Light modifier

(12) United States Patent
(10) Patent N0.:
(45) Date of Patent:
US 6,280,055 B1
Aug. 28, 2001
Combo Light Cool—Lux Catalog p. 4.
(75) Inventor: Andy V. Merko, Altadena, CA (US)
Aura—Soft By Optex Optex Catalog p. 1—4.
MolequartZ Overhead—Mole—Richardson Catalog p. 4.
Soft—Lights—LoWel Catalog p. 57.
(73) Assignee: Andy Merko, Altadena, CA (US)
Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
Balcar PoWer?ux Calumet Catalog p. 87.
Balcar Fluorescent Fixtures Calumet Catalog p. 86.
Sinar Bron Light Banks Catalog ’97 p. 49.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
* cited by examiner
Primary Examiner—Thomas M. Sember
(21) Appl. No.: 09/406,175
(22) Filed:
Sep. 25, 1999
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Norton ToWnsley
Related US. Application Data
Provisional application No. 60/102,183, ?led on Sep. 28,
An apparatus for integrating and modifying light output of
strobe-based and continuous light sources. A light-modi?er
Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. G03B 15/02
housing made to accept variety of commercially available
lights typically used in photography lighting. The output of
us. Cl. .......................... .. 362/235; 362/16; 362/414;
362/249; 362/322; 362/301; 362/282; 362/18
Field of Search ................................... .. 362/249, 235,
362/247, 248, 16, 18, 351, 410, 414, 240,
431, 298, 302, 303, 305, 322, 282
these lights is channeled in a uniform Way for illuminating
an area or subject to be photographed. Multiple light units
can be mounted onto the modi?er. A light, preferably the
center one, can be removed and substituted With camera for
shadoWless lighting effect.
References Cited
With interchangeable adapter plates, different manufactur
er’s lights such as strobe lights or constant lights, are quickly
mounted onto the modi?er. Highly re?ective paneling is
10/1977 Larson.
used to line the inside surfaces as Well as the inner side of
3/1985 Rosenthal.
11/1988 Farrall.
the adjustable louvers (barndoors). These combination
results in a system offering maximum, uniform, light output
5,519,588 *
Sobeck et al. ..................... .. 362/240
Adams etal. ..................... .. 362/237
6,106,137 *
... ... ... ... .... ..
. . . . ..
With high degree of controllability.
“Balcar Super Diamond Box” Calumet Catalog 1999—2000
p. 54.
Light Tech Catalog Fluorescent Fill Light p. 10 p. 12.
Elinchrom Square Re?ector Catalog p. 10.
The light Weight modi?er can be mounted on user supplied
studio stands or inverted from ceiling mounts. The adjust
able louvers can be folded against the frame for transpor
17 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent
Aug. 28,2001
Sheet 1 of4
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U.S. Patent
Aug. 28,2001
Sheet 2 of4
US 6,280,055 B1
U.S. Patent
Aug. 28,2001
Sheet 3 of4
US 6,280,055 B1
U.S. Patent
Aug. 28,2001
Sheet 4 of4
US 6,280,055 B1
FIG. 13
US 6,280,055 B1
softer edge. These lights are typically made With a
metal housing and have brackets for attaching acces
sories such as barndoors, diffusers, and ?lter holders.
Applicant claims the bene?t of his prior provisional
application Ser. No. 60/102,183 ?led Sep. 28, 1998.
While this light modi?er successfully projects a highly
controllable light beam, it is limited to a single-point light
strobe unit or a higher Wattage bulb can gain additional light.
source, either a strobe or a light bulb. Only a more poWerful
Makers of fresnel lens equipped lights include Mole
1. Field of Invention
Richardson Co., Profoto, Admagic, Sinar Bron, Elinchrom,
This invention relates to a light Weight light modi?er
having a single-piece molded housing capable of supporting
several strobe-light heads, tungsten lights, HMI lights,
and other quality manufacturers.
barndoors, ?lter holders, diffusers, and other accessories as
The present invention represents an improvement in the
?eld of studio or location lighting for photographers. The
Well as being adaptable for mounting a camera for shadoW
free photography.
2. Description of Prior Art
One of the most important aspects of photography is the
ability to control light. Any device used to control light, its
intensity or direction, is called a light modi?er. Those used
in photography are broadly classi?ed as folloWs:
a) Bounce umbrellas (modi?ers) having re?ective under
surface ranging from White to gold or silver metallic.
