Small-Signal Analysis of the Constant Peak Current-Operated Flyback Converter in Frequency Foldback Christophe Basso 1 • Chris Basso Reducing the Switching Frequency New generation controllers reduce frequency in light load The peak current is frozen and frequency is controlled The relationship between vˆout and iˆp is known at constant Fsw What about the relationship linking vˆout to Fˆsw at Ipeak constant? 2 • Chris Basso Where do We Start From? We have a DCM peak-current mode control large-signal model The PWM switch controls the peak current at a fixed Fsw Why not fixing the peak current and controlling Fsw? a dI c c ∆I L 2 Vc Ri a c (1 − D ) Vc Ri ton FSW I c 2 LFSW p p Fsw constant I peak constant Vout Fˆsw iˆp The peak current is frozen and the frequency is controlled 3 • Chris Basso A Transient Load Step Response First We can check the cycle-by-cycle response to a load step C11 680p R18 80 30 Rprim 0.5 i nt 15 L3 2.2u R5 10m 12 Vout Vout 19 D2A mbr20200ctp vdd ILprim 3 Lpri m 600u V6 5 vdd X4 XFMR-AUX RATIO_POW = -0.25 RATIO_AUX = -0.18 R13 20k VDS VCO maxdc FB vdd 26 D Q Clk Q Cout1 470u IC = 18 C7 100u IC = 18 X8 PSW1 paramete rs Load step Vout=19 P1=15 P2=20 Vout 14 X3 PSW1 Qb X9 F_FLOP Ramp Gnd Vclk IOpto X10 OR2 V5 Vsense 11 10 ramp Rled 1k FB VFB R 36 vdd C5 1nF V4 unknown 20 6 S Clk EN 32 Vcc C6 10u IC = 17 Vdrv maxDC FB R7 250m R1=Vout^2/P1 R2=Vout^2/P2 X1 krakenclock Krake n Clock Resr1 60m 31 aux D4 1N4937 4 Vin 330 R19 10 R10 1k 34 1 5 R2 0.8 X2 Optocoupler R1 1k 35 maxdc C4 220pF X11 COMPARHYS 9 - + D3 1N967 33 V7 1 Cycle by cycle model 4 • Chris Basso Fsw = 51 kHz A Transient Load Step Response First And compare it to that of a modified PWM switch model B1 Voltage 5.09V -82.9V R5 10m L1 2.2u 20.7V vout Vout 19 20.7V c Vin 330 -622m+V(Vc)*1.58 X3 XFMR RATIO = -250m p X2 PWMDCMCM PWM switch CM duty-cycle Fsw 0V 5 a 115m V vc 10 3 20.7V 12 Resr1 60m R7 250m 21 20.7V 330V 20.7V 4 V4 unknown 20 15 L3 600u Cout1 470u C7 100u parameters X8 PSW1 Load step vout Vout=19 P1=15 P2=20 V2 5 C5 1nF R1=Vout^2/P1 R2=Vout^2/P2 13 R4 20k R6 1 vc Rled 1k 5.00V 2 3.61V 3.61V 19.4V 1 X1 Optocoupler R1 1k * .param {Vc}=1 Current frozen to 1 Rsense * Bdc dcx 0 V = {Vc}*V(Fsw)*10k/({Se}+(abs(v(a,c))*{Ri})/{L}+1u) Xdc dcx dc limit params: clampH=0.99 clampL=7m BVcp 6 p V=(V(dc)/(V(dc)+V(d2)))*V(a,p) BIap a p I=(V(dc)/(V(dc)+V(d2)))*I(VM) Bd2 d2X 0 V=(2*I(VM)*{L}v(a,c)*V(dc)^2*1/(V(Fsw)*10k)) / ( +v(a,c)*V(dc)*1/(V(Fsw)*10k)+1u ) Xd2 d2X dc d2 limit2 Rdum1 dc 0 1Meg Rdum2 vc 0 1Meg 1 V = 10 kHz RS 7 c 1u VM 6 7 * .ENDS 18.3V 17 Modified netlist of the PWM switch D3 1N967 Fsw = 50.9 kHz Averaged model 5 • Chris Basso You Need to Adjust the VCO Modulator The control voltage to the switching frequency is the VCO gain Fsw y = ax + b y= 65 kHz ∆Fsw 64.9k = = 15.8 kHz V ∆Vc 4.1 100 = ax + b = 0.4 ×15.8k + b 1 10000 100 Hz Vc 0.4 V b = 0.10 − 0.4 × 15.8 = −622 mV 4.5 V VFSW ×10k VCO gain GVCO is 15.8 kHz V 6 • Chris Basso Scaling factor −0.622 + 15.8 × VFB VFB Compare the Transient Responses Responses are identical, the averaged version looks correct v