DEMO CIRCUIT 1036 LT3477 QUICK START GUIDE LT3477 Multiple-string LED Driver with Wide PWM Dimming WARNING! DO NOT LOOK AT OPERATING LED. This circuit produces light that can damage eyes. DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 1036 is a M ultiple-string LED driver w ith w ide PW M dimming featuring the LT3477. The demo circuit boosts VIN, betw een 8V and 16V, to the required VO U T in order to generate a total of 330mA output current for a load of up to 3 LED strings. The 330mA output current is evenly shared among the LED strings. In the case of 3 LED strings, the nominal current in each string w ill be 110mA. If one or more LED strings are open, the current in the remaining LED string(s) w ill be reduced to allow leaping-home operation. If any LED string is open, the output voltage w ill be limited to 29V by the demo circuit, protecting the circuit from over voltage damage. U sing current mirror ballast offers high efficiency and good current matching. The demo circuit operates at 2M H z, offering small solution size w hile avoiding the frequency band of the AM radio. Pulling the SH DN terminal to ground (G ND) w ill disable the LT3477. Fast LED current turn–on and –off is made possible by adding D1, Q 1 and Q 2. This allow s a w ide PW M dimming ratio. PW M dimming offers better LED light output integrity than DC dimming w ith the same dimming ratio. In another w ord, less color shift. A 300H z PW M frequency w ith 1% dimming ratio can easily be achieved w ith this demo circuit. O ther current levels and/or load configurations can be achieved w ith a few simple modifications. Please consult the datasheet or the factory for customization details. The LT3477 datasheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and application information. The datasheet must be read in conjunction w ith this quick start guide for w orking on or modifying the demo circuit 1036. Design files for this circuit board are available. Call the LTC factory. , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. ThinSOT and Pow erPath are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Specifications are at TA = 25°C SYM BO L VIN VPW M Fs N M ** IOUT VOPEN η PAR AM ETER Input Supply Range PW M Voltage Sw itching Frequency Number of LED Strings Number of LEDs per String Total Output Current Open Circuit Output Voltage Efficiency FPW M PW M Signal Frequency CO NDITION S M IN 8 4.5 TYP 12 5 2 M AX 16 5.5 3 UN ITS V V M Hz N/A 6 330 29 81 No Load VIN = 12V 3 LED strings, 7 LEDs per string 100 mA V % 300 Hz 1 LT3477 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Specifications are at TA = 25°C SYM BO L PAR AM ETER RatioPW M PW M Dimming Ratio CO NDITION S M IN 1 TYP M AX 100 UN ITS % **:The minimum number of LEDs per string is limited by the minimum duty cycle of the LT3477 at VIN=16V and Fs=2M Hz QUICK START PROCEDURE Demonstration circuit 1036 is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the LT3477. Refer to Figure 1 for proper measurement equipment setup and follow the procedure below : NOTE. W hen measuring the input or output voltage ripple, care must be taken to avoid a long ground lead on the oscilloscope probe. M easure the input or output voltage ripple by touching the probe tip directly across the VIN or VO U T and GND terminals. See Figure 2 for proper scope probe technique. 1. W ith pow er off, connect the input pow er supply to VIN and G ND. 2. Connect the PW M turret to a 5V supply. 3. Connect up to three (3) LED strings betw een LED+ and LED1- to LED3- respectively. 2 4. Turn on the pow er at the input. NOTE. M ake sure that the input voltage does not exceed 16V. 5. Check for the proper voltages and currents. NOTE. If the LEDs do not light up, check all the connections. 6. O nce the proper operations are established, adjust the input w ithin the operating range and observe the parameters of interest. 7. To test PW M dimming, apply a PW M signal to the PW M turret and observe the relationship betw een the LED mean current and the dimming ratio. The PW M signal should have a peak of less than 5V. LT3477 Figure 1. Proper M easurem ent Equipm ent Setup GND VIN Figure 2. M easuring Input or Output Ripple 3 LT3477 4