The light source is reversibly mounted under the con
cave center of the open umbrella bouncing the light
back from the re?ective surface.
The problem associated With the bounce umbrella is the
dif?culty in attaching ?lters for color correction or the
inability to attach barndoors or other directional light control
Some of the better knoWn umbrella designs are made and
tages for studio and location lighting not found in the above
described light modi?ers. Several objects and advantages of
the present invention are:
a) Parabolic and ellipsoidal re?ectors. These basic re?ec
tors (modi?ers) are usually employed With a single
modi?er to obtain a maximum, uniform, light from
their collective output;
b) to provide photographers With a light-modi?er, Which
accepts variety of commercially available lights Which,
are easily mounted With adapter plates;
c) to provide an economical light-modi?er With a single
piece, rigid, platform capable of supporting barndoors,
made from light Weight aluminum by metal spinning.
?lters, and diffusers, and having a pivotable yoke for
d) to provide a single-piece molded housing Which forms
a rigid platform alloWing the inside of the housing to be
lined With re?ective panels for maximum light re?ec
tion Without distorting their intended shape.
highly polished material, preferably With a textured
pattern to diffuse the light and avoid hot spots.
HoWever, because the spinning process forces the tex
tured surface against a tool, much of this highly re?ective
surface is damaged, causing less effective, uneven illumi
nation. Typical parabolic and ellipsoidal re?ectors are made
a) to enable multiple lights, either strobe based, or con
tinuous source, to be mounted onto a single light
Ideally the inside surface of the re?ector is made of
Which enable multiple lights, either strobe or continuous
lights, to be utiliZed and their collective output directed to
the area being illuminated.
The development of a of light modi?er combining mul
tiple light sources to boost overall light output, and deliv
ering a more even light, represents a signi?cant improve
ment in photographic lighting and Would satisfy a long-felt
need of studio or location photographers.
While the above mentioned models all have their place in
photographic lighting, the present invention offers advan
marketed by LoWell, Photogenic, Profoto, and other quality
light source. The light bulb or a strobe light is posi
tioned near the base of the re?ector, facing the opening.
The light re?ects from the sides of the re?ector to the
area being illuminated. This type of re?ector is usually
design is a rugged, light Weight package, made of high
density plastic housing and highly re?ective inside panels
mounting on a stand;
e) to provide a method for mounting a camera for shadoW
and marketed by Speedotron, Norman, Profoto, and other
quality manufacturers.
free lighting.
Further objects and advantages of the invention are to
b) Soft boxes. These modi?ers are made of soft, light
Weight fabric, supported by a frameWork of rods. The
inside of the box is typically lined With re?ective fabric
provide a light modi?er equipped With adjustable barndoors
and the front portion is covered With a translucent
upper bardoor re?ectors, foreground illumination can be
extended or, conversely, the opposite effect can be achieved
When the light is re?ected from the loWer re?ector. Similar
effects are achieved by manipulating the side re?ectors.
The inner surface of the barndoors is also covered With the
Whose inner surfaces are lined With re?ective material for
further light-path manipulation. By re?ecting the light from
fabric. The outer-shell sides and rear portion are cov
ered With a black fabric. The light source is mounted on
the back of the box, facing the translucent front panel.
The soft boxes typically employ either a single strobe
light or a continuous light source, usually quartZ halo
similar re?ective material. The single-piece-molded housing
can be made With complex geometry, dif?cult or impossible
to fabricate from metal. The housing comes off the mold,
dimensionally stable and needs no painting.
By removing the baf?e plate a camera mount can be
attached behind the center hole for camera placement. In this
con?guration the unit is turned into a shadoWless “ring”
This light Weight design is usually attached to a light
?xture as an accessory and has no independent means for 60
mounting on a stand. Due to its soft design, it has no hard
points onto Which accessories such as bardoors or ?lters can
be readily added. Well-knoWn soft boxes designs are made
and marketed by LoWell, Photogenic, Profoto, Chimera,
Westcott, and other quality manufacturers.
c) Fresnel lens equipped light modi?ers deliver a direct
light beam, Which feathers from a hard center toWard a
The yoke-supported light modi?er can be mounted on
conventional light stand or suspended, inverted, from a
boom-arm stand or a ceiling mount.
US 6,280,055 B1
The rigid platform makes it easy to attach ?lters, diffusers,
and other accessories for added light control.