vout ( t ) 21.00 Cycle by cycle vout ( t ) 20.90 average 20.80 20.70 20.60 10.6m 12.7m 14.8m 16.9m t (s ) 19.0m 7 • Chris Basso Keys of Small-Signal Analysis Rather than going full speed into small-signal analysis: break down the system into smaller parts run simplifications whenever you can go step by step and verify the answer always fits the original a Ic d1 d1 + d 2 Need to be computed Ia c Vc Ri Iµ d 2Tsw Vcp d1 + d 2 1− L 2 p Start from here, DCM model "Switch-mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs", C. Basso, McGraw-Hill 2008, page 161 8 • Chris Basso Simplifying and Compacting the Model Compact the DCM model to suppress variables computing I a = Ic d1 d1 + d 2 Iµ = d 2Vcp d1 + d 2 1− Fsw L p 2 d1 = L pVc Fsw d2 = Vac Ri 2 I c Fsw L p d1Vac − d1 substitute "Let the craziness begin" Ia = Iµ = − I a = Ic d1 d1 + d 2 Fsw L pVc 2 2 Ri 2Vac ( Vcp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac ) 2 Fsw L p RiVc Vac 9 • Chris Basso The New Model Looks Simpler The equations no longer include a computed variable Fsw Vc a c 1 R8 1Meg B2 Current Ia I B4 µ Current -V(c,p)*({Vc}-I(Vc)*{Ri})*(V(Fsw)*{k}*{Lp}*{Vc}*{Vc}-2*I(Vc)*{Ri}*{Ri}*V(a,c)) +/((V(Fsw)*{k}*{Lp}*{Ri}*{Vc}*{Vc}*V(a,c))+1u) B3 Current {Vc}/{Ri} p (({Vc}/{Ri})^2)*{Lp}*V(Fsw)*{k}/((2*V(a,c))+1u) PWM switch CM vc c p duty-cycle a Check against the complete model X2 PWMDCMCM 10 • Chris Basso Ac Responses are Similar The curves perfectly superimpose, 1st step is ok dB 5.00 -5.00 H(f) -15.0 -25.0 -35.0 ° -10.0 -30.0 -50.0 -70.0 ∠H ( f ) -90.0 10 100 1k f ( Hz ) 10k 100k 11 • Chris Basso Second Step, Linearize the Sources To apply Laplace equations, we need linear elements Linearization can be done in different ways: perturb all equations with a small quantity (the "hat" notation) re-arrange the terms and collect dc and ac contributors can be tedious to re-arrange, you neglect cross products V1 = R1 I1 + DV3 ( ) ( ) V1 + vˆ1 = R1 I1 + iˆ1 + dˆ + D (V3 + vˆ3 ) V1 = R1 I1 + DV3 dc equation (bias point) ˆ + dv ˆ ˆ + Dvˆ ac equation vˆ1 = R1iˆ1 + dV 3 3 3 ≈0 12 • Chris Basso Second Step, Linearize the Sources A second option is to calculate partial derivative coefficients the process can be automated by Mathcad® you only have ac terms, no sort needed V1 ( I1 , D, V3 ) = R1 I1 + DV3 ∂V ( I1 , D,V )1 ∂V ( I , D,V ) ∂V ( I , D,V ) dV1 = 1 1 dI1 + 1 1 dD + ∂I1 ∂D ∂V3 D ,V3 I1 ,V3 vˆ1 = ∂V1 ( I1 , D, V ) ∂I1 iˆ1 + ∂V1 ( I1 , D, V ) D ,V3 ∂D I1 ,V3 ∂V ( I , D, V ) dˆ + 1 1 ∂V3 dV3 D , I1 vˆ3 D , I1 ˆ vˆ1 = R1iˆ1 + Dvˆ3 + dV 3 ac equation, no cross products 13 • Chris Basso Second Step, Linearize the Sources Now, identify the variables in each source Ia = Fsw L pVc 2 Fsw 2 Ri 2Vac Vac Iµ = − ( Vcp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac ) Fsw L p RiVc 2Vac Vcp Vac Fsw Ic 6 variables imply six partial derivatives, 6 coefficients You must identify these static variables first Look at the PWM switch configuration 14 • Chris Basso Identify the Variables in the Schematic the average voltage across L3 is 0: point c is grounded. X3 XFMR RATIO = -250m B1 Voltage dc X2 