`rrr", ,.n,t*r,,- t., * 11 - Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Building Resilience to Climate-Related Hazards Project
Technical Re-equipment of Hydrological Netr} ork nnd Spccial Equipment for
HYdrological Stations
(Supply, Delivcry, Installation & Commissioning)
(Contract lD Nor PPCIUDHM/CrCB-25)
with thc ll'B Clausc 8 of thc Bid l)ocumenl ibr the lechnical R€-equiPmenl of
Hydrologic:il Ne[vork and Special EquipDenl for H]drological S(ations (Suppl]' Delivery'
tnstallaiion and Commissioning) againsl contrrct ID No: PPcwDHM/GACB-25' fbllo$ing
amendrncnts in respcciive clauses/sub_clauses,'heading has been madc as indicated bclo$ in thc
Bid Document.
22'l (pagc*
Section-2: llid Data Sheet, D. Submission and Opening of Bids, ITB
shall rcad as:
Ih, JiaJt,n. fur bt,l ,uhit]\\tt,k i\
DuLe. I ebruary 21, )016
'[ime: ]2.0() noon (i\"ePal \tundard Time NST)"
Section-2: Bid Dnta Shcct, D. Submission and Opening of Bids, ITB 25'l (psge 31)
shall read as:
'''lhe hid t)pening thull taka pktce ut
lmenl ol Hrdrolog)^ drul Llelcorok)g\
lluilding J?esilience b (li ale Reldlcd [luzttrds Prciect
Procuremenl Unil Natgpokhut'i N/;:rul. KLllh andu
Dale: Fehruur! 21, 2016
Time: I P.m. INST)
(iii\ In Section VII: Schedule of Requitements; 2 List (t Reldled
Services and Cotnpleliotl
Schedule, infirst pata ofltems-6 (Pnge 72) shdll read osDesttiption ofSetvice
LLt i nknt)" ce
uailqhn it1l :ju\!!4,
'.111 pt.\'cnttte dn.l
'rrr", ,.n,t*r,,- t.,
tltcs r'tthih
Oalcr ol stntdt irstulldlion
l) ,tontht dnd
thc r0ldirint< 1l within I'\ trtrttht
\lkt t30
*tll b!
Schedale ol Requirenents, Chapler-3.Technicol speciJicalion' Annexure-2'
Heading-2. Sufley Slsten, Sub-Ileotlitrg-2.1 Rivet Morpholog! Skrve! Slstem' Item-(b-i)
(Page-105) shull rcad as:
(tr) Secliotr
Total Stition:
Supply Total station with standard accessorics having thc lbllor'ving specilications:
lvlagnifi cationrResolving power
l0x / 2.5"1o3"
Field ofvicu'angle
I l0'
Angulat lncasLrrement accuracy
Distance ncasurenent Rclleclor less
l2m to 500 m
1.5 to 1000 ln
(i+2 ppm x D)
up to
200 m
measurcnent accurac) \\ ith prism
Dusl aDd water prolcctlon
po\\{jr suppL\
*ith lo ho"; l
bacK up llme
Standard accessorics
P.ir-, Sr"q4jlpod
, l
(v) Section WI: Schedute of Requirements, Chapler 3,Technicol speciJication' Annexure-2,
Hearling-2. Sulr)ey Sptem, Suh-Heading-2,t Rirer Morphologl SurwJt S.vstem, Item4b'
ii) Specirtcafi.rn Ior Digitnl Auto Lewl Ettuip ent untl ,lccessories (Page-l05) shall rcad
Specifications fo r Auto Level Equitrpment
it 1**"1'*
r-r.L""r* lrq
2 lclcscope MaBnihcation
Telcscopc objective apertur(
+ Tn".or"lne po\!er
5 licl,l 'tl Vic"
2 specd
l'eep sight'/Cun sighl
A!(urae) lbr
n frrt"i"*,,,, ri..i"
i ' io","i"e t".tb
ith \\ irhL,Lrt
doublc rtlll
2.0 mm or less
r.'t'',g r..ut"."
0.-t - (l.5 '
Working range
(lircular level sensiti!
