IV/ General Course Outline Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 27 Meeting Format (Module – Meeting #, ie. 1.2) Module One Introducing & Understanding Mentor/Coaching Video Meeting 1.1 Introduction, Course Outline, familiarization with communication and process for course delivery. Online Meeting 1.2 First reading and online tasks: Online Meeting 1.3 First reading and online tasks: Online Meeting 1.4 Getting a practical feel for the text. Online Meeting 1.5 Models of mentoring: Link to own organization, building capacity of leaders Context of Mentoring within the ü Leadership Framework, ü Principal Performance Appraisal. Using Mentoring in the workplace Online Meeting 1.6 Change Process, Affecting change in people positively. Online Meeting 1.7 Teacher/Admin. Performance improvement Implementation plan for practicum and Professional Learning Plan readiness Beginning as a mentor/mentee Select a mentee -­‐ practical -­‐ in the workplace In-­‐class Meeting 1.8 Demonstration coaching. In-­‐class Meeting 1.9 Asking Powerful Questions – link to school improvement plan. Notes Co-­‐Active Coaching p. 15 –28, 3 – 13. Introductory email, expectations, operating principles. Introduction (Icebreaker) a. Outline of Change process in the context of mentoring and principal evaluation b. Theoretical frameworks for mentoring Set Ground rules Learning Lab Environment Co-­‐Active Coaching, Laura Whitworth et al. Read Part two of text. Co-­‐Active Coaching, Laura Whitworth et al. Read Part three of text. Co-­‐Active Coaching, Laura Whitworth et al. Use on line site provided in text. Complete activities described in the Module One Binder, provided on line. See appendix E and examples provided. Developing a Philosophy Zachary, The Mentor’s Guide (Skim) Using mentoring where high levels of trust are in place. Setting up the Practicum, PLP and philosophy requirements Practicum -­‐ Partner selection -­‐ volunteer, mentee choice Teacher/Administrator Performance Improvement Demo Coaching O.P.C. Webcasts (G. Bloom, K.Sharpe & J. Nishimura.) S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Introduce Action Research Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 28 Module Two Mentor / Coach Training In-­‐class Meeting 2.1 Mentor/Coach Training for Educators: Session 1, Units 2 – 6. c. Mentoring -­‐ Ontario context – teach / mini lecture – historical background d. Define Mentor Coaching link to OPC philosophy e. Co-­‐operative learning activity Meet and Greet Gary Bloom video and Slide Show: www.curriculum.org/GaryBloom/home.sltml Zachary, The Mentor’s Guide (Skim) In-­‐class Meeting 2.2 Link MentorCoach Training for Educators to introduction Journey not a destination (philosophy) Change process...system individual. MentorCoach Training for Educators: Session 1, Units 8 – 14 (omit 12). Listening skill practice – Level one listening. Structured coaching conversation Listening – demo -­‐ What you did you hear? How did it feel to be a listener Zachery: Till the Soil concept Co-­‐Active Coaching CD, Whitworth et al. Zachary: Trust/confidentiality www.principals.ca/ MentoringCoaching/SharpeNishimura.aspk Choices: written assignment, reflection, journal, and independent project. Standards of Practice, Ethical Standards, & Leadership Framework. In-­‐class Meeting 2.3 Mentor/Coach Training for Educators: Homework enquiry p.80 Whitworth (review) Speak to local People re Strategic Plan Group presentations of book reporting. Mentor/Coach Training Session 1, Units 15 – 17 (omit 18, 19, 20). Values and curiosity, Listening and Acknowledgement -­‐ Pairs -­‐ Significant Experiences, Values, Foundations of coaching. Questioning from curiosity. In-­‐class Meeting 2.4 Ontario Leadership Framework and Core Competencies David Cooperider: ü Appreciative Inquiry ü The Thin Book of Naming Elephant MentorCoach Training for Educators: Mindset (Learner / Judger) Questioning (Powerful / Impactful) Agenda and awareness -­‐ Demo Peer coaching (Pair Triad coaching). Ontario College of Teachers Professional standards and ethics. S.O./P. Article for discussion Clips on “YouTube” Unit 21: Mindset, Awareness and Demo Coaching. Introduce Action Research. Session 1, Units 22 – 24. In-­‐class Meeting 2.5 MentorCoach Training for Educators: Appreciative Inquiry Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 29 In-­‐class Meeting 2.6 Learning Plan for mentees – case studies School Effectiveness Framework Role of mentor – See package-­‐ Mentor types Strengthening Listening capacities/ dancing in the moment (intuition) Questioning Peer Coaching around Learning Plan (Triads) MentorCoach Training for Educators: Session 1, Units 25, 26 (brief) 27 and 28. Briefly link to remainder of path (choice to action p.47) Set personal intentions (for mentee interaction) Homework meet with Mentee Steps 1, 2, 3, 4. Online Meeting 2.7 Engaging in Courageous Conversations Read/skim, interpret and apply Online Meeting 2.8 Ontario Leadership Strategy Bulletin #2 winter 2010 Online conversation (Part 1) Meeting 2.9 Review methods – practice mentor/coaching