CESVI’s INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Brief description of the organization Consultant CESVI is a humanitarian foundation, global, independent and non-profit participation. Founded in 1985 with headquarters in the city of Bergamo, Italy. We are in the 5 continents working for global solidarity and the ideal of social justice as a tool to assert the universal rights of all men and thus promote interaction between North and South. Every year CESVI published the extract of the certificate balance by PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA. For transparency CESVI in 2000 and 2010 received the Oscar Balance. LINE WORK IN PERU CESVI in Peru began operations in 1989 in the area of Environment. In these 27 years of activities he has defined its strategy work on three major themes: Sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection in order to improve the living conditions of forest users, ensuring the management and conservation of ecosystems. The topics of intervention are: integrated forest management, contribute to the sustainable development of Peru in a context of climate change, market access under favorable conditions and strengthen local capacities and institutions for efficient management of natural resources. comprehensive development of children and women at risk; Social Business through the creation of social enterprises and inclusive business experiences. Both realities are economic enterprises competing in the market to obtain benefits for low-income people at a disadvantage by providing training opportunities, employment and participation in value generation chains. CESVI Peru has different donors: European Union, Italian Cooperation, Municipality of Milan, FIP (Fondo Italo Peruano), IDB (Interamerican Development Bank) Cariplo Foundation, AVINA Foundation, Mediafriends, HIVOS, IBIS, Welthungerhilfe and other private donors. Cesvi comprises a six European NGOs Network Alliance 2015: Concern Kildare Ireland, Welthungerhilfe Germany, Hivos -Holland, ACTED France, People in Need Foundation and the Czech Republic HELVETAS Swiss Inter-cooperation - Switzerland. Summary of recent experience (3 years) Consultant that is more relevant to the job SuperA Peru: Promotion of certified export Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS the Super Foods quinoa and Brazil nut Objective is strengthening the value chains of quinoa and Brazil nut concerted with sustainable economic development. November 2014 - ongoing Among various task done, up to date we mentioned the main ones: Partners: DEVCO - European Union Regions of Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, and Madre de Dios. CAMEX - Peruvian Chamber of Foreign Trade; € 1,092,474.00 CAMEX - Peruvian Chamber of Foreign Trade; The ability to associate qualitative and sustainable production is enhanced for producers Brazil nut. Workshops and training for reconsideration of the vision and mission of the Associations of Producers, making a reality in the management structure and services for its partners (Strategic plans, annual operating plans, etc.) Introduction of innovative production techniques and sustainable management. Management clonal genes selected banks Brazil nut and vegetative propagated by grafting in collaboration with the IIAP. Installing plantation plots with each association. Development of business plans for public programs and competitive fund (AGROIDEAS, MINAM-CAF, etc.) With the Forest Conservation Program and Climate Change Ministry of Environment and other NGOs has managed recruitment of the native communities of Palma Real, Sonene, Boca Pariamanu and Port Arthur through AFIMAD Mechanism Conditional Agreement Transfers (TDC-Transferencias Directas Condicionadas) The ability to link to international markets actors of Brazil nut supply chains is increased, with a focus on organic and fair trade certification Training Brazil nut producers’ organizations in negotiation techniques, marketing and commercialization. Analysis, processing, transfer and process monitoring traceability and internal quality control associations of Brazil nut producers. Consortium CTM Altromercato Service concept: project implementation Technical and financial support for the production and management of organic and fair trade certifications. Technical support in finding and negotiating better contracts and commercial channels for marketing and export. Production of promotional marketing material for producer associations of Brazil nut producers. Coordination and synergies between publicprivate actors in the Brazil nut supply chains services are strengthened. Concerted development of instruments for promoting productive chains and replication of good practices (legal and public support mechanisms) Revitalization, strengthening of the Brazil nut technical table and formalization with the Regional Executive Resolution No. 7782015-GOREMAD / GR. Reactivation COREPO supported the Madre de Dios Gov. and participation in the Canapo (National Council of Organic Products). Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru Brandi Gatica Ventura - Brazil nutcoordinator Jacopo Queen - Coordinator quínoa Paul Frank Martinez Bar - GIS analyst Sandro Rengifo Cardenas – forester Participative Territorial Management in the cross – boundary area of Madre de Dios, Peru and Pando - Bolivia It has generated Territorial Management Processes inclusive and co-managed between civil society and the state, in the regions of Madre de Dios and Pando. Among the various work done to date we mentioned the main ones : Grassroots organizations strengthened for negotiation and advocacy in the context of local, regional, national and international territorial management, including basic expectations. National Forest and Wildlife Policy. The necessary support to producers came to give proposals for the document and respective approval Proposed Regulation of Forest and Fauna law. Proposal by the Provincial Municipality of Tahuamanu on funds that should enter the Municipality in respect of forestry fee Consolidated local and participatory mechanisms for the coordination of public policies proposed in decentralized governments. Support in updating Instruments Local Environmental Management of the municipality of Tambopata Macro regional approach defined territorial management involving grassroots organizations and local governments February 2010 - Mar 2014 Analysis of environmental partner transboundary issues. Workshop actors to Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS European Union Peru - Region Madre de Dios and Tambopata and Tahuamanu Provinces; Iñapari districts, Iberia, Tahuamanu, and Tambopata Bolivia - Pando Department; municipalities of Bolpebra, Puerto Rico, Cobija, Porvenir and Filadelfia. Local counterparts: Sustainable Rural Development (NBI), Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), Center for Research and Promotion Campesina (CIPA) 998.134 Euros Service concept: project implementation arrange inter proposals on cross - border issues in each country. Mini workshops for consultation on transboundary MAP topics covered in the bilateral (Peru-Bolivia). Participatory monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of democratic instruments and governance. Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru Brandi Gatica Ventura - MDD coordinator and forester Marco Antonio Albornoz - Bolivia coordinator Yatto Omar Gonzales - Forestry Technician A comprehensive community-based forestry management in Loreto Strengthening capacities of indigenous and riverine communities for sustainable and integrated use of forests in the Amazon basin and Tiger - Loreto The lines of intervention are: i) To strengthen community organization with planning instruments, ii) Improving the participation of women in decision-making and use of forests, and iii) improving knowledge and management skills adequate natural products (different forest to timber). Name of Key professionals: November 2010 February 2013 Haidé Suarez(coordinator) Melisa Luyo(specialist) FIP - Italo-Peruano Fundo, HIVOS, Welthungerhilfe(German Agro Joint Action on) Apayacu communities (Amazon river basin), July 28, Alfonso Ugarte, St. Mary of 2,551,010 Providence Santa Elena, soles Bethlehem and Sargento Lores (TC (Tigre River Basin) 3soles/Dolar. PEBES District and El Tigre, Approx US $ Loreto Region, Peru 850.337.) Service concept: Project Implementation Pérez Jorge Campos(specialist) REDD+ and sustainable management for the Conservation Program of two Biosphere Reserves in the Amazon Basin (Peru and Ecuador) by reducing CO2 emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Objective: To promote sustainable management of the forest buffer zones of protected areas of Manu (Peru), through mechanisms reducing CO2 emissions from deforestation and degradation and strengthening the capacities of local development actors. Among the various works done mention the main ones: Development of the baseline for the years 2004, 2010 and 2013 illustrating the historical deforestation in the buffer zone Manu-Amaraekeri corridor. It has been identified deforestation and changes in land use A land -use planning by several owners of private farms, peasant and indigenous communities (zoning, forest surveys, phenological trails, etc.). Identified the main conservation values and proposals developed system uses to ensure their conservation and reflects the owner's expectations or community. Consolidation of the agroforestry practices and forest enrichment with native forest species Jan 2011 - Jan 2016 Collaboration with the Forest Conservation Program MINAM affiliated four native Welthungerhilfe(German Agro Joint Action on), HIVOS, DRIS (Sustainable Rural Development), FEPP Welthungerhilfe(German Agro Joint Action on), HIVOS, DRIS (Sustainable Rural Development), FEPP Buffer zones of the Manu Biosphere Reserve between the departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios, Peru. Member consortium partner: Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action), HIVOS, CESVI, FEPP 482.747 euros Service concept: project implementation communities (awareness workshops, zoning, investment plan, etc.) and entered the Conditional Mechanism Transfers - TDC Model of sustainable forest management. General Forest Management Plan Consolidated (PGMFC). Instrument that allows prioritize activities combining communal and individual interests, profitability, viability and availability of resources. The General Forest Management Plan is based Consolidated identifying the characteristics and situation of each of the properties and defines the objectives online. It includes an economic analysis where costs and possible gains as well as the functions of each of the owners of the land within the productive chain of consolidated management are identified. In the PGMFC must include: the objectives of forest management, the description of how management that will give the forest, silvicultural information on the species of interest and potential mitigation measures and monitoring the impact of activities forest management and economic and financial evaluation of forestry. The model has great potential for replicability in the Peruvian Amazon and other tropical forests and non - timber concessions (Brazil nut). Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru Gustavo Solano - Peru-Ecuador Binational Coordinator Francesca Calamita - coordinator Paul Frank Martinez Bar - GIS analyst Brandi Gatica Ventura - forester and systematization Rimarachin Giannina - systematization Andrea Calderon-Urquizo Carbonel – systematization Supporting Native Communities in sustainable natural resources management in the regions of Madre de Dios and Pando (Peru - Bolivia) Multi-sectoral actions for the protection of biodiversity in the Amazon jungle in the region of Madre de Dios and Pando and the development of the collection and processing of Brazil nut. Among the various works done mention the main ones: Technical Assistance to the Forest Management Committee in implementing pilot projects to fulfill its role in land management. Guidelines for establishing the amount of DA to distribute to CGB Mother of God. Making the first festival Brazil nut, proposal for Regional Ordinance Brazil nut Festival could finalize the adoption on 13 March 2013 (REGIONAL ORDINANCE No. 0052013-RMDD / CR). This festival Brazil nut is institutionalized. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS The proposed amendment of the Single Text of Administrative Procedures of the Regional Forestry and Wildlife (TUPAs) for non -timber products - Brazil nut . April 2012 July 2014 Local Counterpart: Key professionals: Municipality of Milano Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru Madre de Dios (Peru) and Pando (Bolivia) 190,000 EUR DRIS (Sustainable Rural Development), CGB (Forest Management Committee), CIPOAP (Central Indigenous and Native Peoples of Pando) Brandi Gatica Ventura - MDD coordinator and forester Marco Antonio Albornoz - Bolivia coordinator Yatto Omar Gonzales - Forestry Technician Project Support Program REDD + (reduction ng CO2 Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) The project support has helped to define the progress of activities of Peru component of REDD + program. The information collected has allowed to determine the needs and to take corrective action to allow better planning of work to be done. Name of Key professionals: June 2013 - Davide Bellini - Manager Dec 2015 Claudio Proietti - Consultant Welthungerhilfe(German Agro Joint Action ng) Peru (Cuzco and regions Madre de Dios) € 50,000.00 Service concept: implementaci ng project and monitoring $ 35,000 Service concept: implementaci ng project Service contract to carry out the activities of collection points in the field of biophysical and socioeconomic data on a site Centinela Landscape in Bolivia (Pando) according to IFRI protocols and LDSF October 2014 December 2015 The aim of the project is coordination, lead and execute in parallel collection activities in the field of biophysical and socioeconomic data of one site: Landscape Sentinel in Bolivia (Pando) according to IFRI and LDSF protocols under the supervision of ICRAF. Activities: • To coordinate and lead the fieldwork for ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) Bolivia - Pando the collection of biophysical and socioeconomic data • Compiling georeferenced information based on layers and themes for the areas of study • Monitor the correct survey of biophysical and socioeconomic information applying the LDSF and IFRI protocols • Develop a final report of the fieldwork Key professionals: Marco Antonio Albornoz - Bolivia coordinator Paul Frank Martinez Bar - GIS analyst Creation of an integrated regional system of protected areas, indigenous lands and forest lands for systemic sustainable management of the Bolivian Amazon. The specific objectives were to strengthen institutional capacities for decision-making for supporting sustainable land management and promoting a natural resources management model at national and interregional levels. Name of key Professionals: Davide Bellini -Director Sep 2008 - avr 2014 Dec 2013 ongoing Elena Cipollini - Coordinator MAE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Paul Frank Martinez - GIS analyst Bolivia Increased environmental sustainability, climate change resilience and improvement of quality on life of vulnerable communities in the Limpopo province through development of European Commission South Africa € 1,236,773 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS € 1,881,616 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS sustainable ecotourism. The specific objective was to improve capacities of the existing route of African Ivory (AIR) and partnerships development between public and private actors to support sustainable natural resource management and development of ecotourism. Results: - Increased capacity of communities for sustainable management of natural resources and livelihood opportunities through ecotourism; - Increased capacity of local authorities, communities and ecotourism stakeholders for planning and managing the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner. - Improved operational capacity of AIR in delivering environmental benefits and livelihoods through sustainable ecotourism A - Organization Consultant Environment program The main lines of the Environment program CESVI focus on: 1. Promoting sustainable development through the use of natural resources 2. Strengthen