Course roadmap ME451: Control Systems Modeling Analysis Laplace transform Transfer function Lecture 4 Modeling of electrical systems Models for systems • electrical • mechanical • electromechanical Block diagrams Dr. Jongeun Choi Department of Mechanical Engineering Michigan State University Linearization Time response • Transient • Steady state Frequency response • Bode plot Stability • RouthRouth-Hurwitz • Nyquist Design Design specs Root locus Frequency domain PID & LeadLead-lag Design examples (Matlab simulations &) laboratories 1 Controller design procedure (review) Disturbance Ref. Controller Actuator Input plant Output Sensor 4. Implemenation Mathematical model Representation of the input-output (signal) relation of a physical system Input 1. Modeling Controller 2 Physical system Output Modeling Mathematical model 3. Design Model 2. Analysis A model is used for the analysis and design of control systems. What is the “mathematical model” model”? Transfer function Modeling of electrical circuits 3 4 Important remarks on models A Brief Control History 1788: James Watt’ Watt’s flyfly-ball governor Modeling is the most important and difficult task in control system design. No mathematical model exactly represents a physical system. Mechanical feedback control of steam supply to an engine Do not confuse models with physical systems! In this course, we may use the term “system” to mean a mathematical model. 5 6 The Block Diagram The Block Diagram Communication tool for Engineering Systems Blocks Connect to form systems Composed of Blocks with with inputs and outputs Outputs of one block becomes input to another Load “Disturbance” “Input” Steam Flow “Block” Steam Engine “Output” Engine Speed Valve Angle “Input” 7 Steam Valve Steam Flow “System” Steam Engine Engine Speed “Output” 8 The Block Diagram Transfer function Blocks Connect to form systems A transfer function is defined by Outputs of one block becomes input to another Laplace transform of system output “System” Steam Valve Valve Angle “Output” Steam Flow Steam Engine Laplace transform of system input Engine Speed Flyball Sensor A system is assumed to be at rest. (Zero initial condition) “Feedback” Pivot Setpoint “Input” 9 10 Models of electrical elements: (constitutive equations) Impulse response Suppose that u(t) is the unit impulse function and system is at rest. Resistance Inductance v(t) v(t) The output g(t) for the unit impulse input is called impulse response. Since U(s)=1, the transfer function can also be defined as the Laplace transform of impulse response: 11 i(t) i(t) i(t) i(t) i(t) i(t) System Capacitance R v(t) v(t) L v(t) v(t) C Laplace transform 12 Impedance Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) Generalized resistance to a sinusoidal alternating current (AC) I(s) I(s) I(s) Z(s): V(s)=Z(s)I(s) Z(s) Z(s) Element Time domain The algebraic sum of voltage drops around any loop is =0. V(s) V(s) Impedance Z(s) Resistance Inductance Capacitance Memorize! 13 Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) 14 Impedance computation V1(s) Series connection The algebraic sum of currents into any junction is zero. I(s) I(s) V2(s) Z1(s) Z2(s) V(s) V(s) Proof (Ohm’ (Ohm’s law) 15 16 Impedance computation Modeling example R1 i(t) i(t) Parallel connection I1(s) Input v1(t) Z1(s) I(s) I(s) R2 v2(t) Output C Z2(s) I2(s) Proof (Ohm’ (Ohm’s law) Kirchhoff voltage law (with zero initial conditions) V(s) V(s) KCL By Laplace transform, 17 Modeling example (cont’d) i(t) i(t) Input v1(t) 18 Example: Modeling of op amp R1 Zf(s) (s) R2 I(s) I(s) v2(t) Output - Zi(s) (s) C Input Vi(s) (s) i vd + If(s) (s) - Rule1: i =0 Rule2: vd=0 Vo(s) (s) Output Transfer function Impedance Z(s): V(s)=Z(s)I(s) Transfer function of the above op amp: (first(first-order system) 19 20 Modeling example: op amp R2 i(t) i(t) R1 Input vi(t) (t) C - i =0 - i vd + Modeling exercise: op amp C2 C1 Vd=0 vo(t) (t) Output R1 By the formula in previous two pages, i =0 + Vd=0 - - i vd Input vi(t) (t) R2 vo(t) (t) Output Find the transfer function! (first(first-order system) 21 22 Summary & Exercises More exercises in the textbook Find a transfer function from v1 to v2. Modeling Modeling is an important task! Mathematical model Transfer function Modeling of electrical systems Find a transfer function from vi to vo. Next, modeling of mechanical systems Exercises Do the problems in page 23 of this lecture note. 23 24