PRACTICAL WORKBOOK For Academic Session 2014 AMPLIFIER & OSCILLATOR EL-234 For S.E (EL) Name: Roll Number: Batch: Department: Year: Department of Electronic Engineering NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi-75270 Pakistan 1 S.NO PRACTICALS CONTENTS 01 Introduction to amplifiers and Oscillators using PSPICE software 02 To design and implement common emitter amplifier and calculate its voltage gain, input resistance and output resistance. 03 To describe the operating characteristics of cascade amplifier and observe the normal operation in a cascade amplifier circuit. 04 To demonstrate the factors that contributes to the low-frequency response of a common emitter amplifier. 05 To demonstrate the design and operation of Class A common emitter power amplifier 06 The purpose of this experiment in to demonstrate the design and operation of a class B push-pull emitter-follower power amplifier 07 08 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a Butterworth sallen and key 2nd-order low-pass active filter The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a Butterworth sallen and key 2nd-order high-pass active filter 09 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a multiple-feedback active band-pass filter 10 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of an opamp based Wien-Bridge Oscillator. 11 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of an opamp based Phase-Shift Oscillator. 2 PAGE REMARKS 12 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of Hartley Oscillator behavior. 13 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of the 555 timer as a monostable Multivibrator. 14 The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of the 555 timer as an astable Multivibrator. 3 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 1 OBJECTIVE: Introduction to amplifiers and oscillators using PSPICE software. INTRODUCTION TO OSCILLATORS An oscillator is the basic element of all ac signal sources. It generates a sinusoidal signal of known frequency and amplitude. An oscillator is one of the most basic and useful instruments used in electrical and electronic measurements. Since sinusoidal waveforms are encountered so frequently in electronic measurement work, the oscillator (sine wave generator) represents the largest single category of signal generators. This device covers the frequency range from a few Hz to many GHz. Although an oscillator is known as a sinusoidal signal “generating” device, it is to be noted that it does not create energy, but merely acts as an energy converter. All it does is convert the unidirectional current drawn from a dc source of supply into an alternating current of desired frequency. The idea is the reverse process of what happens in a rectifier and, therefore, can also be called as an inverter. However, we generally think of oscillator circuits as providing an ac voltage signal. APPLICATIONS An oscillator is mostly used in electronic communication equipments. “Local” oscillators are used to assist the reduction of the incoming radio frequency (RF) to a lower intermediate frequency in different modulations like AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation) super heterodyne receivers. Oscillator circuits are also used to generate the RF carrier in the “exciter” section of a transmitter. They are also used as “clocks” in digital systems such as microcomputers, in the sweep circuits found in TV sets and oscilloscopes. An alternator cannot be called as an oscillator although it can generate sinusoidal ac power of 50 Hz. An oscillator is a non-rotating electronic device that converts dc energy into ac energy of frequency ranging from a few Hz to many GHz. But, an alternator is a mechanical device that 4 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering has rotating parts, converts mechanical energy into ac energy and that cannot produce ac energy of high frequency. Though an oscillator generates a large amount of ac power, it is preferred for several applications such as radio-transmitters and receivers, radars and so on. Take a look at the advantages given below. ADVANTAGES (i) Portable and cheap in cost. (ii) An oscillator is a non-rotating device. Consequently, there is no wear and tear and hence longer life. (iii) Frequency of oscillation may be conveniently varied. (iv) Voltage or currents of any frequency (20 Hz to 100 MHz) adjustable over a wide range can be generated. (v) Frequency once set remains constant for a considerable period of time. (vi) Voltages free from harmonics as well as rich with harmonics can be generated by sinusoidal oscillators and relaxation oscillators respectively. (vii) Operation of an oscillator is silent, as there is no moving part in it. (viii) High operation efficiency—due to absence of moving part, there is no wastage of energy owing to friction. For having a sinusoidal oscillator, we require an amplifier with positive feedback. The idea is to use the feedback signal in place of an input signal. If the loop gain and phase are correct, there will be an output signal even though there is no external input signal. In other words, an oscillator is an amplifier that is modified by positive feedback to supply its own input signal. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN AMPLIFIER AND AN OSCILLATOR: Amplifier-Oscillator Difference 5 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The difference between an amplifier and an oscillator is explained with the help of figure given above. An amplifier strengthens the input signal without any change in its waveform and frequency. The additional power required comes from the external dc source. Thus an amplifier can be called as an energy converter that draws energy from a dc supply and converts it into ac energy at signal frequency, the energy conversion process being controlled by the input signal. The main difference with an oscillator is that an oscillator does not need any external signal either to start or maintain the process of energy conversion. Apart from this, the energy conversion process is controlled by the oscillator circuit itself, as shown in the figure given above. In an oscillator, the passive components that are used for the circuit decides the output signal frequency. In order to bring a change in the output signal a change in the passive components is enough. Oscillator may provide fixed or variable frequency. If an oscillator is used as an instrument, it may be called with different names such as test oscillator (or signal generator), standard signal generator (or function generator) and so on. The name depends on the function performed by the device, type of signal produced by it, order of sophistication and so on. ORCAD-PSPICE: From Program open Orcad10.0 Capture CIS. Go to File New Project. Name the project as example, click on the tab Analog or Mixed A/D and save it the default Location. In create PSpice Project Window click on the tab Create based upon an existing project and then click OK. In Studio Suite Selection select PSpiceAD and then click Ok. In Design Resources click on Schematic 1 and then double click on Page1, a page will open. Click the place part button (which is in the vertical toolbar on the right side) and then go to add library, select all the p-spice libraries and then open them. From library select R/ANALOG and place it on the Schematic Page. Place 2 resistors. From library select VDC/SOURCE To connect the items in the circuit, select the Place Wire tool by clicking on the third button from the top on the vertical toolbar on the right side. Drag the mouse between the terminals of your placed parts to connect them. In order for PSpice to simulate your circuit, it must have a “zero” node for a ground. To 6 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering th add this ground, select the Place Ground tool by clicking on the 9 button from the top on the vertical toolbar on the right side. To change the value for an item, double click the value you want to change and enter the value you want on the dialog box that appears. Double click on the 1k value of the horizontally placed resistor and change the Value to 4k. It is important to name the nodes you want to plot in PSpice so you can find them easily. To name a node, select the Place Net Alias tool then change the Alias to Vout and click OK. Then place the alias on the desired node for Vout (i.e. the junction of the 2 resistors). The circuit should look like this Next, configure the simulation by clicking the New Simulation Profile button on the top toolbar. Enter the Name lab1. Click Create. BIAS POINT: A dialogue box will appear In it select the analysis type as bias point and then click OK. On the schematic, click the Enable Bias Voltage Display button to see all the DC voltages in the circuit as shown below. Then, click on the Enable Bias Current Display button to see all the DC current(s) in the circuit. 7 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering TRANSIENT ANALYSIS: For this circuit, select and wire these components: Capacitor (Place Part C in ANALOG library), Resistor (Place Part R in ANALOG library), Sinusoidal Source (Place Part VSIN in SOURCE library), and Ground (Place Ground 0 SOURCE library). Double click on the VOFF attribute of the VSIN component.Change the value from <VOFF> to 0. Click OK. Similarly, set the VAMPL attribute to 1 and the FREQ attribute to 159000. (1/(2*PI*R*C)). This circuit is shown below: Next, configure the simulation by clicking the New Simulation Profile button on the top toolbar. Enter the Name Tran and the following dialog box will appear. Set Analysis type: Time Domain (transient), Run To Time: 20us, and Maximum Step Size to 100ns. Click OK. 8 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Click on the Voltage/Level Marker button and place a marker at the junction of the R and C and at the junction between the Source and the R. Click the Run PSpice button and the PSpice Analysis results will appear as shown below. Click the toggle cursor button to determine values of Vin and Vout at different points. AC ANALYSIS: Close the PSpice simulation window. Then, modify the above circuit by deleting the VSIN component. Replace this component with the AC source (Place Part VAC in SOURCE library). The default attributes are correct. This circuit is shown below: 9 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Next, configure the simulation by clicking the New Simulation Profile button on the top toolbar. Enter the Name AC and the following dialog box will appear. Select Analysis type: AC Sweep/Noise, AC Sweep Type: Logarithmic and enter the displayed values for Start Frequency, End Frequency and Points/Decade. Click OK. When you create a new simulation profile, the program deletes the voltage markers. Add a voltage marker at the Vout node. Then, click the Run PSpice button and the PSpice Analysis results will appear as shown below. 10 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 2 OBJECTIVE: Design a common emitter amplifier Measure its voltage gain, input resistance and output resistance EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors capacitors Transistors: 1 x 2N3904 INTRODUCTION An electrical signal can be amplified by using a device which allows a small current or voltage to control the flow of a much larger current from a dc power source. Transistors are the basic device providing control of this kind. There are two general types of transistors, bipolar and field-effect. Very roughly, the difference between these two types is that for bipolar devices an input current controls the large current flow through the device, while for field-effect transistors an input voltage provides the control. In most practical applications it is better to use an op-amp as a source of gain rather than to build an amplifier from discrete transistors. A good understanding of transistor fundamentals is nevertheless essential. Because op-amps are built from transistors, a detailed understanding of op-amp behavior, particularly input and output characteristics, must be based on an understanding of transistors. Single stage transistors are still important in many applications. For experiments they are especially useful as interface devices between integrated circuits and sensors, indicators, and other devices used to communicate with the outside world. The three terminals of a bipolar transistor are called the emitter, base, and collector .A small current into the base controls a large current flow from the collector to the emitter. The current at the base is typically one hundredth of the collector-emitter current. 