NOTICE OF PREPARATION DATE: June 24, 2016 TO: Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies, and Interested Parties FROM: County of Siskiyou 806 S. Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 Attention: Greg Plucker, Director Community Development (530) 842-8203 SUBJECT: Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: June 24 – July 25, 2016 The County of Siskiyou (County) is the lead agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project (Proposed Project) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this NOP is to describe the Proposed Project and potential environmental effects in order to allow agencies and interested parties to provide input on the scope and content of the EIR. Comments on this Notice of Preparation (NOP) are due to the County by 5:00 p.m. on July 25, 2016. PROJECT SUMMARY The Proposed Project to be evaluated in the EIR would result in operational and physical changes to an existing bottling plant located in Siskiyou County for the production of sparkling water, flavored water, juice beverages and teas, as detailed below. County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 1 PROJECT LOCATION The project site consists of approximately 118 acres located within the boundaries of unincorporated Siskiyou County, adjacent to the northern limits of City of Mt. Shasta (refer to Figure 1 – Regional Location and Figure 2 – Site and Vicinity). It is situated approximately 1,000 feet west of the North Mt. Shasta Boulevard/Ski Village Drive intersection and is bordered by Ski Village Drive to the north, McCloud Railroad and Shasta Avenue to the south, and low-density residential development to the east. Crystal Geyser Water Company (Applicant) owns other parcels in the County and City of Mt. Shasta adjacent to and in the immediate area of the Plant (refer to Figure 3 – Aerial Photograph). The project site is zoned M-H (Heavy Industrial), R-R-B-1 (Rural Residential Agricultural), and AG-2 (Non-Prime Agricultural). Additional details are presented below. Project Address: 210 Ski Village Drive, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 County: Siskiyou County APNs: 037-060-030, -040, -050, -060; 037-070-060, -070, -080, -090, -210; 037-140-020, -090; and, 037-160-010, -020, -030 USGS Quad: Township 40 North, Range 4 West, Section 9 City of Mount Shasta USGS 7.5-minute topo quadrangle Long./Lat.: Centroid of the project site: 41° 19' 36.64" N., 122° 19' 02.85" W Elevation: 3,682 feet above mean sea level PROJECT BACKGROUND In 2013, the Applicant purchased the former Coca-Cola Dannon (CCDA Waters) water bottling facility (Plant), located at 210 Ski Village Drive in unincorporated Siskiyou County, California. The Plant was originally constructed from 1998 through 2000 by the then-named company Dannon Waters of North America (prior to Dannon becoming CCDA Waters) and began operation in January 2001. The Plant facilities consisted of a 145,000square-foot building, a domestic well pump house, an approximately 228,000-gallon fire suppression tank, a deep groundwater production well (DEX-6), stormwater detention basin, parking areas, and truck delivery entrance and roadway extension from Mt. Shasta Boulevard. An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared for the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) as the lead agency in August 2001 for the proposed construction of an onsite leach field for industrial rinse wastewater and associated expansion of the Plant’s operations. The leach field was subsequently permitted by the CVRWQCB and constructed onsite in the County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 2 southern portion of the property. In 2010, CCDA Waters’ facility was closed and the majority of equipment used for the bottling operation was removed. The Applicant is currently remodeling the Plant for production of their beverage products. The Plant is classified as a permitted use under the property’s Heavy Industrial zoning designation which defines “bottlers, distilleries, and wineries” as a permitted use. EXISTING CONDITIONS Within the 118-acre project site boundaries, the actual Plant area encompasses approximately 18 acres located on the south side of Ski Village Drive where approximately 10 acres are occupied by the plant building, roads and driveway, and parking areas (see Figure 3). Currently, the Plant is not in operation. Some infrastructure and equipment required for the proposed bottling operation has been installed, updated, and/or remodeled. The Big Springs Aquifer underlies the Shasta National Forest. Topography at the site is gently sloping in a southerly direction. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Proposed Project to be evaluated in the EIR consists of the operation of the existing Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant as a bottling facility with the addition of several proposed components and utility/infrastructure options. Existing facility components and proposed modifications are shown on Figure 4 – Site Plan. The proposed addition of an onsite permanent caretaker/security residence requires a conditional use permit from the County, which triggers the need for compliance with CEQA. The EIR will analyze all Plant modifications undertaken and proposed by the Applicant to resume operation of the Plant. Bottling Facility and Proposed Operations Operation of the Plant would involve use of groundwater from the Big Springs Aquifer obtained through an existing production well (DEX-6) at the Plant to bottle three different types of beverage products: sparkling water (flavored and unflavored), teas, and juice beverages. Bottling operations would consist of: (1) water processing (carbonation, tea brewing, juice beverage batching); (2) blow molding of polyethylene