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Groups Show Support for DENT-IL-PAC
Thanks to Our Components, Branches and Specialty Groups for Their 2015 Contributions
$ 100,000 ..................................................................................Chicago Dental Society
500 ..................................................................................Decatur District Dental Society
$ 3,000 ..................................................................................Fox River Valley Dental Society
$ 2,000 ..................................................................................G.V. Black Dental Society
$ 3,000 ..................................................................................Illinois Association of Endodontics
$ 1,500 ..................................................................................Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists
$ 3,000 ..................................................................................Illinois Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
200 ..................................................................................Kankakee District Dental Society
$ 5,000 ..................................................................................McHenry County Dental Society
$ 1,500 ..................................................................................McLean Country Dental Society
$ 2,000 ..................................................................................Peoria District Dental Society
$ 1,500 .................................................................................Rock Island District Dental Society
$ 1,500 .................................................................................Southern Illinois Dental Society
$ 1,000 .................................................................................St. Clair District Dental Society
$ 1,000 .................................................................................U.S. Grant Dental Society
$ 2,000 .................................................................................Winnebago County Dental Society
$ 1,000 .................................................................................Will County Dental Society
PO Box 5120
Springfield IL 62705
Permit #575
Springfield, IL
U.S. Postage
Presorted Standard
of the Illinois State Dental Society
Fall/Winter 2015
President’s Message
By Dr. Michael G. Durbin
Immediate Past DENT-IL-PAC President
The political process in Illinois has left many people
wondering if we will ever get out of the mess that has
been created by decades of mismanagement and
poor decisions. Some look at this process as being so
dysfunctional that they don’t want to support it in
any way, and from the outside looking in, this seems
to be an appropriate response. The reality, however,
is that without participation in the process, our
interests as dentists are not represented and may in
fact be subverted by those who have just a cursory
knowledge of what we do and the services that we
provide to our patients. There are many ways to
participate in this process and I have seen this
described as a pyramid of political influence, with
each step up the pyramid becoming more engaged
and influential. Here is a brief description of each of
those steps up the pyramid.
This is the easiest and still one of the most important
ways to support your profession. Your contribution is
used to fund campaigns and leadership PACs of
“friends” of dentistry that will aid in protecting our
Participate in Engage
Responding to action alerts takes only a few minutes,
but your voice is heard loud and clear in Springfield
and Washington. The power of these responses can’t
be underestimated, and we embarrassingly had
under a 10% response rate to one of our more important alerts this spring. Don’t be left wondering if you
could have done more…answer alerts when they
are sent.
Increase Your Giving Level to Governor’s
Club or President’s Club
An increase in giving levels for even a fraction of
our DENT-IL-PAC members would translate to a
significant increase in funds available to advance
our mission and meet our goals.
Get a Colleague to Join DENT-IL-PAC
We enjoy a high membership market share
compared to other state PACs, but just think how
much more effective we could be with the addition of
new DENT-IL-PAC members. You would be surprised
to see how easy it is to ask a dentist to support and
protect their profession when you explain the
benefits of the PAC and the importance of the work
that the PAC does on behalf of dentistry.
Invite a Legislator to a Component or
Branch Meeting
Legislators love to be invited to speak to their
constituents, especially constituents like dentists who
are known to be regular voters. Talk to your Branch
and Component leaders about inviting a legislator to
speak at a meeting—it is not necessary to have
them speak for the entire meeting so don’t be afraid
to invite them for a brief, 15-minute presentation.
Attend a Political Fundraiser
This is a great way to get face time with legislators
outside of the hustle and bustle of Springfield. You
will find your legislators more relaxed and have
more opportunity to speak with you when you attend
their fundraisers. If you plan to attend, please
contact Dave Marsh or Pam Cuffle to see if DENT-ILPAC will be making a contribution as well.
