FET High Frequency Response

Section J8c: FET High Frequency Response
Just like for the BJT, we could use the original small signal model for low
frequency analysis – the only difference was that external capacitances had
to be kept in the circuit. Also just like the BJT, for high frequency operation,
the internal capacitances between each of the device’s terminals can no
longer be ignored and the small signal model must be modified. Recall that
for high frequency operation, we’re stating that external capacitances are so
large (in relation to the internal capacitances) that they may be considered
short circuits.
High-Frequency FET Model
The high frequency equivalent
circuit for an FET is obtained by
between each pair of transistor
terminals as shown in the figure
to the right (based on Figure
10.16a of your text). The FET
capacitances shown on data
(Ciss), the forward transfer capacitance (Cfs), the reverse
capacitance (Crss) and the output capacitance (Cos), where
C iss = C gs + C gd
C fs = C gd
C rss = C gd
(Equation 10.58)
C os = C gd + C ds
The capacitors in the figure above may be related to data sheet information
C gd = C rss
C gs = C iss − C rss .
(Equation 10.59, Modified)
C ds = C os − C rss
We may simplify the circuit above by making the following observations:
¾ rgs may be considered as an open circuit. The input resistance is usually
around 1 to 10 MΩ for JFETs and even larger for MOSFETs, so it may be
¾ Cds is very small, so the impedance contribution of this capacitance may
be considered to be an open circuit and may be ignored.
Miller’s theorem may be used to replace the series capacitance, Cgd, with
shunt capacitances in the input and output circuit as follows:
C M1 = C gd (1 − Av ) (input circuit )
1 ⎞
⎟⎟ (output circuit )
C M 2 = C gd ⎜⎜1 −
Av ⎠
(Equation 10.61)
The simplified equivalent
circuit for the highfrequency response of an
FET is shown to the right
and is based on Figure
10.16b of your text.
Often this circuit may be
ignoring the output resistance, rds, since it is usually larger than any
resistance connected to the drain terminal.
The definition of time constants and pole frequencies in Section H5, for the
CB BJT amplifier, also hold for the common-gate amplifier configuration,
where Cb’e is replaced with Cgs, re is replaced with 1/gm, Cb’c is replaced with
Cgd, and appropriate changes are made to external component notation.
The definition of time constants and pole frequencies in Section H5, for the
CC (EF) BJT amplifier, also hold for the common-drain, or sourcefollower, amplifier configuration, where Cb’e is replaced with Cgs, Cb’c is
replaced with Cgd, and appropriate changes are made to external component
High Frequency Response of the CS Amplifier
The JFET implementation of the common-source amplifier is given to the left
below, and the small signal circuit incorporating the high frequency FET
model is given to the right below (based on Figures 10.19a and 10.19b of
your text). As stated above, the external coupling and bypass capacitors are
large enough that we can model them as short circuits for high frequencies.
We may simplify the small signal
approximations and observations:
¾ rds is usually larger than RD||RL, so that the parallel combination is
dominated by RD||RL and rds may be neglected. If this is not the case, a
single equivalent resistance, rds||RD||RL may be defined.
¾ The Miller effect transforms Cgd into separate capacitances seen in the
input and output circuits as
C M1 = C gd (1 − Av ) (input circuit )
1 ⎞
⎟⎟ (output circuit )
C M 2 = C gd ⎜⎜1 −
Av ⎠
¾ The parallel capacitances in the input circuit, Cgs and CM1, may be
combined to a single equivalent capacitance of value
C in = C gs + C M1 = C gs + C gd (1 − Av ) .
(Equation 10.66)
¾ Similarly, the parallel capacitances in the output circuit, Cds and CM2, may
be combined to a single equivalent capacitance of value
1 ⎞
C out = C ds + C M 2 = C ds + C gd ⎜⎜1 −
Av ⎟⎠
where Av=-gm(RD||RL) for a common-source amplifier.
With the above simplifications,
the small signal circuit may be
(Equation 10.67)
simplified as presented to the right (a corrected version of Figure 10.20 in
your text). Setting the input source, vS, equal to zero allows us to define the
equivalent resistances seen by Cin and Cout (the Method of Open Circuit Time
Constants). Note that, with vS=0, the dependent current source also goes to
zero (opens) and the input and output circuits are separated.
¾ Cin: Setting Cpit and CS equal to zero (open circuit), the equivalent
resistance seen by Cin is
RCin = R || RG .
¾ Cout: Letting the impedance of Cin be equal to infinity, the equivalent
resistance seen by Cout is
RCout = RD || RL .
The high frequency time constants for the CS amplifier are therefore defined
τ Cin = C in RCin ;
τ Cout = C out RCout ,
and the upper corner frequency is approximated by
ωH =
τ Cin
+ τ Cout CinRC in + Cout RC out Cin(R || RG ) + Cout (RD || RL )
Generally, the input is going to provide the dominant pole, so the high
frequency cutoff is given by
ωH =
C in (R || RG )
fH =
2π 2πC in (R || RG )
(Equation 10.68)
Finally, the same considerations for high frequency design as presented in
Section H6 for BJT amplifiers also hold for FETs.