Principal`s Welcome - Blackwood High School

Term 2 | Week 5 | 3 June 2016
Principal’s Welcome
As we pass the mid point of Term 2 the next few
weeks will see SACE Stage 1 students complete their
Semester 1 SACE courses including examinaions.
While Year 8-10 students will complete supervised
assessment tasks, Year 12 students will undertake
their examinaions.
Semester 2 commences on 27 June when Middle
School students and SACE Stage 1 students wi.ll
begin their studies for the remainder of the year. This
means they will receive new imetables indicaing
their subjects and teachers. As the year progresses,
it is important that all students coninue to apply
themselves to their academic studies, maintain a
steady work regime and seek assitance with their
work. The Term 2 reports will be distributed on 7 July
at the end of the school day.
Science and Engineering Challenge
Interested Year 10 students will have the opportunity
to paricipate in the Science and Engineering
Challenge which will take place on 7 July. This will
provide the involved students to work in teams and
problem solve.
Year 8 Camp
A highlight for Year 8 students has been the Year
8 Camp that took place from 30 May to 3 June at
Arbury Park Outdoor School.
Wall Street Journal Staf Interview
Recently, one of our staf, Joy Boath was interviewed
by the Wall Street Journal. She talked about her career
change moving from manufacturing into teaching.
Joy has previously worked as a Mechanical Engineer
and commenced teaching mid-2015 at Blackwood
High School. She is passionate about students
developing her love of science and mathemaics and
has supported students to be involved in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathemaics (STEM)
Student Free Day
On 14 June our second Student Free Day will occur.
The focus of the day will be coninued work with
the Insitute of Educaional Assessment with staf
undertaking the second module looking at the
Purpose and Design of Assessment.
We will be joined with some teaching staf from
Primary Schools in the Mitcham Hills Partnership.
Due to the Student Free Day, students will not return
to school unil Wednesday 15 June as there is the
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday on 13 June.
Dance Stars
Five of our six teams who competed in the State
Preliminary Finals of Dance Stars will coninue to
the State Finals on Sunday 26 June at the Norwood
Town Hall. The students are involved in coninued
rehearsals to improve their performance using
the feedback they have received following the
Preliminary Finals. We wish them all the best at the
State level compeiion.
SRC Update
Our student leaders on the Student Representaive
Council, have been acively supporing local
community organisaions. This year the student body
has elected to support the Flinders Medical Centre
Cancer Research Foundaion. On 17 June, the SRC
will be hosing a Fundraising Movie Night staring at
6:00pm unil 8:30pm in the Senior Learning Centre.
This event is being supported and supervised by
teaching staf. All parents and caregivers will have
received informaion about this opportunity.
NAPLAN Assessments
Year 9 Students undertook the 2016 NAPLAN
assessments from 10 to 12 May, with students who
were absent compleing the assessments following
their return to school unil 13 May. Once the NAPLAN
results for each student have arrived in the school,
we will let parents and caregivers know when they
will be sent home.
St Andrews College Scholarships and Bursaries
Year 12 students can apply for Scholarships and
Bursaries to St Andrew’s College, a residenial
College within the University of Sydney.
ReachOut is an online mental health organisaion for
young people. It provides pracical support to help
them get through everything from everyday issues to
when they are faced with or experience tough imes.
The St Andrew’s Scholars program is a merit-based
scholarship and is awarded to ive new students each
year. The scholarhips are for students who thrive
academically, are engaged in school life and have the
potenial to make a signiicant posiive contribuion
to College and, in the future, the wider community. is a free online service
at htps:// providing
evidence-based pracical support and ips that
encourage efecive communicaion and relaionships
between parents and young people aged 12–18
Applicaions are now open for the 2017 St Andrew’s
Scholars intake and will close on 22 July 2016.
More informaion is available at: standrewscollege.
Principal Tours
9:00am Tuesdays
28 June
2 August
6 September
1 November
To book in for a tour please email blackwood@ or call the school on 8278 0900.
Blackwood High School
Class of 1981 REUNION Party
Saturday 30th July 2016 at a Private
residence in Craigburn Estate
For people who did Year 12 that year OR
coulda, shoulda, woulda....
More informaion and address will be
Check the facebook page Blackwood High
School Class of 1981
New Uniform Shop Contact Details
The online service also provides easy-to-read
informaion on a range of mental health and wellbeing
issues. A key feature of ReachOut Parents is a peerto-peer forum where parents can connect with
each other to share experiences in an anonymous,
supporive space.
