MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PELOTAS FACULDADE DE AGRONOMIA ELISEU MACIEL PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE SEMENTES TESE CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE GENÓTIPOS DE ARROZ SUBMETIDOS AOS ESTRESSES DE FRIO E PROFUNDIDADE DE SEMEADURA CAROLINE BORGES BEVILACQUA PELOTAS, 2013 CAROLINE BORGES BEVILACQUA CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE GENÓTIPOS DE ARROZ SUBMETIDOS AOS ESTRESSES DE FRIO E PROFUNDIDADE DE SEMEADURA Tese apresentada à Faculdade de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Paulo Dejalma Zimmer, como parte das exigências do Programa de PósGraduação em Ciência e Tecnología de Sementes, para obtenção do título de Doutora em Ciências. Orientador: Prof. Dr. PAULO DEJALMA ZIMMER Co-orientadora: PhD. NILDA ROMA BURGOS – University of Arkansas (EUA) PELOTAS, 2013 Dados de catalogação na fonte: (Gabriela Machado Lopes – CRB: 10/1842) B571c Bevilacqua, Caroline Borges Caracterização de genótipos de arroz submetidos aos estresses de frio e profundidade de semeadura. / Caroline Borges Bevilacqua; orientador Paulo Dejalma Zimmer – Pelotas, 2013. 93 f. :il Tese (Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de sementes). Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Pelotas, 2013. 1. Estádios iniciais; 2. qRT-PCR; 3. Arroz vermelho; 4. Esterase. I. Zimmer, Paulo Dejalma (orientador); II. Título. CDD 633.18 CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE GENÓTIPOS DE ARROZ SUBMETIDOS AOS ESTRESSES DE FRIO E PROFUNDIDADE DE SEMEADURA AUTORA: Caroline Borges Bevilacqua, M.Sc. ORIENTADOR: Prof. Paulo Dejalma Zimmer, Ph.D. BANCA EXAMINADORA Prof. PAULO DEJALMA ZIMMER, Dr., UFPel (Orientador) Profa LIA REJANE SILVEIRA REINIGER, Dra, UFSM NACIELE MARINI, Dra, UFPel Engo Agro GERI EDUARDO MENEGHELLO, Dr., UFPel ANDREIA DA SILVA ALMEIDA, Dra, UFPel Prof. LUCIANO CARLOS DA MAIA, Dr., UFPel Aos meus amores: meus pais Paulo Cezar Bevilacqua (in memorian) e Marta Lúcia Bevilacqua eminhas irmãs Letícia e Amanda Borges Bevilacqua Dedico... AGRADECIMENTOS Agradeço a Deus e ao meu pai por terem me guiado. Aos meus pais, Paulo Cezar Bevilacqua e Marta Lúcia Bevilacqua, por tudo. As minhas irmãs Letícia e Amanda Bevilacqua e ao meu “irmão”, meu cunhado Ormuz Neto, pelos conselhos, amor e apoio. À Universidade Federal de Pelotas e ao meu orientador pela oportunidade de realização do doutorado. Ao Dr. Luis Avila por se dispor a entrar em contato e me apresentar para a Dr. Burgos e assim permitir a realização do meu Doutorado Sanduíche. Além de sempre manter contato e se preocupar como eu estava nos Estados Unidos. A Dr. Nilda Roma Burgos por grandiosamente me guiar, orientar, planejar e discutir os resultados dos experimentos realizados nos Estados Unidos. Além de todo o apoio, amizade e ensinamentos. Thank you very much Dear Dr. Burgos. I also want to thank all my coworkers in USA: Hussain, Vijay, Shelpa, Reio, Fernando, Ana Carolina and Jun. Thanks my sweeties, hard workers and my great friends Dr. Coy Batoy and Dr. Paul Tseng, I miss you guys, a lot!!! Hope “cya” soon, “dudes”!! A todos os amigos que fiz nos USA que de alguma forma me ajudaram e me fizeram bem…Igor mimoso, Bruna, Sergio, Montse, Alejandro, Dimitra, Bia, Fabio, Buri, Gra...enfim…muitos amigos queridos! E em especial queria agradecer a uma grande amiga que considero uma irmã de coração Cris Pilon, obrigada por todo apoio, carinho, amizade, puxões de orelha e gargalhadas... Hey, Fernando, Lara, Ana, Bea e Cris...nunca vou esquecer aquela madrugada de “32°F” que vocês me esperaram chegar de viagem só pra me darem “O” abraço que eu precisava. Ao Dr. Luciano Maia pelo auxílio nas analises dos experimentos. Aos Dr. Antonio Costa de Oliveira e Dr. Odir Dellagostin por concederem espaço e equipamentos indispensáveis à realização dos experimentos. Aos Dr. Andy Pereira e Dr. Supratim Basu por contribuírem de forma grandiosa desde o planejamento até a análise dos resultados dos experimentos realizados nos Estados Unidos. Às colegas Cristiane Brisolara, Daisy e Glacy Silva pela amizade, descontração, companheirismo, tantos pousos, choros, risadas...Cris, meus estudos para a qualificação sem tua presença, cafés e explicações seriam bem mais pesados!! Enfim, minha estada em Pelotas foi mais alegre com vocês! Aos colegas Carol Terra Borges, Silvana e Eduardo Venske pelo auxílio nos experimentos. Ao tio Marco, tio Luiz, tio Beto e tio Salla e às tias Tania, Gilda, Alexia e Bete pelo super apoio, vocês todos moram no meu coração! Aos meus avós pela força e exemplo! Às minhas grandes amigas Babi, Livia e Nati, por me apoiarem tanto e estar comigo sempre! Ao pessoal do Laboratório de Sementes e Biotecnologia, por disponibilizar a realização efetiva dos experimentos. À Maya Beatriz por ficar ao meu lado durante a escrita da tese. Ao CNPq pelo auxílio financeiro que possibilitou a realização deste trabalho. E a todos que, também, contribuíram para que eu concluísse mais essa grande etapa em minha vida. RESUMO GERAL BEVILACQUA, Caroline Borges. Caracterização de genótipos de arroz submetidos aos estresses de frio e profundidade de semeadura. 2013. 97f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS O estresse causado pelo frio interfere negativamente na fisiologia, metabolismo, crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas e, portanto, limita a produtividade em lavouras de arroz. As respostas em nível de crescimento em arroz (Oryza sativa L.) submetido a baixas temperaturas ainda são pouco compreendidas. Um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de tolerância ao estresse em plantas de arroz pode ajudar na identificação, no germoplasma de arroz, de plantas com tolerância submetidas à temperatura variável, além de ser útil para outros estresses abióticos, como diferentes profundidades de semeadura. Para caracterizar genótipos de arroz, com variação na sensibilidade ao frio, tiveram-se como objetivos:avaliar a aplicabilidade de diferentes índices de estresse utilizando-se como parâmetro o comprimento de plântula; classificar acessos de arroz cultivado e vermelho como Japonica ou Indica; comparar a resposta ao frio de cultivares de arroz tolerante e sensível a esse estresse, com relação ao acúmulo de massa seca e possíveis alterações no teor de clorofila;categorizá-los com relação à sensibilidade ao frio e à profundidade de semeadura; e analisar a expressão de genes que respondem a frio, assim como genes responsivos a submersão, sob condições de frio e/ou tratamento constituídos por diferentes profundidades de semeadura. Para avaliar o acúmulo de massa seca e o teor de clorofila, as sementes, após sete dias a 25°C, foram expostas a 4°C durante 24 h e logo após, foi medida a fotossíntese e,posteriormente, as plantas ficaram 72 h a 25°C para sua recuperação. Já para os demais experimentos,as plântulas foram coletadas 7 e/ou 14 dias mantidas a 25°C ou 18/13°C dia/noite e diferentes profundidades de semeadura (1.5cm, 5cm, 10cm e 15cm); as avaliações da expressão gênica diferencial foram realizadas com essas amostras coletadas, para 4 diferentes genes induzidos pelo frio e também em amostras coletadas após exposição a 10°C durante 6, 24 e 96 h a 1.5 cm e 10 cm de profundidade de semeadura.Os resultados indicaram que é possível a identificação de genótipos superiores para a tolerância a esses estresses abióticos com base em seus índices de estresse, utilizando como parâmetro o comprimento da parte aérea, devido a habilidade das plantas tolerar estresses abióticos afetar a morfologia assim como a fisiologia da planta de arroz. Assim como é possível a utilização do Índice de Tolerância (STI) e da Média Geométrica (GM) para selecionar genótipos tolerantes ao frio ou profundidade de semeadura, baseado no comprimento de parte aérea de plântula. As subespécies Japonica e Indica respondem diferentemente aos estresses abióticos, no entanto, para alguns genes responsivos a esses estresses, essas subespécies apresentam o mesmo respondem semelhantemente. Além disso, as análises a nível molecular da tolerância ao frio e a profundidade de semeadura indicaram a importância das vias ABA-dependente e ABAindependente como vias de transdução do sinal em plantas sob estresse abiótico. Palavras-chave: estádios iniciais; qRT-PCR; esterase; arroz vermelho. ABSTRACT GENERAL BEVILACQUA, Caroline Borges. Characterization of rice genotypes under cold and deep sowing stresses. 2013. 97f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS Cold stress adversely modifies their physiology, metabolism plant growth and development, as well as, it limits crop productivity. The responses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) subjected to low temperatures are still poorly understood. A better understanding of stress tolerance mechanism in rice plants will help to develop rice germplasm with improved field level tolerance under variable temperature and sowing depth conditions. To characterize rice genotypes with variation in sensitivity to cold, these are the following objectives: to evaluate the applicability of different Stress Indices using seedling lengthas parameter; classify accessions cultivated rice and red rice as Indica or Japonica; compare response to rice cultivars cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive to cold stress according to the dry matter accumulation and possible changes in chlorophyll content; categorize different genotypes with regard to sensitivity to cold and to sowing depth stresses and, analyze the expression of cold-responsive genes, and also genes submergence-responsive. The seeds after seven days at 25°C were exposed at 4°C for 24h and after that, photosynthesis was measured later, the plants were 72h at 25°C (recovery period) to assess the dry mass and chlorophyll. For the other experiments, the seedlings were collected 7 and/or 14 days maintained at 25°C or 18/13°C day/night and different sowing depths (1.5cm, 5cm, 10cm and 15cm), differential gene expression were performed with those seedlings using different genes induced by cold. To evaluated gene expression using different genes induced by cold and anoxia, samples were collected after exposure to 10 ° C for 6, 24 and 96 h at 1.5 cm and 10 cm deep sowing. The results showed that is possible to identify superior genotypes for tolerance to these abiotic stresses based on the Tolerance Index (STI) and Media Geometric (GM) to select genotypes tolerant to cold or sowing depth, using as a parameter the seedling shoot length measurement. Japonica and Indica subspecies respond differently to abiotic stresses, however for some of these stress-responsive genes, these subspecies responded similarly. Furthermore, the analysis at the molecular level of cold tolerance and sowing depth indicated the importance of ABAdependent and ABA-independent signal transduction pathways in plants under abiotic stress. Key words: seedling stages, oRT-PCR, esterase, red rice. LISTA DE FIGURAS Página CAPÍTULO IV.............................................................................................................. Figure 1. Seeding depth tolerance screening of weedy red rice accessions by measurements of seedling root and shoot lengths (mm), 14 d after sowing.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................................................... Figure 2. Esterase isoenzyme analysis of red rice ecotype 116 and the cultivars Diamante and BRS 6 Chui under cold stress (18ºC -10 h/ 13ºC -14 h).UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ................................................................................................................................ Figure 3. Differential gene expression analysis assessed through qRT-PCR in Ecotype 116, BRS6 Chui and Diamante compared with that of control subjected to cold stress (Relative fold change, log2 ratio) for each plants. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ...... Figure 4. Differential Expression analysis of genes: a. ASR1 b: Germin c: JRC 2606 and d: JRC 3709 assessed through qRT-PCR in Ecotype 116, BRS 6 Chui and Diamante compared with that of control subjected to sowing depth stress (Relative fold change, log2 ratio) for each plants.UFPel/FAEM. 2013......................................... CAPÍTULO V ............................................................................................................... Figure 1. Phenol test of cultivated and weedy red rice accessions for subspecies determination.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ................................................................................ Figure 2. Response of selected Oryza genotypes to cold treatment (18C-10 h/13C14h temperature). Shoot lengths were measured (14 days after sowing). Each bar is the average of 3 replicates, each one with 5 seeds and 2 runs.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ...... Figure 3. Response of weedy and cultivated rice to seeding depth at 5, 10, and 15 cm (with depth of 1.5 cm as control. Each bar is the average of 3 data points. Including the rice genotypes selected (CHI 08-C, GRE08-D01, 1602, PRA08-D02 and Spring). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................................................................ Figure 4. Rice seedling growth at depths of 1.5 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm under cold stress (18C-10 h/13C-14 h). Cold sensitivity/tolerance shown is relative to the response of plants exposed to the same depth under cold and normal mean temperature (25C). Including the rice genotypes selected (CHI 08-C, GRE08-D01, 1602, PRA08-D02 and Spring).UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ..................................................... Figure 5. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-dold seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ....................................................................................... Figure 6. Gene expression analysis ofNAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box genein CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old 52 58 59 61 61 65 67 68 70 71 73 seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................ Figure 7. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors H+ pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase in PRA 08-D02 and Springgenotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .................................................................. Figure 8. Gene expression analysis of H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate de hydrogenase gene in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08D01genotypes.Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ....................................................................................... Figure 9. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .................................................................. Figure 10. Gene expression analysis ofADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alpha-amylase gene in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alpha-amylase expression. Coleoptiles were 74 76 77 78 harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alpha-amylase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................ Figure 11. Gene expression analysis of Sub 1b and APX2 in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on Sub 1b and APX2 expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-dold germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on Sub 1b and APX2 gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .................................................................. Figure 12. Gene expression analysis of Sub 1b and APX2in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on Sub 1b and APX2 expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on Sub 1b and APX2 gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .. 80 81 82 LISTA DE TABELAS Página CAPÍTULO I ................................................................................................................ Table 1 (a): First count (%), Germination (%) and Cold test of different rice genotypes. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ..................................................................................... Table 1(b): Total seedling length (root + shoot) in the different rice genotypes after cold stress and seed sowing deep stress. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ....................................... Table 2(a): Averages for seedling shoot length (cm) subjected to stress 14 days after sowing. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .......................................................................................... Table 2(b): Correlation between Indices of Tolerance and Susceptibility and Geometric Mean for seedling length of the four genotypes. (D: Deep, C: Cold, SI: Susceptibility Index; TI: Tolerance Index, GM: Geometric Mean; Statistical Significance was estimated by t test (*) and (**) significant (> 0.05) and (> 0, 01) of likelihood, respectively).UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ................................................................ 26 CAPÍTULO II ............................................................................................................... Tabela 1. Resposta para massa seca de cultivares de arroz tolerante ou sensível ao frio submetidas sete dias a 25°C, em seguida, expostas a 4°C (24 h), seguida de 72 h de recuperação (a 25°C). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ............................................................... Tabela 2. Teores de clorofila “a” e “b” e totais (μg.g-1) em plântulas de arroz tolerantes ou sensíveis ao frio submetidas sete dias a 25C, em seguida, expostas a frio (4C durante 24 h). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ................................................................... 