Overview • Concepts review • Practice problems – solutions posted • Lab 7 preview Second Order Circuits III o Step response of a series RLC circuit • HW 6 circuit behavior graphing review EGR 220, Chapter 8 March 24, 2016 2 RLC Concept Review RLC Concept Review • In a series RLC circuit, setting R = 0 will produce • What are the differences between: o Series RLC circuit o Parallel RLC circuit o General RLC circuit a) b) c) d) e) • What is meant by o The behavior of a circuit o The response of a circuit an overdamped response a critically damped response an underdamped response an undamped response none of the above • What happens in a parallel RLC circuit with a very small R? 3 4 1 RLC Concept Review RLC Concept Review • The response of the circuit will be a) b) c) d) • If vL(0) = 5V, what do we know about dvL/dt? overdamped underdamped critically damped none of the above a) b) c) d) dvL/dt = 5 V/s nothing dvL/dt = 0 V/s none of the above • Think of the notation dvL (t) dt t=0 5 6 Terminology Summary RLC Concept Discussion Discuss with your neighbors: • Know how to find: • What are the main concepts for dynamic circuits? • What behavior is expected from a dynamic circuit? o Characteristic equation o Natural frequencies o Resonant frequency o 1st order vs. 2nd order, vs higher order o Sketch the behavior options o Damping factor • Identify role, or impact, of each parameter in the sol’n expression on each graph o Damping frequency, ωd, for underdamped systems o τ, α, ω0, ωd, initial & final state (or condition) 7 8 2 2nd Order Circuit Review Example 1: RLC Circuit • Dynamic circuits are either in • What are the 3 versions of this circuit we analyze? o Steady-state, or… o Transition from one steady-state to the next o Draw each circuit o Identify how/why each is used • Our steady–states o o o • Transient behavior (in ‘transition’) o o o 9 Example 1: RLC Circuit 10 Example 1: RLC Circuit • Find v(t) for t > 0 • Initial conditions o vc(0+) = 10V o iL(0+) = 2A o dvc(0+)/dt = -1/2 A/s • Also need: o α = 5/2 o ωo = ½ • Find v(t) for t > 0 • Initial Conditions? • Type of damping? o V∞ = _____? • Our natural response is therefore… Overdamped, because α > ωo (from these we can find the roots, s1 and s2) • This means the expression we want is of the form v(t) = V∞ + A1e s1t + A2 e s2t • So we need to find (V∞ and) the coefficients, A1 and A2 11 12 3 Example 1: RLC Circuit Solution – Graphing v(t), i(t) • Find v(t) for t > 0 1) Find the initial conditions (the first or initial steady-state) and mark this on the graph. 2) Find the final conditions (the 2nd steadystate) and mark this on the graph. 3) Determine the form of the transition, i.e., the type of damping. 4) Sketch the manner in which the voltage and current make the transition from the initial to the final conditions. 13 Lab 7 Circuit (preview) 14 Lab 7 Circuit (preview) o Plan your solution approach R = 2kΩ; L = 47mH; C = 100pF • What is happening in each time period of interest? • What do you know for certain about this circuit? • What might be expressions you want to find? R = 2kΩ L = 47mH C = 100pF 16 17 4 Series RLC – Lab 7 Concepts Lab 7: Series RLC Circuit 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) • Properties Step response Ringing Resonance ω 0 and ω d • Review the end of §8.3, (excluding the examples) • The paragraph beginning with “We conclude this section by noting the following...” o What determines the rate of damping? o Adjusting which values shifts the response between over-, critically- and underdamped? o Elements L & C transfer energy back and forth – leading to ‘ringing’ or ‘oscillations’ o Settling time – overdamped response has the longest settling time! Overshoot Settling time Role of “R” 18 Example 2: RLC Circuit 19 Example 2: RLC Circuit • Find i(t) and v(t) for t > 0 20 21 5 HW6: “Exponential Envelope” HW 6 Circuit Behavior & Graphs 22 23 Homework Problems 24 25 6 Homework Problems -4.68e-37.7t + 64.68e-2.68t V 26 27 Homework Problems 28 29 7 SAMPLE MATLAB CODE – YOU MAY USE ONLY IF YOU MODIFY TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN AND COMMENT THAT YOU STARTED WITH THE CLASS SAMPLE %% HOMEWORK PROBLEM - an underdamped circuit % Construct the x-axis data vector t2 = [0:0.001:0.12]; % Define the constants for this circuit alpha2 = 50; omega2 = 10^6; omegaD2 = sqrt(omega2 - alpha2^2); A21a = 2; A22a = 0.1; A21b = 0; A22b = -400; % Construct the current and voltage waveforms for this circuit i2 = exp(-alpha2 *t2) .* (A21a*cos(omegaD2*t2) + A22a*sin(omegaD2*t2)); v2 = exp(-alpha2 *t2) .* (A21b*cos(omegaD2*t2) + A22b*sin(omegaD2*t2)); 30 31 % Construct the exponential 'envelope' for the shape of the % exponential decay of the oscillatory behavior env21a = A21a * exp(-alpha2*t2); env22a = - A21a * exp(-alpha2*t2); env21b = A22b * exp(-alpha2*t2); env22b = - A22b * exp(-alpha2*t2); % Plot the response of the circuit figure(2) plot (t2, i2, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2) hold on plot (t2, env21a, 'm-', t2, env22a, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 1); xlabel ('time (seconds)','FontSize',14) ylabel ('i(t) (amps)', 'FontSize',14) title (’i(t) RLC Circuit Underdamped Response','FontSize',14) legend ('i(t)', 'Exponential decay envelope', 'Exponential decay envelope') grid ON 32 8