.mn "EN

(No Model.)
3 Sheets-Sheet 1.
No. 545,791.
Patented Sept. 3, 1895.
.mn "EN
(No Model.)
3 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 545,791.
Patented Sept. 3,1895.
_(No Model.)
3 Sheets-Sheet 3.
No. 545,791'.
Patented Sept. 3, 1895.
A SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 545,791, dated September 8, 1895..
Application méd nach 11,1895.
Serial No.541,268. (No model.) l
.To all 'whom it may concern.:
of the machine as illustrated by said figures
Be it known thatI, HENRY L. GATES, a citi the pintle is engaged by meeting ends of seg
zen of the United States, and a resident of mental frame-sections E F, one of which is
Milwaukee, in the county ot' Milwaukee and odset to overlap the other, and thereby form 55
5 State of Wisconsin, have invented certain a hinge-joint. Rods G, screw-seated in the
new and useful Improvements in Flanging~ frame-sections E F or otherwise joined there~v
Machines; and Ido hereby declare that the to and surrounded by spiral springs H,‘pass
following is a full, clear, and exact descrip up through meeting ends of other segmental
frame-sections I J, lapped on each other to 6o
form another hinge-joint. By means of nuts
a simple, economical, efficient, and durable d, run on the rods G against the frame-sec»
“‘ machine :especially adapted for turning tions I J, the tension of the springs H may be
flanges of more than ordinary width on sheet regulated, and it will be understood that said
metal vessel-bodies without fracturing the ma~ springs constitute yielding supports for said 65
terial from which such bodies are formed; and frame-sections. Thesegmentalframe~sections
it consists incertain peculiarities of construc~ EJ beingin rod connection andthe ones F I in
tion thereof.
io . My invention has for its object to provide
tion and combination of parts hereinafter set like connection, the entire frame may be read
forth with reference to the accompanying ily opened or closed, and a projection e on the
drawings and subsequently claimed.
section Iis engaged bya pivotal hook fon sec- 7o
In the drawings, Figure 1 represents a ver
tical transverse section of a Hanging-machine
constructed according to my invention and
organized to flange but one end of a sheet
tion J to hold said frame in its closed position.
All of the segmental frame-sections are pref
erablyof cast-iron, and the upper ones I J are
shaped toform interior seats for correspond
metal vessel-body at a time, the View being ing sections K of a hardened steel ring, that 75
taken for the most part on line 1 1 of the suc
ceeding figure; Fig. 2, a plan view of that portion of said machine below the hanging-head;
Fig. 3, an elevation of the same, partly broken
away; Fig. 4, a sectional viewof a‘ machine
30 embodying certain necessary features of my
invention and organized to flange both ends
presents right~angle working faces preferably
joined by a curve, and the ring-sections are
held in place by the engagement of depending
dowels g with corresponding recesses in the
adjacent frame-sections.V
The hardened steel ring constitutes a sup
port and shaper for the flange to be turned
of a sheet-metal vessel-body at the same time. on a sheet-metal >vessel-body, the operation
Fig. 5 represents a machine similar to the one `being effected by means of rollers L, loose on
. shown by the first three figures, but including >spindles M, that radiate from a rotative head 85
35 a reciprocative disk having the function here
N and are preferably adjustable therein, as
inafter specified; Fig. 6, a detail elevation, clearly shown in Fig. 1._ It is also necessary
partly in section, illustrating `the disk in con in practice that the head N have movement
nection with a stay-plate; and Fig. 7, an ele
vation illustrating said disk carried by a re
ciprocative rotary head.
Referring by letter to the drawings, A rep
resents the base in any form of my machine,
and when the latter is organized as shown in
Figs. 1, 2 and 3 said base is provided with re
45 cesses for the engagement of dowels b, depend
longitudinally of its axis, in order that the
rollers L may come on and off the opposing 9a '
end of a vessel-body inclosed within the above`
described frame and ring. Therefore I show
said head fast on a shaft P, that maybe ro
tated by any suitable means and raised or
lowered at the will of the operator, although 95
I have not deemed it necessary to illustrate
ing from interchangeable circular plates B C, any particular mechanism for acoomplishin g
hereinafter more particularly described.
these results, because reciprocative rotary
With particular reference to Figs. 1, 2, and heads are common in various sheet-metal
3 of the drawings it will be seen that a pintle -working machines.
5o D may be screw-threaded or otherwise rigidly
„ If the machine be organized as shown in
joined to the base A, and in the organization Fig. 1, a vessel-body will be set in the frame
_ £545,791
- to encircle the stay-plate B and have its outer
against longitudinal play by means of collars
end flush with the upper face of the hardened j, abutting the frame-sections E F, the springs
steel ring above specified. Now, if the rotary I'I being intermediate of these collars and 70
head be lowered, the rollers L thereon, being
those frame-sections that have loose play on
of suitable Working contour will first expand
the aforesaid rods.
said end of the vessel-body against the adja
cent curved inner edge of the hardened steel
The frame of the double-flanging machine
may be held closed by the same means as
ring, after which, by continued downward above described in connection with those 75
movement of said head working in opposition forms of my machine adapted for Hanging but
to the yielding frame-sections I J, the ex
one end of a vessel-body at a time.
panded end of said vessel-body will be drawn
horizontally between said rollers and ring to
complete the flange, the width of the latter
being proportionate to travel of the afore
said head and yield of said frame-sections on
In Figs. 1, 2, and 3 I show that the >stay
plates B C may be made in the form of rings
or washers to save metal; but in Figs. 5 and So
6 I show each plate solid throughout and pro»
vided with `a central post Q, surrounded by a
spiral spring R, and resting on this spring is
their supporting-springs.