37 CAPÍTULO III ............................................................................................................. Tabela I. Informações referentes aos genes e suas sequências de nucleotídeos a serem utilizados em análises de expressão dos genes em qRT-PCR (Capítulo IV). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................................................................ Tabela II. Informações referentes aos genes e suas sequências de nucleotídeos a serem utilizados em análises de expressão dos genes em qRT-PCR (Capítulo V). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ........................................................................................................ 46 CAPÍTULO IV.............................................................................................................. Table 1. Expressed genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) when subjected to abiotic stress .... 52 57 CAPÍTULO V ............................................................................................................... Table I. Evaluation of rice tolerance to cold stress.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ....................... Table II. Screening of rice tolerance to depth stress (5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm) ............ Table III. Rice seedling growth at various seeding depths (5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm) under cold stress (18C-10h/13C-14h). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 .......................................... Table IV. Genes analyzed into qRT-PCR to sensitivity and tolerance when subjected to abiotic stress in (Indica and Japonica) rice genotypes. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ............ Table V. Genes analyzed into qRT-PCR to sensitivity and tolerance when subjected to abiotic stress in (Indica and Japonica) rice genotypes. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 ............ 65 67 69 31 31 33 33 41 42 49 49 69 72 86 SUMÁRIO Página BANCA EXAMINADORA.......................................................................................... 2 DEDICATÓRIA ........................................................................................................... 3 AGRADECIMENTOS ................................................................................................. 4 RESUMO GERAL ....................................................................................................... 6 GENERAL ABSTRACT.............................................................................................. 7 LISTA DE FIGURAS................................................................................................... 8 LISTA DE TABELAS .................................................................................................. 11 INTRODUÇÃO GERAL ............................................................................................. 13 1. A CULTURA DO ARROZ (Oryza sativa) ................................................................ 13 2. DIFERENCIAÇÃO DAS SUBESPÉCIES Indica E Japônica .................................. 14 3. TOLERÂNCIA AO ESTRESSE OCASIONADO PELO FRIO ............................... 14 4. ANÁLISES DA TOLERÂNCIA A NÍVEL MOLECULAR ..................................... 16 REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ....................................................................... 21 CAPÍTULO I Application of Stress Indices for Low Temperature and Deep Sowing Stress: Screening of Rice Genotypes ......................................................................................... 26 CAPÍTULO II Resposta ao frio em cultivares de arroz com relação ao acúmulo de fitomassa e possíveis alterações no teor de clorofila ......................................................................... 37 CAPÍTULO III Eficiência de iniciadores relacionados aos genes de tolerância ao estresse em arroz por baixas temperaturas e anoxia.................................................................................... 46 CAPÍTULO IV Differential gene expression of cold responsive genes in rice and red rice genotypes .. 52 CAPÍTULO V Screening of different rice genotypes for cold and deep sowing stresses ...................... 65 CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS ....................................................................................... 91 INTRODUÇÃO GERAL 1. A CULTURA DO ARROZ (Oryza sativa) Os dois pools gênicos, do complexo grupo de espécies de arroz (pertencente à família Poaceae), são compostos pelas espécies cultivadas Oryza sativa L. (arroz asiático) e Oryza glaberrima Steud. (arroz africano). O processo de domesticação da espécie Oryza sativa, provavelmente, levou à diferenciação das subespéciesindica e japonicaem resposta as condições a que foram expostas (MORISHIMA, 2001; GOMES e MAGALHÃES-JÚNIOR, 2004). O Brasil está entre os 10 países maiores produtores de arroz do mundo, assim como China, Índia, Indonésia, Bangladesh, Vietnã, Tailândia, Mianmar, Filipinas e Japão, sendo o maior produtor mundial de arroz, ao se excluírem os países asiáticos (SOSBAI, 2010). No Brasil, o estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) é o principal produtor de arroz irrigado, apresentando uma área de cultivo estimada em 1.066 milhão de hectares, correspondendo a 66,9% da produção nacional de arroz (CONAB, 2012). No RS, o período ideal para a semeadura dessa cultura corresponde de 15 de outubro a 15 de novembro. Nesse período, as normais climatológicas de 30 anos (Tabela 1) registraram temperaturas em torno de 18,55°C (CONAB, 2011; EMBRAPA/UFPel/INMET, 2011). No entanto, é sabido que temperaturas inferiores a 20°C podem ser prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento e rendimento da cultura, já que a temperatura ótima para a fase de germinação do arroz é de 20 a 35°C (YOSHIDA, 1981). Temperaturas abaixo de 20°C podem ocasionar injúrias, sendo o frio considerado um dos estresses abióticos mais importantes para o arroz (YOSHIDA, 1981; CRUZ, 2001). Tabela 1. Normais climatológicas obtidas em análises realizadas durante 30 anos, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Variáveis Jan Temperatura Média (°C) 23,2 23,0 21,7 18,5 15,1 12,4 12,3 13,4 14,9 17,5 19,6 22,0 17,8 Temperatura Média das Mínimas (°C) 19,1 19,1 17,7 14,4 11,1 8,6 Temperatura Mínima Absoluta (°C) 10,0 9,8 Temperatura Média das Máximas (°C) 28,2 27,9 26,9 24,0 20,8 17,8 17,5 18,6 19,6 22,2 24,6 27,1 22,9 Temperatura Máxima Absoluta (°C) 39,0 36,5 37,4 35,1 31,6 29,4 31,8 33,0 35,6 34,4 39,2 39,6 39,6 Fonte: Embrapa/UFPel/INMET, 2011. Fev Mar Abr Mai Jun 5,0 2,7 1,2 Jul 8,6 Ago Set 9,5 Out Nov Dez Anual 11,2 13,6 15,3 17,7 13,8 -3,0 -2,7 -1,0 0,2 2,6 6,0 7,9 -3,0 14 Apesar dos esforços efetuados, maiores avanços são necessários em programas de melhoramento de arroz do Rio Grande do Sul quanto à tolerância ao frio. Isso se deve a baixa disponibilidade de fontes de tolerância, assim como a alta esterilidade presente em híbridos resultantes do cruzamento indica x japonica e a necessidade de progredir no desenvolvimento de metodologias de avaliação e seleção de genótipos elite (ROSSO, 2006). 2. DIFERENCIAÇÃO DAS SUBESPÉCIES Indica E Japônica Diferenças morfológicas podem, algumas vezes, ser utilizadas para distinguir indica de japonica, como é o caso do formato do grão, sendo que, em geral, as sementes pertencentes à subespécie japonica possuem grãos curtos, largos e seção transversal arredondada enquanto que indicase caracteriza por grãos longos, estreitos e levemente planos. Porém, o método mais utilizado atualmente para distinguir essas subespécies é o Teste de Fenol em populações de arroz vermelho, o qual foi primariamente utilizado em arroz cultivado. Esse teste consiste na verificação da mudança da cor (marrom escuro ou preto) da casca e do grão de amostras de arroz pertencentes, exclusivamente, à subespécie indica como resultado da atividade da enzima Polifenol Oxidase (GROSS et al., 2009). Além dessas características que distinguem indica e japonica, as subespécies segregam para muitos genes e caracteres em associação, de maneira não casualizada (MORISHIMA, 2001), o que sugere a possiblidade de introdução de novas características, como fonte de variabilidade, por meio da síntese de híbridos indica x japônica. No entanto, a esterilidade presente no híbrido resultante desse cruzamento é, ainda, um problema em programas de melhoramento (LOPES, 2002). 3. TOLERÂNCIA AO ESTRESSE OCASIONADO PELO FRIO Muitas pesquisa têm sido realizadas com o intuito de identificar e avaliar a tolerância ao frio em diferentes genótipos, assim como avaliar essa tolerância durante o estádio de germinação a fim de detectar genótipos tolerantes na subespécie japonica. Essa tolerância foi demonstrada em trabalhos utilizando-se temperaturas de 13°C e 28°C, no qual foi observado que as cultivares japonica, “Quilla 64117” e “Diamante”, demonstraram ser mas tolerantes ao frio, e entre as indica, as cultivares “BR-IRGA 410” e “IRGA 416” (CRUZ e MILACH, 2004). Os caracteres genéticos que levam à tolerância ao frio, ou seja, a fonte de tolerância, são oriundos dessas cultivares pertencentes à subespécie japonica e que são provenientes de 15 países como Chile, Filipinas e Japão. No estudo referido à tolerância foi determinada mediante a avaliação do comprimento do coleóptilo e pelo recrescimento do mesmo a 28°C após exposição a 13°C. Em estudos realizados pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) foram utilizados, como parâmetro de verificação a tolerância ao frio, de diferentes genótipos, o índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE) (EMBRAPA, 2009). Estudos de tolerância ao frio em arroz utilizaram temperaturas inferiores a 20°C nas fases germinativa, vegetativa e reprodutiva (YOSHIDA, 1981; CRUZ, 2000). A temperatura a ser designada a aplicação do estresse, em condições controladas, pode ser constante ou alternada (dia e noite). Li e Rutger (1980) utilizaram temperatura constante (18ºC durante 14 dias) para avaliar a estatura de plântulas de arroz. Foram utilizadas temperaturas alternadas, Martins et al. (2007) avaliaram famílias mutantes quanto à tolerância ao frio, no período vegetativo, as plântulas mantidas em casa de vegetação à temperatura de 13ºC por 10 dias, enquanto para avaliação no período reprodutivo utilizou-se estresse de 15ºC por sete dias. Após a planta ser exposta ao estresse por frio, essa pode se recuperar, ao retornar à temperatura ideal de cultivo, o que leva a menores percentuais de redução na estatura. A tolerância ao frio pode ser relativa a um estádio ou fase de desenvolvimento da planta de arroz (CRUZ e MILACH, 2000). Na fase vegetativa esses danos podem ser desuniformidade e diminuição na velocidade e porcentagem de germinação, além de redução na estatura, devido ao retardo no desenvolvimento da planta e amarelecimento das folhas (SOUZA, 1990; STHAPIT et al., 1995). A tolerância, nessa fase, está sendo buscada a fim de antecipar a semeadura e evitar que a etapa reprodutiva coincida com a época de início de temperaturas ainda mais baixas e danosas. Além disso, objetiva favorecer a produtividade, já que, ao antecipar a semeadura, a fase reprodutiva coincidirá com a época de maior intensidade de radiação solar (MERTZ et al., 2009). Já na fase reprodutiva, os danos causados pelo frio são exerção incompleta da panícula e aumento na esterilidade de espiguetas (TERRES, 1991). Alguns dos fatores que determinam o tempo necessário para a germinação de sementes e emergência de plântulas são temperatura e profundidade de semeadura (YOSHIDA, 1981; FERNANDEZ et al., 1985). O desempenho frente à profundidade de semeadura é considerado outro estresse abiótico que afeta o estande da lavoura, o qual ainda é muito pouco estudado. Para algumas espécies, essa característica pode ser positiva, principalmente para o desenvolvimento de bancos de sementes de plantas daninhas no solo, como por exemplo, o arroz vermelho, o qual apresenta maior longevidade quando as sementes são depositadas em profundidade comparadas aquelas na superfície (NOLDIN, 1995). Para 16 avaliar e selecionar plantas vigorosas seu desempenho pode ser testado em diferentes profundidades de semeadura, além de o arroz vermelho poder ser utilizado como uma fonte de variabilidade genética germinação em grandes profundidades (MALONE et al., 2007). 4. ANÁLISES DA TOLERÂNCIA A NÍVEL MOLECULAR As perturbações morfológicas, bioquímicas e moleculares, decorrentes do estresse por resfriamento iniciam com a desestabilização das membranas, o que acarreta em sua disfunção e na alteração dos processos celulares, resultando em modificações (TAIZ & ZEIGER, 2013). No entanto, as plântulas de arroz, expostas ao estresse pelo frio, podem apresentar um aumento na síntese de Álcool Desidrogenase, a qual participa do processo de fermentação alcoólica, e consequente aumento na produção de etanol, o qual pode ajudar na preservação da fluidez dos lipídeos da membrana (MERTZ et al., 2009). No entanto, o aumento na produção de etanol, juntamente com o aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio ou diminuição na síntese de antioxidantes, pode acarretar no aumento da peroxidação desses lipídeos insaturados levando à ruptura da membrana plasmática. Essa e outras modificações dependem de um estímulo extracelular, o qual ativa respostas de defesa. Esse processo de estimulação, ativação e, portanto, de cascata de sinalização e transdução de sinal são fundamentais. Os elementos cis-acting, os quais participam dessa sinalização, são regiões do promotor de um gene que atuam como interruptores moleculares envolvidos na regulação da transcrição de uma rede gênica dinâmica (STRÄHLE e RASTEGAR, 2008). Já a proteína denominada “dedo de zinco” (Zinc Finger Protein), ZFP245, apresenta uma atividade, na região trans, na regulação da tolerância ao frio, como demonstrado por Huang et al. (2009). Esse acúmulo dá-se pela ativação da síntese de ABA. Além disso, a super expressão de ZFP245 pode inferir proteção na planta pelo aumento da atividade antioxidante. Nessas regiões do DNA, os fatores de transcrição (TF) se ligam fisicamente, influenciando a expressão gênica. A família de fatores de transcrição CBF (C-repeat binding factor) ou DREB (dehydration responsive element binding factor) regula a expressão de genes que respondem a diversos estresses, dentre os quais se destacam o estresse pelo frio, contendo os cis-elementos denominados CRT/DRE (DUBOUZET et al., 2003). Os fatores de transcrição AREB (ABA responsive elementbinding protein ou TF ABA-dependentes) ou ABFs (binding factors), são importantes para diversos estresses, inclusive frio, ativando os cis-elementos ABRE (ABA responsive element) assim como a família NAC (petúnia, NAM and Arabidopsis ATAF1, 17 ATAF2, e CUC2) (YAMAGUCHI-SHINOZAKI e SHINOZAKI, 2005; HU et al., 2008). Portanto, existem diversas vias de transdução de sinal, sendo algumas ABA-dependente como nos genes NAM (determinam a posição do meristema apical caulinar), ABA-independente (DREBs), ABA-dependentes e independentes como MYBs (Myeloblastosis, família de numerosos fatores de transcrição), outros pertencentes ao grupo F-box e ao grupo AP2/ERF. Algumas vezes, essas vias podem não ser específicas, podendo ser combinadas por meio de uma rede de interações entre diferentes genes, e os quais respondem a diferentes estresses, seja esses bióticos ou abióticos, o que é definido como “crosstalk” (FUJITA et al., 2006). Portanto, é de grande relevância o estudo dessa rede de genes responsivos a estresses mediante análise da sua expressão genica desses, frente a condições adversas. Para tanto, a técnica de reação da transcriptase reversa, seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase, em tempo real (qRT-PCR) faz uso de populações de mRNA expresso, em determinado tecido e estádio de desenvolvimento da planta. Essa ferramenta permite a investigação do transcriptoma a partir de genes previamente identificados e com acessos disponíveis em bancos de dados (PEREIRA, 2011). Além de essa metodologia apresentar especificidade, sensibilidade e reprodutibilidade na quantificação do produto final amplificado, essa técnica pode ser utilizada para confirmar informações obtidas através de análises por microarranjo. Sendo a vantagem do microarranjo é a possibilidade de analisar milhares de genes ao mesmo tempo e já a qRT-PCR é limitada a poucos genes por corrida (FREEMAN, 1999; PEREIRA, 2011). Para que haja um grande número de processos celulares, os quais são necessários à tolerância ao estresse, é imprescindível um controle combinatório de diferentes fatores de transcrição que tem sua expressão elevada para efetivar a tolerância. Em trabalho realizado por Lindlof et al. (2009) foram identificados 1.450 genes relacionados ao estresse do frio em arroz, os quais foram identificados por meio de análise por microarranjo, o que correspondeu a um número menor de genes do que aqueles encontrados em Arabdopsis (1753 genes), sob as mesmas condições experimentais. Os fatores de transcrição OsDREB1A, OsDREB1B, OsDREB1C, OsDREB1D e OsDREB2A, ou seja OsDREBs, apresentaram homologia com os fatores de transcrição (DREBs) em Arabdopsis thaliana, sendo que os dois primeiros (OsDREB1A, OsDREB1B), em estudos realizados por Dubouzet et al. (2003), tiveram sua expressão induzida sob estresse por baixa temperatura, mas não por ABA exógeno ou sob estresse por seca. Isso pode evidenciar maior especificidade de OsDREB1B em resposta a estresse, pois OsDREB1A também foi induzido por alta salinidade e por ferimentos, o que torna relevante seu potencial 18 emprego na produção de transgenia em Liliopsida tolerantes a diferentes estresses abióticos, já que o arroz é uma espécie modelo (BENNETZEN, 2002). Esses resultados foram possíveis devido à utilização de Arabdopsis trangênico, ao ser adicionado o gene OsDREB1A, o qual foi induzido à super