The ReachOut Parents service provides parents with
support on a range of issues whenever they need it –
at any ime of the day or night.
ReachOut Parents is designed to:
• help parents to understand what their child is
going through
• ofer possible strategies to help parents support
and have conversaions with their children
• encourage parents to read and share their insights
on the community forum.
Marion Coady, Principal
Blackwood High School raising funds for
Himeji Trip 2016
Order your Entertainment™ Books
Entertainment™ Digital Memberships.
The more Memberships we sell, the more
we raise! Please tell your family and friends
For enquiries, please contact: Sharna GranpreMoliere ph.: 8278 0929, Email:
The new contact
details for the
Blackwood High
School Uniform
Shop are:
Elisa Haynes
0401 913 830
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Blackwood High School High Achievers
• Congratulaions to Alix Bray in Year 8 who will be compeing in the
Naional Classics Basketball Tournament in Melbourne from 8 June to
15 June.
• Congratulaions to Leuwin Andrew in Year 12 who has been shortlisted
for the South Australian School Based Apprenice of the Year.
She Leads High Conference
On Friday 13 May, nine Year 9 students and Ms Buesnel atended the
YWCA Adelaide She Leads Conference High School, which was held in the
Stamford Plaza Hotel, Adelaide. The event was sponsored by the City of
Mitcham. This forum aims to promote leadership in young women, and
give them conidence to ind their voice and place in the world.
The day began with a welcome from the Chief Execuive of YWCA Adelaide,
which was followed by a simulaing speech by Amanda Grocock. She spoke
about her journey to become a leader, from high school to achieving the
posiion of General Manager at Rundle Mall Management Authority. Next,
there was a panel discussion, focusing on women who challenge gendered
stereotypes by pursuing non-tradiional roles within their organisaions.
This allowed us to discover more about their lives and work experiences,
and especially those concerning their gender.
On the panel was Jess Wooley from SA Power Networks, Major Gen Ruger,
who is an Australian army oicer and helicopter pilot, Constable Lauren
Fisher from the Australian Police, and Alexandra Grzywacz, who is a
boilermaker and welder for the Australian Submarine Corporaion.
Aterwards, we broke into groups to listen to diferent speakers who
explained how they pursued their leadership goals, as well as how they
found and use their voices. The highlight of the day was keynote speaker
Khadija Gbla, who passionately discussed a global perspecive of the issues
and struggles that females face, and how she overcame her personal ones.
She inspired us with her conidence and determinaion to help others with
facing similar maters.
The conference was ended by Dr Susan Close MP, who talked about looking
ahead to the future as a young woman and reminded us to, ‘Say yes to
opportunity’. In all, the day was interesing and exciing, and each of us
learned a lot.
Imogen Deller-Evans and Dominique Contreras-Gonzalez, Year 11 Students
Sports News
Year 8/9 Knock Out Football Report
It was a perfect day for Blackwood to host round one of the State Knock Out compeiion against Marryatville
High School. Blackwood started strongly, kicking seven goals two points in the irst quarter to Marryatville’s
one point. The impressive start and accurate kicking put Blackwood in a strong posiion early in the game.
Ater quarter ime the game evened out and was a fairly close encounter. The defenders held up well and
were able to slow the game down when Marryatville made a push in the second half. It was a good result for
our Year 8/9 team but there is deinitely room for improvement in preparaion for our next game.
The inal score was Blackwood 17 - 8 – 110 defeated Marryatville 8 - 8 – 56.
Goal Kickers: T. Hocking, 5, C. De Zylva, 3, J. Cock, O. Hodge, C. McCarl, 2, D. Henty-Smith, B. Higgins, J.
Marjanac, 1.
Best Players: Troy Hocking, Cooper De Zylva, Harry Spacie, Mitchell Robertson, Jordon Cock.
Cambell Baker, Pre service teacher and Glen Litle, Leader Health and Physical Educaion
Meet the Business Leader Conference
On Monday 23 May, Charlote Beck, Nathaniel
Ramesh and Ms Buesnel, atended the annual
Meet the Business Leader Conference in the Ian
McLachlan Room at the Adelaide Oval. Over
350 people atended the event with 29 schools
being represented. As well as giving us the
opportunity to network with other schools we
were able to hear from a number of Chartered
Accountants or Chartered Accountants-to-be.