PW MDCMCM Vout p 1 -622m+V(Vc)*1.58 PWM switch CM duty-cycle a vc 6 Vac = Vin 1:-N c Vin 330 3 Vcp = 4 Vout N 5 vL ( t ) Tsw =0 L3 600u 15 • Chris Basso Sources Derivation We can now individually derive all these sources Ia = ∂I ∂I iˆa = a Fˆsw + a vˆac ∂ F sw Vac ∂Vac Fsw Fsw L pVc 2 2 2 Ri Vac k1 = Iµ = − L pVc 2 2 Ri 2Vac ( k2 = − Vcp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac Fsw L pVc 2 2 Ri 2Vac 2 ) 2 Fsw L p RiVc Vac ∂I µ iˆµ = ∂Vcp k3 16 • Chris Basso ∂I µ ∂I µ ∂I µ vˆcp + iˆc + Fˆsw + vˆac ∂I c Fsw ,Vcp ,Vac ∂Fsw Ic ,Vcp ,Vac ∂Vac Vcp , I c , Fsw I c , Fsw ,Vac k4 k5 k6 Sources Derivation Yes, Mathcad® or an equivalent software is of great help… k3 = − k4 = k5 = k6 = (Vc − I c Ri ) ( Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 Ic Ri 2Vac ) Fsw L p RiVc 2Vac ( Vcp Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac 2 ) + 2R V i cp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 Fsw L pVc Vac ( Vcp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac Fsw2 L p RiVc 2Vac ( Vcp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2 − 2 I c Ri 2Vac 2 Fsw L p RiVc Vac 2 ) −V cp (Vc − I c Ri ) Fsw RiVac ) + 2I R V c i cp (Vc − Ic Ri ) Fsw L pVc 2Vac 17 • Chris Basso Evaluate all These Coefficients Select a converter at a certain operating point Vout = 21.1 V Rload = 18 Ω Ri = 0.8 Ω Vc = 1V Vac = 330 V rC = 0.06 Ω Fsw = Ic = Cout = 470µF N1 = 0.25 Vcp = Vout = 84.4 V N1 L p = 600µH k F = 10000 18 • Chris Basso Ia = 2 I out Ri 2Vout L pVc 2 = 52.8 kHz ( Fsw L pVc 2 Vac + Vcp 2 2 Ri VacVcp Fsw L pVc 2 2 Ri 2Vac I µ = 0.882 A ) = 0.368 A = 0.075 A Test the Coefficient Values with the Sources Capture a new schematic with the linearized sources parameters X3 XFMR RATIO = -250m Vout a 16.3V -65.0V c Res r1 60m B1 Voltage (-622m +V(Vc)*1.58) Vc=1 Lp=600u Ri=0.8 Lp=600u k=10k N=250m Fsw=52.766k Iout=P1/Vout Vac=330 Vcp=Vout/N Ia=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2/(2*Ri^2*Vac) k1=(Lp*Vc^2)/(2*Ri^2*Vac) k2=(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2)/(2*Ri^2*Vac^2) AA=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac+Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vcp BB=2*Ri^2*Vac*Vcp Ic=AA/BB A=-Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) B=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac Imju=A/B AAA=-(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) BBB=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac k3=AAA/BBB k4A=Vcp*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k4B=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac k4C=2*Ri*Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2) k4=(k4A/k4B)+k4C k5A=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k5B=Fsw^2*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac k5C=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Ri*Vac) k5=(k5A/k5B)-k5C k6A=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k6B=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac^2 k6C=2*Ic*Ri*Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac) k6=(k6A/k6B)+k6C vout Fs w p 330V 0V 15 L3 600u Vin 