Inkle WeavIng - Schacht Spindle Company

Inkle Weaving
by Naomi Binsfeld
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Spindle Company, Inc.
Inkle Weaving
Naomi Binsfeld
Loom Assembly
Insert the bolt end of the tension peg (A) through the slot in the side of the
inkle loom. Place a washer on the threaded shaft and screw on the black knob.
tension peg
Figure 1 - Inkle Loom
Weaving Terms
Heading: a heavy weft, not part of the main weaving, worked at each
end of the band and removed when the weaving is complete.
Heddles: string loops that are used to control the warp threads.
Pattern Draft: a graphic description of the placement of the different
colors of warp yarns used for the warp pattern.
Pick-up Stick: a smooth stick with a pointed end, also called a “shed”
Shed: the space through which the shuttle passes.
Stick Shuttle: a flat stick that carries the weft, notched at both ends.
A “belt” shuttle has one beveled edge which helps pack the weft
tightly together.
Warp: (noun) the lengthwise threads that are stretched on the loom
and lifted or lowered for weaving; (verb) the process of putting
warp thread on the loom for weaving.
Weft: the crosswise threads that are woven through the warp yarns.
Weaving Yarns
The best yarns for weaving are smooth, strong and relatively inelastic. Perle
cotton (also known as mercerized cotton) in size 3/2 or size 5/2, embroidery
floss, cotton rug warp, linen or firmly twisted wools are all suitable.
with heddle: d d x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x d d (20 ends)
no heddle:
d d x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x d d
(19 ends)
heddles required = 20
total ends = 39
total dark ends (d) = 8
total light ends (x) = 31
figure 2 - Sample Draft
Inkle Weaving Pattern Draft
Before you begin to warp your
loom, choose a weaving draft to follow. In these instuctions we have used
the draft shown in figure 2. There are
additional drafts on the last page of
these instructions.
The top row of the draft shows
the warp threads that will be strung
through heddles. The bottom row
shows the warp threads which will
not pass through heddles. Read the
pattern starting with the top row
at the left, as follows: warp the first
thread in the top row, then the first
thread in the bottom row. Next warp
the second thread in the top row and
the second thread in the bottom row.
Follow the draft, alternating from the
top to the bottom until the pattern is
The single heddle is made by tying
the heddle string around pegs 1 and
5 (figure 1). When using this heddle
you must place the heddles on the
warp threads as you warp the loom
(figure 3).
The double heddle is made by
tying the string around pegs B, 1,
and 5. This heddle can be attached
during the warping process, or after
part or all of the warp is on the loom
(figure 4).
figure 3 - Single Heddle
Making the Heddles
You must make a heddle for each
of the warp ends listed on the top row
of the weaving draft. You will need 20
heddles for the sample pattern draft.
Heddles are reusable and should be
made of a sturdy cotton string such as
cotton rug warp or seine twine. There
are two types of heddles, “single” and
“double,” either of which can be used
on this loom.
figure 4 - Double Heddle
Warping the Loom
Place the loom on a table with the
pegs facing you. Move the tension
peg A to the middle of the slot (figure
Warp using the double heddles:
1. Tie the end of the dark yarn
around peg A with a slip knot (figure
figure 5 - Slip Knot
2. To wind the first warp thread, pass
the warp thread over pegs B and C,
and then down to 4 and back to peg A
(figure 6).
3. Fold the double heddle over the
first warp thread (working just in
front of peg B), and loop both ends of
the heddle onto peg 5 (figure 4).
4. The 2nd warp thread is wound
without a heddle, and goes under peg
B, over peg C and then around peg 4
and back to A (figure 6).
Cut the dark warp thread approximately 2" beyond peg A and tie this
end to the free end of the next color
required by the draft (light, for the
sample draft).
Check that the knotted ends go
around the outside of peg A, and be
careful not to wind either end all the
way around peg A. Keep the tension
even and continue to warp according
to steps 1-4, above, tying each new
color to the previous color.