Water resistancc
Seclion VII: Schedule of Requirements, Chupler 3.Technical specilication, Annexure-2,
Heruting-2. Surre! Slstem, Sub-Heading-2,1 Riwt Morphologl Sarve)' Slsteu, Itemlbiii): "Real Time Kinemnlic GPS" in specilicotion tuble ilem no' 16 and I7 hds bee odded
Md ite m- 1 0 (Page- I 06) s hal I reud .ts :
a/ the
Keypod Tlpe
(rii) Seclio
n'rttt,t htRttLt
ertoru! rl(lk)
VII: Scherlule of Re.luircme
ls, Chapter 3.Technical specilicotion, Ahfiexwe-2,
Hearting-2. Survey $ye14v1, Sub-Heading-2.1 Rirer Morphologl Surve! S))stem, Itent-(bit'): "Differcntial GPS" in speciJication tahle item no.I,3&11 (Page-107'108)shall reatl
ipdd t.
ei RcL arditlg ht tc rwt I
l0Hz ar hiEhct'
Sectio VII: Schedute of Requitements, Chupter 3.Technic.tl specifcutiott, Annex reWadi g: llading Rod (Page-93)shall teodas:
=2, Headhg-2.
'Totul length2mir1 0 5 n seclianr gtatlLktlions in cn <:leatly visible di/l'erent mukings ull
gdinless sleel '
untl l\ctn I igt'es inLlicuting tha.lixing le':cl cverr'lOcm Fulb
(ix) Section VII: Sche.lule oJ Reilluircments, Cltupler 3.Technicul specirtcdion, An exurc-2,
Hedding-|. Intrc.luctiott, Sub-Heoding-|.2 Woter Lewl Monilo ng Syslem,lirst tenlcnce
of paru(i)(P ge-95) sltall read as:
''!hc lit'st one rill it1ld\'u identicLll tquipmcn! (Rddur \fl1ler let'el sen;or (Lt/l') dLLtLt bggr'
xtlur panel chut ging rclululot Ml ctttrntuniculion nodLle) \hctt lh(' W I rcntor ir nounltLl
rn cxisting briclgcs or u lilerelltl hortaonkl htam:; und Yhere lhc duld htgget. salar puneL
ltotcr regttlctlnr. mmunicLtlion moclule trill be hrtLtsctl tts indicatcd in relevnl l)ra"ting
(|'dgc no I li) on the bonk or shore neo lhe oniloring tile
Sehedule oJ Requiremefils, Chapter 3.Te(h ical specilicalion, Annexure-2,
Headillg-2. Sarve) S)rstem, Sub-Heutling-2.1 River Motphology Sa/Ney Slslefi4h'vi)'
Differc liat GPS-"II'uLling Iloo!.\" (PLLgc-I08) h6 heen dclctcd
VII: Schedule oJ Requireme ls, Choptet 3.Tethhical specirtcntion, Annexurc-2,
Ileatting-2- Sun'ef Slstem, Sub-Hentlittg-2.1 River Morpholog! Surwj Slslemn.
Bothvtettic (llylrogruphic) Survey Echo Sounder ilem no.2,5,6(Page-104)shall rcad us:
U*lr i,
llirt", ,t,-tinil,,t hd.e
axtonal lrintcr\
l'.'i nl d?trh |ulu(
Section VII: Schedule oJ Requircmefils, Chaptet l.List oJ Goods and Deliwrl Schedule' I'ine
Item no.l, un.ler SubJine ilem 1.3 | (( omflate sortn.ling as ryeti/ieJ uh"t'.1in 2"'t
column of rov 2,3,4 (Page-67)shqll read as:
Item o.
DesL ptittn t,f Gools
Cllhlc I'tngth 15tt1! 3nl
Cable L'
Requiremenrs, Chaptar 3,Tech ical lpeciJicutiofi, Annexure-2,
Detaited Technicit specilicitiotts, Heading'2' surrcy s)'stem' sab-Heoding-2'l Rivet
Morphology Surve.y Systen (b)-ir: "Differentinl GPS" item-3 oJ Specirtcaion "UPdntc
Rate/Recorling I nlctval " (Puge- | 07)s hal I rcad a s :
(-\iii) Sedion VII: Schei le of
l0 H: or higher
VII: Schelule of
Requircments, Chupler 3.Techttic.tl speciJicdtion, Annexure-2
Detuilerl Technical Specification, Heuling-[. Intrt(l cti.rrt, Sub-Heading-1,2 ly ler lerel
Monitoring Ststem-(l) Datn Logger Speci\icution ite no. 4-Ittput/Output (Page-101) pdro-'1
R.\2J) ot hlttrt
Allo ndd 4l lhe enl ns an odditional item-
L:SB l)ot
t A ulst) Ltc.apluble
Section IX: Specful Contlition of Conttqct GCC 26,1 Inspection und Tesls, parc-4: " "The
stalioht thnll be established ..,..,..,1o tlle follotring schedule" (Page-145)lhe lwo senlences
shill rca.l as:
''- A minimunt ol additionti 'l hirt! 130) slLtlions b.y l2 nnnlhs ulier signing of contrucl.