330 R22 {R1} 16.3V Cout1 470u parameters vout Vout=21.1 P1=24.73 R1=Vout^2/P1 V2 5 13 R4 20k LoL 1kH vc Fsw Rled 1k 5.00V C5 1nF 2 5.00V 7.28V 5.00V 16.3V 1 R8 1Meg CoL 1kF 0V X1 Optocoupler 7 R1 1k 16.3V V1 AC = 1 17 D3 1N967 Linearized sources a Vc c 0V 8 BIa_k2 Current {k2}*V(a,c) BIa_k1 Current {k1}*V(Fs w)*{k} BIa_dc Current {Ia} DCM version BIpeak Current {Vc}/{Ri} Bm ju Current {Im ju} Bm juk3 Current {k3}*V(c,p) Bm juk4 Current {k4}*I(Vc) Mathcad® coefficients Bmjuk5 Bmjuk5x Current Current {k5}*V(Fsw)*10k {k6}*V(a,c) p 19 • Chris Basso Responses with Previous Models are Similar The curves perfectly superimpose, 2nd step is ok dB ° 5.00 -10.0 H(f) -5.00 -30.0 -15.0 -50.0 -25.0 -70.0 ∠H ( f ) -35.0 -90.0 10 20 • Chris Basso 100 1k f ( Hz ) 10k 100k Combine and Arrange the Sources Now, re-arrange the sources in a more convenient way parameters Ac response is ok! Fsw Vc V1 3.61 AC = 1 k2 is positive V(a,c) = -V(c) if V(a)=0 Reversed because V(a)=0 B1 Voltage V(Vc)*1.58*{k} VCO modulator X3 XFMR RATIO = -N Vout p 8 Resr1 60m R22 {R1} 15 i2 BIa_k1 Current {k1}*V(Fsw ) Bmjuk4 Current {k4}*I(Vc) R3 {1/k3} BIa_k2 Current {k2}*V(c) Bmjuk5 Current {k5}*V(Fsw ) DCM version small-signal model ac only 4 Vc Cout1 470u Bmjuk6 Current {k6}*V(c) i1 parameters c L3 600u Vout=21.1 P1=24.73 R1=Vout^2/P1 Linearized PWM switch Vc=1 Lp=600u Ri=0.8 Lp=600u k=10k N=250m Fsw=52.766k Iout=P1/Vout Vac=330 Vcp=Vout/N Ia=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2/(2*Ri^2*Vac) k1=(Lp*Vc^2)/(2*Ri^2*Vac) k2=(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2)/(2*Ri^2*Vac^2) AA=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac+Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vcp BB=2*Ri^2*Vac*Vcp Ic=AA/BB A=-Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) B=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac Imju=A/B AAA=-(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) BBB=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac k3=AAA/BBB Rk3=1/k3 k4A=Vcp*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k4B=Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac k4C=2*Ri*Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2) k4=(k4A/k4B)+k4C k5A=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k5B=Fsw^2*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac k5C=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Ri*Vac) k5=(k5A/k5B)-k5C k6A=Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)*(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2-2*Ic*Ri^2*Vac) k6B=Fsw*Lp*Ri*Vc^2*Vac^2 k6C=2*Ic*Ri*Vcp*(Vc-Ic*Ri)/(Fsw*Lp*Vc^2*Vac) k6=(k6A/k6B)+k6C 21 • Chris Basso Go for Mesh and Node Analysis Express the current and voltage in the primary side Z eq ( s ) X3 XFMR RATIO = -N ip p Vout 8 − Resr1 8.5m Vout N R22 {R1} 15 Cout1 1360u i2 Bmjuk4 Current {k4}*I(Vc) R1 {1/k3} BIa_k1 Current {k1}*V(Fsw)*{k} BIa_k2 Current {k2}*V(c) 4 i1 Vc c L3 600u 22 • Chris Basso Bmjuk5 Current {k5}*V(Fsw) Bmjuk6 Current {k6}*V(c) Mesh and Node Analysis KCL: the sum of currents arriving at a node equals the sum of currents leaving