REACH HIGHER WASHINGTON Reach Higher Washington strives to provide a space where state agencies, statewide organizations, college access networks, school districts, postsecondary institutions and community-based organizations are able to build strategic alliances surrounding the state’s Reach Higher commitments. WASHINGTON STATE REACH HIGHER COMMITMENT UPDATE COMMITMENTS KEY STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTS Commitment #1 Exposing students to college and career College Bound Scholarship ◦◦ Continued funding of College Bound Scholarship-early college commitments from income-eligible students Mapping College Bound support services ◦◦ Coordinated collaborations with WSAC, OSPI, WCAN, and CSF to map all college readiness support services in the state Commitment #2 Understanding financial aid eligibility that can FAFSA/WASFA support events ◦◦ Continued roll-out of the 12th year campaign via a statewide group of representatives. FAFSA Portal ◦◦ Launched FAFSA Completion Portal to enable districts to track individual student level data on their FAFSA filing status Commitment #3 Encouraging academic planning and summer Early and consistent use of the high school and beyond plan ◦◦ Washington State continues to be proactive in increasing the allocations to districts for school counseling staff in secondary buildings to align with the work of changes in graduation requirements for a career and college ready diploma. opportunities by increasing the number of students in Washington state who participate in college and career readiness activities. make college affordability a reality by increasing Washington state FAFSA/WASFA completion rates. learning opportunities by increasing early adoption of the High School and Beyond Plan in Washington state. ◦◦ A multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) has been promoted as a way to effectively, efficiently and equitably respond to students not progressing towards graduation when identified through an early warning system. The High School and Beyond Plan is a graduation requirement for all students in WA State. The WA State Board of Education has identified a high quality HSBP as starting in 8th grade, is revisited each year along with transcript review, and involves parents. Basic elements include identifying education goals, career goals through a career interest assessment, and four-year plan, that leads to a meaningful postsecondary plan. Commitment #4 Supporting high school counselors who can help more students get into college by expanding and enhancing professional training on college and career readiness in Washington state. Implementation of a College and Career Readiness Training Program ◦◦ College and Career Readiness (CCR) training program for counselors and college access providers using SREB/Go Alliance training modules Creation and execution of a Professional Development Needs Assessment Survey ◦◦ Professional Development Needs Assessment Survey completed; CSF completed final report for CCR Advisory Committee (high interest in CCR training and facilitation opportunities, based on feedback from ~ 500 respondents)