ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet All trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Performance characteristics listed in this document do not constitute a warranty or guarantee of product performance. OriginGPS assumes no liability or responsibility for any claims or damages arising out of the use of this document, or from the use of integrated circuits based on this document. OriginGPS reserves the right to make changes in its products, specifications and other information at any time without notice. OriginGPS navigation products are not recommended to use in life saving or life sustaining applications. Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 1 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 1.Introduction 1.1 About the ORG1410 OriginGPS GPS modules with built-in antenna have been designed to address markets where stand-alone operation, high level of integration, power consumption and flexibility are very important. The ORG1410 module is a miniature multi-channel receiver that continuously tracks all GPS satellites in view and provides accurate positioning data in industry’s standard NMEA format. The ORG1410 module is further miniaturization of the OriginGPS popular ORG14XX series. Featuring OriginGPS Noise-Free Zone System™ technology the ORG1410 module offers the ultimate of satellite navigation in smallest size. The ORG1410 module is a complete SiP (System-in-Package) featuring advanced miniature packaging technology and an ultra-small footprint designed to commit unique integration features for high volume cost sensitive applications. The ORG1410 module integrates OriginGPS proprietary patch antenna element, LNA, SAW filter, TCXO, RTC crystal, RF shield and Power Management Unit with SiRFStarIV™ GPS processor, thereby optimized for how people really use their location-aware products: often indoors with periods of unobstructed sky view when moving from place to place. This new architecture can detect changes in context, temperature, and satellite signals to achieve a state of near continuous availability by maintaining and opportunistically updating its internal fine time, frequency, and ephemeris data while consuming mere microwatts of battery power. Internal ARM microprocessor and sophisticated firmware keeps positioning payload off the host allowing integration in embedded solutions even with low computing resources. 1.2 About OriginGPS OriginGPS is a world leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of miniature positioning modules, antenna modules and antenna solutions. OriginGPS modules introduce unparalleled sensitivity and noise immunity by incorporating Noise Free Zone system proprietary technology for faster position fix and navigation stability even under challenging satellite signal conditions. Founded in 2006, OriginGPS is specializing in development of unique technologies that miniaturize RF modules, thereby addressing the market need for smaller wireless solutions. Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 2 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 2.Description Evaluation Kit of the ORG1410 GPS Antenna Module comprises the Demo Board, USB to UART cable and CD with GPS simulator software for PC and documentation. The Demo Board is built of Main Board, incorporating 1.8V LDO regulator, UART connector, pushbutton tactile switch for Push-To-Fix™ interrupt and various test points. The ORG1410 GPS Antenna Module is soldered onto the Main Board through the Interface Adaptor. The Interface Adaptor includes a single-bit buffer for voltage level translation of TX line, and a voltage supervisor for autonomous power-on pulse generation. Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 3 Confidential 5 4 3 C4 0402 2 1 TX 100pF TP1 TxDA TP2 RxDA D D C1 0402 RX 100pF J1 Black 1.8V 1 2 3 4 5 6 TP3 TxDA RxDA 5V TX RX 5V TP4 R1 C2 GND 0402 HEADER 6 2.54mm RA 1R 0402 R2 TP5 U1 1.8V LDO 1 VIN VOUT 5 3 EN NR/ADJ 4 1.8V C3 0603 18pF 1uF C7 C6 GND 0402 100K 0805 C13 4.7uF 0805 4.7uF C8 0402 18pF 0402 10nF 2 TI TLV70018DDCT SOT23-5 C5 0603 C 1uF C C12 0402 100pF J2 RSTN C9 NC1 R3 0402 33R 100pF 0402 PAD12 PAD11 PAD13 PAD10 1PPS 33R R4 0402 NC2 R5 C10 PAD14 PAD9 33R WAKEUP PAD15 PAD8 VCC RSTN PAD16 PAD7 NC2 ON_OFF PAD17 PAD6 NC1 PAD18 PAD5 nRTS PAD19 PAD4 nCTS 2 6 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 0402 1.8V 0402 1 3 ON_OFF 5 7 GPIO13 9 11 13 15 GPIO1 17 C11 100pF 0402 100pF 1.8V ON/OFF B 1 case 2 3 SW1 4 TACTILE SWITCH ORG1410 Adaptor PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4 PIN5 PIN6 B C14 PAD20 PAD3 PAD21 PAD2 TX R6 33R 0402 TxDA PAD1 RX R7 33R 0402 RxDA 0402 1PPS 1PPS ON_OFF RX TX VCC GND PAD22 100pF C15 0402 100pF A A Project ORG1410 UART Evaluation Board Title ORG1410 UART Demo Board 5 4 3 Size A4 Document Number ORG1410-DBUA Date: Monday, April 30, 2012 2 Rev A00 Authored By: I. Divinsky Sheet 1 1 of 1 5 4 1.8V R1 1.8V R2 3 1.8V R3 2 1 R4 1.8V 0402 0402 10K 0402 0402 1.8V (pin8) D TX TX (pin2) RX (pin1) 1.8V RX nRESET 4 U1 nRESET (pin16) 1.8V VCC nCTS nCTS(pin4) nRTS nRTS(pin5) C 8 7 nCTS RTS 9 nRTS WAKEUP TX 3 TX_GPS 1PPS RX 10 RX_GPS RESET GPS_ON 1 ON_OFF WAKEUP 6 1PPS 2 CTS 0402 1uF ON_OFF 2 R5 100R 0402 C1 U2 4 WAKEUP WAKEUP ON NLU1GT126CMX1TCG ULLGA6_1.0x1.0 0402 GND ON_OFF (pin17) TX RX 5 3 nRESET 6 1 C2 1PPS 1PPS 18pF (pin15) (pin21) GND (pins 10-14) 5 ORIGINGPS ORG1410 LGA1010 1.8V C3 1.8V B 0402 U3 1uF R7 1 VDD 0402 3 MR Q1 2 SENSE 4 MR EP 7 RESET 6 100K GPS_ON CT CT 3 GND C4 5 0402 100nF TI TPS3808G18DRVR DRV ON_OFF 1 R6 2N7002 2 A 0402 10K A Project ORG1410-AD1 SOT-23 Title ORG1410 Adaptor Size A4 Document Number PD-ORG1410-AD1-A00 Date: Monday, April 30, 2012 Rev A00 Authored By: I. Divinsky Sheet 1 of 1 ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 4.Bill Of Materials 4.1 Main Board Bill Of Materials Reference Value Description P/N MFG C2, C8 C1,C4, C9, C10, C11, C12, C14, C15 C6 C3, C5 C7, C13 R1 R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 R2 J1 SW1 U1 18pF CAP SMT 0402 18pF ±5% 50V COG GRM1555C1H180JZ01D MURATA 100pF CAP SMT 0402 100pF ±5% 50V COG GRM1555C1H101JA01D MURATA 10nF 1µF 4.7µF 1Ω 33Ω 100KΩ HDR TSW LDO CAP SMT 0402 10nF ±10% 25V X7R CAP SMT 0603 1µF ±10% 10V X5R CAP SMT 0805 4.7µF ±10% 16V X5R RES SMT 0402 1Ω ±1% RES SMT 0402 33Ω ±1% RES SMT 0402 100KΩ ±1% HEADER 6 POS. “0.1 RIGHT ANGLE TACT SWITCH SMT LDO REG. SMT SOT23-5 1.8V 200mA GRM155R71E103KA01D GRM188R60J105KA01J GRM21BR61C475KA88L RM04FTN0010 RM04FTN0330 RM04FTN1003 2211S-06G-F1 KSC222JLFS TLV70018DDCT MURATA MURATA MURATA TA-I TA-I TA-I NELTRON C&K TI Table 4-1: Main Board Bill Of Materials Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 6 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 4.2 Interface Adaptor Bill Of Materials Reference Value Description P/N MFG C1 C4 C2,C3 R5 R2,R6 R7 Q1 U1 U2 U3 CAP SMT 0402 18pF ±5% 50V COG CAP SMT 0402 100nF ±10% 16V X7R CAP SMT 0402 1µF ±10% 10V X5R RES SMT 0402 100Ω ±1% RES SMT 0402 10KΩ ±1% RES