11 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering In electronics, a common-emitter amplifier is one of three basic single-stage bipolar-junctiontransistor (BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as a voltage amplifier. In this circuit the base terminal of the transistor serves as the input, the collector is the output, and the emitter is common to both (for example, it may be tied to ground reference or a power supply rail), hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor circuit is the common-source amplifier, and the analogous tube circuit is the common-cathode amplifier. Fig.1 : Basic npn common emitter circuit CHARACTERISTICS: Large voltage and current gains. Input resistance is moderately large Output resistance is fairly large. EMITTER DEGENERATION Fig 2: Adding an emitter resistor decreases gain, but increases linearity and stability 12 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Common-emitter amplifiers give the amplifier an inverted output and can have a very high gain that may vary widely from one transistor to the next. The gain is a strong function of both temperature and bias current, and so the actual gain is somewhat unpredictable. Stability is another problem associated with such high gain circuits due to any unintentional positive feedback that may be present. Other problems associated with the circuit are the low input dynamic range imposed by the small-signal limit; there is high distortion if this limit is exceeded and the transistor ceases to behave like its small-signal model. One common way of alleviating these issues is with the use of negative feedback, which is usually implemented with emitter degeneration. Emitter degeneration refers to the addition of a small resistor (or any impedance) between the emitter and the common signal source (e.g., the ground reference or a power supply rail). For the circuit in fig.2 if for some reason the collector current increases ,the emitter current also will increase , resulting in an increased voltage drop across RE .Thus the emitter voltage rises , and the base-emitter voltage decreases .The later effect causes the collector current to decrease ,counteracting the initially assumed change, an indication of the presence of negative feedback. The distortion and stability characteristics of the circuit are thus improved at the expense of a reduction in gain. CHARACTERISTICS: The input resistance is larger than common emitter amplifier. Voltage gain is reduced as compared to common emitter amplifier. Overall gain is less dependent on the value of β 13 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering TASK: Design a common emitter amplifier as explained in the lab. The general circuit for the design is given below: Fig. 3: Circuit to be designed CALCULATIONS: Show all the steps by which the dc operating points have been determined. 14 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE: 1) Wire the circuit. 2) Apply the 12V supply voltage to the beard board .With a VOM or DMM, individually measure the transistor DC base, emitter, and collector voltages with respect to ground, recording your results in Table 1. Also measure the emitter and the collector current. 3) Connect channel 1 of your Oscilloscope to point 1(υin) and channel 2 to point O (υout). Then connect the signal generator to the circuit as shown in figure 3, and adjust the sine wave out-put level of the generator at 30mV peak-to-peaks at a frequency of 10 kHz (Use a voltage divider if required).You should observe that the output signal level (υout) is greater than the input level (υin) in addition, υout is inverted or 180° out-of-phase, with respect to the input. These points are two major characteristics of a common-emitter. 4) Use a fix resistor for instance of 10kΩ in series with the signal generator as shown in fig.4. Measure the AC voltage at points V1 and V2, then the input current, IIN becomes: The input impedance of the circuit under test is then found by: Fig4: Circuit to measure Input impedance 5. Output impedance may also be determined using a similar technique. A fixed load resistor is used and the output voltage is measured first with full load, then without the load. 15 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig5: Circuit to measure Output impedance In the diagram above, Zo is the internal output impedance of the network to be measured. First, the load resistor RL is removed and output voltage (V) measured and recorded. Then RL is placed back in circuit and the output voltage under load (VL). The output impedance, Zo is now found by Ohm's Law for AC circuits. As the load is purely resistive Z=V/I, where "V" is voltage drop across the output impedance: ( V - VL ), and "I" the output current, VL/RL. Thus: OBSERVATION: Table 1 Parameter Calculated Value Measured Value VB VE VC IC IE 16 % Error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Table 2 Parameter Calculated Value Measured Value Zin Zout RESULTS: The gain of the amplifier as measured is : The input impedance as measured is : The output impedance as measured is : 17 % Error ]NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 3 OBJECTIVE: Describe the operating characteristics of cascade amplifier Observe normal operation in a cascade amplifier circuit. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors Transistors: 2 x Q2N3904 INTRODUCTION Throughout electronics, single amplifier circuits (such as the common emitter, common base, and common collector) are seldom found alone in equipment. The vast majority of equipment has several amplifiers connected together to perform a specific function. Within the specific function, each individual transistor circuit is called a stage. In this lesson, you will learn how transistor amplifiers are connected so that much greater levels of signal (voltage) amplification may be obtained. Cascade Amplifiers The term cascade amplifier refers to the way in which the output of one amplifier is applied to the input of another. In other words, it is a circuit configuration. Simply put, if the output of one amplifier is connected to the input of another amplifier, the amplifiers are said to be connected in cascade. Cascade amplifiers are very common throughout electronics. When several transistor amplifiers are connected together, each individual transistor amplifier is called a stage. The stage consists of the transistor and associated components required for normal operation. Therefore, an amplifier section containing five cascade amplifiers would be called a 5-stage amplifier. The term "stage" can be used any time multiple circuits are connected together. As a rule, one amplifier stage is of little use. In previous lessons and experiments, you learned that amplifier gains of between 100 and 300 are possible. In reality, obtaining gains of this magnitude is not easy. While one stage may have an amplification figure in the range of 100 to 300, stability and predictability of signal shape are sacrificed. By using the simple cascade configuration, very high gain is possible without any loss in stability or signal predictability. 18 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The cascade amplifier configuration is obtained by simply connecting the output of one amplifier to the input of the next amplifier. No doubt, your question is, "Why?" In answer, there are two important advantages in doing so: a much larger voltage gain and stability / signal predictability. First, a much larger voltage gain is obtained by using multiple stages. The resulting gain is not additive; rather, it is the product of the individual gains. AV represents the total voltage gain of several stages of amplification, and AV1 through AV3 represent the gain of each individual stage. Because of this relationship, the gain of an individual stage is not critical. Therefore, designers usually set the gain of the individual stages relatively low. That low gain setting provides the second advantage with cascade amplifiers - stability and signal predictability. If the gain of one amplifier section isn't high enough, more stages are simply added. Fig. 1 illustrates a typical two stage cascade amplifier. The circuit can be easily expanded by taking the output of the final stage and connecting it to the input of another amplifier stage. Gain stable cascade amplifiers usually have gains in the range of 5 to 20. When dealing with a cascade amplifier section containing several stages, the typical gain of one amplifier is around 10. There is an excellent reason for designing output gains of that figure. The final output of any cascade amplifier section is always a multiple of ten. Therefore, if you need a final gain of 1,000,000, then six stages of amplification would be required. Remember, the final amplification figure is the product of each individual stage. Fig.1. Typical 2 Stage Cascade Amplifier Cascade amplifiers are RC coupled. The R refers to the collector resistor and the C refers to the coupling capacitor. By using RC coupling, each stage of an amplifier is 19 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering independently biased. The capacitor isolates the DC voltages from one stage to the next while passing the AC signal. That way, only the AC signal variations are passed from one stage to the next. PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the cascaded circuit by connecting the output of first stage to the input of the other through a coupling capacitor. Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the Circuit drawings with the nodes labeled and with DC node voltages and all branch currents. Transient response (time-domain) with Vin = 30mV, showing waveforms of Base voltage (input voltage) and output voltage of first stage and output voltage of second stage waveforms separately. Also mark label to the maximum output voltage (using PSpice) Fill in all entries in the tables provided below that are labeled “simulated. The general circuit for the design is given below: Fig. 2: Cascaded circuit to be implemented 20 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE: 1) Implement the simulated circuit on the bread board. 2) Apply the 12V supply voltage to the beard board .With a VOM or DMM, individually measure the transistor DC base, emitter, and collector voltages with respect to ground, recording your results in Table 1. Also measure the emitter and the collector current. 3) Connect channel 1 of your Oscilloscope to the input of first stage and channel 2 to the output of first stage. Then connect the signal generator to the input of first stage, and adjust the sine wave out-put level of the generator at 30mV peak-to-peaks at a frequency of 10 kHz (Use a voltage divider if required).You should observe that the output signal level (output of first stage) is greater than the input level .In addition, this output is inverted or 180° out-of-phase, with respect to the input. 4) Now use a coupling capacitor to connect the output of first stage to the input of second stage. Check the final output. OBSERVATIONS: Table 1 Parameter Measured Value Simulated Value VB1 VE1 VC1 IC1 IE1 VB2 VE2 VC2 IC2 IE2 21 % Error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Table 2 Parameter Measured Value Simulated Value vin vout1 vout2 Calculations: Av1: vout1 /vin = Av2: vout2 /vout1 = Av: Av1 *Av2 = RESULT: The gain of the cascaded circuit is found out to be: ---------------- 22 % Error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 4 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the factors that contribute to the low-frequency response of a commonemitter transistor amplifier. The low- frequency response of a typical common-emitter amplifier is determined by the input and output coupling capacitors and the emitter by pass capacitor. This Experiment examines individually the effect of each capacitor on the common-emitter amplifiers Law-frequency response. In all case, the values of the capacitors are intentionally made abnormally small in order to allow the frequency response to be easily measured. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2.2µF,10µF,1µF,0.033µF Transistors: 1xQ2N3904 INTRODUCTION COMMON EMITTER AMPLIFIER: Fig1: Common Emitter Amplifier 23 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering A Common-Emitter amplifier is one of three basic single-stage bipolar-junction-transistor (BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as a voltage amplifier. In this circuit the base terminal of the transistor serves as the input, the collector is the output, and the emitter is common to both (for example, it may be tied to ground reference or a power supply rail), hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor circuit is the common-source amplifier. In fig.1 C1 and C3 are coupling capacitors while C2 is bypass capacitor. EFFECT OF COUPLING CAPACITORS: As we know that П , hence the capacitive reactance varies inversely with frequency. At lower frequencies the reactance is greater, and it decreases as the frequency increases. At lower frequencies –for e.g. audio frequencies below 10Hz-capacitively coupled amplifiers such as the one shown in Fig.1 have less voltage gain than they have at higher frequencies. The reason is that at lower frequencies more signal voltage is dropped across C1 and C3 because their reactances are higher. This higher signal voltage drop at lower frequencies reduces the voltage gain. Also, a phase shift is introduced by the coupling capacitors because C1 forms a lead circuit with the Rin of the amplifier and C3 forms a lead circuit with RL in parallel with RC. EFFECT OF BYPASS CAPACITORS: At lower frequencies, the reactance of the bypass capacitor, C2 in Fig.1 becomes significant and the emitter is no longer at ac ground. The capacitance reactance XC2 in parallel with RE creates an impedance that reduces the gain. LOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER RESPONSE: The BJT amplifier in Fig.1 has three high pass RC circuits that affect its gain as the frequency is reduced below midrange. These are shown in the low frequency ac equivalent circuit in Fig.2. Fig.2: The low frequency ac equivalent circuit of the amplifier in fig.1 consists of three high-pass RC circuits 24 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The low frequency equivalent circuit retains the coupling and bypass capacitors because XC is not small enough to neglect when the signal frequency is sufficiently low. One RC circuit is formed by the input coupling capacitor C1 and the input resistance of the amplifier. The second RC circuit is formed by the output coupling capacitor C3, the resistance looking in at the collector, and the load resistance .The third RC circuit that affects the low frequency response is formed by the emitter by-pass capacitor C2 and the resistance looking in at the emitter. THE INPUT RC CIRCUIT: Fig 3: Input RC Circuit formed by the input coupling capacitor and the amplifier’s input resistance The input RC circuit for the BJT amplifier in Fig.1 is formed by C1 and the amplifier’s input resistance and is shown in Fig.3.As the signal frequency decreases, XC1 increases. This causes less voltage across the input resistance of the amplifier at the base because more voltage is dropped across C1 and because of this; the overall voltage gain of the amplifier is reduced .The base voltage for the input RC circuit in Fig.3 (neglecting the internal resistance of the input signal source) can be stated as: The critical point in the amplifier’s response occurs when the output voltage is 70.7% of its midrange value. This condition occurs in the input RC circuit in the input RC circuit when XC1=Rin. 2 25 √2 1 √2 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Therefore 0.707 In terms of measurement in decibels, 20 log = 20 log (0.707) = -3dB LOWER CRITICAL FREQUENCY: The condition where the gain is down 3dB is logically called the -3dB point of the amplifier response; the overall gain is 3 dB less than at midrange frequencies because of the attenuation of the input RC circuit. The frequency, fc , at which this condition occurs is called the lower critical frequency (also known as the lower cutoff frequency, lower corner frequency or lower break frequency) and can be calculated as follows : 1 2 1 2 If the resistance of the input source is taken into account, the above equation becomes 1 2 THE OUTPUT RC CIRCUIT: Fig.4: Development of the equivalent low-frequency output RC circuit The second high pass RC circuit in the BJT amplifier of fig.1 is formed by the coupling capacitor C3, the resistance looking in at the collector, and the load resistance RL, as shown in Fig.4 (a).In 26 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering determining the output resistance, looking in at the collector, the transistor is treated as an ideal current source (with infinite internal resistance), and the upper end of RC is effectively at ac ground, as shown in figure 4(b).therefore thevenizing the circuit to the left of capacitor C3 produces an equivalent voltage source equal to the collector voltage and a series resistance equal to RC , as shown in fig.4(c).The critical frequency of this output RC circuit is 1 2 The effect of the output RC circuit on the amplifier voltage gain is similar to that of the input RC circuit. .As the signal frequency decreases, XC3 increases .This causes less voltage across the load resistance because more voltage is dropped across C3.The signal voltage is reduced by a factor of 0.707when frequency is reduced to the lower critical value,fc for the circuit. This corresponds to a 3dB reduction in voltage gain. THE BYPASS RC CIRCUIT: The third RC circuit that affects the low-frequency gain of the BJT amplifier in Fig.1 includes the bypass capacitor C2 as shown in fig.5. Fig.5: At low frequencies XC2 in parallel with RE creates an impedance that reduces the voltage gain. The critical frequency for this equivalent bypass RC circuit is: 1 ∥ 2П ∥ 27 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the circuit. AC Response (output voltage Vs Frequency )with Vin = 50mV .For this purpose Replace C1 (2.2µF) with a 0.033-µF. Determine the lower critical frequency due to C1 Again replace C1 with 2.2µF. Next Replace C2 (10µF) with a 1-µF. Determine the lower critical frequency due to C2. Again replace C2 with 10µF. Replace C3 (2.2µF) with a 0.033-µF. Determine the lower critical frequency due to C3. Again replace C3 with 2.2µF. Note: Read the procedure in case you are unable to unable to perform the pre-lab. Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Mention the lower critical frequencies on the simulations. The circuit for the design is given below: Fig. 6: circuit to be implemented 28 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE 1. Wire the circuit shown in figure 2. Apply the 15V supply voltage to the breadboard. Measure the transistors quiescent DC emitter voltage with respect to ground. Determine the transistors ac internal emitter resistance re using Equation 4, then determine the expected mid band voltage gain of the Amplifiers in decibels 3. Connect channel 1 of your Oscilloscope at the input and channel 2 at the output then connect the signal generator to the circuit and adjust the sine wave output level of the generator at a frequency of 50 kHz, 50mV. 4. In order to determine the amplifiers low frequency 3-db point solely due to the effects of the input coupling capacitor C , replace C (2.2µF) with a 0.033-µF capacitor. Adjust the sine wave output level of the generator at a frequency of 50 KHz and record the output voltage then slowly reduce the input frequency until the peak-to-peak output voltage is 0.707 of the maximum value,using oscilloscope, measure the frequency at which this value occurs, and record this frequency (f ) in table along with the expected value for comparison assuming a typical beta of 150 for the 2N3904 transistors. Then replace C with a 2.2-µF capacitor. 5. In order to determine the amplifiers low-frequency 3-db point due solely to the effects of the emitter by pass capacitor C2, replace C2 (10µF) with a 1-µF capacitor .again adjust the sine wave output level of the generator at a frequency of 50 kHz then reduce the input frequency until the peak-to-peak output voltage drops to 0.707 of the maximum value. Measure the frequency at which this value occurs (f2) and record this frequency in table again assume that beta is typically 150. Then replace C2 with a 10-µF capacitor. 6. In order to determine the amplifiers low-frequency 3-db point due solely to the effects of the output coupling capacitor C3 .Replace C3 (2.2µF) with 0.033-µF capacitor. Again adjust the sine wave output level of the generator at a frequency of 50 kHz then reduce the input frequency until the peak-to-peak output voltage drops to 0.707 of the maximum value. Measure the frequency at which this value occurs and record this frequency in table along with the expected value for comparison. 29 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering 30 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering OBSERVATION: (a) Amplifier Midband Response Parameter Measured Value VE (Measured) re (Measured) Vin Vout Av(dB) (Measured) Av(dB)( calculated) % Error (b) Amplifier low Frequency Response Parameter f1 Measured Calculated % Error f2 f3 31 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATIONS: Show all the calculations for determining gain, f1, f2, f3 RESULT: 32 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 5 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the design and operation of a class A Common emitter power amplifier. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x10µF, 220uF Diodes: 2x 1N914 or 1N4148 Transistors: 1xQ2N3904. 1xQ2N3906 POT 5KΩ INTRODUCTION: POWER AMPLIFIER: Power Amplifiers are large signal amplifiers .This generally means that a much larger portion of the load line is used during signal operation than in a small signal amplifier. Power amplifiers are normally used as the final stage of a communications receiver or transmitter to provide signal power to speakers or to transmitting antenna. CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIERS: Class A Common Emitter Power Amplifier is biased such that Collector Current always flows during the entire cycle of the input wave form. Ideally, the amplifiers Q point should be biased at the center of the ac Load line so that the output signal have the max. Possible swing in both directions. Consequently clipping will occur simultaneously on both peaks of the output signal if the amplifier is overdriven. If the Q point is not centerd on the ac loand line , output waveform will clipping either at saturation or cut off. The max. Efficiency that can be expected for it with a capacitive coupled load is only 25 %. 33 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Power Amplifier Efficiency Where: η% - is the efficiency of the amplifier. Pout - is the amplifiers output power delivered to the load. Pdc - is the DC power taken from the supply. For a power amplifier it is very important that the amplifiers power supply is well designed to provide the maximum available continuous power to the output signal. Class A Amplifier The most commonly used type of power amplifier configuration is the Class A Amplifier. The Class A amplifier is the most common and simplest form of power amplifier that uses the switching transistor in the standard common emitter circuit configuration as seen previously. The transistor is always biased "ON" so that it conducts during one complete cycle of the input signal waveform producing minimum distortion and maximum amplitude to the output. This means then that the Class A Amplifier configuration is the ideal operating mode, because there can be no crossover or switch-off distortion to the output waveform even during the negative half of the cycle. Class A power amplifier output stages may use a single power transistor or pairs of transistors connected together to share the high load current. Consider the Class A amplifier circuit below. 