Host a Fundraiser
This is really one of the most effective ways to engage
your legislator and get to know them on a personal
level. For you to open your home and invite your
colleagues to hear the legislator speak sends the
message that you are there for the legislator and
that you are committed to your profession. This is
much easier than it seems, and Dave Marsh and
Pam Cuffle can give you tips on how to hold a successful fundraiser. These can be held in your home
and DENT-IL-PAC will help defray some of the costs.
This is a summary of some of the engagement
methods that are available, but there are others and
I encourage you to share those that you found
successful. Regardless of the method you choose,
please stay engaged in the process and remember
that no one else will protect your profession like you.
On a personal note, this is my last President’s
Message in the DENT-IL ADVOCATE, as my term will
expire before this goes to press, and Dr. Keith Evans
assumes the role of President. It has been an honor
and privilege to serve as president and I look forward
to continuing to work with you on behalf of our
profession. I would like to thank the dedicated
members of the DENT-IL-PAC Board for their
commitment and hard work these past two years.
I am thankful for the support of you, the dentists of
Illinois, that support our mission to protect the
practice of dentistry. I would like to especially thank
Dave Marsh and Pam Cuffle for their dedication,
support, and friendship. Without them the dentists of
Illinois would be in a much more difficult position
in protecting our profession and the public we
serve- thank you for all you do.
ADPAC Report
By Dr. Larry Osborne
lists; took part in an ADA-engaged update on
implementing best practice techniques; and created
a comprehensive State Legislator email list. Other
successes include a new ATL Tool Kit along with
updates to the Home Fundraiser Tool Kit.
Looking to the future, the date for WLC 2016 will be
May 2-4. Starting in 2017, March 27-29, and
April 9-11 in 2018, ASDA (American Student Dental
Association) will join the WLC as dental students team
with us for successful lobbying.
In 2014, Congress was enriched by the election of three dentists, and the
2016 presidential elections are already on the political horizon. If the first
Republican debate is any indication of what’s to come, this could be a
challenging primary season. Be assured that ADPAC is working diligently
to strengthen and increase Dentistry’s voice in DC.
The Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) was a resounding success
for the Eighth District. Illinois earned two significant awards, one for the
highest percentage of PAC membership and the other for raising the most
money in a single state district. Our full contingent of Action Team
Leaders (ATL) this year visited every Senator and member of Congress
representing our state. Our three main topics lobbied were: HR539
(Action for Dental Health Act 2015); HR1185 (RAISE Health Benefits Act
of 2015), making common sense changes to FSAs; and HR649 (Student
Loan Refinancing Act). You can be especially proud of your Illinois
delegation: they were active, full of energy, and totally engaged in
the process.
The 2017 meeting date along with the logistics of combining ASDA and
the WLC received much attention. Be assured that careful planning is
taking shape. This year, 14 ADA member dentists took part in our
campaign school. Based on the responses and bios of those in attendance,
it was a resounding success. Regarding the upcoming 2015 America’s
Dental Meeting in Washington, D.C., on November 5-10, ADPAC will
support an Advocacy Booth at the Convention Center as well as tours of
the newly-acquired, prime location ADA townhouse. There will be a
fundraising reception at the townhouse for Congressman Paul Gosar,
DDS, on November 7 from 7:00-9:00 pm.
ADPAC is gearing up to raise even more funds to support candidates that
support those issues near and dear to dentistry. We must push to do even
more for our dental profession and the patients we serve.
The ADPAC July meeting saw several accomplishments. Focusing on
grassroots advocacy, we actively discussed a complete update of the ATL
Cross Award Winners
The Chauncey Cross Awards are giving annually to the DENT-IL-PAC
directors with the highest effective rating for membership as of June
1 of each year. This year’s recipients are:
For components with more than 100 active ISDS members: McHenry County Dental
Society, Dr. Paul Palliser with 66% PAC membership
For components with 100 or fewer ISDS members: Decatur District Dental Society,
Dr. Hillarie Ryann-Hudson with 66% PAC membership
For CDS branch: South Suburban, Dr. Philip Schefke with 43% PAC membership
Capitol Experience “Like a Marathon”
To the casual observer, the happenings at the State Capitol probably bring
to mind a no-holds-barred cage match, if a sporting metaphor is called for.