terephthalate (i.e., PET) plastic bottles from purchased preforms; and (3) filling bottles with product and packaging. Water processing would include proprietary ozonation, carbon filtration, micro-filtration, ultraviolet treatment, softening, deionizing and flavor injection. An aseptic bottling line has been installed for beverage products. Aseptic filling produces a package that can be stored, shipped and sold at ambient temperatures. Sterility is achieved through a flash-heating process. The Plant would initially operate one bottling line for all three types of beverage products. Over time, depending on market conditions, production may be expanded to two bottling lines. It is anticipated that the facility would start production of sparkling County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 3 water with five production days per week in 2017. Production of sparkling water may increase in the future to seven production days per week. Tea and juice production would start at a later date, in 2018 or 2019. It is anticipated that a second bottling line would be installed in 5 to 7 years. The Proposed Project is expected to initially employ approximately 30 people with one bottling line, and ultimately employ approximately 60 people with two bottling lines at full production. In its daily operations, the Applicant plans to operate the Plant up to 24 hours per day (depending on demand), Monday through Friday, with one day shift on Saturday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm and one swing shift starting Sunday evening at 11:00 pm. At full production, Plant operations are estimated to include up to 50 truck trips per day (25 trucks per day) and up to 120 employee vehicle trips per day (assuming 60 employees). Trucks would be directed to use the same route as with former CCDA Waters operations, utilizing the I-5 and Abrahams Lake Road Interchange and traveling on North Mt. Shasta Boulevard to Crystal Geyser Water Company Drive to the south end of the Plant. Truck traffic would not enter downtown nor would it travel on Ski Village Drive. Water Use Two wells exist on the project site—one for domestic supply and one for bottling operations (DEX-6), consistent with past usage by the Dannon facility (Figure 4). The domestic well would supply water for the fire tank, domestic use (e.g., faucets, drinking fountains, sinks, bathrooms, and shower facilities), and some operational uses (e.g., Clean in Place [CIP], cooling, boilers, and hose bibs). The second well, production well DEX-6, would supply water to the Plant to produce beverage products. According to CCDA records from 2006 and 2007, the former plant operations used approximately 160 gallons per minute (gpm) from well DEX-6 on a monthly average basis. The new Plant would use approximately 80 gpm on a monthly average basis (with an annualized average of 115,000 gallons per day) with one production line, and approximately 150 gpm on a monthly average basis with two production lines (with an annualized average of 217,000 gallons per day). The projected annual average draw from DEX-6 at full production is approximately 129-acre feet with one production line and 243 acre-feet with two production lines (at full production capacity), compared to the average annual draw of 260-acre feet from the former plant operations when operating at full capacity with two production lines. Boilers Up to four propane boilers may be operated under full buildout of the Proposed Project to provide steam for the manufacturing process in beverage production and during CIP cleaning and sanitizing. Four 7.1 MMBtu/hr propane-fired boilers with low NOx burners, have been installed within the existing Plant building. Propane fuel would be stored within an existing 30,000-gallon, LPG horizontal pressurized vessel tank located east of the Plant building with a second propane tank proposed (if needed) for future use (Figure 4). County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 4 Caretaker/Security Residence The Applicant proposes to construct a caretaker/security residence at the facility. The residence would allow for continuous, onsite security at the Plant. Once constructed, the residence may be continuously occupied by security personnel and/or a caretaker. The residence could accommodate an individual caretaker/security personnel as well as his or her family. Wastewater The Proposed Project will generate three general categories of wastewater: 1) domestic wastewater from domestic use (faucets, drinking fountains, sinks, bathrooms, etc.); 2) industrial process wastewater containing cleaning agents from CIP water, boiler discharge, cooling tanks, etc; and 3) industrial rinse wastewater from filter backwash, the bottle rinsing process, and floor wash. Under the former plant operations, domestic wastewater and industrial process wastewater was discharged to the City’s sewer system and treated at the City’s WWTP, and industrial rinse wastewater was discharged to an on-site leach field system in accordance with Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Order 5-01-233 issued by the CVRWQCB. The existing on-site leach field is designed to accommodate 72,000 gpd. CCDA Waters operated two bottling lines and used the leach field to its capacity. Domestic Wastewater Flows: The volume of domestic wastewater generated by the Proposed Project would be similar to the flows from the former operations. During the initial phase of the Proposed with one bottling line and approximately 30 employees, domestic wastewater flows would be approximately 300 gpd, and would increase to 600 gpd at full production with two bottling lines and 60 employees. Industrial Wastewater Flows: The Proposed Project’s new, dry aseptic bottle air rinse system would significantly reduce water used