local capacities and institutions for efficient management of natural resources 3. Promoting policies and positive incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation 1. Promotion or sustainable development through the use of natural resources The objective of this line is to improve the living conditions of forest inhabitants to ensure management and conservation of ecosystems. This implies that the proposals must ensure profitability of the activity, the permanence of the resource in time and generation of benefits for the populations involved. During the intervention, is intended that beneficiaries involved are co-responsible in every action carried out, so funding continue once the project ended up. This component is considered as areas of interest: Integrated management of forests, under a long - term approach and application of sustainable techniques and low impact. It is planned to start an analysis based on a territorial approach, and then implement various complementary productive activities. The proposals also seek for informal practices and renewed techniques, opting for the recovery of ecosystems and replenishments. It starts from subsistence activities to business activities. Market access under favorable conditions working according to market demand and applying tools specific market (organic certification, forestry, source from another). The aim is to strengthen the capacities of the different actors involved in the production and make this more equitable and competitive chains. Also improve market access for producers and help these establish relationships with buyers ensuring product quality and quantity and on time. Generating social responsibility in companies through partnering with the target group is one of the points developed. 2. Strengthen local capacities and institutions for management and efficient use of natural resources Strengthening institutions and building proactive capacities of civil society. CESVI aims to strengthen various spaces for concertation at local, regional and national levels to influence on sustainable development policies and regulatory aspects. On the other hand, CESVI is interested in enhance capabilities of exchange learning and information to start building consensus and agreements that lead to a more efficient and effective experiences in specific fields. In the case of government agencies also it is a priority in decentralization processes, appropriate to build and assemble tools for time management. So the contribution to strengthening regional governments is a priority. Actors who are strengthened are multi-actor spaces, which are related to environmental issues. Those could be formal or established by needs of whom are involved. The Forest Management Committees, Management Committees of Protected Areas, thematic roundtables and tables for fighting poverty are the spaces to implement this line of action. The intervention mechanism is usually through specific projects or as components of others projects. The areas of interest are: Rights, access and use of natural resources Support for the process of decentralization and/or deconcentrating Strengthening governmental institutions 3. Promotion of policies and incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation to support conservation of existing carbon stocks in the forests, sustainable forestry management and to increase carbon stocks of forests in Peru. In recent years they have implemented models to halt the advance of deforestation and degradation of tropical forests through integrated management that increase efficiency of the territory with a holistic view, valorizing the forest to make it more competitive. It is intended that the performance of each of the strata identified (forest conservation, forestry management, agriculture, public use, other uses) is maximized. Micro-zoning and management plans (in communities, concessions and a set of properties) as well as economically sustainable activities such as organic farming, agroforestry, forest management, experiential tourism, and others are considered for rural development. It has built referential scenarios of interest in some areas of Peru that could help in the development of regional and national environmental policies. GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF INTERVENTION CESVI is currently working in three geographic areas of the country: Metropolitan Lima Madre de Dios Region Regions of Ayacucho and Apurimac CESVI decentralized offices are located in the Amazon, city of Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios) and in Ayacucho. It contributes to on-site optimization of actions on issues related to environment and rural development. Also it allows direct contact with local partners in benefit of better project implementation. Our local counterparts and partners are: Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP), the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA), the National Conservation Program Forests for Climate Change and Mitigation Programme, Budget Support EURO ECO TRADE-Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, DIRCETUR Madre de Dios and Ayacucho provincial Municipalities of Tambopata, Tahuamanu and Manu. Also the Management Committees of forests of Madre de Dios, the Management Committee of the Tambopata Reserve, the Peruvian Society for Environmental law, the Regional Commonwealth of the Andes, among others. B – CONSULTING EXPERIENCE Some more relevant and related jobs for which the