expressão a fim de se averiguar a expressão diferencial dos genes alvo de DREB1A. No entanto, existem algumas diferenças entre OsDREB1A e DREB1A na especificidade de ligação do TF ao gene alvo, além de diferenças na ação sobre alguns genes alvo. Essas diferenças foram verificadas por meio de análises de microarranjos, por hibridização de sondas de cDNA com 7 mil genes, e confirmadas pela utilização de análise de RNA-gel blot (Northern blot). No estudo mencionado, a exposição ao frio foi temporária (-6°C por 30h) e considerada congelamento, ocorrendo após 4 semanas de cultivo sob 22°C, sendo que, após a exposição ao frio, as plantas retornaram ao cultivo à 22°C por mais 5 dias, como fase de recuperação ao estresse (DUBOUZET et al., 2003). No entanto, em estudos mais recentes (MATSUKURA et al., 2010) OsDREB2B e OsDREB2A foram induzidos por estresses abióticos. Em outro experimento, foi avaliada a expressão de outros três DREBs homólogos à Arabdopsis (OsDREB1-1, OsDREB4-1 e OsDREB4-2), sendo que após três semanas de semeadura foi verificado que as plântulas de arroz transferidas para câmara fria (4°C em intervalos de no máximo 24h). Obtiveram um padrão único de expressão do fator de transcrição OsDREB1-1 e de OsDREB4-2, porém com diferentes níveis dentre tecidos analisados (TIAN et al., 2005). Há relatos de TFs que são expressos constitutivamente e, mesmo assim, apresentam papel na tolerância ao frio, isso sendo devido à regulação pós-transcricional e ou traducional (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2010). Em outros casos, a elevação na expressão ocorre tanto em genes como nos fatores de transcrição. Esse é o caso do gene OsLti6a, que teve sua expressão elevada em cultivares tolerantes ao frio, além de apresentarem um acréscimo na expressão dos fatores de transcrição CRT/DRE (MORSY et al., 2005). As proteínas de ligação ricas em glicina (GRPs/glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins), também, são sintetizadas sob frio em Arabdopsis, tendo uma função de chaperona. O mesmo ocorre em arroz, em que esses genes são conhecidos como OsGRPs, mais precisamente OsGRP1, OsGRP4 e OsGRP6 (KIM et al., 2010). Diversos outros genes envolvidos na resposta ao frio durante a germinação de arroz já foram descritos, tais como Cor (Cold-regulated), KIn (cold inducible), ErD (Early responsive to dehydration), LTI (Low-temperature Induced), RD (Responsive to Dehydration), Rab16, Expansin 7 e 12, assim como genes que necessitam da sinalização de 19 ABA e da presença de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Igualmente, foram identificadas proteínas quinases dependentes de cálcio (CDPKs), já que esse elemento é um importante intermediário na cascata de sinalização, ligando-se, muitas vezes, a calmodulina modificando o comportamento de quinases (SHINOZAKI e YAMAGUCHI-SHINOZAKI, 2000; RABBANI et al., 2003; CHINNUSAMY et al., 2006; LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007; WAN et al., 2007; SAIJO et al., 2001; XIANG et al., 2007). Além de genes envolvidos na resposta ao frio, genes participantes de processos metabólicos da planta são afetados ao final dessa cascata de transdução de sinal, como por exemplo, os que codificam Glutamato desidrogenase e Alfa-amilase (RABBANI et al., 2003; LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). Um importante Quantitative Locus Trait (QTL) qLTG3-1 foi estudado pela comparação entre duas cultivares de arroz, outra que não apresenta esse alelo e uma que apresenta, por meio de análise do nível de expressão sob estresse pelo frio (15°C) por microarranjo. Esse QTL, na cultivar tolerante ao frio, durante a germinação, teve seus níveis de expressão aumentados 1 dia antes da germinação e durante o processo germinativo. Outra diferença observada foi no número de genes com a expressão modificada na comparação das cultivares contrastantes 1 dia antes da germinação, sendo essa diferença estimada ocorreu em 4.586 genes, dos quais 100 tiveram a expressão diferencial duplicada (FUJINO &MATSUDA, 2010). Além dos genes já identificados, utilizando microarranjos, foram descobertos 18 micro RNAs que respondem ao frio em arroz (Lv et al., 2010). Análises da expressão diferencial dos genes ASR (ABA, Stress and Ripening) foram realizadas pela utilização de qRT-PCR em arroz sob condições de estresses abióticos pelo frio e pela posterior averiguação de plantas que sofreram silenciamento gênico. Como resposta ao frio, os genes ASR1 e ASR4, dos 6 genes da família ASR, apresentaram elevação no número de seus transcritos (ARENHART et al., 2009). Análises de RNA gel-blot foram utilizadas para investigar a expressão diferencial em diferentes tecidos de arroz do gene OsARS1, em que foram detectados altos níveis de expressão na parte aérea tanto na fase vegetativa quanto reprodutiva sob condições de baixas temperaturas. Já sob condições de temperatura ideal esse gene foi expresso em todos os tecidos, com exceção dos calos (KIM et al., 2009). Esses pesquisadores sugerem que esse gene seja regulado pelo FT CBF1, sendo que as amostras de arroz transformado foram expostas ao frio (4°C por 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 ou 12 dias, precedidas de 10 dias sob 30°C) e após serem submetidas ao frio foram, novamente, submetidas a 30°C por 10 dias. 20 Rabbani et al. (2003), após 14 dias da semeadura de Nipponbare (japonica), utilizando a técnica de microarranjo, verificaram a expressão diferencial de 36 genes induzidos pelo frio (4°C durante 5, 10 e 24 horas), assim como 43 genes em presença de ABA, 62 genes em condições de desidratação e 57 genes em estresse de salinidade. Esses autores ressaltaram a estreita relação que esses genes apresentam, já que 15 desses genes responderam aos quatro diferentes estresses, assim como alto crosstalk entre frio e salinidade e, também, entre frio e ABA. A técnica de microarranjo também permitiu a identificação de 121 genes que respondem de forma rápida ao frio (10°C durante intervalos de, no máximo, 24 horas) em arroz subespécie japonica, que são consideradas mais tolerantes a baixas temperaturas comparativamente à subespécie indica, no período de germinação. Neste estudo, foi proposto um modelo de regulação no qual participam fatores de transcrição ROS-bZIP1 que independem de ABA e de CBF/DREB ao contrário do gene GERMIN, que é expresso na presença de ABA (CHENG et al., 2007). O último que pode servir como parâmetro para análises, em que se deseja investigar se há aumento na síntese de ABA, assim como a interferência do ABA na expressão de genes que respondem a condições de baixas temperaturas. Em outro estudo também foi investigada a resposta precoce ao estresse causado pelo frio (10°C) e sua relação com a rota oxidativa, sendo identificada que há sobreposição dos genes super regulados tanto sob condições de baixa temperatura quanto sob indução do mecanismo oxidativo, o qual ocorre em quase 60% dos genes averiguados pela técnica de microarranjo em arroz. O arroz, no estádio V3, apresentou resposta da rota oxidativa mais rápida que a resposta por grupos mediados por ABA em Nipponbare (YUN et al., 2010). Além de ser verificada a ação do mecanismo oxidativo mediado por fatores de transcrição bzip, ERF e R2R3-MYB atuando sobre os respectivos elementos as1/ocs/TGA, GCCbox/JAreeMYB2. Também foi verificado, conforme o proposto por Cheng et al. (2007), que a resposta do fator de transcrição DREB/CBF independe da resposta oxidativa. No entanto, há controvérsias sobre a resposta enzimática antioxidante, sendo sugerido que essa resposta pode ou não estar envolvida à tolerância e/ou à sensitividade ao estresse pelo frio, assim como também pode estar envolvida na tolerância à semeadura em grandes profundidades. Porém, foi demonstrada redução da fotoinibição e o dano oxidativo em cultivares tolerantes quando comparadas às sensíveis ao frio. Além disso, o modo como as cultivares respondem ao estresse é variável, algumas cultivares expressam constitutivamente altos níveis de Superóxido Dismutase (SOD) favorecendo a tolerância nas horas iniciais à 21 exposição ao estresse (BONNECARRÈRE et al., 2011). Outra enzima que também pode favorecer a tolerância, por também estar relacionada à ação antioxidante seria a enzima Ascorbato Peroxidase. Adicionalmente, a tolerância a grandes profundidades de semeadura pode envolver genes que conferem tolerância a plantas submersas, como é o caso de Sub1b (LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). Em pesquisas sobre a expressão ectópica de TERF2 através da transgenia, foi relatado que esse apresenta uma importante função regulatória na resposta ao estresse por baixas temperaturas em arroz, aumentando a tolerância ao frio, e, como uma das consequências, reduz a presença de espécies reativas de oxigênio, estabilizando a membrana. Além disso, alguns genes regulatórios, como, OsMYB, OsICE e OsCDPK7 tiveram sua expressão elevada sob o tratamento com frio (TIAN et al., 2011). A família de fatores de transcrição MYB pode estar relacionada à regulação do metabolismo secundário e à regulação da formação meristemática (JIN e MARTIN, 1999). Também pertencente ao grupo MYB, o fator de transcrição MYB3S, além de atuar na via de sinalização de açúcares atua, de maneira fundamental, na adaptação do arroz ao frio (SU et al., 2010). Como em arroz transformado geneticamente na presença ou ausência da função gênica de MYB3S, foi sugerida a onipresença da expressão desse FT. No entanto, sob estresse pelo frio, houve uma superexpressão de, até, 5 vezes. Foi relevante, nesse estudo, a descoberta da repressão da transcrição de FT DREB1/CBF por FT MYB3S, evidenciando a complementaridade de ambos. Esses mesmos autores descrevem a resposta do fator de transcrição MYB3S como ocorrendo a longo prazo, ou seja, também é fundamental para quando a planta se mantém sob condições de estresse. 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A better understanding of stress tolerance mechanism in rice plants will help to develop rice germplasm with improved field level tolerance under variable temperature and sowing deep conditions. Using previously developed stress indices, this study presents results from low temperature and deep sowing screening of four rice genotypes. A group of 25 seeds per replicate (total of 3 replicates) was subjected to stress by deep sowing (15 cm) while another group was subjected to cold stress (13°C-10 h/18°C-14 h), and the control group remained under optimum conditions (25°C and sowing deep of 1.5 cm). The Geometric Mean (GM), Stress Tolerance Index (STI) and Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) were used to evaluate the genotypic performance under control and stress conditions. The results indicate that it was possible to identify superior genotypes for tolerance based on their stress indices. The indices although correlated, were found to be effective for the selection of genotypes with good yield potential under control and stress treatments and can now be used for genotypic screening under field conditions. Keywords: Oryza sativa, temperature response, shoot length. Running Title: Stress Indices for rice genotypes INTRODUCTION Low temperatures have a strong impact on the survival, growth, reproduction and distribution of plants. The plants are characterized by an inherent level of resistance to low temperatures, which reduces the metabolic activity. This level of resistance can vary among individual plants and species. The cold stress is characterized by physiological perturbations, generally called low-temperature damages (HUDAK & SALAJ, 1999; YAN et al., 2010; ZHANG et al., 2010). The germination process followed by fast and uniform seedling emergence is essential for the successful crop development. However if the seeds remain under the soil for long time this would impair germination which will be accompanied by abiotic stresses like low temperature or biotic stresses like pathogens. Consequently it will decrease the crop yield and increase the productivity cost. 28 The abiotic stresses caused owing to deep sowing are also an important factor that plays a major role in impairing plant development. Hence the long term goal for breeding is the development of germplasm with improved field tolerance under different stress conditions owing to low temperature (CRUZ e MILACH, 2000) and seed sowing depths. Rice is a temperature-sensitive crop; low temperatures and deep sowing dramatically reduce its production. Good tolerance at the seedling stage is an important character for stable rice production. Brazil is one of the largest rice producing countries in the world. However the conditions are not always favorable which makes early seedlings rotten thereby causing massive seed loss and delayed growth (CRUZ e MILACH, 2000). Hence it becomes important to develop rice plants that can circumvent the atrocities of nature. Previous reports have shown the genetics and physiological responses of plants to temperature stress but yield based on indices are needed for the evaluation of low temperature and deep sowing stress tolerance for applied plant breeding programs. Several yield based stress indices have been developed that may be applicable for low temperature and deep sowing tolerance. The Geometric Mean (GM) and the Stress Tolerance Index (STI) (FERNANDEZ, 1993) have been used for comparing genotypic performance across years or environments. STI was developed to identify genotypes that perform well under both stress and control conditions. The Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) (FISHER e MAURER, 1978) is a ratio of genotypic performance under stress and non-stress conditions, adjusted for the intensity of each trial, and have been found to be correlated with yield and canopy temperature in wheat (RASHID et al., 1999). These different indices may be applicable to other abiotic stress traits, such as low temperature or deep sowing stress tolerance. This study presents the low temperature and deep sowing stress screening of rice plants in Brazil for selection of cold and depth stress (deep sowing) tolerant rice genotypes with good yield potential and applicability of several stress indices for genotypic stress under the aforesaid stress treatments. 29 MATERIAL AND METHODS Plant Materials Four rice genotypes were used in this study: “Brilhante” (cold tolerant, Fagundes et al., 2010), “IRGA 422 CL” (as model rice), “BRS 6 Chuí” (cold sensitive, Mertz et al., 2009) and one red rice ecotype 116. Germination test The experiment was carried out with 100 seeds in each four replicates. The seeds were set on paper roll previously dampened with sterile double distilled water using 2.5 times the paper dry mass. After sowing, these rolls were kept inside plastic bags in growth chamber at 25ºC for 14 days. The evaluations were made on 5 days and 14 days respectively after sowing, according to Brazilian standards (BRASIL, 2009). Germination Percent (GP) was calculated as described in Scott et al. (1984). The germination count was calculated as described in Brazilian standards (BRASIL, 2009). Cold test The cold test was conducted as described by Vieira e Carvalho (1994) with some modifications in 4 replicates each with 100 seeds. The seeds were distributed uniformly on previously dampened filter paper and then these rolls were kept inside plastic bags in growth chamber for 7 days at 10ºC and these treated seeds were then kept inside the growth chamber (25ºC) for 7 days. The evaluation was made in a similar way like Germination test count. Seed Treatment The soil was previously autoclaved and then dried in a hot air oven (70ºC). The experiment was carried out in four replicates, with 25 seeds per genotype under three different conditions: for cold stress treatment the seeds were sowed at 1.5 cm depth in cups (200 mL) and kept in growth chamber under alternate temperatures (13°C-10 h/18°C-14 h) while for deep sowing stress, seeds were sowed at 15 cm deep in PVC tubes and kept in growth chamber at 25 ºC. Seeds sowed at a depth of 1.5 cm in cups served as control were kept in growth chamber at 25ºC. The measurements of shoot length and root length were made after 7 days and 14 days respectively. The Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI): ((1- (Ys/Yp))/(1-(Xs/Xp)), Geometric Mean (GM): ((Ys x Yp)1/2), Stress Tolerance Index (STI): ((Yp x Ys)/Xp2), were determined using the 30 equations for SSI (Fisher and Maurer 1978), GM, STI and SI (FERNANDEZ, 1993) respectively. The data obtained in this study were used in place of the genotypic mean values for seedling length under stress (Ys) and under control (Yp) variables, respectively, in the equations for the indices. Xs and Xp are the mean seedling length of all genotypes per trial under stress and control conditions. Statistical Analysis All the experimental data presented in this study are mean from three replicates. The significance of the values so obtained was evaluated by ANOVA and Scott Knott test (p≤ 0.05) using SISVAR (FERREIRA, 2011). The values for the indices so obtained were correlated by Pearson correlation analysis using test t (p ≤0.01 and p≤ 0.05) using WinSTAT version 1.0, software package (MACHADO, 2007). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a model plant for the genetics and physiology of cultivated grasses, especially due to its high information content available by synteny with other cereals (DEVOS & GALE, 1998) and the genetic variability that it has to characters for importance of seed physiology (SGUAREZI et al., 2003). Furthermore, it is a major crop species from South of Brazil, which is currently responsible for approximately 60% of national production. Therefore, rice is an excellent source of research, either through regional and national economic importance, but also is of great importance by virtue of the biology of the species itself and other cereals. The ability of the plants to emerge efficiently and rapidly from the soil or under water is a desirable quality that needs to be incorporated into rice cultivars (REDOÑA & MACKILL, 1996). The result presented here puts an insight into the plant vigor which was assessed by first germination count, germination test and cold test (Table 1a). Among the four genotypes (“BRS6 Chui”, “Brilhante”, “IRGA 422 CL” and one red rice ecotype-116) studied here it was observed that “BRS6 Chui” had the best physiological characteristics demonstrated by germination test and cold test which varied from 9497% followed by “Brilhante” and “IRGA 422 CL” (87-88%) while red rice showed the less vigor (71%). 