34 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Single Stage Amplifier Circuit This is the simplest type of Class A power amplifier circuit. It uses a single-ended transistor for its output stage with the resistive load connected directly to the Collector terminal. When the transistor switches "ON" it sinks the output current through the Collector resulting in an inevitable voltage drop across the Emitter resistance thereby limiting the negative output capability. The efficiency of this type of circuit is very low (less than 30%) and delivers small power outputs for a large drain on the DC power supply. A Class A amplifier stage passes the same load current even when no input signal is applied so large heatsinks are needed for the output transistors. 35 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the circuit .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: For the circuit in Fig 1. Transient response (time-domain) with vin = 3 V (peak), showing plots of input and output voltage waveforms separately. Fig. 1: Class A Common emitter Power amplifier circuit to be implemented 36 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE 7. Wire the circuit shown in figure 9(a). 8. Connect channel 1 of your oscilloscope at the input and channel 2 at the output. 9. Apply power to the bread board and adjust the sine the wave output level of the generator at 6 V peak-to-peak at a frequency of 1 kHz .Observe amplifier’s input and output waveform. Measure the base-to-emitter voltages required for the transistor to become forward biased, recording these values in table 10. With a VOM or DMM individually measure the transistor dc base and emitter voltages with respect to ground recording your results in table 2. 11. Now carefully increase the peak-to-peak input signal so that the output peaks just clip off. With VOM or DMM measure the rms voltage across the 1kΩ load resistor {Vo(rms)},and compute the rms output power of the amplifier record these result is table 3. 12. In order to measure the dc power supplied to the amplifier while amplifying an input signal, use VOM or DMM to measure the dc collector current Icc of the transistor. Compute the dc power supplied (Equation 3) recording your results in table 3. 13. Finally, compute the percent efficiency (%η) of your amplifier, and compare it with the theoretical maximum of 25% of a class A amplifier. Record your result in table 3. If a value greater than 25% is calculated, then repeat steps 5 and 6, trying to determine the source of your error. 37 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering USEFUL FORMULAS: 38 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Observation: Class A Amplifier Bias Parameter Parameter Measured Value Expected Value VB VE VCEQ ICQ Class A Amplifier Efficiency Parameter Vo Parameter Calculated Value Vo Po Pdc %η 39 % Error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Calculation: Conclusion: 40 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 6 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the design and operation of a class B and class AB push-pull emitterfollower power amplifier. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x10µF, 220uF Diodes: 2x 1N914 or 1N4148 Transistors: 1xQ2N3904. 1xQ2N3906 INTRODUCTION: POWER AMPLIFIER: Power Amplifiers are large signal amplifiers .This generally means that a much larger portion of the load line is used during signal operation than in a small signal amplifier. Power amplifiers are normally used as the final stage of a communications receiver or transmitter to provide signal power to speakers or to transmitting antenna. CLASS B AND CLASS AB PUSH-PULL AMPLIFIERS: When an amplifier is biased at cut-off so that it operates in the linear region for 180o of the input cycle and is in cutoff for 180o, it is a class B amplifier. Class AB amplifiers are biased to conduct for slightly more than 180o .The primary advantage of a class B or class AB amplifier over a class A amplifier is that either one is more efficient than a class A amplifier; you can get more output power for a given amount of input power. A disadvantage of class B or class AB is that it is more difficult to implement the circuit in order to get a linear reproduction of the input waveform. 41 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CLASS B OPERATION: The class B operation is illustrated in fig.1. where the output is shown relative to the input in terms of time (t). Fig 1. Basic Class B Amplifier operation. THE Q-POINT IS AT CUTOFF: The class B amplifier is biased at the cutoff point so that ICQ=0 and VCEQ=VCE (cutoff) .It is brought out of cutoff and operates in its linear region when the input signal drives the transistor into conduction. This is illustrated in fig.2 with an emitter-follower circuit where, the output is not replica of the input. CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERATION: The circuit in fig.2 only conducts for the positive half cycle of the cycle. To amplify the entire cycle, it is necessary to add a second class B amplifier that operates on the negative half of the cycle. The combination of two class B amplifiers working together is called push-pull operation. There are two common approaches for using for using push-pull amplifiers to reproduce the entire waveform. The first approach uses transformer coupling. The second uses two complementary symmetry transistors; these are a matching pair of npn/pnp BJTs or a matching pair of n-channel/p-channel FETs. Fig.2: Common collector class B amplifier 42 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering TRANSFORMER COUPLING: Transformer coupling is illustrated in fig.3.The input transformer is center-tapped secondary that is connected to ground, producing phase inversion of one side with respect to the other. The input transformer thus converts the input signal of two out-of-phase signals for the transistors. Notice that both transistors are npn types. Because of the signal inversion, Q1 will conduct on the positive part of the cycle and Q2 will conduct on the negative part. The output transformer combines the signals by permitting current in both the directions, even though one transistor is always cut-off. The positive power supply signal is connected to the center tap of the output transformer. Fig.3: Transformer coupled push-pull amplifiers COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY TRANSISTORS: Fig.4 shows a push-pull class B amplifier using two emitter-followers and both positive and negative power supplies. This is a complementary amplifier because one emitter-follower uses an npn transistor and the other a pnp, which conduct on opposite alterations of the input cycle. In this circuit there is no dc base bias voltage (VB=0) .Thus, only the signal voltage drives the transistors into conduction. Tranisistor Q1conducts during the positive half of the input cycle, and Q2 conducts during the negative half. 43 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig.4: Class B push-pull ac operation. CROSSOVER DISTORTION: When the dc base voltage is zero, both transistors are off and the input signal voltage must exceed VBE before a transistor conducts. Because of there is a time interval between the positive and negative alternations of the input when neither transistor is conducting as shown in fig.5. The resulting distortion in the output waveform is called crossover distortion. Fig.5: Crossover distortion in a class B push-pull amplifier 44 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering BIASING THE PUSH-PULL AMPLIFIER FOR CLASS AB OPERATION: To overcome crossover distortion, the biasing is adjusted to overcome the VBE of the transistors; this results in a modified form of operation called class AB. In class AB operation, the push-pull stages are biased into slight conduction, even when no input signal is present. This can be done with a voltage-divider and diode arrangement, as shown in fig.6.When the diode characteristics of both diodes are closely matched to the characteristics of the transistor emitter-base junctions, the current in the diodes and the current in the transistors are the same; this is a current mirror. In the bias path both the resistors are also of equal value. Fig.6: Biasing the push-pull amplifier to eliminate crossover distortion The collector current can be given as: AC OPERATION: The AC collector saturation current with a push-pull amplifier is given as: 45 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The AC load line for the class AB amplifier is shown in fig.7 Fig.7: Load lines for a complementary symmetry push-pull amplifier. Only the load lines for the npn transistor are shown Under maximum condition, Q1and Q2 are alternatively driven from near cutoff to near saturation that is for Q1 from 0V to +VCC and for Q2 from 0V and to –VCC. The main advantage of class B/AB amplifier over the class A is that there is very little current in the transistor when there is no input signal .This results in low power dissipation when there is no signal. MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER: The maximum output power of class B/AB amplifier is given as: Where And DC INPUT POWER: The DC input power from VCC is given by: 46 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering EFFICIENCY: Efficiency is defined as the ratio of AC output power to DC input power .So SINGLE-SUPPLY PUSH-PULL AMPLIFIER: Push-Pull amplifiers using complementary symmetry transistors can be operated from a single voltage source as shown in fig.8.The circuit operation is the same as described previously, except the bias is set to force the output emitter voltage to be VCC/2 instead of 0v used with two supplies. Because the output is not biased at 0V capacitive coupling for the input and output is necessary to block the bias voltage from the source and the load resistor .Ideally the output voltage can swing from zero to VCC , but in practice it does not quite reach these ideal values. Fig.8:Single-ended push-pull amplifier 47 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the two circuits .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: For the circuit in Fig 9(a) and 9(b). Transient response (time-domain) with vin = 3 V (peak), showing plots of input and output voltage waveforms separately. Fig. 9 (a) : Class B push-pull Power amplifier circuit to be implemented 48 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig. 9 (b): Class AB push-pull Power amplifier circuit to be implemented PROCEDURE 14. Wire the circuit shown in figure 9(a). 15. Connect channel 1 of your oscilloscope at the input and channel 2 at the output. 16. Apply power to the bread board and adjust the sine the wave output level of the generator at 6 V peak-to-peak at a frequency of 1 kHz .Observe amplifier’s input and output waveform. Measure the base-to-emitter voltages required for both transistor to become forward biased, recording these values in table 1 17. Disconnect the power and signal generator leads from the bread board and replace the resistance R2 and R3 with two 1N914 (or 1N4148) compensating diodes in series between the two transistor base leads as shown in figure 9(b). Again connect the power and signal generator to the bread board and observe the input and output waveforms. 18. With a VOM or DMM individually measure the transistor dc base 1, base 2 and emitter voltages with respect to ground recording your results in table 2. 19. Now carefully increase the peak-to-peak input signal so that the output peaks just clip off. With VOM or DMM measure the rms voltage across the 1kΩ load resistor {Vo(rms)},and compute the rms output power of the amplifier (Equation 2) record these result is table 3. 20. In order to measure the dc power supplied to the amplifier while amplifying an input signal, use VOM or DMM to measure the dc collector current Icc of either transistor. Compute the dc power supplied (Equation 3) recording your results in table 3. 