A minimun ol Lddilionul forl).- J0) stalions b!- l8 monlh.t ulter si!:ning (t conlr.tcl
Section VII: Schetlale of Requircments, Chipter 3.Techttical speciJicdtion, Annexure-2,
Ilearling-|. I tro.luctiotr, Sub-Headihg-1.2 Hr'atur LeNel Monitoring SJ,stem, (e)Radar Wdler
Level Mefisurcment together witlt Velocity (/Dischorye) Sensor, s.no.3 Lewl Measwement'
xvi i) (Puge-99 )s h ull read as :
Desc ptiuI & Sp?cifications
S. A/,.
/t eq
GIIz or
si ihr ta tlchie|e nutu.l pcrlor|lonce
(xt)ii) Sectfuh VII: Schedule of Retluirements, Chaptet 3.'l'echnical specirtcdion, Annutwe-2
Detailed Technicul SpeciJicntion, Heading-|. Inttuduclion, Suh'Hea ing-1.2 Waler lerel
llonitoring Slstem-A Dah Logger Specilicarion item no, 2- Dqla Logger in poru 6 (Ptge1qo)shull rcai as:
' iion-nllitila l lush memorf olut le.tr! 8 i\lJl
dnLl expenduble
a minrmum o/
("triii) Seclion VII Sclrc.lule oJ Requircments, Chapter 2,l,ist of Relatetl Services orul Corrtplelion
Schetlule, Line Ilem no.6, Maifitenance and Technical Serrices-idtlilion of following
porugruph (Page-72)shall rcad as:
All .ttdt it)n\ undet the iVainlanance und Technicul Scrvices Tatk need lo be fun(lioning ProparLt
all tfu tink In the cdse thttt ckrLntine it in excc\\ ol l5 da,vt lir 5 occas ionr .fir' Inyl all silc: or
mt)t1, lhun 2 oLLusiols ul ury gi\,en sile lhc sulplitr thLll fu /leLlu(leLl in lhe Pqmcnl d \PR
tltttt ltLt
L J|1
Date: February 09, 201 6
Building Resilience to Climate Related Hazards Project
Technical Requipment of Hydrological Network and Special Equipment for Hydrological Stations (5upply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning)
{Contract lD No: PPCR/DHM/G/lCB-25)
Clarification -1
We received the following Clarifi€ation request throuth pre-bid meeting, official letter and email from the Consultint Firms. Our response is as
Reterence to the Bid Document
Section Il Bid Data Sheet (BDS) c.
Preparatiod o{ Bids, ITB 17.2(al,
"Manufacturef s authorization is:..
(Pase 33)
Description of Queries
DHM /BRCH Clarification
Monulocturer's Authorizotion is requied Jar nine Hydroloqicol Please refer to Section ll BDS: ITB 17.2(a), p33 and
lnstruments but it doesn't mention the Surveying lnstruments. Section lX Special Conditions of contracti
GCC 14.1, Supplieas Responsibility (Page141)
Does it meon thot the surveying instruments do not tequire
the monufocturer's outhorizotion? lf sa, there won't be ony
guorontee thot the bidder or its representotive in Nepol ts
copoble of providinq ofter soles service for the offered
instruments. We suggest thot o clouse be odded stottnq the
guoronteed ovoilobility of sporc ports ond olter-soles service
in NepolJor all the instruments to be prcvided by the bidder
of its representottve even ofter the expiry of the stoted
In Section Vll Schedule
will the order of instollotion for the 66 sites (34 sites within
72 months ond the remoininq 36 within 18 months) be
Requirements; 2. List of Related
Services and Completion Schedule, to decided by DHM or with bidder's mutuol cansent during the
controct signinq?
Items 6, para-1: Maintenance and
technical...services" in Quantity
Columa' 66 stations" (PaBe-72)
when will the worronty ond 2 yeors af mointenonce ctnd
servrce period stort? Will it be oftet the instollotion ot oll 66
sites or olter individuol instollotions?
Reler Addendum-1{iii)
lrrespective of statements mentioned otherwlse else
where in bid document, DHM hereby clarifies its
requirements under this proposed Contract, "The
bidder's responslbillties also include 4 radar WL and
veloclty stations listed on Page 84 together with the 66
statlons listed on Pages 80-83, to add up to'70'as no of
Please refer to Gcc 28.3, (Page-146)
Warranty for each ndlvidual statlon slarts lollowing
successful operatlonal (acreptance) test,referred in
IGCC 1.1(v), Paee-140)
installotian sites ore in very remote plotes,
haw mony months in o yeor is there o time wtndow lor
tronspart, construction ond instollotion to thase stes?
