0123 Test, Calibration THEODOR FRIEDRICHS & CO. Meteorologische Geräte und Sys teme GmbH Group 8 page 1 Type No. Thermometer Test Equipment cons ists of th ermomet er tes t bath incl . electronic temper ature c ontrol , cont inuous cooler , spec ial lamp and a set of st andard therm ometers. Thermometer Test Bath with double safety glass pane; ver y easy readi ng of the tes t and c ontrol t hermomet ers; adjus table f rame f or ins tallation of d iff erent t hermomet er si zes; f low regu lation by means of a cir culat ing p ump; cooling coils for external conn ection , e. g . of a c ryomat, built -in electroni cal t emperat ure c ontrol device w ith r esistance therm ometer. Type 8100.0000 Type 8101.0000 Bath vol ume: approx. 23 l approx. 33 l Front pane: 340 x 340 mm 540 x 340 mm Meas. r ange: -20°C...+50°C with cooler type 8105 -10°C...+50°C with cooler type 8105 Power supply: 230 VAC, 50 Hz, approx. 3 kVA 230 VAC, 50 Hz, approx. 3 kVA Heatin g power: 400...2700 W 400...2700 W Dimensions: 800 x 230 x 670 mm 1160 x 230 x 670 mm Weight: approx. 42 kg approx. 49 kg Elec troni c temp eratur e contr ol: by Pt 100, PID controller, LED display. Temperature setting with 0.01°C res oluti on 8100.0000 8101.0000 Bath liquids Depending on the individual application, two different kinds of bath liquid are available (silicon fluid for example, in connection with an external cryomat ). W ater-glycol solution (down to -20°C) 8104.1000 Silicon fluid (down to -40°C) 8104.3000 The Continuous Cooler is mai ntenan ce-free r efri gerator engine with heat exchanger; connection to the circulation pump of the test bath features an intensive countinuous cooling. Refr igerat ion power : 0.33 kW at 20°C 8105.0000 Power supply: 230 VAC, 50 Hz Dimensions: 290 x 540 x 330 mm Weight: approx. 33 kg Refrigerator ther mostats, cryostats etc. for l ower bath t emperatures The Special Lamp is suitable to illuminate the test bath; it produces a light simi lar to d aylight and f ree of h eat radi ation. Upon request Special lamp for type 8100: 8114.0000 Special lamp for type 8101: 8115.0000 Set of contr ol ther mometer s, wi th manu fact urer’ s calib ration cerf icate 8117.0001 Set of contr ol ther mometer s, with official calibration c erfi cate 8117.0002 The Control Thermometers (1 s et = 2 t hermomet ers) . Meas. r ange: Scaling: -38°C...+10°C; - 1°C...+51°C 0.1°C 8121.0000 Temperature Test Cabinet Light grey varnished housing with illuminated stainless steel test chamber, compl. with racks and safet y glass pane in f rontdoor. Suit able f or si multaneous test of 4 thermographs respectively 2 thermohygrographs, or similar instruments. Temperature setting via keyboard and LED display on the front panel. Meas. r ange: -40°C...+180° Test chamb er volume: approx.100 l Power supply: 230 VAC, 50 Hz, approx. 2.4 kW Dimensions: 1670 x 820 x 840 mm (H x W x D) Weight: approx. 230 kg Further sizes and temp. ranges upon r equest! Climatic Cabinets Dif feren t siz es as w ell as d iff erent s pecif icati ons Upon request 0123 Test, Calibration THEODOR FRIEDRICHS & CO. Meteorologische Geräte und Sys teme GmbH Group 8 page 2 Type No. 8420.0000 Windtunnel The windtunnel type 8420 is basicly designed as test equipment for calibration of wind sensors. The op en construction with the measuring section in the suction part enables compact dimensions and theref ore operat ion in r elatively smal l rooms . An SC R con troll ed DC m otor dr ive enables a wide operation r ange and s table r otation al speed . Depending on customer’s specif icati on dif feren t ref erence equipment (Differential pressure gauges, Thermal anemometer s as w ell as Las er-Doppl er Anem ometers) and