21. Finally, compute the percent efficiency (%η) of your amplifier, and compare it with the theoretical maximum of 78.5% of a class B amplifier. Record your result in table 3. If a value greater than 78.5% is calculated, then repeat steps 6 and 7, trying to determine the source of your error. 49 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering USEFUL FORMULAS: OBSERVATION: Table 1: Voltage Divider Bias with crossover distortion Parameter Measured Value VBE1 VBE2 Table 2: Diode (Current Mirror) bias with no crossover distortion Parameter Measured Value VB1 VB2 VE 50 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Table 3: Class B Amplifier Efficiency Parameter Vo(rms) Icc Parameter Measured Value Calculated Value Po(rms) Pdc %η CALCULATIONS: CONCLUSIONS 51 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 7 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a Butterworth Sallen and Key 2nd-order low-pass active filter. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x0.0033-µF 741op-amp (8-pin mini DIP) INTRODUCTION: FILTERS: Filters are circuits that are capable of passing signals with certain selected frequencies while rejecting signals with other frequencies. This property is called selectivity. TYPES OF FILTERS: Active filters use transistors or op-amps combined with passive RC, RL or RLC circuits. The active devices provide voltage gain, and the passive circuits provide frequency selectivity. In terms of general response the four basic categories of active filters are low-pass , high-pass, band-pass and band-stop. PASSBAND OF FILTER: The passband of a filter is the range of frequencies that are allowed to pass through the filter with minimum attenuation (usually defined as less than -3dB of attenuation). CRITICAL FREQUENCY: The critical frequency, fc also called the cutoff frequency defines the end of pass band and is normally specifies at the point where the response drops -3dB (70.7%) from the pass band response. 52 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering As shown in fig.1(a) following the pass band is a region called the transition region that leads into a region called the stop band. Fig 1(a): Practical low-pass filter response Fig 1(b): First order (one-pole) low pass filter The critical frequency is determined by the values of the resistors and capacitors in the frequency selective RC circuit .For a single pole (first order) filter as shown in fig 1(b).the critical frequency is: 1 2П The same formula is used for the fc of a single pole high pass filter. The number of poles determines the roll-off rate of the filter. A Butterworth response produces -20dB/decade/pole. So 53 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering a first order one pole filter has a roll-off of -20dB/decade; a second order (two pole ) filter has a roll-off of -40dB/decade; a third order (two pole ) filter has a roll-off of -60dB/decade and so on. LOW-PASS FILTER RESPONSE: Fig. 1 (c ): Idealized low-pass filter responses A low-pass filter is one that passes frequencies from dc to fc and significantly attenuates all other frequencies. The passband of ideal low-pass filter is shown in fig.1.(c); the response drops to zero at frequencies beyond the passband. This ideal response is sometimes referred to as the “brick-wall“because nothing gets through beyond the wall. The bandwidth of ideal lowpass filter is equal to fc. The ideal filter response is shown in fig.1(c)is not attainable by any practical filter .Actual filter responses depend on the number of poles , a term used with filters to describe the number of RC circuits contained in the filter. The most basic low-pass filter is a simple RC circuit consisting of just one resistor and one capacitor, the output is taken across the capacitor as shown in fig.1 (d). Fig 1(d) : Basic low-pass circuit 54 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The basic RC filter has a single pole, and it rolls off at -20dB/decade beyond the critical frequency. The -20dB/decade roll-off rate for the gain of a basic RC filter means that at a frequency of 10fc , the output will be -20dB (10%) of the input. The critical frequency of a low-pass RC filter occurs when Xc =R, where 1 2П In order to produce a filter that has a steeper transition region (and hence from a more effective filter) , it is necessary to add additional circuitry to the basic filter. Responses that are steeper than-20dB/decade in the transition region cannot be attained by simply cascading ideal RC stages .However by combining an op-amp with frequency selective feedback circuits filters can be designed with roll-off rates of -40, -60 or more dB/decade .Filters that include one or more op-amps in the design are called active filters. These filters can optimize the roll-off rate or other attribute with a particular filter design. In general the more poles the filter uses the steeper its transition region will be. The exact response depends on the type of filter and the number of poles. FILTER RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS: Each type of filter response can be tailored by circuit component values to have either a Butterworth, Chebyshev or Bessel characteristics. Each of these characteristics is identified by the shape of the response curve, and each has an advantage in certain applications. A general comparison of the three response characteristics for a lo-pass filter response curve is shown in fig.2 Fig. 2:Comparative plots of three types of filter response characteristics 55 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering BUTTERWORTH CHARACTERISTICS: The Butterworth characteristics provides a very flat amplitude response in the passband and a roll-off rate of -20dB/decade/pole .the phase response is not linear , however and the phase shift (thus time delay) of signals passing through the filter varies nonlinearly with frequency. Filters with the Butterworth response are normally used when all frequencies in the passband must have the same gain. The Butterworth response is often referred to as a maximally flat response. THE CHEBYSHEV CHARACTERISTIC: Filters with the chebyshev response characteristics are useful when a rapid roll-off is required because it provides a roll-off rate greater than -20dB/decade/pole .This is a greater rate than that of the butterworth , so filters can be implemented with the chebyshev response with fewer poles and less complex circuitry for a given roll-off rate .This type of filter response is characterized by overshoot or ripples in the passband (depending on the number of poles) and an even less linear phase response than the butterworth. THE BESSEL CHARACTERISTIC: The Bessel response exhibits a linear phase characteristic, meaning that the phase shift increases linearly with frequency. The result is almost no overshoot on the output with a pulse input . For this reason, filter with Bessel response are used for filtering pulse waveforms without distorting the shape of the waveform. DAMPING FACTOR: Fig. 3: General diagram of an active filter 56 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The damping factor (DF) of an active filter circuit determines which response characteristics the filter exhibits. For the circuit in fig.3 the DF is given by : 2 Basically the damping factor affects the filter response by negative feedback action .Any attempted increase or decrease in the output voltage is offset by the opposing effect of the negative feedback. This tends to make the response curve flat in the passband of the filter if the value of the damping factor is precisely set. The value of the damping factor required to produce a desired response characteristic depends on the order (number of poles) for the filter. A pole for our purpose is simply a circuit with one resistor and one capacitor .The more poles a filter has ,the faster its roll-off rate is .To achieve a second order butterworth response , for example the damping factor must be 1.414 .To implement this damping factor the feedback resistor ratio must be 2 2 1.414 0.586 This ratio gives the closed loop gain of the non-inverting filter amplifier Acl(NI) a value of 1.586, derived as follows : 1 1 1 0.586 1 1.586 BUTTERWORTH SALLEN AND KEY 2ND-ORDER LOW-PASS FILTER: Fig. 4: Basic Sallen-Key low pass filter 57 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig.4 shows a 2nd order Butterworth low pass filter. There are two low pass RC circuits that provide a roll-off of -40dB/decade above the critical frequency. One RC circuit consists of RA and CA and the second circuit consists of RB and CB. A unique feature is the capacitor CA that provides feedback for shaping the response near the edge of the pass-band. The critical frequency of the 2nd order Butterworth low pass filter is: 1 2П For simplicity the component values can be made equal so that RA =RB = R and CA = CB =C. In this case the expression for the critical frequency simplifies to: 1 2П The op-amp in the second-order Butterworth filter acts as a non-inverting amplifier with the negative feedback provided by the R1/R2 circuit. The damping factor is set by the values of R1 and R2 , which must be set as 1.414 in order to make as second order Butterworth Filter. SCHEMATIC: Fig.5: Low-pass filter circuit to be implemented 58 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig 6: 741 op-amp pin configuration PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the two circuits .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: AC Response (output voltage Vs Frequency) with vin (p-p) = 1V . PROCEDURE 1. Wire the circuit shown in the schematic diagram. 2. Apply power to the breadboard, and adjust the input signals voltage to 1V peak-to-peak at frequency of 100 Hz. 3. From the formulas for the cut off frequency, calculate the cut-off frequency. 4. With the input frequency set at 100 Hz, calculate the peak-to-peak output voltage. 5. Now the very generator’s frequency (fin), keeping the input voltage constant at 1 V peakto-peak in order to complete the required data. At higher frequencies you may have to increase the input voltage to obtain a measureable output level .Using the dB frequency response formula (Equation 5) calculate the expected dB response using the cutoff frequency as calculated from the formula. Then plot the experimental results on the graph paper. 6. The filter’s cut-off frequency is the frequency at which the dB frequency response is 3dB less than the dB passband gain. This value is equivalent to an output voltage that is 0.707 times the input voltage of the filter. From your graph, estimate the filter’s cutoff frequency, and compare it with the value calculated in step 4. 59 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering FORMULAS TABLE : Input Frequency(Hz) 100 Vin Vout / Vin Vout 1V 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 2000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10,000 60 Experimental dB Gain Expected dB Gain NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATIONS: CONCLUSION: The cutoff frequency of the filter as calculated is: ________ The cutoff frequency of the filter as simulated is: ________ The cutoff frequency of the filter as measured is: ________ 61 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 8 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a Butterworth 2nd-order Sallen and Key 2nd-order high-pass active filter. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x0.0047µF 741op-amp (8-pin mini DIP) INTRODUCTION: HIGH-PASS FILTER RESPONSE: Fig 1(a): Practical high-pass filter response A high pass filter is one that significantly attenuates or rejects all frequencies below fc and passes all frequencies above fc.The critical frequency is again the frequency at which the output is 62 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering 70.7% of the input (or -3dB) as shown in figure 1(a).Ideally the passband of a high pass filter is all frequencies above the critical frequency. The high frequency response of practical circuits is limited by the op-amp or other components that make up the filter. Fig 1(b): Basic High-pass circuit A simple RC circuit consisting of single resistor and capacitor can be configured as high-pass filter by taking the output across the resistor as shown in figure 1(b).As in the case of low-pass filter the basic RC circuit has a roll-off rate of -20dB/decade .Also the critical frequency for the basic high-pass filter occurs when Xc= R where, 1 2П BUTTERWORTH 2ND-ORDER SALLEN AND KEY 2ND-ORDER HIGH-PASS FILTER: Fig 2: Basic Sallen-Key high pass filter 63 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Figure 2 shows a second order butterworth high pass filter .The components RA, CA, RB, CB form the two-pole frequency-selective circuit. The position of the resistors and capacitors in the frequency selective circuit is opposite to those in the low-pass configuration. SCHEMATIC: Fig.3: High pass filter circuit to be implemented Fig. 4: 741 op-amp pin configuration 64 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the two circuits .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: AC Response (output voltage Vs Frequency) with Vin = 1V. PROCEDURE: 7. Wire the circuit shown in the schematic diagram. 8. Apply power to the breadboard, and adjust the input signals voltage to 1V peak-to-peak at frequency of 10 kHz. 9. From the formulas for the cut off frequency, calculate the cut-off frequency. 10. With the input frequency set at 10 kHz, calculate the peak-to-peak output voltage. 11. Now the very generator’s frequency (fin), keeping the input voltage constant at 1 V peakto-peak in order to complete the required data in table 1. At lower frequencies you may have to increase the input voltage to obtain a measureable output level .Using the dB frequency response formula (Equation 5) calculate the expected dB response using the cutoff frequency as calculated from the formula. Then plot the experimental results on the graph paper. 12. The filter’s cut-off frequency is the frequency at which the dB frequency response is 3dB less than the dB pass band gain. This value is equivalent to an output voltage that is 0.707 times the input voltage of the filter. From your graph, estimate the filter’s cutoff frequency, and compare it with the value calculated in step 4. 65 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering TABLE : Input Frequency (Hz) 100 Vin Vout 1V 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 2000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10,000 66 Vout / Vin Experimental dB Gain Expected dB Gain NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATIONS: CONCLUSION: The cutoff frequency of the high pass filter as calculated is: ________ The cutoff frequency of the high pass filter as simulated is: ________ The cutoff frequency of the high pass filter as measured is: ________ 67 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 9 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a multiple-feedback active band-pass filter. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x0.01µF 741op-amp (8-pin mini DIP) INTRODUCTION: BAND-PASS FILTER RESPONSE: Fig. 1: General Band-pass response curve A band-pass filter passes all signals lying within a band between a lower frequency limit and an upper frequency limit and essentially rejects all other frequencies that are outside this specified band. A generalized band-pass response curve is shown in fig.1. The bandwidth is defined as the difference between the upper critical frequency (fc2) and the lower critical frequency (fc1) . 68 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The critical frequencies are of course the points at which the response curve is 70.7% of its maximum. The frequency about which the pass-band is centered is called the centre frequency fo, defined as the geometric mean of the critical frequencies. QUALITY FACTOR: The quality factor (Q) of a band-pass filter is the ratio of the centre frequency to the bandwidth. The value of Q is an indication of the selectivity of a band-pass filter. The higher the value of Q , the narrower the bandwidth and the better the selectivity for a given value of fo . Band-pass filters are sometimes classified as narrowband (Q>10) or wide-band (Q<10) .The quality factor can also be expressed in terms of the damping factor (DF) of the filter as 1 ACTIVE BAND-PASS FILTERS: Band-pass filters pass all frequencies bounded by a lower frequency limit and an upper frequency limit and reject all others lying outside this specified band .A band-pass response can be thought of as the overlapping of a low-frequency response curve and a high frequency response curve. CASCADED LOW-PASS AND HIGH-PASS FILTERS: Fig 2(a): Band-pass filter formed by cascading a two-pole high pass and a two-pole low pass circuit 69 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig 2(b): band-pass filter response One way to implement a band-pass filter is a cascaded arrangement of a high-pass filter and a low-pass filter , as shown in figure 2(a) as long as the critical frequencies are sufficiently separated .The roll-off rate for each filter is -40dB/decade which is as indicated in the composite response curve of figure 2(b).The critical frequency of each filter is chosen so that the response curves overlap sufficiently. The critical frequency of the high pass filter must be sufficiently lower than that of the low pass stage. The filter is generally limited to wide bandwidth applications. The lower critical frequency fc1 of the band-pass is the critical frequency of the high-pass filter. The upper frequency fc2 is the critical frequency of the low-pass filter .Ideally the centre frequency fo of the passband is the geometric mean of fc1 and fc2 .The following formulas express the three frequencies of the band-pass filter in figure 2(a). 1 2П 1 2П If equal-value components are used in implementing each filter, the critical frequency equations simplify to the form П 70 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering MULTIPLE-FEEDBACK BAND-PASS FILTER: Fig. 3: Multiple-feedback band-pass filter Another type of filter configuration shown in fig.3 is a multiple feedback band-pass filter .The two feedback paths are through R2 and C1 . Components R1 and C1 provide the low pass response, and R2 and C2 provide the high-pass response .The maximum gain Ao occurs at the centre frequency. An expression for the centre frequency is developed as follows, recognizing that R1 and R3 appear in parallel as viewed from C1 feedback path (with the Vin source replaced by a short). 1 ‖ 2П Making C1 =C2 = C yields 1 2П 71 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering SCHEMATIC: Fig 4:Band-pass filter circuit to be implemented Fig. 5: 741 op-amp pin configuration PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the two circuits .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: AC Response (output voltage Vs Frequency) with Vin = 1V. 72 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE 13. Wire the circuit shown in the schematic diagram. 14. Apply power to the breadboard, and adjust the output of the signal generator at 1V peakto-peak at frequency of 1kHz. 15. Now vary the signal generator’s frequency to the point at which the output voltage of the filter as displayed on the channel 2 of the oscilloscope reaches its maximum peak to peak amplitude. Measure the peak-to-peak output voltage and then determine the center frequency voltage gain Vout/Vin recording your data in table 1. 16. Using oscilloscope, determine the filter’s output frequency without disturbing the frequency setting of the signal generator, recording your result in Table 1. 17. Now determine the filter’s bandwidth by measuring both the upper and the lower 3-dB frequencies at which the output voltage drops to 0.71 v peak-to-peak (1.0v×0.707≃0.71). Determine the frequency at this point, called the lower 3-dB frequency (fL) and record your result in Table 2. 18. Now increase the signals generator’s frequency beyond the center frequency, and stop at the point at which the filter’s peak-to-peak output voltage is gain 0.71 V. determine the frequency at this point, called the upper 3-dB frequency (fH) and record your result in Table 2. 19. Subtract the lower 3-dB frequency from the upper 3-dB frequency, obtaining the 3-dB bandwidth of the filter. Record your result in Table 2.Calculate the filter’s Q, or quality factor, and record your resulting Table 2. 20. From the two measured 3-dB frequencies, you can determine the filter’s center frequency by taking the geometric average: fo = (fLfH)1/2 73 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering FORMULAS Observation: Table 1 V Input Voltage Vin Input Voltage Vout V Center Frequency Voltage Gain Ao V Center Frequency Fo V 74 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Table 2 Lower 3dB Frequency , fL Hz Upper 3dB Frequency , fH Hz 3dB Bandwidth BW Hz Quality Factor, Q Table 3 Input Frequency (Hz) 100 Vin Vout/ Vin Vout 1V 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 75 Measure dB Gain NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATIONS: CONCLUSION: The centre frequency of the band pass filter as measured is: ________ The lower critical frequency of the band pass filter as measured is: ________ The upper critical frequency of the band pass filter as measured is: ________ 76 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 10 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the design and operation of an op-amp based Wien-Bridge oscillator. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x1nF 741op-amp (8-pin mini DIP) THEORY: THE OSCILLATOR Oscillators are electronic circuits that generate an output signal without the necessity of an input signal. It produces a periodic waveform on its output with only the DC supply voltage as an input. The output voltage can be either sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal, depending on the type of oscillator. Different types of oscillators produce various types of outputs including sine waves, square waves, triangular waves, and sawtooth waves. A basic oscillator is shown in Figure 1. TYPES OF OSCILLATOR: Oscillators can be of 2 types. 1) Feedback Oscillators 2) Relaxation oscillators 77 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering FEEDBACK OSCILLATORS : One type of oscillator is the feedback oscillator, which returns a fraction of the output signal to the input with no net phase shift, resulting in a reinforcement of the output signal. After oscillations are started, the loop gain is maintained at 1.0 to maintain oscillations. A feedback oscillator consists of an amplifier for gain (either a discrete transistor or an op-amp) and a positive feedback circuit that produces phase shift and provides attenuation, as shown in Figure 2. RELAXATION OSCILLATORS : A second type of oscillator is the relaxation oscillator. Instead of feedback, a relaxation oscillator uses an RC timing circuit to generate a waveform that is generally a square wave or other nonsinusoidal waveform. Typically, a relaxation oscillator uses a Schmitt trigger or other device that changes states to alternately charge and discharge a capacitor through a resistor. FEEDBACK OSCILLATORS: Feedback oscillator operation is based on the principle of positive feedback. Feedback oscillators are widely used to generate sinusoidal waveforms. POSITIVE FEEDBACK: In positive feedback, a portion of the output voltage of an amplifier is fed back to the input with no net phase shift, resulting in a strengthening of the output signal. This basic idea is illustrated in Figure 3(a). 78 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering As you can see, the in-phase feedback voltage is amplified to produce the output voltage, which in turn produces the feedback voltage. That is, a loop is created in which the signal maintains itself and a continuous sinusoidal output is produced. This phenomenon is called oscillation. In some types of amplifiers, the feedback circuit shifts the phase and an inverting amplifier is required to provide another phase shift so that there is no net phase shift. This is illustrated in Figure 3(b). CONDITIONS FOR OSCILLATION : Two conditions, illustrated in Figure 4, are required for a sustained state of oscillation: 1. The phase shift around the feedback loop must be effectively . 