Warp using the single heddles:
1. Thread all of the heddles you will
need for your pattern onto each of
the two warp yarns (4 heddles for
the dark yarn, and 16 heddles for the
light) before beginning to warp. Just
slip the free end of the warp yarn
through the heddles.
2. Tie the free end of the dark yarn
to peg A with a slip knot (figure 5).
3. To wind the first warp thread, slip
the first heddle onto peg 5 (figure 3)
and then pass the warp thread over
pegs B and C, and then down to peg 4
and back to peg A (figure 6).
4. The 2nd warp thread is wound
Repeat these four steps until you
have finished with the dark color.
(Wind a total of 4 dark warp threads,
if you are following the sample pattern.)
without a heddle, and goes under peg
B, over peg C, around peg 4 and back
to A (figure 6).
When all of the warp strings have
been wound onto the loom, untie the
beginning slip knot and tie the first
(dark) thread to the end of the last
(dark) thread. Be sure the knotted
threads pass around the outside of
peg A. Tighten the tension of the
entire warp by loosening peg A and
moving it toward the front of the
loom. Tighten peg A firmly in place.
Preparing the Weft
Inkle weaving is a “warp-faced”
weave, which means you will see the
first warp
second warp
figure 6 - Warping the Loom
weft only at the edges of the woven
band. If you use the same color for
the weft that you used for the outer
warp ends, the weft will run invisibly along the outside. If you use a
contrasting color weft, it will show as
small loops on the edge of the band.
Use a yarn of the same size and type
as the warp, or use a thicker yarn if
you prefer a heavier woven band. You
can double your warp yarn to create a
thicker weft.
Wind a Shuttle
Wind your weft yarn in a figure 8
onto a stick shuttle or a belt shuttle.
A belt shuttle has one tapered edge
which makes it easier to beat your
weft into place. If you are using a belt
shuttle, wind your weft yarn onto the
fatter side of the belt shuttle, leaving
the tapered edge free.
In addition to your weft yarn, you
will need a 6" length of thick string
or yarn, or a few small sticks (such
as craft sticks, broomstraws, etc.) to
weave a heading. You can wind this
heading weft onto your shuttle on top
of the regular weft.
You are now ready to weave!
Beginning to Weave
The inkle loom is capable of creating two sheds, or openings, between
the warp ends. To weave you will pass
the weft yarn through first one and
then the other of these two sheds.
You will first make a heading to practice making the sheds and to prepare
your warp for weaving the actual inkle
Making a Heading
Make the first shed by placing your
hand behind the heddles and pushing
down firmly on the warp ends which
are not through the heddles (these
are the “moving threads”) until an
opening is created below the warp
ends which are in the heddles (the
“stationary threads”) and in front of
the heddles. Insert one end of the
thick thread or one stick. Tighten the
weaving by forcing the weft yarn or
stick as far forward as possible. Then
form the second shed by pushing up
on the moving warp threads until a
space is created above the stationary
warp ends and in front of the heddles.
Insert the thick thread or a second
stick. Work two more rows of heading
in this manner. Cut the heading yarn,
leaving a short tail.
Weaving the Inkle Band
To weave the first row, push down
the moving threads to create your
first shed, and pass the shuttle with
your main weft yarn halfway through
so that it extends on both sides of
the warp. (You can let go of the shed
because the shuttle is keeping the
shed open.) Use both hands to pull
the shuttle firmly toward you. Now,
pull the shuttle the rest of the way
through the warp, leaving a short (2")
tail of weft on the starting side.
To weave the second row, pull up
the moving threads. Tuck the tail
of weft from the first row into the
shed, then insert the shuttle halfway
through the warp and use both hands
to pull firmly toward you. This will
“beat” in the previous row and the tail
of weft and create a neat opening for
the current row. Bring your shuttle
through and pull the weft firmly to
the edge of the inkle band. The warp
ends should be pulled closely together so as to cover the weft. The weft
should turn from one row to the next
without loops.