the node: k4i1 + k5V ( Fsw ) + i1 = i2 + sk6 L p i1 − i1 = i2 = i1 + i1k4 + k5V ( Fsw ) − sL p i1k6 Vout − R1i2 N1 sL p i1 ( s ) = − Vout ( s ) + N1 R1i1 ( s ) + N1 R1i1 ( s ) k4 + N1 R1k5V ( Fsw ) − sL p R1i1 ( s ) k6 N1 L p N1s solve for i1: i1 ( s ) = − Vout ( s ) + N1 R1k5V ( Fsw ) N1 R1 (1 + k4 ) + sL p N1 (1 − k6 R1 ) 23 • Chris Basso Mesh and Node Analysis Apply similar technique to get the primary current: i p ( s ) = k1V ( Fsw ) + k2i1 ( s ) sL p − i1 ( s ) ip ( s ) = Vout ( s ) − L pVout ( s ) k2 s + N1 R1V ( Fsw )( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) + sL p N1V ( Fsw )( k1 − R1k1k6 − R1k2 k5 ) iout = − Vout ( s ) = ( N1 R1 + R1k 4 + sL p − sL p R1k6 ip ) Vout = iout Z eq N1 Vout ( s ) − L pVout ( s ) k2 s + N1 R1V ( Fsw )( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) + sL p N1V ( Fsw )( k1 − R1k1k6 − R1k2 k5 ) ( N12 R1 + R1k4 + sL p − sL p R1k6 ) ( N1R1 ( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) + sLp N1 ( k1 − R1k1k6 − R1k2 k5 ) ) Z s eq ( ) V ( Fsw ) N12 ( sR1 L p k6 − sL p − R1k 4 − R1 ) − Z eq ( s ) + sL p k2 Z eq ( s ) Vout ( s ) 24 • Chris Basso = Z eq ( s ) Fast Analytical Techniques Fast analytical techniques unveil Zeq in a second! rC V1 I1 Rload 1st-order system Z eq ( s ) = Z 0 1 + s ωz 1+ s ωp C 1. In dc, open the capacitor: Z 0 = Rload 2. What prevents the excitation I1 from reaching the output V1? A short-circuit between rC and C: rC + sr C + 1 1 = C =0 sC sC ωz = 1 rC C 25 • Chris Basso Fast Analytical Techniques Get the time constant by putting the excitation to zero: open the current source and look at the cap. driving R ? rC Rload τ = ( rC + Rload ) C The equivalent impedance is therefore: Z eq ( s ) = Rload 1 + srC C 1 + sC ( rC + Rload ) You cannot beat equation-solving by inspection! 26 • Chris Basso Almost There… Develop the expression with Zeq(s), cry and re-arrange: H ( s ) = H0 N (s) D (s) H 0 = −GVCO N1 Rload R1 ( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) Rload + N12 R1 k − R k k − R1k 2 k5 N ( s ) = 1 + sL p 1 1 1 6 (1 + srC C ) R1 ( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) (1 + k4 ) = Vout GVCO 2 Fsw D ( s ) = 1 + as + bs 2 N12 − Rload k2 − N12 R1k6 Rload 2 a = Cout Rload + rC − + L p 2 Rload + N12 R1 (1 + k4 ) Rload + N1 R1 (1 + k4 ) Rload k2 rC − R1 Rload k6 − R1k6 rC Rload + rC − N12 b = L p N12 Cout Rload + N12 R1 (1 + k4 ) 27 • Chris Basso A Few More Minutes, Keep the Faith… Put the denominator under a second-order form and identify s s D ( s ) = 1 + as + bs = 1 + + ω0 Q ω0 2 2 Rload f0 = Q= 1 2π L p Cout Rload + rC − N12 Rload N12 + R1 (1 + k4 ) k 2 rC − R1k6 ( Rload + rC ) = 1.75 kHz 1 2 N 2 − Rload k2 − N12 R1k6 Rload ω0 Cout Rload + rC − + Lp 1 2 2 R Rload + N1 R1 (1 + k4 ) load + N1 R1 (1 + k 4 ) 28 • Chris Basso = 0.021 A Few More Minutes, Keep the Faith… Extract the zeros: f z1 = 1 k − R (k k − k k ) 2π L p 1 1 1 6 2 5 R1 ( k1 + k5 + k1k4 ) = −487 kHz f z2 = 1 = 5.6 kHz 2π rC Cout RHPZ Extract the low-frequency poles: f p1 = 1 1 1 = ≈ Rload π Rload Cout Rload 2 2π Cout Rload + rC − 2π Cout Rload + rC − 2 Rload + N12 R1 (1 + k4 ) f p1 = 1 π Cout ( Rload + rC ) f p2 = rC ≪ Rload = 37.73Hz 1 − Rload k2 − N12 R1k6 2π L p 2 R load + N1 R1 (1 + k4 ) N12 = 152 kHz 29 • Chris Basso Final Lap, Compare the ac Plots Compare the original equation and its re-arranged form: 10 dB 0 ( 20⋅ log( 20⋅ log H 1( i⋅ 2π ⋅ f k ) ) H final( i⋅ 2π ⋅ f k ) H(f) 100 ( ) 0 − 40 − 60 10 ∠H ( f ) 100 1×10 ( 3 f ( Hz ) 1×10 4 It confirms the derivation is correct! 