2. The voltage gain,Acl , around the closed feedback loop (loop gain) must equal 1 (unity). 79 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The voltage gain around the closed feedback loop, Acl , is the product of the amplifier gain,Av , and the attenuation B , of the feedback circuit. Acl = Av x B If a sinusoidal wave is the desired output, a loop gain greater than 1 will rapidly cause the output to saturate at both peaks of the waveform, producing unacceptable distortion. To avoid this, some form of gain control must be used to keep the loop gain at exactly 1 once oscillations have started. For example, if the attenuation of the feedback circuit is 0.01, the amplifier must have a gain of exactly 100 to overcome this attenuation and not create unacceptable distortion(100 x0.01=1). An amplifier gain of greater than 100 will cause the oscillator to limit both peaks of the waveform. START-UP CONDITIONS: The unity-gain condition must be met for oscillation to be maintained. For oscillation to begin, the voltage gain around the positive feedback loop must be greater than 1 so that the amplitude of the output can build up to a desired level.The gain must then decrease to 1 so that the output stays at the desired level and oscillation is sustained.The voltage gain conditions for both starting and sustaining oscillation are illustrated in Figure 5. OSCILLATION WITH RC FEEDBACK CIRCUITS: Three types of feedback oscillators that use RC circuits to produce sinusoidal outputs are the Wien-bridge oscillator Phase-shift oscillator Twin-T oscillator Generally, RC feedback oscillators are used for frequencies up to about 1 MHz. The Wien-bridge is by far the most widely used type of RC feedback oscillator for this range of frequencies. 80 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering WIEN-BRIDGE OSCILLATOR One type of sinusoidal feedback oscillator is the Wien-bridge oscillator.A fundamental part of the Wien-bridge oscillator is a lead-lag circuit like that shown in Figure 6(a). R1 and C1 together form the lag portion of the circuit; R2 and C2 form the lead portion. The operation of this lead-lag circuit is as follows. o At lower frequencies, the lead circuit takes over due to the high reactance of C2 . o As the frequency increases, XC2 decreases, thus allowing the output voltage to increase. o At some specified frequency, the response of the lag circuit takes over, and the decreasing value of XC1causes the output voltage to decrease. The response curve for the lead-lag circuit shown in Figure 6(b) indicates that the output voltage peaks at a frequency called the resonant frequency,fr . At this point, the attenuation (Vout/Vin) of the circuit is 1/3 if R1=R2 and XC1 =XC2 as stated by the following equation The formula for the resonant frequency is To summarize, the lead-lag circuit in the Wien-bridge oscillator has a resonant frequency, , at which the phase shift through the circuit is and the attenuation is 1/3. Below , fr the lead circuit dominates and the output leads the input. Above, fr the lag circuit dominates and the output lags the input. 81 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering THE BASIC CIRCUIT : The lead-lag circuit is used in the positive feedback loop of an op-amp, as shown in Figure 7(a). A voltage divider is used in the negative feedback loop. The Wien-bridge oscillator circuit can be viewed as a noninverting amplifier configuration with the input signal fed back from the output through the lead-lag circuit. Recall that the voltage divider determines the closed-loop gain of the amplifier. The circuit is redrawn in Figure 7(b) to show that the op-amp is connected across the bridge circuit. One leg of the bridge is the lead-lag circuit, and the other is the voltage divider. POSITIVE FEEDBACK CONDITIONS FOR OSCILLATION: As you know, for the circuit output to oscillate, the phase shift around the positive feedback loop must be 0° and the gain around the loop must equal unity (1). The 0° phase-shift condition is met when the frequency is fr because the phase shift through the lead-lag circuit is 0° and there is no inversion from the noninverting input of the op-amp to the output. This is shown in Figure 8(a). 82 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering The unity-gain condition in the feedback loop is met when This offsets the 1/3 attenuation of the lead-lag circuit, thus making the total gain around the positive feedback loop equal to 1, as shown in Figure 8(b). - To achieve a closed-loop gain of 3, START-UP CONDITIONS Initially, the closed-loop gain of the amplifier itself must be more than 3 (Acl > 3)until the output signal builds up to a desired level. Ideally, the gain of the amplifier must then decrease to 3 so that the total gain around the loop is 1 and the output signal stays at the desired level, thus sustaining oscillation. This is illustrated in Figure 9. 83 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Initially, a small positive feedback signal develops from noise. The lead-lag circuit permits only a signal with a frequency equal to to appear in phase on the noninverting input. - This feedback signal is amplified and continually strengthened,resulting in a buildup of the output voltage. When the output signal reaches the zener breakdown voltage, the zeners conduct and effectively short out .This lowers the amplifier’s closedloop gain to 3. At this point, the total loop gain is 1 and the output signal levels off and the oscillation is sustained. PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the circuit .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: Transient response (time-domain) showing waveforms of output voltage. 84 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Fig. 11: Circuit to be implemented PROCEDURE: 1.Wire the circuit 2. Apply + 15V supply connections to the bread board. 3.Turn 100kΩ potentiometer completely clock-wise 4. Connect one probe of the oscilloscope to the output of the circuit and the second probe to the positive pin of op-amp. 5. Adjust the potentiometer to obtain a sine wave across the output. 6. Calculate the theoretical value of the frequency at which the circuit should oscillate as given by the formula. 7. Measure the oscillation frequency with an oscilloscope. USEFUL FORMULA: 85 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering OBSERVATION: Parameter R2 fr Measured Expected CALCULATIONS: RESULT: The resonant frequency as measured comes out to be: ___________ The resonant frequency as calculated comes out to be: ____________ R2 as measured comes out to be: ______________ R2 as calculated comes out to be: ______________ 86 % error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 11 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the design and operation of an op-amp based Phase-Shift oscillator. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors 5kΩ potentiometer Capacitors 3x0.1uF 741op-amp (8-pin mini DIP) THEORY: THE PHASE-SHIFT OSCILLATOR: Figure 12 shows a sinusoidal feedback oscillator called the phase-shift oscillator. Each of the three RC circuits in the feedback loop can provide a maximum phase shift approaching 90°. Oscillation occurs at the frequency where the total phase shift through the three RC circuits is 180°. The inversion of the op-amp itself provides the additional 180° to meet the requirement for oscillation of a 360° (or 0°) phase shift around the feedback loop. The attenuation, , of the threesection RC feedback circuit is 87 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering To meet the greater-than-unity loop gain requirement, the closed-loop voltage gain of the op-amp must be greater than 29 (set by R3and Rf).The frequency of oscillation fr is given as PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the circuit .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: Transient response (time-domain) showing waveforms of output voltage. Fig. 11: Circuit to be implemented 88 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE: 1. Wire the circuit 2. Apply + 15V supply connections to the bread board. 3. Depending on the setting of the 5 kΩ potentiometer the circuit may or may not be oscillating when power is applied. If a sine wave is not displayed on the oscilloscope , carefully adjust the 5 kΩ potentiometer until a sine wave starts to appear on the oscilloscope’s display . 4. On the other hand, if a sine wave is seen when power is applied on the bread board , carefully decrease the resistance of the potentiometer to obtain the best looking sine wave. 5. Measure the output frequency of the phase shift oscillator recording your result in table .Compare this value with the expected frequency found using equation. 6. Measure the value of the feedback resistance that produced maximum oscillation. USEFUL FORMULA: Output Frequency: 1 2П √6 For oscillation: 29 OBSERVATION: Parameter Output Frequency, fo Rf Measured Expected 89 % error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATIONS: RESULT: The output frequency as measured comes out to be: ___________ The output frequency as calculated comes out to be: ____________ Rf as measured comes out to be :______________ Rf as calculated comes out to be :______________ 90 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 12 OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the design and operation of Hartley Oscillator behavior. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Oscilloscope Transistor 2N3565 Resistor 220K , 1K2 , Potentiometer 25K Ohm Inductor 2.5mH (02) Capacitor 1nF ,10nf , 5nF Switch SPDT. THEORY: The Hartley Oscillator The main disadvantages of the basic LC Oscillator circuit is that they have no means of controlling the amplitude of the oscillations and also, it is difficult to tune the oscillator to the required frequency. If the cumulative electromagnetic coupling between L1 and L2 is too small there would be insufficient feedback and the oscillations would eventually die away to zero. Likewise if the feedback was too strong the oscillations would continue to increase in amplitude until they were limited by the circuit conditions producing signal distortion. So it becomes very difficult to "tune" the oscillator. However, it is possible to feed back exactly the right amount of voltage for constant amplitude oscillations. If we feed back more than is necessary the amplitude of the oscillations can be controlled by biasing the amplifier in such a way that if the oscillations increase in amplitude, the bias is increased and the gain of the amplifier is reduced. If the amplitude of the oscillations 91 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering decreases the bias decreases and the gain of the amplifier increases, thus increasing the feedback. In this way the amplitude of the oscillations are kept constant using a process known as Automatic Base Bias. One big advantage of automatic base bias in a voltage controlled oscillator, is that the oscillator can be made more efficient by providing a Class-B bias or even a Class-C bias condition of the transistor. This has the advantage that the collector current only flows during part of the oscillation cycle so the quiescent collector current is very small. Then this "self-tuning" base oscillator circuit forms one of the most common types of LC parallel resonant feedback oscillator configurations called the Hartley Oscillator circuit. Hartley Oscillator Tuned Circuit In the Hartley Oscillator the tuned LC circuit is connected between the collector and the base of the transistor amplifier. As far as the oscillatory voltage is concerned, the emitter is connected to a tapping point on the tuned circuit coil. The feedback of the tuned tank circuit is taken from the centre tap of the inductor coil or even two separate coils in series which are in parallel with a variable capacitor, C as shown. The Hartley circuit is often referred to as a split-inductance oscillator because coil L is centretapped. In effect, inductance L acts like two separate coils in very close proximity with the current flowing through coil section XY induces a signal into coil section YZ below. An Hartley Oscillator circuit can be made from any configuration that uses either a single tapped coil (similar to an autotransformer) or a pair of series connected coils in parallel with a single capacitor as shown below. 