Mooresville Middle School School Improvement Plan 2015-16 !1 Leadership Team for 2015-2016 School Improvement Team Member Position Jason Gardner Principal Hollis Baker Assistant Principal Jay Jones Assistant Principal Justin James Assistant Principal Felicia Davis Instructional Technology Facilitator Jessica Rinaman 7th ELA Representative Ashley Graney 7th Math Representative Laura Smith 7th Science Representative Melinda Hamilton 7th Social Studies Representative Jerome Crews 8th ELA Representative Jamie Goodwin 8th Math/Elective Representative Allison Field 8th Science Representative Laura Miller 8th Social Studies Representative Lisa Kmonicek EC/8th Math Representative Kathi Johnson Classified Staff Representative Debbie Birchett Parent Representative Becky Snyder Parent Representative Signature !2 Mooresville Middle School School Description A strong faculty committed to putting kids first makes Mooresville Middle School a fantastic school. Our education program provides students will opportunities to learn from a variety of experiences. We strive to ensure we are educating the whole child. We are now in our 7th year of our “digital conversion” in which we are providing a true 21st century environment for every child, every day. Mission Statement Mooresville Middle School will instill an appreciation and love for learning in our students as we help them develop the skills needed to become goal oriented, independent thinkers and leaders in an ever-changing, global society. We challenge every student, every day to discover and develop a positive sense of self, as well as to respect themselves and others, through meaningful collaboration with peers, teachers, and parents. Vision Mooresville Middle School is committed to creating the conditions that bring each student to fill their academic potential as engaged, life-long learners and citizens by developing critical thinkers and problem solvers. Motto We believe in putting kids first while empowering excellence and becoming leaders of learners. !3 Mooresville Middle School (Student Demographics for 2015) Category Percent of Students Number of Student Asian 1.9% 19 Hispanic 9.7% 94 Black 15.5% 150 White 68.8% 667 Multi-Racial 3.4% 33 Male 49.2% 477 Female 50.8% 492 Exceptional Children (EC) 13.5% 131 AIG (Academically Gifted) 26.0% 252 Honors Math 32.3% 313 Honors ELA 30.5% 296 Economically Disadvantaged 32.8% 311 7th Grade Students 50.9% 493 8th Grade Students 49.1% 476 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS 100% 969 !4 Mooresville Middle School School Improvement Plan 2015-16 SBE Goal 1: Globally Competitive Students MGSD Goal: Ensure all MGSD students are globally competitive by accomplishing the following: 100% of district schools meet federal AMO benchmarks and 100% of district schools meet expected growth on state assessments. MMS Goal: Ensure all MMS students are globally competitive by the following: 1) Increase in all EOG test scores (see specific EOG for % goal) 2) Meet all AMO requirements (specific focus area in math) 3) Meet or exceed expected growth on state assessments (EVAAS) Relevant Data: Mooresville Middle School (student performance history) Student EOG Performance Data Subject Tested 2012-13 % Prof. 2013-14 % Prof. 2014-15 % Prof. 2014-15 Growth GOAL 2015-16 Math (7th Grade) 52.2% 63.4% 58.5% Not Met 65% Math (8th Grade) 50.3% 55.2% 55.9% Not Met 65% Math I 90.4% 96.5% 96.7% Not Met 98% ELA (7th Grade) 55.8% 69.2% 63.8% Not Met 75% ELA (8th Grade) 51.9% 64.4% 65.7% Not Met 75% Science (8th Grade) 72.8% 84% 84.8% Met 88% Overall 59.2% 69.1% 67.98% Not Met 75% !5 Action Plan: Strategy Person(s) Responsible Resources Measurement Timeline Implement a Math and ELA elective course for students identified as “high need” by EOG assessments last year. Principal, ELA and Math enhancement teachers EOG scores from prior year Data from iReady and EOQ assessments Established Sept. 2015 - ongoing Refine PLC teams to help instructional focus. Teams will meet weekly to review data, share best practices, and ensure common understanding of the standards. School administration and PLC leads PLC notes documents, unpacking standards (fidelity to standards) PLC team notes, PLC team lead feedback at leadership team mtg. Established Sept. 2015 - ongoing Implement Common Formative Assessments with fidelity using Mastery Connect. Goal is for each PLC to give a common assessment at the end of skill instruction. Mastery Connect training team, PLC leads Mastery Connect item bank, teacher created item bank Data from CFA shared and analyzed in PLC team meetings All PLC teams using by Oct. 2015 Use tier 1 data monitoring process after each key data point check (Universal screens and EOQ assessments) to guide a deeper analysis