31 Table 1(a): First count (%), Germination (%) and Cold test of different rice genotypes. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. 1st Germination Count (%) Germination (%) Cold Treatment IRGA 422 CL 88b 90b 75c Ecotype 116 71c 86d 50d Brilhante 89b 93c 85b BRS 6 Chuí 96a 97ª 93a Média CV (%) 86 2.12 1.5 91.4 6.06 75.6 * Means followed by the same letters differ by Scott-Knott test at 5% level of significance. The next part of our study focused on the significance of genotype and stresslevel interaction. The effect of stress level and genotypes was considered fixed because these were the only levels and genotypes of interest. The rice genotypes did not show significant interaction in shoot length among themselves after 7 days of exposure to deep sowing stress or cold stress (data not shown). However significant differences were not observed in the total length (root length + shoot length) among the cultivars after 7 days of exposure to either of the stresses (Table 1b). Table 1(b): Total seedling length (root + shoot) in the different rice genotypes after cold stress and seed deep sowing stress.UFPel/FAEM. 2013. IRGA 422 Control 7 days 1.1cA 14 days 2.23bcA Depth Stress 7 days 14 days 0.30aB 0.24aB Cold Stress 7 days 14 days 0,23aB 0.54bB Ecotype 116 1.22cA 2.14cA 0.16aB 0.16aB 0,17aB 0.52bB Brilhante 1.82aA 2.64bA 0.49aB 0.38aC 0,28aB 1.32aB BRS 6 Chui 1.49bA 3.06aA 0.24aB 0.30aB 0,23aB 0.59bB Média CV (%) 26.1 (7 dias) 26 (%) 1.2 (14 dias) 22 (%) * Means not followed by the same lowercase and uppercase letters in the column and in the row differ by Scott-Knott test at 5% level of significance, respectively. Hence in the light of this observation we can suggest that 7 days exposure was not enough for screening genotypes for cold and deep sowing tolerance at germination 32 stage on the basis of their shoot length. Previously it has been shown that corn genotypes when exposed to cold stress (10°C) for 7 and 14 days respectively showed a detrimental effect on seedling development (CRUZ et. al., 2007). Earlier work done with 494 rice genotypes for screening cold tolerance over a period of four years showed that Tomoe Mochi, Amber, Diamond Bright, BRS Querência and Japanese Grande (Japonica group) showed better performance, during two years of review, at 14.7°C in first year and then third year at 3.3°C to 15.6°C minimum and maximum (FAGUNDES et al., 2010). Moreover it was also reported that the cultivars from Japonica subspecies showed more tolerance to low temperature stress as compared to the Indica subspecies (CRUZ; MILACH, 1999; MERTZ et al., 2009). Our results showed that Brilhante showed more shoot length after 14 days of cold stress followed by IRGA 422 CL and red rice ecotype 116 while BRS6 Chui showed the least shoot length. Although in the cold test and First germination BRS6 Chui were the best results, comparing with the results based on shoot length we can conclude that BRS6 Chui is highly sensitive to cold stress as compared to the other genotypes while Brilhante was cold tolerant. However when the plants were exposed to deep sowing stress it was observed that all the plants were highly sensitive as they showed significantly less seedling length (Table 1b). Amidst all the cultivars studied here the red rice ecotype 116 showed better shoot length as compared to all the other rice genotypes under study which gives us an idea that this cultivar is moderately tolerant to deep sowing stress which is consistent with earlier findings from Helpert (1981) who showed that 12% of red rice seeds germinated at 12 cm deep but at 16 cm germination was only 1%. Earlier when Gealy et al. (2000) tested the emergence of several ecotypes of weedy red rice in different textures of soil at a deep of 7.5 cm found that all the ecotypes emerged uniformly. Previously work done with segregating rice population for analysis of plant vigor showed that red rice ecotype 45 exhibited higher germination at 20 cm deep in the soil (MALONE et al., 2007). Hence we can conclude that not only abiotic stress caused by low temperature but also stress mediated by deep sowing is detrimental for rice plant development and productivity. The Stress Susceptibility Indices (SSI) and GM for shoot length for 7 days and 14 days of deep sowing stress were correlated negatively which is not desirable. However for the cold stress (7 days) the GM mean and CSI correlated positively, but on 33 the contrary the GM for deep sowing and cold stress showed a positive correlation which is inconclusive (Table 2 a and b). This brings us to our earlier conclusion that it is not possible to screen rice genotypes for cold and deep stress after 7 days. Table 2(a): Averages for seedling shoot length (cm) subjected to stress 14 days after sowing.UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Genotypes IRGA 422 A. vermelho Brilhante BRS 6 Chui Control 1.95bA 1.98bA 2.25bA 2.74aA Média CV(%) Depth Stress 0.23aB 0.15aB 0.37aC 0.29aB Cold Stress 0.44bB 0.44bB 1.22aB 0.52bB 1.05 22.19 * Means not followed by the same lowercase and uppercase letters in the column and in the row differ by Scott-Knott test at 5% level of significance, respectively. Table 2(b): Correlation between Indices of Tolerance and Susceptibility and Geometric Mean for seedling length of the four genotypes. (D: Deep, C: Cold, SI: Susceptibility Index; TI: Tolerance Index, GM: Geometric Mean; Statistical Significance was estimated by t test (*) and (**) significant (> 0.05) and (> 0, 01) of likelihood, respectively). UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Correlation Correlation (length of seedling) 7 days 7 days Correlation Correlation (length of seedling) 14 days 14 days DSI x Dgm -0.70** DSI x Dgm -0.65** DSI x Dgm -0.56* DTI x DSI - 0.54* DTI x Dgm 0.99** DTI x Dgm 0.99** DTI x Dgm 1.00** CSI x DSI 0.58* DTI x DSI -0.75** DTI x DSI -0.68** DTI x DSI -0.58* DSI x Cgm -0.55* Cgm xDgm 0.78** Cgm xDgm 0.83** Cgm xDgm 0.67** DTI x Cgm 0.99** Cgm x DTI 0.71** Cgm x DTI 0.78** CSI x Cgm -0.79** CSI x Cgm 0.59* CSI x DSI 0.58* Cgm x DTI 0.66** CTI x DSI 0.54* CTI x CSI 0.98** Florido et al. (2009) have shown that the index of tolerance can help in breeding programs to permit the investigation of the performance of that germplasm under adverse environmental conditions. However the screening results for seedling length after 14 days under either of the stresses showed a positive correlation between the Tolerance Indices (STI) and GM, thereby justifying the effectively of the methodology. Our results are consistent with previous reports on bean genotypes that showed heat tolerance index and GM proved are the most useful indices for the 34 evaluation of genotypic performance under heat stress and they were highly correlated (PORCH, 2006). Corroborating this result, Boussen et al. (2010) also found that STI and GM have high positive correlation, though low correlation was observed between GM and SI while screening wheat genotypes under drought stress. The ability of plants to tolerate the harsh effects of abiotic stress plays a critical role in improving the crop yield. Low temperature or cold stress and deep sowing stress are two major constraints in rice yield owing to global climactic change. In this evaluation of screening rice genotypes in Brazil under cold and deep sowing stress it was observed that STI and GM are the most effective stress indices for the selection of genotypes with good yield potential under depth sowing stress and low-stress conditions. 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Com o objetivo de comparar a resposta ao frio em cultivares de arroz tolerantes e sensíveis a esse estresse foram realizadas analises relacionadas ao acúmulo defitomassas seca e possíveis alterações no teor de clorofila. Para tanto, foram utilizadas cultivares consideradas tolerantes, sensíveis e moderadamente tolerantes ao frio. As sementes, após sete dias a 25°C, foram expostas a 4°C durante 24 h e, logo após, foi estimado o teor de clorofila. Posteriormente, as plantas ficaram durante 72 h a 25°C para recuperação e, em seguida, foi coletado material para a medição das fitomassas secas. O período de recuperação, no qual foi determinada a massa seca, especialmente de raiz, é mais efetivo na discriminação dos genótipos comparativamente ao teor de clorofila. Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa L, plântula, estresse abiótico. 38 INTRODUÇÃO O Brasil está entre os 10 maiores produtores de arroz do mundo, sendo o maior produtor mundial, ao se excluir os países asiáticos (SOSBAI, 2010). O estado do Rio Grande do Sul é o principal produtor brasileiro de arroz irrigado, apresentando uma área de cultivo estimada em 1,07 milhão de hectares, correspondendo a 66,9% da produção nacional (CONAB, 2012). No Rio Grande do Sul, o período ideal para a semeadura dessa cultura corresponde de 15 de outubro a 15 de novembro, comas normais climatológicas de 30 anos registrando temperaturas em torno de 18,55°C nesse período. (CONAB, 2011; Embrapa/UFPel/INMET, 2011). No entanto, sabe-se que temperaturas inferiores a 20°C podem ser prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento e rendimento da cultura, já que a temperatura ótima para a fase de germinação do arroz é entre 20°C e 35°C (YOSHIDA, 1981). Temperaturas abaixo de 20°C podem ocasionar injúrias sendo que esse fator é considerado um dos estresses abióticos mais relevantes para a cultura do arroz. Portanto, estudos sobre tolerância ao frio em arroz utilizam temperaturas inferiores a 20°C nas fases germinativa, vegetativa e reprodutiva (YOSHIDA, 1981; CRUZ, 2001). Os caracteres genéticos que conferem a tolerância ao frio são oriundos de cultivares provenientes de países como Chile, Filipinas e Japão e pertencentes a subespécie japonica. No entanto, a maioria das cultivares utilizada no Brasil pertence à subespécie indica, o que contribui para uma desuniformidade e redução na velocidade na germinação sob condições de estresse por temperatura (SOUZA, 1990). Essa redução na velocidade de germinação estando relacionada ao retardo das reações metabólicas pode acarretar em menor acumulo de massa seca, devido a um possível retardo na metabolização das matérias de reserva (MERTZ et al., 2004). As clorofilas são os principais responsáveis pela captação de energia luminosa que é fundamental para a fotossíntese. Alterações no teor de clorofila podem ser decorrentes de estresses, o que interfere no desenvolvimento da planta assim como na produção de biomassa (LIMA et al., 2004; CANCELLIER et al., 2011). Sthapit & Witcombe (1998) afirmaram que as características fisiológicas, como produção de clorofila, são controladas geneticamente e devem ser exploradas no melhoramento genético de arroz irrigado, uma vez que possuem altos valores de herdabilidade. O período de recuperação de plantas expostas a estresses abióticos pode contribuir a sua tolerância. Plantas de arroz, após exposição a condições de outro tipo de 39 estresse abiótico, em particular, a seca foram avaliadas quanto à concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes, os resultados observados revelam que essas plantas foram capazes de combater a fotoinibição causada durante o período de estresse (LOGGINI et al., 1999). O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a resposta ao frio de cultivares de arroz tolerantes e sensíveis a esse estresse em relação ao acúmulo de fitomassa e possíveis alterações no teor de clorofila. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS O presente estudo foi conduzido no laboratório de Bio-sementes, Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). As cultivares de arroz utilizadas no experimento classificadas como tolerantes ao frio foram: Ambar, Diamante, Oro; enquanto as sensíveis ao frio foram: IRGA 417, BRS PELOTA, BRS TAIM e BRS SINUELO CL. Também foram incluídas cultivares com média tolerância ao frio: BRS FRONTEIRA e BRS PAMPA. Foram semeadas sete sementes de cada cultivar de arroz por copo plástico (com 200 mL de capacidade), o que foi constituído de três repetições composta por um copo. Os copos foram preenchidos com vermiculita e mantidas em câmara regulada durante sete dias a 25°C. Em seguida, as plântulas foram mantidas a 4°C durante 24 h e logo após, foi medida a fotossíntese. Posteriormente, as plantas foram mantidas por 72 h a 25°C para sua recuperação, e, em seguida, foi coletado material para realizar as avaliações de massa seca. Esse tempo de recuperação é necessário para que sejam obtidas respostas fisiológicas em nível de biomassa, conforme Rabbaniet al. (2003) e Cruz e Milach (2004). Determinação dos teores de clorofilas a e b O material coletado (0,1 gda parte aérea) de cada repetição foi transferido para tubos falcon com capacidade de 15 mL, os quais foram previamente revestidos com papel alumínio para evitar a incidência de luz. Nos tubos as amostras foram maceradas juntamente com 5 mL de Acetona a 80%. (v/v). As amostras foram centrifugadas por 10 min em uma rotação de 5477,5 força g, e, em seguida, o material foi filtrado com algodão, sendo o volume restante completado a 20 mL com Acetona a 80%. As absorbâncias foram obtidas em espectrofotômetro (modelo Ultrospec 2000), 40 emcomprimento de onda de 645 nm (para determinação da clorofila b) e 663 nm (para determinação da clorofila a). Os resultados foram expressos em μg.g-1de fitomassaseca (MS). Os teores de clorofilas total, ‘a’ e ‘b’ foram calculados por meio de equações (eq.1, 2 e 3) estabelecidas por Lichtenthaler (1987): Chl totais = 7,15 (A663) + 18,71 (A645) (eq. 1) Chl ‘a’= 12,25 (A663) – 2,79 (A645) (eq. 2) Chl ‘b’= 21,50 (A645) – 5,10 (A663) (eq. 3) Determinação da Fitomassa após período de recuperação de estresse pelo frio Após 72 h de recuperação (a 25°C), coletaram-se as plântulas, e separando-se as partes aéreas e radiculares para a avaliação da fitomassa seca. Em seguida, a parte aérea e a parte da raiz foram acondicionadas em sacos de papel e colocadas em estufa a 70ºC por 24 h. Logo após, as repetições foram pesadas novamente em balança analíticas e o valor obtido da soma de cada amostra foi dividido pelo número de plântulas utilizadas, com os resultados expressos em g plântula-1. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, em esquema fatorial. As análises de variância foram realizadas aplicando-se o teste F e quando foi detectado efeito significativo foi realizado o teste Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de possibilidade de erro. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância, com o auxílio do programa SISVAR (FERREIRA, 2011) e transformados pela fórmula Raiz quadrada de Y + 1.0 - SQRT (Y + 1.0). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSAO Os genótipos Ambar, Diamante e Oro, os quais são enquadrados como tolerantes ao frio, foram considerados significativamente diferentes e superiores em relação aos demais genótipos testados para a variável massa seca da raiz (MSR) e massa seca total (MST) (Tabela 1). Isso pode indicar que durante o processo de recuperação da planta, após a aplicação do estresse pelo frio, nas cultivares tolerantes foi verificada maior quantidade de água estava acumulada na Parte Aérea. Para variável MSR, houve diferença significativa entre as diferentes cultivares, em que tanto as mediamente quanto as sensíveis ao frio, foram as que tiveram as menores massas. Esse resultado corrobora com o Wielewick et al., (2002), pois as 41 cultivares de arroz estudadas no estudo referido apresentava um decréscimo no comprimento radicular quando expostas a temperatura baixa.Durante o estádio de plântula, o frio pode provocar atraso no desenvolvimento, redução na estatura, amarelecimento das folhas e redução da matéria seca (MERTZ et al., 2009). O estresse pelo frio diminui a razão parte aérea/raiz em genótipos tolerantes. Além disso, o frio diminui a biomassa devido a redução na absorção de água e nutrientes, assim como afeta a assimilação de CO2 e, portanto, a fotossíntese (AGHAEE et al., 2011). Tabela 1. Resposta para massa seca de cultivares de arroz tolerante ou sensível ao frio submetidas sete dias a 25°C, em seguida, expostas a 4°C (24 h), seguida de 72 h de recuperação (a 25°C). UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Cultivar MSR (g) MST (g) Ambar 0,003a 0,010b Oro 0,004a 0,012a Diamante 0,003a 0,010b BRS Fronteira 0,001b 0,006c BRS Pampa 0,001b 0,008c IRGA 417 0,001b 0,007c BRS Pelota 0,001b 0,006c BRS Taim 0,001b 0,007c BRS Sinuelo Cl. 0,001b 0,006c Média 0,002 0,008 CV 0,04 0,06 *Médias seguidas por letras distintas, na coluna, diferem entre si pelo Teste Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de significância. Os teores de clorofila “a” foram mensurados e as cultivares não diferiram significativamente (média geral= 2,53; cv=25,6), o que sugere que estresse aplicado não influenciou as cultivares testadas para esse tipo de clorofila. Já para os teores de clorofila “b” e total ocorreu diferença significativa, no entanto, não foi observado um padrão diferencial entre cultivares tolerantes, sensíveis e intermediarias, sob as condições estudadas no estádio inicial de desenvolvimento (Tabela 2). Em outro trabalho, com diferentes cultivares de arroz as doses de nitrogênio utilizadas influenciaram os índices de clorofila b e total de clorofila, não apresentando significativa interação entre os fatores para o índice de clorofila a. O elevado teor de 42 clorofila b pode estar relacionado a