In ISDS Immediate Past President Dr. Edward Segal’s experience, “if you’re
going to participate in the process, it’s much better to treat it as a race—a
long, endurance race.”
“It’s like a marathon,” Dr. Segal said in a recent speech. “To win, you
need to have excellent knowledge of the course and your competitors.
You need to know when to keep a steady pace, to conserve energy, and
when you need to sprint, to react quickly…with the goal of winning at
the end of the race.”
The leadership of ISDS spent a considerable time traveling to Springfield
this spring and summer to solidify their standing in the race. This has
meant time away from their patients and practice.
“A visit to the Capitol can easily result in well over ten stops at various
legislators’ offices,” Dr. Segal said. “Then you need to meet with lobbyists
and staffers, and chase down yet another legislator. Then you’re dashing off
to a committee meeting or two to testify, not sure if your bill will be heard
or what testimony the opposition will give. And this goes on day after day.”
Preparation is the key to making these encounters productive. Defining
and sticking to talking points ensures that a consistent message is being
heard, and delivering that message with the proper emotion ensures that it
will make a strong impact.
“It was a steep learning curve to participate in this year’s legislative effort,”
said Dr. Barbara Mousel, ISDS Vice President. “The opportunity to meet
with multiple legislators, lobbyists, and other parties of interest was a
valuable experience that will serve us well in the future. ISDS brought
together officers, members of the Governmental Affairs committee, and
staff to bring our message to the legislators. Additional meetings were
arranged to negotiate with those with opposing positions.”
In dealing with the opposition, it was important to firmly establish the fact
that dentists are the professionals and the experts when it comes to
legislation that will affect oral health. Both Drs. Segal and Mousel have
extensive résumés of certifications, qualifications, experience and
accomplishments that firmly attest to their authority on such matters.
They also understand the importance of negotiating in good faith.
“For me, it’s about maintaining an honest relationship with legislators by
following through on promises made, coming to the table with an open
mind for negotiations, being willing to compromise when possible, and
having a long term strategy for success,” Dr. Mousel said.
While the current legislative session saw several bills being debated that
will affect dentistry in Illinois, Dr. Segal said the biggest battle, by far, has
been with the hygienists. The Illinois Dental Hygienists’ Association (IDHA)
teamed up with the Illinois Public Health Association and Pew Foundation
in an attempt to sway legislators.
“The process of moving a bill is very complicated,” Dr. Segal said. “We
have come to the table in good faith to negotiate a compromise with
members of the IDHA and its coalition, only to find that their lack of
compromise, faith, and trust in ISDS remains a barrier to a solution.
This is not only frustrating for us, but also for the senators working toward
a solution.”
Dr. Mousel agreed that the art of compromise for a common good was
often missing from the deliberations.
“I think most groups come to the table with hopes of negotiating
something that could work, given an opportunity. In this case, it was a
challenge to get to that point of discussion,” Dr. Mousel added. “Some
stakeholders chose to continue negotiations with common goals that could
be agreed upon; others, sadly, not so much.”
As frustrating as the negotiations could be, they never lost faith in the
worthiness of their cause. The stakes are much too high to allow forces
from outside the dental profession to exact their will and shape the
workforce model according to their wishes.
While the leadership and ISDS staff did the heavy lifting at the Capitol, it is
in every member’s best interest to get involved and work for the betterment
of their profession.
“You need to participate in the political process,” Dr. Segal said. “It is not
about what party affiliation you may have. If you are not willing to speak
up for dentistry and your ability to practice dentistry the way you feel you
should then the legislators will only hear the voices of entities who are
not dentists.”
Want to know more about current legislation? Visit www.isds.org, click on “Advocacy.” Under this section of the website, you may view current legislation.
Our website contains a summary of bills introduced by ISDS as well as position papers for your use. In addition,
this section will allow you to access the full text of all legislation introduced by bill number, public act number or
keyword and will show the current status of the legislation to date. Note! You must be logged in to the website to
view this information.