Since some ol the
Section Vll Schedul€ of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexur€-2, Heading 1. Introdudion,
Sub-Heading-1.2 Water Level
Monitoring System, ltem (8 1):
Transmission" (PaBe-102)
Cammunicotton /Doto Tronsmrssian stotes thot
two separote modems be supplied Jor erJch site. The stoted
goolcan be ochieved equolly well by o double SIM cord
modems. Con the Doto Logger be suppled with o single Duol
SIM madem? Furthermare, at severol sites, stoted in poge 80
to 84, only one cellulor network is ovotloble. Da we neecl to
supply twa modems or Duol SIM mademslorthese sites?
Bidder to assess: Statlons locations are llsted.B dders
have to manage transport, construction and installation
within 18 months pef od
The requirement for two separate modems and SIM
cards results from unc€rtainty over which mobiie siSnals
w I b" avd'ldbl" dt l!F /0 \ lp\ al dn! ona liTe
Dual SIM modems are acceptable.
to assure adequate transmission, oLrt of 90
modems to be supp led (sum of ltems 4+5a+5b, (Page-
How is the signol strength ot ollthe instollation sites? Con we
be ossured thot eoch site hos o cellulor signol? Otherwtse, we
In order
would need o rodio modem usnq GSM/GPRS bridge
6a), bidders should include radlo modem in 20 of these.
Hov\1wide ore the rivers ot the bridges on which the Rodor
Maxlmum cable length between sensor and daia logger
ran8es trom 100m to 400m
wotet Level Meosurement sensar ond velocity Gauqe ore to
he mounted ond what is the estimoted moximum distonce is
needed ta cover the moin river channel to ollow o chonge in
position for the instrument if nercssory for rover chonnel
1. How mony of the 57 Rodar woter LevelSensors ore to be
1. 18 Radar sensors are to be bridge mounted.
mounted an bridge ond haw mony are river side mounted?
2- Also, whot is the estimoted overoge distonce fram the
rivet/bridge ta the plonned locotian aJ the Jenced DCP
2. Ranges
3. Will DHM ocquire the lond rights for the enclosutes?
3. DHM wlll be responsib e for acquiring land rights
Whot ore the estimoted moximum stoge/evelchonqes ot the
sites with river side mounted Rodor woter LevelSensors?
From 5 to 15m
Whot is the estimoted overoge distonce from the bubbler
terminotian to DCP enclasurel
From 15 to 100m
Wtll we oble ta mount the StoJl GoWes on bridqe piers
sjtes da
lrom 100m to 4O0m
Yes DHM wiilfacilitate with the agency concerned.
Section Vll Schedule ol Requirements,
Chapter 3.Te€hnical specilication,
Refer Addendum-1(iv)
Does the Resalvinq Power need ta be exoctly 2 5"? Most oJ
the totol stotians in the morket hove a resalvinq power ol 3"System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
2. The occurote ronge oJ mast ol the totdl stotions ts obaut
Morphology Survey System, ltem-(b-ii) 2m to 3000m. Con the spe.ificotions be chonged o.cotdtngly?
"Specifiction for
3. tP56 is enorgh lor tatol stattons os hundreds af such
Digital........accessories" (Page 105):
systems ore operating wotldwide successfully in vorious
Annexure-2, Heading 2. Survey
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, HeadinB-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
1. There ore vorious models from monulocturers with
different telescope length. Con the speciJicotians be chonged
ta occommodote models wnh rclescope length from 1.85mm
Morphology Survey System, ltemlb-ii) to 220 mm? There will be no chonge in perlarmonce or
Specification for Digital Auto Level
or, utot v Mth dtfJel"n\p n tptp\t opp |p4qtl..
Equipment and Accessories(Page-105) 2. Con the specilicotians be chonqed to occommodate models
with abjective opetture from 30nn to 42mm?
3. Con the specificotions be chonqed to accommodote models
with minimum focus distonrc ofA.75 mm? Meosurements of
the stoted distonce af 0.2 mm ore not generally token.
4. 1P 56 or woter prooJ and dust-prooJ is usuolly enough Jar
outomott level uses
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Te€hnical specilication,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System. Sub Heading-2.1 River
Refer Addendum-1lv)-ii
Real Time Kinemotic GPS
7. Whot is the Output Power of the externol rodia? 35W is
generolly used for Eose aperattan.
Refer Addendum-l(vi)
2. ls the Doto Collector requied to hove Hord QWERTY keys or
Morphology Survey System, ltem-(b- is collector with tauch screen enaugh? We recommend Hord
iii): "RealTime Kinematic GPS" (PaBe- QWERTY keys so thot the funttioning is not hompercd in
taugh ond wet conditians ond the user can hove the optian al
workinq without touch screen.