in manufacturing and, ultimately, industrial wastewater generation when compared to the former plant operations. A pH neutralization system would be installed at the Plant to balance the pH of all industrial wastewater discharge so that it falls within the range of pH 6.5 – 8.5. During the initial phase of the Proposed Project, the volume of industrial rinse wastewater would range from 5,000 gallons per production day (gppd) to infrequent peaks of up to 25,000 gppd, and the volume of industrial process wastewater would range from approximately 20,000 gppd to approximately 54,000 gppd. At full production, discharges would approximately double, with industrial rinse wastewater discharges ranging from 10,000 gppd to infrequent peaks of up to 50,000 gppd, and industrial process wastewater discharges ranging from ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 gppd. It should be noted that industrial rinse and industrial process wastewater peak discharge rates would not occur at the same time. County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 5 Treatment and Discharge Options: Several options for discharging wastewater from the Plant will be considered in the EIR, including: 1. Discharging all domestic and industrial wastewater into the City of Mt. Shasta’s municipal sewer system. 2. A combination of discharging domestic wastewater and the industrial process wastewater into the City of Mt. Shasta’s municipal sewer system, with industrial rinse wastewater into the Plant’s onsite leach field (as currently permitted by the CVRWQCB). 3. Discharging domestic wastewater to the City of Mt. Shasta’s municipal sewer system and treating all industrial wastewater onsite then discharging it to the existing leach field. Under this option, an on-site treatment system would be installed and the existing leach field system expanded to a capacity of 108,000 gpd. This option would also require the Applicant to apply for a new discharge permit from the CVRWQCB. 4. Discharging domestic wastewater to the City of Mt. Shasta’s municipal sewer system and treating all industrial wastewater onsite then discharging it to an onsite location through reclaimed water irrigation. During the winter the treated industrial wastewater would be sent to the leach field. This option would also require installation of an on-site treatment system, expansion of the leach field to 108,000 gpd, and a new discharge permit from the CVRWQCB. For all options, industrial wastewater would be directed to floor drains where it would be centralized and directed through the pH neutralization system before discharging. Energy Use and Associated Infrastructure As a result of the Proposed Project, the Plant will require more electrical power than the previous bottling plant operations. To meet the additional energy demands, propane fuel generators may be used to supply electrical power for Plant operations as well as for backup capacity in the event that electrical power available through the local utility (PacifiCorp) is insufficient. PacifiCorp has initiated proceedings with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for a new substation and associated transmission upgrades, including a service addition and transmission upgrade that would result in additional power to serve regional needs, including those generated by the Proposed Project. The completion of CPUC proceedings may occur by 2017. Actual construction of the substation and transmission upgrades, however, will depend on the internal priorities of PacifiCorp in its system-wide improvements. In the event that sufficient electrical power is provided to the Plant through PacificCorp infrastructure, the generators would remain onsite as a backup power supply. County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 6 Offsite Improvements Several off-site infrastructure improvements may be necessary to implement the Proposed Project. These may include but are not limited to the following: Sewer line upgrades within existing easements within the City of Mt. Shasta; Electrical transmission line upgrades. The environmental effects of off-site improvements will be evaluated within the EIR. PROBABLE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS AND SCOPE OF THE EIR The EIR to be prepared for the Proposed Project will provide a project-level analysis of the impacts pertaining to the resource areas identified below. At this time, the County has determined that an EIR is the appropriate environmental document for the Proposed Project. The EIR will be prepared in accordance with the CEQA Statues, CEQA Guidelines, and other applicable regulatory requirements. The impact analysis will consider impacts resulting directly from the Proposed Project as well as the Proposed Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts in the project area. The EIR will identify feasible mitigation measures to reduce or avoid project-specific and cumulative impacts. To ensure that the EIR adequately addresses the full range of issues and alternatives to the Proposed Project and that all significant issues are identified, comments and suggestions are invited from all interested parties. Aesthetics – Potential impacts to the visual character of the project site and surrounding public view areas, as well as potential impacts to ambient lighting conditions. Air Quality – Potential impacts from fugitive dust emissions and odor from construction activities, as well as emissions of criteria pollutants from operation of the Plant, including but not limited to operations of pumps, boilers, and generators. Biological Resources – Potential impacts on threatened and endangered species, migratory birds, and other biological resources from construction activities and operational nuisances associated with lighting and