What Percentage of Your Component/Branch Financially
Supports DENT-IL-PAC?
Decatur District Dental Society . . . . . . . . .66%
Mc Henry County Dental Society . . . . . . . .66%
Mc Lean District Dental Society . . . . . . . . .66%
U.S. Grant Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57%
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons . . . . . . . . .56%
Peoria District Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . .55%
Rock Island District Dental Society . . . . . .55%
Southern Illinois Dental Society . . . . . . . .55%
Whiteside-Lee County Dental Society . . . .55%
Orthodontists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54%
Danville District Dental Society . . . . . . . . .53%
Winnebago District Dental Society . . . . . .53%
St. Clair District Dental Society . . . . . . . . .52%
Prairie Valley Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . .50%
Endodontists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50%
G V Black District Dental Society . . . . . . . .49%
Periodontists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49%
Pediatric Dentists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48%
Kankakee District Dental Society . . . . . . . .48%
Fox River Valley District Dental Society . .48%
T. L. Gilmer Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . . . .45%
Eastern Illinois Dental Society . . . . . . . . . .45%
Wabash River Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . .44%
South Suburban Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43%
Madison District Dental Society . . . . . . . . .41%
Northwest Side Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39%
Will County Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . . . .39%
Northwest Suburban Branch . . . . . . . . . . .37%
Illini District Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . . .37%
Englewood Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36%
North Suburban Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36%
Illinois Valley Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . .36%
Chicago Dental Society as a whole . . . . . .35%
West Suburban Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34%
Kenwood Hyde Park Branch . . . . . . . . . . .32%
Prosthodontists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32%
North Side Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31%
West Side Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30%
DENT-IL-PAC Directors 2015-2016
Dr. Keith Evans, President
Dr. Denise Hale, President-Elect
Dr. Michael Danner, Secretary/Treasurer
Dr. Larry Osborne, ADPAC
Dr. Loren Feldner, CDS Liaison
Board of Directors
Dr. Randy Ashton,
American Academy of General Dentistry
Dr. David Behm, North Side Branch
Dr. Mike Biasiello, Northwest Side Branch
Dr. Bryan Blew, Rock Island District Dental Society
Dr. Bruce Bobofchak,
Illinois Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
Dr. Charles Czerepak,
Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists
Dr. Nezar Kassem, Illini District Dental Society
Dr. Mike Krisko, Kankakee District Dental Society
Dr. Frank Maggio, Fox River Valley District Dental Society
Dr. Dennis Manning, North Suburban Branch
Dr. Randall Markarian, Illinois Society of Orthodontics
Dr. Brenden Moon, T.L. Gilmer Dental Society
Dr. John Moore, Illinois Society of Periodontists
Dr. Mitchell Myers, Illinois Valley Dental Society
Dr. George Neal, Wabash River Dental Society
Dr. Paul Palliser, Mc Henry County Dental Society
Dr. Mark Ploskonka, West Suburban Branch
Dr. Don Rastede, Whiteside-Lee Dental Society
Dr. Chad Reedy, U.S. Grant Dental Society
Dr. Alex Ritchey, Will County Dental Society
Dr. Ed Rose, Madison District Dental Society
Dr. Raj Dhamrait, G.V. Black District Dental Society
Dr. David Rosenbaum, Illinois Association of Endodontics
Dr. Michael Durbin, Northwest Suburban Branch
Dr. Philip Schefke, South Suburban Branch
Dr. Charles Fifield, Prairie Valley Dental Society
Dr. Perry Tuneberg, Winnebago District Dental Society
Dr. James Hardy, Danville District Dental Society
Dr. Charles Holmen, St. Clair District Dental Society
Dr. Stacey Van Scoyoc, McLean District Dental Society
Dr. Susan Zelazo-Smith, West Side Branch
Dr. Joe Hudgins, Southern Illinois Dental Society
Vacant Positions: Kenwood-Hyde Park Branch,
Dr. Hillarie Ryann-Hudson, Decatur District Dental Society
Eastern Illinois Dental Society
Senator Haine: Champion of Dentistry
It is critical for dentists to speak up for their own interests when it
comes to legislative issues that impact the profession, but that
collective voice is even stronger when there is someone at the Capitol
who is always willing to listen. For the past 13 years, Sen. William
Haine has been receptive to hearing our message and as a result, he
has become one of the biggest proponents of dentistry in Illinois.