1×10 5 1×10 180 π ) arg Hfinal( i⋅ 2π ⋅ f k ) ⋅ − 100 fk 30 • Chris Basso ) arg H1( i⋅ 2π ⋅ f k ) ⋅ − 20 6 180 π The Final Test: SPICE vs Mathcad If all is well, the curves must perfectly superimpose dB ° 3.00 144 H(f) -11.0 72.0 -25.0 0 -39.0 -72.0 ∠H ( f ) -53.0 -144 10 100 1k 10k f ( Hz ) 100k 1Meg If not, there is a hidden mistake: chase it (good luck) 31 • Chris Basso The Final Transfer Function The current-mode flyback converter is operated in DCM The peak current is fixed and Fsw is controlled What is the simplified transfer function? vˆc VCO Fsw Flyback vˆout I peak = freeze NCP1250 H (s) = 32 • Chris Basso vˆout 1 + s ωz V = H0 = out GVCO vˆc 1 + s ω p 2 Fsw 1 + srC Cout R 1 + s load Cout 2 A Faster Way? If you are in a hurry and looking for a faster way: Formulate the output current expression Differentiate the expression to its variables Draw an equivalent schematic and solve the equations I out Vout vˆout rC iˆout Rload Cout A DCM/CCM current-mode converter Simplified linearized model 33 • Chris Basso The Founding Equation is Well Known A flyback converter running in DCM obeys: Pout = I outVout 1 = L p I peak 2 Fsw 2 I peak V = c Ri 2 I outVout 1 V = L p c Fsw 2 Ri 2 I out V L p c Fsw Ri = 2Vout Two variables ∂I ( F , V ) ∂I ( F , V ) iˆout = out sw out vˆout + out sw out Fˆsw ∂Vout ∂Fsw Fsw Vout 34 • Chris Basso First Expression Comes Easily Rework the individual coefficients to a simpler form Fsw L p ∂I out ( Fsw , Vout ) vˆout = − ∂Vout 2Vout 2 Fsw 2 Vc vˆout Ri g m ⋅ vˆout = 1 vˆout R Ω −1 1 2 I peak 2 Fsw L p Fsw L p Vc 2 − =− 2 R 2Vout i Vout 2 − Pout Vout =− 2 vˆout Rload Vout I out 1 =− VoutVout Rload 35 • Chris Basso Second Expression is Also Simple Identify the power in the equation, simplify… Lp ∂I out ( Fsw ,Vout ) Fˆsw = ∂Fsw 2Vout Vout 2 Vc ˆ Fsw Ri 2 L p Vc Pout ˆ V Vout ˆ Vout Fsw = out Fsw = Fˆsw Fˆsw = 2Vout Ri FswVout Rload FswVout Rload Fsw vˆout rC Vout Fˆsw Rload Fsw Controlled variable 36 • Chris Basso Rload Rload Cout Can't beat such a simple schematic! The Transfer Function is Immediate The transfer function is now straightforward vˆout ( s ) = Fˆsw ( s ) Vout Rload || Z eq ( s ) Rload Fsw ≈ Rload 2 1 + srC C R 1 + sC load 2 Put it under the normalized form vˆout ( s ) = vˆc ( s ) k F GVCO Vout 2 Fsw 1 + srC C R 1 + sC load 2 vˆout 1 + s ωz V = H0 = out k F GVCO vˆc 1 + s ω p 2 Fsw 1 + srC Cout R 1 + s load Cout 2 No RHPZ and no high-frequency pole prediction Good for low-frequency analysis only, but good enough for us! H (s) = 37 • Chris Basso Simulation Shows the Differences SPICE only manipulates linear equations Large-signal equation Small-signal equation out Vout Resr1 60m B1 Current R22 {R1} 