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System, ltem-(biv): "Difierential GPS" (Page-107)
Section lX Special Condition of
Contrad GCC 26.1 Inspedion and
Tests, para-4: " "The statlons shall be
establlshed......-..Afterarrlval in
purchasef s premises' (Page-145)
Schedule ot Requirements,
chepter 1.List o{ Goods and Delivery
schedule, Line ltem no.5(a),: 'Radar
Sensors lnc uding, data logger,
telemetry, solar all complete" (Page-
Dilrerentidl GPs
1. Beacon is qenerolly used in caostal oreos so tt is redundont
in the context oJ Nepal.
2. Only rovers ore equjpped with beacons so the specificotians
for base ond raver should hove been difJercnt.
Refer Addendum-1(vii)
1. "The statlons sha I b€ established in operation according
1. Please see Query no.2
the following schedule:
- A mlnimum of Thlrty (30) stations by 12 rnonths after signlng 2. Stations shall be established lnto operation in 12 and
18 months after signlng of rontract and not after a rrlval
of contract.
A mlnimum of additionalThirty Six (36) stations by 18
ot Purchaser's premises.
months after slgning of contract.
2. After arriva in the PLrrchaser's premises."
This statement is a bit ambiguous. ls it 12 and 18 months aiter
signing the contract or 12 and 18 months after arrival in the
Purchaser's premlses whlch would be 18 and 24 months after
signing the contract as 6 months s given for delivery?
76 rodor sensor ls including doto lagger, telemetry, salor
complete": in the tender dacuments on poge 80 onnex one it
is mentioned thot 66 statians will he equipped plus 4 stotions
with velocity ond discharge. ln totol that would be 70. Which
quontity is cotrect? How is distribution?
Sedion Vll Schedule oI Requirements, Poqe 7A numbet 9. "doto collection software for the receptian
Chapter 1.List ofGoods and Delivery
af dato from oll stotrcns instolled under this cantract" thts
item is missing on 7.1 list af equipment rcquied?
Schedule, Line ltem no.9,: "Data
Colle.tion software..-... installed Lrnde r
this contract' (Page 70)
Sectjon Vl! Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 1.tist of 6oods and Delivery
Schedule, tine ltem no.10: "Spare
partsthat.........as mentioned above"
Re{er Addendum-1(iii)
Eidder wlll be responsible for installing and
commlssioning equiprnent at al 70 stations llsted in
Annexure 1, Page-8o, which includes 4 statlons havinB
radar WL and velocity system.
All remainlng equipment from sum of items 4+5a+5b on
Page-68 are to be dellvered as per specification to DHM.
Data collection
software stands
Please refer to Annexure-2 Detailed Technlcal
speclt catlon.
It is also to clariry that one data reception software
license s required for use at DHM HQ see Page-lo2
"spare parts that requlre frequent replacement by the user
Spare parts requlred are specitied on Section
VllSchedule of Requirements, Annexture 2 Detailed
for current meters and other equipment as mentioned
above": this tem s missingon 1.1 listof equipment required. Technlcal Specifications (b) Current meter, Speclfication
items (7a) Spare parts 1. bucket wheeltype and (7b)
spare parts 2 for lmpellor Type (Page-g4)
. | ,/
Page 72 nLrmber 5 list of related serv ces and completion
schedul€: how many stations have to be equipped?
Refer to Addendum no.1(iii)
Section Vll Schedule oI Requirements,
1. Page 93, number two, wadlng: accordlng to the delinitions
r. Refer Addendum-l(viii)
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, HeadinB-2. Wading,
Wading: Wading Rod and Electrical
we understand, that allcurrent meter have to be equipped
wlth a 3 m long wading Rod. lndependent whether it ls for
large or small current meter.
2. Do alllarge and smallcurrent meters require a 5m cable as
2 Allcurrent meters require
Section Vll Schedule ol Requirements
chapter 2.|-ist of Related services and
Completion Schedule, Line ltem no.5,
"As ln 4 above for radar
velocity . equipment to the brldge
Cable (Page-g3)
a 5m cable
Sedion Vll Schedule o{ Requirements. 3. Page 96, radar water level sensor: since on page 99 the
water leve sensor for velocity/discharge systems allows a
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heeding-1. Introdudion, radar frequency of 26 GHz, can t be assumed, that for all
other water level radar sensors a 26 GHz radio frequency is
5ub-Heading-1.2 Water Level
Monitoring System, (b)Radar Water
Level Sensor, s.no.1 Radar Sensor and
{e) Radar water Level Measurement
Reler Addendum-1(xvi)
also acceptable?
