2015/16 British Columbia Global Education Program OPER ATING M ANUAL for OFFSHORE SCHOOLS British Columbia Global Education Program OPERATING MANUAL for OFFSHORE SCHOOLS 2015/16 Contents 1.1 1.2 INTRODUCTION 1 BECOMING A B.C. CERTIFIED SCHOOL Pre-Certification Phase Maintaining Certification Remaining in Good Standing 2 2 3 4 1.3 OFFSHORE SCHOOL PROGRAM FEES AND EXPENSES Types of Fees 6 7 1.4 PROGRAM GOVERNANCE (ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES) 8 School Owner/Operator 8 Offshore Program Consultant and Ministry Liaison 9 Principal (and Vice-Principal) Responsibilities 11 Teacher Responsibilities 12 Ministry of Education Responsibilities 12 1.5 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR OFFSHORE SCHOOL Requirements for School Operations and Administration Requirements for Retaining an Offshore Program Consultant Requirements for School Records, Data and Reporting Requirements for School Marketing and Public Announcements Requirements for Teacher and Administrator Certification and Standards Requirements for the Recruitment and Employment of Administrators and Teachers Administrator and Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development Requirements Dispute Resolution Process Complaints and Compliance Process 1.6 EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS 13 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 21 21 FOR OFFSHORE SCHOOLS Grades Offered Student Admission Minimum Enrolment Delivery of the B.C. Curriculum Graduation Program English Language Proficiency Student Achievement Provincial Examinations Course Equivalency Course Challenge Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses Exempted Courses Distributed Learning (DL) Twinning 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 29 30 30 31 31 32 APPENDIX A 33 APPENDIX B 72 1.1 INTRODUCTION Introduction1.1 The purpose of the British Columbia (B.C.) Global Education Program is to encourage the development of international relationships and create opportunities for global learning experiences that will benefit B.C. students, teachers, schools, and communities by: · increasing international recognition of B.C.’s high-quality education “brand“ · creating more opportunities for B.C. public and independent schools to develop international partnerships, and · attracting more international students to study and eventually work and live in B.C. This program is a key component of the Province’s International Education Strategy, which aims to: · create a globally oriented education system in British Columbia; · ensure that all students receive quality learning and life experiences; and · maximize the benefits of international education—social, cultural and economic—for all B.C. communities, families and businesses. As part of the B.C. Global Education Program, the Ministry of Education regulates the delivery of the B.C. K–12 education program (the B.C. curriculum) to students studying in K-12 schools overseas. There are currently 41 certified offshore schools operating in seven different countries, delivering the B.C. curriculum to more than 10,300 K–12 students. Additional schools are expected to join the program. This operating manual provides information to current and prospective offshore school Owners/Operators regarding the Ministry’s requirements and expectations for becoming a certified offshore school under the B.C. Global Education Program, and for maintaining certification on an annual basis. If you have a question about the B.C. Global Education Program or the requirements for offshore schools, please contact: Please note that the policies and procedures described in this manual may change from time to time as communicated by the Ministry. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. Ministry of Education · International Education Branch PO Box 9146 · Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9H1 · Email: International.Education@gov.bc.ca 1 1.2 BECOMING A BC CERTIFIED SCHOOL Becoming a BC Certified School 1.2 Becoming a B.C. Certified Offshore School requires a significant investment of dedication, time and resources. In cases where the Province sees the potential for a strong partnership capable of making a significant contribution to the goals of B.C.’s International Education Strategy, the Ministry of Education may invite submission of an application to enter the B.C. Global Education Program. Applicants may be invited to begin operation as a pre-certified school and may, eventually, become a fully-certified school. Individuals or groups interested in learning more about the opportunity to become a B.C. Certified Offshore School may go to the Ministry’s B.C. Offshore School web site to learn more about the B.C. Global Education Program’s Offshore Schools Application Process. Pre-Certification Phase Owners/Operators who are invited to proceed toward certification enter the pre-certification phase. During pre-certification: 1. Owners/Operators sign a Pre-Certification Agreement with the Ministry (see Appendix A, page 33). For the term of the a Pre-Certification Agreement, the Owner/Operator · · · is permitted to deliver the B.C. curriculum for the following school year is not permitted to advertise their schools as “B.C. certified“ is not permitted to indicate that students will be able to receive a B.C. Dogwood diploma upon graduation 2. Owners/Operators pay the following fees (see Offshore School Program Fees and Expenses for more information) Curriculum usage fee Program administration fee Student registration fee $10,000 per school per year $5,000 per school per year $350.00 per student per year 3. The school undergoes an initial onsite inspection: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · 2 · · A Ministry-appointed inspection team performs an onsite inspection of the school in the spring at the expense of the Owner/Operator The inspection team notifies the Ministry of required changes and/or follow-up items for consideration The Ministry considers the recommendations of the inspection team and any other factors it deems relevant B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 4. The Ministry determines whether to certify the school. If the School is certified: · · The Ministry immediately signs a one-year Certification Agreement with the Owner/Operator The school maintains certification by meeting the requirements of the certification agreement. see “Maintaining Certification“. If the School is not certified: · · · The Ministry does not renew its a Pre-Certification Agreement The school is no longer proceeding toward certification The Owner/Operator is no longer permitted to deliver the B.C. curriculum, but may re-apply at a later time Maintaining Certification After a one-year Certification Agreement has been signed with the Ministry, to maintain an offshore school's status as a B.C. certified school, the Owner/Operator must · remain in good standing with the Ministry · pass an annual or biennial onsite inspection · pay all fees and relevant expenses (see Offshore School Program Fees and Expenses) · submit an Annual Report by September 30 (see “Annual Reporting,“ page 5, for details) Owners/Operators who fail to meet all requirements for maintaining the school’s B.C. certified status will not be invited to enter into a subsequent Certification Agreement. If there are more serious issues, the school will be put on probationary status or decertified. see “Probationary Status,“ page 22 and “Decertification,“ page 22. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 3 Remaining in Good Standing In order to maintain certification, an Owner/Operator must comply with the Ministry's requirements, including remaining in “good standing.“ The Ministry will consider the following criteria in assessing whether an Owner/Operator remains in good standing with the Ministry: · the Owner/Operator is and has been in compliance with agreement requirements · all certification fees and expenses have been paid in full and on time · the Owner/Operator or individuals/entities acting on behalf of the Owner/Operator are in compliance with relevant legislation of the country/region in which the school is operating (e.g., laws pertaining to employment standards, health and safety, human rights, and any others) · · current or recent actions of the Owner/Operator or individuals/entities acting on behalf of the Owner/ Operator that could negatively impact the integrity of the program or B.C.’s positive international education reputation any other criteria that the Ministry considers relevant at the time PASSING ANNUAL INSPECTIONS Owners/Operators must pass an annual onsite inspection of the school. Annual inspections take place between fall and spring of each year at the expense of Owners/Operators. The Ministry also conducts random, unannounced inspections. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 The Ministry publishes final certified B.C. Offshore School inspection reports on its website. 4 OUTCOME OF THE ANNUAL INSPECTION Following the inspection, the inspection team will inform Owners/Operators of any required changes, and will provide the Ministry with its recommendations for the school. The Ministry will carefully review B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL the inspection results and follow up with Owners/ Operators. Following its review of the inspection, the Ministry will inform Owners/Operators of any remedial actions that must be taken to address inspection findings, and any other factors deemed relevant by the Ministry at the time. OPTION FOR BIENNIAL INSPECTIONS A school may request a biennial inspection if the following requirements are met: · the Owner/Operator has been in good standing with the Ministry for a minimum of five consecutive years · no significant turnover of administrators or teachers has taken place within the school over the past two school years · the Ministry has not received any valid complaints related to the school or individuals/entities directly associated with the school · the Ministry has no significant concerns regarding the quality of the educational program being provided. Note: A biennial inspection request is only valid for one year. REQUESTS FOR BIENNIAL INSPECTIONS An Owner/Operator must submit a written request to the Ministry for a biennial inspection. Schools approved for biennial inspections must continue to submit annual reports. Certification Agreements will be renewed on an annual basis provided that annual reporting requirements have been met and the most recent inspection process has been successfully passed. SUBMITTING AN ANNUAL REPORT An Owner/Operator must submit to the Ministry by the dates indicated a completed Annual Report consisting of three parts: 1 Inspection CatalogueSeptember 30 2 Update on the school’s Business Plan September 30 3 Audited financial statements Upon request INSPECTION CATALOGUE AND BUSINESS PLAN The Ministry will provide templates for both the Inspection Catalogue and the Business Plan on the Ministry’s website by August 1 each year. Owners/Operators are required to complete both templates as instructed. School Business Plans must include the following information: · a description of the school, the larger school within which the B.C. Offshore School is housed (if applicable), and the B.C. Offshore School program · a description of the business operations, including the school's unique culture, marketing activities and long-term growth plan · a description of the school's operations, including the management structure and approach to engaging and communicating with parents, students, staff and school administration · information about the school's approach to human resources, including the Owner/Operator's plan for ensuring that all teachers and administrators are properly certified at all times · a description of partnerships with B.C. Onshore schools to promote cultural and language learning, collaborative approaches to pedagogy and professional development and including activities to encourage Offshore School students to study at post-secondary institutions in British Columbia The Owner/Operator must submit audited financial statements as described in the Certification Agreement. The financial statements must conform with international accounting standards and be audited by a third party upon request by the Ministry. (see the Business Plan template on the Ministry website for more information.) B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 1.3 OFFSHORE SCHOOL PROGRAM FEES AND EXPENSES Offshore School Program Fees and Expenses 1.3 2015/16 FEE PAYMENT PROCESS · Program, Inspection, and Learning Audit Fees are due and payable as stated in the table on page 7. · All fees are non-refundable. · Effective June 30th, 2014, the Ministry will invoice schools thirty (30) days in advance of fee payment due date for the following fees: Curriculum Usage Fee, Program Administration Fee, and Student Registration Fees. · The invoice for the Student Registration Fee will be based on 1701 data submission. » If there is a discrepancy between the 1701 data submission and student numbers as reported during Inspections, schools will be invoiced for the difference. » Fees related to discrepancies will be due and payable immediately on issuance of the invoice. » These fees are non-refundable (i.e. if a student leaves the school mid-year). DELINQUENT PROGRAM FEES · The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are thirty (30) days delinquent: » The Ministry will issue a second invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. » The School will be placed on probationary status for 60 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). · The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are sixty (60) days delinquent: » The Ministry will issue a third invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. » The School will be placed on probationary status for 90 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). · The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are ninety (90) days delinquent: » The School will be decertified. Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · 6 The following processes will apply for delinquent inspection fees: » The school inspection will be cancelled. » Uninspected schools will lose certification status. » Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Types of Fees Fee Type Fee Amount Payable: Comments Application fee $5,000 (non-refundable) Time of application Applications will not be processed until the application fee has been submitted in full Curriculum usage fee $10,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for the curriculum usage fee on June 30 Program administration fee $5,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for the program administration fee on June 30 Student registration fee* $350 per student per annum December 15 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for the student registration fee in the third week of November based on 1701 data submission Inspection fees** Varies 30 days in advance of inspection team’s departure Ministry will invoice schools for the inspection fee 45 days in advance of team’s departure OTHER PROGRAM EXPENSES In-person application review Travel, accommodation, per diem and incidental costs of all Payment required 15 days in Ministry participants if held at the school location OR All relevant advance of departure (if taking place travel and accommodation expenses for the Owner/Operator (and onsite at the school location). accompanying officials) if held in British Columbia. Learning audits Includes professional services of the audit chair and audit team members, as well as their travel, accommodation, per diem and incidental costs. Payment required 15 days in advance of the audit team’s departure. * If a student withdraws from the school up to November 30, the school is not required to pay the per student fee (school must provide proof of withdrawal). If a student withdraws from the school after November 30, the school is required to pay the per student fee. ** Inspection fees include the professional services of the inspection chair and inspection team members, as well as their travel, accommodation, per diem and incidental costs. Schools are not expected to pay costs associated with unannounced inspections. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 7 1.4 PROGRAM GOVERNANCE (ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES) Program Governance (Roles and Responsibilities) 1.4 The following sections outline the approved roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the administration of a B.C. offshore school, as outlined in the Ministry’s Pre-Certification Agreement and Certification Agreement (see Appendices A and B for more detail). School Owner/Operator The Owner/Operator is solely and directly accountable to the Ministry for ensuring that the school is operating in compliance with all requirements of the Pre-Certification Agreement or Certification Agreement, as well as the provincial educational standards and program requirements and expectations identified in this operating manual. The Owner/Operator may not transfer, sell or license ownership of the School without the written approval of the Province including a change to the majority shareholder or controlling interest. SCHOOL OWNER/OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES Owners/Operators are responsible for: · directly operating the school, including delivery of the B.C. curriculum in English · the financial management and administration of the school, including the payment of all applicable fees · improving and maintaining student achievement and ensuring that there are no significant discrepancies between provincial exam marks and course marks 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · 8 · ensuring that the education program provided at the school meets provincial education standards as described in certification agreements (e.g., achieving Prescribed Learning Outcomes, using provincial Performance Assessment Standards, meeting instructional time requirements, adhering to exam invigilation instructions, meeting English language assessment and development standards, and others) developing policies and procedures regarding student admissions, student discipline, parental appeals, evaluation of teachers and administrators and dispute resolution B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL · ensuring that only those students with sufficient English language capability are permitted to enter the program and that students studying in the program have access to adequate English language development supports as required ·school marketing and student recruitment · complying with all applicable laws, bylaws, orders, directions, rules and regulations of any city, state, provincial and national government body of the region/country in which the school operates · recruiting, hiring, compensating and providing suitable accommodations for administrators and teachers · establishing and maintaining complete and accurate records for students, the school and administrators and teachers · meeting Ministry data and annual reporting requirements · ensuring administrative staff in B.C. Offshore Schools are persons of good moral character and are otherwise fit and proper to have daily contact with the school’s students. · · working with the Offshore Program Consultant or Ministry Liaison (if applicable), the Principal and teachers as required to assist the Ministry in investigating complaints and resolving issues to the Ministry’s satisfaction reporting dismissal, suspension, discipline, conduct and competence issues regarding the Principal or any teacher to both the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation and the Ministry’s Director of International Education · supporting and participating in the Ministry’s inspections of the school as required · ensuring that all communications with the Ministry, whether through the Offshore Program Consultant or the Ministry Liaison, are in English. SUBCONTRACTING SCHOOL OWNER/OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES Subcontracting to other entities to provide services does not relieve Owners/Operators from any of the obligations specified in the Certification Agreement. Offshore Program Consultant and Ministry Liaison The Ministry approves Offshore School Representatives who are not on the Ministry’s pre-approved Offshore Program Consultant list. An “Offshore School Representative” means the person who has been selected by the Owner/Operator to fulfill the duties under paragraphs 1-9 Part II of Schedule “B”, who is not on the Ministry’s pre-approved Offshore Program Consultant list, and whose appointment has been approved by the Director of International Education. An Offshore School Representative must meet the criteria on pages 15/16 to be approved. At any time, the Ministry may remove its approval of an Offshore School Representative if there are concerns about the Representatives’ conduct, competence, qualifications, or authorization. For the purposes of this manual, references to “Offshore Program Consultants” are applicable to Offshore School Representatives. An Owner/Operator may choose to hire an Offshore Program Consultant to assist with the management and operation of the school. If an Owner/Operator chooses not to hire an Offshore Program Consultant, the liaison responsibilities including the ability to legally represent the Owner/Operator in dealings with the Ministry will be assumed by the Principal (see page 10). At any time, the Ministry may remove its approval of a Principal serving as liaison if there are concerns about the Principal's conduct, competence, qualifications or authorization. The Owner/Operator must then select a new qualified liaison and submit a request for approval to the Ministry. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 A Principal who is appointed by the Owner/Operator as liaison with the Ministry must be approved in writing by the Ministry prior to performing the duties of liaison (see “Offshore Program Consultant and Ministry Liaison Duties,“ page 10). 9 OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS FUNCTIONS Offshore Program Consultants may perform the following functions (see Appendices A and B): · · assisting the Owner/Operator to recruit and hire qualified administrators, teachers and other school support staff, including support with acquiring visa and work permits · assisting with cultural acclimatization · professional development · assisting the Owner/Operator to market the school within the guidelines set out in certification agreements arranging accommodations and dealing with any issues related to those arrangements OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT AND MINISTRY LIAISON DUTIES Offshore Program Consultants and Ministry Liaisons must serve as the primary liaison between Owners/Operators and the Ministry, including representing Owners/Operators legally in dealings with the Ministry. The following are Offshore Program Consultant’s and Ministry Liaison’s key duties associated with the liaison function: · acting as the primary contact to liaise and communicate with the Ministry in a timely manner · effectively managing and resolving complaints to the satisfaction of the Ministry participating in and supporting the inspection team in conducting school inspections or audits · actively working with the Owner/Operator to ensure compliance with all agreement requirements, including working with the Principal and teachers to ensure that the Owner/Operator’s accountabilities and timelines are clearly understood and fulfilled 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · 10 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL · ensuring all annual reporting requirements are met · ensuring the Owner/Operator recruits and hires only qualified and competent personnel (see page 19) · attending information sessions organized by the Ministry · working with the Owner/Operator, Principal and teachers to address the Ministry’s recommendations and requirements pertaining to the school. Principal (and Vice-Principal) Responsibilities SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL The Principal is responsible for performing the following duties: · administering and supervising the school’s operations and implementation of the B.C. curriculum · providing direct oversight of student admissions, including the final decision and sign-off regarding students’ English language capabilities, admissions and grade/classroom placement · providing quality assurance for the educational program(s) being delivered, including ensuring that provincial education standards and program requirements are met · overseeing the development of course overviews that meet Prescribed Learning Outcomes · evaluating and documenting the learning environment in individual classrooms · establishing and communicating all teaching timetables to administrators and teachers as applicable · establishing appropriate student evaluation and assessment processes, and reporting the results to parents in a manner that is consistent with the Student Progress Report Order · supervising and evaluating the work of other administrators, teachers and administrative support staff ·supervising professional development activities for administrators and teachers · performing teaching duties as required ·maintaining school records · supervising the general conduct of students, both on and off school premises as appropriate, including student discipline · leading or participating in the school’s dispute resolution process as required Owners/Operators must allow the Principal sufficient time to perform his or her administrative duties. Owners/Operators must ensure that the Principal does not serve as Principal for more than one offshore school. VICE-PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 An Owner/Operator may hire one or more Vice-Principals to assist the Principal in performing his or her duties, with the exception of Ministry Liaison duties. However, the Principal remains accountable for the duties and responsibilities outlined above. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 11 Teacher Responsibilities All teachers are expected to: · provide competent instruction to students in a manner that encourages and fosters learning · teach only those programs of study that are authorized as part of the Owner’s/Operator’s agreement with the Ministry (i.e., the B.C. curriculum) · regularly evaluate students and periodically report the results of the evaluation to students and their parents · under the direction of the Principal, manage student conduct in the classroom and at school functions outside of regular school hours and facilities For additional information on the standards for conduct and professional competence for B.C. certified teachers, see www.bcteacherregulation.ca/Standards/StandardsDevelopment.aspx. Ministry of Education Responsibilities In addition to setting goals/objectives, establishing regulations and requirements, and developing policy and legislation to support the administration of the program, the Ministry is responsible for: communicating requirements and expectations to the Owner/Operator · developing curriculum, including provincial education standards · authorizing the Owner/Operator to use the B.C. curriculum · developing and evaluating provincial examinations · issuing Certificates of Graduation to eligible students on behalf of the Minister · certifying eligible teachers (through the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch) · performing regular inspections of the school, including providing a copy of the final inspection report and following up in a timely manner on any recommendations and requirements · providing and renewing certification for eligible schools 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · 12 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.5 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR OFFSHORE SCHOOL Operational Requirements and Expectations for Offshore Schools 1.5 Requirements for School Operations and Administration Owners/Operators are expected to maintain sufficient organizational and financial capacity to effectively operate offshore schools. This capacity includes having a formal school management structure in which the accountabilities of the Owner/Operator, Offshore Program Consultant, Ministry Liaison, Offshore School Representative, Principal, Vice-Principal, teachers and administrative staff are clearly defined, communicated and understood by all parties. SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The Owner/Operator must have in place school policies and procedures that are consistent with the terms and conditions outlined in certification agreements. These must be easily accessible by relevant teaching and administration staff (e.g., through policy manuals and/or administrative handbooks for staff). Specifically, the school must have policies and procedures in place in the following areas: · governance and administration · student admissions, attendance and records management · student assessment · student supervision and classroom management · parental appeals · human resources (i.e., hiring, compensation, accommodation, leave, and dismissal policies and procedures that align with program requirements and adhere to relevant human rights and employment standards legislation) · evaluation and professional development for administrators and teachers · complaints management and dispute resolution (to resolve disputes between Principals/Vice-Principals, teachers, and/or the Owner/Operator as applicable). SCHOOL FINANCES B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 An Owner/Operator is expected to undertake regular reviews of the school’s finances to ensure sufficient financial capacity is in place for operating the school, including regular updates of expense and revenue information and audited financial statements. 13 COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES AND RESOURCES An Owner/Operator is expected to have in place clear and formalized processes for engaging and involving students, parents, staff and school administration (for example, all-staff operational meetings, regular written communications, and others). The Owner/Operator must ensure that school facilities are adequate for operating a school under the program, as outlined in the Inspection Catalogue. The Owner/Operator must be able to demonstrate how feedback and comments from these parties are being incorporated into the school's management practices. The annual inspection of the school will include a review of whether the school has in place sufficient resources (i.e., print, electronic and Internet library resources) to support the achievement of learning outcomes identified for the courses offered at the school. LOCAL HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS Owners/Operators must ensure that the schools’ operations, as well as facilities, grounds and equipment, meet local health and safety standards. Requirements for Retaining an Offshore Program Consultant REQUIREMENTS FOR RETAINING AN OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT An Owner/Operator wishing to retain an Offshore Program Consultant must: · select the Offshore Program Consultant from the Ministry’s list of pre-approved candidates. The list is established through a competitive pre-qualifying process and is updated as needed. · submit a written request to the Ministry seeking approval for the selected Offshore Program Consultant and indicating that the chosen individual/entity has the ability to legally represent the Owner/Operator in dealings with the Ministry. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 REQUIREMENTS WHEN USING A CORPORATE ENTITY AS AN OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT 14 If an Owner/Operator selects a corporate entity to serve as its Offshore Program Consultant, the Owner/Operator is responsible for identifying one person within the entity to serve as the representative of that entity and the Owner/ Operator for the purposes of fulfilling the duties of the Offshore Program Consultant, including the ability to legally represent the Owner/Operator in dealings with the Ministry. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL REMOVING AN OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT'S PRE-QUALIFIED STATUS REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANTS If the Ministry has concerns about an Offshore Program Consultant’s conduct, competence, qualifications or authorization, it may remove the Offshore Program Consultant from its list of pre-qualified candidates, and the Owner/Operator may select a new Offshore Program Consultant from the Ministry’s pre-approved list, or transfer the liaison responsibilities to the Principal, or appoint an Offshore School Representative. An Offshore Program Consultant: If the Owner/Operator selects a new Offshore Program Consultant or appoints an Offshore School Representative, the Owner/Operator must submit another written request to the Ministry seeking approval for its new selection. · can be retained by no more than three Owners/ Operators · must communicate with the Ministry in English · may not perform any of the duties outlined on page 10 until the Ministry has provided written approval of the Owner’s/Operator’s appointment of the Offshore Program Consultant or Offshore School Representative. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE REQUIREMENT FOR B.C. OFFSHORE SCHOOLS JANUARY 2015 The Ministry of Education requires that Owners/Operators of B.C. Offshore Schools have an offshore school representative with B.C. education credentials and experience to serve as the primary liaison between Owners/Operators and the Ministry of Education (more information can be found on page 9 and in Appendices A and B of the Global Education Program Operating Manual for Offshore Schools). Owners/Operators have three options regarding meeting this requirement: 1. Owners/Operators may choose an Offshore Program Consultant from the list of qualified vendors posted at the following site: (www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/topic/54BCE40BEF89C8DE4FAC8501CC63E384/ internationaleducation/os_consultants.pdf). 2. Owners/Operators may appoint the Principal of the school to fulfil both the Administrator and Ministry Liaison role. For a principal to assume the role of Ministry Liaison, he or she must meet all of the principal/liaison requirements as described in the 2015/16 Global Education Program Operating Manual for Offshore Schools. A principal who is granted an exemption by the province may not fulfil the role of principal/liaison. Note: It is recommended that new offshore schools retain the services of an Offshore Program Consultant for the first two years of operation. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 3. Owners/Operators may appoint an Offshore School Representative of their choosing. In the case of an appointment of an Offshore School Representative, Owners/Operators must have Ministry approval. To request Ministry approval, Owners/Operators must provide evidence that the appointee meets the necessary requirements to perform the responsibilities of an Offshore School Representative. 15 Appointed Offshore School Representatives must meet the following criteria: · A current member/valid Certificate of Qualification holder in good standing with the Ministry of Education, Teacher Regulation Branch; · Understanding of, and recent professional experience working with teacher certification and regulation requirements in B.C.; · Minimum 3 years’ experience working in a senior administrative capacity (e.g., Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, district Principal or Director, school Principal or Vice-Principal, Dean) in a B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school or postsecondary institution; · Knowledge of the B.C. education-related legislation, regulations and orders, including B.C.’s School Act and Independent School Act and accompanying Schedules, Regulations, Minister’s Orders, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; · · Expertise in current B.C. educational standards and practices for curriculum development and implementation, as well as evaluation of students, teachers, and principals; Knowledge and experience with school evaluation, audit or inspection processes in a B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school within the past 10 years; · Understanding of the linkage between regulatory requirements and the delivery of educational programs in K-12 schools; Knowledge of the B.C. Global Education Program (offshore schools) and B.C.’s International Education Strategy; and, · Knowledge of immigration application procedures and requirements (i.e., visas, work permits, etc.). · · Ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing, to an international audience; · Ability to clearly and accurately communicate policy, legislation, goals and program criteria/requirements to diverse client groups; · Ability to identify and manage complex issues and concerns raised by the Province of British Columbia and other education stakeholders, and to explore options to resolve issues and build consensus towards a satisfactory outcome; Along with relevant materials supporting the requirements above, please submit: · The Offshore School Representative’s résumé; and, · The names and contact information of two references that can attest to the individual’s suitability as an Offshore School Representative. Requirements for School Records, Data and Reporting 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 Owners/Operators are required to establish and maintain school records and to submit data and reports to the Ministry as required. School records and reports must be accurate, up-to-date, in English and securely kept. 16 Owners/Operators must have in place sufficient Internet connectivity, computer hardware/software and printer capabilities at the school to ensure efficient electronic transfer of data and printing of records. RIGHT TO INSPECT SCHOOL DOCUMENTS School documents, including the records of students, teachers and administrators, may be inspected and copied by the Ministry or a representative of the Ministry at any time during normal school hours. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL SCHOOL RECORDS Owners/Operators must maintain the following school records: · record of local government approval · student records ·signed consent forms as required under certification agreements · administrator and teacher records · · records related to the operation of the school (including financial records) · Annual Reports and supporting documentation (see page 5). additional documentation as required under the Permanent Student Record Order; instructions can be found at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/classroom_ assessment/psr_instruct.htm · any other relevant records related to the student (e.g., disciplinary action taken, attendance records, other records) RECORD OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Owners/Operators must have the approval of the appropriate government for their school in the form of a letter of approval (or statement of no objection) from the appropriate government entity with paramount authority over the school. Student records must be maintained for between 10 and 55 years (see section 13.04 of the Certification Agreement for details) following the student’s graduation. The approval must be kept on file at the school at all times. The Ministry may take steps to verify that the documentation is authentic and valid, including meeting with local, regional or national government authorities as required. If a student decides to leave the school at any time and requests that his/her records be transferred to either another offshore school or a K-12 public or certified independent school within B.C., the Owner/Operator is responsible for ensuring that the student’s record is transferred in a timely manner as per the student’s request. STUDENT RECORDS STUDENT DATA COLLECTION Individual student records must be maintained in English as well as in the language of the jurisdiction in which the school is located. Owners/Operators are required to submit to the Ministry a Student Data Collection form (1701) for each student enrolled in the school. Forms and instructions can be found at the following link: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/ datacollections. Individual student records must include the following: the results of the English language assessment, including the Principal’s sign-off · a record of any supplementary English language supports provided to the student · a record of Distributed Learning courses taken or scheduled 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 · B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 17 ADMINISTRATOR AND TEACHER RECORDS Records for the Principal, Vice-Principal (as applicable) and teachers must include the following: · · a copy of their B.C. Certificate of Qualification or an Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate and proof of a minimum of 2 years teaching experience in a B.C. independent school ·signed consent forms as required under certification agreements · any human resource-related issues pertaining to the individual copies of all contracts of employment between the Owner/Operator and the individual · copies of all performance evaluations · a record of the individual’s professional development activities Requirements for School Marketing and Public Announcements In marketing offshore schools, the Owner/Operator must ensure that all publications accurately reflect the status of the school in relation to the Ministry’s certification process (see Appendix A, page 40-41 and Appendix B, page 80), as follows: · an Owner/Operator of a pre-certified school must indicate only that they have been granted “approval to deliver the B.C. curriculum“ but are not permitted to indicate that a school is, or will be, certified · Owners/Operators of certified schools must indicate only that the school » » » » has been granted certification status has entered a Certification Agreement with the Province under the program is operating a “B.C. Certified“ school has authority to offer educational programs at the school leading to a B.C. Dogwood diploma. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 Owners/Operators are responsible for ensuring that all school promotional materials accurately convey the number and amount of fees charged, both by the Ministry to operate the school and by the Owner/Operator to attend the school, including all fees and expenses listed on school websites. 18 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Requirements for Teacher and Administrator Certification and Standards Owners/Operators must ensure that only B.C. certified administrators and teachers are permitted to plan, evaluate, and provide instruction to students using the B.C. curriculum, including reporting on student progress to parents or legal guardians. ADMINISTRATOR AND TEACHER CERTIFICATION Administrators and teachers hired to teach in an offshore school must hold a valid Certificate of Qualification or an Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate (with a minimum of 2 years teaching experience in a B.C. independent school) from the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch, Ministry of Education, prior to being hired by the Owners/Operators. Administrators or teachers who do not have the proper certification but are interested in teaching in a B.C. offshore school must make timely application to the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch. For more information on the certification requirements for teachers and administrators in offshore schools, see www.bcteacherregulation.ca/Teacher/ BecomingATeacherOverview.aspx; and www.bcteacherregulation.ca/Teacher/ BCOffshoreSchools.aspx. EMPLOYMENT OF LOCALLY-CERTIFIED TEACHERS Owners/Operators may employ locally-certified teachers working under the supervision of a school administrator to teach specifically exempted courses. For more information, see “Exempted Courses,“ page 30. ADMINISTRATOR AND TEACHER STANDARDS All certified administrators and teachers in offshore schools are required to adhere to provincial Standards for the Education, Competence, and Professional Conduct of Educators in B.C. For more information on these standards, see the following link: www.bcteacherregulation.ca/ Standards/StandardsDevelopment.aspx. REQUIREMENT FOR REPORTING BREACHES OF CONDUCT If a teacher or administrator is in breach of provincial Standards for the Education, Competence, and Professional Conduct of Educators in B.C., the Owner/Operator must report this breach to both the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation and the Director of International Education. Furthermore, as described in certification agreements, if a teacher or administrator is suspended or dismissed for misconduct, including causing harm to a student, the Owner/Operator must report the suspension or dismissal immediately to that individual, the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation, and the Director of International Education. COMPLAINTS AGAINST ADMINISTRATORS OR TEACHERS B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 If the Ministry receives a complaint regarding the conduct or competence of an offshore teacher or administrator, it will follow the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch’s complaints process. Additional information on how to submit a report or complaint to the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation is available at www.bcteacherregulation.ca/ ProfessionalConduct/ComplaintsReports.aspx. 19 Requirements for the Recruitment and Employment of Administrators and Teachers The Owner/Operator is responsible for the recruitment and hiring of B.C. certified administrators and teachers, and must adhere to all relevant local human rights and employment standards legislation. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS Employment contracts between administrators and teachers and Owners/Operators should clearly outline the terms of employment, including the following information (as applicable): · duties, responsibilities and accountabilities · teaching/administration assignment · hours of work · length of the school day and school year, including key dates, events and special functions · commitment to professional development · salary and benefits · travel and accommodation arrangements provided, including moving expenses if applicable · availability of instructional supplies · other employment terms and conditions that may be relevant (e.g., applicable visa/work permit requirement, contract renewal/termination process, overtime, bonuses and others) 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 The Owner/Operator may wish to provide information to administrators and teachers to ensure they are properly informed of what to expect when living and working in the host country. The Ministry expects that all parties will abide by all contractual arrangements. 20 Administrators and teachers are responsible for due diligence when entering into an employment contract. The Owner/Operator is responsible for ensuring that disputes over contracts are dealt with through the school's dispute resolution process. For more information, see “Dispute Resolution Process,“ page 21. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL ADMINISTRATOR AND TEACHER CONSENT REQUIREMENTS Administrators and teachers must provide consents for the collection, use and disclosure of relevant personal information as outlined in certification agreements. If at any time an administrator or teacher withdraws his or her consent, as described above, the Owner/Operator must suspend the employment of that individual immediately, and notify the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation and the Director of International Education. EMPLOYMENT OF PRINCIPALS AND VICEPRINCIPALS Owners/Operators must employ a qualified Principal at all times. At the time the Principal is hired, he or she must have the following qualifications: · be fluent in English · hold a valid British Columbia Certificate of Qualification or an Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate · be affiliated with the Owner/Operator only through their employment contract with the B.C. Offshore School · have a least one year of experience working at a principal or vice-principal level and · have a minimum of three years of teaching experience, preferably in a British Columbia school. If a prospective Principal does not have at least one year of experience working at a principal or vice-principal level, or is missing any of these requirements, the Owner/Operator is required to contact the Ministry to request approval at International.Education@gov.bc.ca. Vice-Principals must also hold a valid Certificate of Qualification or an Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate from the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch and have a minimum of 2 years teaching experience in a B.C. independent school. Administrator and Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development Requirements The Owner/Operator is responsible for ensuring that administrators and teachers undergo rigorous evaluations on a regular basis, and that the results of these evaluations factor into decisions regarding the frequency and type of professional development activities provided for each individual. Each administrator and teacher must be provided a minimum of two days of professional development per year (preferably more frequently) in order to ensure that administrators and teachers remain current with the B.C. curriculum and associated teaching strategies and have the opportunity to update and/or improve their professional practice as needed. Administrator and teacher evaluation results and professional development activities must be documented in the school’s files for each individual. This information may be reviewed as part of the Ministry’s annual inspection process. Dispute Resolution Process An Owner/Operator must develop and implement a formal process for resolving disputes. It is the Ministry’s expectation that the school dispute resolution process is the primary mechanism for resolving disputes between: ·teachers · teachers and administrators ·administrators · teachers or administrators and the Owner/Operator Complaints and Compliance Process The Province may investigate or act on any complaint or information regarding a pre-certified or certified school. Owners/Operators are expected to respond to requests from the Ministry concerning complaints. INFORMING OTHER CANADIAN JURISDICTIONS When the Province validates a complaint about a school, the Province may discuss the complaint and share information with education authorities in other Canadian jurisdictions. The Ministry may inspect the school facility to investigate a complaint or to determine whether the Owner/Operator is complying with agreement/program requirements. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 UNSCHEDULED COMPLIANCE OR COMPLAINT INSPECTION 21 LEARNING AUDITS If the Ministry has concerns about the quality of the education being delivered at a school, the Ministry may perform a comprehensive learning audit of the school facility at the Owner/Operator’s expense. If required, a team of Ministry-appointed officials will perform a thorough onsite audit of all aspects of the education program, including but not limited to · student admissions · student evaluation · administrative practices · policies that impact the quality of education programs · quality of supplementary educational supports to students (e.g., English language learning instruction) · implementation of the curriculum · teacher qualifications · teaching methods · student achievement PROBATIONARY STATUS SCHOOL DECERTIFICATION When a School is deemed out of compliance, the Ministry will provide written notice to an Owner/Operator outlining the compliance issues and the time line within which compliance is expected. The Ministry may request a plan from the Owner/Operator outlining how it will comply by a date as specified by the Ministry. The Ministry may terminate its agreement with the Owner/ Operator in any of the following situations: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 If an Owner/Operator does not bring itself or the school’s operations into compliance by the Ministry’s specified date, the Ministry will place the school on probationary status and publish this information on its website. 22 If the school is placed on probationary status, the Owner/ Operator must notify all students and their parents that the school has been placed on probationary status and may lose its certification. If the Owner/Operator cannot demonstrate to the Ministry that it will bring itself into compliance, the school will lose its certification and the Ministry’s agreement with the Owner/Operator will be terminated. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL · the Owner/Operator fails to comply with agreement/ program requirements as outlined in this operating manual and certification agreements · the Owner/Operator fails to pay the required fees or cover relevant expenses · the Owner/Operator fails to implement any changes required by the Ministry as a result of an inspection, learning audit or complaints review process · it is found that the Owner/Operator has provided false or misleading information or documents to the Ministry · a financial, administrative or operational change occurs which results in the Owner/Operator no longer being able to fulfill its obligations to the Ministry 1.6 EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR OFFSHORE SCHOOLS · the Owner/Operator fails to provide an educational program that meets the provincial requirements · the ownership of the School is changed without notice to or authorization by the Ministry If the Ministry revokes a school’s certification, the school will be removed from all Ministry publications, including the Ministry’s website. Students in the school will not be able to complete their studies unless they transfer to another offshore school or to a K-12 public or certified independent school within B.C. The Ministry may also pursue damages of up to $10,000 from the Owner/Operator if an agreement is terminated early. The Owner/Operator of a decertified school must comply if a student requests that his/her records be transferred to another offshore school or a K-12 public or certified independent school within B.C. SUBMITTING A COMPLAINT ABOUT AN OFFSHORE SCHOOL Complaints regarding offshore schools may be submitted to the Ministry in writing, by either email or regular mail to: B.C. Ministry of Education International Education Branch · PO Box 9146 Victoria, British Columbia · V8W 9H1 Email: International.Education@gov.bc.ca 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 23 Educational Requirements and Expectations for Offshore Schools 1.6 Owners/Operators are responsible for meeting the educational requirements for offshore school students as described in the following: · Pre-Certification Agreement or Certification Agreement · Operating Manual for Offshore Schools · Offshore Schools Provincial Examination Schedule · Offshore Schools Transcript and Exam Requirements Grades Offered The education program offered by the Owner/Operator must commence between Kindergarten and Grade 8. Student Admission Students must enter the program between Kindergarten and Grade 8, and must be enrolled on a full-time basis. If the laws of the jurisdiction in which the school operates prohibit students from enrolling before Grade 8, an Owner/ Operator may request approval from the Province to allow students to enter after Grade 8. In this case, students may not commence the program after Grade 10. They must also be provided with additional English Language Learner supports to enable success in the program. Students who have previously been instructed in English on a full-time basis may be admitted after Grade 8, provided that they have met all English language requirements as identified on page 26. Minimum Enrolment 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 Owners/Operators must make reasonable efforts to maintain a minimum enrolment requirement of 60 full-time students per grade. This level of enrolment ensures that the school is able to deliver a full complement of courses under the B.C. curriculum while ensuring a quality learning experience for students. 24 Applicants must be able to clearly demonstrate prospective enrolment of at least 60 full-time students per grade within three years from the time the school opens. Owners/Operators must confirm that annual enrolment targets are being met as part of their annual reporting and inspection processes. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Delivery of the B.C. Curriculum Owners/Operators are responsible for ensuring that the delivery of the B.C. curriculum meets all requirements of pre-certification and certification agreements. This includes ensuring that · the subject, instructional time, and learning outcome requirements included in Sections 1–6 of the Educational Standards order are met www.bced.gov.bc.ca/legislation/schoollaw/j/m41-91.pdf · the education program is operating in a manner that is consistent with the intellectual, human and social development, and career development goals identified in Part C of the Statement of Education Policy Order for B.C. www.bced.gov.bc.ca/legislation/schoollaw/d/oic_1280-89.pdf More information on the B.C. curriculum, including curriculum documents and support materials can be found at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/welcome.php. MINISTRY CURRICULUM COPYRIGHT The Ministry owns the copyright on all educational material licensed to the Owner/Operator under program agreements, including all curriculum documents, support materials, and other education-related materials provided to Owners/ Operators by the Ministry. Graduation Program Students in an offshore school who successfully complete the requirements of the B.C. Graduation Program receive a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation, or “Dogwood Diploma.“ The requirements of the Graduation Program include successful completion of specified courses in Grades 10, 11 and 12. These courses and other graduation requirements are described in the Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program. Note: the following sections of the handbook do NOT apply to offshore schools: · Adult Graduation · Independent Directed Studies ·Challenge · Locally Developed Courses (distinct from BAA courses) · Dual Credit and Post-Secondary Courses ·Homeschooling · Equivalency* · Provincial Awards Program · External Credentials · School Completion Certificate Program · French Language Exams B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 *Equivalency may be granted as per the International Student Graduation Credit Policy 25 English Language Proficiency Students in B.C. certified schools are required to have sufficient proficiency in English to meet B.C. curriculum standards. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT Students who enter an offshore school after Grade 7 must receive an English language assessment before being admitted to the school. The assessment must be directly administered by the Principal, or the Principal must directly supervise a B.C. teacher in administering the assessment. Owners/Operators, in collaboration with Principals, are responsible for ensuring that the following tools are used when assessing the English language capabilities of prospective students: English as a Second Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists www.bced.gov.bc.ca/esl/policy/special.pdf; and English as a Second Language Standards www.bced.gov.bc.ca/esl/standards.pdf. If a student does not meet the minimum English language requirements for entry into the B.C. program (after Grade 7), the Owner/Operator must ensure that the student receives the necessary English-language learning supports. Each student‘s English language assessment results and the supplementary supports provided must be included in the student's record. The assessment results and admission decision must be signed-off by the Principal. This information will be reviewed as part of the Ministry’s inspection process. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS Owners/Operators must ensure that once students enter the B.C. program, they are provided with the necessary supports to continue developing their English language capabilities. Additional information and resources regarding the development and delivery of supports to English Language Learners can be found here: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/esl/. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 BOARD/AUTHORITY AUTHORIZED ENGLISH COURSES 26 Owners/Operators may develop their own Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) English language learning courses for elective credit toward graduation. Students may take up to three BAA English language learning courses, for a maximum of 12 credits toward graduation (see page 30 for more information on BAA courses and requirements). B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Student Achievement Owners/Operators are responsible for the academic achievement of the students in their school. Students must meet the Prescribed Learning Outcomes for each B.C. course offered. Owners/Operators are responsible for: · developing a comprehensive overview for each course offered; these must include » course content » teaching strategies » assessment methods clearly linked to the Prescribed Learning Outcomes. · having in place rigorous student assessment processes · documenting student achievement · planning and facilitating the delivery of educational supports to students as needed · ensuring there are no significant discrepancies between student course marks and provincial exam results · ensuring the Ministry’s Performance Standards are used as an assessment tool for students as applicable (www.bced.gov.bc.ca/perf_stands). Provincial Examinations ELIGIBILITY TO WRITE PROVINCIAL EXAMS Students in certified offshore schools are eligible to write provincial examinations once their school meets the requirements set out in the Transcript and Examination Requirements for Offshore Schools. Once a school is certified, it must obtain Personal Education Numbers from the Ministry. Students at pre-certified schools will not be issued PENs and are not eligible to write provincial exams. Students in newly certified schools may write exams in the school year following the school's certification. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 27 PROVINCIAL EXAM REQUIREMENTS All offshore students must write the following core examinations in all courses that are provincially examinable, including: · · · · · Language Arts 10 Science 10 Mathematics 10 Social Studies 11/12 Language Arts 12 If a student's score on a provincial exam is 25 per cent or more lower than his or her course grade, then the exam score will be recorded as the student's final grade. Provincial exams are written once the student has successfully completed the course. Students have three years to complete a provincial examination from the time they complete the course. PROVINCIAL EXAM REWRITES AND SUPPORTS Students are permitted one provincial examination rewrite. Provincial exam rewrites are a means for students to improve an exam score. Principals must not schedule a “pre-write“ examination for students as a means of preparing them for a provincial examination. Additional provincial exam supports are available to assist students with specific learning needs, including support for English-language learners. Supports include sample provincial exams and answer keys. These can be found at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/search EXAM INVIGILATION Owners/Operators are required to adhere to the Ministry’s guidelines for conducting examinations (see www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/handbook and School Secure Website at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/tsw/princ_terms.jsp for more information). 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 If the Ministry has concerns about an offshore school’s exam invigilation, it may appoint an official to travel to the school to oversee the invigilation of the exams. The Owner/Operator must cover the expenses of Ministry-appointed examination official(s). 