Consultant was legally contracted as a company Duration Job name / brief description on of the major deliverables / results Project: "Sustainable management of forestall resources in the province of Tahuamanu" Nov. 2002 oct.2008 Contributing to the conservation of the forestall ecosystem in the Madre de Dios region in benefit and economic development of local communities. Supporting Customer Name and Country Approximate Contract Value (e n US $ or EURO) /Amount paid on signature Functions and Partners European Union ng Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Iñapari districts (timber) and Iberia (Brazil nut) of the province Local counterparts: Tahuamanu Region Madre de Dios (Peru) INRENA and ProNaturaleza 999.860 euros Service concept: project implementation the implementation of the new forestry law 27308 in the Tahuamanu province through the adoption of valuation models, forestall resources management. Name of Key Professionals: Coordinator: Nelson Melendez Ascaño Maura Musci Specialists: Brandi Gatica, Nelson Kroll, Elialdo Motta, Quispe Santos, Jorge Rodriguez, Omar Yatto, César Huisa, Tito Martinez, Abel Castro Comprehensive program for the sustainable management of camucamu Improved incomes of farming families through the integrated management of the camucamu supply chain. May 2004 Nov.2009 It includes increased production of forest stands and plantations by applying suitable agroecological technologies, as well as management of associated crops and strengthening committees of producers. Welthungerhilfe(German Agro Action) area of intervention 4 communities Tigre River basin, five villages of the Napo basin and 2 villages of the Amazon River basin, corresponding to the province of Maynas and Loreto Department of Loreto. Peru Member consortium partner: Welthungerhilfe, CESVI and CEDECAM 1,164,084 euros Service concept: implementation of some project activities Name of Key Professionals: Coordinator: John Torres Saavedra Specialists: Fernando Voter Poverty reduction through the management and production of fishery resources in the upper basin of the Itaya River Loreto Construction of 6 aquaculture structures (fish farms) Strengthening communities in management. Commercialization of surpluses, articulation with markets and facilitation of marketing. Name of Key Professionals: Italo Peruano Fund - FIP Coordinator: Elizabeth Lozano In Cahuide, October 12, Meliton Carbajal, Luz del Oriente, January 28 and Villa Bethlehem communities. Specialists: Jasmin Diomar Eyner Hidalgo Peso Ruiz Gonzales. July 2005 jun.2009 Local counterparts: Gladys Panduro Mendoza Alto Itaya, District of San Juan Bautista, Maynas Province, Department of Alex Vasquez Da Cruz Loreto. Peru (TC 3: 1 approx US $ 659.335.) Strengthening sustainable forest management in the Amazonian territories of World Wildlife Fund WWF 347.652 euros Dorila Muñoz Burga December 2004 - jul.2008 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS 1 '978,006.41 Suns Pronaturaleza IIAP Service concept: project implementation Member consortium partner: WWF, AIDESEP, FENAMAD, IBIS and the indigenous communities of Peru. Promote land use planning, and sustainable management of forest resources in 5 indigenous communities according to their sociocultural reality. Promotion of sustainable forest management and organic certification of Brazil nuts (castaña) in the indigenous territories. Forest management that takes into account the various forestall products. Tahuamanu province and Tambopata in Madre de Dios region. Peru CESVI Service concept: implementation of project activities in Madre de Dios Name of Key Professionals: Coordinator: Cesar Huisa Specialists: Adrian Palomino Shock Jorge Rodriguez Baca Omar Gonzales Yatto Brandi Gatica Ventura Quispe Santos Soria EU Block Grant (8 micro projects) February 2006 March 2009 Consolidation of jobs through training in aquaculture in the provinces of Maynas and Loreto. Supporting the development of supply Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS European Union ng Local counterparts: Regions of Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Arequipa and Cusco. TReeS PERU; DRIS; GIVE; ACCA;INFANT; IPAE, 1,089,993 euros Service concept: project chainvof beans, timber products and uña de gato in the Ashaninka and Matshiguenga Kimbiri native communities. To promote ecotourism activities with agricultural and extractive producers in the town of Tambopata. Brazil nut use under entrepreneurial approach in the town of Tahuamanu and others towns) implementation Name of Key Professionals: coordinators: John Torres Saavedra Elizabeth Lozano Cesar Huisa Integral project evaluation of the project "Management of Natural Resources in the basins of the Pastaza and Morona rivers" May 2006 December 2006 Service concept: Name of Key Professionals: PROFONANPE Roberta Medeiros Lossio Regions of Loreto.Peru 42,700 American Dolores Project Evaluation Partner: BIOTA Pilot Project Marathon Business December 2006 - December 2009 Supporting training of 60 innovative and competitive companies by developing entrepreneurial and managerial skills of students, graduates or Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Lombardia Region 8 regions: Lima, Loreto, Arequipa, Puno, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Junin and Tacna. Peru Local counterparts: 297.220 euros Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion graduates of community colleges, vocational education center, and universities. Providing resources needed for operationalize new companies. Training in developing business plans and development workshops. To provide technical assistance and advice for Business Plans implementation. of Name of Key Professionals: Coordinator, Claudio Marmo Strengthening of the model for employment generation based on social enterprises Formulating business plans, ranging from environmental analysis, market research, strategic planning, marketing plan, business plan, organization and human resources, accounting and finance, and social responsibility plans. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Name of Key Professionals: December 2007 - November 2011 Ricardo Peralta Guerrero Specialists: Local counterparts: Bank: CARIPLO Lima, Callao, Arequipa and Loreto. Peru 90,000 euros PROMOTION OF SOLIDARITY INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT - INPET Fanny Flores Caceres technical coordinator in training young Ida Sanchez Cangahuala technical coordinator in social marketing. Ruth Caceres Farfan Assistant employment Deysi Rodriguez Llamoca Assistant training. Strengthening of the model for employment generation based on social enterprises Training, strengthening and managing social enterprises which also have an analysis of the business environment and market, through: Generation of new business ideas. Creation of new social enterprises. Diagnosis of existent social enterprises. Name of Key Professionals: Ricardo Peralta Guerrero December 2007 - November 2011 Specialists: Fanny Flores Caceres technical coordinator in IDB - MIF Lima, Callao, Arequipa and Loreto. Peru American 1,820,000.00 Dolores Service concept: project implementation training young Ida Sanchez Cangahuala technical coordinator in social marketing. Ruth Caceres Farfan Assistant employment Deysi Rodriguez Llamoca Assistant training. Generation of employment through the implementation of production plans for aquaculture production centers, for the production of quality fish and healthy and sustainable management of biodiversity in the axis of the Iquitos-Nauta road and the Itaya riverDepartment of Loreto Increased capacities of planning, production management and commercial and associative skills, fostering entrepreneurial initiatives in aqua-culturists partners. Aquaculture Productive Nucleo (NPA) in the Iquitos -Nauta road and the Alto Itaya Basin. gene 2008 July 2009 Name of Key Professionals: Coordinator Regional Government of Loreto Province of Maynas, District of San Juan Bautista, in the Villa Good Shepherd communities, San Carlos, El Dorado and Cahuide, along the Iquitos-Nauta Highway. Loreto region. Peru 203.840 Suns (TC 3: 1 approx US $ 67.946.) Service concept: Technical assistance Ricardo Peralta Guerrero Implementing activities for integral development and sustainable use of camu camu in selectedhydrografic basins. Improved sustainably of the income of the families that produce camu-camu in the selected watersheds of the department of Loreto, where almost half the population lives in extreme poverty, through integrated management of their supply chains. gene 2008 July 2009 Name of Key Professionals: John Torres Saavedra GTZ - cooperationng German 4 Communities of Tigre River basin 5 villages of the Napo basin and 2 villages of the Amazon River Basin, corresponding to the province of Maynas and Loreto - Loreto. Peru 89.975 suns (TC 3: 1 approx US $ 29.991.) Consultancy and technical assistance Partiemprende Promocion of social and economic development of young people in the area south of Lima April 2009 February 2013 PARTIEMPRENDE aims to provide opportunities in education, training and professional adolescents and young field to promote their involvement in the process of social and economic development of their communities, through the following components: Entrepreneurial culture, youth citizen participation Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS MAE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Villa El Salvador, Villa Maria del Triunfo and San Juan de Miraflores in Lima - Peru. Local counterparts: PROMOTION OF SOLIDARITY INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT - INPET 1,716,070 euros Service concept: project implementation and youth entrepreneurship. The courses were conducted with an innovative methodology called ERCA (experience, reflection, conceptualization and application) that is based on a constructivist approach that includes development of entrepreneurial attitudes in young people. Coordinator Benjamin Percy Morales Andia. Specialist information system. Jesus Arriaga Herrera Punchi Warmi - Capacity Building for the exercise of citizenship and development of women’s grassroots organizations in the district of San Juan Bautista Jan 2010 December 2011 i) Empowering women in their basic rights; ii) To strengthen the partnership and organization; iii) To strengthen the institutional capacity of local governments to ensure implementation of gender policies and support for women. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Local counterparts: HIVOS (Netherlands) San Juan Bautista District, Maynas province, Loreto Region. Peru MINGA PERU, SAN JUAN BAUTISTA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 220.955 euros Service concept: project implementation name of Key Professionals: Coordinator Carlin Santander Torres Territorial participatory management in the border area of Madre de Dios, Peru and Pando Bolivia Generation of Territorial Management Processes with inclusive and comanaged approach between civil society and the government in Madre de Dios and Pando. Among the various activities implemented are mentioned: the realization of the First Festival of the Amazon Brazil nut with the collaboration of various public and private institutions. Regional Ordinance No. 005-2013RMDD / CR and strengthening the Management Committee Muymanu Manuripe River Forest. Name of Key Professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru February 2010 Mar 2014 Brandi Gatica Ventura MDD coordinator and forester Uni European ng Peru - Region Madre de Dios and Tambopata Tahuamanu Provinces; Iñapari districts, Iberia, Tahuamanu, Tambopata Bolivia - Pando Department;Bolpebra municipalities, Puerto Rico, Cobija, Porvenir and Filadelfia. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Local counterparts: Sustainable Rural Development (NBI), Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), Center for Research and Peasants Promotion (CIPA) 998.134 euros Service concept: project implementation Marco Antonio Albornoz Bolivia coordinator Yatto Omar Gonzales Forestry Technician Integral management communal forest in Loreto - Strengthening capacities of indigenous and riverine communities for sustainable and integrated use of forests in the Amazon and Tiger basins – Loreto, Peru The lines of intervention were: i) To strengthen community organization with planning instruments, ii) Improving the participation of women in decision-making and use of forests, and iii) improving knowledge and management skills for natural resource management (non-timber forest products). Name of Key Professionals: Suarez Haidé -Coordinator November 2010 - February 2013 - Specialists: Melisa Luyo and FIP - Italo-Peruano Fundo, HIVOS, Welthungerhilfe (Agro Joint ActionGerman ON) Apayacu communities (Amazon river basin), July 28, Alfonso Ugarte, St. Mary of Providence Santa Elena, Bethlehem and Sargento Lores (Tigre River Basin) Jorge Campos Perez PEBES District and El Tigre, Loreto Region, Peru REDD+ program and Sustainable Conservation management of two biosphere reserves in the Welthungerhilfe (Agro Joint Action of Germany on), HIVOS, DRIS (Sustainable Rural S /. 2,551,010 soles (TC 3: 1 approx US $ 850.337.) Service concept: project implementation 482.747 euros Welthungerhilfe (Agro Joint Action of Germany on), HIVOS, DRIS (Sustainable Rural Development), FEPP Amazon Basin (Peru and Ecuador) by reducing CO2 emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Creating a mechanism for Reducing Emissions of CO2 from deforestation and degradation. Using productive sustainable management of natural resources through forestry, agriculture and commercial management alternatives. Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru Gustavo Solano - PeruEcuador Binational Coordinator Francesca Calamita coordinator Paul Frank Martinez Bar GIS analyst Brandi Gatica Ventura forester and systematization Rimarachin Giannina systematization Andrea Calderon-Urquizo Carbonel - systematization Development), FEPP Member consortium partner: Buffer zones of the Manu Biosphere Reserve between the departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios, Peru. Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action), HIVOS, CESVI, FEPP Service concept: project implementation To support native communities in Natural Resources Management in the regions of Madre de Dios and Pando (Peru Bolivia) Multi-sectorial actions for protection of biodiversity in the Amazon region of Madre de Dios and Pando, and collection and processing of Brazil nut. At the end of the project, there were two bill proposals (one per country) for the conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Three proposals have been approved by local authorities on management and promotion of the Brazil nut. In local communities, at the end of the project, members of the Forest Management Committee and leaders of peasant organizations have acquired skills in management and control procedures for monitoring their natural resources. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Local Counterpart: Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru In April 2012July 2014 Brandi Gatica Ventura MDD coordinator and Municipality of Milano Madre de Dios (Peru) and Pando (Bolivia) 190,000 EUR DRIS (Sustainable Rural Development), CGB (Forest Management Committee), CIPOAP (Central of Indigenous Peoples of Pando) forester Marco Antonio Albornoz Bolivia coordinator Yatto Omar Gonzales Forestry Technician Jornada Operation- Oil in the Amazon jungle Name of Key Professionals: November 2012 December 2014 Luis Alberto Tulumba Villacrez - Coordinator IBIS (Denmark) Peru - Iquitos USD 34.882 Service concept: Technical and administrative assistance € 50,000.00 Service concept: project implementation Supporting the REDD+ Program (reduction of CO2 Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus) June 2013 Dec 2015 The supported project helped to define the progress of activities of Peru’s component of the program "Sustainable management for conservation of two biosphere reserves in the Amazon Basin (Peru and Ecuador) by reducing CO2 emissions from Deforestation and Degradation forests REDD+.. The collected information collected allowed to determine the needs and to take corrective action to allow better planning of work to be done. Welthungerhilfe (Agro Joint Actionng German) Peru (Cuzco and regions Madre de Dios) Name of Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Manager Claudio Proietti Consultant SuperA Per ú: Promotion of certified export of the Super Foods quinoa and Brazil nut. The specific objective is to strengthen the supply chains of quinoa and Brazil nut, in order to achieve sustainable economic development. - Strengthen the capacity of associated qualitative and sustainable production of Brazil nut and quinoa; Increase the capacity of joint international markets and Brazil nut and quinoa supply chain’s actors. Strengthen coordination and synergies between public-private actors in the Brazil nut and quinoa supply chains. Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Partners: Key professionals: Davide Bellini - Legal Representative CESVI Peru November 2014 - ongoing Brandi Gatica Ventura Brazil nutcoordinator Jacopo Queen - CAMEX - Peruvian Chamber of Foreign Trade; DEVCO - European Union Regions of Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Madre de Dios, Peru CAMEX - Peruvian Chamber of Foreign Trade; € 1,092,474.00 Consorzio CTM Altromercato Coordinator quínoa Paul Frank Martinez Bar GIS analyst Sandro Rengifo Cardenas – forester Service contract to carry out field activities collecting biophysical and socioeconomic data of Centinela Landscape site in Bolivia (Pando) according to IFRI and LDSF protocols The project aims to coordinate, lead and execute in parallel collection activities in the field of biophysical and socioeconomic data on one site Landscape Sentinel in Bolivia under the supervision of the ICRAF. Activities: - Coordinate and lead the fieldwork for the collection of biophysical and socioeconomic data - Compiling information georeferenced base -layers and themes- of the study area October 2014 Dec 2015 - Monitoring the accuracy of biophysical and socioeconomic surveys information applying the ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) Bolivia - Pando $ 35,000 Service concept: project implementation LDSF and IFRI protocols - Develop a final report of the whole fieldwork Key professionals: Marco Antonio Albornoz Bolivia coordinator Paul Frank Martinez Bar GIS analyst Promotion of sustainable use of natural resources in the Brazilian Amazon The project objective is to implement a conservation strategy for forestry sustainable management. The project strengthens connections between Brazil and Bolivia Peru to support the policy coordination for production and marketing of forestall resources. 2007 - 2010 At the end of the project, 10% of forest area in the Acre river basin is under sustainable management. MAE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil € 509,271.00 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS € 601,608.00 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Increased individual income and Spitamen and Ghanchi districts, through development of small agricultural supply chains May 2009 - Dec 2010 The project aims to improve livelihoods of rural population through developing small Uni European ng Tajikistan - Sughd region agricultural supply chains. Results: - Two local agricultural extension institutions are strengthened in their technical capacity - The quantity and quality of agricultural production of important products had increased - Beneficiaries increased access to new markets Integrated management of natural resources in Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP). October 2007 Sept 2011 Objective: Improving the life conditions of the Skardu and Ganache population, through promoting CKNP environment and preserving biodiversity. MAE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan € 2,075,542 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS € 1,236,773 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS Creation of an integrated regional system of protected areas, indigenous lands and forest lands for the systemic sustainable management in the Bolivian Amazon Sept 2008 - Abr 2014 The specific objectives were to strengthen the institutional capacities for launching a decision- MAE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bolivia making system for supporting sustainable land management and promote a model of systematic management of natural resources at national and interregional levels. Name of Key Professionals: Davide Bellini -Director Elena Cipollini Coordinator Paul Frank Martinez Bar GIS analyst Increased environmental sustainability, climate change resilience and improved quality of life of vulnerable communities in the Limpopo province, through development of sustainable ecotourism The specific objective is to improve the capacity of the existing route of African ivory (AIR), partnerships between public and private actors (PCB) to support sustainable management of natural resources and the development of ecotourism. Results: Dec 2013 ongoing - Increased capacity of communities for sustainable management European Commission South Africa € 1,881,616 Leader of the proposal: CESVI FONDAZIONE ONLUS of natural resources and livelihood opportunities of ecotourism. - Increased management capacity -to plan and to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner- of local authorities, communities and ecotourism stakeholders. - Improved operational capacity of AIR in delivering environmental benefits and livelihoods of sustainable ecotourism activities. List of all jobs for which the CESVI has been legally hired as company: Projects managed in 2014 : 133 projects for a total amount of 21,105,500 euros, in 25 countries of intervention Local staff in 2014: 497 people Expatriate staff: 39 people In accompanying balance CESVI mission of 2014 (see page Pages from 34-39)