of core instruction. School administration then PLC leads (shift once process in place). Tier 1 questions from MTSS district paperwork Tier 1 question notes from PLC team meetings Start Oct. 2015 once iReady is complete. Search PD opportunities will be targeted at how to provide meaningful enrichment for level 4 and 5 students as well as how to better analyze data to identify specific student needs in core. School principal Outside PD presenter/ agency, PD funds PD opportunity provided to staff (signin sheet) Review options 1st 9 weeks, have plan in place by Dec. 15 REFOCUS is a district initiative where we are working towards a uniform understanding of higher level use of technology through the SAMR model. Each teacher has a REFOCUS goal on his/her PDP. School ITF, Media Specialist Professional growth plan work from Summer Institute All teachers have REFOCUS goal on PDP Oct. 2015 Investigate possible competition teams through NCASA or other resources that could be integrated through club time in an effort to provide additional student enrichment opportunities. Hamilton and Graney NCASA resources (rest TBD) Teachers will report back to leadership next steps Research in OctNov. 2015 Staff will participate in a culture diversity training workshop in an effort to address gaps in subgroup data and strengthen student, parent, and community relationships. School principal and district HR director All provided through partnership with UNC Pre and post survey analysis from training February 2015 Continue to utilize self-learning and gateway project to provide project based, 21st century learning opportunities. School principal, ITF, media coordinator, gateway leads. Planning site for Gateway Learn, create, share night March 2015 Addition of two supplemental programs (Curriculet and BuzzMath) in an effort to provide student practice opportunities that are rigorous in nature. ITF and Math Administrator Programs (mentioned in strategy) All students engaged and using programs (data from programs) December 2015 !6 SBE Goal 2: 21st Century Professionals MGSD Goal: Ensure 100% of administrators, teachers, and staff possess the skills to lead, teach, assess, and support students for the success in this 21st century environment. MMS Goal: Ensure that MMS has a positive working environment where staff feel empowered, appreciated, and valued. The specific data points from the teacher survey will be at or above 90% after the spring 2016 TWC survey is administered to staff: Relevant Data: Mooresville Middle School (Teacher Working Conditions survey history) Question 2012 2014 2016 Goal Policies and procedures about student conduct are clearly understood by the faculty. 67.90% 79.30% 90% School administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct. 43.90% 71.90% 85% Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct. 58.90% 67.20% 75% Teachers are recognized as educational experts. 65.50% 77.50% 90% In this school we take steps to solve problems. 66.70% 78.90% 90% Teachers have an appropriate level of influence on decision making in this school. 38.20% 68.50% 85% There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in this school. 39.60% 63.20% 85% Teachers feel comfortable raising issues and concerns that are important to them. 33.30% 58.90% 85% The school leadership consistently supports teachers. 59.30% 75% 85% !7 Action Plan: Strategy Person(s) Responsible Resources Measurement Timeline School administration will work to create efficient processes to respect and value employee time. For example, the book study will be completed virtually, and staff newsletters will replace whole staff meeting for information sharing purposes. Staff website will hold all essential staff information. School administration team Google sites for MMS staff site Staff site and book study documentation, staff meeting notes September 2015 (site) October 2015 (book study), ongoing School goals will be refined to focus on essential areas in an effort to maximize time, energy, and resources making impactful improvements in goal areas. School administration team NA School improvement plan document October 2015 MMS will recognize one teacher as the “teacher of the month”. They will be School administration recognized in the weekly update and given a free family portrait (from our team school photo provider). MMS will also recognize one teacher as “teacher of the week” and highlight in the weekly update why they were selected. Weekly update, school picture certificates noted teachers recognized in weekly update Ongoing 2015-16 Work to become more transparent in school decision making processes by sharing leadership notes in a timely fashion as well as asking for leadership and key stakeholder input prior