acc essor ies ( Test adapter s, PC ’s, P rint ers, Monitors etc. ) are avail able. C ustom made sof tware s olutions for s emi- or fu lly- automat ic oper ation incl. print out of fin al test report s can be off ered. Meas. r ange: 0.15...50 m/s According Reynolds number: 0.65 x 10 ...2.15 x 10 (at pa =1013 hPa und ta =20°C) Degree of turb ulenc e: (measured in tunnel coss sect ion wit h res olution 0.5 Hz) Drive p ower: at v= 3 m/s: ±0.4 % at v=10 m/s: ±.0.4 % at v=40 m/s: ±0.3 % Drive c ontrol : SCR Power supply: 230/400 VAC, 50 Hz /3Ph, max. 50 kVA Dimensions: 6115 x 2090 x 1565 mm (L x W x H) 4 approx. 40 kW Weight: Windtunnel incl. drive: approx. 1400 kg Contr ol cabi net: approx. 245 kg Comparison of tunnel velocity and sensor velocity Sensorname: WAA151 Ser.-No.: 00001 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 Sensor velocity in m/s Examble of numer ical and graphical sch emes of an anemometer c harac teris tic 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Tunnel velocity in m/s Sensor velocity Tunnel velocity Some One Date: 2002.06.26. 6 0123 Test, Calibration THEODOR FRIEDRICHS & CO. Meteorologische Geräte und Sys teme GmbH Group 8 page 3 Type No. 8700.0000 Pessure / Vacuum Chamber Pres sur e/vacuu m cham ber f or tes ting several an eroids , barotr ansmi tters, barogr aphs, mercu ry barom eters (with hood, type 8701); test chamber consis ts of cyli ndri cal s teel bod y, coated , with flan ge covered by a s teel pl ate (or hood 8701) and sealed by means of an O-ring; a large inspection pane in the door mad e of 40 m m acryl ic gl ass; built -in vibrating table with rung stand, actuated by push-button from outside; on the right 8 electrical ducts, on the left two air ducts NW 10 for connecti on to Hg -test baromet er or oth er extern al unit s; oper ating valves at t he fr ont. Recommended accessories: Hood, type 8701, cabinet, type 8720 to install the pump, support for test barometer, type 8740, control panel for vernier adjustment, type 8741.1, control motor type 8742, vacuum pump type 8750. Test baromet ers, refer to grou p 5. Operating range: 100...1100 hPa, other ranges upon request Dimensions: 1150 x 850 x 830 mm, Weight: approx. 255 kg Requi red area: 770 x 520 mm Volum e of tes t cham ber: 234 l 8701.0000 Acrylic Glass Hood For tes ting up to 4 m ercu ry barom eters ; to rep lace th e steel p late of type 8700; made of 40 mm acrylic glass. Dimensions: 400 x 500 x 200 mm, Weight: approx. 28 kg 8710.0000 Pressure / Vacuum Chamber, sm all size Pres sur e/vacuu m ch amber f or tes ting aneroid s, bar otrans mitt ers, barographs and a mer cur y baromet er (wi th hood type 8711); test chamber made of a rugged steel construction, upper flange covered by an aluminium pl ate (or h ood type 8711) and sealed by means of an O-ring. Door to be closed by 4 hand wheels , in spec tion pane in the door made of 3 0 mm ac rylic glass ; on the right electrical ducts, on the left 2 air ducts NW 10 for connection of Hg-test barometer or other external unit s; oper ating valves at t he fr ont. Recommended accessories: Hood, type 8711, cabinet, type 8720 or base plate type 8721, to install the pump, electrical ducts etc., support for test barometer , type 8 740, contr ol panel f or verni er adjustment, type 8741.1, control motor type 8742, vacuum pump type 8750 or 8760. Test barometers , ref er to group 5. Operating range: 700...1100 hPa, other ranges upon request Dimensions: 760 x 560 x 750 mm, Weight: approx. 107 kg Requi red area: 760 x 520 mm Volum e of tes t cham ber: 65 l 8711.0000 Acrylic Glass Hood for t ype 8710 for t estin g one mer cur y baromet er. Dimensions: Æ 270 mm, 800 mm height, Weight: approx. 