Sedion VII Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical speci{icetion.
Annexure-2, Heading-1. Introduction,
fulfill the indlvldualstation
the power concept be optlmized based on real
requirements of lndivldual the statlons?
Yes, as mentloned '... .must
Instrument housing and enclosures.(Page 104)
ReIer Addendum-1(ix)
Brick built house as mentioned in Page 95 ls not
required. Please follow the drawing for enclosure.
power demand.''
Sub-Heading-1.2 Water Level
Monitoring System, (i) "Power
Concept: Solar Panel and associated
accessories", (j) "Solar Charge
controller" and (k) "lnstrument
housing and enclosures" (Page-103,
Section Vll Schedule ot Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading 2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Wadlng boots/waterproof neoprene ch€st, this s the same
item but mentloned double
Refer Addendum-1{x)
Wading boots are not required.
Morphology Survey Systeml bvi),Difierentia I GPS "Wading Boots'
Section Vll Schedule oI Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, HeadinS-2. survey
Requirem€nt is 40 sets of neoprene chest waders with
sizes speclfled in 1.(iv) on p66
ls it correct, that the 20 lifejackets
ior the boats comes
Yes; Requirement ls 75 life jackets lncluding 20 for boats
additionally to the 55 lifejackets mentioned on page 108?
System, Sub-HeadinS-2.2
Specification Ior Survey Boats-2 (b) "
Boat Outflts(for both boat
Section Vll schedule of Requirements, Sediment sampler set, wading type: is it correct, that the five
wadlng Rods will come additionally the 55 mentioned on page
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure 2, Heading-3. Sediment
Sampler Set, Wading type under
Required specificarion(Page-112)
section Vll schedule of Requirements, Must boat h!ll material be reintorced neoprenel
chapter 3.Technical specification.
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-HeadinS-2.2
Yes; Sediment samplers shou d have separate wading
In case materlal is other than reinforced neoprene,
quality of the material used must be equivalent to, or
better than neoprene and suitable for Nepal conditions.
However, Reinforced PVC is not acceptable
Specification for Survey Boats,
5p€c f cat ons stand.
Bidder queried specifled welghts and carrying cdpacltles lor
Specificationltem-1(a) "small
ln{latable Boat",ltem-1(b) "Large
Inflatable Boat " (Page-l10)
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements, under Page lO4, please clarify db you need single frequency or Reter Addendum-1{xi)
dua Frequency Fcho Sounder? You have asked for built_in
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Prlnter for Echo'Sounder but Separate printer is common and
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
Jse l erdly P'Pdse d neno d\ bt,ll In prinlar o 5aod ale
System, Sub-HeadinB-2.1 River
Morphology survey system-a.
t€ho Sounder(Page-1M)
Section Vll Schedule oI Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Heading-Background, Sub-Heading-1.1
List oI Equipment Required(Table'1)
item-5 "RealTime Discharge....." {Page
water leve and surtace velocity sensor is it No, a single unit sensing both elements is required.
acceptable to use two sensors?
For the Combined
1. Refer to BDS, Sect il, ITB 17.21a) for list of equipment
1. ls a Manufacturer's Authorization requlred?
2. Whether Type Certificate and CE Declaration required
data logger?
Sedion Vll Schedule o{ Requirements, Wlndows software ls specified. Would it be acceptable to
offe r Linux software?
Chapter 3.Technical specilication,
specification, Heading-1. Introduction,
Sub-Heading-1.2 water level
Monitoring System-({) Data togger
Specification item no. 5-Software
requiring Manuiacturer's Authorization.
2. CE Declaration not required
No, the user interface software for setting up loggers
and downloading data must operate under Windows.
requirement on Page 77 is for 5 and 10 tons but Requirement is for two cable pullers; one of 5/6 tons
and one of 10 tons capacity.
on Page 108 ls lor 6 and 10 tonsChapter 3.Technical specilication,
chain puller is not acceptable
Heading-aackground, sub-Heading-1.1 ls the requirement for a chain puller?