An appreciation of the other aims and objectives of the
holes 10 on the adapter plate 13 and are fastened With the
nuts 14, for a quick connect/disconnect.
FIG. 4 Is a cross sectional side vieW shoWing the rela
present invention and a more complete and comprehensive
tionship betWeen the housing 1; yoke adapter 12; rivets 5;
understanding of it may be achieved by referring to the
PEM nut 11 pressed into yoke adapter 12; re?ective sheet 26
accompanying draWings and by studying the folloWing
attached against the inner-side housing 9. The rivets 5 are
inserted from the outside and mushroom against the housing
description of the preferred embodiment.
FIG. 1 is a perspective rear vieW of the light modi?er
partially disassembled Without the frame.
FIG. 2 is a perspective front vieW of the light modi?er
port bar 15 by rivets 5.
FIG. 6 is a front vieW of the light modi?er 110 shoWing
partially disassembled.
FIG. 3a shoWs an exploded side vieW relationship of the
a barndoor 18 attached to a sWivel bracket 19b With rivets 5.
mounting plate and the adapter plate.
FIG. 4 shoWs a side vieW of a yoke adapter along the lines
for mounting on a stand (not shoWn) and is permanently
barndoor shoWn for clarity.
attached to the yoke 16 With rivets 5.
FIG. 7 Is a side vieW of the light modi?er 110. The
barndoors 18 sWivel at pivot points 25. The re?ective sheet
26 is permanently bonded to the inner surface 34 of barn
doors 18, With heat mounted or cold bonded application.
Knob 17a screWs through threaded insert 24a extending into
hole 24b for attaching the yoke 16 to a stand.
FIG. 7A is an exploded vieW of the barndoor 18 shoWing
hoW the liner 26 is attached to the inner side 34 of the
barndoor 18.
FIG. 8 shoWs the sWivel bracket 19b permanently
attached to the barndoor 18, on the side covered With
re?ective sheet 26, by rivets 5. See FIG. 10, also.
FIG. 9 ShoWs the opposite sWivel bracket 19a, removably
FIG. 12 shoWs a camera lens mounted onto the center
hole. The baffle plate must be removed before use.
FIG. 13 is a side vieW shoWing a camera mounting
attached to the frame 7 With screWs 20. See FIG. 10, also.
FIG. 10 ShoWs the connection betWeen the barndoors 18
and the frame 7. The edge vieW shoWs the barndoor 18; the
sWivel brackets 19a and 19b and the frame 7. The threaded
nut 14, the screW 20, the spring Washer 21, and the ?ber
Washer 22 provide a method of fastening these components
together With cushioning and controllable resistance
betWeen the brackets 19a and 19b. The screW 20 is inserted
through the spring Washer 21, through bracket 19a, through
?ber Washer 22, through matching bracket 19b, and into the
FIG. 1 ShoWs a perspective rear vieW of the light modi?er
studs (PEM nuts) 3; the lamp-head openings 4; the rivets 5;
the rim 6; and the yoke adapter 12. The housing 10 is
preferably rotation molded of plastic and a metal mounting
plate 2 is attached to the outer side 1 With rivets 5. The yoke
nut 14. Bracket 19a is removably attached to frame 7, and
threaded into self clinching fastener 11, With screWs 20,
While the barndoor 18 is permanently fastened to bracket
19b With rivets 5.
FIG. 11A ShoWs a cross sectional partially exploded vieW
of the light modi?er 110. The mounting plate 2 is riveted
against the housing I With rivets 5 through re?ector liner
26a[3. The adapter plate 13 is removably attached over the
adapter 12 is attached onto the modi?er 110 With rivets 5.
See FIG. 4 also, for details. The adapter plate 13 attaches to
the mounting plate 2 through studs 3, and has openings 4 for
lights C or camera lens D.
FIG. 2 ShoWs a perspective front vieW of the light
modi?er 110 With its components: the re?ector 26; the frame
7; the removable baffle 8; the rivets 5; the support bar 15; the
holes 10; the PEM nuts 11. A metal frame 7 is fastened With
rivets 5 to the rim 6, Which is then no longer visible. Abaf?e
support bar 15 is attached to the baffle 8 With rivets 5. The
the frame 7 With screWs 20. The barndoors 18 sWivel at pivot
With knob 17. The stand adapter 24 has a threaded hole 24a
FIG. 5 is a side vieW of the baffle plate.