92 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering FORMULA : The frequency of Hartley oscillator is given below. SCHEMATIC: Fig. 1: Circuit to be implemented PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the circuit .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: Transient response (time-domain) showing waveforms of output voltage. PROCEDURE: 7. Wire the circuit 8. Apply + 15V supply connections to the bread board. 9. Place S1 to 1 position and observe the frequency. Compare your measured value of frequency to your calculated value. 93 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering 10. Place S1 to 3 position and observe the frequency. Compare your measured value of frequency to your calculated value. 11. Observe the output wave form at the collector, base and emitter by adjusting the potentiometer R3. OBSERVATION: Place S1 to the 1 position. Measured frequency = __________________________ Calculating frequency = _________________________ Compare your measured value of frequency to your calculated value. Place S1 to the 3 position. Measured frequency = __________________________ Calculating frequency = _________________________ Compare your measured value of frequency to your calculated value 94 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering CALCULATION: RESULT: 95 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 13 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of the 555 timer as an monostable multivibrator. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x0.01uF 1x1uF 555 timer (8-pin mini DIP) THEORY: INTRODUCTION The proper operation of modern digital electronic systems require accurate timing signals. A digital integrated circuit that was designed to provide accurate timing signals is the 555 Timer. To properly maintain complex digital electronic systems, the technician must be familiar with the types of circuits he will encounter. The 555 Timer is a simple, yet vital, IC that you will use in many advanced electronic devices. By understanding how this circuit operates, you will be better able to maintain digital systems. 555 TIMER The importance of accurate timing in digital systems cannot be overemphasized. Without ccurate timing, everyday appliances such as TVs, VCRs, stereos, and even cars would be unable to function. With digital circuitry becoming more common every day, a low cost effective digital timer had to be developed. The 555 Timer is that digital circuit. The 555 integrated circuit is a very stable device that produces accurate time delays or oscillations. The output waveform of a 555 Timer is a square wave. Depending upon the number and location of external components, the 555 can be configured as an astable multivibrator, monostable multivibrator, pulse width modulator, pulse position modulator, or linear ramp generator. To accomplish all of those configurations, the 555 must have timing that is adjustable 96 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering from microseconds to hours, operate in both the oneshot and free running modes, have an adjustable duty cycle, and be compatible with TTL circuitry. This lesson shows you how the timer is configured for an astable and monostable multivibrator. Figure 1 is the schematic symbol for the 555. As you can see from the diagram, it is available in both the DIP and can case styles. Pin 1 is ground, pin 3 is the output, and pin 8 is Vcc. In keeping with the versatile nature of the circuit, Vcc can vary from 5 VDC to 15 VDC without affecting circuit operation. The output current can be up to 200 mA, so the device can operate relays or lamps. Figure 1. 555 Timer Schematic Symbol 555 TIMER CIRCUITRY Figure 2 illustrates the internal circuitry of the 555 Timer to the block level. The heart of the timer is an RS flip-flop. The RS (Reset-Set) flip-flop is a very common digital circuit. It is basically a bistable multivibrator that has two inputs, R and S, and two outputs, Q and Q’. In addition, the RS flip-flop has a RESET input. In general, the operation of the RS F/F is as follows: 97 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering If R and S are opposites of one another, then Q follows S and Q' is the inverse of Q. If both R and S are switched to 1 simultaneously, then the circuit remembers what was previously presented on R and S. There is also the funny illegal state. In this state, R and S both go to 0, which has no value in the memory sense Figure 3. RS Flip-Flop The RS inputs are provided by two comparators. Each comparator has two inputs. Comparator 1 has a threshold voltage applied to the + input and a control voltage applied to the - input. The purpose of comparator 1 is to compare the input threshold voltage to a fixed voltage. Because of the inputs, comparator 1 is called the threshold comparator. Comparator 2 has a trigger applied to the input and a fixed voltage applied to the + input. The function of comparator 2 is to compare the input trigger to a fixed voltage. Comparator 2 is called the trigger comparator. How the 555 Timer operates depends upon the external components, voltages, and signals that are applied to the two comparators. Under normal operation, the voltage on the threshold input (pin 6) is 2/3 Vcc and the trigger input (pin 2) is 1/3 Vcc. These voltage levels can be altered through external components and connections to the control voltage input (pin 5). When the voltage on the trigger input goes below the reference voltage (comparator 2 positive input), a HIGH is developed by the comparator and sent to the S input of the flip-flop. The flip-flop produces a HIGH Q output and a LOW Q’ output. The Q’ output is inverted, changed to a HIGH, and the output of the timer is HIGH. When the voltage on the threshold input goes above the reference voltage (comparator 1 negative input), a HIGH is developed by the comparator and sent to the R input of the flip-flop. The flip98 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering flop produces a LOW Q output and a HIGH Q’ output. The Q’ output is inverted, changed to a LOW, and the output of the timer is LOW. Q1 is used as a switch to supply a ground to pin 7 (DISCHARGE). When the Q’ output of the flip-flop is HIGH, Q1 is forward biased, connecting the ground on pin 1 to pin 7. When the Q’ output of flip flop is LOW, Q1 is reverse biased, breaking the ground connection to pin 7. By using external components, specifically resisters and capacitors, to produce an RC time constant, the circuit in Figure 2 can be configured in many different ways. The following discussion describes two, the astable and monostable multivibrator. 555 TIMER MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR OPERATION Figure 4 is the schematic diagram of a 555 Timer configured as a monostable multivibrator. The only time the monostable, or one-shot, changes state is when it receives an input trigger (also refer to Figure 2). When the trigger input goes LOW, the one-shot is triggered and the output goes HIGH. That action removes an internal ground by driving Q1 into cut- off, allowing C1 to charge (pin 7). When the charge on C1 nears Vcc, the output of the internal flip-flop is reset, and the output goes back LOW (pin 6). The time constant of C1 and R1 determines the amount of time the output pulse remains HIGH. Figure 4. 555 Timer Configured as a Monostable Multivibrator 99 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering 0 V1 10Vdc R1 1k 4 2 V2 3 R2 1k V 8 U1 RESET VCC DISCHARGE TRIGGER THRESHOLD CONTROL OUTPUT GND 555alt 1 7 6 5 C3 1n C2 0.01uF 0 0 Figure 5. Circuit to be implemented PRELAB ASSIGNMENT: Use the computer software tool Orcad PSPICE to simulate the two circuits .Make sure to bring the PSPICE results to the laboratory. In addition to being an aid in immediately verifying measured results, they will be the basis of your Pre-lab grade for this lab. Specifically, the following items must be addressed using Orcad PSPICE as part of the prelab assignment: Transient Response showing waveform of output voltage. 100 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE 21. Wire the circuit shown in the schematic using a 10 V supply. 22. Use R1= 1 kΩ, and C= 1μF, C=0.01μF.Using the power supply set VCC= 10 V. 23. Compute the expected values of the pulse duration. 24. Apply the square wave input of frequency 1KHz at pin 2 of circuit diagram. 25. Connect output terminal (pin 3) to the oscilloscope also feed the voltage across capacitor to channel 2. 26. Power on the circuit and observe the output. Determine the values of pulse duration of your observations and compare it with the theoretical values. Note the data. 27. Turn off the power of the experimental circuit. USEFUL FORMULA: T = RCln3 = 1.1RC OBSERVATION: Parameters Pulse Duration Calculated Values Observed Values CALCULATIONS: RESULT: 101 Error NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Lab No. 14 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the operation of the 555 timer as an astable multivibrator. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Protoboard Function Generator Digital Multimeter Power Supply Resistors Capacitors 2x0.01uF 1x1uF 555 timer (8-pin mini DIP) THEORY: 555 TIMER ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR OPERATION Figure 1 illustrates a 555 Timer configured as an astable multivibrator. An astable multivibrator is free running. That means as long as power is applied to the circuit, the output (pin 3) constantly changes states or flips from HIGH to LOW. To configure the device to operate as an astable multivibrator (also refer to Figure 2), the trigger and threshold inputs are connected together (pins 2 and 6). C charges through RA and RB. C discharges through RB by the action of the discharge output (pin 7) going LOW. The frequency of the multivibrator's output waveform is determined by the RC time constant of C, RA, and RB. If a potentiometer is connected to the discharge path of the capacitor, the frequency of the output waveform becomes variable over a range of frequencies. 102 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering Figure 1: Astable Multivibrator using 555 timer Fig. 2: Circuit to be implemented 103 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering PROCEDURE 28. Wire the circuit shown in the schematic using a 5 V supply. 29. Apply power to the breadboard. Measure the output frequency, and compare it to the value that you would expect based on the value of R1, R2 and C (Equation1). Record your result in table 1. 30. Determine the percent duty cycle of the output waveform of the 555 timer astable multivibrator. Compare your result with the expected vale (Equation 2). 31. Disconnect the power form the breadboard, and reverse the 3.3-kΩ and 15-kΩ timing resistors so that the 15-kΩ resistor is now R1. Again connect power to the breadboard, and compare the measured output frequency with the expected value (Equation1), recording your result. 32. Measure the percent duty cycle, comparing it to the excepted value (Equation2), and record your result. Observe that if resistor R2 is much greater than R1, the percent duty cycle will approach 50%. On the other hand, if R1 is much larger than R2, then the percent duty cycle approaches 99%. 104 NED University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering OBSERVATION: Component values Output frequency Measured Calculated %Duty Cycle %Error Measured Calculated Steps 2 and 3: R1 = 3.3 kΩ R2 =15 kΩ C = 0.001 µF Steps 4 and 5: R1=15 kΩ R2 = 3.3 kΩ C = 0.001 µF CALCULATIONS: RESULT: The duty cycle when R1= 3.3kΩ and R2 = 15kΩ as calculated is: --------------------The duty cycle when R1= 3.3kΩ and R2 = 15kΩ as measured is: --------------------The duty cycle when R1= 15kΩ and R2 = 3.3kΩ as calculated is: --------------------The duty cycle when R1= 15kΩ and R2 = 3.3kΩ as measured is: --------------------105 %Error