28 PROVINCIAL EXAM SCHEDULE Offshore schools write provincial examinations according to the Offshore Schools Provincial Examination Schedule, which is updated annually. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENT Owners/Operators are required to have in place adequate technology, based on their student enrolment, to enable all eligible students to write exams at the same time. Owners/Operators are required to plan sufficiently to accommodate all students in writing exams within the exam timetable or as otherwise directed by the Ministry. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON PROVINCIAL EXAMS Additional information on exams and current B.C. Graduation Program requirements, including the Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program, can be found at the following links: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation/grad_certificate.htm www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/ Course Equivalency Offshore students are eligible to receive course credit through equivalency reviews. Owners/Operators awarding equivalency credit do not require prior approval from the Ministry of Education. Owner/Operators are required to have an educator review the learning outcomes of the courses for the 80% match with B.C.’s Prescribed Learning Outcomes and document it on the student’s file and the data must be entered correctly into TRAX. EQUIVALENCY FOR MINISTRY-DEVELOPED LANGUAGE COURSES B.C. certified offshore school students who have completed one or more years of language arts education in an international education jurisdiction during the last year of elementary school or at the junior secondary level where the language of instruction was one in which B.C. has a ministry-developed language course can receive credit for an equivalent language course at the Grade 10, 11 or 12 level, as shown in the table below. PRIOR DOCUMENTED LEARNING EQUIVALENCY CREDIT One year of documented language arts education in the last year of elementary education Grade 10 One year of documented language arts education at the junior secondary level Grade 11 Two or more years of documented language arts education at the junior secondary level Grade 12 Handbook of Procedures, Chapter 2: B.C. Language Courses Completed in International Educational Jurisdictions B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 Ministry-developed Grade 10, 11 and 12 international language courses that have integrated Resource Packages (IRPs) and that are eligible under this policy include American Sign Language, Arabic, Croatian, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Punjabi, Russian and Spanish. 29 EXAMPLE OF LANGUAGE EQUIVALENCY CREDIT For example, a student who completed Grade 7, 8 and 9 in Costa Rica with instruction in Spanish could receive credit for Spanish 10, 11 and 12. The school would report credit for SP 10, SP 11 and SP 12, with an E in the Course Type field. The school would submit a school percentage using the student's language arts marks from Costa Rica. Note: Schools must maintain clear equivalency records indicating compliance with the policy. Course Challenge Offshore students may challenge most Ministry-developed and BAA courses, provided they complete the Challenge process. The courses for which International students may not Challenge are listed in the International Student Graduation Credit policy on the Ministry’s web site and below for convenience. The following courses may not be challenged: Language Arts 10, 11 and 12 Mathematics 12 Planning 10 Science 12 Social Studies 11 (or Civic Studies 11 or B.C. First Nations Studies 12) In addition, students cannot challenge Graduation Transitions. Please see the International Student Graduation Credit Policy for further details. http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/administration/legislation-policy/publicschools/international-student-graduation-credit Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses The Ministry of Education has aligned the B.C. Offshore School BAA course process with the Ministry’s B.C. onshore practice. Beginning in the 2015/16 school year, B.C. Offshore School Principals are responsible for ensuring that the BAA courses offered in Offshore Schools are in compliance with all the requirements set out in the Board/Authority Authorized Course Order M285/04 and the Board/Authority Authorized Courses Requirements and Procedures Guidebook. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 B.C. Offshore Schools are required to submit the BAA Course Form and the BAA Course Framework to the Ministry’s Director of International Education at International.Education@gov.bc.ca a minimum of six months prior to the course being offered and to maintain the required documentation on the offshore school file for inspection. 30 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Exempted Courses In B.C. certified schools, the B.C. curriculum must be delivered in English by teachers holding a valid British Columbia Certificate of Qualification. With the Ministry’s approval, an Owner/Operator may deliver the following courses in a language other than English by a locally-certified teacher. The Ministry refers to these courses in the offshore setting as “exempted courses.“ Exempted courses may count for no more than 20 of the 28 elective credits required for graduation. Course PE 10-12 Requirements Must meet BAA or Ministry course requirements Fine Arts 10-12 Language Credit Limits No combination of exempted courses may count for more than 20 credits Career max. of 12 credits; up to 4 credits per grade (10, 11 and 12); max. 4 language credits per year Must meet BAA course requirements Local History Local Culture Maximum 4 credits Maximum 4 credits To receive an exemption, an Owner/Operator must submit a written request to the Ministry of Education's Director, International Education, along with a detailed course outline (written in English), at least six months prior to course delivery. Exemptions are not required for courses in the language of the country of origin when taught by a locally-certified teacher. B.C. Offshore Schools are required to report the course in the Inspection Catalogue and maintain course outlines and local teaching certificates in Offshore School files for inspection. Distributed Learning (DL) Students in offshore schools may take courses through Distributed Learning (DL). To be eligible, courses must be offered by the Ministry-approved Distributed Learning Provider identified in B.C. Global Education Program agreements Schedule G. Owners/Operators are not permitted to use a DL provider other than the provider identified in certification agreements. They are expected to maintain complete and accurate records within the student’s file of all DL courses taken by the student. B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 PROVINCIALLY EXAMINABLE COURSES MAY NOT BE TAKEN THROUGH DL. 31 PROCESSES FOR SUBMITTING DL COURSE GRADES AND FINAL MARKS 1. The Ministry-approved DL provider submits final DL course marks to the offshore school. The Ministry-approved DL provider must retain a record of the grades for at least 10 years. 2. The offshore school enters DL courses with final marks into their school administrative system so that these records will be included in a subsequent TRAX data submission. The offshore school must retain a copy of the ministryapproved DL provider's record of student grades for at least 10 years. 3. The offshore school must enter the DL courses and marks on the Permanent Student Record. There is no need to use equivalency, as the courses are reported using standard course codes. 4. Offshore school inspections may include a review and comparison of the Ministry-approved DL provider's grades, the TRAX record and the Permanent Student Record. Twinning An educational twinning agreement is a friendly and cooperative relationship between a B.C. Offshore School and a B.C. onshore public or independent school to enhance student achievement, promote cultural understanding and augment professional learning. Owners/Operators of certified offshore schools are encouraged to establish and maintain a “twinning“ relationship between their offshore school and a K-12 public or certified independent school within B.C. As part of the twinning relationship, the offshore school should enter into an agreement with its twin school in B.C. Agreements may include details about collaborative activities, goals of the relationship, responsibilities of the two schools, how the twinning partnership will be evaluated and processes for renewing the relationship. 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 Common twinning activities generally relate to curriculum and include student-to-student and class-to-class interactions, art or music class performances, a school's cultural pursuits, student exchanges and school tours, charitable or environmental projects and collaborative approaches to pedagogy and professional development. 32 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · OPERATING MANUAL Appendix A B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM – OFFSHORE SCHOOLS PRE-CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the Day th day of Month, Year BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the Minister of Education (the “Province“) OF THE FIRST PART AND: [@NAME OF OWNER/OPERATOR], a [@registered Society or Corporation delete the description that does not apply for each entered Agreement], incorporated under the , laws of @Certificate of Incorporation No. or @registration document No. and having an office at @ADDRESS , @CITY @PROVINCE / STATE (the “Owner/Operator“) @COUNTRY @POSTAL CODE OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The Province has accepted the Owner/Operator’s application to begin working towards Certification of (@NAME OF SCHOOL) under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. B. 4 (@NAME OF SCHOOL) as a necessary step for the Owner/Operator to apply for Certification of the School under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 1 • APPENDIX A The Owner/Operator wishes to obtain authorization from the Province to offer the B.C. Curriculum in 33 C. The Province is prepared to permit the Owner/Operator to deliver the B.C. Curriculum during the Agreement Term and to inspect the Owner/Operator’s operation of (@NAME OF SCHOOL) as a necessary step in the Province’s determination as to whether the School is eligible for Certification under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by each of the parties), the parties agree as follows: 1.00DEFINITIONS 1.01 In this Agreement: “Agreement Term” means the period set out in paragraph 2.00 of this Agreement during which the Owner/Operator is authorized to deliver the B.C. Curriculum at the School under this Agreement; “Annual Report” means the report that must be submitted to the Ministry under paragraph 13.07, in accordance with Program Requirements, including the Inspection Catalogue and the report on the Business Plan, and the Owner/Operator’s financial statements audited by a 3rd party that align with international accounting standards submitted under paragraph 1 of Schedule “A”; “Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider” means an entity listed in Schedule “G” and approved in writing by the Province to deliver the B.C. Curriculum by Distributed Learning as part of the educational program delivered at the School; “Authorized Person” means a person who holds a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification and is employed by the Owner/Operator to teach, serve as an administrator or supervise at the School; “British Columbia Certificate of Graduation” (Dogwood Diploma) means the graduation certificate: APPENDIX A • 2 34 » in the form set out in section 2(1) and (2)(a) of Ministerial Order 164/96, the Student Credentials Order, enacted under the School Act ; » that the Minister may issue under section 168(6)(a)(ii) of the School Act to a person who has successfully met the general requirements for graduation established by order of the British Columbia Minister of Education; “British Columbia Certificate of Qualification” means a certificate of qualification issued under s. 30 of the Teachers Act or continued under s. 91 of the Teachers Act, but, for clarity, does not include any other type of certificate; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX “British Columbia Curriculum” or “B.C. Curriculum” means the subject area ‘Curriculum Guide’, ‘Integrated Resource Package’ or ‘Program Guide’ referred to in the Ministerial Order M333/99 and documents published by the British Columbia Ministry of Education and specified as Educational Program Guides and resources in the Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order enacted under the School Act ; “Business Plan“ means the plan that the Owner/Operator must, in accordance with the Program Requirements, have submitted under paragraph 1 of Schedule “A“ as a pre-condition to entering this Agreement and must update annually under paragraph 13.07; (a) during the Agreement Term; and (b) if this Agreement is renewed under paragraph 2.02; “Certified School” means a school operating within the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools, that is authorized to offer the B.C. Curriculum in educational programs leading towards a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation under the authority of a Certification Agreement with the Province; “Certified Agreement“ means the agreement under which a Certified School is operated; “Certification“ means the authorization granted by the Province to operate a Certified School; “Commissioner“ means the person appointed under s. 2 of the Teachers Act; “Director, International Education” means the Director of the International Education Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Education; “Distributed Learning” means a method of instruction that relies primarily on indirect communication between Students and teachers, including internet or other electronicbased delivery, and teleconferencing or correspondence; “Educational Material” means the British Columbia Curriculum and the Website Materials; “Educational Program Guide” means an educational program guide set out in Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order, enacted under the School Act , with the exception of those set out under subsections 1 (f) and (g); 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 3 • APPENDIX A “Graduation Program” means the educational program in Grades 10, 11 and 12 offered at a School which has been granted Certification to offer the B.C. Curriculum in a program that leads towards graduation with a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation; 35 “Independent School Act“ means the Independent School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 216; “Inspection Catalogue” means the inspection documents prepared in accordance with the Program Requirements which the Owner/Operator must complete in support of the Province’s inspection process; “Inspection Report” means the final report in English prepared by the inspection team retained by the Province to conduct the Province’s inspection process; “Learning Audit” means a comprehensive review, conducted at the Province’s sole discretion, by a team of educators appointed by the Province, of the quality of educational programming delivered at the School; “Offshore Program Consultant” means the person who has been selected by the Owner/ Operator from the Province’s pre-approved list of candidates and retained by the Owner/ Operator under paragraph 14.01; “Offshore School Representative” means the person who has been selected by the Owner/Operator to fulfill the duties under paragraphs 1-9 Part II of Schedule “B”, who is not on the Ministry’s pre-approved Offshore Program Consultant list, and whose appointment has been approved by the Director of International Education; “Owner/Operator” means a non-governmental legal entity incorporated in the jurisdiction in which the School will operate that is a party to this Agreement. For clarity, the Owner/Operator must not be a government organization, a School District Business Company, a foreign affiliate of a School District Business Company or a foreign affiliate of an Independent School Authority under the Independent School Act ; “Principal” means the School administrator employed by the Owner/Operator who meets all of the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Part III of Schedule “B” and is responsible for all of the duties set out in paragraph 3 of Part III of Schedule “B”; “Probationary Status” means the status imposed by the Province pursuant to paragraph 26.00 under which the Owner/Operator must demonstrate that it is operating the School in compliance with the terms of this Agreement in a time period specified by the Province; “Program Requirements” means the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools requirements established by the Province as set out in but not exclusive to the Operating Manual, and modified from time to time in the Province’s sole discretion, which are posted on the Ministry of Education website at the following URL: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=8A7A13A5F553472A9A28C9B60086C68A; APPENDIX A • 4 36 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX “School“ means the educational institution called (@NAME OF SCHOOL): (a) located in (@CITY), in (@COUNTRY), (b) in which the Owner/Operator provides educational programs under this Agreement under the supervision of an Offshore Program Consultant and Principal, or a Principal only, retained or employed, as the case may be, by the Owner/Operator, and (c) includes the Students, teachers and facilities associated with the provision of the educational programs under this Agreement; “School Age“ has the same meaning as in the School Act ; “School Age” means the age between the date on which a person is permitted to enroll in a school and the end of the school year in which the person reaches the age of 19 years. “School Act“ means the School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 412; “School District Business Company“ means a School District Business Company incorporated pursuant to Part 6.1 of the School Act ; “School Year” means the period beginning on July 1 in each year and ending on June 30 in the following year unless otherwise specified by the Province; “Student” means a person of School Age enrolled in the School; “Student Record” means the records of information in written or electronic form pertaining to each Student maintained by the Owner/Operator in conformity with the requirements set out in paragraph 13.02; “Student Report” means the report that must be prepared and maintained under paragraph 12.01 and delivered to Students or Student’s parents under paragraph 12.02; “Teachers Act“ means the Teachers Act, [SBC 2011] c. 19; “Teacher Regulation Branch” means the British Columbia Teacher Regulation Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Education; “Vice-Principal” means the Authorized Person retained under paragraph 15.02; and “Website Materials” means the documents identified as ‘Curriculum Documents’ and ‘Support Materials’ and accessible at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/welcome.php, or such other internet address as the Province may advise the Owner/Operator in writing. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 5 • APPENDIX A 4 37 2.00 AGREEMENT TERM 2.01 Subject to paragraph 2.02, the Agreement Term commences on the first day of the School Year in the year in which the Agreement is executed and ends on the last day of that School Year. 2.02 The Agreement Term may be renewed at the Province’s sole discretion for only one additional School Year with no further renewals. 3.00 PROVINCIAL COMMITMENTS 3.01 The Province authorizes the Owner/Operator to use the Educational Materials in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation those terms set out in Article 11.00. 3.02 The Province will permit the Owner/Operator to refer to the B.C. Curriculum and the Agreement as specifically set out in paragraphs 7.02 and 7.03 to indicate that the School is offering a program under this Agreement with the Province. 3.03 The Province will inspect the School in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and will provide the Owner/Operator with a copy of each Inspection Report prepared in relation to the School as soon as reasonably possible after the Province’s inspection process under paragraph 21.00 or 22.00 has been completed. 3.04 The Inspection Report referred to in paragraph 3.03 will provide the Province with information to support the Province’s decision making with respect to the Owner/ Operator’s eligibility to continue this agreement or apply for Certification of the School. 4.00 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OWNER/OPERATORS 4.01 The Owner/Operator represents and warrants for the purposes of paragraph 27.01(c) that the qualification requirements set out in Schedule “A“ have been met. 4.02 Prior to entering this Agreement, or at the Province’s request the Owner/Operator must provide the Province with: (a) written confirmation from the appropriate government entity with paramount responsibility for education in the jurisdiction in which the School is located that the Owner/Operator has obtained: (i) written approval; or APPENDIX A • 6 (ii)a letter of no objection; to operate the School; and 38 (b) written approval in principle from the government office identified in paragraph 4.02(a) for the Owner/Operator to seek Certification of the School with the Province. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 4.03 The Province may at its sole discretion contact the government office identified in paragraph 4.02(a) to confirm that the information provided by the Owner/Operator is accurate and true. 5.00RELATIONSHIP 5.01 No partnership, joint venture, agency or other legal entity will be created by or will be deemed to be created by this Agreement or any actions of the parties pursuant to this Agreement. 5.02 The Owner/Operator is not a servant, employee or agent of the Province. 5.03 The Owner/Operator must not in any manner whatsoever commit or purport to commit the Province or any of its officials or contractors to any course of action, obligation or otherwise. 6.00 OWNER/OPERATOR’S REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND OBLIGATIONS 6.01 The Owner/Operator represents and warrants to the Province, with the intention that the Province will rely thereon in entering into this Agreement and throughout the Agreement Term, that (a) there is no law or decision of a governmental entity, which would prohibit the Owner/Operator from entering into this Agreement with the Province; (b) this Agreement has been legally and validly authorized and executed by the Owner/Operator and is legally binding upon and enforceable against the Owner/Operator in accordance with its terms; and (c) the Owner/Operator: (i) will directly operate the School and is solely responsible for its operation; (ii) has the power and capacity to accept and execute this Agreement; (iii) has the power and capacity to perform its obligations under this Agreement and this Agreement is binding upon and enforceable against the Owner/Operator in accordance with its terms; (iv) does not know of any fact that adversely affects, or might adversely affect, in a material way, the Owner/Operator’s properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), business or operations or its ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement; (v) has all the rights necessary to operate the School and use the facilities for the purposes of the School; and (vi) will operate the School in accordance with the laws of 7 • APPENDIX A (@COUNTRY). 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 39 6.02 All statements contained in any certificate, application or other document delivered before or during the continuation of this Agreement, by or on behalf of the Owner/ Operator to the Province under this Agreement or in connection with the School and the provision of an educational program under this Agreement will be deemed to be representations and warranties by the Owner/Operator under this Agreement. 6.03 All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made herein and all certificates, applications or other documents delivered by or on behalf of the Owner/ Operator are material and will conclusively be deemed to have been relied upon by the Province and will continue in full force and effect during the continuation of this Agreement. 6.04The Owner/Operator must, if requested by the Province, provide evidence satisfactory to the Province that the representations and warranties are true and correct and that the Owner/Operator’s obligations under this Agreement have been met. 6.05The Owner/Operator may not transfer, sell or license the whole or portions of this Agreement without prior written approval of the Province. 6.06Material changes to the Owner/Operator are forbidden under this Agreement without the prior written approval of the Province. Material changes include (but are not limited to) changes in the Owner/Operator’s governance, business, or administrative structure, including a change to the majority shareholder or controlling interest. 7.00 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 7.01 The Owner/Operator must ensure that: (a) all communications, including publications and promotional materials, accurately set out the amount of fees and other monies payable under this Agreement to the Province; and (b) the School’s educational program, fees, accommodation and policies pertaining to the refund of fees or other costs are consistent with any promotional material or other informational material published or supplied by the Owner/Operator, including information on the Owner/Operator’s websites and on sites that link with other programs and/or organizations. The Owner/Operator may state in its publications that it has been granted “approval to deliver the B.C. Curriculum” and specify that the School has “entered a Pre-Certification Agreement with the Province under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools”. APPENDIX A • 8 7.02 40 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 7.03 The Owner/Operator must not use a phrase other than those specified in paragraph 7.02 to denote accreditation or Certification by the Province or advertise or represent in any way during the Agreement Term that: (a) it or its School has achieved or will achieve Certification; (b) it is a operating a Certified School; or (c) it has authority to offer educational programs leading to a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation. 8.00 CONDITIONS TO OPERATE THE SCHOOL 8.01 The Owner/Operator is solely responsible for the School and for operating the School in compliance with all requirements under this Agreement, including without limitation, the requirements under Schedule “B“. 8.02 The Owner/Operator must monitor and at all times remain in full compliance with the most current version of the Program Requirements. 8.03The Owner/Operator may only operate the School during the Agreement Term unless specified by the Province. 8.04The School approved under this Agreement is for the specific location identified in this Agreement and is not transferrable to a new location and/or campus without prior written approval from the Province. 8.05 The Owner/Operator must throughout the Agreement Term: (a) comply with any direction or request made by the Province related to the operation or administration of the School or relating to this Agreement as soon as practically possible; and (b) comply with all applicable laws, bylaws, orders, directions, rules and regulations of any city, state, provincial and national government body in (@COUNTRY) or branch or agency thereof directly or indirectly applicable to the Owner/Operator, the School or this Agreement. 8.06 All Student admissions decisions must be made in accordance with the Program Requirements, including without limitation that the Owner/Operator: (a) must not admit students to the School who do not demonstrate English language proficiency in accordance with the Program Requirements; and i. 4 is administered within the last calendar year; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 9 • APPENDIX A (b) must ensure that each Student has completed an English language assessment in accordance with the Program Requirements and that: 41 ii. is approved as an assessment instrument by the Province; iii. is administered directly by the Principal or directly by an Authorized Person under the supervision of the Principal; and iv. includes written verification by the Principal of Student’s results 8.07 The Owner/Operator must be able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Province, that each enrolled Student’s level of English language proficiency is adequate to enable the prospective Student to meet or exceed the learning outcomes identified in Educational Program Guides if the Student is admitted to the School. 8.08 The Owner/Operator must provide, as part of its educational program, support to improve Students’ achievement in English language proficiency during the Agreement Term as identified in the Program Requirements. 8.09 The Owner/Operator must ensure that it establishes and implements effective policies to ensure that school grades accurately reflect each Student’s achievement in the B.C. Curriculum and that no significant discrepancies between school grades and examination results occur. 8.10 The Owner/Operator must ensure that it establishes and implements effective policies and procedures, in accordance with the Program Requirements, including without limitation, policies and procedures pertaining to student assessment, student admissions, student discipline, student supervision and parental appeals. 8.11 The Owner/Operator must, on the commencement of the Agreement Term, establish and implement policies and procedures, in accordance with the Program Requirements: (a) for evaluation of Authorized Persons; (b) professional development of Authorized Persons; and (c) for resolution of disputes between Authorized Persons and between the Owner/Operator and Authorized Persons. 9.00 ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING 9.01 The Owner/Operator must not: (a) assign, either directly or indirectly, this Agreement or any right of the Owner/ Operator under this Agreement; or (b) subcontract any of the Owner/Operator’s obligations under this Agreement to any person except as authorized under paragraph 14 and under paragraph 18. APPENDIX A • 10 9.02 42 The subcontracting authorized under paragraph 9.01(b) does not relieve the Owner/ Operator from any obligations under this Agreement. The Owner/Operator must ensure that: BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX (a) any person retained by the Owner/Operator to perform obligations under this Agreement; and (b) any person retained by a person described in paragraph 9.01(b) to perform those obligations; fully complies with this Agreement in performing the subcontracted obligations. 10.00 DELIVERY OF THE B.C. CURRICULUM 10.01 The Owner/Operator must not offer the Educational Materials, including without limitation, the B.C. Curriculum other than as authorized under the terms of this Agreement. 10.02The Owner/Operator must only employ Authorized Persons to: (a) plan, evaluate and provide instruction to Students; and (b) provide all Student progress reports under paragraph 12.02 to Students, parents or legal guardians of Students; unless otherwise approved in writing by the Province. 10.03 The Owner/Operator must demonstrate during the Agreement Term sufficient planning and organization to satisfy the Province that it can operate the School and deliver the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the requirements set out in Part I of Schedule “B”. LICENSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CURRICULUM 11.01 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that: (a) The Province exclusively owns all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in and to the Educational Material; and (b) any proprietary rights not specifically granted by the 11.02 Province in this Agreement remain with the Province or its licensors, as applicable, including without limitation copyright and trademark protection. The Province grants to the Owner/Operator, for the term of this Agreement, a nonexclusive, non-assignable livcense to: (a) use the Educational Material; (b) subject to paragraph 11.03, (i) reproduce the Educational Material in electronic or paper format; and (ii) distribute the Educational Material to its Students, for the sole purposes of the operation of the School and the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum by the Owner/Operator; 11.03 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that it may reproduce and distribute the Educational Material only in such quantities as are necessary for the purposes set out in paragraph 11.02. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 11 • APPENDIX A 4 43 11.04 Following the execution and delivery of this Agreement: (a) the Province will provide the Owner/Operator with a copy of the Educational Material, excluding the Website Materials, in paper or electronic form; and (b) subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner/Operator may download the Website Materials. 11.05 The Owner/Operator acknowledges that some components of the Educational Material include a statement that the Province is the copyright owner of such Educational Materials, and the Owner/Operator agrees: (a) not to change or delete any such statement; and (b) where no such statement exists, to include on all copies of the Educational Material the following attribution notice: “© 2014 Province of British Columbia“. 11.06 The Owner/Operator will be solely responsible for all costs of using, reproducing and distributing the Educational Material. 11.07The Owner/Operator acknowledges that: (a) it may require educational resources in addition to the Educational Material for the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum; and (b) it is solely responsible for obtaining all such additional educational resources, in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, including without limitation copyright law. 11.08 Immediately upon the expiry or sooner termination of this Agreement, the Owner/ Operator will: (a) cease using, reproducing and distributing the Educational Material; (b) delete all electronic copies of the Educational Material from its operating environment; and APPENDIX A • 12 (c) destroy all hard copies of the Educational Material in its possession or control. 44 12.00 STUDENT PROGRESS REPORTS 12.01 The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, to the satisfaction of the Province, an assessment and evaluation program that: (a) demonstrates Student progress in achieving intellectual, human, social and career development in accordance with the Program Requirements and the requirements set out in sections 1 to 9 of the Ministerial Order M191/94, the Student Progress Report Order enacted under the School Act, with the exception of the definition of “curriculum” in s. 1 of that Order; (b) is in compliance with paragraph 8.09; and (c) accurately demonstrates Student progress in the B.C. Curriculum. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 12.02 The Owner/Operator must provide a Student Report to the Student and the Student’s parent or guardian, in accordance with paragraph 10.02 and 12.01, that reflects all of the B.C. Curriculum in which the Student is enrolled in a School Year, including indicating which parts of the B.C. Curriculum have been or are scheduled to be taken through Distributed Learning. 13.00 SCHOOL RECORDS AND REPORTS 13.01 The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, in English, accurate and current records, in accordance with a) this paragraph, b) the requirements set out in Part IV of Schedule “B“, and c) the Program Requirements and must permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, at any time or times during normal School hours, to copy and inspect any and all records. 13.02 The Owner/Operator must keep the following records for the stated period of time (a)the Annual Reports: a minimum of 10 years; (b) Student Records: i) Permanent Student Record to be retained for a minimum of 55 years ii) Other Student Records to be retained for a minimum of 10 years; (c) records with respect to each Authorized Person employed in the School, including without limitation, police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided and with respect to all professional development activities of the Authorized Person: minimum of 10 years; and (d) records with respect to the operation of the School: minimum of 10 years. 13.03 In accordance with the Program Requirements, the Owner/Operator must maintain a Student Record for each Student enrolled in the School, in both English and the language of the jurisdiction in which the School is situated. 13.04 Each Student Record under paragraph 13.03 must contain the following and must be retained for the stated period of time: (a) the Student’s Personal Education Number (minimum 55 years) (b) results of the English language assessment, including written verification by the Principal of Students’ results, required under paragraph 8.06 and 8.07 and any supplementary English language supports provided (minimum 10 years); (d)signed consent forms required under paragraph 13.06 (minimum 10 years); 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 13 • APPENDIX A (c) records related to the B.C. Curriculum delivered by Distributed Learning taken or scheduled for each Student (minimum 10 years); 45 (e) the Permanent Student Record as established under Ministerial Order 082/09, the Permanent Student Record Order, enacted under the School Act, including without limitation all documents referenced in section 2(a)(ii) of that Order (minimum 55 years); (f)demonstrate compliance with paragraph 8.09 (minimum 10 years); and (g) any other records relating to the Student in the custody and control of the Owner/Operator (minimum 10 years). 13.05 Subject to the laws of (@COUNTRY), the Owner/Operator must, at the time the Province requires, deliver to the Province, or a person designated by the Province, such written reports, statements, information and data in English and in the form and with the content satisfactory to and prepared by a person acceptable to the Province. 13.06 Where the Province requests that a person with specified credentials prepare a report, the Owner/Operator must ensure that this direction is complied with and the report is prepared in English and in accordance with the Province’s directions. 13.07 The Owner/Operator must submit its Annual Report to the Province including, without limitation: (a) the completed Inspection Catalogue on or before September 30 of the School Year; (b) a report on its Business Plan on or before September 30 of the School Year; and (c) the Owner/Operator’s financial statements audited by a 3rd party that align with international accounting standards on or before November 30th of the School Year. submitted under paragraph 1 of Schedule “A“. 13.08 The Owner/Operator acknowledges that the Province is required to comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Ac t, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 186, and that this Agreement may require the collection, use and disclosure of relevant personal information about Students enrolled in the School and Authorized Persons employed in the School. The Owner/Operator is responsible for obtaining written consents in the form required by the Province of each: APPENDIX A • 14 (a) Authorized Person; 46 (b) Student in grades 10 to 12; and (c) parent or legal guardian of Students in Kindergarten and grades 1 to 9 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX for the disclosure of personal information to the Province as required under this Agreement and for storing and accessing this information outside of Canada. The Owner/Operator must keep the written consent in each Student’s Student Record and each Authorized Person’s file. 14.00 OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT AND LIAISON 14.01 Subject to the Province’s direction that the Owner/Operator must, the Owner/Operator may, during the Agreement Term retain, in accordance with the requirements set out in Part II of Schedule “B“, an Offshore Program Consultant selected from the Province’s list of pre-approved candidates. 14.02 The Owner/Operator must advise the Ministry if it comes to the Owner/Operator’s attention that an Offshore Program Consultant or a liaison (as described in Part II of Schedule “B“) is acting in a manner that is inappropriate or gives rise, either directly or indirectly, to any pecuniary or non-pecuniary conflict of interest or the perception of a conflict of interest, in relation to the performance of the duties under this Agreement. 15.00 PRINCIPAL 15.01 The Owner/Operator must employ a Principal for the School during the Agreement Term in accordance with the requirements set out in Part III of Schedule “B”. 15.02 The Owner/Operator may employ a Vice Principal to support and assist the Principal, under the direction of the Principal, in fulfilling the duties under paragraph 3(b) of Part III of Schedule “B”. A Vice Principal cannot assume the functions of the Offshore Program Consultant. 15.03 Where a Vice Principal has been employed under paragraph 15.02, the Principal remains responsible for administration and supervising the School and exercises paramount authority within the School with respect to the duties set out under paragraph 3 of Part III of Schedule “B”. 16.00 TEACHERS 16.01 The Owner/Operator must ensure that Authorized Persons, and only Authorized Persons are employed to teach at the School in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule “C“. 17.00 REPORT OF DISMISSAL, SUSPENSION OR DISCIPLINE REGARDING TEACHER 17.01 The Owner/Operator agrees that the Province may: (b) establish a list that identifies the Owner/Operator as an employer of the employees. 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 15 • APPENDIX A (a) maintain the complete list of all the Authorized Persons employed by the Owner/Operator during the previous 12 month period, submitted as part of the reporting requirement under paragraph 13.07, for at least 10 years; and 47 17.02 The Owner/Operator must: (a) obtain written consent required under paragraph 13.08 in the form required by the Province from each Authorized Person; and (b) ensure that the consent form is included in the file for the Authorized Person and is available for inspection by the Province. 17.03 If an Authorized Person revokes or otherwise withdraws their consent under paragraphs 13.08, the Owner/Operator must immediately: (a) suspend the employment of that Authorized Person in the School; and (b) advise the Director of International Education and the Commissioner of the revocation or withdrawal of the Authorized Person’s consent. 17.04 If the Owner/Operator or the Principal: (a) suspends or dismisses an Authorized Person, including the Principal, for misconduct that involves: (i) physical harm to a student or minor; (ii) sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a student or minor; or (iii) significant emotional harm to a student or minor, it must without delay send a report regarding the dismissal suspension or disciplinary action; (A) to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner; (B) to the Authorized Person; and APPENDIX A • 16 (C) the report must be in writing, signed by the Principal and include reasons for the action taken by the Principal or Owner/Operator. 48 17.05 If the Owner/Operator or the Principal considers any conduct by or competence of an Authorized Person, including the Principal, to be in breach of the standards of professional conduct or competence established by the B.C. Teachers’ Council under section 9 of the Teachers Act, the Owner/Operator or the Principal must send to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner a report, in writing, regarding that conduct or competence and must send a copy of the report to the Authorized Person. 17.06 An Owner/Operator or Principal who has made a report to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner in respect of an Authorized Person under this paragraph 17.00 must, without delay after being requested to do so by the Director of International Education or the Commissioner, provide the Director of International Education and the Commissioner and the Authorized Person a copy of all of the records available to the Owner/Operator or the Principal that relate to the matter in respect of which the report was made. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 17.07 If an Authorized Person, including the Principal, resigns from the employment with the Owner/Operator under circumstances that suggest misconduct or incompetence under the Teachers Act, the Owner/Operator must, without delay: (a) report the circumstances of the resignation to the Commissioner; (b) send a copy of the report to the Authorized Person; and (c) send a copy of the report to the Director of International Education. 18.00 SERVICE PROVIDER for DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 18.01 Subject to the written approval of the Province, the Owner/Operator may contract with a Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider listed in Schedule “G” for the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum for which there is no Provincial Examination as a part of the Student’s educational program at the School, provided that the terms and conditions in the Owner/Operator’s contract with the Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider: (a) are consistent with and in compliance with this Agreement; and (b) meet or exceed all the requirements of the Distributed Learning standards as referred to in paragraph 18.02. 18.02 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that the Province requires the Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider to meet or exceed the Distributed Learning standards established by the Province and as amended from time to time and found at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/dist_learning/documents/dlstandards.pdf The Owner/Operator agrees that it is bound by such Distributed Learning standards, as amended from time to time. 18.03 If the Owner/Operator becomes aware of any breaches of the Distributed Learning standards with respect to the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum by way of Distributed Learning that are part of its educational program at the School, it must immediately take steps to rectify the breach and must immediately notify the Province of the breach and the steps being taken to rectify. 18.04 If the Owner/Operator is not able to rectify any breaches of the Distributed Learning standards to the satisfaction of the Province, the Province may at its sole discretion revoke authorization to deliver any of the B.C. Curriculum at the School through Distributed Learning. 19.00 FACILITIES, GROUNDS AND EQUIPMENT 19.01 The Owner/Operator is responsible for: (a) ensuring that local health and safety standards in respect of the operation of the School are met; 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 17 • APPENDIX A 49 (b) ensuring that the facilities, grounds and equipment used in conjunction with the operation of the School meet local building code and health and safety standards; and (c) any damages or other type of compensation arising as a result of any liability related to facilities, grounds, equipment or operation of the School. The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that the Province does not assume responsibility for these matters. 19.02 The facilities, grounds and equipment used in the operation of the School must, in the opinion of the Province, be adequate for the operation of a School under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. 20.00FEES 20.01The Owner/Operator must pay all fees and cover all expenses outlined in Schedule “E“. 21.00 ANNUAL INSPECTION AND PAYMENT FOR INSPECTION 21.01 This Agreement is terminated and the Owner/Operator’s authorization to operate the School ceases at the end of the Agreement Term unless: (a) the Province has conducted an inspection of the School in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 12 of Schedule ‘D’ during the Agreement Term; (b) the Inspection Report provided to the Province in respect of the inspection referred to in subparagraph (a) recommends continuation of this Agreement or that the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement, with or without conditions; (c) the Owner/Operator, in the opinion of the Province continues to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and continues to meet or exceed the requirements in this Agreement; and APPENDIX A • 18 (d) the Province determines at its sole discretion that the Agreement Term should be renewed in accordance with paragraph 2.00 or that the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement, with or without conditions, is granted. 50 22.00 ADDITIONAL INSPECTION PROCESSES 22.01 In addition to the annual inspection under paragraph 21.00, the Province may conduct additional inspections at any time, with or without notice, during the Agreement Term. 22.02 The Owner/Operator will not pay for the costs of inspections conducted without prior notice (i.e., unannounced inspections). 22.03 The Province may perform a Learning Audit at any time during the Agreement Term if it has concerns about the quality of educational programming and/or Student achievement. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 22.04 The Owner/Operator is responsible for the additional expenses for Learning Audits under paragraph 22.03, as outlined in the fees and expenses specified under Schedule “E”. 22.05 The Province may appoint a chief inspector to plan, supervise and administer inspections under paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 at its sole discretion. 22.06 The Province may publish inspection reports that result from paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 to the Ministry of Education’s website. 23.00 ENTERING A CERTIFIED SCHOOL AGREEMENT 23.01 The Province at its sole discretion will determine whether the Owner/Operator may enter a Certified School Agreement, after: (a) determining if the Owner/Operator is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (b) conducting an inspection of the School under paragraph 21.00 to assess whether, in the Province’s opinion, the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement, with or without conditions; and (c) assessing any other matters that the Province considers relevant to that determination. 23.02 If the Province has notified the Owner/Operator that (a) the School will not be Certified, (b) this Agreement will not be renewed under paragraph 2.02, or (c) the Agreement will be terminated under paragraph 26.00 the Owner/Operator must: (a) update the Schools web-site; and (b) notify, in writing, all Students or applicants for enrollment in the School and their parents or legal guardians that the School will not continue to operate under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools and will not be eligible to continue to deliver the B.C. Curriculum or offer a B.C. Graduation Program. 24.00INDEMNITY 24.01 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 19 • APPENDIX A 4 The Owner/Operator will indemnify and save harmless and forever releases and discharges the Province, its employees and agents, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses that any of them may sustain, incur, suffer or put to at any time either before or after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, where the same or any of them are based upon, arise out of or occur, directly or indirectly, by reason of any act or omission of the Owner/Operator, or of any agent, employee, officer, director or sub-contractor of the Owner/Operator pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the School. 51 25.00 COMPLAINTS 25.01 The Province reserves the right to investigate and/or require the School to address any complaint or information regarding a Certified or Pre-Certified School that the Province deems to be of a serious nature. 25.02 Where the Province receives and validates a complaint about a School, the Province may discuss the complaint and share information with education authorities in other Canadian jurisdictions. 26.00COMPLIANCE 26.01 The Owner/Operator must comply with any reasonable order from the Province with respect to bringing the School into compliance with this Agreement. 26.02 The Province may require the Owner/Operator to submit a plan outlining how it will bring itself into compliance with the Agreement by a date specified by the Province. 26.03 The Province may, at any time, place the School on Probationary Status if the Province considers the Owner/Operator is out of compliance with any provision of this Agreement. 26.04 If the School is placed on Probationary Status, the Province will publish this status on the Ministry of Education website. 26.05 If the School is placed on Probationary Status, the Owner/Operator must immediately inform all Students and Students’ parents of this status and update the School’s website to clearly indicate that the School is on Probationary Status. 27.00 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 27.01 The following events will result in the Owner/Operator no longer being in good standing with the Ministry, and, as a result, will constitute an Event of Default: (a) the Owner/Operator fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, and specifically fails to pay fees required under this Agreement, or a request or direction of the Province made under this Agreement; (b) the Owner/Operator fails to implement, to the Province’s satisfaction, requirements imposed under paragraphs 26.00; APPENDIX A • 20 (c) any representation or warranty made by the Owner/Operator in this Agreement, or otherwise made, to the Province before or during the Agreement Term which is untrue or incorrect; 52 (d) the Owner/Operator fails to correct any deficiency noted in an Inspection Report created under paragraphs 21.00 or 22.00 within the time specified by the Province and if no time was specified, within a reasonable time; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX (e) any information, oral or written statement, certificate, report or other document furnished or submitted by or on behalf of the Owner/Operator pursuant to or as a result of this Agreement which is untrue or incorrect; (f) the Owner/Operator ceases, in the opinion of the Province, to operate; (g) a change occurs with respect to one or more of the following, including some or all, of the properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), business or operations of the Owner/Operator which, in the opinion of the Province, materially adversely affects the ability of the Owner/Operator to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement; or (h) the Owner/Operator does not, in the opinion of the Province, continue to provide a School in a manner that meets the Province’s requirements. (i) the Owner/Operator sells, transfers or licenses ownership of the Pre-Certified School (or attempts to do any of these things) without the prior written approval of the Province or there are material changes to the Owner/ Operator’s governance, business, or administrative structure, including a change to the majority shareholder or controlling interest, that have not received the prior written approval of the Province. 27.02 Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter the Province may, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, at its sole discretion, exercisable by written notice to the Owner/Operator: (a) require that the Event of Default be remedied within a time period specified by the Province; (b) terminate this Agreement and cancel the authorization of the Owner/Operator to use the B.C. Curriculum for purposes of operating the School, where the termination of the Agreement and the cancellation of the authorization are effective on the dates stated in the notice; or (c) pursue any remedy or take any other action available to it at law or in equity. All rights, powers and remedies conferred on the Province under this Agreement or under any statute or law are not intended to be exclusive and each shall be cumulative in addition to and not in substitution for every other right, power and remedy existing or available to the Province under this Agreement or any other Agreement at law or in equity. 27.04 The exercise by the Province of any right, power or remedy will not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by the Province of any other right, power or remedy. 27.05 This Agreement may be terminated where there is no Event of Default by either party if, during that School Year, the Owner/Operator or the Province receives a written request to terminate from the other party. Termination under this paragraph will become effective at the end of the School Year during which notice is given, unless another date is agreed to by the parties in writing. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 21 • APPENDIX A 4 27.03 53 27.06 Where this Agreement is terminated, or notice of termination is received or deemed to be received by the Owner/Operator, the Owner/Operator will cease advertising in any way that suggests that the Owner/Operator or the School is certified by the Province or that it is eligible to deliver the B.C. Curriculum. 28.00 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 28.01 Where this Agreement is terminated under paragraph 27.02 prior to the end of the Term, the Owner/Operator shall pay, in a single payment, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the early termination charge of $10,000. 28.02 The Parties acknowledge and agree that all liquidated damages set out in this Agreement have been calculated as, and are a genuine pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by the Province and are not penalties. 29.00 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 29.01 This Agreement, between the Province and the Owner/Operator will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. Any matter regarding the interpretation and application of this Agreement, and all disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement, that cannot be resolved between the parties, will be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia. APPENDIX A • 22 30.00NOTICES 54 30.01 Any notice or other document that either party may be required or may desire to give to the other will be conclusively deemed validly given to and received by the addressee, if delivered personally then on the date of delivery, if mailed then on the fourteenth business day after mailing the same by prepaid post, if by facsimile transmission then when so transmitted or if by electronic mail then when capable of being retrieved by the addressee, at the addresses: if to the Province: Ministry of Education Director, International Education PO Box 9153 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, B.C. V8W 9H1 Facsimile number: 250-953-4908 E-mail Address: International.Education@gov.bc.ca Attention: International Education Branch BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX And if the Teacher Regulation Branch: in accordance with the procedures set out at: www.bcteacherregulation.ca/ documents/FormsandPublications/ProfConduct/mc_brochure.pdf. And if to the Owner/Operator: (@ NAME OF OWNER/OPERATOR AND FULL ADDRESS with fax number and e-mail address) 30.02 Attention: (@NAME AND TITLE) Either party may, from time to time, advise the other party in writing of any change of address or contact person of the party giving such notice and the information specified will, for the purposes of paragraph 30.01, be conclusively deemed to be the address and contact person of the party giving such notice. 31.00NON-WAIVER No term or condition of this Agreement and no breach by the Owner/Operator of any such term or condition will be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is in writing signed by the Province. 31.02 The written waiver by the Province of any term or breach by the Owner/Operator of any term or condition of this Agreement is not a waiver of any other term or breach. 32.00 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.01 This Agreement, the Schedules to this Agreement, and any requirements, including without limitation Orders or Program Requirements, incorporated by reference into this Agreement constitute the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 23 • APPENDIX A 4 31.01 55 33.00 FURTHER ACTS AND ASSURANCES 33.01 Each of the parties will, upon the reasonable request of the other, make, do, execute or cause to be made, done or executed all further and other lawful acts, deeds, things, devices, documents, instruments and assurances whatsoever for the better performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 34.00 TIME OF ESSENCE 34.01 Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 35.00 SURVIVAL OF PROVISIONS 35.01 All of the provisions of this Agreement in favour of the Province and all of the rights and remedies of the Province, either at law or in equity, will survive any termination of this Agreement. For greater clarity, but without limiting the foregoing, paragraphs 5.00, 6.00, 11.01, 11.08, 13.08, 19.01, 24.01 paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part IV of Schedule “B” continue in force indefinitely, even after this Agreement ends. 36.00 INSTRUCTIONS AND MODIFICATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS 36.01 The Province may, from time to time, give instructions to the Owner/Operator respecting matters relating to this Agreement, including the conduct of examinations and tests and the Owner/Operator will comply with those instructions within a reasonable time or a time set by the Province. 36.02 The Province may modify the Agreement where it considers it necessary to more effectively carry out the purpose and intent of this Agreement, such as, maintaining consistency with current standard terms and conditions in similar offshore educational program agreements, as such terms and conditions may be revised from time to time by the Province. 36.03 The Province may add to, remove or modify any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 36.02 by giving written notice of the changed terms and conditions to the Owner/Operator in accordance with the written notice provisions in paragraph 30.01. Upon the receipt of such notice in accordance with paragraph 30.01 the Owner/Operator will be deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions and further such changes will be deemed to have been incorporated into this Agreement. 37.00INTERPRETATION APPENDIX A • 24 37.01 56 Where there is a conflict or a difference in meaning between the English and the (@LANGUAGE) version of this Agreement, the English version shall apply. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX All translations into English for the purposes of this Agreement must be of a standard acceptable to the Province. 37.03 The headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted for reference and as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit or enlarge the scope of any provision of this Agreement. 37.04 Any reference to a statute, regulation or order in this Agreement, whether or not that statute has been defined, includes all regulations and Orders made at any time under or pursuant to that statute. 37.05 Any reference to an enactment in this Agreement, whether or not that enactment has been defined, includes any amendments made to those enactments. 37.06 In this Agreement wherever the singular or neuter is used it will be construed as if the plural or masculine or feminine, as the case may be, had been used where the context so requires. 37.07 The Schedules to this Agreement are an integral part of this Agreement as if set out at length in the body of this Agreement. 37.08 Subject to paragraphs 36.02 and 36.03, no amendment or modification to this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and duly executed by the parties. 37.09 If any provision of this Agreement or the application to any person or circumstances is invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to any other person or circumstance will not be affected or impaired thereby and will be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. 