warned that it is always subject to change
© Copyright 2015, Department of Health Western Australia. All Rights Reserved. This article and its
content has been prepared by The Department of Health, Western Australia and is protected by copyright.
Date reviewed: December 2013
Date of next review: November 2015
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