FIG. 6 is a front vieW the light modi?er With only the top
10 With its main components: the housing 1; the reinforcing
ribs la; the mounting plate 2; the self-clinching, threaded
The opposite matching bracket 19a is detachably fastened to
points 25. The yoke 16 is attached to the yoke adapter 12
shoWn on FIG. 1.
FIG. 7 is a side vieW of the light modi?er With barndoors
FIG. 7A is an exploded side vieW of the barndoors.
FIG. 8 shoWs the attachment of the sWivel bracket to the
FIG. 9 shoWs the attachment of the sWivel bracket to the
FIG. 10 is an edge vieW of the sWivel brackets and their
connector parts.
FIG. 11A is a cross sectional partially disassembled vieW
of the light modi?er along the lines shoWn 11A—11A on
FIG. 1.
FIG. 11b is a side vieW of the frame.
inner side 9.
FIG. 5 Is an edge vieW of the baffle plate 8; the support
bar 15; and rivet 5. The baffle 8 is made of polished and
textured aluminum, and is permanently riveted to the sup
mounting plate 2 With nuts 14 Which are fastened into self
clinching studs 3. Re?ective sheet 26 is formed to folloW the
inner contours of the housing 1 and attached to the rim 6 at
the time frame 7 is secured With rivets 5.
FIG. 11B Illustrates a side vieW of the frame 7. When
attached to the rim 6 With rivets 5 through holes 4, the frame
7 encases and secures the inner liner re?ector sheet 26 to the
rim 6.
FIG. 12 ShoWs a front vieW of the modi?er 110 With the
baffle 8 is removably attached to the frame 7 With screWs 20.
baffle plate 8 removed, enabling the middle hole 4 to be used
The PEM nuts 11 provide the connection for attaching the
removable barndoors 18 to the frame 7. See FIGS. 8,9, and
for camera lens D. Used in this fashion, the tWo lights C, are
located on either side 01 the lens D to provide shadoWless
FIG. 13 ShoWs a platform 27 for a camera, represented by
10, also.
FIG. 3 is an edge vieW of the mounting plate 2; the adapter
plate 13; threaded nuts 14; and a light source indicated by
encircled C. The self-clinching studs 3 protrude through the
circled B, and is attached to the adapter plate 13, Which can
then be fastened to the mounting, plate 2 With nuts 14.
US 6,280,055 B1
The light modifying apparatus 110 of this invention has a
7 Fraine
housing 1 of roughly trapezoidal cross section. The housing
9 Housing, inner side
1 has an open larger parallel side 28 a smaller parallel side
10 Hole, generic
29 and preferably three in line, spaced apart holes 4 cut into
the smaller parallel side 29. The open larger parallel side 28
11 Self clinching nuts
12 Yoke adapter
13 Adapter Plate
and the smaller parallel side 29 are approximately the same
PEM nuts)
length. The housing 1 also has angled faces 30 joining the
parallel sides 28, 29 along their length and end faces 31
joining the parallel sides 28, 29 perpendicularly at their ends
15 Support bar
32. The in line, spaced apart holes 4 are designed to receive
16 Yoke
a variety of lamp heads C or lenses D.
17 Knob for pivotable yoke
At the perimeter of the larger parallel side 28 of the
housing 1 is ?ange 6. Preferably, the ?ange 6 is integral With
17a Knob for attaching to stand
the housing 1. Preferably the integral housing 1 and ?ange
19a Bracket attached to name
6 are made of plastic by molding. As is typical for parts
made of molded plastic, strength is gained by incorporating
14 Nuts, threaded, generic
18 Barndoors
19b Bracket attached to Barndoor
20 ScreW, generic
21 Spring Washer
integral ribs 1a.