37.10 All dollar amounts expressed in this Agreement refer to lawful currency of Canada. 37.11 Unless the context otherwise indicates, any reference to this Agreement means this instrument and all of the Schedules attached to it, and any reference to any paragraph or subparagraph by number is a reference to the appropriate paragraph or subparagraph in this Agreement. 37.12 Nothing in this Agreement operates as a consent, permit, approval or authorization by the Province or any Ministry, Branch or agency thereof to or for anything related to the School or Certification that the Owner/Operator is required to obtain unless it is expressly stated herein to be such a consent, permit, approval or authorization. 38.00 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 38.01 This Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Owner/Operator and its successors and permitted assigns and the Province and its assigns. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 25 • APPENDIX A 4 37.02 57 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. SIGNED on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia by a duly authorized representative of the Minister of Education in the presence of: Witness SIGNED on behalf of @NAME OF SCHOOL OWNER/OPERATOR, by a duly authorized representative) For the Minister of Education Brenda Neufeld Director of International Education Date Signed Witness Owner/Operator (PRINT NAME) (PRINT TITLE) APPENDIX A • 26 Date Signed 58 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX SCHEDULE “A” Qualification Criteria for Owner/Operators The Owner/Operator represents and warrants that it has met the following qualification criteria required in order to enter an agreement under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools, it: 1. Has satisfied all of the Province’s application requirements in the form and with the content established by the Province, including without limitation a Business Plan submitted in accordance with the Program Requirements. 2. Is able to communicate orally and in writing with the Province in fluent English at a level acceptable to the Province. 3. Has provided documentation to the Province sufficient to satisfy the Province that the Owner/Operator is a nongovernmental legal entity incorporated and operating in the jurisdiction in which the School will operate. 4. Has satisfied the Province that the Owner/Operator is not in contravention of any relevant legislation or other legal requirements, including without limitation, all relevant labour and employment laws and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27 and Regulations made under that Act. 5. Is, subject to the written approval of the Province, offering a British Columbia educational program i. that commences between Kindergarten and Grade 8, (unless the grade of commencement is otherwise agreed to by the Province as under Schedule A, item 7) ii. and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Province that reasonable efforts are being made to expand student enrollment to a minimum of 60 full-time students in each grade offered in the School. 6. Has, subject to the written approval of the Province and the laws of the jurisdiction where the School is located, ensured that Students commence full-time enrollment in the School in or before Grade 8 or, in cases where a jurisdiction’s laws prevent enrollment at this age, ensured that Students may not commence the program after Grade 10 and that Students entering the program in Grade 10 are provided with additional English Language Learner supports to enable success in the program. 7. Has paid all fees in accordance with Schedule “E“. 8. Has completed, at the Owner/Operator’s expense, an onsite review with the Province of the proposed school or, at the Province’s sole discretion, an in-person interview between the Province and the Owner/Operator in British Columbia. 9. Has provided any additional information that the Province reasonably requests. 10. Is considered, at the Province’s sole discretion, to be a suitable candidate in accordance with the Provincial Requirements to operate a School under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. 27 • APPENDIX A 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 59 SCHEDULE “B” Program Administration and Operation PART I: OPERATION OF THE SCHOOL 1. The Owner/Operator must demonstrate during the Agreement Term sufficient planning to satisfy the Province that it can operate the School and deliver the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the Program Requirements, including without limitation, the Owner/Operator must: (a) deliver the B.C. Curriculum in English at a standard acceptable to the Province, except for the parts of the B.C. Curriculum exempted in writing by the Province; (b) ensure the recruitment, hiring and supervision of qualified and competent personnel, including Authorized Persons, is in accordance with Program Requirements; (c)ensure compliance within the delivery of the educational program in the School with the subject, instructional time and learning outcome requirements set out in sections 1.1 to 6, with the exception of s. 4(5)(b), of Ministerial Order 41/91, the Educational Standards Order, enacted under the Independent School Act. For clarity, a reference to Board or Authority in the Order means Owner/Operator for the purposes of this Agreement; (d) ensure that all of the B.C. Curriculum offered in the School meet or exceed the learning outcomes identified in the Educational Program Guides for each course, with a course overview for each course that includes content, teaching strategies, evaluation and assessment methods which are clearly linked to the B.C. learning outcomes; (e) ensure compliance with the Program Requirements with respect to all equivalency process and challenge rules; (f) follow the B.C. Ministry of Education Performance Standards found at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/perf_stands as an assessment tool for Students; (g) develop a course overview for each course that: i. includes content, planning for assessment, teaching strategies, achievement indicators, and assessment methods; and ii. aligns with the British Columbia Curriculum learning outcomes; and (h) ensure that the School’s facilities, including computer resources, meet Program Requirements, including without limitation, the requirements set out in Schedule “F“. 2. The Owner/Operator must acquire sufficient resources, including textbooks, a library with hard copy and electronic resources, including internet resources, in accordance with Program Requirements sufficient to support the learning outcomes for all of the B.C. Curriculum offered at the School. APPENDIX A • 28 3. The Owner/Operator must only make changes to the facilities, equipment or educational programs provided to Students under this Agreement: 60 (a) which the Province has requested in response to the Inspection Report provided to the Owner/Operator under paragraph 3.05 and paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 and approved by the Province; or (b) for which the Owner/Operator has obtained prior written approval from the Province. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX PART II: OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT 1. If the Offshore Program Consultant retained under paragraph 14.01 is a corporate entity, the Owner/Operator must ensure that one individual with authority to legally bind the corporate entity is designated to serve as representative of the corporate entity for the purposes of fulfilling the duties under paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Part. 2. The Offshore Program Consultant retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 may not serve as Offshore Program Consultant for more than 2 other Owner/Operators and must not be affiliated with the Owner/Operator, other than through the Offshore Program Consultant’s contract with the Owner/Operator. 3. If an Offshore Program Consultant is retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 and approved by the Province under paragraph 6 of this Part the Offshore Program Consultant must, in addition to fulfilling the duties under paragraph 9 of this Part, serve as the primary liaison between the Owner/Operator and the Province for the purpose of this Agreement and fulfill the duties under paragraph 10 of this Part. The Offshore Program Consultant must not fulfill any duties in relation to the School other than those set out in paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Part. 4. If an Owner/Operator has not retained an Offshore Program Consultant, under paragraph 14.01, the Principal employed under paragraph 15.01 must fulfill the duties of both Principal under paragraph 6 of Part II of this Schedule “B” and primary liaison under paragraph 10 of this Part. An Owner/Operator may appoint an Offshore School Representative to fulfil the primary liaison duties under paragraph 10 of this Part. For clarity, where an Offshore Program Consultant has been retained, the Offshore Program Consultant will be responsible for evaluating the Principal and documenting the results of that evaluation. Where no Offshore Program Consultant has been retained or an Offshore School Representative has not been appointed, the Owner/Operator retains responsibility for these duties. 5. The Owner/Operator must provide the Province with written confirmation that the individual designated as liaison under either paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part has full capacity to represent and legally commit the Owner/Operator in all communications and dealings with the Province in relation to this Agreement. 6. The individual designated as liaison under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part and to fulfill the duties under paragraph 10 of this Part is not authorized to represent the Owner/Operator for the purposes of this Agreement until the Province has approved in writing the Owner/Operator’s appointment of that individual to serve as liaison with the Province. 7. The Province may, in its sole discretion, cease to engage, for the purposes of this Agreement, with the individual designated as liaison under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part if the Province has reason to question his or her authorization, conduct, qualifications or competence. In any such case, the Owner/Operator will identify a replacement and the provisions of paragraph 14.00 and this Part will then apply to the process for identifying and approving the replacement. 8. The Owner/Operator may designate a new individual to serve as the Owner/Operator’s liaison except that the individual will not be the Owner/Operator’s liaison under paragraphs 3 or 4 of this Part until the appointment has been approved by the Province. 29 • APPENDIX A 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 61 9. If an Offshore Program Consultant is retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 and approved by the Province under paragraph 6 of this Part, the Owner/Operator must ensure that the Offshore Program Consultant undertakes, in collaboration with the Principal the following duties: (a) assisting with administration of the School and carrying out a system of education in conformity with this Agreement, including: i. assisting the Owner/Operator to recruit and hire Authorized Persons; ii. providing visa support for Authorized Persons iii. establishing accommodation arrangements for Authorized Persons and dealing with any issues with accommodation; iv. providing cultural acclimatization assistance for Authorized Persons and Students; v.providing professional development for Authorized Persons; and vi. participating in dispute resolution process under the policy required under paragraph 8.11(c) and, (b) assisting the Owner/Operator to market the School. 10.The duties of the liaison appointed either under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part are: (a) acts as the primary contact to liaise and communicate with the Province in a timely manner; (b) advising and assisting the Owner/Operator in exercising its powers and duties under this Agreement; (c) effectively manage issues, in collaboration with the Principal, that may arise and resolve complaints to reach resolutions satisfactory to the Province; (d) attend information sessions held by the Province; (e) actively work with the Owner/Operator to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement including working with the Owner/Operator, Principal and Authorized Persons to ensure that accountabilities and timelines are clearly understood and met under this Agreement; (f) ensure, in collaboration with the Principal, the effective transfer to the Province of all data outlined in Schedule “F” and all Annual Report requirements are met by deadlines established by the Province; (g) participate in, and support, in collaboration with the Principal, an inspection team, in conducting inspections for the purposes of this Agreement; and APPENDIX A • 30 (h) work with the Owner/Operator, Principal and Authorized Persons to address the Province’s recommendations and requirements, including recommendations and requirements arising from inspections. 62 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX PART III: PRINCIPAL 1. The Principal must be an individual who, at the time that the individual is hired by the Owner/Operator as the Principal and during the Agreement Term, meets all of the following requirements: (a) is fluent in English; (b) holds a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification; (c) is not otherwise affiliated with the Owner/Operator, other than through the Principal’s employment contract with the Owner/Operator; and (d) has at least 1 year of experience working at a principal or vice-principal level and has a minimum of three years of teaching experience, preferably in a British Columbia school, except where the Province has provided written approval to the Owner/Operator for the use of modified criteria due to exceptional circumstances. 2. The Owner/Operator must not employ a Principal under paragraph 15.01 who is employed as a Principal for any other school under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. 3. The Owner/Operator’s must ensure the Principal employed under paragraph 15.01 has responsibility for and authority to undertake the following duties in relation to the School: (a) providing administration for and supervision of the School including responsibility for the operation of the School, the curriculum taught and the evaluation of Authorized Persons; and (b) carrying out a system of education for the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools in conformity with this Agreement, including without limitation i. directly managing student admission processes, including making final decisions with respect to Student assessment and admissions; ii. implementing educational programs in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; iii. ensuring that the quality of the educational programs offered at the School meet the Program Requirements; iv. overseeing development of course overviews that support learning outcome requirements as established by the Province; v. evaluating learning situations in classrooms; vi. establishing all teaching timetables and student placement in classrooms; vii. establishing the program of teaching and learning activities; viii.establishing student evaluation and assessment processes and reporting to parents; ix. supervising and evaluating the work of Authorized Persons and other School staff, and documenting the results of such evaluations; x. organizing and providing supervision for professional development of Authorized Persons in the School; xii. maintaining complete and accurate school records, including without limitation all records under paragraphs 12.00 and 13.00 and Part IV of this Schedule; 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 31 • APPENDIX A xi. performing teaching duties as appropriate; 63 xiii.supervising the general conduct of Students, both on School premises and during activities that are off School premises and that are organized or sponsored by the School; xiv.participating in dispute resolution process under the policy required under paragraph 8.12(c) and, if required by the Province, under paragraph 25.00; and xv. in accordance with the policies of the Owner/Operator, exercising paramount authority within the School in matters concerning the discipline of students. 4. The Owner/Operator must establish conditions of employment for Principals and Authorized Persons that encourage those employees to continue their employment in the School. PART IV: SCHOOL RECORDS 1. The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, in English, accurate and current records, including without limitation: (a)the Annual Report(s); (b) Student Records; (c) records with respect to each Authorized Person employed in the School; and (d) records with respect to the operation of the School; and must permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, at any time or times during normal School hours, to copy and inspect any and all records. 2. The Owner/Operator must maintain in each Authorized Person’s file the records required under paragraph 13.02(c), including without limitation, completed evaluations for Authorized Persons required under policies established and implemented under paragraph 8.11 and police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided. Files relating to on-site Authorized Persons must also include, without limitation, copies of British Columbia Certificates of Qualification or Letters of Permission, as applicable, and copies of contracts of employment between the Owner/Operator and Authorized Persons. 3. If a Student transfers out of the School or the School ceases to operate, the Owner/Operator agrees to transfer or to ensure that the Principal transfers in a timely manner the Student’s Student Record to another Owner/Operator operating a school under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools or to B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school, as requested by the Student. APPENDIX A • 32 4. The Owner/Operator agrees to keep and maintain in a secure manner and place and for the specified periods the Student Records in accordance with section 13.00 of the Agreement (e.g., 55 years for the Permanent Student Record and 10 years for all other Student Records) following the graduation of a Student or the leaving of a Student from the School. 64 5. Subject to written approval from the Province, the Owner/Operator must ensure that it meets Program Requirements for internet connectivity, computer hardware/software, and printer capabilities to ensure efficient electronic transfer and printing of such items as are required under this Agreement. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX SCHEDULE “C” Requirements for Employment of Teachers in the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools 1. The Owner/Operator must ensure that Authorized Persons employed to teach at the School: (a) hold a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification prior to beginning teaching in the School and during the Agreement Term; (b) provide to the Owner/Operator police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided; (c) maintain their certification in good standing complying with all professional requirements under the Teachers Act; (d) provide consents required under paragraph 13.08; (e) provide instruction in a competent manner to Students in accordance with the requirements under this Agreement and as identified in Program Requirements; (f) teach the programs of study and educational programs that are prescribed, approved or authorized under this Agreement; (g) encourage and foster learning in Students; (h) regularly evaluate Students and periodically report the results of the evaluation to the Students, the Students’ parents and the School in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (i) maintain, under the direction of the Principal, order among the Students while they are in the School or on the School grounds and while they are attending or participating in activities sponsored or approved by the School; and (j) carry out, subject to any applicable contract of employment, those duties that are assigned to the teacher by the Principal. 33 • APPENDIX A 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 65 SCHEDULE “D” Inspections of Offshore Schools 1. On receipt of: (a) the funds required by the Province as described in paragraphs 6, 8, 9 and 10 of this Schedule; and (b) all information required by the Province within in the timelines established by the Province, the Province will, in order to determine if the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement or renew this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2.00, conduct an inspection of the School, including, without limiting the foregoing, inspection of the records of the Owner/Operator, and facilities and equipment used in the operation of the School, and will, if possible conduct this inspection at times that are convenient to both the Owner/Operator and the Province. 2. The Owner/Operator will, at the request of the Province, permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province to: APPENDIX A • 34 (a) enter, at any reasonable time, a building used in the operation of the School, offices of the Owner/Operator or the grounds and facilities used in the operation of the School, (b) inspect any record of the Owner/Operator, including without limitation, electronic records, e-mail records and all records held by the Offshore Program Consultant, the Principal and Authorized Persons, relating to the operation of the School, including Student and staff records, and (c) inspect the academic achievement of Students and the administration of the School, and permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, to do everything necessary to conduct a thorough and complete inspection of the School for the purposes of this Agreement, including, the following: (i) verification of the status of Authorized Persons; (ii) observation of any Authorized Person’s teaching methods, including planning and delivery of the B.C. Curriculum and assessment and evaluation of the Students; (iii) observation of operation of the School to assess the Owner/Operator’s capacity to operate the School and provide the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (iv) examination of the Authorized Persons’ course overviews and lesson plans for the School, and resource materials used by the Owner/Operator; (v) assess any matters with respect of which the Director of International Education has received a complaint under paragraph 25.00; and (vi) examination of the English Language Learning (ELL) assessment and instruction provided by the Owner/ Operator. 66 3. The Owner/Operator will provide all the support the Province considers necessary to allow the Province to conduct a thorough and complete inspection of the School and the provision of the educational programs, including without limitation, that the Owner/Operator will ensure compliance with the terms of the Province’s contract with the inspection team members, that the inspection team members must not be placed in a position of real or perceived conflict of interest through any entertainment opportunities, gifts or by any other means. (Language) interpreter, if the staff of the 4. The Owner/Operator must provide an English/ Owner/Operator who are providing information to the persons conducting an inspection are not fluent in English. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 5. Prior to the inspection under this paragraph, the Owner/Operator must provide the Province with, in English at a standard of translation acceptable to the Province: (a) all written material that the Province considers necessary to properly inspect the School under this Agreement; (b) a letter from the appropriate government office with paramount responsibility for education in the country, province, or city in which the School is located setting out written approval in principle for the Owner/Operator to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement; (c) a letter from the appropriate city, state, provincial or national government having jurisdiction where the School is located that states that the governmental body is not aware of any record of violations by the Owner/ Operator of its laws or directions; and (d) a fully and accurately completed Annual Report under paragraph 13.07. 6. The Owner/Operator will pay, in advance of the inspection, in Canadian dollars and within 30 days of receipt of a notice from the Province, the amount specified by the Province in the notice, for the estimated costs in relation to the inspection of the School. 7. All accommodation arrangements for inspectors conducting inspections under this paragraph will be made by the Owner/Operator in advance of the travel dates. The Owner/Operator will provide the Province with proof of payment in advance for all accommodation and the Province will provide a copy of the proof of payment to the inspector. 8. The notice referred to in paragraph 6 of this Schedule will reflect the costs that the Province estimates it will incur in performing its functions and duties required under this Agreement for the inspection of the School to determine if the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to enter a Certified School Agreement or renew this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2.02, and will include the types of costs referred to in Schedule “E” to this Agreement, but is not restricted to those costs. 9. Where the actual inspection and related costs for a School Year incurred by the Province under this paragraph, are greater than the funds submitted under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for that School Year, the Owner/Operator will pay the Province, within 30 days of receipt of a notice from the Province all costs incurred by the Province during the School Year in conducting inspections of the School, and otherwise regulating the School, less the monies paid under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for that School Year. 10.If the monies paid under paragraph 6 of this Schedule exceed the cost of the actual expenses incurred by the Province in the School Year, the Province will either refund the amount of the overpayment to the Owner/Operator, or reduce, by the amount of the overpayment, the amount of the funds to be submitted under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for the subsequent School Year, if this Agreement is renewed in accordance with paragraph 2.00 or the School achieves Certification and the Owner/Operator enters a Certified School Agreement with the Province. 11. On request, the Owner/Operator will provide the inspection team with a secure location on the premises of the School that is private and quiet during the period that the Province is conducting an inspection under this Agreement. 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 35 • APPENDIX A 12.The Inspection Report prepared by the inspectors under this paragraph will be made public on the Province’s website. 67 SCHEDULE “E” Fee Payment Process, Delinquent Program Fees and Schedule of Offshore Program Costs 1. FEE PAYMENT PROCESS • Program, Inspection, and Learning Audit Fees are due and payable as stated in the table on the following page. • All fees are non-refundable. • Effective June 30th, 2014, the Ministry will invoice schools thirty (30) days in advance of fee payment due date for the following fees: Curriculum Usage Fee, Program Administration Fee, and Student Registration Fees. • The invoice for the Student Registration Fee will be based on 1701 data submission. » If there is a discrepancy between the 1701 data submission and student numbers as reported during Inspections, schools will be invoiced for the difference. » Fees related to discrepancies will be due and payable immediately on issuance of the invoice. » These fees are non-refundable (i.e. if a student leaves the school mid-year). 2. DELINQUENT PROGRAM FEES • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are thirty (30) days delinquent: » The Ministry will issue a second invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. » The School will be placed on probationary status for 60 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are sixty (60) days delinquent: » The Ministry will issue a third invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. » The School will be placed on probationary status for 90 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are ninety (90) days delinquent: » The School will be decertified. Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). • The following processes will apply for delinquent inspection fees: APPENDIX A • 36 » The school inspection will be cancelled. » Uninspected schools will lose certification status. » Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). 68 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 3. SCHEDULE OF OFFSHORE SCHOOL PROGRAM FEES Fee Type Fee Amount Payable: Comments Initial application fee $5,000 non-refundable Time of application Applications will not be processed until Fee Amount has been submitted in full Curriculum Usage Fee $10,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount on June 30th Program Administration Fee $5,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount June 30th Student Registration Fee* $350.00 per student/annum Payable on December 19th of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount based on 1701 data submission third week of November Inspection fees** Varies Payable 30 days in advance of Inspection Teams’ departure Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount 45 days in advance of Team’s departure OTHER PROGRAM EXPENSES In-Person Application Review Travel, accommodations, per diem Payment required 15 days in advance and incidental costs of all Ministry of departure (if taking place onsite participants if held at the school location. at the school location). Or All relevant travel and accommodation expenses for the Owner/Operator (and accompanying officials) if held in British Columbia. Learning Audits Includes professional services of the Audit Payment required 15 days in advance Chair and Audit Team Members, as well of the audit team’s departure. as their travel, accommodation, per diem, and incidental costs. *if a student withdraws from the school up to November 30th, the school is not required to pay the per student fee (school must provide proof of withdrawal). If a student withdraws from the school after November 30th, the school is required to pay the per student fee. **inspection fees include professional services of the Inspection Chair and Inspection Team members, as well as their travel, accommodation, per diem and incidental costs. Schools are not expected to pay costs associated with unannounced inspections. 37 • APPENDIX A 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 69 SCHEDULE “F” Current Requirements for Electronic Data Transfer with the British Columbia Ministry of Education for Transcripts and Examinations and Grade 10-12 Electronic Examinations TRANSCRIPTS AND EXAMS REQUIREMENTS: Transcript and Examination (TRAX) data must be submitted to the Ministry using computer software which is capable of extracting and sending the standard TRAX data files. The following software vendors have a TRAX data extract function currently being used by schools. There may be other software vendors with the capability of producing the standard TRAX files. Vendor Name Product Name(s) Phone Harts Systems Ltd TESS and Windsor 1-888-734-1119 Maplewood Computing Maplewood 1-800-265-3482 Take Two Inc. CIMS 1-800-665-0641 Contact the Student Certification Branch at the Ministry to obtain additional information and specific TRAX data specifications, if required. Student Certification Branch Ministry of Education PO Box 9170 Stn Prov Govt Victoria B.C. V8W 9H7 Telephone: 250-893-6914 Email Address: Sandra.C.Smith@gov.bc.ca ELECTRONIC EXAMS REQUIREMENTS: Software, Browser and Computer requirements can be found at the Ministry of Education e-Exam website: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/eassessment/eexam_computer_requirements.htm Internet Connection: • Internet Service Provider (ISP) APPENDIX A • 38 • ADSL, cable or T1 (minimum requirement) • 10-1000 MB Broadband (recommended) 70 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX Email: •School Principal email account with attachment capability • Ability to receive or send up to 5 MB file size attachments • Non-Intel, MS Office file attachments sent to the Ministry must be PC compatible and saved as RTF (rich text format) if MS Office is not available. Peripherals: • Printer (600 dpi or higher) • Colour printer for Geography and Geology exams •Photocopier SCHEDULE “G” APPROVED SERVICE PROVIDER FOR DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 1. The Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider for the purposes of paragraph 7 until June 30, 2015 is: a. School District No. 73 Business Company. 