2 Cout1 470u {Lp}*({Vc}/{Ri})^2*V(Fsw)/(2*V(out)+100n) V1 (-622m+V(Vc)*1.58)*{kf} 3.61 AC = 1 Vc=1 Lp=600u Ri=0.8 Lp=600u kf=10k Vout=21.1 P1=24.73 R1=Vout^2/P1 Fsw=50.8k Fsw Vc parameters VoutSIMP 4 Resr2 60m B3 Current R4 {R1} R3 {R1} 3 Cout2 470u ({Vout}/({R1}*{Fsw}))*V(Fsw) B2 Voltage VCO modulator V 21.1 20 log10 H 0 = 20 log10 out k F GVCO = 20log10 10k ⋅1.58 = 10.3dB 2 × 50.8k 2 Fsw 38 • Chris Basso Simulation Shows the Differences Ac results are identical at low frequency 10.3 dB dB 10.0 Simple model H(f) -4.00 -18.0 -32.0 Complex model -46.0 ° 0 Simple model -40.0 -80.0 ∠H ( f ) -120 Complex model -160 10 100 f ( Hz ) 1k 10k 100k 1Meg 39 • Chris Basso Test Fixture Plant frequency response with a NCP1250 Load is reduced to force DCM where Ipeak is frozen R11 R13 47k 47k Vbulk C2 10n R14 NTC 7 R21 22 D10 24 D1 1N964 6 R24 220 1N4148 10 4 Np C9 330pF 11 9 R22 536k 5 Q1 2N2907 C10 R5 22pF 1.6k C3 4.7uF 21 R8 1k 16 C4 100pF 2 1 kV R18 22k C6 10nF R10 66k H (s) = 3 20 R19 1k 15 17 C5 10nF R23 1k IC2 TL431 R6a R6b R6c 1 1 1 R9 10k C13 2.2nF Type = Y1 VA ( f ) 40 • Chris Basso . . D7 1N4937 C17 100uF 1N4148 R16 8 C15 220p 19 R100 22 1 12 Vout . 23 13 C8 1nF C5b 680uF C5a 680uF 22 D6 6 4 14 Ns D4 1N4937 NCP1250 3 5 . 18 22 2 . Naux D3 1N4937 C12 100uF 1 D5 MBR20200 T1 VB ( f ) VB ( f ) VA ( f ) Connections Connect probe grounds to a quiet point: opto emitter is ok Use an isolated current-limited dc-supply Short primary and secondary grounds H(f) 100 V dc Power supply under test Injection transformer 41 • Chris Basso Run the SPICE Simulation B1 Voltage 3.84V 10 X2 PWMDCMCM L = Lp Ri = Ri duty-cycle a vc PWM switch CM 5 Check operating points: vout Vout 19.0V p 100V Vin 100 ({b}+V(Vc)*{a})/10k X3 XFMR RATIO = -250m c 174mV dc -76.0V 3 Resr1 8.5m 19.0V 15 L3 {Lp} Cout1 1.36m parameters Vout=19 P1=6.6 R1=Vout^2/P1 Lp=600u Ri=0.33 LoL 1kH vc R2 100m 797mV 797mV 12 Main contributor to errors is the capacitor ESR vout 797mV 13 14 CoL 1kF 0V 7 V1 AC = 1 Fmax=65k Fmin=26k Vfold=1.5 Vmin=0.35 a2=(Fmax-Fmin)/(Vfold-Vmin) a=27.75k b=Fmin-Vmin*a 19.0V X1 AMPSIMP V2 19 VCO slope measured to 27.8 kHz/V 42 • Chris Basso VFB = 0.71V ( bench ) 0.79 V (SPICE ) R22 {R1} -14.2fV 4 Fsw = 38.6 kHz ( bench ) 38.4 kHz ( SPICE ) ZL series Rubycon Approximate ESR Extraction A triangular output shows that ESR is the main contributor I out I p , peak = 1A isec ( t ) 0 rC isec ( t ) − I out 1: N vout ( t ) Cout I sec, peak = I p , peak N = 1 = 4A 0.25 Vout , peak ≈ I sec, peak rC rC ≈ Vout , pp I sec, peak = 35m = 8.75 mΩ 4 43 • Chris Basso Plant Frequency Response H(f) ∠H ( f ) Fsw = 38.6 kHz 44 • Chris Basso Fsw 2 DS says 11.5 mΩ Conclusion The transfer function in DCM frequency foldback has been derived It can be approximated in low frequency as a 1st order system Stability in this mode is not at stake with current designs Besides the comprehensive PWM switch approach, the linearized output current gives good results too. Bench measurements confirm the low-frequency results, highfrequency points start to diverge as we approach the switching frequency. 45 • Chris Basso