Community Planning Update for ADP – March 2016

Community Planning Update for ADP – March 2016
Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) Update
 The Executive Sub Group tasked with developing the LOIP has met twice and remains focused on delivering draft ‘top-level’ LOIP
priorities by 31 March 2016.
 A draft evidential narrative has been prepared, albeit work is ongoing among partners to identify any remaining data / trend gaps which
require to be considered during the preparation phase. Priority identification criteria have been agreed and the aim remains to deliver
an evidenced set of priorities which serves as a solid foundation upon which future LOIP activities will be based.
 The SOA continues in the meantime, however, discussions have already occurred regarding the transition to the LOIP.
What Works Scotland (WWS)
 Board members attended a WWS Development Day in January, with wide-ranging discussions helping to inform ongoing LOIP
development. This is to be followed in early March with a combined Board and Executive event, when the discussions will include
partnership working, the functions and roles of both groups, along with several LOIP development issues.
Community Planning Board Update (No meeting since last update)
 Next CPP Board: Wednesday 30th March 2016, topics to include: SOA Focus Reports on Employment, Early Years and Health
Inequalities and Physical Activity
Community Planning Executive Update (No meeting since last update)
 Next CPP Executive: Wednesday 18th May 2016
 At the October 2015 Executive, partners discussed their approach to prevention, community engagement and the process for
updating the next round of strategic assessments (due 2018). Partners committed resources to the development of the new Local
Outcomes Improvement Plan and the development of the next round of Strategic Assessments.
Local Community Plans (LCP) 2016-2019 & Strategic Assessments
 The development process for the updated LCPs continues, with their publication due in early summer.
Updates on Community Planning can be found on our website:
Please note, our website is currently being redeveloped and will be live in March 2016
Citizens’ Panel – Viewpoint & Community Engagement
 Topics in the current Viewpoint survey (44) circulated in February 2016 – Community Engagement, Digital Services/My
Account, Public Performance Reporting and Satisfaction with Public Services.
 Results from Viewpoint 42 (topics included Gender Based Abuse, Health and Social Care and Policing Priorities) will become
publically available in May 2016.
 Committee approval was recently obtained for a one year contract extension (until March 31 2017) for the company who
manage the operation of the citizens’ panel. Over the next few months, the ACPP will have to consider and agree the nature
and extent of future citizens’ panel activity, before entering into any new contract planning.
Community Justice
 The Aberdeenshire Community Justice Transition Plan was submitted to the Scottish Government in January, with the new
Aberdeenshire Community Justice Partnership Group coming into effect on 1 April 2016. This group will facilitate the
development of a new Aberdeenshire Community Justice Local Outcomes Improvement Plan, which will coincide with the
start of new local and national community justice operating structures in spring 2017. Contact Kathleen Mowat for more information.
Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Aberdeenshire
 The two Participatory Budgeting small grants pilot schemes in Fraserburgh and Peterhead are now underway, with the respective local
planning groups having met several times. In an attempt to address the support needs of communities seeking PB funding,
Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action has organised ‘Grow your Group’ meetings which are being held locally in early March.
 Application forms will be distributed to communities in March, seeking the nomination of suitable issues to receive funding. The
application process concludes on 30 April, with community voting days occurring later in June to identify the successful issues.
 Aberdeenshire CPP has received an additional £35K in funding from the Scottish Government to support the PB pilot schemes (see
press release The additional funds will be used
to help cover the costs of marketing, venue hire, additional support workers, volunteer expenses, digital tools and translation costs.
 Please visit and for more
information, or alternatively, contact Steph Swales (Peterhead) ( or Caroline Smith
(Fraserburgh) (
Updates on Community Planning can be found on our website:
Please note, our website is currently being redeveloped and will be live in March 2016
News / Events / Published Reports / Other
The Safer Communities Scotland Awards 2016 are now open for nominations. Categories; People’s Choice Award, Wider
Partnership, Strengthening Community Engagement and Resilience, Innovative Media Campaign, Early Intervention and
Education. The guidance document also includes links to helpful tools for evaluation. A training course on applying for awards and
funding will be held in Edinburgh on 31st March 2016 to help support applicants. Closing date for applications: Friday 29 April 2016.
More information on the awards and applications forms can be found at: If any group in Aberdeenshire is submitting a nomination, please contact
Team Leader, Community Safety who is collating local entries.
The National Missing Persons Steering Group (whose members are drawn from local authorities, third sector organisations, NHS,
CoSLA, Police Scotland and Scottish Government) are conducting a survey of all local authority areas on the provision of return
interviews as part of the development of a National Missing Persons Strategy. Comments from partner organisations who may
encounter people that go missing would be most welcome, particularly those who work with vulnerable groups such as children, young
people and older people. To facilitate the drafting of a coordinated Aberdeenshire CPP response, please make contact with who will provide an electronic form which should be completed and returned to her for
collation. The deadline for responses is very soon, Friday, 4th March 2016 and further information can be found at
Voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations now have access a free online tool, the VCSE Strength Checker
(developed by the Big Lottery Fund in conjunction with the Cabinet Office) to help them improve their performance and sustainability.
The Checker can be used for free by organisations wishing to improve and develop their resilience and it can be accessed through the
following link: It will produce a personalised report highlighting an organisation’s key strengths and
any areas for improvement. Organisations will be signposted to other sources of support and funding and the report can be used to
help organisations complete funding applications/bids.
Updates on Community Planning can be found on our website:
Please note, our website is currently being redeveloped and will be live in March 2016