39 • APPENDIX A 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 71 Appendix B B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM – OFFSHORE SCHOOLS CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the Day th day of Month, Year BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the Minister of Education (the “Province“) OF THE FIRST PART AND: (OwnerOperator), a registered (Type_Society_or_Corporation), incorporated under the laws of (Country), Certificate of Incorporation No. or registration document No. (delete the one that does not apply) [Incorporation_or_Registration_No], and having an office at @ ADDRESS, @CITY, @PROVINCE / STATE, (the “Owner/Operator“) @COUNTRY, @POSTAL CODE OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The Owner/Operator has met the Province’s requirements under the PreA. Certification Agreement and is authorized by the Province to operate APPENDIX B • 1 72 (School Name) as a Certified School under the terms of this Agreement. B. The Province will conduct periodic inspections of the School to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements for Certification. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX C. If the Owner/Operator continues to meet the Province’s requirements for Certification, the Province may renew this Agreement and the Owner/Operator may continue to certify the School under the terms and conditions of this Agreement as amended from time to time. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by each of the parties), the parties agree as follows: 1.00DEFINITIONS 1.01 In this Agreement: “Agreement Term” means the period set out in paragraph 2.00 of this Agreement during which the Owner/Operator is authorized to operate the School under this Agreement; “Annual Report” means the report that must be submitted to the Ministry under paragraph 13.07, in accordance with Program Requirements, including the Inspection Catalogue, the report on the Business Plan, and the Owner/Operator’s financial statements audited by a 3rd party that align with international accounting standards submitted under paragraph 2 of Schedule “A”; “Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider” means an entity listed in Schedule “G” and approved in writing by the Province to deliver the B.C. Curriculum by Distributed Learning as part of educational program delivered at the School; “Authorized Person” means a person who holds a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification and is employed by the Owner/Operator to teach, serve as an administrator or supervise at the School; “British Columbia Certificate of Graduation” (Dogwood Diploma) means the graduation certificate: » in the form set out in section 2(1) and (2)(a) of Ministerial Order 164/96, the Student Credentials Order, enacted under the School Act ; » that the Minister may issue under section 168(6)(a)(ii) of the School Act to a person who has successfully met the general requirements for graduation established by order of the British Columbia Minister of Education. “British Columbia Certificate of Qualification“ means a certificate of qualification issued under s. 30 of the Teachers Act or continued under s. 91 of the Teachers Act but does not include any other type of certificate; “British Columbia Curriculum” or “B.C. Curriculum” means the subject area ‘Curriculum Guide’, ‘Integrated Resource Package’ or ‘Program Guide’ referred to in the Ministerial Order M333/99 and documents published by the British Columbia BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 2 • APPENDIX B 4 73 Ministry of Education and specified as Educational Program Guides and resources in the Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order enacted under the School Act ; “Business Plan” means the plan that the Owner/Operator must, in accordance with the Program Requirements, have submitted under paragraph 2 of Schedule “A” as a precondition to entering this Agreement and must update annually under paragraph 13.07; (a) during the Agreement Term; (b) if this Agreement is renewed under paragraph 2.02; “Certified School” means a school, operating within the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools, that is authorized to offer the B.C. Curriculum in educational programs leading towards a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation under the authority of a Certification Agreement with the Province; “Certification” means the authorization granted by the Province to operate a Certified School; “Commissioner“ means the person appointed under s.2 of the Teachers Act; “Director, International Education” means the Director of the International Education Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Education; “Distributed Learning” means a method of instruction that relies primarily on indirect communication between Students and teachers, including internet or other electronicbased delivery, and teleconferencing or correspondence; “Educational Material” means the British Columbia Curriculum, Provincial Examinations and the Website Materials; “Educational Program Guide” means an educational program guide set out in Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order, enacted under the School Act, with the exception of those set out under subsections 1 (f) and (g); “Event of Default” means any of the events described in paragraph 27.01; “Graduation Program” means the educational program in Grades 10, 11 and 12 offered at a School which has been granted Certification to offer the B.C. Curriculum in a program that leads towards graduation with a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation; APPENDIX B • 3 “Independent School Act“ means the Independent School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 216; 74 “Inspection Catalogue” means the inspection documents prepared in accordance with the Program Requirements which the Owner/Operator must complete in support of the Province’s inspection process; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX “Inspection Report” means the final report in English prepared by the inspection team retained by the Province to conduct the Province’s inspection process; “Learning Audit” means a comprehensive review, conducted at the Province’s sole discretion, by a team of educators appointed by the Province, of the quality of educational programming delivered at the School; “Offshore Program Consultant” means the person who has been selected by the Owner/Operator from the Province’s pre-approved list of candidates and retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01; “Offshore School Representative” means the person who has been selected by the Owner/Operator to fulfill the duties under paragraphs 1-9 Part II of Schedule “B”, who is not on the Ministry’s pre-approved Offshore Program Consultant list, and whose appointment has been approved by the Director of International Education; “Owner/Operator” means a non-governmental legal entity incorporated in the jurisdiction in which the School will operate that is a party to this Agreement. For clarity, the Owner/Operator must not be a government organization, a School District Business Company, or a foreign affiliate of a School District Business Company or a foreign affiliate of an Independent School Authority under the Independent School Act ; “Personal Education Number“ means a unique identification number assigned to a person under the School Act ; “Pre-Certification Agreement” means the Agreement under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools under which the Owner/Operator must have successfully operated the School for a period of time acceptable to the Province as a pre-requisite to entering this Agreement; “Principal” means the School administrator employed by the Owner/Operator who meets all of the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Part III of Schedule “B” and is responsible for all of the duties set out in paragraph 3 of Part III of Schedule “B”. “Probationary Status” means the status imposed by the Province pursuant to paragraph 26.04 under which the Owner/Operator must demonstrate that it is operating the School in compliance with the terms of this Agreement in a time period specified by the Province; “Program Requirements” means the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools requirements established by the Province, and modified from time to time in the Province’s sole discretion, which are posted on the Ministry of Education website at the following URL: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=8A7A13A5F553472A9A28C9B60086C68A; 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 4 • APPENDIX B 75 “Provincial Examinations” means the British Columbia examinations for the parts of the B.C. Curriculum that are provincially examinable as determined in Ministerial Orders M302/04, the Graduation Program Order and M410/04, the Provincial Examinations Order enacted under the School Act. References in such Ministerial Orders to “international students” apply to Students under this Agreement; “Provincial Examination Schedule for Offshore Schools” means the schedule that Certified Schools follow when writing Provincial Exams. “School“ means the educational institution called (School Name): (a) located in (School_City), (School_ProvinceState) in (School_Country), (b) in which the Owner/Operator provides educational programs under this Agreement under the supervision of an Offshore Program Consultant and Principal, or a Principal only, retained or employed, as the case may be, by the Owner/Operator, and (c) includes the Students, teachers and facilities associated with the provision of the educational programs under this Agreement; “School Age” has the same meaning as in the School Act ; “School Age” means the age between the date on which a person is permitted to enroll in a school and the end of the school year in which the person reaches the age of 19 years. “School Act“ means the School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 412; “School District Business Company“ means a School District Business Company incorporated pursuant to Part 6.1 of the School Act ; “School Year“ means the period beginning on July 1 in each year and ending on June 30 in the following year; “Student“ means a person of School Age enrolled in the School; “Student Record“ means the records of information in written or electronic form pertaining to each Student maintained by the Owner/Operator in conformity with the requirements set out in paragraph 13.04; APPENDIX B • 5 76 “Student Report“ means the report that must be prepared and maintained under paragraph 12.01 and delivered to Students or Student’s parents under paragraph 12.02; “Teachers Act“ means the Teachers Act, S.B.C. 2011, c. 19; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX “Teacher Regulation Branch“ means the British Columbia Teacher Regulation Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Education; “Vice-Principal“ means the Authorized Person retained under paragraph 15.02; and “Website Materials“ means the documents identified as ‘Curriculum Documents’ and ‘Support Materials’ that are accessible at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/welcome.php, or such other internet address as the Province may advise the Owner/Operator in writing. 2.00 AGREEMENT TERM 2.01 Subject to paragraph 2.02, the Agreement Term commences on the first day of the School Year in the year in which the Agreement is executed and ends on the last day of that School Year. 2.02 The Agreement Term may be renewed at the Province’s sole discretion if the Province is satisfied that the Owner/Operator continues to meet all of the Province’s requirements for Certification. 3.00 PROVINCIAL COMMITMENTS 3.01 The Province grants Certification for the School, including authority for the Owner/ Operator to use the Educational Materials in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation those terms set out in paragraph 11.00, for the purposes of operating the School. 3.02 The Province will permit the Owner/Operator to refer to the B.C. Curriculum and the Agreement as specifically set out in paragraphs 7.01 and 7.02 to indicate that the School is offering a program under this Agreement with the Province. 3.03 The Province will, at a time that the Province considers appropriate, provide the Owner/Operator with: (a) access to relevant electronic Provincial Examinations as per the Provincial Examination Schedule for Offshore Schools; (b) evaluation materials to mark applicable grade 10 and 11 Provincial Exams; (c) scoring of the completed Provincial Examinations; and (d) a transcript of the final grades for the parts of the B.C. Curriculum numbered 10, 11 and 12 for each Student, in accordance with the Program Requirements. 3.04 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 6 • APPENDIX B 4 The Minister may provide British Columbia Certificates of Graduation under s. 168 (6) (a) (ii) of the School Act to eligible Students who have met the Program Requirements and the British Columbia graduation requirements at the School as set out in Ministerial Order 302/04, the Graduation Program Order, enacted under the School Act and as determined by Province. 77 3.05 The Province will inspect the School in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and will provide the Owner/Operator with a copy of each Inspection Report prepared in relation to the School as soon as reasonably possible after the Province’s inspection process under paragraph 21.00 or 22.00 has been completed. 3.06 The Inspection Report referred to in paragraph 3.05 will provide the Province with information to support the Province’s decision making with respect to the Owner/ Operator’s eligibility to continue Certification of the School. 4.00 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR OWNER-OPERTORS 4.01The Owner/Operator represents and warrants for the purposes of paragraph 27.01(c) that the qualification requirements set out in Schedule “A” have been met. 4.02 The Owner/Operator must provide the Province at the Province’s request with: (a) written confirmation from the appropriate government entity with paramount responsibility for education in the jurisdiction in which the School is located that the Owner/Operator has obtained: (i) written approval; or (ii) a letter of no objection; to obtain Certification for the School and operate the School under this Certification Agreement. 4.03 The Province may at its sole discretion contact the government office identified in paragraph 4.02(a) to confirm that the information provided by the Owner/Operator is accurate and true. 5.00RELATIONSHIP 5.01 No partnership, joint venture, agency or other legal entity will be created by or will be deemed to be created by this Agreement or any actions of the parties pursuant to this Agreement. 5.02 The Owner/Operator is not a servant, employee or agent of the Province. 5.03 The Owner/Operator must not in any manner whatsoever commit or purport to commit the Province or any of its officials or contractors to any course of action, obligation or otherwise. 6.00 APPENDIX B • 7 6.01 78 OWNER/OPERATOR’S REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND OBLIGATIONS The Owner/Operator represents and warrants to the Province, with the intention that the Province will rely thereon in entering into this Agreement and throughout the Agreement Term, that: (a) there is no law or decision of a governmental entity, which would prohibit the Owner/Operator from entering into this Agreement with the Province; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX (b) this Agreement has been legally and validly authorized and executed by the Owner/Operator and is legally binding upon and enforceable against the Owner/Operator in accordance with its terms; and (c)the Owner/Operator: (i) will directly operate the School and is solely responsible for its operation; (ii) has the power and capacity to accept and execute this Agreement; (iii)has the power and capacity to perform its obligations under this Agreement and this Agreement is binding upon and enforceable against the Owner/Operator in accordance with its terms; (iv)does not know of any fact that adversely affects, or might adversely affect, in a material way, the Owner/Operator’s properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), business or operations or its ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement; (v) has all the rights necessary to operate the School and use the facilities for the purposes of the School; and (vi) will operate the School in accordance with the laws of (School_Country). 6.02 All statements contained in any certificate, application or other document delivered before or during the continuation of this Agreement, by or on behalf of the Owner/ Operator to the Province under this Agreement or in connection with the School and the provision of an educational program under this Agreement will be deemed to be representations and warranties by the Owner/Operator under this Agreement. 6.03 All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made herein and all certificates, applications or other documents delivered by or on behalf of the Owner/Operator are material and will conclusively be deemed to have been relied upon by the Province and will continue in full force and effect during the continuation of this Agreement. 6.04 The Owner/Operator must, if requested by the Province, provide evidence satisfactory to the Province that the representations and warranties are true and correct and that the Owner/Operator’s obligations under this Agreement have been met. 6.05 The Owner/Operator may not transfer, sell or license the whole or portions of this Agreement without the prior written approval of the Province. 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 8 • APPENDIX B 6.06Material changes to the Owner/Operator are forbidden under this Agreement without the prior written approval of the Province. Material changes include (but are not limited to) changes in the Owner/Operator’s governance, business, or administrative structure, including a change to the majority shareholder or controlling interest. 79 7.00 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 7.01The Owner/Operator must ensure that: (a) all communications, including publications and promotional materials, accurately set out the amount of fees and other monies payable under this Agreement to the Province; and (b) the School’s educational program, fees, accommodation and policies pertaining to the refund of fees or other costs are consistent with any promotional material or other informational material published or supplied by the Owner/Operator, including information on the Owner/Operator’s websites and on sites that link with other programs and/or organizations. 7.02 The Owner/Operator may state in its publications that: (a) the “School has been granted Certification status under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools”; (b) the “Owner/Operator has entered a Certification Agreement with the Province under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools”; (c) it is “operating a B.C. Certified School”; and/or (d) it has “authority to offer educational programs at the School leading to British Columbia Certificates of Graduation”. APPENDIX B • 9 8.00 80 but must not use any other phrase to denote accreditation or Certification by the Province. CONDITIONS TO OPERATE THE SCHOOL 8.01 The Owner/Operator is solely responsible for the School and for operating the School in compliance with all requirements under this Agreement, including without limitation, the requirements under Schedule “B”. 8.02 The Owner/Operator must monitor and at all times remain in full compliance with the most current version of the Program Requirements. 8.03 The Owner/Operator may only operate the School during the Agreement Term unless specified by the Province. 8.04 The School approved under this Agreement is for the specific location identified in this Agreement and is not transferrable to a new location and/or campus without prior written approval from the Province. 8.05 The Owner/Operator must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Province reasonable efforts to establish and maintain relationships with a B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school that will facilitate a ‘twin-school’ arrangement between the School and a B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school in accordance with the Program Requirements as a part of the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 8.06 The Owner/Operator must throughout the Agreement Term: (a) comply with any direction or request made by the Province related to the operation or administration of the School or relating to this Agreement as soon as practically possible; and (b) comply with all applicable laws, bylaws, orders, directions, rules and regulations of any city, state, provincial and national government body in “School_Country“ or branch or agency thereof directly or indirectly applicable to the Owner/Operator, the School or this Agreement. 8.07 All Student admissions decisions must be made in accordance with the Program Requirements, including, without limitation, that the Owner/Operator: (a) must not admit students to the School who do not demonstrate English language proficiency in accordance with the Program Requirements; and (b) must ensure that each Student has completed an English language assessment in accordance with the Program Requirements and that the assessment: i. is administered within the last calendar year; ii. is approved as an assessment instrument by the Province; iii. is administered directly by the Principal or directly by an Authorized Person under the supervision of the Principal; and iv. includes written verification by the Principal of Student’s results. The Owner/Operator must be able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Province, that each enrolled Student’s level of English language proficiency is adequate to enable the prospective Student to meet or exceed the learning outcomes identified in Educational Program Guides if the Student is admitted to the School. 8.09 The Owner/Operator must provide, as part of its educational program, support to improve Students’ achievement in English language proficiency during the Agreement Term as identified in the Program Requirements. 8.10 The Owner/Operator must ensure that it establishes and implements effective policies to ensure that school grades accurately reflect each Student’s achievement in the B.C. Curriculum and that no significant discrepancies between school grades and Provincial Examination results occur. 8.11 The Owner/Operator must ensure that it establishes and implements effective policies and procedures, in accordance with the Program Requirements, including without limitation, policies and procedures pertaining to student assessment, student admissions, student conduct, student supervision and parental appeals. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 10 • APPENDIX B 4 8.08 81 8.12The Owner/Operator must, on the commencement of the Agreement Term, establish and implement policies and procedures, in accordance with the Program Requirements for: (a) evaluation of Authorized Persons; (b) professional development of Authorized Persons; and (c) resolution of disputes between Authorized Persons and between the Owner/ Operator and Authorized Persons. 8.13 The Owner/Operator must provide assistance in respect of applications for Canadian study permits for Students who receive British Columbia Graduation Certificates from the School. 8.14 The Owner/Operator must keep accurate records of Student’s post-secondary careers in accordance with the Program Requirements and must share these records with the Province upon request. 8.15 The Owner/Operator must be able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Province, that it has made reasonable efforts to ensure that Students have been made aware of opportunities to pursue post-secondary studies and career training in British Columbia after receipt of a British Columbia Graduation Certificate. 9.00 ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING 9.01 The Owner/Operator understands that subcontracting to other entities to provide services to the Owner/Operator and/or to the School, Students or staff, does not relieve the Owner/Operator from any obligations under this Agreement. 9.02 The Owner/Operator must ensure that (a) any person retained by the Owner/Operator to perform obligations under this Agreement, and (b) any person retained by a person described in (a) to perform those obligations fully complies with this Agreement in performing the subcontracted obligations. 10.00 DELIVERY OF THE B.C. CURRICULUM 10.01 The Owner/Operator must not offer the Educational Materials other than as authorized under the terms of this Agreement. 10.02 The Owner/Operator must only employ Authorized Persons to APPENDIX B • 11 (a) plan, evaluate and provide instruction to Students, and 82 (b) provide all Student progress reports under paragraph 12.02 to Students, parents or legal guardians of Students unless otherwise approved in writing by the Province. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 10.03The Owner/Operator must operate the School and deliver the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 1 of Schedule “B“. 11.00 LICENSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CURRICULUM 11.01 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that (a) the Province exclusively owns all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in and to the Educational Material, and (b) any proprietary rights not specifically granted by the Province in this Agreement remain with the Province or its licensors, as applicable, including without limitation copyright and trademark protection. 11.02 The Province grants to the Owner/Operator, for the term of this Agreement, a nonexclusive, non-assignable license to (a) use the Educational Material (b) subject to paragraph 11.03, (i) reproduce the Educational Material in electronic or paper format, and (ii) distribute the Educational Material to its Students, for the sole purposes of the operation of the School and the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum by the Owner/Operators. 11.03 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that it may reproduce and distribute the Educational Material only in such quantities as are necessary for the purposes set out in paragraph 11.02. 11.04 Following the execution and delivery of this Agreement (a) the Province will provide the Owner/Operator with a copy of the Educational Material, excluding the Website Materials, in paper or electronic form, and (b) subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner/Operator may download the Website Materials. 11.05 The Owner/Operator acknowledges that some components of the Educational Material include a statement that the Province is the copyright owner of such Educational Materials, and the Owner/Operator agrees (a) not to change or delete any such statement, and (b) where no such statement exists, to include on all copies of the Educational Material the following attribution notice: 4 The Owner/Operator will be solely responsible for all costs of using, reproducing and distributing the Educational Material. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 12 • APPENDIX B 11.06 “© 2014 Province of British Columbia“. 83 11.07The Owner/Operator acknowledges that (a) it may require educational resources in addition to the Educational Material for the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum, and (b) it is solely responsible for obtaining all such additional educational resources, in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, including without limitation copyright law. 11.08 Immediately upon the expiry or sooner termination of this Agreement, the Owner/ Operator will (a) cease using, reproducing and distributing the Educational Material (b) delete all electronic copies of the Educational Material from its operating environment, and (c) destroy all hard copies of the Educational Material in its possession or control. 12.00 STUDENT PROGRESS REPORTS 12.01 The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, to the satisfaction of the Province, an assessment and evaluation program in accordance with the Program Requirements that (a) demonstrates Student progress in achieving intellectual, human, social and career development in accordance with the Program Requirements and the requirements set out in sections 1 to 9 of the Ministerial Order 191/94, the Student Progress Report Order enacted under the School Act, with the exception of the definition of “curriculum“ in s. 1 of that Order (b) complies with paragraph 8.10, (c) accurately demonstrates Student progress in the B.C. Curriculum, and (d) includes the Provincial Examination results, where applicable. 12.02 The Owner/Operator must provide to the Student and the Student’s parent or guardian a Student Report, in accordance with paragraph 12.01, that reflects all of the B.C. Curriculum in which the Student is enrolled in a School Year, including an indication as to which parts of the B.C. Curriculum have been or are scheduled to be taken through Distributed Learning. 13.00 SCHOOL RECORDS AND REPORTS 13.01 The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, in English, accurate and current records in accordance with APPENDIX B • 13 (a) this paragraph, 84 (b) the requirements set out in Part IV of Schedule “B“, and (c) the Program Requirements and must permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, at any time or times during normal School hours, to copy and inspect any and all records. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 13.02The Owner/Operator must keep the following records for the stated period of time (a) Annual Reports: a minimum of 10 years; (b) Student Records: (i) Permanent Student Record to be retained for a minimum of 55 years; and (ii) other Student Records to be retained for minimum of 10 years; (c) records with respect to each Authorized Person employed in the School, including without limitation police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided, and with respect to all professional development activities of the Authorized Person: minimum 10 years; and (d) records with respect to the operation of the School: minimum 10 years. 13.03 In accordance with the Program Requirements, the Owner/Operator must maintain a Student Record for each Student enrolled in the School, in both English and the language of the jurisdiction in which the School is situated. 13.04 Each Student Record under paragraph 13.03 must contain the following, and must be retained for the stated period of time: (a) the Student’s Personal Education Number (minimum 55 years); (b) results of the English language assessment, including written verification by the Principal of Students’ results, required under paragraph 8.07 and 8.08 and any supplementary English language supports provided (minimum 10 years); (c) records related to the B.C. Curriculum delivered by Distributed Learning taken or scheduled for each Student (minimum 10 years); (d) signed consent forms required under paragraph 13.08 (minimum 10 years); (e) the Permanent Student Record as established under Ministerial Order 082/09, the Permanent Student Record Order enacted under the School Act, including without limitation all documents referenced in section 2(a)(ii) of that Order (minimum 55 years); (f) Records demonstrating school compliance with paragraph 8.10 (minimum 10 years); and (g) any other records relating to the Student in the custody and control of the Owner/Operator (minimum 10 years). 