The event started with an ice breaker, the Eifel
Tower Challenge, where we had to collaborate
with other students at our table as a team and
make a model of the Eifel Tower. The acivity
taught us how important teamwork and people
skills are in the accouning profession. We also
had a speaker’s panel, where ive Chartered
Accountants at diferent stages in their careers
told us about the opportuniies and skills you will get as a “modern-day
accountant”. The event also highlighted the fact that Indigenous accountants
only make up 0.1% of the whole profession in Australia and that there is a
strong push for more young Indigenous people to join the industry. We had
the chance to speak with some professionals on a more personal basis as they
were rotaing table hosts, all of whom were in diferent areas of accouning.
It was very interesing to talk to one of our table hosts, Tommy Pavic, the Chief
Financial Oicer of the Adelaide Oval Stadium Management Authority who
reinforced to us how important it is to follow our passion. Overall it was a very
informaive and enriching experience, which further encouraged us to explore
a career in business.
Charlote Beck and Nathaniel Ramesh, Year 12 students
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
United Naions South Australian Conference 2016
On Friday 8 to Sunday 10 April, I atended
the annual UN Youth State Conference
at the Nunyara Conference Centre. This
year, the conference focused on Gender
Equality. Former Supreme Court Jusice, The
Honourable Robyn Layton, delivered the
keynote opening address on her experience
within the gender equality ield.
Throughout the Conference, there were
muliple workshops that centred on what
gender is, the history of the gender equality
movement and what modern day gender
equality looks like. We also discussed other
issues that young Australians care about,
such as climate change, internaional
security, economic equality and mental
health. One of the highlights of the event
was the Interacive Problem Solving acivity
that was based on the First Congo War,
where separate teams of difering sides had
an aim to take over or retain government.
During the Speakers’ Panel, we were lucky
enough to hear from: Kelly Vincent MLC of
the Dignity for Disability Party, transgender
acivist Jenny Scot, White Ribbon
ambassador Hamish Richardson and Sandy
Marion of Amnesty Internaional. All of
the speakers menioned the importance of
standing up for not only gender equality, but
also the rights of minority groups that have
unequal representaion.
On the last day of the conference, we debated the Model UN resoluions regarding Women in Conlict, Bodily
Autonomy and a hypotheical crisis of extremist pro and ani feminist riots. Overall, it was an immersive,
informaive and exciing weekend. I met many new people and had a fantasic ime. If you have the opportunity
to atend future UN Youth events, I would strongly recommend doing so.
Nathaniel Ramesh, Year 12 SRC member
Join us for ‘A Night of Hope’
7.00pm Saturday 25 June (doors open 6.30pm)
Coromandel Valley Uniing Church
A rare opportunity to hear the inspiraional story of a former
Ugandan child soldier, Grace Arach, with performances by awardwinning Australian singer/songwriter Levi McGrath.
Free entry - get the word out... invite your friends!
For more informaion, visit
Year 12 Road Safety Presentaion
As part of Blackwood High
to ongoing Road Safety
Educaion, on Monday 23
May during Extended Care
Group, Senior Constable
SAPOL’s Road Safety Secion
“Geing Home Safely”. This
presentaion is designed
to empower young people
to make informed choices,
educated decisions and to
foster change through open
discussion on subjects such as
peer group pressure, choices,
risks and consequences associated in driving a motor vehicle. The session documented an actual fatal crash
which occurred on ‘Muck-up Day’, the inal day of school when an 18-year-old driver crashed the vehicle he
was driving while unlicensed, drink driving and speeding. The crash killed one friend and seriously injured
the driver and another friend. SAPOL’s presentaion explores the crash and the subsequent social and legal
consequences with the students.
The Road Safety Secion also provides a free bi-monthly e-newsleter ‘Talkin Road Safety’ to schools which
provides aricles on road safety which are of interest to drivers and other road-users.
There are a number of web sites which may be of further value to you and the students.
For any further informaion on Road Safety contact the Road Safety Secion on 82076586 or by Email: SAPOL.
Luke Northcote, Year 11 and 12 Leader
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Performance and Workshop by Alessandro Gavello
Alessandro Gavello is an entertaining performer whose work is capivaing and humorous. He switches
between characters with ease, his acions and words bringing atenion to his professionalism.
The audience was engaged, their
laughter ringing throughout the
auditorium on Tuesday 17 May. The
audience itself was made up of over
70 Year 8 students as well as the
Year 10, 11 and 12 Drama classes.
