Essential Standard Clarifying Objective 8.ICR.2 Remember that abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage means a positive choice for young people. 8.ICR.2.2 Recall skills and strategies for abstaining from sexual behavior. Materials Needed: Appendix 1 – copies of Strategies for Refusal Appendix 2 – copies of Abstinence Role-Play #1 Appendix 3 – copies of Abstinence Role-Play #2 Appendix 4 – copies of Abstinence Role-Play Scenarios Review: Brainstorm with students their definitions of abstinence. After discussing these definitions, tell students that abstinence is defined as: Voluntarily refraining from intimate sexual behavior that could lead to pregnancy and disease. Focus: • • • • • Divide the class into groups of five. Give one person in each group an individually wrapped candy and an index card that says: Do not eat the candy. Give the other four group members individually wrapped candy and an index card that says: Try to convince the group members who are not eating the candy to join in and eat with you. Encourage students to use pressure lines they have heard before to convince their peers to join in. Ask: What were some of the pressure lines you used to convince others to eat the candy? What other lines might you use? Why is it important? Statement of Objectives: As you can see from this activity, people often try to influence us to do things even if we know or are told that these things are not the best for us. This can also be true when we are encouraged to be sexually active. Today we will practice the skills for remaining or becoming abstinent from sexual intercourse. Teacher Input: Refusal Role-play Tell the students that today we are going to practice refusal skills to pressures lines for sex. Display and discuss Strategies for Refusal, giving examples of each (Appendix 1). 8.ICR.2.2, page 1 NC School Health Training Center NC Association for the Advancement of Health Education Guided Practice: Assign Abstinence Role-play #1 (Appendix 2) to a couple who have the self-confidence to act out the scenario before the class. Give them a moment to look over their lines and ask them to read them with feeling. Ask the rest of the class to critique the scenario with these questions: 1. How would continued pressure of a boyfriend or girlfriend make you feel? 2. In what ways did Rachel show that she was determined to stick with the decision not to have sexual intercourse? 3. How should a boyfriend or girlfriend show respect for the decision a partner has made not to have sex? Have students pair off to practice refusal with pressure lines but without assertive responses. Provide each couple with a copy of Abstinence Role-Play #2 (Appendix 3). They are to practice once, then reverse roles so that both students have the opportunity to practice refusal skills. Each should critique the other by finishing this incomplete sentence: You were effective in your refusal because… Display the Strategies for Refusal as a guide for those providing feedback. Finally, introduce the open-ended scenario in which students are given a situation and characters but are to make up the pressure lines and assertive responses themselves. Have students work in threes to complete this activity and provide each group with a copy of Abstinence Role-playing Scenarios (Appendix 4). In each group, there is a person applying pressure to engage in sexual intercourse, a person who has made the decision to be abstinent and is using assertive responses, and a person who will give feedback as to how effective the person is expressing his or her decision to be abstinent. Again, they will rotate responsibilities so that everyone has the chance to practice refusal skills. While they practice, move around the room to note effective responses. When all groups are finished, compliment the group and reinforce the behavior and words of assertive responses you saw and heard which were effective. Refer back to the Strategies for Refusal. Reinforce the suggestions that young people make their decisions to be abstinent before they are in a pressure situation and that they will develop confidence in their right and ability to say “no” to a health risk behavior. Independent Practice: Tell students they are now going to create an advertising campaign to promote abstinence. While in their original groups, give each group poster paper and markers. Tell students to include at least one strategy for refusal in their posters. After students have completed their posters, have each group present their poster to the class. (Find out if posters can be displayed in the halls or cafeteria of the school.) 8.ICR.2.2, page 2 NC School Health Training Center NC Association for the Advancement of Health Education Closure: Remember that the decision to avoid sexual risk taking is a health behavior just like eating nutritiously and avoiding drugs and alcohol. Choosing to be abstinent can protect you from a pregnancy that is not planned or diseases for which there may be no cure. The skills and strategies you have used today are a good start, but you will need to continue to practice them in order to be confident in your ability to refuse taking risks with your health. 8.ICR.2.2, page 3 Strategies for Refusal 1. Make your decision ahead of time and stick to it. 2. Be firm and assertive about your right to act consistently with your beliefs. 3. Reverse the pressure by asking questions. 4. Cite possible consequences of sexual intercourse. 5. Avoid using alcohol or drugs, which could make it harder to stick to your decision to be abstinent. 6. Make sure body language matches your verbal message. 7. Suggest an alternative that is not risk-taking behavior. 8. Leave the situation if the pressure continues. 8.ICR.2.2, Appendix 1 Abstinence Role-Play #1 Justin and Rachel have been dating for nine months. Justin’s sister invites the couple to her apartment for dinner. Right after they get there, Justin’s sister has to go to the store for a few minutes. Justin and Rachel are sitting on the couch watching TV. They begin to kiss and touch one another. Rachel: Stop. I don’t want you to touch me there. Justin: Just this once. I promise it will feel good. Rachel: Your sister could be back any minute. Justin: The store is twenty minutes away. You know I love you, baby. Rachel: I love you, too, but I don’t think we are ready to have sex. Justin: I know I’m ready. Why aren’t you? Rachel: I could get pregnant or get a sexually transmitted disease. Besides, I want to wait until I’m married to have sex. Justin: I guess you’re right. I never thought of those things. Justin and Rachel didn’t have sex that night. Later they talked more about the consequences of premarital sex and decided that they wouldn’t be ready for sex for a long time. 8.ICR.2.2, Appendix 2 Abstinence Role-Play #2 Samantha is baby-sitting. Her boyfriend Paul comes over to keep her company after the children are asleep. They are sitting on the couch watching TV. Samantha begins kissing and touching Paul. Samantha: Come on, Paul. I really want you. Paul: Samantha: Don’t you think I’m pretty? Paul: Samantha: I don’t understand. All your friends would love to have sex with me, but I want you to be the first. Paul: Samantha: Everybody knows girls can’t get pregnant the first time they have sex. [Or other appropriate response to counter Paul’s answer and keep the pressure on.] Paul: Samantha: I thought that you loved me. This is the way to show me how much you love me. Paul: 8.ICR.2.2, Appendix 3 Abstinence Role-Playing Scenarios A. Dyron & Kiesha: Dyron and Kiesha are at Kiesha’s house working on a project for school. Both of Kiesha’s parents are at work. When the project is finished, Dyron and Kiesha decide to sit on the couch and watch TV. Pretty soon they are messing around and it looks like they are headed for sex. B. Brittany & Josh: Brittany and Josh are at the beach with their parents. The adults go out for the evening and Brittany and Josh are alone in the hotel room. They are both curious about sex. Josh decides they should do it to see what it’s like. C. Kim & Brent: Kim and Brent meet at the park to play basketball. After a while, Brent tells Kim that he knows a place in the park where they can be alone. They find a private place and start kissing and touching. D. Carlos & Selina: Carlos and Selina are at a party with no adults present. Several couples have gone into bedrooms to be alone. Selina really likes Carlos and she asks him to go into one of the bedrooms with her. E. Randy & Kelly: Kelly meets Randy at a football game to watch Randy’s older brother, who plays for the high school team. During the game, Randy asks Kelly to go with him to get something from his brother’s car. When they get to the car, Randy tells her that he really likes her and that this would be a good time for them to be together. 8.ICR.2.2, Appendix 4