SELF-TEST Consider a series RLC resonant circuit. If the supply frequency changes, the resistance of the circuit a) Remains constant b) Increases with increase in frequency c) Decreases with increase in frequency Ans: (a) If the supply frequency changes, the inductive reactance (XL) a) Remains constant b) Increases with increase in frequency c) Decreases with increase in frequency Ans: (b) The total impedance of a circuit at resonance is a) 0 b) Infinity c) Maximum possible value d) Minimum possible value Ans: (d) The power factor of a circuit at resonance is a) 0 b) 0.5 lagging c) 1 d) 0.5 leading Ans: (c) The selectivity of a resonant circuit is high when a) The quality factor (Qs) is low b) Qs is zero c) Qs is high Ans: (c) At band frequency the power absorbed by the circuit is a) Maximum b) ¾ of maximum value c) ½ of maximum value d) ¼ of maximum value e) 0 Ans: (c) SELF-TEST Consider an RLC series resonant circuit. The frequency response characteristics can be considered symmetrical around the resonant frequency when the quality factor (Qs) is: a) Between 0 and 1 b) Between 1 and 10 c) Between 10 and infinity Ans: (c) For a circuit with a large value of Qs, the voltage across the resistor (VR) is: a) Less than capacitor voltage(VC) b) Equal to VC c) Higher than VC Ans: (c) The peak of the inductor voltage (VL) occurs at a frequency a) Smaller than the when VR peaks b) Same as when VR peaks c) Larger than when VR peaks Ans: (c) The peak of the capacitor voltage (VC) occurs at a frequency a) Smaller than the when VR peaks b) Same as when VR peaks c) Larger than when VR peaks Ans: (a) The bandwidth of the circuit is large when the quality factor (Qs) is: a) Large b) Small c) Negative Ans: (b) SELF-TEST Consider the parallel RLC resonant circuit with “ideal” elements given below. I IR IL 2KO 1mH IC + 10nF _ 1) The total impedance seen by the source at resonance is (a) 0 (b) 2KΩ (c) 2MΩ (d) infinity Ans: (b) The resonant frequency approximately is (a) 10 Hz (b) 100 KHz (c) 160 KHz (d) 500 KHz Ans: (c) The current through the resistance (IR) at resonance is (a) 0 (b) 1 mA (c) 2 mA (d) 10 mA Ans: (c) The inductor current IL at resonance is a) Equal to IR b) Equal to IC c) Equal and opposite to IC d) Equal to I Ans: (c) SELF-TEST 1. A practical parallel “tank circuit” is equivalent to idea RLC parallel circuit if the resistance of the coil is negligible: (a) Yes (b) No Ans: (a) 2. A series circuit consisting of RS and XS can be converted to a resistance RP in parallel with XP, where R S2 + XS2 RP = XS (a) Yes R S2 + XS2 XP = RS (b) No Ans: (b) 3. The exact condition for resonance of a practical tank circuit when a)ωp = 1 LC b)ωp = 1 R S2 − LC L2 c)ωp = 1 RS − LC L Ans: (b) 4. A resonant condition in a series-parallel circuit arises when: a) The frequency is maximum b) The frequency is minimum c) The impedance is totally resistive d) The impedance is totally reactive SELF-TEST The expression for a damped sinusoid voltage in time domain is v(t)= 240 e-10t cos (20t + 600) volts The phasor voltage is a) b) c) d) 240∠o V 240∠60 V 240∠20 V 240∠ − 10 V Ans: (b) The neper frequency (σ) is a) 20 b) 60 c) 240 d) 10 Ans: (d) The angular frequency (ω) is a) 240 b) 10 c) 20 d) 60 Ans: (c) If this voltage is applied to a resistor R=2 Ω, the phasor current is a)240∠00 A b)120∠00 A c)120∠600 A d)240∠900 A Ans: (c) If this viltage is applied to an inductance of 2H, the phasor current is a)120∠600 A b)120∠ − 300 A c)60∠ − 300 A d)60∠600 A Ans: (c) SELF-TEST Consider the series parallel circuit given in the following circuit. The expression for the source voltage in time domain is v(t)= 4 e-t cos (2t -900) volts L=2H V g (t ) R= 4Ω +_ C =1F 4 The complex frequency (s) in this problem is a) 1+j2 b) -1-j2 c) -1+j2 d) 4-j1 Ans: (c) The complex impedance offered by the impedance is a) s/2 b) 2/s c) 2s d) 4 +2s Ans: (c) The complex frequency offered by the capacitance is a)1/(4s) b) 4/s c) s/4 d) 4s Ans: (b) The total impedance seen by the source is 4s s+2 2 b) s+2 s+4 c) s+2 2s d) s+4 a) Ans: (a) SELF-TEST (21) 1. Consider the following RC circuit. The transfer function Vo (s) is Vi (s) K s+a Ks b) s+a K c) 2 s + as + b Ks d) 2 s + as + b a) Here, K, a, b depend on R and C. Ans: (a) 2. For a transfer function H(s) = 4(s + 2) s + 2s + 5 2 The poles are at (a) − 1 ± j3 (b) − 1 ± j2 (c)1 ± j2 (d)1 ± j3 Ans: (b) The zeroes are at (a) 0,2 (b) 0, -2 (c) -2 (d) 0 Ans: (c) SELF-TEST (21) 1. The possible pole-zero locations for the transfer function H(s) = 15s 2 + 45s s 2 + 6s + 8 are given in the following 3 diagrams. State the correct answer. a) b) c) Ans: (a) 2. The transfer function for a circuit is H(s) = 3s(s + 3) (s + 1)(s + 2) The natural response is (A and B are constants) a) A e-2t + B e-3t b) A e-2t + B e-t c) A e2t + B e3t d) A e2t + B et Ans: (b)