BUZZING AROUND AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT LESSON OVERVIEW Grade Levels: 4 In this lesson students will gain an understanding of simple electrical circuits and their components by building a circuit, discussing their observations as a class, and drawing a circuit diagram. STANDARDS NGSS 4-PS3-2. Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. NGSS 4-PS3-4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another. CCSS ELA-SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. CCSS ELA-W.4.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. OBJECTIVES Students will use technology to play a game on electricity and electrical circuits. Students will create a simple electric circuit. Students will draw diagrams of electric circuits. Students will engage in a class discussion about their observations. MATERIALS Wires with alligator clips on the ends Batteries Light bulbs in sockets Optional: switches with terminals Optional: exit worksheet handout PROCEDURE Procedure for Electrical Circuits: STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: Play the game on electricity. (optional) Set out materials on each table (alternatively, you may choose to do this as a class). Talk to students about electricity and electrical circuits. Use the Guiding Information section below for help. Make sure to show students an image of a complete circuit with labeled parts. Watch this video for a tutorial. STEP 4: STEP 5: STEP 6: Tell students they will make a complete circuit and light up the light bulb. Work together as a class. Connect the end of one wire to the light bulb socket. Connect the end of another wire to the light bulb socket. Connect the other end of the same wire to the battery terminal and the other end of the first wire to the opposite side of the battery terminal. The light bulb should light up. Have a class discussion on the following questions. What happened when the final wire was connected to the battery? What would happen if a wire was removed? (Remove one wire and ask for observations). Why did the light bulb go out when you removed the wire? What are essential elements needed to complete a circuit? Have students draw a picture of their circuit. When they are done, they can work together in pairs to draw a circuit diagram with the appropriate symbols. You may wish to draw or display the individual symbols to remind your students. STEP 7: Ask a few students to share their circuit diagrams with the class. Engage in a class critique of the drawings, discussing the strengths and areas for improvement. STEP 8: Give students time to fix their circuit diagrams. Optional: Have students complete the exit worksheet provided below. Alternatively, you may work on the prompts as a class. STEP 10: Optional: You may want to ask students what would happen if you added a second light bulb to the same circuit. Try it out. Ask students for observations. Did the light bulbs get dimmer (or not light at all)? Compare the original circuit to a new one with 2 bulbs. Ask the students why they think this is happening. STEP 9: GUIDING INFORMATION Electricity is the movement or flow of electrons through some object or medium. Electricity can flow through wires, between objects (classic hair and balloon trick), or even through air (lightning). An electrical circuit is a complete path through which electricity can move. There are several essential components of a simple circuit: a power source (such as a battery); wires to connect the battery and other components; and a load (such as a light bulb). Other components can include a switch and a resistor. Electricity will only travel around a complete circuit. Complete circuits have no gaps between components. In a complete circuit, electricity can travel around the circuit. When this happens, negative charges (called electrons) move from the negative side (negative terminal) of the battery along the circuit to the positive side (positive terminal) of the battery. You can only light a bulb or power a load if the circuit is complete. Otherwise, electrons will not flow through the circuit. Electrical Circuits Worksheet What is an electrical circuit? What components do you need to complete an electrical circuit? Write some examples of different components: Power Source Cable or Power Line Load What did you observe when the circuit was complete? Why do you think this happened? Use complete sentences. Draw your circuit diagram here: RUBRIC Target (3) Meets (2) Partially Meets (1) Does Not Meet (0) ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT Does a great job using Does an okay job using Attempts to build the Was not able to build the materials to build the materials to build project but has trouble the project. the project. the project. following directions. DRAWING Does a great job Does an okay job Attempts to illustrate a Was not able to illustrating a complete illustrating a complete complete electrical illustrate an electrical electrical circuit. electrical circuit. circuit, but did not circuit. include all of the parts. COLLABORATION Works well with others and discusses ideas in a fair, respectful, encouraging way and is considerate of the feelings of others. Works okay with others and discusses ideas in a fair, respectful way, but may not be encouraging. Considers the feelings of others. Works with others, but does not contribute a fair share of work OR is discouraging and does not consider the feelings of everyone. Does not work well with others and/or discusses ideas in an unfair, disrespectful way. REQUIREMENTS Meets all of the requirements for the project. Meets most of the requirements for the project. Meets some of the requirements for the project. Does not meet the requirements for the project. Discusses ideas in a fair, respectful, and positive way and is considerate of the feelings of others. Discusses ideas in a fair, respectful way, but Discusses ideas but may not have been did not consider the positive. Considers the feelings of everyone. feelings of others. DISCUSSION Total Discusses ideas in an unfair, disrespectful way. /15