condições de baixa luminosidade, característica dos germinadores utilizados no presente experimento, sugerindo que as cultivares que conseguem aproveitar melhor a luminosidade apresentaram maiores valores de teor de clorofila (CANCELLIER et al., 2011). Em um terceiro trabalho com cultivares de arroz sensíveis ao resfriamento foi verificada a redução no conteúdo de clorofila nas folhas (AGHAEE et al., 2011). A redução na concentração de clorofila foi mais proeminentemente observada durante o período de recuperação ao ser comparado com as avaliações logo após a aplicação do estresse pelo frio (CRUZ, 2001). O que sugere que o período de recuperação, no qual foram determinadas a massa seca é mais efetivo na separação dos genótipos. Além disso, estudos realizados após 14 dias de estresse pelo frio em arroz (18°C) são mais efetivos para ranqueamento de cultivares tolerantes e sensíveis ao frio utilizando-se a parte aérea comparando-se com resultados após 7 dias de estresse pelo frio (BEVILACQUA et al., 2013). Tabela 2. Teores de clorofila “a” e “b” e totais (μg.g-1) em plântulas de arroz tolerantes ou sensíveis ao frio submetidas sete dias a 25C, em seguida, expostas a frio (4°C durante 24 h). UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Cultivar Clorofilas totais Clorofila “b” Ambar 9,85b 3,83b Diamante 1,96b 0,57b Oro 6,15b 1,89b BRS Fronteira 16,54a 7,94a BRS Pampa 16,91a 7,63a 9,82b 4,22b BRS Pelota 15,18a 6,56a BRS Taim 13,60a 6,60a 8,05b 3,27b IRGA 417 BRS Sinuelo Cl. Média 10,372,23 CV 18,44 19,96 * Médias seguidas por letras distintas, na coluna, diferem entre si pelo Teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de significância. O estresse pelo frio em plantas pode provocar condições de anaerobiose, levando ao processo de fermentação alcoólica, e consequente aumento na produção de etanol e na síntese de álcool desidrogenase. Esse aumento na síntese de etanol pode 43 ajudar na preservação da fluidez dos lipídeos da membrana (MERTZ et al., 2009; SALTVEIT et al., 2004). No entanto, o aumento na produção de etanol, juntamente com o aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio ou diminuição na síntese de antioxidantes, pode acarretar no aumento da peroxidação dos lipídeos insaturados, presentes nas membranas e que ajudam na fluidez dessas,sendo esses lipídeos sensíveis à oxidação, levando a ruptura da membrana plasmática. O rompimento membranar, acarreta a perda da clorofila e degradação da Rubisco (MARCONDES e GARCIA, 2009). A enzima álcool desidrogenase produz acetaldeído e NADHo qual pode ser utilizado na cadeia transportadora de elétrons (LEHNINGER et al., 1995). O que acarreta em alterações na concentração das clorofilas e fotossíntese de modo geral. CONCLUSÃO O período de recuperação das plântulas após estresse pelo frio no qual foi determinada a massa seca (raiz e total) é efetivo na separação de genótipos de arroz sob estresse de frio. Sugerem-se futuras análises da massa seca de parte aérea e teor de clorofila após um período mais longo de estresse pelo frio. AGRADECIMENTOS Agradecimentos ao CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico) pelo suporte financeiro. REFERENCIAS AGHAEE, A.; MORADI, F.; ZARE-MAIVAN, H.; ZARINKAMAR, F.; POUR IRANDOOST, H.; SHARIFI, P. 2011. Physiological responses of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to chilling stress at seedling stage.African Journal of Biotechnology. V.10, p. 7617-7621. BEVILACQUA, C. B., MONZON, D. R., VENSKE, E., BASU, S., ZIMMER, P. D.. 2013. Application of Stress Indices for Low Temperature and Deep Sowing Stress Screening of Rice Genotypes. 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Lavoura Arrozeira, v.43, p.9-11. SOSBAI (Sociedade Sul - Brasileira de Arroz Irrigado) 2010. Arroz irrigado: recomendações técnicas da pesquisa para o Sul do Brasil. 28. Reunião Técnica da Cultura do Arroz Irrigado. 188 p. VIANA, M.C.M. Déficit hídrico em genótipos de milho com tolerância diferencial à seca. 2002. 75 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia Vegetal) – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. YOSHIDA, S. 1981. Fundamentals of rice crop science. Los Baños: International Rice Research Institute. CAPÍTULO III Eficiência de iniciadores relacionados aos genes de tolerância ao estresse em arroz por baixas temperaturas e anoxia Capítulo com análises preliminares às análises descritas nos Capítulos IV e V INTRODUÇÃO O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) está entre os cereais mais consumidos no mundo, constituindo-se a base da alimentação de 2/3 da população do planeta. Entre os fatores que podem prejudicar a produtividade desta cultura estão os estresses abióticos como as baixas temperaturas, especialmente em estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento. A busca pela tolerância é a principal solução para prejuízos causados pelo frio em arroz (SERAFIM, 2003). As respostas biológicas são controladas pela regulação da expressão gênica, sendo que atualmente existe um grande número de estratégias disponíveis para analisar a expressão diferencial de genes de interesse. A técnica de PCR quantitativo em Tempo Real (qRT-PCR) é considerada sensível e precisa (BUSTIN, 2000). Nessa técnica, a quantidade de produto amplificado é proporcional a acumulação de fluorescência (HIGUCHI et al., 1993) e a eficiência dessa amplificação deve ser comparada entre as amostras (FREEMAN et al., 1999). A acurácia desse método é dependente da análise da curva padrão gerada a partir de diluições do cDNAa partir da sua concentração inicial conhecida e da qualidade do RNA utilizada para sua síntese (PEIRSON et al., 2003). Além disso, a metodologia de qRT-PCR que utiliza SYBR Green é de baixo custo, rápida e confiável em comparação ao emprego de sonda fluorescente (STANKOVIC e CORFAS, 2003). Os genes constitutivos que apresentam uma alta estabilidade na expressão podem ser utilizados como controles, nas reações de qRT-PCR em que os primers utilizados para a amplificação dos genes a serem investigados devem apresentar uma eficiência similar àquele utilizados para a amplificação desses genes constitutivos (JAIN et al., 2006; LIVAK e SCHMITTGEN, 2001). Para tanto, a etapa de desenho dos primers merece atenção para uma realização de reações de qRT-PCR eficientes. 47 O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficiência na amplificação de primers relacionados aos caracteres de tolerância ao frio e/ou anoxia nas fases iniciais do arroz, a fim de utilizá-los na técnica de qRT-PCR (Capítulos IV e V). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS Para o desenho dos primers relacionados aos genes de resposta ao estresse pelo frio e/ou anoxia no arroz (Tabela 1 e 2), com auxílio do programa Primer 3 (, observando os seguintes parâmetros: -temperatura de anelamento (60-65°C); -tamanho do amplicon (50-150 pb); -porcentagem de GC (40-60%); -ausência de dimerização. Os reagentes utilizados para a realização das amplificações foram: 0,4μl de DNTPs (5mM), 2 μl de Buffer (10x), 1,2 μl de Cloreto de magnésio (50mM), 2 μl SYBR Green (1X), Taq Platinum, 5 μl de ROX dye, 1 μl de primer (10 μM) e o 1 μl of template (cDNA) e 10,95 μl de água. Esse cDNA foi obtido a partir da extração de RNA de mesocótilo das cultivares utilizadas no experimento em questão, após 2 semanas da semeadura. O seguinte programa de amplificação foi utilizado: Estágio 1= 50°C por 2 min; Estágio 2 = 95°C por 10 min; Estágio 3 = 40 ciclos - 95°C por 15s/60°C por 1 min. (onde ocorrerá a leitura); Estágio 4 = estágio adicional na qual é efetuada a dissociação do SYBR - 95°C por 15s/60°C por 1 min./ 95°C por 15s. Os dados foram processados no software 7500 v.2.0.1. As amostras foram acondicionadas em placas (96 Well Optic Plates - Applied Biosystems®) e cobertas com adesivo óptico (Optic Adhesives - Applied Biosystems®). As reações foram realizadas no termociclador ABI PRISM 7500 Fast (Applied Biosystems) (para reações referentes ao Capítulo IV) e no termociclador CFX 96 Realtime system, BIO-RAD (para reações referentes ao Capítulo V). Foram utilizadas três repetições biológicas e três repetições técnicas. Após o processo de amplificação do produto, que é proporcional à acumulação de fluorescência, foi analisada a eficiência dos primers (WATSON et al., 1993). 48 Para a obtenção da curva de dissociação (Curva de Melt) foi utilizado o Programa da Applied Biosystems. O qual apresenta um gráfico de regressão linear do valor Ct em comparação ao log das diluições de cDNA, apresentando um valor denominado de slope. Esse valor indica a inclinação da curva padrão gerada pelos dados, ou seja, log da concentração das amostras x Ct (Threshold Cycle). A seguir, foi realizada a análise do coeficiente de determinação, gerado a partir da curva padrão, o qual determina o quanto os valores Ct sobrepõem os pontos da reta obtida pelos valores log das diluições. A averiguação do comportamento das amostras em quatro pontos de diluição, foi realizada a partir das curvas de eficiência de amplificação para cada par de iniciadoresdos genes estudados e para o gene constitutivo (Actina e Ubiquitina, Capítulos IV e V, respectivamente) foram obtidas a partir de uma série de diluições do cDNA (1:1; 1:5; 1:25; 1:125). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO A Curva de Melt demonstrou que a maioria dos primers obteve apenas um pico (dados não apresentados), o que indica a provável presença de apenas uma cópia do fragmento no genoma de arroz, o que representa um bom indício. Foram utilizadas diluições seriadas do cDNA (1, 1:5, 1:25 e 1:125), sendo a diluição de 1:25 dos cDNAs a escolhida para serem posteriormente ser utilizada para a quantificação relativa. Os primers descritos nas Tabelas I e II mostraram-se os mais eficientes, pois apresentaram seus valores de eficiência mais próximos de 2, para os genes analisados a fim de serem utilizados para fins de quantificação relativa da expressão gênica. Valores para eficiência dos primers devem ser o mais próximo possível de 2, com tolerância de 10% para o desvio, pois isso significa que o amplicon duplica sua quantidade durante a fase geométrica (exponencial) da PCR, ou seja, que a PCR foi 100% eficiente.Os primers que se destacaram, são os denominados JRC2606 e JRC3709 por apresentaram os melhores resultados para eficiência, além de aceitáveis valores do coeficiente de determinação. A qualidade da curva padrão foi aferida a partir do slope da equação de regressão, utilizado para o cálculo da eficiência de amplificação, assim como do coeficiente de determinação (R2) (DEPREZ et al., 2002). 49 Tabela I. Informações referentes aos genes e suas sequências de nucleotídeos a serem utilizados em análises de expressão dos genes em qRT-PCR (Capítulo IV).UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Gene name Accession Reference Primer sequence FCAAGATCACGGAGGAGATCGRGCTCTTGTGGTCCTTCTTC F- TTTTCATGATGCGGAAGTCA R-TTTTCCCTGTTGAGCACTCC F- CGGTCACTACCTCCCAACAG R-GACCGAACATCTCTTGACA F- CATCTCACTAGCTCGCATCG R- TGTTCCCTCAAGCACAGTGA ASR1 AF039573 Arenhart, 2008 CloneJCR2606 BP432999 Rabbani et al., 2003 CloneJCR0937 BP432974 Rabbani et al., 2003 GERMIN NM_001067692 Cheng et al., 2007 Actin Pegoraro, 2012 F-CAGCCACACTGTCCCCATCTA R-AGCAAGGTCGAGACGAAGGA FONTE: NCBI Tabela II. Informações referentes aos genes e suas sequências de nucleotídeos a serem utilizados em análises de expressão dos genes em qRT-PCR (Capítulo V). UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Name Accession Rabbani et al.(2003) NAM-F NAM-R AK068392 AK108621 Rab 16-R AK071366 F-box-R AK072651 Expansin 7-F Expansin 7-R Os03g60720 Sub 1b-F Sub 1b-R Os03g44290 Alcoholdehydrogenase 2-F Alcoholdehydrogenase 2-R Alpha-amylase-R Os08g36910 Expansin 12-F Expansin 12-R Os07g47790 ERF 68-F ERF 68-R APX2-R ERF 70-R Os03g17690 ACCTGAACCCGTTTATCGTG AGGGATGTGGTTCGTGCTAC GTCCATTCACACTCCACACG AGTGTGGGAGAGGGTGTGAC AAGGTCATGGTGAAGATCGG CCTTCTCCCAGACGCTGTAG AGTTCATGGACTACGACGCC ATCAAAGCTCCAGAGCTCCA ACTACATGAGCTTCCTCGGC AGGTGCCACAAGGAAAGATCTGGT TCAGCAGGGCTTTGTCACTAGGAA (Nakano et al, 2006). Os09g11480 GAGATCAAGTGCGTGAACCA GACGGCAGCTCGTAGTCTTC Shigeokaet al. (2002) ERF 70-F CCTGCAACATGAAGCTGAAA GTGGATGTGCCAACAAAGTG LasanthuKudahettigeet al. (2007) LasanthuKudahettigeet al. (2007) Nakano et al, 2006). Os01g21120 APX2-F GAAGAAGGGCTTCATGGACA TCAGTTTCCTTCCGACTGCT LasanthuKudahettigeet al. (2007) LasanthuKudahettigeet al. (2007) Fukuda et al. (2005) Os11g10510 Alpha-amylase-F GCTCCTCGTCGACTACATCC CACCATCACTCGCATTTCAC Rabbaniet al.(2003) F-box-F GCAAGCCATTCTAGACGACC CTGGACGATGGACTTCTGCT Rabbaniet al. (2003) Rab 16-F Primer sequence GCTCGCCTGAGTCAAAGTTC Rabbaniet al. (2003) Myb 7-F Myb 7-R Reference* GGACGCCACAACGAAGATGAAGAA TGCACCAGAAGGGAACATGGAAAC 50 (continuação) Dubouzetet al. (2003) Dreb2A-F Dreb2A-R AF300971 Glutamatedehydrogenase-R ATGAAGGTGCTGATGTGCAG Rabbaniet al. (2003) Glutamatedehydrogenase-F BP432999 Germin-R Os08g08970 H+ pyrophosphatase-R D45383 Ubiquitina -R TTGAGCCTGCCCTCAAGAAG GGGAGGCCTAACCAACTGAC Jain et al.(2006) Ubiquitina -F CATCTCACTAGCTCGCATCG TGTTCCCTCAAGCACAGTGA Rabbaniet al. (2003) H+ pyrophosphatase-F TTTTCATGATGCGGAAGTCA TTTTCCCTGTTGAGCACTCC Dubouzetet al (2003) Germin-F TAAGTGGGTGGCTGAGATCC UBI CTCACCTACGTCTACAA GTCAAGGTGTTCAGTTC FONTE: NCBI Os demais primers desenhados (dados não mostrados) tanto no que diz respeito ao valor da eficiência dos iniciadores quanto a sua dissociação após a amplificação demonstraram uma maior inespecificidade em produzir apenas um amplicon em relação aos demais testados. CONCLUSÃO Os primers testados para reações de qRT-PCR, apresentam diferentes níveis de eficiência indicando a necessidade de descarte de alguns desses, antes da análise por qRT-PCR para investigar a tolerância à estresses abióticos em arroz em estádios iniciais de desenvolvimento sob estresse por frio. REFERÊNCIAS BUSTIN S.A. Absolute quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 25, p.169– 193. 2000. DEPREZ, R.H.L. 2002.Sensitivity and accuracy of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction using SYBR green I depends on cDNA synthesis conditions. Analytical Biochemistry, v.307, p. 63-69. FREEMAN, D., GARETY, P. A. Worry, worry processes and dimensions of delusions: An exploratory investigation of a role for anxiety processes in the maintenance of delusional distress. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 27, p.47–62. 1999. HIGUCHI, R., FOCKLER, C., DOLLINGER, G, and WATSON, R. Kinetic PCR analysis: real-time monitoring of DNA amplification reactions. Bio/Technology, 11, p.1026-1030. 1993. JAIN, N., R. Koopar and S. Saxena,. Effect of accelerated ageing on seeds of radish (Raphanus sativus L.).Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 5, p.461-464.2006. 51 LIVAK, K.J.; SCHMITTGEN, T.D. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) method. Methods, v.25, p.402408, 2001. PEIRSON, S.N., BUTLER, J.N., FOSTER, R.G. Experimental validation of novel andconventional approaches to quantitative real-time PCR data analysis. NucleicAcids Res 31(14): e73. 2003. SERAFIM, D. C. S. Mapeamento de QTLs para tolerância ao frio e características de importância agronômica em arroz. Dissertação (mestrado) em Fitotecnia / Área de concentração Plantas de Lavoura, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2003. WATSON, R. et al. Kinetic PCR Analysis: Real-time Monitoring of DNA Amplification Reactions. Nature Biotechnology 11, p.1026–1030, 1993. CAPÍTULO IV *Artigo a ser submetido para a revista Journal of Plant Physiology Differential gene expression of cold responsive genes in rice and red rice genotypes C.B. Bevilacqua, D. Monzon, T. Viana, P.D. Zimmer; S. Basu Abstract - Plants have strategic adaptations to harsh environments especially after germination when stress avoidance is no longer possible. Temperature stress occurs at any ontogenic period during crop production affecting a large array of developmental processes. Rice seedlings at early planting times are subjected to stress by deep sowing as well as exposure to low temperatures. Plant species have different tolerance to cold stress and depth emergence. It has been shown that weedy red rice is more physiologically adapted to deep sowing than rice cultivars. Likewise, some rice genotypes are more tolerant to cold stress than others. To achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the gene expression patterns of rice in response to depth stress and cold stress, we performed a gene expression analysis using “Diamante” (cold tolerant), “BRS 6 Chui” (cold sensitive), and an ecotype of weedy red rice. We then selected the depth-tolerant red rice ecotype 116, and the cultivars BRS6 Chui (cold sensitive) and Diamante (cold tolerant) for further experiments. Esterase isoenzyme analysis was done on these plant materials under cold stress (18oC-10h/13oC-14h temperature), which showed the presence of two unique isoforms in cold sensitive and ecotype 116. However, all the isoforms were regulated by cold stress. A differential expression pattern was observed in the transcript accumulation of the genes under study in all the accessions. These results can help us to study the behavioral responses of different red rice and rice accessions under deep sowing using these cold inducible genes as a marker. Moreover we will draw a correlation between cold stress and deep sowing. 