During this performance, there were
imes when volunteers were called
for and many students were willing
to jump out their seats and give it
a try, the Year 8s in paricular. The
performance was thrilling, and for
the Year 8s, it was a new experience
which is not granted very oten. The
Drama Department kindly paid for the performance and it was worth every penny to watch the students
interact and perform as an audience as well as to
show enthusiasm for the arts. All reviews from the
Years 8, 10, 11 and 12s were posiive and most have
menioned possibly being able to do it again.
Ater the performance, the Year 10, 11 and 12
Drama students paricipated in a workshop that
was run by Alessandro himself. He briely went
over the history and characters in Commedia dell’
Arte before beginning to explain certain characters
in further depth. He delved into the life of Zanni, a
character who is the slave and lowest in the food
chain, who is always hungry for food, his nose
always sniing the air to catch a whif of that which
he cannot have. Ater this it was ‘the lovers’, who,
as their name states, are full of love though as these characters are further developed, it is understood that
their love is not for the other but for the very idea
of love. These characters are but few in the world
known as ‘Commedia dell’ Arte’ which the Year 10
classes are currently studying in depth.
This producion was a highlight for the year,
fascinaing and thrilling for every student who
had the opportunity to see it. From the students
in Blackwood High School, we thank the Drama
Department for giving us this wonderful opportunity.
We also thank Gavello himself for coming to our
school to perform and teach. It was a performance
like no other.
Allaina-Jean Chadwick, Year 10 Student
2016 Blackwood High School Debaing
2016 sees Blackwood High School re-enter
the ield of compeiive debaing through
the Debaing Associaion of South Australia’s
2016 Schools’ Compeiion. This year we have
entered more teams than ever before, with two
Year 9 teams, a Year 10 team and two Senior
teams. Unusually, our three most senior teams
are relaively inexperienced, whereas the Year 9
teams contains our veteran debaters.
In Round 1 we debated a range of topics, and
the learning curve was steep, to say the least.
The Year 9 team argued for the proposiion that
traic ines should be based on income, while
the Year 10 team argued that it was crunch
ime for Apple and the FBI, and that the former
should break its phone for the US authoriies.
The Senior Blue and Green teams took on a
more complex discussion around the need to
amend Secion 18C of the Racial Discriminaion
All ive Blackwood teams delivered impressive
performances, presening well-structured
and coherent discussions. Adjudicators and
audience members gave high praise to our
students. Whilst we didn’t win this irst round,
this was undoubtedly a successful irst foray
for the bulk of our speakers, and provided our
experienced members a gentle reconnecion
with the program.
Well done teams.
Our 2016 Blackwood High School Debaing teams are as below:
Year 9 Blue
Harriet Cooling
Joel Keen
Cassandra Bates
Mathew Driver
Year 9 Green
Anna Tulloch
Ruby Brown
Aimee Tulloch
Maiya Mathwin
Senior Blue
Hiromi Hill
Isobel Stolinski
Jesse McKinnon
Dominique Contreras-Gonzalez
Amelia Watson
Molly McCarthy
Year 10
Allaina-Jean Chadwick
Cassandra Shannon
Yaqi Wei
Jack Chaplin
Senior Green
Ethan Keen
Marin Nachazel
Louis Tsitouras
Nathaniel Ramesh
Kabilan Venkatasalam
Emma Roberts
Raphael Zadey, Jess Rogers and Mary Hodson, Debaing Coaches
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Technology Room is buzzing with Creaivity
The kitchens are busy, the sewing machines are whirring, and all sorts
of goodies are coming out of the Food and Texile area this semester!
Students from Year 8 through to Year 12 have been busy designing and
creaing dishes for a variety of challenges put to them, and looking at
a range of current topics including fast food, cafes, biscuit and cupcake
decoraing, meals for special diets, and cultural foods. As recently as
Week 4, a group of Year 11s, many of whom are Internaional students,
overcame language barriers and showed of their team-building skills by
producing a large number of lasagnes from scratch! Not to be outdone,
ater weeks of pracicing with Mrs Holroyd and a professional barista from
TAFE, the Year 12s presented their signature cofees, along with a yummy
accompaniment fresh from the oven. Cofee Club, eat your heart out!
In the texiles workshop the Year 8s are puing their ‘L plates’ on the sewing
machines to create their own personalized items with fabric. If you’re ever
in need of a unique pouch or draw-string bag, you now know where to go!
