TristanL’Ecuyer Contributors: Norm Wood, Jen Kay, Kristof van Tricht, David Henderson, Alex Matus,YunHang,ElinMcIlhattan Radar+LidarCloudMask 2006 • R03RO 1. 2016 • R05 2. 2016 • R04R05 3. 2009 • R04 4. 2009 • R04 5. 2006 • R03RO 6. Clouds – CloudSat CPR + MODIS optical depth Sub-visual Cirrus – CALIPSO (5 km Cloud Layer Product) Stratus/mixed-phase – CALIPSO (identification) + MODIS (microphysical properties) Aerosol – CALIPSO (5 km Aerosol Layer Product) Precipitation – explicit rainfall DSD and CloudSat 2CPRECIP-COLUMN (identification/LWP) Temperature & Humidity – ECMWF/AIRS (in progress) CloudSat Radar Reflectivity (dBZ) Multi-SpectralCloudMask NetHeating(Kd-1) CALIPSO532nm Backscatter LongwaveHeating(Kd-1) MODIS11μm 13juin2016 ShortwaveHeating(Kd-1) L’Ecuyeretal.,J.Geophys.Res.(2008) LW NET SW 13 juin 2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat 10 Year Assessment Workshop 4 Hartmannetal(1992) Hartmannetal(1992) 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR 13 juin 2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat 10 Year Assessment Workshop 5 LW SW NET 13 juin 2016 6 CloudImpactonAtmosphericHeating TOACRE HangandL’Ecuyer,2016,inpreparation SurfaceCRE 13juin2016 Also:Stephensetal,J.Climate(2012) CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 7 AnnualMeanRadiative StandardDeviation dT dt CloudFraction CloudFraction CRH(DJF) CRH(JJA) Haynesetal.,Geophys.Res.Letters(2013) 13 juin 2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat 10 Year Assessment Workshop 8 Matusetal.,2016,inpreparation 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 9 PHOTOGRAPH BY PAUL NICKLEN, National Geographic September2005 September2006 September2007 ! 13juin2016 30 Wm-2 over 3 months is enough energy to meltabout0.3mofsea ice or warm the ocean mixedlayerby2.5K. Kayetal.,Geophys.Res.Letters(2008) ! On average, more than 40% of the clouds over the Greenland Ice Sheet contain super-cooled liquid water (70%insummer,25%inwinter). ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 4 ↓ R sfc = FLW + FSW − FLW − FSW ≈ (ε atm −1)σTsfc + (1 − α )FSW SWFlux Clear-sky Cloudy-sky LWFlux Highα Overbrightsurfaces,enhancedεatmisthe dominantcloudeffect 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 13 ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 4 ↓ R sfc = FLW + FSW − FLW − FSW ≈ (ε atm −1)σTsfc + (1 − α )FSW SWFlux Clear-sky Cloudy-sky LWFlux Highα Thepresenceofsuper-cooledliquidenhancesthe cloudeffectonεatm 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 14 ! Cloudsenhancethenetsurface radiationontheicesheetbyan average of nearly 30 ± 6 Wm-2 relativetoclearconditions. ! Unfrozen liquid droplets account for HALF of this forcing. ! This is enough energy to melt upto90Gtoficeeachyear. ! Surfacemodelingsuggeststhat thiseffectresultsinabout25Gt of additional runoff each year after warming and sublimation areaccountedfor. 13juin2016 vanTrichtetal.,NatureComm.(2016) CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 15 LCCFREQUENCY ? DOWNWELLINGLWRADIATION Greenlandistoo coldinCESM. JAN FEB 13juin2016 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 16 PRECIPITATIONFREQUENCYOFARCTIC LIQUIDCONTAININGCLOUDS ~40% McIlhattanetal.,inpreparation 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 17 Clear-sky! 13 juin 2016 Cloudy-sky! ADRE(Wm-2) Clear sky Cloudy sky All-sky Land -2.2 -0.9 -1.5 Ocean -2.6 -1.5 -2.0 Global -2.6 ±0.6 -1.4 ±0.7 -1.9 ±0.6 CALIPSO/CloudSat 10 Year Assessment Workshop 18 a) Ocean-only DRE (Wm-2)! FLXHR-LIDAR! CESM-CAM5! CESM-CAM5! FLXHR-LIDAR! b) Sample size! FL AR -LID R H X " Cloud fraction (%)! 13 juin 2016 Matusetal.,J.Climate(2015) 19 ! After10yearsinorbit,CloudSatandCALIPSOareshedding newlightontheclassicalproblemofestablishingtheroleof cloudsandaerosolsintheEarth’sradiationbudget. ! Estimates of cloud radiative forcing, its vertical structure, andtherelativecontributionsofindividualcloudtypesneed toberevisedinlightofthesenewactiveobservations. ! Mixed-phase clouds exert a strong impact on mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet that appears to be underrepresentedinmodels. ! CloudSatandCALIPSOprovideinsightsintotheinfluenceof clouds on aerosol direct radiative effects (ADRE) and have identiyfied a connection between model ADRE and cloud biases. 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 20 ! ! ! ! ! ! Kay, J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, G. L. Stephens, A. Gettelman, and C. O'Dell, 2008. The contribution of cloud and radiation anomalies to the 2007 Arctic sea ice extent minimum,Geophys.Res.Letters35,doi:10.1029/2008GL033451. vanTricht,K.,S.Lhermitte,J.T.M.Lenaerts,I.V.Gorodetskaya,T.L’Ecuyer,B.Noel, M. R. van den Broeke, D. D.Turner, and N. P. M. van Lipzig, 2015:Clouds enhance Greenlandicesheetmassloss,NatureComm.7,doi:10.1038/ncomms10266. Henderson, D. S., T. L'Ecuyer, G. Stephens, P. Partain, and M. Sekiguchi, 2013: A multi-sensor perspective on the radiative impacts of clouds and aerosols, J. Appl. Meteor.andClimatol.52,853-871. Haynes, J. M., T. H. Vonder Haar, T. L'Ecuyer, and D. Henderson, 2013. Radiative heatingcharacteristicsofEarth'scloudyatmospherefromverticallyresolvedactive sensors,Geophys.Res.Letters40,doi:10.1002/grl.50145. Matus,A.,T.S.L’Ecuyer,J.E.Kay,J.-F.Lamarque,andC.Hannay,2015:Theroleof clouds in modulating global aerosol direct radiative effects in spaceborne active observationsandtheCommunityEarthSystemModel,J.Climate28,2986-3003. L’Ecuyer,T.S.,N.Wood,T.Haladay,andG.L.Stephens,2008.Theimpactofclouds onatmosphericheatingbasedontheR04CloudSatfluxesandheatingratedataset, J.Geophys.Res.113,doi:10.1029/2008JD009951. 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 21 SUMMIT,GREENLAND ≈3km 13juin2016 La0tude:72.58°N Longitude:38.48°W Eleva0on:3216m CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 23 13juin2016 CALIPSO/CloudSat10YearAssessmentWorkshop 24