53 INTRODUCTION The emergence of seedlings influences the yield of crops. Yield increases as seedling emergence becomes faster and more uniform. The faster and more uniform the emergence of the seedlings are, the better is the weed control, and there is reduction of other plant stress (SOLTANI et al. 2006). Abiotic stress is one of the factors that can decrease the emergence of seedlings. The Abiotic stress signaling is a complex network that needs multiple information (XIONG et al., 2002). Rice is a temperature-sensitive crop (CRUZ e MILACH, 2000). Low temperatures and seed sowing depths are abiotic stresses that can dramatically reduce yield. Moreover, sowing depth is considered an important abiotic stress that affects crop productivity. For weedy red rice, this feature can be considered positive, especially for the development of weed seed banks in soil, which has greater longevity and hence it adopts a strategy of becoming dormant to persist in the soil (NOLDIN, 1995). However, weedy red rice is one weed injuring rice fields (SMITH, 1988). The linkage between rice biomass production and mean minimum temperature was established. A 10% reduction in grain yield can occur for every 1°C increase in growing season minimum temperature (PENG et al., 2004). Plants exposed to cold stress, which includes chilling (< 200C) and freezing (< 00C) temperatures, negatively affects the growth and development of plants. It can also significantly constraint the spatial distribution and the yield of crops (CHINNUSAMY et al., 2006). Many studies have been performed to determine the cold tolerance in different genotypes. It has been demonstrated that at the stage of germination the subspecies japonica genotypes have greater tolerance. In Brazil, studies using temperatures of 13 and 28ºC, showed that the japonica cultivars “Quilla 64117” and “Diamante” are more tolerant to cold. Among the indica genotypes, “BR-IRGA 410” and “IRGA 416” cultivars were more tolerant (CRUZ e MILACH, 2004). The genetic traits that lead to cold tolerance (referred to as source of tolerance), are from cultivars coming from countries such as Chile, Philippines and Japan. In this case the tolerance was determined by evaluating the coleoptile length and the regrowth at 28ºC, after exposure to 13ºC. In studies performed by EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) the emergence rate index (IVE) was used as a parameter to verify the tolerance of different genotypes to cold (EMBRAPA, 2009). 54 The isoenzymatic complex esterase is one of more polymorphic complex in plants (WEEDEN e WENDEL, 1990). It is very useful in rice researches (ENDO E MORISHMA, 1983) due to their changes in expression pattern under cold stress (MERTZ et al., 2009). The expression of the proteins involved with cold tolerance is regulated by specific transcription factors (TF). TFs are proteins with a DNA domain that binds to the cis-acting elements present in the promoter of the target gene. The family of transcription factors CBF (C-repeat binding factor) or DREB (dehydration responsive element binding factor) regulates the expression of genes that respond to several stresses, among them the cold stress, containing the cis-element CRT/DRE (Dubouzet et al., 2003). The transcription factor AREB (ABA - responsive element binding protein) or ABFs (binding factors) is also important in abiotic stress. It activates the cis-elements ABRE (ABA - responsive element) as well as the family NAC (NAM, ATAF and NUC) (YAMAGUCHI-SHINOZAKI & SHINOZAKI, 2005; HU et al., 2008). The zinc finger proteins show trans regulation of cold tolerance, as demonstrated by Huang et al. (2009). It is based on the given ZFP245 accumulation by activation of ABA synthesis. Moreover, further analysis showed that the overexpression of ZFP245 using a transgenic increases antioxidant activity, thus protecting the plants. Several other genes involved in cold response during rice germination have been described such as Cor (Cold-regulated), KIn (cold inducible), ErD (early responsive to dehydration), LTI (Low-Temperature Induced), and RD (Responsive Dehydration). Genes that require the abscisic acid signaling or presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS), or calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs), or calcineurin B-like that interacts with protein kinase (OsCIPK03) and others were also reported (YAMAGUCHI-SHINOZAKI, 2000; CHINNUSAMY et al., 2006; WANet al., 2007; SAIJO et al., 2001;XIANG et al., 2007). A large number of cellular processes are involved in the response to stress tolerance and a large number of genes are required for various abiotic stresses response. There is an essential combinatorial control of different transcription factors that have high expression to promote tolerance. In a study conducted by Lindlof et al. (2009) 1450 genes related to cold stress in rice were identified through microarray analysis. It corresponded to a lower number of genes than those found in the Arabdopsis (1753 genes) under the same experimental conditions. 55 In all these studies, the stress condition is applied in a specific period; on the other hand, it is relevant to investigate gene expression under conditions of permanent stress during seedling stage. Moreover studies that will indicate genes that show crosstalk between the different stresses are actually important to understand the key of different stress tolerance. It would favor the development of new cultivars showing cold tolerance. To achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the gene expression patterns of rice in response to depth stress and cold stress, we performed a gene expression analysis using “Diamante” (cold tolerant), “BRS 6 Chui” (cold sensitive), and an ecotype of weedy red rice. The results obtained here will help us to characterize the response of weedy red rice towards depth and cold stress. In addition, it will also provide an insight into the genetic makeup of the weeds. Moreover this will also help us to get an understanding whether there is any crosstalk between depth stress and cold stress signaling in rice plants. MATERIAL AND METHODS Screening of different weedy red rice genotypes for deep sowing tolerance The experiment was carried out with 42 red rice accessions (Q1 1A, Q1 19, Q1 13,Q2 14, Q1 32, Q 28, Q1 1A, Q1 2A, Q2 36B, Q1 9, Q1 10A, Q2 33A, Q2 33B, Q1 14A, Q1 18, Q1 10, Q2 6B, Q2 29, Q2 8B oposto, Q2 38B, Q1 22, Q1 5, Q1 4B, Q2 13A,Q2 28A, Q 11A, Q2 32, Q2 10A, Q1 4A, Q2 34b, Q1 28, Q2 16, Q1 36, Q2 13,Q2 14, Q2 27, Q2 2A, Q2 17, Q1 20, Q2 37A, Q2 19 e Q2 ant. 28) with 10 replicates. The samples were screened for depth tolerance (15cm) based on their ability to germinate (data not shown). They were evaluated as tolerant or sensitive based on their shoot length (after 14 days sowed). Plant Material and Growth Condition Three rice genotypes were used in this study: “Diamante” (cold tolerant), “BRS 6 Chuí” (cold sensitive) and the weedy red rice accession selected in the Screening of different weedy red rice genotypes for deep sowing tolerance. Seeds were washed with water and then were allowed to grow in homogeneous conditions in plastic pots under vermiculite. For cold stress treatment the plants were kept at 18ºC-14h/13ºC-10h (during 14 days). For deep sowing stress, seeds were sown, and kept during 14 days, at a depth of 5, 10 and 15 cm while the seeds sown at a depth of 1.5 cm served as the control. Plants were washed thoroughly, and the coleoptiles were harvested. Samples of 56 equal fresh weight were frozen in liquid nitrogen. After collection, the plant tissue was quickly frozen in ultra-freezer (-80ºC) until RNA extraction. Esterase analysis by NPGE For esterase isoenzyme analysis, 200 mg of control and stressed (13°C-10 h/18°C-14 h) samples of BRS 6 Chuí (cold sensitive), Diamante (cold tolerant) and weedy red rice ecotype 116 (depth tolerant) respectively were homogenized in liquid N2. A total of 400 µl extraction buffer containing solution 0.2(M) Lithium Borate (pH8.3), 0.2(M) Tris Citrate (pH 8.3) and 0.15% 2-mercaptoethanol was added to the homogenized samples. The resulting mixture was centrifuged and the supernatant was collected and analyzed by 7% Native Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained according to Scandálios (1969) and Alfenas (1998) with some modifications. Gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR The sequences to four cold-responsive genes were obtained in NCBI ( (Table 1).To study the expression pattern of these genes under cold and deep sowing stress treatments from different rice genotypes, quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR v.2.0.1 7500 Fast (Applied Biosystems) was performed using ROX (Invitrogen) and SYBR SAFE DNA in DMSO (Invitrogen) for 40 cycles following the manufacturer’s protocol. Three independent biological replicates of each sample were used for expression analysis; each sample was normalized using Actin gene (Chapter IV of this dissertation) and Ubiquitin (Chapter V of this dissertation). Negative control reactions were also run to confirm the absence of contaminants. The design the primers were carried out by Primer 3 ( The primer selection was done previously by Applied BiosystemsTM guide. The RNA extraction was carried out using 0.1 g from shoot in the seedling stage by TrizolTM Reagent (InvitrogenTM), followed by DNAse ITM Amplification Grade (InvitrogenTM).To qualify and quantify the RNA was used electrophoreses and spectrophotometer and then the cDNA was obtained with 2 µg of RNA bySuperScriptTM First-Strand System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen TM). The qPCR was carried out by 7500 Real Time PCR System (Applied BiosystemsTM). To determine relative fold changes for each sample in each experiment, 57 the Ct (Threshold cycle) value for each gene was normalized to the Ct value for actin and was calculated relative to a calibrator using the equation 2-ΔΔCt (Livak e Schmittgen, 2001). To quantify, by real time, was performed 2 μl of the SYBR Green (1X), 1 μl of each oligonucleotide (10 μM), 1 μl of the first strand cDNA (diluted 1:25, selected according to results from Chapter 3), 0,4μl of DNTP (5Mm), 2 μl (Buffer 10X), 1,2 μl of MgCl2 (50Mm), 0,5 μl of ROX dye and 10,95 μl of water. Table 1. Expressed genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) when subjected to abiotic stress. Gene Accession Reference* ASR1 AF039573 Arenhart, 2008 CloneJCR2606 BP432999 CloneJCR0937 BP432974 GERMIN NM_001067692 Actin Primer sequences F- CAAGATCACGGAGGAGATCG R- GCTCTTGTGGTCCTTCTTC Rabbani et al., 2003 F- TTTTCATGATGCGGAAGTCA R-TTTTCCCTGTTGAGCACTCC Rabbani et al., 2003 F- CGGTCACTACCTCCCAACAG R-GACCGAACATCTCTTGACA Cheng et al., 2007 F- CATCTCACTAGCTCGCATCG R- TGTTCCCTCAAGCACAGTGA Pegoraro, 2012 F-CAGCCACACTGTCCCCATCTA R-AGCAAGGTCGAGACGAAGGA * Based on the literature found in relation to gene function. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Red rice depth screening The screening for depth tolerance was done with 42 weedy red rice accessions. The screening was done based on the changes in the shoot and root on emergence length under depth treatment. To evaluate plants in the germination under depths, weedy red rice under different depths of sowing can be used a source of genetic variability (MALONE et al., 2007). Based on the results shown in Figure 1, the weedy red rice ecotype 116 (Q128) was chosen because the shoot and root length measurement showed good results as compared in the screening of different weedy red rice genotypes for deep sowing tolerance. The sowing depth affects the stand of the crop. For the development of weed seed banks in soil, the deeply sowing have greater longevity and can become dormant to persist longer in the soil (NOLDIN, 1995). 58 Figure 1. Seeding depth tolerance screening of weedy red rice accessions by measurements of seedling root and shoot lengths (mm), 14 d after sowing. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Next step was to study the sensitivity of the weedy red rice under low temperature stress as compared to the cultivars Diamante and BRS6 Chui by Esterase Isoenzyme Analysis. Our investigation showed that weedy red rice Ecotype 116 and BRS6 Chui showed the presence of unique isoforms that are down-regulated under cold stress (Esterase 2 and Esterase 4, respectively). While the other two isoforms are also down-regulated under cold stress in weedy red rice Ecotype 116 and BRS 6 Chui, Esterase 1 and Esterase 3, which are present in all the three accessions, are up-regulated in the cold tolerant cultivar Diamante (Figure 2). The increment of esterase activity is highly possible that the isoforms 1 and 3 can be related to tolerance, as well as the absence of isoforms 2 and 4. Previous study indicated 2 alleles for Esterase isoenzyme assay. One of these alleles decreased the expression in rice seeds exposed to cold stress (MERTZ et al., 2009). This reduction of intensity of the bands was also observed in Brandão-Júnior et al. (1999) and this decrease was also in loss of the seeds availability. Majumder et al. (1989) already found Esterase alleles to sensitivity and tolerance for cold stress in rice. The Esterase plays a role in the lipid metabolism, which is important for possible alterations in the membrane lipid phase during cold stress. So this alteration can contribute to the degenerative processes resulting from the low-temperature stress 59 (PUNEVA e ILIEV, 1995). This is consistent with our observation, so Esterase is a tool to identify and select cold-tolerant rice genotypes. Ecotype 116 (Deep sowing-tolerant) Control Cold Diamante (Cold-tolerant) Control Cold BRS6 Chui (Cold-sensitive) Control Cold Esterase 1 Esterase 2 Esterase 4 Esterase 3 Figure 2. Esterase isoenzyme analysis of red rice ecotype 116 and the cultivars Diamante and BRS 6 Chui under cold stress (18ºC-10h/13ºC-14 h). UFPel/FAEM. 2013. When the plants are exposed to abiotic stresses, the ROS are synthetized during a normal plant cellular metabolism. However environmental stresses can excessively increase the ROS production causing progressive damages and/or act as second messengers involved in the stress tolerance of plants (SHARMA et al., 2012). Germin is known as oxalate oxidase, which one converts oxalic acid (OA) to CO2 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), this enzyme permit to accumulate that Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the apoplast (WOJTASZEK, 1997). Germin was up-regulated under cold stress as well as with increasing sowing deep sowing stress for BRS 6 Chui, Diamante and weedy red rice ecotype 116, where weedy red rice ecotype 116 showed more transcript accumulation as compared to Diamante and BRS 6 Chui under cold stress (Figures 3 and 4). Germin is a defense-related protein while ASR 1 is a low temperature induced chaperone. Consequently, when plants are subjected to abiotic stresses like cold and deep sowing, transcript accumulation of these genes increases, suggesting their role in counteracting stress.ASR1 was up-regulated under cold stress as well as in sowing depth stress in Diamante and BRS 6 Chui and down-regulated for weedy red rice ecotype 116. ASR1 helps the folding of proteins (TAIZ e ZEIGER, 2009). Previously it has been reported that ASR1 gene is induced under abiotic stress treatment in rice (Rabbani et al., 60 2003). Our results also show that this gene has the expression increased in the cultivars under stress. On the contrary JRC 3709 (calcineurin B-like protein)was down-regulated under different stress conditions which is consistent with previous results (Rabbani et al., 2003). However, this gene was up-regulated for BRS 6 Chui (cold-sensitive) under depth (15 cm) and cold stress. Rabbani et al. (2003) showed for other also cold sensitive rice (Oryza sativa var. Nipponbare) exposed to cold (4ºC, after 2; 5; 10 and 24 h). It showed that probably this cold-sensitive one increased the transcript accumulation of this enzyme decreasing the successfully energy spend to produce a mechanism of tolerance (Figures 3 and 4). JRC 2606 (Glutamate dehydrogenase) was inducible with depth stress for all the different rice accessions, but it was down-regulated under cold stress for BRS 6 Chui and Diamante. While weedy red rice Ecotype 116 showed up-regulation under cold stress (Figures 3 and 4). Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a hexameric enzyme involved in nitrogen metabolism (Stewart et al., 1980), which one is encoded by two separate loci of that gene: gdh1 and gdh2, in Maize and Arabdopsis (MAGALHÃES et al., 1990; TURANO et al., 1997), while JRC 3709 is a calcineurin B- like protein which plays a role in regulating the expression of GDH. Due to Calcium is recognized as a universal second messenger (CARAFOLI, 2005) may be the absence or presence of the calcium binding domain can regulate differentially the Ca2+. Based on that, in the present study is suggested the GDH and calcineurin B-like gene expressions are positively correlated. The cold-tolerant cultivar (Diamante) showed a balance between the expressions of these two proteins. For the others genotypes the disbalance was showed. This balance probably is important to the coldtolerance. It also can suggest that is this work was studied only one of the GDH isozymes, probably the gdh2, because this one is absence in sensitive and in our study this is down-regulated in the cold-tolerant plants. The cold-sensitive accession, in Maize, the gdh2 gene product was the only loci detected (Pryor, 1990). Also in Maize the gdh1 null mutants showed a single GDH isozyme and it was the gdh2 gene product (MAGALHÃES et al., 1990). This can emphasize the relevance of gdh1 gene product to the cold-tolerance helping keep the protein synthesis by nitrogen metabolism. 61 So the cold treatment was enough to provide different response. The coldsensitive BRS6 Chui showed repressed JRC 2606 and up-regulated JRC 3709 (calcineurin B-like protein). Figure 3. Differential gene expression analysis assessed through qRT-PCR in Ecotype 116 (deep sowingtolerant), BRS6 Chui (cold-sensitive) and Diamante (cold-tolerant) compared with that of control subjected to cold stress (Relative fold change, log2 ratio) for each plants. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. a . b . c . d . Figure 4. Differential Expression analysis of genes: a. ASR1 b: Germin c: JRC 2606 and d: JRC 3709 assessed through qRT-PCR in Ecotype 116, BRS 6 Chui and Diamante compared with that of control subjected to sowing depth stress (Relative fold change, log2 ratio) for each plants.UFPel/FAEM. 2013. 