13.05 Subject to the laws of 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 14 • APPENDIX B (School_Country), the Owner/Operator must, at the time the Province requires, deliver to the Province, 85 or a person designated by the Province, such written reports, statements, information and data in English and in the form and with the content satisfactory to and prepared by a person acceptable to the Province. 13.06 Where the Province requests that a person with specified credentials prepare a report, the Owner/Operator must ensure that this direction is complied with and the report is prepared in English and in accordance with the Province’s directions. 13.07 The Owner/Operator must submit its Annual Report to the Province including, without limitation a) the completed Inspection Catalogue on or before September 30 of the School Year; b) a report on its Business Plan on or before September 30 of the School Year; and c) the Owner/Operator’s financial statements audited by a 3rd party that align with international accounting standards on or before November 30th of the School Year. submitted under paragraph 2 of Schedule “A“. 13.08 The Owner/Operator acknowledges that the Province is required to comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 186, and that this Agreement may require the collection, use and disclosure of relevant personal information about Students enrolled in the School and Authorized Persons employed in the School. The Owner/Operator is responsible for obtaining written consents in the form required by the Province of each: (a) Authorized Person; (b) Student in grades 10 to 12; and (c) parent or legal guardian of Students in Kindergarten and grades 1 to 9. for the disclosure of personal information to the Province as required under this Agreement and for storing and accessing this information outside of Canada. The Owner/Operator must keep the written consent in each Student’s Student Record and each Authorized Person’s file.. 14.00 OFFSHORE PROGRAM CONSULTANT AND LIAISON APPENDIX B • 15 14.01 86 Subject to the Province’s direction the Owner/Operator may retain, during the Agreement Term, in accordance with the requirements set out in Part II of Schedule “B“, an Offshore Program Consultant selected from the Province’s list of pre-approved candidates. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 14.02The Owner/Operator must advise the Ministry if it comes to the Owner/Operator’s attention that an Offshore Program Consultant or a liaison (as described in Part II of Schedule “B”) is acting in a manner that is inappropriate or gives rise, either directly or indirectly, to any pecuniary or non-pecuniary conflict of interest or the perception of a conflict of interest, in relation to the performance of the duties under this Agreement. 15.00 PRINCIPAL 15.01 The Owner/Operator must employ a Principal for the School during the Agreement Term in accordance with the requirements set out in Part III of Schedule “B”. 15.02 The Owner/Operator may employ a Vice Principal to support and assist the Principal, under the direction of the Principal, in fulfilling the duties under paragraph 3(b) of Part III of Schedule “B”. A Vice Principal cannot assume the functions of the Offshore Program Consultant. 15.03 Where a Vice Principal has been employed under paragraph 15.02, the Principal remains responsible for administration and supervising the School and exercises paramount authority within the School with respect to the duties set out under paragraph 3 of Part III of Schedule “B”. 16.00 TEACHERS 16.01 The Owner/Operator must ensure that Authorized Persons, and only Authorized Persons, are employed to teach at the School in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule “C“. 17.00 REPORT OF DISMISSAL, SUSPENSION OR DISCIPLINE REGARDING TEACHER 17.01 The Owner/Operator agrees that the Province may: (a) maintain the complete list of all the Authorized Persons employed by the Owner/Operator during the previous 12 month period, submitted as part of the reporting requirement under paragraph 13.07, for at least 10 years; and (b) establish a list that identifies the Owner/Operator as an employer of the employees. 17.02 The Owner/Operator must: (a) obtain written consent required under paragraph 13.08 in the form required by the Province from each Authorized Person; and (b) ensure that the consent form is included in the file for the Authorized Person and is available for inspection by the Province. 16 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 87 17.03 If an Authorized Person revokes or otherwise withdraws their consent under paragraphs 13.08, the Owner/Operator must immediately: (a) suspend the employment of that Authorized Person in the School; and (b) advise the Director of International Education and the Commissioner of the revocation or withdrawal of the Authorized Person’s consent. 17.04 If the Owner/Operator or the Principal: (a) suspends or dismisses an Authorized Person, including the Principal, for misconduct that involves: (i) physical harm to a student or minor; (ii) sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a student or minor; or (iii)significant emotional harm to a student or minor, it must, without delay, send a report regarding the dismissal, suspension or disciplinary action; (A)to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner; (B)to the Authorized Person; and APPENDIX B • 17 1 (C)the report must be in writing, signed by the Principal and include reasons for the action taken by the Principal or Owner/Operator. 88 17.05 If the Owner/Operator or the Principal considers any conduct by or competence of an Authorized Person, including the Principal, to be in breach of the standards of professional conduct or competence established by the B.C. Teachers’ Council under section 9 of the Teachers Act, the Owner/Operator or the Principal must send, to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner, a report in writing regarding that conduct or competence and must send a copy of the report to the Authorized Person. 17.06 An Owner/Operator or Principal who has made a report to the Director of International Education and the Commissioner in respect of an Authorized Person under this paragraph must, without delay after being requested to do so by the Director of International Education or the Commissioner, provide the Director of International Education and the Commissioner and the Authorized Person a copy of all of the records available to the Owner/Operator or the Principal that relate to the matter in respect of which the report was made. 17.07 If an Authorized Person, including the Principal, resigns from the employment with the Owner/Operator under circumstances that suggest misconduct or incompetence under the Teachers Act, the Owner/Operator must, without delay: (a) report the circumstances of the resignation to the Commissioner; (b) send a copy of the report to the Authorized Person; and (c) send a copy of the report to the Director of International Education. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 18.00 SERVICE PROVIDERS for DISTRIBUTED LEARNING and CHALLENGE EVALUATION 18.01The Owner/Operator may contract with an Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider listed in Schedule “G” for the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum for which there is no Provincial Examination as a part of the Student’s educational program at the School, provided that the terms and conditions in the Owner/Operator’s contract with the Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider: (a) are consistent with and in compliance with this Agreement; (b) meet or exceed all the requirements of the Distributed Learning standards as referred to in paragraph 18.02. 18.02 The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that the Province requires the Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider to meet or exceed the Distributed Learning standards established by the Province and as amended from time to time and found at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/dist_learning/documents/dlstandards.pdf The Owner/Operator agrees that it is bound by such Distributed Learning standards, as amended from time to time. 18.03 If the Owner/Operator becomes aware of any breaches of the Distributed Learning standards with respect to the delivery of the B.C. Curriculum by way of Distributed Learning that are part of its educational program at the School, it must immediately take steps to rectify the breach and must immediately notify the Province of the breach and the steps being taken to rectify. 18.04 If the Owner/Operator is not able to rectify any breaches of the Distributed Learning standards to the satisfaction of the Province, the Province may at its sole discretion revoke authorization to deliver any of the B.C. Curriculum at the School through Distributed Learning. 18.05 The Owner/Operator may contract with an approved challenge evaluation provider listed in Schedule “G” for the evaluation of undocumented, demonstrated prior learning if (a) the use of challenge evaluation complies with the Program Requirements, including the stipulation that Offshore Schools and Students may only make use of challenge evaluation when using an Approved Challenge Evaluation Provider, and (b) the courses available for challenge evaluation comply with the Ministry’s “International Student Graduation Credit Policy“ found at 4 www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=A5A3644D456F42F2AACC76B F38EA459B BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 18 • APPENDIX B 89 19.00 FACILITIES, GROUNDS AND EQUIPMENT 19.01The Owner/Operator is responsible for: (a) ensuring that local health and safety standards in respect of the operation of the School are met; (b) ensuring that the facilities, grounds and equipment used in conjunction with the operation of the School meet local building code and health and safety standards; and (c) any damages or compensation arising as a result of any liability related to facilities, grounds, equipment or operation of the School. The Owner/Operator acknowledges and agrees that the Province does not assume responsibility for these matters. 19.02 The facilities, grounds and equipment used in the operation of the School must, in the opinion of the Province, be adequate for the operation of a School under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools.. 20.00FEES 20.01 The Owner/Operator must pay all fees outlined in Schedule “E“. 21.00 ANNUAL INSPECTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION AND PAYMENT FOR INSPECTION 21.01 This Agreement is terminated, Certification of the School lapses and Owner/Operator’s authorization to operate the School ceases, at the end of the Agreement Term unless: (a) the Province has conducted an inspection of the School in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 12 of Schedule ‘D’ during the Agreement Term; (b) the Inspection Report provided to the Province in respect of the inspection referred to in subparagraph (a) recommends continuation of this Agreement, with or without conditions; (c) the Owner/Operator, in the opinion of the Province continues to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and continues to meet or exceed the requirements in this Agreement; and (d) the Province determines at its sole discretion that the Agreement Term should be renewed in accordance with paragraph 2.00, with or without conditions. APPENDIX B • 19 22.00 ADDITIONAL INSPECTION PROCESSES 90 22.01 In addition to the annual inspection under paragraph 21.00, the Province may conduct additional inspections, with or without notice, during the Agreement Term. 22.02 The Owner/Operator will not pay for the costs of inspections conducted without prior notice (i.e., unannounced inspections). BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 22.03 The Province may perform a Learning Audit at any time during the Agreement Term if it has concerns about the quality of educational programming and/or Student achievement. 22.04The Owner/Operator is responsible for the additional costs for Learning Audits under paragraph 22.03, as outlined in the fees specified under Schedule “E”. 22.05 The Province may appoint a chief inspector to plan, supervise and administer inspections under paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 at its sole discretion. 22.06 The Province may publish inspections reports that result from paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 to the Ministry of Education’s website. 23.00 RENEWING A CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT 23.01 The Province at its sole discretion will determine whether the Owner/Operator may renew this Agreement under paragraph 2.00, after: (a) determining if the Owner/Operator is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (b) conducting an inspection of the School under paragraph 21.00 to assess whether, in the Province’s opinion, the Owner/Operator is eligible to apply to renew the Certification Agreement, with or without conditions; and (c) assessing any other matters that the Province considers relevant to that determination. 23.02 If the Province has notified the Owner/Operator that (a) the School will not be Certified, (b) this Agreement will not be renewed under paragraph 2.02, or (c) the Agreement will be terminated under paragraph 26.00 the Owner/Operator must (d) update the School’s web-site, and (e) notify, in writing, all Students or applicants for enrollment in the School and their parents or legal guardians (i) that the School will not continue to operate under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools; (ii) that the School will not be eligible to continue to deliver the B.C. Curriculum or offer a B.C. Graduation Program; and 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 20 • APPENDIX B (iii) of alternative Certified Schools in the country or, if there are no other Certified Schools in the country, of alternative Certified Schools in the region. 91 24.00INDEMNITY 24.01The Owner/Operator will indemnify and save harmless and forever releases and discharges the Province, its employees and agents, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses that any of them may sustain, incur, suffer or put to at any time either before or after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, where the same or any of them are based upon, arise out of or occur, directly or indirectly, by reason of any act or omission of the Owner/Operator, or of any agent, employee, officer, director or sub-contractor of the Owner/Operator pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the School. 25.00 COMPLAINTS 25.01 The Province reserves the right to investigate and/or require the School to address any complaint or information regarding a Certified or Pre-Certified School that the Province deems to be of a serious nature. 25.02Where the Province receives and validates a complaint about a School,the Province may discuss the complaint and share information with education authorities in other Canadian jurisdictions. 26.00COMPLIANCE 26.01 The Owner/Operator must comply with any reasonable order from the Province with respect to bringing the School into compliance with this Agreement. 26.02 The Province may require the Owner/Operator to submit a plan outlining how it will bring itself into compliance with the Agreement by a date specified by the Province. 26.03 The Province may, at any time, place the School on Probationary Status if the Province considers the Owner/Operator is out of compliance with any provision of this Agreement. 26.04 If the School is placed on Probationary Status, the Province will publish this status on the Ministry of Education web-site. 26.05 If the School is placed on Probationary Status, the Owner/Operator must immediately inform all Students and Students’ parents of this status and update the School’s website to clearly indicate that the School is on Probationary Status. 27.00 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION APPENDIX B • 21 27.01 92 The following events will result in the Owner/Operator no longer being in good standing with the Ministry, and, as a result, will constitute an Event of Default: (a) the Owner/Operator fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, and specifically fails to pay fees required under this Agreement, or a request or direction of the Province made under this Agreement; BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX (b) the Owner/Operator fails to implement to the Province’s satisfaction requirements imposed under section 26.00; (c) any representation or warranty made by the Owner/Operator in this Agreement, or otherwise made, to the Province before or during the Agreement Term which is untrue or incorrect; (d) the Owner/Operator fails to correct any deficiency noted in an Inspection Report created under paragraphs 21.00 or 22.00 within the time specified by the Province and if no time was specified, within a reasonable time; (e) any information, oral or written statement, certificate, report or other document furnished or submitted by or on behalf of the Owner/Operator pursuant to or as a result of this Agreement which is untrue or incorrect; (f) the Owner/Operator ceases, in the opinion of the Province, to operate; (g) a change occurs with respect to one or more of the following, including some or all, of the properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), business or operations of the Owner/Operator which, in the opinion of the Province, materially adversely affects the ability of the Owner/Operator to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement; or (h) the Owner/Operator does not, in the opinion of the Province, continue to provide a School in a manner that meets the Province’s requirements. (i) The Owner/Operator sells, transfers or licenses ownership of the Certified School (or attempts to do any of these things) without the prior written approval of the Province or there are material changes to the Owner/ Operator’s governance, business, or administrative structure, including a change to the majority shareholder or controlling interest, that have not received the prior written approval of the Province. 27.02 Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter the Province may, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, at its sole discretion, exercisable by written notice to the Owner/Operator, (a) require that the Event of Default be remedied within a time period specified by the Province; (b) terminate this Agreement and cancel the authorization of the Owner/Operator to use the B.C. Curriculum for purposes of operating the School, where the termination of the Agreement and the cancellation of the authorization are effective on the dates stated in the notice; or (c) pursue any remedy or take any other action available to it at law or in equity. 4 All rights, powers and remedies conferred on the Province under this Agreement or under any statute or law are not intended to be exclusive and each shall be cumulative in addition to and not in substitution for every other right, power and remedy existing or available to the Province under this Agreement or any other Agreement at law or in equity. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 22 • APPENDIX B 27.03 93 27.04 The exercise by the Province of any right, power or remedy will not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by the Province of any other right, power or remedy. 27.05 This Agreement may be terminated where there is no Event of Default, by either party if during that School Year, the Owner/Operator or the Province receives a written request to terminate from the other party. Termination under this paragraph will become effective at the end of the School Year during which notice is given, unless another date is agreed to by the parties in writing. 27.06 Where this Agreement is terminated, or notice of termination is received or deemed to be received by the Owner/Operator, the Owner/Operator will cease advertising in any way that suggests that the Owner/Operator or the School is certified by the Province or that it is eligible to deliver the B.C. Curriculum or offer a B.C. Graduation Program. 28.00 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 28.01 Where this Agreement is terminated under paragraph 27.02 prior to the end of the Term, the Owner/Operator shall pay, in a single payment, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the early termination charge of $10,000. 28.02 The Parties acknowledge and agree that all liquidated damages set out in this Agreement have been calculated as, and are, a genuine pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by the Province and are not penalties. 29.00 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 29.01 This Agreement, between the Province and the Owner/Operator, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. Any matter regarding the interpretation and application of this Agreement, and all disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement, that cannot be resolved between the parties, will be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia. APPENDIX B • 23 30.00NOTICES 94 30.01 Any notice or other document that either party may be required or may desire to give to the other will be conclusively deemed validly given to and received by the addressee, if delivered personally then on the date of delivery, if mailed then on the fourteenth business day after mailing the same by prepaid post, if by facsimile transmission then when so transmitted or if by electronic mail then when capable of being retrieved by the addressee, at the addresses: if to the Province: Ministry of Education Director, International Education PO Box 9153 STN PROV GOVT Victoria B.C. V8W 9H1 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX Facsimile number: 250-953-4908 E-mail Address: International.Education@gov.bc.ca Attention: International Education Branch And if the Teacher Regulation Branch: in accordance with the procedures set out at: www.bcteacherregulation.ca/ documents/FormsandPublications/ProfConduct/mc_brochure.pdf And if to the Owner/Operator: (Owner/Operator) (Address) (City), (Province/State) (Postal Code) (Country) Facsimile number: (Fax No) E-mail Address: (Email) Attention: Contact Person 30.02 Position/Title Either party may, from time to time, advise the other party in writing of any change of address or contact person of the party giving such notice, and the information specified will, for the purposes of paragraph 30.01, be conclusively deemed to be the address and contact person of the party giving such notice. 31.00NON-WAIVER 31.01 No term or condition of this Agreement and no breach by the Owner/Operator of any such term or condition will be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is in writing signed by the Province. 31.02 The written waiver by the Province of any term or breach by the Owner/Operator of any term or condition of this Agreement is not a waiver of any other term or breach. 24 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 95 32.00 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.01 This Agreement, the Schedules to this Agreement, and any requirements, including without limitation Orders or Program Requirements, incorporated by reference into this Agreement constitute the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 33.00 FURTHER ACTS AND ASSURANCES 33.01 Each of the parties will, upon the reasonable request of the other, make, do, execute or cause to be made, done or executed all further and other lawful acts, deeds, things, devices, documents, instruments and assurances whatsoever for the better performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 34.00 TIME OF ESSENCE 34.01 Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 35.00 SURVIVAL OF PROVISIONS 35.01 All of the provisions of this Agreement in favour of the Province and all of the rights and remedies of the Province, either at law or in equity, will survive any termination of this Agreement. For greater clarity, but without limiting the foregoing, paragraphs 5.00, 6.00, 11.01, 11.08,13.08, 19.01, 24.01 paragraphs 3 and 4, Part IV of Schedule “B” continue in force indefinitely, even after this Agreement ends. APPENDIX B • 25 36.00 INSTRUCTIONS AND MODIFICATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS 96 36.01 The Province may, from time to time, give instructions to the Owner/Operator respecting matters relating to this Agreement, including the conduct of examinations and tests, including Provincial Examinations, and the Owner/Operator will comply with those instructions within a reasonable time or a time set by the Province. 36.02 The Province may modify the Agreement where it considers it necessary to more effectively carry out the purpose and intent of this Agreement, such as, maintaining consistency with current standard terms and conditions in similar offshore educational program agreements, as such terms and conditions may be revised from time to time by the Province. 36.03 The Province may add to, remove or modify any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 36.02 by giving written notice of the changed terms and conditions to the Owner/Operator in accordance with the written notice provisions in paragraph 30.01. Upon the receipt of such notice in accordance with paragraph 30.01, the Owner/Operator will be deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions and further such changes will be deemed to have been incorporated into this Agreement. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 37.00INTERPRETATION 37.01 Where there is a conflict or a difference in meaning between the English and the “Language“ version of this Agreement, the English version shall apply. All translations into English for the purposes of this Agreement must be of a standard acceptable to the Province. 37.03 The headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted for reference and as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit or enlarge the scope of any provision of this Agreement. 37.04 Any reference to a statute, regulation or order in this Agreement, whether or not that statute has been defined, includes all regulations and Orders made at any time under or pursuant to that statute. 37.05 Any reference to an enactment in this Agreement, whether or not that enactment has been defined, includes any amendments made to those enactments. 37.06 In this Agreement wherever the singular or neuter is used it will be construed as if the plural or masculine or feminine, as the case may be, had been used where the context so requires. 37.07 The Schedules to this Agreement are an integral part of this Agreement as if set out at length in the body of this Agreement. 37.08 Subject to paragraph 36.02 and 36.03, no amendment or modification to this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and duly executed by the parties. 37.09 If any provision of this Agreement or the application to any person or circumstances is invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to any other person or circumstance will not be affected or impaired thereby and will be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. 37.10 All dollar amounts expressed in this Agreement refer to lawful currency of Canada. 37.11 Unless the context otherwise indicates, any reference to this Agreement means this instrument and all of the Schedules attached to it, and any reference to any paragraph or subparagraph by number is a reference to the appropriate paragraph or subparagraph in this Agreement. 37.12 Nothing in this Agreement operates as a consent, permit, approval or authorization by the Province or any Ministry, Branch or agency thereof to or for anything related to the School or Certification that the Owner/Operator is required to obtain unless it is expressly stated herein to be such a consent, permit, approval or authorization. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 26 • APPENDIX B 4 37.02 97 38.00 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 38.01 This Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Owner/Operator and its successors and permitted assigns and the Province and its assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. SIGNED on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia by a duly authorized representative of the Minister of Education in the presence of: Witness SIGNED on behalf of OWNER/OPERATOR, by a duly authorized representative) For the Minister of Education Brenda Neufeld Director of International Education Date Signed Witness Owner/Operator (PRINT NAME) (PRINT TITLE) APPENDIX B • 27 Date Signed 98 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX SCHEDULE “A” Qualification Criteria for Owner/Operators The Owner/Operator represents and warrants that it has met the following qualification criteria required in order to enter an agreement under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools, it: 1. Has successfully operated the School to the Province’s satisfaction for a period of time acceptable to the Province under an Pre-Certification Agreement. 2. Has satisfied all of the Province’s requirements for Certification in the form and with the content established by the Province, including without limitation all components of the Annual Report submitted in accordance with the Program Requirements. 3. Is able to communicate orally and in writing with the Province in fluent English at a level acceptable to the Province. 4. Has provided documentation to the Province sufficient to satisfy the Province that the Owner/Operator is a nongovernmental legal entity incorporated and operating in the jurisdiction in which the School will operate. 5. Has satisfied the Province that the Owner/Operator is not in contravention of any relevant legislation or other legal requirements, including without limitation, all relevant labour and employment laws and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27 and Regulations made under that Act. 6. Is, subject to the written approval of the Province, offering a British Columbia educational program i. that commences between Kindergarten and Grade 8, (unless the grade of commencement is otherwise agreed to by the Province as under Schedule A, item 7) ii. and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Province that reasonable efforts are being made to maintain a minimum enrollment of 60 full-time students in each grade offered in the School. 7. Has, subject to the written approval of the Province and the laws of the jurisdiction where the School is located, ensured that Students commence full-time enrollment in the School in or before Grade 8 or, in cases where a jurisdiction’s laws prevent enrolment at this age, ensured that Students may not commence the program after Grade 10 and that Students entering the program in grade 10 are provided with additional English Language Learner supports to enable success in the program. 8. Has paid all fees in accordance with Schedule “E“. 9. Has successfully completed, at the Owner/Operator’s expense, all inspections required under the Pre-Certification Agreement. 10.Has provided any additional information that the Province reasonably requests. 11. Is considered by the Province, at the Province’s sole discretion, to be a suitable candidate in accordance with the Province’s requirements for Certification. 