Continue to weave in this manner,
alternating the two sheds, beating
with the shuttle, and passing the weft
through the shed.
Advancing the Warp
After a few inches of weaving you
will run out of space to weave. Now
you are ready to advance the warp.
Loosen the tension peg and firmly
grasp the warp in two places. Pull the
woven band toward you. Be careful
to move all the threads the same distance in order to avoid a shift in the
warp. Re-adjust the tension peg and
resume weaving.
Joining a New Weft
To make a seamless join when you
run out of weft on the shuttle, use the
“clasped weft” technique. Make a
loop with the end of the new weft. Lay
in the next shed with the loop sticking out the same side as the short
weft from the previous shed. Make
sure that both ends of the loop extend
beyond the band on the other side.
Thread the old weft through the loop
so that you have formed interlocking
loops. Pull on both ends until the join
is hidden inside the band. Resume
weaving with the new weft. Trim off
the excess ends when the band is
Finishing the Inkle Band
When the band is as long as you
want or when there is no more room
to advance the warp, use a small piece
of warp thread to create an invisible
finish, as follows: weave a loop of the
extra warp thread into the next to last
shed, so that the two ends of the loop
are on the same side as the shuttle,
and the loop is on the opposite side
from the shuttle. Weave the last shed,
and cut the end leaving a 6" tail. Then
weave a few extra rows of heading to
hold the last few rows of your band
in place. Remove the band from the
loom by cutting through the warp in
the center of the unwoven section.
Tuck the 6" tail of weft yarn into the
loop you created in the next-to-last
shed, pull the tail into the belt and
trim the loose ends. To secure the tail
ends of your warp, you can sew firmly
across the last row of weft, by hand
or by machine, and then remove the
heading. Another finishing method
is to remove the heading yarns at
either end and then tie, braid, or twist
groups of warp together.
Weaving Variations
Longer bands can be made by
winding your warp back and forth
on the pegs between 1 and 4. For
example the longest warp would wind
around C, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The chart
below lists the possible warp paths
and their lengths. Note: all threads in
a warp must follow the same path up
to and around peg C, and return from
peg 4 to peg A.
The width of a band is determined by the number and size of
the warp threads used. A 1" band
would require approximately 50 warp
threads in the yarns recommended in
these instructions. A finished width of
4 inches is the maximum which can
be woven on this loom.
Warp Length
You can choose the length of your
warp by selecting one of the warp
paths described in the table below.
Start at Peg A and proceed to Peg C,
then from peg C go to the next peg
on the list for the warp length you
want. For example, the warp shown in
figure 6 follows the path for a 5-yard
warp (A-C-4-5). •
Warp Length
8½ feet
6½ feet
5 feet
Blue Stripes
thru heddle: w w b b w w w w w w b b w w
not thru heddle: w w b b w w w w w b b w w
heddles required = 14
total blue ends (b) = 8
total white ends (w) = 19
(14 ends)
(13 ends)
thru heddle: r r r r r p p p r r r p p p r r r p p p r r (22 ends)
not thru heddle: r r p p p r r r p p p r r r p p p r r r r r (22 ends)
heddles required = 22
total red ends (r) = 26
total purple ends (p) = 18
thru heddle: w b x b w b b w b x b w
not thru heddle:
w b b w b x b w b b w
heddles required = 12
total blue ends (b) = 12
total white ends (w) = 8
total yellow ends (x) = 3
(12 ends)
(11 ends)
Egyptian Key
thru heddle: m m g g g g g g b b b m m
(13 ends)
not thru heddle: m m g g g b b b b b b m m (13 ends)
heddles required = 13
total blue ends (b) = 9
total maroon ends (m) = 8
total green ends (g) = 9
Further Reading
Byways in Handweaving, by Mary Atwater
Inkle Weaving, by Helene Bress
Inkle, by Evelyn Neher
Weaving Inkle Bands, by Harriet Tidball