List of Equipment Required(Table-1)
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
item-3 "Cable Puller" (Page-77)
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Te.hnical specifi cation,
Annexure-2, Heading-1. lntrodudion,
Sub-Heeding-l.2 water Level
Monitoring System, (a)Staff Gauge for
Manual Water Level Measurement,
Specification item no.8i(Page-96)
section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
chapter l.List of Goods and Delivery
Schedule, l-ine ltem no.1, Sub-line
item 1.3 v: "Complete sounding.......as
specified abive" (Page-671
ForStaffcauges,EPatternlsmentioned lsotherPattern/Stylepos
slble?lsnumericalreading onstaff'gaLrgesrequired?
pattern type is not mandatory however remalnder of
\pp',l'r olron (land\. \u nbe \ d e equred
Sounding reel with digital indicator. SoLrnding reel normally
A numerical indicator is required: Dial type or electronic
come with dial indicator by default. Please clarify, digital
indicator ls requlred for each soundlng feel or dial lndicator is
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements, Request to amend length of sounding reel as 21 25m for 25m Refer Addendum-1(xii)
Chapter l.List ot Goods and Delivery
length,41 -45m for 45m length and 61 65m for 65m length.
S€hedule, tine ltem no.1, Sub-line
item 1.3 v: Comp ete sound n9.......as
speclfied above" {Page 67)
Sect Vll, ltem 4, p113
Schedule of Requirements,
chapter 3.Technical specification.
Annexure-2, Heading-4. Maintenance
Task: "The maintenanae task
Four troined hydrologX/electronic technicians tn two teoms
ond One CommunicotionEngineer ore required for
mointenonce ond techniaol services dDring worronty period.
required as stated ln opening sentence of Section Vll
Item 4: trained staff are required.
DHM may demand replacement of technlclans at any
time. see Sect Vll: Schedule of Requlrements,
And olsa ofter oword oJ cantroct, MonuJocturer/ Bidder
shauld hondle site installotian, site preporotion, site survey,
controct monogement, procedure lar onsite maintenonce,
periadtt reports on site ond similor octivities.
Does the bidder need ta demanstrote thot they are copable
far obave mentioned points? Whot kinds af supporting
dacument are required ta submit Jrom the side of bidder?
During Mointenonce ond technlcolservrces, !1o you need
qoolificotions, experience? lnfrastructure like vehicles of lacol
that Differentlal
nrrg/qudIl dl on\ fo \tdsof{Frpd
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heeding-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-iv:
"Differential GPS" item-l of
specification "Receiver Type"lPage-
should be changed to lnclude L2 and GLONASS recelver with
During implementation of this service suppJ er must
provide transport for the maintenance staff - see Sect
vll: Schedule ot Requirements, Annexture-2:Detailed
Technical Specitications; Heading 4. Maintenence Task,
no- 15
separale anrenna.
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements, Spe, {.hould bF n.
Chapter 3.Te€hnical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, 5ub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey system (b)-iv:
" Differential GP5" item-3 ot
specitication "update Rate/Recording
Lo11 l0Hz to 20H7
Annexture-2:Deiailpd Te.hni.al Sbe.ifi.arions: H.:dinE
4. Maintenance Task Para-(11), Page-114.
receiver spec 1, Receiver Type Refer to clariflcatlon
Section Vll Schedule ol Requirements,
Refer Addendum-1(xiii)
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
chapter 3.Technicai specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub'Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-iii:
"RealTime Kinematic GPS" GPS" item6 of Specification "Static
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
RTK Accuracy
should be: 8 mm + | ppm x D
(ho ri2onta l)15 mm+lppmx D (vertical)
StatcAccuracy:3mm + 0 1 ppm x D (horizontal)
3.5 mm+0.4 ppm x D(vertical)
Speclficatlon stands.
should be: Multi Frequency
GNSS(BaselRover interchangeable)with separate antenna
andreceiver capable of tracking GPSLl,L2andL5,
Specificatlon stands.
RTK Receiver Spec
GLONASSLl,L2,EeiDou Bl, 82 and GALILEO E5a,E5b andAltBOC.
Morphology Survey System (b)-iii:
"RealTime Kinematic GPS" GPS" itemSedion Vll Schedule ot Requirements, Suggested:
Chapter 3.Technical specifi cation,
1 Word 'lntegrated' be removed to allow external devices
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
2. External radio of 35W required
System, Sub-HeadinB-2.1 River
Morphology Survev System (b)-iii:
"RealTime Kinematic 6PS" GPS" item9 &10 ot Specitication "Po.t" and
"Radios and GSM"{Pase-1O71
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-iii:
"RealTime Kinemati( GPS" item-2 of
Specification "Positioning Modes"
Suggested: Minimum number of channels be changed to 120
l.Refer Addendum-1(vi)
Word'lntegrated' has been Temoved.