Michelle Rhodes, Carole Holroyd, and Mary Oleschenko, Food and
Year 10 Update
As you will be aware the SACE Personal Learning Plan(PLP) is the backbone of the Year 10 Pastoral Care
program. The PLP, which is a prerequisite for SACE compleion, is divided into four equally weighted tasks.
PLP 1- My Personal Project
For PLP 1 the writen report created for the students’ IBMYP Personal Project is used to show their ability
to develop and relect on personal and learning goals. It is important to remember that the IBMYP Personal
Project is not the PLP. The inal report of the Personal Project is used as a part of the PLP.
PLP 2- My Career Pathway
Students have the opportunity to develop and explore a possible career goal through understanding the
workplace as part of Work Experience. Work Experience takes place in Week 8 and will be assessed through
a Vocaional Learning logbook and relecion.
PLP 3- My Learning Pathway
My Learning Pathway is a part of the course counselling process in Term 3. Year 10 students deliver a
presentaion to their Care Group teacher and any parents/caregivers present. The My Learning Pathway
presentaion requires students to explain and relect on their pathway through senior school and into post
school opions.
PLP 4- My Porfolio Report
Students deliver a report relecing on their progress throughout the year developing goals and incorporaing
the SACE capabiliies.
Ben Dening, Year 10 Leader
Year 10 Personal Project
Our Year 10 students are currently busy puing the inal touches to their products and journals and wriing
their reports, the inal component of the Personal Project. Students need to submit all three components of
the project to the Resource Centre by the end of Week 9 this term. Teachers will then mark and moderate all
projects before they are put up for display in early Term 3.
Parents are invited into the school to see the display between 3:30pm and 7:00pm on Tuesday 2 August
(Week 2, Term 3). This date has been chosen to coincide with both the Year 10/11 SACE night and Ski Trip
Nick Gillies, IBMYP Coordinator
Language Perfect World Championships
This year Blackwood High School language students were once again involved in the Language Perfect World
Championships. Our language students spent 2,481 hours on line to answer an amazing 484,665 quesions
over the ten day compeiion period from 16 – 26 May. Globally a total of 197,119,101 were answered and
our achievements placed us second for Japanese in SA and third for German. Overall globally we were ranked
94th out of the 111 schools involved.
A grand total of 96 Credit, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards were achieved over the compeiion period.
Congratulaions to Damon Gray, Shaya Hipper and Cameron Rowley for earning Elite Awards. These students
all reached over 10000 points. Very impressive individual eforts!
The top class winners were:
Year 8 German – Ms Jones
Year 8 Japanese – Mr Gleeson
Year 9 German – Ms Daish
Year 9 Japanese – Ms Arezina
Year 10 – Ms Arezina’s Japanese class
In addiion to our own top class and highest achieving student prizes, the Language Perfect team in New
Zealand ofered a special incenive for Blackwood High School students only. For every 500 points earned,
students received an entry in a special iTunes draw. The winners of the $20 vouchers are: Damon Gray, Emma
Johnston and Shaya Hipper. Congratulaions!
Well done to all the Language students involved. It was an amazing efort which provides good preparaion
for the Supervised Assessment tasks that will be conducted this week.
Study Tours from Japan
Planning is well underway for our two
Japanese Study Tour visits. Ushiku High
School will be here from 16 – 27 August and
Morioka Chuo from 16 – 29 September.
If you are interested in hosing a Japanese
student for either, or both, of these short
visits, please contact Karyn Jones via email or call the school
on 8278 0900. A homestay fee of $35.70/day
($250/week) will be paid to families to defray
Karyn Jones, Coordinator, Internaional
Student Programs and LOTE
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Dance Star 2016
Six teams were entered in this year’s 2016 Dance Star compeiion
with 70 students involved. Building on the incredible growth and
success of 2015 and the invitaion to atend and compete at the
2015 Naionals on the Gold Coast, students who audiioned have
spent many hours rehearsing for this event with their coaches.