The Hanging operation being completed, the a disk S, loosely arranged on the post Within
head islifted andthe expansion of the springs the vessel normally parallel to the hardened 85
II returns the frame-sections I J to normal
steel 'ring or ñange-shaper K, above specified.
position,lif tin g the flanged vessel-body there
The disk S is run down against resistance of
with. After this operation it is not necessary spring R by lthe pressure of the Hanging-roll
ers L and operates to prevent the vessel-body
vessel-body therefrom, as only one en_d has from buckling while an end ñange is being 90
been flanged, and this end is outermost. turned. The flanging having been completed,
25 Therefore it follows that it is not always es the expansion of spring R operates to return
sential that said frame be separable, as herein> the disk to normal position as the head N ren
to open the machine-frame to withdraw the
shown and described.
In Fig. 7 I show that the disk S may be
When one end of a vessel-body Íhas been
flanged and it is desirable to flange the other carried by the flanging-head if found more
end, I employ the stay-plate C in place of the desirable; but in any case it is reciprocative
'one B, the substitute plate being provided and serves the purpose above explained. The
with a seat of suitable contour to receive the disk will be found necessary in working light
previously-formed fiange and prevent the stock and may be used to advantage in any
same from getting out of shape when the form of the machine.
Having thus described my invention, what
35 action of the head takes place in the manner
above described. This organization of the I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters
machine is shown in Fig. 8, and it follows that Patent, is-~
there must be a separable frame in order to
1. In a machine for Hanging sheet-metal
permit insertion and withdrawal of the vessel bodies, the combination of a suitable >body
receiving frame having a yielding flange-shap--
In Fig. 4 I show a machine organized to ing portion, a rotary head movable longitudi
flan ge both ends of a vessel-body at the same
nally of its axis, and ?langing rollers carried
time, >there being a separable frame that has by the head in opposition to said yielding
a stationary half mounted on the base A and
a movable half in hinge connection with the
one aforesaid. There are necessarily two sets
portion of the frame.
sections E F are intermediate of the two sets
with a flange-Shaper, a stay-plate on the ma
2. In a machine for Hanging sheet-metal
bodies, the combination of a body-receiving
of spring-controlled segmental frame-sections frame having a yielding portion, a flange~
I J, and hardened steel ring-sections K, per Shaper seated in the yielding portion of the 115
taining to these frame-sections, are held in frame,a rotary head movable longitudinally
50 their seats by screws h or other suitable of its axis, and Hanging rollers carried by the
means, the frame being horizontal instead of head in opposition to said fiange-shaper.
vertical. There being two hardened steel
3. In a machine for flanging sheet~metal
1 rings there are two reciprocative rotary heads bodies, the combination of a separable body
N, carrying rollers L, and in practice said receiving frame having yielding portions,
55 heads will be rotated in opposite directions. flange-Shaper sections seated in the yielding
In this form of my machine the frame is portions of the frame, a rotary head movable
opened to permit the insertion or withdrawal longitudinally of its axis, and Hanging rollers
of a vessel-body, and one of the latter being carried by the head in opposition to the x25
positioned in said frame the heads are brought flange-Shaper.
toward each other to turn flanges at both
4. In a machine for ñanging sheet-metal
ends of said body at the same time.
bodies, the combination of a bodyereceiving
In the latter form of machine the frame frame having a yielding portion provided
of those I J, the first of the former sections chine-base within said frame, a rotary head
65 being provided with feet t', bolted to the base. movable longitudinally of _its axis, and flang
The pintle D and rods G extend through all ing-rollers carried by the head in opposition
the framesections, and said rods are held to the flange-Shaper,
5. In a machine for Hanging sheet-metal bodies the combination of a suitable body
bodies, the combination of a separable body receiving frame having a yielding flange shap
receiving frame having yielding portions, a ing portion, a rotary head movable longitudi
flange-Shaper section seated in each yielding nally of its axis,flanging rollers carried b'y
portion of the frame, a stay-plate on the ma the head in opposition to said yielding por
chine-base within said frame, a rotary head > tion of the frame, and a disk operative within
movable longitudinally of its axis, and Iiang a vessel-body in the machine to prevent 25
ing rollers carried by the head in opposition buckling of this body while a Hanging oper~
to the flange-Shaper.
ation is taking place.
6. In a machine for Hanging sheet-metal
In testimony that I claim the foregoing I
bodies, the combination of a body-receiving have hereunto set myhand, at Milwaukee, in
frame comprising rods, springs surrounding
the county of - Milwaukee and State of Wis» 30
the rods and a iiange-shaper having its holder consin, in the presence of two witnesses.
loose on the rods against the springs; a ro
tary head movable longitudinally of its axis,
and ?langing rollers carried by the head in4
opposition to the flange-Shaper.
7. In a machine for hanging sheet-metal
H. G. UNDERwooD.