“Since his very first term in the Senate, Dr. Haine has been a friend
of dentistry and a supporter of ours,” Dave Marsh, ISDS Director of
Government Relations.
Sen. Haine sponsored an ISDS-proposed bill in that first year in the
legislature and has since gone on to help champion many, many
more. As a member of the Licensed Activities and Pensions
Committee and the Chair of the Insurance Committee, he is wellplaced to protect the interests of dentistry as bills make their way
through the legislative process.
receive treatment, he has seen firsthand the damaging effects when
care is not accessible.
Sen. Haine has a deep appreciation for dentists as small business
people and the important role they play in the economy, but he also
stresses the benefit to society when the profession is allowed to
operate without significant third-party constraints.
“It’s just so sad to see the years of neglect because they aren’t being
drawn into the system,” he said. “I don’t know how a child can
attend school and actually learn if they are in pain from a rotting
tooth or gum disease.”
“Dentists have to be treated fairly in the marketplace to encourage
people to take up the profession,” he said. “If the providers aren’t
fairly treated, then they just kind of fade away and the consumer
isn’t served. You want to draw the best and the brightest into the
fields of medicine and dentistry,”
As one of the sponsors of the bill to renew the sunset date of the
Dental Practice Act, Sen. Haine has been in the thick of negotiations,
in particular, on supporting provisions that would expand dental
services into schools and public health clinics.
Sen. Haine graduated from the St. Louis University School of Law
after serving in the Army during the Vietnam War. He worked in
private practice for a decade before being elected state’s attorney for
Madison County, a position he held until his appointment to the
Illinois Senate in 2002.
A native and resident of Alton, Sen. Haine shares his hometown with
the SIU School of Dental Medicine where he serves on the Dean’s
Advisory Board, another reason he is naturally drawn to looking after
the interests of the dental profession.
“It’s always been a high priority for me to make sure that the school
is adequately funded. It’s one of the finest dental schools in the
United States,” he said.
The dental school has exposed Sen. Haine to the need of improving
access to oral healthcare. Having attended the school’s “Give Kids A
Smile Day,” when underserved children and teens are brought in to
“The dental society has given up its historic opposition to having the
entry to dentistry be the hygienist. That’s a major change.
Thousands of children could be brought into the system. The dentists
should get tremendous credit for seeing the need to provide access,
and for modifying the bill to keep the dentists in control. It’s a one
thing to have a highly-skilled and dedicated hygienist, but that’s
only going to work if you have a dentist running the show.”
Sen. Haine is equally effusive in his praise of the ISDS staff members
he works with regularly, in particular their ability to communicate to
senators and representatives that sometimes their good ideas will
have bad consequences. It’s through their efforts that he and many
of his colleagues have gained an even deeper respect for the
profession of dentistry.
“Dentists, in general, are a key part of the social environment and
the business environment in the state,” he said. “They’re a
tremendous asset to every community, and that’s often overlooked.”
Calendar of Events
CDS Midwinter Meeting
February 25-57, McCormick Place West
DENT-IL-PAC Business Meeting
February 26, McCormick Place West
Open to all PAC members
DENT-IL-PAC Directors Meeting
April 5, Springfield Hilton
Directors only
Capital Conference
April 6, Springfield Hilton
ADA Leadership Conference
May 2-4, Washington, D.C.
ISDS Foundation Mission of Mercy
July 14-16, Collinsville
Members Impact Legislative Process
While the state’s budget impasse has dominated headlines and is
foremost in the public’s consciousness, there are also important
issues and legislation related to dentistry that have been debated in
the spring, summer, and into the fall.