This year the Blackwood High Dance faculty entered teams
in the theatrical, hip hop and contemporary secions. In 2016
we welcome back two of our previous Blackwood High dance
students Erin Guppy as the Junior Hip-Hop Coach and Torehn
Lobow as the Senior Theatrical Coach, and a new team member
Charlote Hill who completed Year 12 dance in 2016 and was
a dance star team member. Charlote coached the Senior
Contemporary Large team. We also welcome two new dance
coaches student teacher Amy Patyi and Nicole Goodes who
have coached the Senior Hip-Hop team ater a very successful
experience coaching at Woodville High. I would also like to
acknowledge the Junior Theatrical coaches, Year 10 students
Tamara Hauner and Hayley Wells who choreographed the Junior
Theatrical team as part of their Personal Project. They were
supported by pre-service teacher, Zoe Underwood. The Junior
Contemporary team ‘Hunger Games’ was coached by Katrina
Our coaching team grows each year and the support and
hard work the coaches have demonstrated for their teams
and the Dance Star program has been outstanding. All teams
performed to their very best at the Preliminary Final at
Westminster School with ive out of the six teams selected to
perform and compete at the State Final on Sunday 26 June at
the Norwood Concert Hall. This was an excellent result with a
very high standard of compeiion not only from other schools
but also some of Adelaide’s top private ater hours dance
schools. Teams who inish irst in their secion are guaranteed
automaic entry into Naionals which will be held on the Gold
Coast in August this year.
Katrina Constantopoulos, Dance Teacher
Year 10 World Outdoors Camp
During Week 4 the students in the Year 10 World Outdoors class
took part in a two day rock climbing and bushwalking camp. Most
of the semester has been spent preparing for the trip focusing
on cooking on trangias, how to set up tents and doing pracice
The irst day saw us abseiling and climbing a range of climbs on
the bluf at Victor Harbor. This was quite a picturesque place to
climb with the sea behind us and dolphins diving in and out of
the waves. The abseiling was a bit dauning with a sheer clif to
abseil down. Many students found it interesing to go over the
edge and then have to deal with a cut in the rock, meaning there
was no where to put their feet.
The night was spent camping at Chookarloo Campsite in Kuitpo
Conservaion Park where the students cooked their own meals
ranging from noodles to pizza pockets. Despite some rain during
the night, we woke to a clear morning which allowed us to set of
on the Heysen Trail for the bushwalking part of our camp. Seing
a cracking pace, the class managed to walk 10 km before the rain
returned to put an end to our camp.
Thank you to Adrienne Kajewski and Wally Olenich for their help in coordinaing and running this camp
Dan Smith, World Outdoors Teacher
Australian Youth Orchestra 2017 Applicaions Now Open
Help us ind the best young musicians in the country.
The Australian Youth Orchestra is one of the world’s most presigious and innovaive training organisaions
for young pre-professional musicians aged 12-30 years. Acceptance into one of AYO’s programs is an
acknowledgment of excellence.
The 2017 program ofers musicians the chance to perform a wide range of orchestral repertoire including
Rachmaninov’s powerful second symphony and Compassion, the moving song cycle created by Nigel Westlake
and Lior, in the 60th anniversary year of the Orchestra. Also on ofer is the opportunity to play chamber music
with some of the inest chamber ensembles in the world at the Musica Viva Fesival, and to be mentored by
members of the Melbourne and Adelaide symphony orchestras.
Applicaions are open 30 May to 17 June.
Please contact the Australian Youth Orchestra on 1300 668 500 or at if you would like more
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Calendar Dates
Term 2 2016
Monday 6 to Friday 10 June
Year 11 exam week
Monday 6 to Friday 17 June
Year 8 - 10 Supervised
Monday 13 June
Public Holiday - Queen’s
Tuesday 14 June
Wednesday 15 June
ICAS - Spelling Compeiion
Monday 20 to Friday 24 June
Year 10 Work Experience
Tuesday 21 June
Governing Council Meeing
Tuesday 21 to 22 June
Senior Drama Producion:
Mainee and Evening
Wednesday 22 to 24 June
Year 11 Melbourne Football
Friday 24 June
Semester 1 ends
Monday 27 June to Friday 1
Year 10/11 Melbourne Netball
Tuesday 28 June
Principal’s Tour 9am
Monday 4 to Friday 8 July
Year 12 Exam Week
Thursday 7 July
Science and Engineering
Semester 1 reports distributed
Friday 8 July
Last Day of Term 2
Term 3 2016
Friday 29 July
Year 12 Formal
Tuesday 2 August
ICAS - English Compeiion
Prinicpal’s Tour 9am
PLP Parent Display Evening
3:30pm - 7:00pm Resource
Year 10 Ski Tip Parent Meeing
Year 10/11 SACE Parent
Informaion Evening 7pm
Friday 5 August
Inner South Careers Expo