5.5 kg 8712.0000 Vibrating Table for p ress ure c hamber type 8710 Cabinet for Pressure / Vacuum Chamber Sheet s teel con str ucti on with wooden top plate an d lock able f ront d oor; s erves f or ins talli ng tes t cham bers 8700 or 8710 and test barometer support type 8740. Suitable for containing the pressure/vacuum pump. Dimensions: 710 x 1000 x 700 mm (H x W x D), Weight: approx. 55 kg 8721.0000 Base Plate serves as a bas e for p ress ure c hamber 8710 i ncl. acces sori es. Dimensi ons: 900 x 600 x 19 mm Weight: approx. 6.3 kg 8740.0000 Support for Test Barom eter Plas tic c oated wooden cons truc tion; backg round illum inati on by means of a f luores cent l amp. Dimensions: 1300 x 170 x 120 mm Power s upply: 230 VAC 50 Hz Test barometers, refer to pr oduct group 5 8720.0000 W ei ght: approx. 7 kg 0123 Test, Calibration THEODOR FRIEDRICHS & CO. Meteorologische Geräte und Sys teme GmbH Group 8 page 4 Type No. Control Panel for Rem ote Vernier Control to operate control motors type 8742 or 8744, with built-in power supply and push buttons for remote op eratin g of t he verni er disp lacemen t. Power supply: 230 VAC 50 Hz Contr ol panel f or 1 c ontrol motor 8741.0000 Dimensions: 265 x 170 x 120 mm Contr ol panel f or up t o 4 cont rol mot ors 8741.1000 Weight: 0.9 kg / 1.8 kg 8742.0000 Control Motor for ver nier c ontrol , cons isti ng of U -shaped fast ening b racket , gui ding b racket s and a D C gear m otor, c oupled t o a recep tacle wh ich i s sc rewed to t he knur led vern ier adj ustm ent knob of th e baromet er on tes t. Power supply: refer to type 8 741 Dimensions: Control Unit for Fort in Barometers 135 x 71 x 45 mm Weight: approx. 0.3 kg for z ero adju stmen t at th e mercu ry vess el bott om. Suit able f or 1 For tin b arometer incl . adapt er parts for pressure chamber type 8700 8744.0000 Power supply: refer to type 8741 as above, f or 2 bar ometers 8744.1000 Dimensions: Æ 85 mm, 60 mm high as above, f or 3 bar ometers 8744.2000 Weight: approx. 0.3 kg as above, f or 4 bar ometers 8744.3000 Control unit similar to 8744.0000, but suitable f or pressure chamber 8710 8745.0000 8750.0000 Pressure/Vacuum Pump Rotary vane pump for pressure chambers 8700 or 8710, equipped with relief valve and oil separator. 8760.0000 Double Piston Vibration Pum p Low noise pump without rotating parts, suitable for pressure chamber 8710, range 700...1100 hPa. Rain Gauge Test Equipment 8800.0000 for calibrating any kind of precipitation gauge; equipped with rotary pump and precision flow meter for exac t sim ulati on of r ainf all int ensit y, with injec tor f or st atic b alancing of tipping bucket measuring systems and measuring cylinder to measure the reference water amou nt. Frame m ade of an odized al umini um and P VC. Water pump: rotary pump 0.44 kW, 2.2 A Connec tion: 230 VAC 50 Hz, via mains plug Operating range: Dimensions: up to 15 mm/min pr ecipi tation rate, 2 related to 200 c m orifice 1900 x 600 x 500 mm (H x W x D) Weight: approx. 35 kg Sensor Test Unit 8820.0000 suitable for test of sensors listed in group 2...7. The individual configuration for each applic ation d epends on the l ayout of the com plete met eorologi cal s ystem (on request, available i n a sealed carr ying c ase - see illustration). Sensor Simulator suit able f or cal ibrat ion of measur ing c onverter s or d ata acqui siti on syst ems (aut omatic weather stations). Simulation of all sensor functions listed in group 2...7 is possible. The individual configuration for each application depends on the layout of the complete meteorolog ical s ystem ( on requ est, available i n a sealed carr ying c ase - see illustration). 8821.0000