Q & A – moving forward with goals Link to practicum -­‐ Celebrate completion of Mentor/coaching Session One Courageous Conversations – based on the work of Susan Scott (Fierce Conversations, Fierce Leadership) – Review session Reflection feedback Tricky and Honest conversations – teach piece Successful Conversations vs Emotional Hijack Improve Self managing Read -­‐ Jigsaw -­‐ difficult conversations practice Link to practicum Module Three Leading with Mentoring (Part 2) Meeting 3.1 School Effectiveness – Sharing Mentoring for Newly Appointed Leaders. Online Meeting 3.2 Professional Learning Plan – review and refine Online Meeting 3 -­‐ 3: Expanding your skills. Refining questions, and possibilities linked to coaching. Practicum progression System/organization School Self Case Studies School Effectiveness School Improvement Alternatives for Adult Learners Web cast: Sharpe and Nishimura – mentoring session Having Hard Conversations, J. Abrams Crucial Conversations, K. Patterson and Fierce Leadership, Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott. Exploring the five Leadership Capacities, Engaging in Crucial Conversations. Walk the Talk Study/review books Having Hard Conversations, J. Abrams Link to Practicum Continue with Mentee at “home” Conclude Module 2 and Segway to Module 3. Link Ethical Standards & Standards of Practice & K-­‐12 Effectiveness Framework to M/C. Next Steps: Review the Practicum set-­‐up and future responsibilities. Refine /develop Plan for meetings/sessions. Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 30 Online Meeting 3.4 The Practicum – mentoring – volunteer selected Meeting 3.5 Philosophy and Action Research will be developed and fully articulated Online Meeting 3.6 Online dialogue: The Practicum continues -­‐ mentoring Online Meeting 3.7 Working with new teachers and utilizing mentor/Coach strategies. In-­‐class Meeting 3.8 Stages of New Leader development Reflection -­‐ Growing as a Mentor Scope of possibilities –NTIP, experienced teachers, students -­‐ Consolidate for school/system/individual (Community of Leaders), & Performance Appraisal. How mentoring can support an organization. Report on how you’re doing? Where are you at? Key questions: what is it that you need help with? Mentoring continuum. Guest speaker – Coaching if time. Module Four Applications Online Meeting 4 -­‐ 1: Case Writing and Facilitation (prep.) In-­‐class Meeting 4.2 (two day session) Review week 26 concepts CASE STUDY FACILITATION: Mentor/Coaching conversations linked to the Review Ethical Standards and Standards of Practice Online dialogue (triad: candidate, partner, instructor). Work through to 3.6 Two Major Assignments– time for work in collaborative groups This session is not intended to occur during one to three weeks. Instead it will be spread out over a period of time, as needed. Leading the Teacher Induction & Mentoring Program, Barry Sweeny. Being and Effective Mentor, Kathleen Feeney Jonson Prepare for interactions with Guest speaker in 3.8 Practicum materials Board Admin Procedures If time, work time can be provided – Practicum assign. #3, Developing Philosophy #2, Action Research #3 plans, other session responsibilities (reflection). Back grounder (preparation) College of Teachers (Ethical Standards and Standards of Practice) Practicum materials Preparation The Sharing Circle Links to student achievement In-­‐class Meeting (continues) 4.3 Case Study Facilitation “My Grandma got …” Write Case Study. Managing the role of Mentor Reflective activity on coaching competencies with respect to Mentor/Coaching relationship Attending to yourself – effective leadership Maintaining and building enough to lead Guests – Energetic leaders Practicum – Action Research – get module from OPC website Self-­‐assessment strategy Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 31 Case facilitation due In-­‐class Meeting (continues) 4.4 Change Leadership StepBack Consulting Practical Guide to Transforming our Schools In-­‐class Meeting (concludes) 4.5 Step Back Consulting (2 and ½ hours) re action research during practicum giving feedback. Preparation/background work Bob Kegan’s work Change Leadership, Tony Wagner, et al. Hand in Philosophy Assignment Culminating project due for review prior to 4 – 8 Practice and collaboration Programming in daily work life and building school board culture. Models of mentoring – analyzing current thought. Online Meeting 4.6 Gap analysis. Opinion comments. Assessing Mentoring Programs -­‐ Putting it all together Online Meeting 4.7 Peer feedback and input Action Research Consolidation Learning Logs, Webcast follow up due Meeting 4.8 Culminating activity, Reflection and Conclusion Reflect upon the experience. Mastery. Sustainability, Hand in outstanding assignments. Completion-­‐ culminating report Power Kernal – Structured Essence of Practicum Report re experience (structured essence) Reflection presentations in triads. (Post course instructions) Course evaluation Mentoring Additional Qualification Program, Ontario Principals’ Council Page | 32