28 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 99 SCHEDULE “B” Program Administration and Operation PART I: OPERATION OF THE SCHOOL 1.The Owner/Operator must operate the School and deliver the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the Program Requirements, including without limitation, the Owner/Operator must: (a) deliver the B.C. Curriculum in English at a standard acceptable to the Province, except for the parts of the B.C. Curriculum exempted in writing by the Province; (b) ensure the recruitment, hiring and supervision of qualified and competent personnel, including Authorized Persons, is in accordance with Program Requirements; (c)ensure compliance within the delivery of the educational program in the School with the subject, instructional time and learning outcome requirements set out in sections 1.1 to 6, with the exception of s. 4(5)(b), of Ministerial Order 41/91, the Educational Standards Order, enacted under the Independent School Act. For clarity, a reference to Board or Authority in the Order means Owner/Operator for the purposes of this Agreement; (d) ensure that all of the B.C. Curriculum offered in the School meet or exceed the learning outcomes identified in the Educational Program Guides for each course, with a course overview for each course that includes content, teaching strategies, evaluation and assessment methods which are clearly linked to the B.C. learning outcomes; (e) promote the use of the B.C. Ministry of Education Performance Standards found at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/perf_stands as an assessment tool for Students; (f) ensure that all eligible Students participate, in accordance with the Program Requirements, in Provincial Examinations for all Parts of the B.C. Curriculum that are Provincially examinable under the School Act ; (g) ensure compliance with the Program Requirements with respect to all equivalency process and challenge rules; (h) develop a course overview for each course that: i. includes content, planning for assessment, teaching strategies, achievement indicators, and assessment methods; and APPENDIX B • 29 ii. aligns with the British Columbia Curriculum learning outcomes. 100 (i) ensure that the Schools facilities, including computer resources, meet Program Requirements, including without limitation, the requirements set out in Schedule “F“, and that Students have access to sufficient facilities, including access to computers and electronic resources, for efficient administration of Provincial exams; and (j) ensure that the School offers Students the opportunity to meet all graduation requirements. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 2.The Owner/Operator must acquire sufficient resources, including textbooks, a library with hard copy and electronic resources, including internet resources, in accordance with Program Requirements sufficient to support the learning outcomes for all of the B.C. Curriculum offered at the School. 3. The Owner/Operator must only make changes to the facilities, equipment or educational programs provided to Students under this Agreement: (a) which the Province has requested in response to the Inspection Report provided to the Owner/Operator under paragraph 3.05 and paragraphs 21.00 and 22.00 and approved by the Province; or (b) for which the Owner/Operator has obtained prior written approval from the Province if the change could result in the Owner/Operator not meeting its obligations under this Agreement. PART II: PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Offshore Program Consultant 1. If the Offshore Program Consultant retained under paragraph 14.01 is a corporate entity, the Owner/Operator must ensure that one individual with authority to legally bind the corporate entity is designated to serve as representative of the corporate entity for the purposes of fulfilling the duties under paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Part. 2. The Offshore Program Consultant retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 may not serve as Offshore Program Consultant for more than 2 other Owner/Operators and must not be affiliated with the Owner/Operator, other than through the Offshore Program Consultant’s contract with the Owner/Operator. 3. If an Offshore Program Consultant is retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 and approved by the Province under paragraph 6 of this Part the Offshore Program Consultant must, in addition to fulfilling the duties under paragraph 9 of this Part serve as the primary liaison between the Owner/Operator and the Province for the purpose of this Agreement and fulfill the duties under paragraph 10 of this Part. The Offshore Program Consultant must not fulfill any duties in relation to the School other than those set out in paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Part. 4. If an Owner/Operator has not retained an Offshore Program Consultant, under paragraph 14.01, the Principal employed under paragraph 15.01 must fulfill the duties of both Principal under paragraph 6 Part II of this Schedule “B“ and primary liaison under paragraph 10 of this Part. An Owner/Operator may also appoint an Offshore School Representative to fulfil the primary liaison duties under paragraph 10 of this Part. For clarity, where an Offshore Program Consultant has been retained, the Offshore Program Consultant will be responsible for evaluating the Principal and documenting the results of that evaluation. Where no Offshore Program Consultant has been retained or an Offshore School Representative has not been appointed, the Owner/Operator retains responsibility for these duties. 5. The Owner/Operator must provide the Province with written confirmation that the individual designated as liaison under either paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part has full capacity to represent and legally commit the Owner/Operator in all communications and dealings with the Province in relation to this Agreement. 6. The individual designated as liaison under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part and to fulfill the duties under paragraph 10 of this Part is not authorized to represent the Owner/Operator for the purposes of this Agreement until the Province has approved in writing the Owner/Operator’s appointment of that individual to serve as liaison with the Province. 30 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 101 7. The Province may, in its sole discretion, cease to engage, for the purposes of this Agreement, with the individual designated as liaison under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part if the Province has reason to question his or her authorization, conduct, qualifications or competence. In any such case, the Owner/Operator will identify a replacement and the provisions of paragraph 14 and this Part will then apply to the process for identifying and approving the replacement. 8.The Owner/Operator may designate a new individual to serve as the Owner/Operator’s liaison except that the individual will not be the Owner/Operator’s liaison under paragraphs 3 or 4 of this Part until the appointment has been approved by the Province. 9. If an Offshore Program Consultant is retained by the Owner/Operator under paragraph 14.01 and approved by the Province under paragraph 6 of this Part, the Owner/Operator must ensure that the Offshore Program Consultant undertakes, in collaboration with the Principal, the following duties: (a) assisting with administration of the School and carrying out a system of education in conformity with this Agreement, including: i. assisting the Owner/Operator to recruit and hire Authorized Persons; ii. providing visa support for Authorized Persons; iii. establishing accommodation arrangements for Authorized Persons and dealing with any issues with accommodation; iv. providing cultural acclimatization assistance for Authorized Persons and Students; v.providing professional development for Authorized Persons; and vi. participating in dispute resolution process under the policy required under paragraph 8.12(c); and (b) assisting the Owner/Operator to market the School. 10.The duties of the liaison appointed either under paragraph 3 or 4 of this Part are: (a) acts as the primary contact to liaise and communicate with the Province in a timely manner; (b) advising and assisting the Owner/Operator in exercising its powers and duties under this Agreement; (c) effectively manage issues, in collaboration with the Principal, that may arise and resolve complaints to reach resolutions satisfactory to the Province; (d) attend information sessions held by the Province; (e) actively work with the Owner/Operator to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement including working with the Owner/Operator, Principal and Authorized Persons to ensure that accountabilities and timelines are clearly understood and met under this Agreement; (f) ensure, in collaboration with the Principal, the effective transfer to the Province of all data outlined in Schedule “F” and all Annual Report requirements are met by deadlines established by the Province; APPENDIX B • 31 (g) participate in, and support, in collaboration with the Principal, an inspection team, in conducting inspections for the purposes of this Agreement; and 102 (h) work with the Owner/Operator, Principal and Authorized Persons to address the Province’s recommendations and requirements, including recommendations and requirements arising from inspections. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX PART III: PRINCIPAL 1. The Principal must be an individual who, at the time that the individual is hired by the Owner/Operator as the Principal and during the Agreement Term, meets all of the following requirements: (a) is fluent in English; (b) holds a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification or an Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate; (c) is not otherwise affiliated with the Owner/Operator, other than through the Principal’s employment contract with the Owner/Operator; and (d) has at least 1 year of experience working at a principal or vice-principal level and has a minimum of three years of teaching experience, preferably in a British Columbia school, except where the Province has provided written approval to the Owner/Operator for the use of modified criteria due to exceptional circumstances. 2. The Owner/Operator must not employ a Principal under paragraph 15.01 who is employed as a Principal for any other school under the British Columbia Global Education Program – Offshore Schools. 3. The Owner/Operator must ensure the Principal employed under paragraph 15.01 has responsibility for and authority to undertake the following duties in relation to the School: (a) providing administration for and supervision of the School including responsibility for the operation of the School, the curriculum taught and the evaluation of Authorized Persons; and (b) carrying out a system of education for the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools in conformity with this Agreement, including without limitation: i. directly managing student admission processes, including making final decisions with respect to Student assessment and admissions; ii. implementing educational programs in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; iii. ensuring that the quality of the educational programs offered at the School meet the Program Requirements; iv. overseeing development of course overviews that support learning outcome requirements as established by the Province; v. evaluating learning situations in classrooms; vi. establishing all teaching timetables and student placement in classrooms; vii.establishing the program of teaching and learning activities; viii.establishing student evaluation and assessment processes and reporting to parents; ix. supervising and evaluating the work of Authorized Persons and other School staff, and documenting the results of such evaluations; x. organizing and providing supervision for professional development of Authorized Persons in the School; xii.maintaining complete and accurate school records, including without limitation all records under paragraphs 12.00 and 13.00 and Part IV of this Schedule; 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 32 • APPENDIX B xi. performing teaching duties as appropriate; 103 xiii.supervising the general conduct of Students, both on School premises and during activities that are off School premises and that are organized or sponsored by the School; xiv.participating in dispute resolution process under the policy required under paragraph 8.12(c); and xv.in accordance with the policies of the Owner/Operator, exercising paramount authority within the school in matters concerning the discipline of students. 4.The Owner/Operator must establish conditions of employment for Principals and Authorized Persons that encourage those employees to continue their employment in the School. PART IV: SCHOOL RECORDS 1. The Owner/Operator must establish and maintain, in English, accurate and current records, including without limitation: (a) the Annual Report(s); (b) Student Records; (c) records with respect to each Authorized Person employed in the School; and (d) records with respect to the operation of the School; and must permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, at any time or times during normal School hours, to copy and inspect any and all records. 2. The Owner/Operator must maintain in each Authorized Person’s file the records required under paragraph 13.02(c), including without limitation, completed evaluations for Authorized Persons required under policies established and implemented under paragraphs 8.12 and police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided. Files relating to on-site Authorized Persons must also include, without limitation, copies of British Columbia Certificates of Qualification, as applicable, and copies of contracts of employment between the Owner/Operator and Authorized Persons. 3. If a Student transfers out of the School or the School ceases to operate, the Owner/Operator agrees to transfer or to ensure that the Principal transfers in a timely manner the Student’s Student Record to another Owner/Operator operating a school under the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools or to a B.C. K-12 public or certified independent school, as requested by the Student. 4. The Owner/Operator agrees to keep and maintain in a secure manner and place and for the specified periods the Student Records in accordance with section 13 of the Agreement (e.g. 55 years for the Permanent Student Record and 10 years for all other Student Records following the graduation of a Student or the leaving of a Student from the School. APPENDIX B • 33 5. Subject to written approval from the Province, the Owner/Operator must ensure that it meets Program Requirements for internet connectivity, computer hardware/software, and printer capabilities to ensure efficient electronic transfer and printing of such items as are required under this Agreement. 104 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX SCHEDULE “C” Requirements for Employment of Teachers in the B.C. Global Education Program – Offshore Schools 1.The Owner/Operator must ensure that Authorized Persons employed to teach at the School: (a) hold a British Columbia Certificate of Qualification prior to beginning teaching in the School and during the Agreement Term; (b) provide to the Owner/Operator police records checks from all jurisdictions in which the Authorized Person has previously resided; (c) maintain their certification in good standing complying with all professional requirements under the Teachers Act; (d) provide consents required under paragraph 13.08; (e) provide instruction in a competent manner to Students in accordance with the requirements under this Agreement and as identified in Program Requirements; (f) teach the programs of study and educational programs that are prescribed, approved or authorized under this Agreement; (g) encourage and foster learning in Students; (h) regularly evaluate Students and periodically report the results of the evaluation to the Students, the Students’ parents and the School in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (i) maintain, under the direction of the Principal, order among the Students while they are in the School or on the School grounds and while they are attending or participating in activities sponsored or approved by the School; and (j) carry out, subject to any applicable contract of employment, those duties that are assigned to the teacher by the Principal. 34 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 105 SCHEDULE “D” Inspections of Offshore Schools 1. On receipt of: (a) the funds required by the Province as described in paragraphs 6, 8, 9 and 10 of this Schedule; and (b) all information required by the Province within in the timelines established by the Province, the Province will, in order to determine if the Owner/Operator is eligible to continue to operate the School for the Agreement Term and renew this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2.00, conduct an inspection of the School, including, without limiting the foregoing, inspection of the records of the Owner/Operator, and facilities and equipment used in the operation of the School, and will, if possible conduct this inspection at times that are convenient to both the Owner/Operator and the Province. 2. The Owner/Operator will, at the request of the Province, permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province to: (a) enter, at any reasonable time, a building used in the operation of the School, offices of the Owner/Operator or the grounds and facilities used in the operation of the School, (b) inspect any record of the Owner/Operator, including without limitation electronic records, e-mail records and all records held by the Offshore Program Consultant, the Principal and Authorized Persons, relating to the operation of the School, including Student and staff records, and (c) inspect the academic achievement of Students and the administration of the School, and permit the Province, or a person designated by the Province, to do everything necessary to conduct a thorough and complete inspection of the School for the purposes of this Agreement, including, the following: (i) verification of the status of Authorized Persons; (ii) observation of any Authorized Person’s teaching methods, including planning and delivery of the B.C. Curriculum and assessment and evaluation of the Students; (iii)observation of operation of the School to assess the Owner/Operator’s operation of the School and provision of the B.C. Curriculum in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (iv)examination of the Authorized Persons’ course overviews and lesson plans for the School, and resource materials used by the Owner/Operator; (v) assess any matters with respect of which the Director of International Education has received a complaint under paragraph 25.00; and APPENDIX B • 35 (vi)examination of the English Language Learning (ELL) assessment and instruction provided by the Owner/ Operator. 106 3. The Owner/Operator will provide all the support the Province considers necessary to allow the Province to conduct a thorough and complete inspection of the School and the provision of the educational programs, including without limitation, that the Owner/Operator will ensure compliance with the terms of the Province’s contract with the inspection team members, that the inspection team members must not be placed in a position of real or perceived conflict of interest through any entertainment opportunities, gifts or by any other means. BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 4.The Owner/Operator must provide an English/ (Language) interpreter, if the staff of the Owner/Operator who are providing information to the persons conducting an inspection are not fluent in English. 5. Prior to the inspection under this paragraph, the Owner/Operator must provide the Province with, in English at a standard of translation acceptable to the Province: (a) all written material that the Province considers necessary to properly inspect the School under this Agreement; (b) a letter from the appropriate government office with paramount responsibility for education in the country, province, or city in which the School is located setting out written approval in principle for the Owner/Operator to operate a Certified School; (c) a letter from the appropriate city, state, provincial or national government having jurisdiction where the School is located that states that the governmental body is not aware of any record of violations by the Owner/ Operator of its laws or directions; and (d) a fully and accurately completed Annual Report under paragraph 13.07. 6. The Owner/Operator will pay, in advance of the inspection, in Canadian dollars and within 30 days of receipt of a notice from the Province, the amount specified by the Province in the notice, for the estimated costs in relation to the inspection of the School. 7. All accommodation arrangements for inspectors conducting inspections under this paragraph will be made by the Owner/Operator in advance of the travel dates. The Owner/Operator will provide the Province with proof of payment in advance for all accommodation and the Province will provide a copy of the proof of payment to the inspector. 8. The notice referred to in paragraph 6 of this Schedule will reflect the costs that the Province estimates it will incur in performing its functions and duties required under this Agreement for the inspection of the School to determine if the Owner/Operator is eligible to continue or renew this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2.02, and will include the types of costs referred to in Schedule “E” to this Agreement, but is not restricted to those costs. 9. Where the actual inspection and related costs for a School Year incurred by the Province under this paragraph, are greater than the funds submitted under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for that School Year, the Owner/Operator will pay the Province, within 30 days of receipt of a notice from the Province all costs incurred by the Province during the School Year in conducting inspections of the School, and otherwise regulating the School, less the monies paid under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for that School Year. 10.If the monies paid under paragraph 6 of this Schedule exceed the cost of the actual expenses incurred by the Province in the School Year, the Province will either refund the overpayment to the Owner/Operator, or reduce the amount payable under paragraph 6 of this Schedule for the subsequent School Year, if this Agreement is renewed in accordance with paragraph 2.02. 11. On request, the Owner/Operator will provide the inspection team with a secure location on the premises of the School that is private and quiet during the period that the Province is conducting an inspection under this Agreement. 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 36 • APPENDIX B 12.The Inspection Report prepared by the inspectors under this paragraph will be made public on the Province’s website. 107 SCHEDULE “E” Fee Payment Process, Delinquent Program Fees and Schedule of Offshore Program Costs 1. FEE PAYMENT PROCESS • Program, Inspection, and Learning Audit Fees are due and payable as stated in the table on the following page. • All fees are non-refundable. • Effective June 30th, 2014, the Ministry will invoice schools thirty (30) days in advance of fee payment due date for the following fees: Curriculum Usage Fee, Program Administration Fee, and Student Registration Fees. • The invoice for the Student Registration Fee will be based on 1701 data submission. – If there is a discrepancy between the 1701 data submission and student numbers as reported during Inspections, schools will be invoiced for the difference. – Fees related to discrepancies will be due and payable immediately on issuance of the invoice. – These fees are non-refundable (i.e. if a student leaves the school mid-year). 2. DELINQUENT PROGRAM FEES • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are thirty (30) days delinquent: – The Ministry will issue a second invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. – The School will be placed on probationary status for 60 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are sixty (60) days delinquent: – The Ministry will issue a third invoice for the outstanding amount plus interest charges. – The School will be placed on probationary status for 90 days (regardless of when the fees are submitted). • The following processes will apply for schools whose fees are ninety (90) days delinquent: – The School will be decertified. Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). • The following processes will apply for delinquent inspection fees: – The school inspection will be cancelled. – Uninspected schools will lose certification status. APPENDIX B • 37 – Recertification will be subject to payment of delinquent fees plus interest charges, reapplication (including application fee of $5,000) and payment as liquidated damages of $10,000 (per section 28.00 of the Certification Agreement). 108 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 3. SCHEDULE OF OFFSHORE SCHOOL PROGRAM FEES Fee Type Fee Amount Payable: Comments Initial application fee $5,000 non-refundable Time of application Applications will not be processed until Fee Amount has been submitted in full Curriculum Usage Fee $10,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount on June 30th Program Administration Fee $5,000 per school per annum August 1 of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount June 30th Student Registration Fee* $350.00 per student/annum Payable on December 19th of each year Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount based on 1701 data submission third week of November Inspection fees** Varies Payable 30 days in advance of Inspection Teams’ departure Ministry will invoice schools for Fee Amount 45 days in advance of Team’s departure OTHER PROGRAM EXPENSES In-Person Application Review Travel, accommodations, per diem Payment required 15 days in advance and incidental costs of all Ministry of departure (if taking place onsite participants if held at the school location. at the school location). Or All relevant travel and accommodation expenses for the Owner/Operator (and accompanying officials) if held in British Columbia. Learning Audits Includes professional services of the Audit Payment required 15 days in advance Chair and Audit Team Members, as well of the audit team’s departure. as their travel, accommodation, per diem, and incidental costs. Exam Invigilation No longer applicable. *if a student withdraws from the school up to November 30th, the school is not required to pay the per student fee (school must provide proof of withdrawal). If a student withdraws from the school after November 30th, the school is required to pay the per student fee. **inspection fees include professional services of the Inspection Chair and Inspection Team members, as well as their travel, accommodation, per diem and incidental costs. Schools are not expected to pay costs associated with unannounced inspections. 38 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 109 SCHEDULE “F” Current Requirements for Electronic Data Transfer with the British Columbia Ministry of Education for Transcripts and Examinations and Grade 10-12 Electronic Examinations TRANSCRIPTS AND EXAMS REQUIREMENTS: Transcript and Examination (TRAX) data must be submitted to the Ministry using computer software which is capable of extracting and sending the standard TRAX data files. The following software vendors have a TRAX data extract function currently being used by schools. There may be other software vendors with the capability of producing the standard TRAX files. Vendor Name Product Name(s) Phone Harts Systems Ltd TESS and Windsor 1-888-734-1119 Maplewood Computing Maplewood 1-800-265-3482 Take Two Inc. CIMS 1-800-665-0641 Contact the Student Certification Branch at the Ministry to obtain additional information and specific TRAX data specifications, if required. Student Certification Branch Ministry of Education PO Box 9170 Stn Prov Govt Victoria B.C. V8W 9H7 APPENDIX B • 39 Telephone: 250-893-6914 Email Address: Sandra.C.Smith@gov.bc.ca 110 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX ELECTRONIC EXAMS REQUIREMENTS: Software, Browser and Computer requirements can be found at the Ministry of Education e-Exam website: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/eassessment/eexam_computer_requirements.htm Internet Connection: • Internet Service Provider (ISP) • ADSL, cable or T1 (minimum requirement) • 10-1000 MB Broadband (recommended) Email: •School Principal email account with attachment capability • Ability to receive or send up to 5 MB file size attachments • Non-Intel, MS Office file attachments sent to the Ministry must be PC compatible and saved as RTF (rich text format) if MS Office is not available. Peripherals: • Printer (600 dpi or higher) • Colour printer for Geography and Geology exams •Photocopier SCHEDULE “G” Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider and Approved Challenge Evaluation Provider 1. The Approved Distributed Learning Service Provider for the purposes of paragraph 18.00 until June 30, 2015 is: a. School District No. 73 Business Company. 40 • APPENDIX B 4 BC GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · APPENDIX 111 Index Symbols 1701 data submission 6, 7, 68, 69, 108, 109 A Annual inspection 4, 14, 21, 50, 90 Annual Report 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 17, 24, 34, 45, 62, 64, 67, 73, 85, 99, 102, 104, 107 B B.C. curriculum 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 31 Biennial Inspections 4 Board/Authority Authorized 26, 30 Business plan 5, 34, 35, 46, 59, 73, 86 C Certificate of Qualification 18, 19, 31, 34, 63, 65, 73, 103, 105 Certification 1, 2, 4, 12, 19, 22, 27, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 57, 65, 67, 73, 77, 78, 80, 90, 99, 105 Certification Agreement 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 31, 68, 72, 74, 78, 80, 91, 108 Complaints 4, 9, 10, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, 52, 62, 92, 102 Compliance 4, 8, 10, 22, 30, 36, 41, 44, 46, 49, 51, 52, 60, 62, 66, 75, 80, 85, 89, 91, 92, 100, 102, 106 Consent forms 17, 18, 45, 85, 87 Contracts 18, 20, 64, 104 Copyright 25, 43, 44, 83, 84 D Decertification 3, 22 Dispute resolution 8, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 54, 62, 64, 94, 102, 104 Distributed Learning 17, 31, 34, 35, 45, 49, 71, 74, 84, 85, 89, 111 Dogwood diploma 2, 18 112 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · INDEX E English language learning 22, 26 Enrolment 24, 29, 99 Equivalency 25, 29, 30, 32, 60, 100 Exam 8, 24, 27, 28, 29, 70, 100, 109, 111 Exempted Courses 19, 31 F Facilities 12, 14, 37, 39, 50, 60, 79, 90, 100, 101, 106 Fees 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 18, 22, 40, 50, 51, 52, 59, 68, 69, 80, 90, 91, 92, 99, 108, 109 Financial statements 5, 13, 34, 73 G Graduation Program 25, 29, 35, 51, 74, 76, 77, 91, 94 I Independent School Subject-Restricted Teaching Certificate 18 Inspection 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 24, 26, 32 Inspection Catalogue 5, 14, 34, 36, 46, 73, 74, 86 Instructional time 8, 25, 60, 100 Internet 14, 16, 70, 111 L Learning audit 6, 7, 22, 36, 50, 68, 91, 108 Locally-certified 19, 31 M Marketing 5, 8, 18 Ministry Liaison 9, 10, 11 O Offshore Program Consultant 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 36, 37, 47, 61, 62, 66, 76, 86, 87, 101, 102, 106 Offshore School Representative 13, 36, 61, 75, 101 Owner/Operator 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109 P Parental appeals 8, 13, 42, 81 Personal Education Number (PEN) 27, 75, 85 Precertification 2, 25 Pre-Certification Agreement 3, 8, 24, 33, 40, 72, 75, 99 Prescribed Learning Outcomes 8, 11, 27, 29 Principal 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 26, 28, 36, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 75, 76, 81, 85, 87, 88, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111 Probationary status 3, 6, 22, 36, 52, 68, 75, 92, 108 Professional development 5, 10, 11, 13, 18, 20, 21, 32, 42, 45, 62, 63, 82, 85, 102, 103 Provincial education standards 8, 11, 12 Provincial exam 8, 27, 28, 29 S School record 11, 16, 45, 63, 64, 84, 103, 104 Standards 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 25, 26, 27, 34, 46, 48, 49, 50, 60, 73, 86, 88, 89, 90, 100 Student achievement 8, 22, 27, 50, 91 Student assessment 13, 27, 42, 103 Student course marks 27 Student Record 17, 32, 37, 45, 46, 47, 64, 76, 85, 104 T Teacher 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31, 35, 37, 47, 48, 49, 55, 65, 73, 74, 87, 88, 95, 105 Teacher Regulation Branch 12, 19, 37, 55, 77 Technology 29 Twinning 32 B.C. GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM · INDEX 113 British Columbia Global Education Program BRITISH COLUMBIA GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM 2015/2016