2. Please see Query no. 14
Reter Addendum-1(vii)
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Suggested freld of view be changed trom '1020' or higher'
Specificatlon stands
Annexure 2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-ii:
"specification for Digital...." item-2 o{
Specification "positioning Modes"
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Suggest change
to Minimum focus
Please see Query no.13
chapter 3.Techni.al specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-ii:
"Specifi€ation for Digital...." item-2 ot
Specilication "PositioninB Modes"
Section Vll Schedule o{ Requirements, Suggested change to Accuracy
Chapter 3.Technical specifi cation,
Annexure-2, HeadinB-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey system (b)-ii:
"Specilication Ior Digital...." item-g ot
Speci{ication " Accuracy for 1 KM....."
Specificatlon stands.
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Suggested Water resistance be reduced to lP53
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-ii:
"specification for DiBital...." item-13
of Sp€cifi cation "Water resistence1D66"(Pase-106)
Please see Query no.13
Section Vll Schedule oI Requirements,
Suggested Magnification/reso vlng power be lncreased from
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
2.5" Io
Please see Query no.12
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)-i:
"Total Stations" item-1 o{ Specification
"Magnification/Resolving Powersection Vll Schedule of Requirements, Suggested Angular meas!rement accuracy be reduced lrom
1" to 01"
Chapter 3.Technical speci{ication.
Annexure-2, Heading-2. Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology SLrrvey System (b)-i:
Specificatlon stands.
"Total Stations" item-3 of Specification
"Angular measurement accuracy-1"
Sedion Vll Schedule ot Requirements, Questlon on distance measurement and accuracy
chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2, Heading-2, surveV
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Please see Query no.12
Morphology Survey System {b)-i:
"Total Stations" item-4&5 of
Specification "Dlstance
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Reouested that Dust and Water protection be reduced to lP55 Please see Query
Annexure-2, HeadinS-2, Survey
System, Sub-Heading-2.1 River
Morphology Survey System (b)'i:
"Total Stations" item-7 o{ Speci{ication
"Dlstance Measurement...accuracy
Section Vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2 Detailed Technical
specification, Heading-1. Introduction,
Sub-Heading-1.2 water level
Mon;toring System-(f) Data Lo88er
Specification item no.2 Data Logger
tPaee 100)
Current specificatlon calls for: "Non volatile Flash memory of
at least 4MB and expandable to a minimum ol8GB"
Reler Addendum-1(xvii)
Section vtl Schedule of Requjrements,
Request that specificat on of "Up to 5 digital channels" be
Specificatlon stands.
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
Annexure-2 Detailed Technical
Specification, Heading-1. Introduction,
Sub-Heading 1.2 Water level
MonitorjnB System-({) Data Logger
Specitication item no. 4 Input/Output
Schedule oI Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical speci{ication,
Annexure-2 Detailed Technical
Requested that:
1. Inbuilt
port and
specifi€ation, Heading-1. Introduction, 2. Inbuilt USB port be rela)(ed to al ow external ports
Sub-Heading-1.2 water level
Monitoring System-(f) Data Lo88er
Specification item no. 4-lnput/Outpur
1. Refer Addendum-1(xiv)
2. Refer
Sedion Vll Schedule of Requirements, Page 68 number flve a: the total number of "76 radar sensor Please see Query no.17
ls including data logger, telemetry, solar or complete": ln the
chapter 1.List of Goods and DeliverV
tender documents on page 80 annex one lt is mentioned that
Schedule, Line ltem
66 stations wl I be equipped plus 4 stations with veloclty and
Sensors includlng, data logger,
discharge. In total that woLrld be 70. Whlch quantity is
telemetry, solar all complete lPagecorrect? How ls distribution?
Section Vll Schedule o{ Requirements, Page 72 number 5 llst oi related seruices and completion
Chapter 2.List oI Related Services and (.l.adule how mdn! (lar'on\ hdvP to b..qr ppFd?
Completion Schedule, Line ltem no.5,:
'As in 4 above for radar
velocjty..........equipmentto the bridge'
Please see Query no.2
Please see Query no.2 and 17
Page 75," objective ls of the supply of
goods/equipment/technologies/services, f irst sentence: "this
procurement is for supply of a large package of hydrologlcal
equlpment for 70 Rlver measuring statlons distributed across
Nepal plus 20 sets of spares." How many stations will it be all
vices, (Page-75)
ln a ll?
vll Schedule of Requirements,
Chapter 3.Technical speci{ication,
Heading'1 Eackground, objective ot
th€ supply
Section Vll Schedule ot Requirements, Page 93, number two, wading: according to the definlt ons we All Cuflent meters requrre wading rods.
Chapter 3.Technical specification,
understand, that allcurrent meter have to be equipped with a
Annexure-2. Heading-2. Wading,
3 m long wading Rod. Independent whether it ls for Iarge or
Wading; WadinB Rod and Electrical
cable (Pase-93)
small current meter. Please conflrm.