SMT 0402 100KΩ ±1% N-CH MOSFET SOT-23 GPS ANTENNA MODULE SMT LGA SINGLE BUFFER 3-STATE LOW IQ POR SUPERVISOR W. MAN. RST GRM1555C1H180JZ01D GRM155R71C104KA88D GRM155R61A105KE15D RM04FTN1000 RM04FTN1002 RM04FTN1003 2N7002KT1G ORG1410 NLU1GT126CMX1TCG TPS3808G18DRVR MURATA MURATA MURATA TA-I TA-I TA-I ON ORIGINGPS ON TI 18pF 100nF 1µF 100Ω 10KΩ 100KΩ 2N7002 MODULE NLU1GT126 TPS3808 Table 4-2: Interface Adaptor Bill Of Materials Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 7 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 5.Assembly and layout 5.1 Main Board PCB Main Board for the ORG1410 GPS Antenna Module is 2 layers 1.6mm thickness FR4 PCB. Figure 5-1: Main Board Components Placement Figure 5-2: Main Board Solder Mask Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 8 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module Figure 5-3: Top Layer Routing Figure 5-4: Bottom Layer Routing Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 9 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 5.2 Interface Adaptor PCB Interface Adaptor Board for the ORG1410 GPS Antenna Module is 17mm x 17mm 22 pads 4 layers 0.6mm thickness FR4 PCB. Figure 5-5: Interface Adaptor Board Components Placement Figure 5-6: Interface Adaptor Board Solder Mask Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 10 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module Figure 5-7: Interface Adaptor Board Top Layer Routing Figure 5-8: Interface Adaptor Inner Layer 1 Routing Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 11 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module Figure 5-9: Interface Adaptor Inner Layer 2 Routing Figure 5-10: Interface Adaptor Bottom Layer Routing Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 12 Confidential ORG1410 Evaluation Kit Datasheet Fully Integrated GPS Antenna Module 6.TTL-232R-3V3 USB-Serial Converter The TTL-232R-3V3 is a USB to Serial converter cable that provides a simple way to connect devices with UART interface to PC. The TTL-232R-3V3 uses an FTDI FT232RQ IC which is housed inside the USB Type 'A' connector and is terminated at the end of a 1.8 meter cable (6 ft.) with a 2.54mm (“0.1) pitch header socket which provides an access to UART standard Transmit Data (TxD) and Receive Data (RxD). These lines are operating at 3.3V LVTTL levels. Also brought out on the header are +5V and GND. Figure 6-1: Pin Header Socket Bottom view Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name GND ̅̅̅̅̅ CST VCC TXD RXD ̅̅̅̅̅ RTS Type Power Input Power Output Input Output Colour Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Description Ground supply pin Clear To Send input – not in use +5V power source, USB specified Asynchronous Data output – GPS input Asynchronous Data input – GPS output Request To Send output – not in use Table 6-1: USB-Serial Converter Cable header pin-out Parameter Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Current Output Voltage Low State Output Voltage High State Input Voltage State Switching Threshold Input Voltage State Switching Hysteresis Operating Temperature Symbol VCC IO VOL VOH VIN VHYST TAMB Test Conditions Defined by USB VBUS IOL = 8mA IOH = -3mA Low → High High → Low Min 4.25 0.3 2.2 1.0 20 -40 Typ 5.0 0.4 2.8 1.2 25 +25 Max 5.25 75 0.6 3.2 1.5 30 +85 Units V mA V V V mV 0 C Table 6-2: USB-Serial Converter Cable operating parameters Document number: 010512 Revision: A00 01-05-12 for technical questions contact: Preliminary 13 Confidential