to decision making. School administration team Google sites and google drive leadership notes shared and MMS site utilized Ongoing 2015-16 MMS committee will be formed to help promote a positive culture at at the school. This will include working with new staff in an effort to make them feel welcome and part of the school family. Amanda Sarver, Stephanie Roseman,, Allison Field Money and resources from PTSO Data from new teacher survey October 2015 ongoing Empower teachers in PLC teams to make instructional decisions that meet the needs of their unique classroom make-up while still staying within a common framework of expectations. PLC leads and school administration team NA PLC meeting notes September 2015 ongoing School administration will utilize a quarterly survey to gather staff feedback and make adjustments to the plan as needed in an effort to better understand staff needs. School principal staff survey results of survey and administration notes November 2015 February 2016 April 2016 !8 SBE Goal 3: Healthy and Responsible Students MGSD Goal: Ensure 100% of school sites are safe and caring environments that promote and support developing healthy, responsible students. MMS Goal: MMS will provide a safe and caring environment for students that promotes and supports the development of healthy and responsible students. Relevant Data: Mooresville Middle School (School Discipline History) Teacher Working Conditions Data: Question 2012 2014 Goal Policies and procedures about student conduct are clearly understood by the faculty 67.9% 79.3% 90% School administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct 43.9% 71.9% 80% Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct 58.9% 67.2% 75% School Discipline Data: MMS Office Referrals 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Goal 2015-16 785 923 1,245 800 !9 Action Plan: Strategy Person(s) Responsible Resources Measurement Timeline Revamp PBIS at MMS with a focus on a universal system for positive behavior recognition. Include monthly target and set a system for recognizing students/staff if target is met. PBIS Team Money for prizes Monthly and Quarterly drawings for students, PBIS team notes Start Sept 2015-ongoing Revise teacher managed vs. office managed chart to help empower teachers to deal with minor discipline issues as they occur in the classroom. School administration team, school leadership team previous chart, research from other area middle schools teacher managed vs. office managed chart September 2015 Add a layer of tier 2 intervention by utilizing counseling services and a check-in/check-out system for students with higher behavior needs. Mr. Redd, Mr. Haglan, Ms. Royal PBIS Check-in/Check-out materials from training list of participating students highest need students September 2015, next layer January 2016 School administration will increase visibility, make School administration team daily positive interactions with “high need” students, and efficiently deal with office referrals to provide feedback for students and staff. NA Notes, logs of conversations with high need students ongoing throughout year Provide teacher led PD on essential elements of building student relationships. Selected members of staff (by PBIS team) TBD by presenter sign-in sheet from training, walkthrough documentation October 2015 Utilize “be the change” program to develop student leaders in the building as peer models. Mr. Haglan, Mr. Fulton Money for training supplies Be the Change Dates, roster of trained students November 2015 Recognize “students of character” monthly who are Ms. Royal, classroom meeting the designated character trait. teachers NA Student recognition lists October 2015 Provide additional support for students through the MGSD “Change a Life” mentoring program as well as the “Varsity Club” mentoring partnership with MHS. Mr. Haglan additional parent volunteers and high school volunteers mentoring logs ongoing Utilize a student survey mid-year to analyze three key focus areas in the classroom “Care, Control, and Challenge” School administration team Selected questions from tripod survey (from MET project) data from survey January 2016 !10 School Improvement Plan for 2015-16 Waiver Waiver Requested We request to exceed the class size requirement in grades 7-8 for the 2014-15 school year. How will this waiver impact school improvement? The problems associated with the formation of new classes or the reorganization of existing classes can be avoided when the sole reason for their formation is to meet the class size requirement. The continuity of instruction/learning would not be comprised by the formation of new classes and/or reorganization of existing classes to maintain class size requirements. !11