An open frame 7, preferably made of metal, 01 approxi
22 Fiber Washer
24 Stand adapter
mately the same siZe as the ?ange 6, is attached to the ?ange
24a Threaded hole
6. The frame 7 provides a rigid platform for attaching
24b Stand-mounting hole
25 Pivot point
26 Re?ector sheet/liner, generic
diffusers (not illustrated), ?lters (not illustrated) and barn
doors 18 to the invention. If the frame is made of magnetic
material, ?lters, and diffusers can simply the kept in place
With magnets (not illustrated). Barndoors 18 can be pivotally
26a Liner
attached to the rigid frame 7 With detachable pivoting
27 Camera mounting platform
liner 26a (see beloW) are lined With a light re?ective material
30 Angled faces
mechanisms as described above. The insides of the barn 25 28 Open larger parallel side of housing
28 Shorter parallel side of housing
doors 18, ie the sides that face in the same direction as the
31 End faces
32 Ends of parallel sides
A light baf?e 8, of roughly trapeZoidal cross section
having an open larger parallel side 33 is attached With its
open larger parallel side 33 facing the smaller parallel side
29 of the housing 1, across this rigid frame 7. The light baf?e
8 is made of a light re?ective material 26. The length of the
light baf?e 8 is the same as the length of the larger parallel
side 28 of the housing 1. The Width of the light baf?e 8 is
approximately the same as the Width of the smaller parallel
side 29 of the housing 1. The light baf?e 8 is aligned so that
33 Open large parallel side of baf?e
34 Inside of barndoors
Accordingly the objects and advantages of this invention
it easier and more cost effective to transport the unit to a
its length is aligned With the in line, spaced apart holes 4.
Improve structural integrity of the housing by incorpo
A yoke 16 is attached to the end face 31 for adjustably
rating reinforcing ribs in the molding process otherWise
mounting the housing 1 and thus the Whole light modi?er
costly or impossible to duplicate in an all-metal housing.
110 on a stand.
Eliminating rust problems and painting; the plastic mate
A liner 26a of a siZe and shape to ?t snugly inside the
housing 1 made of light re?ective material 26 is attached to
the inside 9 of the housing 1. The liner 26a has three holes
4 cut into it of the same siZe as and located to be in
registration With those in the smaller parallel side 29 of the
rial is available in variety of colors. The molded one-piece
unit makes it a convenient, strong, platform for attaching
frames, re?ective panels, and hard-points for accessories.
housing 1.
An adapter plate 13, preferably made of metal, is attached
made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the
the same siZe as and located to be in registration With those
claims that folloW.
What is claimed is:
1. A light modifying apparatus comprising:
sheet With a small hammered pattern such as Miro 9 Stucco
length; said housing also having angled faces joining
6 Rim
a. a housing of roughly trapeZoidal cross section, having
an open larger parallel side, a smaller parallel side and
a plurality of in line, spaced apart holes in said smaller
parallel side; said open larger parallel side and said
smaller parallel side being of approximately equal
G, manufactured by Alanod of Ennepetal, Germany.
110 Light
1 Housing
2 Mounting plate
3 Self-clinching studs
4 Opening for lamp head
5 Rivets, generic
The molded surface is largely impervious to scratches and
requires no additional maintenance, touch up, or painting.
The light modi?er 110 has been described With a refer
ence to a particular embodiment. HoWever, it should be
obvious to those skilled in the art to Which this invention
pertains, that other modi?cations and enhancements can be
to the rear of the smaller parallel side 29 of the housing. The
adapter plate 13 is approximately the same siZe as the
smaller parallel side 29. It also has a plurality of holes 4 of
in the smaller parallel side 29. The adapter plate 13 is
provided for as a platform for mounting of the lamp heads
C or lenses D through the holes 4 in the adapter plate 13 the
smaller parallel side 29 and the liner 26a.