noise. Cultural Resources – Potential impacts to cultural resources, including any historic and archeological resources that may be impacted from construction activities. The EIR will also address potential impacts to tribal cultural resources in accordance with AB 52. Geology and Soils – Potential impacts to soils, including the potential for soil erosion during construction, and the level of geologic and seismic risks. The level of risk to people and property will be determined based on analysis of the project site’s soil properties and seismic hazard potential. County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Potential impacts associated with greenhouse gas emissions from Plant operations, including indirect emissions from energy use, truck trips and worker vehicle trips. Hazards – Potential impacts from the use of hazardous materials and chemicals required for plant operation and any construction. Hydrology and Water Quality – Potential impacts to surface and groundwater on a local and regional level, including impacts associated with potential changes in hydrological conditions within the Big Springs aquifer as a result of proposed groundwater use. Land Use and Planning – Potential impacts associated with land use, including consistency with adopted plans and policies of the County and City of Mt. Shasta, including but not limited to the respective General Plans and Zoning Ordinances, as well as compatibility with surrounding land uses. Noise/Vibration – Potential impacts on ambient noise levels from any construction-related and operation-related noise. Primary issues to be addressed include increases in ambient noise from operation of equipment on site, including HVAC and chillers, that may impact sensitive receptors and potential land use conflicts regarding noise. Traffic and Circulation – Potential impacts to surrounding roadways resulting from the increase in truck traffic along roadways during operation. Utilities and Service Systems – Potential impacts from increased demands on public utilities and service systems from water use, wastewater, and solid waste generated by Plant operations. Growth-Inducing and Cumulative Effects – Potential growth-inducing and cumulative impacts resulting from the Proposed Project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15126(d) and 15130. DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES CEQA Guideline 15126.6(a) requires that an EIR describe a range of reasonable alternatives for the project. The EIR will evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives, which will include a No-Project alternative and may include the following: an Alternate-use alternative and a Reduced-Intensity alternative. The alternatives will be determined, in part, by public input received during the NOP comment period. To ensure that the EIR adequately addresses the full range of issues and alternatives related to the Proposed Project and that all significant issues are identified, comments and suggestions are invited from all interested parties. County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 8 SCOPING MEETING A scoping meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2016, at 5:00 PM to solicit input from interested agencies and members of the public. A Proposed Project overview will be presented followed by a public comment period. The meeting will occur at the following location: Gymnasium Sisson School 601 E. Alma Street Mt. Shasta, CA 95067 Note: Do not mail comments to the above address. NOP SCOPING COMMENTS Written comments regarding the scope of the EIR should be addressed to: County of Siskiyou, Community Development Department c/o: Greg Plucker, Director 806 S. Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 (530) 842-8203 The close of the scoping and comment period is at 5:00 PM on July 25, 2016. Date: June 24, 2016 By: Greg Plucker, Director County of Siskiyou, Community Development Department County of Siskiyou, Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant Project EIR Notice of Preparation 9 Project Site _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ Project Site Siskiyou SOURCE: ESRI Data, 2016; AES, 6/9/2016 Crystal Geyser NOP / 216537 Figure 1 Regional Location LEGEND Project Site City of Mount Shasta ¢ Ð N OR TH ! Fe e t 0 1 , 000 2 , 000 SOU RCE:" Ci ty o fMo un t Sha sta ,CA” U SGS7 . 5Mi nute To p o gra p hi cQua dra ngle , T40N, R4 W ,Se c ti o ns 9, Mt. Di a blo Ba se li ne& Me ri di a n ; ESRIDa ta ,20 16 ; AES,6/ 1 7/ 20 16 Crystal Geyser NOP / 216537 Figure 2 Si tea ndVi c i ni ty LEGEND Project Site N OR TH ¢ Ð Feet l ! aP a th ha st oria em S itt M m r Eve O 0 340 680 Production Well DEX-6 ! A Red Bud Dr 2M1 6 10 M0 2 Redwood Rd Vista Dr Rasberry Way Oakway Rd Wertz R d Bottling Plant Ski Village Dr tte k Bu Blac Dr n xo Ni Rd Rd 2M05 le y St Marjorie St SOURCE:USDA aerial photograph, 7/2014; AES, 6/17/2016 Terry Lynn Ave Ski Bowl Dr k nc Hi Carmen Dr asta Shasta Ave Caroline Ave h nt S Mou d Crispi R Fe e R d Butte Ave Morris St Regin a to Kennedy Dr Crystal Geyser NOP / 216537 Figure 3 Aerial Photograph LEGEND Proposed ¢ Ð N OR TH ! ! A Feet 0 60 Production Well DEX-6 120 Existing Bottling Plant Ski Village Dr Parking Lot Sugar Tanks Water Tank Cooling Tower Chiller and Cooling Towers Transformers Domestic Well and Pump Water Storage (Production Water from DEX-6) Truck Docks Domestic Water Tank & Pad Sugar Unloading Station CO2 and Nitrogen Tank Backup Generator Truck Parking Propane Tank Proposed Parking Stall Proposed Caretaker/Security Residence SOURCE: Kibler & Kibler, 3/6/2016; USDA aerial photograph, 7/2014; AES, 6/21/2016 Proposed pH Neutralization Building Proposed Propane Power Generators Vaporizers Potential Future Propane Tank Crystal Geyser NOP / 216537 Figure 4 Site Plan