62 These results can help provide an insight into the cold tolerance and sowing depth tolerance of different accessions. However a lot of work still needs to be done. CONCLUSIONS Esterase isoenzyme analysis showed the presence of two unique isoforms in cold sensitive and ecotype 116, but all the isoforms were regulated by cold stress. 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CAPÍTULO V *Artigo a ser submetido para a revista Plant Physiology Screening of different rice genotypes for cold and deep sowing stresses Caroline Borges Bevilacqua1, SupratimBasu2, Tse-Ming Tseng3, Paulo Dejalma Zimmer1, Nilda Roma Burgos2, AndyPereira2 1 Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil; 2 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. 3 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA ABSTRACT- Cold stress adversely modifies rice physiology, metabolism, plant growth and development and thus limits crop productivity. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the important cereals grown across the world. Although it has been used as a model plant for many years, the growth responses of rice to cold temperature are still poorly understood. We characterized a panel of rice genotypes with variation in cold and/or deep sowing sensitivity, with the following aims: 1) categorize 21 rice accessions as Japonica or Indica by phenol test; 2) classify them as sowing depth and/or cold-sensitive or –tolerant by evaluating germination and measuring seedling shoot length after 14 days of incubation at 18/13°C day/night temperature and at different seedling depths (1.5cm, 5cm, 10cm and 15cm respectively); and 3) analyze the expression of genes under cold and/or sowing depth treatment. We then selected sensitive and tolerant (3 genotypes from Indica and 2 genotypes from Japonica) rice subspecies, respectively, to analyze the expression of cold-responsive genes and submergence-inducible genes by qPCR after exposing the rice plants to 10°C for 6, 24 and 96 h at 1.5 cm and 10 cm sowing depths. These results indicated the importance of ABAdependent and independent pathways for tolerance in both stresses in Japonica and Indica subspecies. These patterns of gene expression can help to provide an insight into the cold tolerance and sowing depth tolerance in these different rice subspecies. 66 INTRODUCTION Temperatures under 20°C cause development and yield injuries, so this abiotic stress is a relevant problem for rice crop. Many studies during vegetative and reproductive phases are carried out due to the presence these low temperatures in the field (YOSHIDA, 1981; CRUZ, 2000). The genetic traits leading to cold tolerance are from rice cultivated in Chile, Philippines and Japan, and belong to Japonica subspecies. Nevertheless, the majority of rice cultivated in Brazil belongs to Indica subspecies, and majority of high yielding cultivars show little tolerance to low temperature. This contributes to non-uniform germination and germination is reported to decreases under cold stress (SOUZA, 1990; XU, 2008; NAHAR et al., 2009). However, the high sterility of the hybrids (Indica x Japonica) shows the importance of more researches (ROSSO, 2006), as well as studies about the mechanisms involved in cold stress response. These studies can provide the development of cold-tolerant cultivars, avoiding the low-temperature damage (LOU et al., 2007). Cold tolerance, during seedling stage, is necessary for a stable rice production. According to previous studies the percentage of reduction in coleoptile, at the germination stage, can identify readily and discriminate the tolerant and sensitive rice genotypes under abiotic stress (GREGORIO et al., 1997; CRUZ e MILACH, 2004; CRUZ et al., 2006). During the vegetative phase, rice genotypes were screen out for Salt tolerance indicating the necessity of molecular markers to improve the rice tolerance identification and selection, encompassing genotypic and phenotypic studies as well (BHOWMIK et al., 2009). Different abiotic stress can respond using the same pathway, activating the same cascades of signal transduction, which leads to crosstalk (RABBANI et al., 2003).This indicates that stress, like sowing depth, can be evaluated, which can contribute to evaluate the vigor and the response of less oxygen conditions. Different responses for weedy red rice under depth sowing were investigated using different depths, these weedy red rice are source of variability (MALONE et al., 2007). This study was conducted to achieve objectives to characterize cultivated and weedy red rice into Indica and Japonica subspecies, and to screen phenotypes for tolerance to low temperature and/or sowing depth conditions. The accessions selected were analyzed by expression of cold-responsive genes and submergence-inducible genes using qPCR to elucidate how rice copes with different abiotic stresses. 67 RESULTS Rice Subspecies Determination Twenty-one rice and red rice accessions (Figure 1) were subjected to phenol test to determine their subspecies grouping. The phenol test showed that 9 accessions were Japonica and 12 were Indica (Table 1). Figure 1. Phenol test of cultivated and weedy red rice accessions for subspecies determination. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Table I. Rice and red rice genotypesclassified as Japonica or Indica subspecies by phenol test. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Accession code PRA 08-D02 LIN 08-B3 LIN 08-B5 CHI 08-C LIN 08-C GRE 08-DO1 LEE-8-C CRA 08-D Law 08-D 210 116 5 135 County PRAIRIE LINCOLN LINCOLN CHICOT LINCOLN GREENE LEE CRAIGHEAD LAWRENCE Conway Randolph Arkansas Woodruff Rice ou weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice Subspecies Japonica Indica Indica Indica Indica Indica Indica Indica Japonica Indica Indica Indica Japonica 68 (continuação) 85 44 3011 1200 1602 Spring Oro Hayayuki Lonoke Desha Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil USA cultivar Chile cultivar Japan cultivar weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice weedy red rice rice rice rice Japonica Japonica Japonica Indica Indica Japonica Japonica Japonica Phenotyping for Cold Tolerance Testing for cold tolerance showed two Indica (GRE 08-D01 and 1602) and one Japonica (Spring) accessions were tolerant to cold stress (Figure 2; Table II). The others were sensitive and of these were selected one Indica (CHI 08-C) and one Japonica (PRA 08-D02) (Table I). Tolerant accessions have an average shoot length reduction of 28-38% relative to the nonstressed plants compared with approximately 95% in both sensitive accessions choose Reduction of shoot length (%) (Figure 2). Accessions under cold stress Figure 2. Response of selected Oryza genotypes to cold treatment (18C-10 h/13C-14 h temperature). Shoot lengths were measured (14 days after sowing). Each bar is the average of 3 replicates, each one with 5 seeds and 2 runs. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. 69 Table II. Evaluation of rice tolerance to cold stress.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 Shoot length reduction (mm) 95 31 82 94 95 29 93 92 92 91 95 95 37 Accession 1200 1602 3011 CHI-08C CRA-08D GRE-08D01 Havayuki Lee-8C LIN08-B3 LIN08-B5 LIN08-C PRA08-D SPRING Tolerance category Sensitive Tolerant X X X X X X X X X X X X X Prob> F <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* Rice Tolerance to Seeding Depth The results for characterization of genotypes with depth tolerance are shown in Figures 3 and Table III. One Indica weedy rice (GRE 08-D01) and one Japonica cultivar (Spring) accession are tolerant to depth stress up to 15 cm; the rest are sensitive. The shoot lengths of tolerant accessions showed less than 50% of reduction. All accessions did not grow well when planted deep (5, 10 and 15 cm) and subjected to cold stress (18C-10 h/13C-14 h temperature) (Figure 4) (Table IV). Tolerance to cold stress was absent when the seed was deep sowed. Table III. Screening of rice tolerance to depth stress (5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm). Accession Shoot length reduction (mm) Prob> F 5 cm depth 10 cm depth 15 cm depth 1200 1602 3011 CHI-08C CRA-08D GRE-08D01 Havayuki Lee-8C 13 -18 0 42 13 9 6 -11 71 50 20 53 7 12 9 0 15 52 -2 53 -8 46 35 0 0.55 0.26 0.0001* 0.007* 0.74 0.0004* 0.33 0.0001* LIN08-B3 7 16 12 0.83 LIN08-B5 LIN08-C PRA08-D SPRING 57 -40 73 26 67 60 83 39 21 29 40 31 0.010* 0.0005* 0.004* 0.1885 Tolerance Sensitive Tolerant X X X X X X X X X X X X X 70 71 72 Table IV. Rice seedling growth at various seeding depths (5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm) under cold stress (18C-10 h/13C-14 h). UFPel/FAEM. 2013 Accession 1200 1602 3011 CHI-08C CRA-08D GRE-08D01 Havayuki Lee-8C LIN08-B3 LIN08-B5 LIN08-C PRA08-D SPRING Shoot length reduction (mm) 5 cm depth 10 cm depth 15 cm depth 88 70 0 75 92 97 90 89 83 64 96 96 87 59 61 61 85 88 90 90 0 75 73 77 76 54 95 79 47 68 98 70 88 0 48 81 85 95 85 Prob> F 0.06 0.64 0.10 0.19 0.06 0.09 0.91 0.0001* 0.01* 0.26 0.63 0.22 0.53 Tolerance Sensitive Tolerant X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gene Expression Gene Expression Profiles of Transcription Factors cold responsive Differential transcript accumulation was observed for the transcription factors evaluated. These results can help us to study the behavioral responses of different weedy red rice and rice accessions to cold and deep sowing stress using these cold-inducible genes as marker. The gene expression patterns can help elucidate how rice copes with cold stress. Under cold stress: The gene expression analysis of Japonica accessions showed that the transcript accumulation of NAM in the sensitive accession (PRA 08-D02) was upregulated under cold stress for up to 24 hours and downregulated at 96 hours. Transcript accumulation in the cold tolerant accession (Spring) was less than that inPRA08-D02 and was most expressed at 24 hours of cold exposure (Figure 5, panel A). Upregulation of NAM occurred faster in the cold-sensitive than in the tolerant accession. Dreb2A and F-BOX were downregulated in both accessions at all times. MYB was downregulated in the sensitive accession and upregulated in the tolerant accession, showing the most transcript accumulation at 24 hours of cold exposure in the cold-tolerant Japonica rice. Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: The transcription factor genes NAM, Dreb2A, and MYB respond similarly in the cold tolerant and cold sensitive accessions. However, MYB differed from NAM and Dreb2A, after 6 and 96 hours of cold treatment. It is downregulated in the cold sensitive PRA 08-D02 and upregulated in the cold tolerant Spring accession (Figure 5, panel B). F-box transcript accumulation decreases with an increase in time under cold stress for PRA08-D02. Meanwhile, the contrary happened for Spring accessions. 73 Panel A. Panel B. Figure 5. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Under cold stress: The differential expressions of the transcription factor genes NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box are more steady responsive in the cold tolerant accession GRE08-D01 compared to the cold sensitive CHI 08-C.The accession 1602 has some different form of regulation (Figure 6, panel A). Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: The genes NAM, Dreb2A and F-box showed steady response in the GRE08-D01 accession under the different times of cold and deep sowing stress. The results for CHI08–C showed that the genes NAM and F-box have 74 higher transcript accumulation compared to Dreb2A and MYB. This means that the sensitivity to cold is related to ABA-dependence. There was decrease in expression of MYB gene after 96 hours of cold treatment under deep sowing stress for GRE08-D01 (Figure 6, panel B).This result is the same for the MYB gene of the said accession under cold stress but without deep sowing (Figure 6, panel A). Panel A. Panel B. 6 24 CHI08-C 96 6 24 (hours) 1602 96 6 24 96 GRE 08-D01 Figure 6. Gene expression analysis of NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes.Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on NAM, Dreb2A, MYB and F-box gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 75 Gene Expression Profiles of Cytosolic proteins Under cold stress: There was variation in gene expression of cytosolic proteins (Figure 6, panel A). The H+pyrophosphatase is only upregulated in the sensitive accession after 24 and 96 hours under cold. Rab16 was upregulated only in the cold tolerant accession after 96 hours of exposure to cold stress. GERMIN showed more transcript accumulation during 24 hours under cold for both accessions. However, this gene is downregulated in Spring under cold stress for 96 hours. This means that GERMIN is repressed after 96 hours under cold in the tolerant accession and is downregulated after 6 hours of cold exposure in the cold sensitive accession. Glutamate dehydrogenase showed a similar response, but the maximum transcription in the PRA08-D02 was after 96 hours under cold. There is a decrease in transcription in PRA08-D02 for Spring accessions after 96 hours of cold stress. Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: The cytosolic protein H+ pyrophosphatase is only upregulated after 6 hours under cold treatment in the sensitive accession (Figure 7, panel B). This means that this gene is only upregulated in the sensitive accession under cold treatment, with and without deep sowing stress, but is early responsive with deep sowing stress (Figure 7, panel A and B). The genes Rab 16, GERMIN and Glutamate dehydrogenase are early and steady responsive in Spring (cold and depth tolerant accession) compared with PRA 08-D02. Under cold stress: The cytosolic protein genes (Figure 8, panel A) are upregulated in both GRE 08-D02 and CHI 08-C.However, the amount of transcript accumulation is higher in the tolerant GRE 08-D01. After 96 hours of cold treatment in the cold sensitive CHI 08-C accession, only Rab 16 gene is upregulated. The gene glutamate dehydrogenase in the accession 1602 respond differently compared to the other two accessions CHI 08-Cand GRE08-D01. The tolerant accession (GRE 08-D02) showed more transcript accumulation after24 hours of cold stress in the H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase genes (Figure 8, panel A). Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: The H+pyrophosphatase gene showed a steady response in GRE08-D01. Gene expression in Rab 16 is increased under cold stress at different times for the said accession. All three accessions have an increase in gene expression for GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase after 24 hours of cold treatment (Figure 8, panel B). ADH1 was downregulated in GRE08-D01 and upregulated in CHI08-C and 1602 accessions after 96 hours of cold and deep sowing stress. The differential expression of 76 Expansin 7 decreased in CHI08-C and increased in GRE08-D01 as exposure to cold stress increases (Figure 8, panel B). Panel A. Panel B. Figure 7. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors H+ pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013. 77 Panel A. Panel B. Figure 8. Gene expression analysis of H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate de hydrogenase gene in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes.Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on H+pyrophosphatase, Rab 16, GERMIN and glutamate dehydrogenase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013. Gene Expression Profiles of Transcription Factors with anaerobic responses Under cold stress: Transcript accumulation observed in genes that are upregulated by anoxia and submergence (ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68, and -amylase) for both sensitive and tolerant accessions showed almost the same pattern of variations (Figure 9, panel A). Differing by the early response according to the amount of transcript accumulation for the Expansin 7 and 12 and ERF68 in the sensivite accession. 78 Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: The transcript accumulation of Expansin 12 is downregulated in PRA08-D02 and upregulated in Spring (Figure 9, panel B).This could mean that this gene is involved in depth tolerance, because without deep sowing stress (Figure 9, panel A), Expansin 12 gene decrease the transcript accumulation, as the time under cold treatment increases (Figure 9, panel A and B). Relative Fold Change Panel A. 6 24 Pra 08-D02 96 6 (hours) 24 96 Spring Panel B. Figure 9. Gene expression analysis of transcription factors ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70 and 68 and alpha-amylase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 79 Under cold stress: The tolerant accession (GRE 08-D02) showed more transcript accumulation after 24 hours of coldtreatment in the gene ERF 70 (Figure 10, panel A). ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 68, and alpha-amylase are downregulated in the tolerant accession (GRE08- D01) and upregulated in the sensitive (CHI 08-C). After 96 hours of cold stress, the genes ADH1, Expansin 12 and ERF 68 are also downregulated in GRE 08-D01. Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: An increase in gene expression for Expansin 12 was only observed in GRE 08-D01 The highest expression under deep sowing was observed at 24 hours of cold stress. ERF 70 just showed a minute amount of transcript in CHI08-C and ERF 68 was just downregulated in GRE 08-D01. In addition, the maximum transcript accumulation of alpha-amylase was observed in GRE08-D01 under deep sowing and after 24 hours of cold stress (Figure 10, panel B). Gene Expression Profiles of Transcriptions Factors involved in Secondary Metabolism Under cold stress: Sub1b gene expression declined with time of cold exposure in both Japonica accessions (Figure 11, panel A). Transcript accumulation ofAPX2 was not clearly related with time of cold exposure; it was upregulated in the cold-sensitive accession at 24 and 96 h. The expression of APX2 was lower in the cold-tolerant accession than the sensitive one at any time interval. Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: Sub1b and APX2 genes respond similarly in both tolerant and sensitive accessions. There is an increase in activity as time under cold stress and deep of sowing increases. The only difference is that the amount of transcript accumulation is bigger in Spring than PRA 08-D02 (Figure 11, panel B). 80 Relative Fold Change Panel A. 6 24 96 6 CHI 08-C 24 (hours) 1602 96 6 24 96 GRE 08-D01 Panel B. 6 24 CHI 08-C 96 6 24 96 (hours) 1602 6 24 96 GRE 08-D01 Figure 10. Gene expression analysis ofADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alphaamylase gene in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alpha-amylase expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on ADH1, Expansin 7 and 12, ERF 70, ERF 68 and alpha-amylase gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. UFPel/FAEM. 2013 81 Panel A. Panel B. Figure 11.Gene expression analysis of Sub 1b and APX2 in PRA 08-D02 and Spring genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on Sub 1b and APX2 expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on Sub 1b and APX2 gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and tolerant (Spring) Japonica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 Under cold stress: The Sub1b gene in the accessions 1602 and GRE 08-D01 showed a decrease in transcript accumulation as time exposure to cold stress increases. However, this relationship was not observed in the CHI 08-C accession. The transcript accumulation of the gene Sub1b for CHI08-C increases with time (Figure 12, panel A). Moreover, the accessions1602 and GRE08-D01 respond very differently for the gene APX2. It is upregulated in the GRE08-D01 and downregulated in the 1602 accession. 82 Under cold stress and at 10 cm sowing depth: Figure 12, panel B shows that Sub1b and APX2 genes in CHI08-C have higher amount of transcript accumulation compared to GRE 08-D01 and 1602 accessions, with an exception observed in GRE08-D01 after 96 hours of cold stress. This means that Sub1b and APX2, which are genes that are regulated by ROS detoxification and submergence, are related to deep sowing tolerance. The exception observed in GRE08-D01 could mean that after 96 hours of cold stress, the accession does not have any more capacity to tolerate and protect itself from the stress, hence becoming sensitive to it. Relative Fold Change Panel A. 6 24 96 6 24 96 (hours) 1602 CHI 08-C 6 24 96 GRE 08-D01 Panel B. 6 24 CHI 08-C 96 6 24 (hours) 1602 96 6 24 96 GRE 08-D01 Figure 12. Gene expression analysis of Sub 1b and APX2in CHI 08-C, 1602 and GRE 08-D01genotypes. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old seedlings. Panel A: Effects of cold (10C) on Sub 1b and APX2 expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. Panel B: Effects of cold (10C) and depth stress (10 cm) on Sub 1b and APX2 gene expression. Coleoptiles were harvested from 10-d-old germinated seedlings of sensitive (CHI 08-C) and tolerant (1602 and GRE 08-D01) Indica accessions. Seedlings were exposed to cold and depth stress for 6, 24, and 96 hours before RNA extraction. UFPel/FAEM. 2013. 83 DISCUSSION Shoot length reduction can be used to screen out cold or seedling depth tolerant at seedling stage In this present study both abiotic stresses were able to decrease the percentage of shoot length of the accessions evaluated, which was less than 38% in the cold-tolerant accessions and less than 50% in the seedling depth tolerant accessions. This percentage is according to Cruz e Milach (2004) scale. Due to cold and seedling depth stresses, the seedling growth and the development of rice plants can be injured (CHINNUSAMY et al., 2006; MALONE et al., 2007; NAHAR et al., 2009). Using the abiotic stresses together did not show any accession tolerance, which means all accessions were cold and seedling depth sensitive. This may be because the same pathways were induced, and tolerance depends on the intensity of the stress applied, as well as, the period under stress (RABBANI et al., 2003). The stress-inducible genes are not from just one pathway, so it is not following the same cascade of transduction signaling. In Arabdopsis, ABA-dependent and -independent signal pathways function in stress response (RABBANI et al., 2003).This is an evidence there are complex regulatory mechanisms involved (SHINOZAKI e YAMAGUCHI-SHINOSAKI, 2000; ZHU, 2002). Gene Expression Profiles of Transcription Factors cold responsive The transcription factors NAM and DREB are ABA-dependent and independent (respectively) were under cold treatment these ones are down regulated in the cold-tolerant. Instead of this, the TF MYB, ABA-dependent and independent, was up-regulated under cold stress in Japonica. DREB2A under cold stress was not inducible, the contrary was observed in recently studies in rice under abiotic stress-responsive genes (MATSUKURA et al., 2010). Under cold and seedling depth stresses the TF MYB showed up-regulation, this is an indicative of the importance of ABA-dependent and independent pathways for tolerance in both stresses in Japonica subspecies (Figure 5). Tian et al. (2011) also showed the regulatory gene OsMYB was up-regulated under cold stress, adapting rice for cold-tolerance (SU et al., 2010). In Indica subspecies there are two tolerant accessions showing differences; probably due to both of these are weedy red rice. This result can help to emphasize the irreplaceable pathway for the cold-tolerant accession, as MYB, ABA-dependent and independent pathways, 84 same result showed for Japonica accessions (Figure 9). According to Su et al. (2010) MYB3S is fundamental when rice plants are kept under cold stress. Gene Expression Profiles of Cytosolic proteins Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), an enzyme involved in nitrogen metabolism (STEWART et al., 1980), was showing more transcript accumulation in the cold and seedling depth tolerant (Figure 7). The strong expression of Rab16, under cold and depth sowing stresses, suggest the importance of this one for seedling depth tolerance (Figure 6, Panel B). In Indica subspecies, the GDH was inducible under cold and depth stresses suggesting a strong alteration in the protein synthesis during cold stress in the tolerant accessions. This Lea protein (Rab16) in Indica was strongly inducible under depth stresses in the tolerant one, as well as in Japonica tolerant accession (Figure 7 and 8). That protein plays a role in the membrane stabilization and in dehydrated conditions LEA proteins protect the denaturation of proteins (JANSKÁ et al., 2010). Gene Expression Profiles of Transcription Factors with anaerobic responses Under cold stress the genes ADH1, Expansins, ERF did not respond strongly difference that is expected due to these genes are up-regulated in anoxia and submergence conditions (LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). Under depth sowing stress, Expansin 12 was downregulated and in the sensitive this one was strongly up-regulated (Figure 9). This result was the same for Lasanthi-Kudahettige et al. (2007), when this gene were more expressed under anoxia conditions than in air, during anoxic coleoptile elongation phase. In Indica subspecies, under cold stress the Alpha amylase was up-regulated in the sensitive accession. The contrary was observed in study hypothesize a role of this enzyme, under cold stress, protecting the photosystem II (KAPLAN et al., 2006). ERF 70 showed downregulated in the two depth tolerant accessions and in the sensitive it was strongly up-regulated (Figure 10), allowing the rice plant preserve energy to survive (LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). ERF 70 is a transcription factor regulating processes related to growth and development under environmental stimuli (NAKANO et al., 2006). Gene Expression Profiles of Transcriptions Factors involved in Secondary Metabolism In Japonica subspecies, under cold stress the genes Sub1b and APX2 not respond strongly differently comparing cold tolerant and sensitive that is expected due to these genes. 85 In Japonica subspecies under depth stress these genes were strongly up-regulated, showing that anoxia and ROS presence, but these ones are not correlated with seedling depth tolerance (Figure 11).For Sub1 in Japonica, it was already described as increasing the flooding tolerance in rice (LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). Maybe the Ascorbate peroxidase (APX2), under depth, help to keep the anti-oxidative activity under depth. In Indica subspecies, the tolerant accessions showed less transcript accumulation comparing with the sensitive for Sub1 under cold and also under depth sowing stress (Figure 12). For anoxia conditions the Sub1 is only slightly regulated. For Sub1 in Japonica, it was already described as increasing the flooding tolerance (LASANTHI-KUDAHETTIGE et al., 2007). It can suggest the anoxia conditions injury more Indica than Japonica accession. According to these authors, the adaptation of rice plants to submergence conditions and, consequently increases of Sub1 genes cause a decrease of elongation genes. However, ERF 70 was strongly up regulated of ERF 70 in Indica, due to more ethylene production in the alcoholic fermentation in anoxic conditions. CONCLUSION Phenol test identified 9 Japonica and 12 Indica accessions. Screening of the accessions identified 2 tolerant Indica and 1 Japonica subspecies and the remaining were cold sensitive and all accessions were seedling depth and cold sensitive. Seedling depth identified 1 tolerant Indica and 1 Japonica subspecies and the remaining were seedling depth sensitive. Cold stress and seedling depth stresses when applied at the same time prevents the tolerance. These results indicated the importance of ABA-dependent and independent pathways for tolerance in both stresses in Japonica and Indica subspecies; it can help to provide an insight into the cold tolerance and sowing depth tolerance in this different rice subspecies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Material and Growth Condition In this study were used 21 rice and red rice genotypes (Table V). These accessions were classified as Japonica or Indica subspecies by phenol test (GROSS et al., 2009).To overcoming the dormancy the seeds were kept 24h in Sodium Hypochlorite solution (NaOCl, 86 1.5%).Seeds were washed with water, and then were allowed to grow in homogeneous conditions (growth chamber) in plastic pots under vermiculite. Table V. Genes analyzed into qRT-PCR to sensitivity and tolerance when subjected to abiotic stress in (Indica and Japonica) rice genotypes.UFPel/FAEM. 2013 Accession AK068392 AK108621 AK071366 AK072651 Os03g60720 Os03g44290 Os11g10510 Os08g36910 Os07g47790 Os01g21120 Os03g17690 Os09g11480 AF300971 BP432999 Os08g08970 D45383 UBI Primer Sequence Name GCAAGCCATTCTAGACGACC NAM-F GCTCGCCTGAGTCAAAGTTC NAM-R GCTCCTCGTCGACTACATCC Myb 7-F CTGGACGATGGACTTCTGCT Myb 7-R GAAGAAGGGCTTCATGGACA Rab 16-F CACCATCACTCGCATTTCAC Rab 16-R CCTGCAACATGAAGCTGAAA F-box-F TCAGTTTCCTTCCGACTGCT F-box-R GAGATCAAGTGCGTGAACCA Expansin 7-F ACCTGAACCCGTTTATCGTG Expansin 7-R AGGGATGTGGTTCGTGCTAC Sub 1b-F GTCCATTCACACTCCACACG Sub 1b-R AGTGTGGGAGAGGGTGTGAC Alcoholdehydrogenase 2-F GTGGATGTGCCAACAAAGTG Alcoholdehydrogenase 2-R AAGGTCATGGTGAAGATCGG Alpha-amylase-F CCTTCTCCCAGACGCTGTAG Alpha-amylase-R AGTTCATGGACTACGACGCC Expansin 12-F ATCAAAGCTCCAGAGCTCCA Expansin 12-R ACTACATGAGCTTCCTCGGC ERF 68-F GACGGCAGCTCGTAGTCTTC ERF 68-R AGGTGCCACAAGGAAAGATCTGGT APX2-F TCAGCAGGGCTTTGTCACTAGGAA APX2-R GGACGCCACAACGAAGATGAAGAA ERF 70-F TGCACCAGAAGGGAACATGGAAAC ERF 70-R TAAGTGGGTGGCTGAGATCC Dreb2A-F ATGAAGGTGCTGATGTGCAG Dreb2A-R TTTTCATGATGCGGAAGTCA Glutamatedehydrogenase-F TTTTCCCTGTTGAGCACTCC Glutamatedehydrogenase-R CATCTCACTAGCTCGCATCG Germin-F TGTTCCCTCAAGCACAGTGA Germin-R TTGAGCCTGCCCTCAAGAAG H+ pyrophosphatase-F GGGAGGCCTAACCAACTGAC H+ pyrophosphatase-R CTCACCTACGTCTACAA Ubiquitina -F GTCAAGGTGTTCAGTTC Ubiquitina -R Reference* Rabbani et al.(2003) Rabbaniet al. (2003) Rabbaniet al. (2003) Rabbaniet al.(2003) Lasanthu-Kudahettigeet al. (2007) Lasanthu-Kudahettigeet al. (2007) Fukuda et al. (2005) Lasanthu-Kudahettigeet al. (2007) Lasanthu-Kudahettigeet al. (2007) Nakano et al, 2006). Shigeokaet al. (2002) (Nakano et al, 2006). Dubouzetet al. (2003) Rabbaniet al. (2003) Dubouzetet al (2003) Rabbaniet al. (2003) Jain et al.(2006) 87 Screening of different weedy red rice and ricegenotypes for cold and/or deep sowing tolerance The accessions were categorized as sowing depth and/or cold-sensitive or -tolerant by measuring seedling shoot length reduction (Reduction= length control – length under stress * 100 / length control)(adapted from CRUZ e MILACH, 2004), where coleoptile length is the average of the 5 seeds evaluated per replication per genotype, after 14 days of incubation at 18/13°C or 25°C (as a control) day/night temperature and at different seedling depths (1.5cm, 5cm, 10cm and 15cm respectively).The reduction was calculated by cold and normal temperature, as well as for 1.5 cm under only cold treatments (first part of results). For these two factors at the same time (cold and depth treatments) the reduction was calculated by depth (5 or 10 or 15 cm) and normal depth (1.5 cm). Sensitive and tolerant (3 genotypes from Indica and 2 genotypes from Japonica) rice subspecies were selected to analyze the expression of cold-responsive genes and submergence-inducible genes by qPCR. These accessions selected with 10 days old were exposed to 10°C for 6, 24 and 96 h at 1.5 cm and 10 cm seeding depths. The seedlings were washed thoroughly, the coleoptiles were harvested; samples of equal fresh weight were frozen in liquid nitrogen. After collection, the plant tissue was quickly frozen in ultra-freezer (-80C) until RNA extraction (using TrizolTM Reagent (InvitrogenTM)) and quantification by Nanodrop (ND-1000), verifying the relationship A260nm/A280nm, the samples that showed only one pic (no contaminant content) and concentration more than 400 micrograms. The cDNA synthesis (SuperScriptTM First-Strand System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen TM) was carried out with 5000ng of RNA treated with DNAse(DNAse ITM Amplification Grade (InvitrogenTM),using C 1000 Thermal Cycle. Gene expression analysis by qPCR Cold-sensitive and tolerant (IndicaandJaponica) rice genotypes were selected to analyze the expression of cold-responsive genes. These genes (Table IV) were annotated according to their functions. We analyzed a) transcription factors including F-box group of TFs, MYB domain protein, DREBP2, NAM or NAC; b) genes upregulated by submergence: Sub1B, ROS detoxification: APX2; c) cytosolic proteins including H+pyrophosphatase, Rab16, GERMIN, glutamate dehydrogenase; d) and genes upregulated by anoxia and submergence including AP2ERF 70, AP2-ERF 68, Expansin 7, Expansin 12, ADH1 and -Amylase. Gene expression analysis was done by qRT-PCR. Total RNA were isolated from two Japonica accessions: cold sensitive (PRA 08-D02) and cold tolerant (Spring); and from three 88 Indica accessions: cold sensitive (CHI 08-C) and cold and/or depth tolerant (GRE 08-D01 and 1602). The expression pattern of these genes under cold and different seedling depths treatments from different rice genotypes was performed, with 1:25 cDNA concentration, by quantitative RT-PCR (CFX 96 Real-time system, BIO-RAD). The qPCR was carried outwith0, 5μlqPCR master mix (Promega), 0.5 μl of each oligonucleotide (10 μM), 2μl of the first strand cDNA (diluted 1:25), 0,1μl of ROX dye and 1,9 μl of water. It was performed for 40 cycles following the manufacturer’s protocol, and annealing temperature 59°C. Three independent biological replicates of each sample were used for expression analysis. Negative control reactions were also run to confirm the absence of contaminants. To determine relative fold changes for each sample in each experiment, the Ct value for each gene was normalized to the Ct (Threshold cycle) value for ubiquitin was calculated relative to a calibrator using the equation 2-ΔΔCt (LIVAK & SCHMITTGEN, 2001). 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Durante a fase vegetativa condições de baixa temperatura afetam o comprimento de parte aérea de plântulas, sendo esse um parâmetro útil para a seleção de genótipos tolerantes ao frio aos 14 dias após semeadura (18C/13C). Atualmente, foi demonstrado que é possível a utilização do Índice de Tolerância (STI) e da Média Geométrica (GM) para selecionar genótipos tolerantes ao frio ou a semeaduras mais profundas, baseando-se no comprimento de parte aérea de plântula. Desde que se considere e análise o vigor das sementes utilizadas. Em estudos tendo como parâmetros a fitomassa e o teor de clorofila, o período de recuperação, no qual foi determinado que a massa seca radicular e total são mais efetivo na discriminação dos genótipos comparando-se com o parâmetro teor de clorofila. Entretanto a utilização de períodos mais longos de estresse, como nos outros estudos realizados no presente trabalho seriam efetivos e sendo assim necessitam-se estudos adicionais após um período mais longo de estresse pelo frio. Nas análises utilizando-se qRT-PCR, os primers testados nas reações apresentam diferentes níveis de eficiência indicando a necessidade de descarte de alguns, antes da análise da expressão gênica diferencial de caracteres de tolerância à estresses abióticos em arroz em estádios iniciais de desenvolvimento sob estresse por frio. As subespécies Japonica e Indica respondem diferentemente aos estresses abióticos. No entanto, para alguns genes responsivos a esses estresses, subespécies respondem semelhantemente. Além disso, em nível molecular da tolerância ao frio e a profundidade de semeadura indicam a importância das vias ABA-dependente e ABA-independente como vias de transdução do sinal em plantas sob estresse abiótico.