Preferably the light re?ective material 26 is an aluminum
To replace a heavy metal housing, currently employed in
the industry, With a light Weight plastic housing offering
Weight savings and cost reduction. The Weight savings make
said parallel sides along said length and end faces
joining said parallel sides perpendicularly at their ends;
said in line, spaced apart holes adapted for receiving
lamp heads and lenses;
b. a ?ange at the perimeter of said larger parallel side of
said housing;
c. a rigid frame, of approximately the same siZe as said
?ange, attached to said ?ange; said frame having an
US 6,280,055 B1
of said light baf?e being the same as the length of said
opening through it of approximately the same size as
said open larger parallel side of said housing;
parallel sides of said housing; the Width of said light
baf?e being approximately the same as the Width of the
d. a light baf?e, of roughly trapezoidal cross section
having an open larger parallel side, attached With its
smaller parallel side of said housing; said light baf?e
being made of a light re?ective material;
open larger parallel side facing the smaller parallel side
of said housing, across said rigid frame; the length of
. fabricating a yoke means for adjustably mounting said
housing on a stand;
fabricating a liner of a siZe and shape to ?t snugly inside
said light baf?e being the same as the length of said
parallel sides of said housing; the Width of said light
baf?e being approximately the same as the Width of the
smaller parallel side of said housing; the length of said
light baf?e being aligned With said in line, spaced apart
said housing said liner being made of light re?ective
holes; said light baf?e being made or a light re?ective
e. yoke means attached to said end faces for adjustably
mounting said housing on a stand;
f. a liner of a siZe and shape to ?t snugly inside said
housing, and having a plurality of holes of the same
siZe as and located to be in registration With those in
smaller parallel side;
h. fabricating an adapter plate; said adapter plate being
H. . fabricating mounting plate means for detachably attach
ing said adapter plate to the rear of said smaller parallel
j. cutting a plurality of holes of the same siZe as and
located to be in registration With those in said
g. an adapter plate; said adapter plate being approximately
smaller parallel side; said adapter plate being adapted for
the same siZe as said smaller parallel side and having a
plurality of holes of the same siZe as and located to be
said adapter plate being adapted for mounting of said
lamp heads or lenses through said holes in said adapter
plate, said smaller parallel side and said liner; and
h. means for detachably attaching said adapter plate to
said a rear of said smaller parallel side.
2. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 1 in
Which said housing and ?ange are integral.
3. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 2 in
baf?e aligned With said in line, spaced apart holes;
parallel side.
11. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 10 in Which said step of fabricating
6. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 1 in
Which said rigid frame is metallic.
7. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 6 in
Which said rigid frame is magnetic.
8. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 1 in
said housing is accomplished by molding.
12. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 11 in Which said light re?ective
material is a hard aluminum sheet With a small hammered
material is a hard aluminum sheet With a small hammered
14. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 10 further comprising the step of
incorporating a reinforcing rib in said housing.
15. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 10 in Which said rigid frame is
16. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 15 in Which said rigid frame is
length; said housing also having angled faces joining
17. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
said parallel sides along said length and end faces
joining said parallel sides perpendicularly at their ends;
b. cutting a plurality of in line, spaced apart holes in said
smaller parallel side; said in line, spaced apart holes
ratus as claimed in claim 10 further comprising the steps of:
a. fabricating a barndoor;
b. fabricating a liner of light re?ective material;
being adapted for receiving lamp heads and lenses;
c. attaching said liner to the inside of said barndoor;
pivotally attaching said barn door to said rigid frame so
c. fabricating a rigid frame, of approximately the same
siZe as said ?ange; said frame having an opening
through it of approximately the same siZe as the large
parallel side of said housing;
d. fabricating a light baf?e, of roughly trapeZoidal cross
section having an open larger parallel side; the length
13. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus as claimed in claim 10 in Which said light re?ective
10. A method of manufacturing a light modifying appa
ratus comprising the steps of:
a. fabricating a housing of roughly trapeZoidal cross
section, having an open larger parallel side, a smaller
parallel side, and a ?ange at the perimeter of said larger
parallel side; said open larger parallel side and said
smaller parallel side being of approximately equal
smaller parallel side; and
p. attaching said adapter plate to the rear of said smaller
Which said light re?ective material is a hard aluminum sheet
With a small hammered pattern.
Which said light re?ective material is a hard aluminum sheet
With a small hammered pattern.
9. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 1
further comprising a barn door pivotally attached to said
rigid frame and a liner of light re?ective material attached to
the inside of said barn door.
mounting of said lamp heads or lenses through said
holes in said adapter plate said smaller parallel side and
said liner;
k. attaching said liner to the inside of said housing;
1. attaching said rigid frame to said ?ange;
m. attaching said light baf?e With its open larger parallel
side facing the smaller parallel side of said housing,
across said rigid frame With the length of said light
n. attaching said yoke means to said end faces;
0. attaching said mounting plate means to the rear of said
Which said housing and ?ange are molded plastic.
4. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 3 in
Which said housing incorporates a reinforcing rib.
5. A light modifying apparatus as claimed in claim 3 in
approximately the same siZe as said smaller parallel
said smaller parallel side of said housing; said liner
being made of light re?ective material and attached to
the inside of said housing; and
in registration With those in said smaller parallel side;
cutting a plurality of holes in said liner of the same siZe
as and located to be in registration With those in said
that said liner faces in a same direction as said re?ector
When said barn door is pivoted from 90 to 180 degrees
aWay from said housing.