“The more we keep the lines of communication open with the
members, the more that they’re willing to participate when we
need to increase membership or to contribute to campaigns,”
Mr. Marsh said.
“It is more important than ever for dentists to be aware of how
legislation, both pending and current, has an effect on our
practices,” said Dr. Michael Durbin, DENT-IL-PAC President.
“Changes to the Affordable Care Act are just one example of how a
piece of legislation that at first glance did not appear to have a
dramatic impact on dentistry, did in fact require the attention of
organized dentistry to help navigate the numerous provisions of the law.”
Dr. Michael Danner of Pekin and Dr. Bradley Barnes of Bloomington
recently did their part by hosting separate fundraisers for Darin
LaHood, who is running for the open seat in the 18th U.S.
Congressional District. As a member of the Illinois State Senate,
where he has served since 2011, Sen. LaHood has worked closely
with ISDS staff on several bills.
Since legislation relating to the dental profession isn’t going to make
headlines in daily newspapers throughout the state, ISDS staff works
hard to make sure that members get the information they need
through regular alerts and updates.
“Keeping members informed of legislation as it’s moving through
the General Assembly, especially with an issue such as the hygienist
bill that we were opposed to for so long,” Dave Marsh, ISDS Director
of Government Affairs. “Members need to know how they will be
impacted personally and professionally, depending on what happens
with a bill.”
While increased awareness is always important, strong representation
can only be maximized by taking action. The first step toward
becoming actively involved is by enlisting as a member of DENT-ILPAC and contributing, both personally and financially, to its efforts.
“Senator LaHood has been a friend of ours. He’s a member of the
Licensed Activities and Pensions committee that a lot of our bills go
through, including the hygienist bill, so that really has cemented our
relationship with him,” Marsh said.
Having a keen interest in politics isn’t a prerequisite of becoming
involved in the DENT-IL-PAC. Even those dentists with little interest
in the process are still heavily vested in the outcomes and will be
better served by lending their support to the cause.
“A strong PAC means that the voice of dentistry won’t get lost in the
shuffle in Washington or Springfield,” Dr. Durbin said. “The PAC
is dentistry’s insurance against the unwanted intrusion of third
parties into our practices and it results in a stronger profession for
Thank You, 2015 President’s Club, Governor’s Club and DENT-IL-PAC Members!
(As of August 1, 2015)
G.V.Black District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Dhamrait, Rajan S
Greenwald, James J
Lynch, Ronald R
Maddox, Brandon R
McDermott, James H
Governor’s Club
Auld, Marcia L
Bierman, Jeffrey A
Cassens, Robert T
Cross, Chauncey
Davis, James W
Floyd, Kevin C
Groesch, Charles W
Hudson, Bradley D
Longos, Thomas J
Looker, Mary-Margaret W
McDaniel, Richard T
Milner, David A
Rackauskas, Mary Ann
Schlee, Kevin A
Schlosser, William T
Taylor, D L
Wangen, Russell K
Weller, Susan
Weller, William W
Wheat, Phillip N
Williams, Jordan N
Williams, Russell A
Aleman, Erin P
Aleman, Jason J
Arnold, Samantha
Baines, Lisa M
Barrowes, Eldon G
Boyer, Andrew T
Boyer, Gregory M
Chiles, Alan E
Colbert, John M
Conour, George P
Cross, David
DeSanto, Tanya L
Farrow, James E
Farrow, Jeanne M
Gekas, Mark
Heller, Kurt L
Hurt, David J
Jacobs, Sarah A
Jensen, Phillip M
Kaplan, Stephan A
Kerstein, Karl P
Knoedler, Elizabeth S
Lawson, Randall E
Lonergan, Timothy C
Lynch, Matthew A
Maurer, Joanne M
Maurer, Susan M
Middleton, Bethany
Milner, Ty D
Nathanson, Julie
Overoyen, Deborah A
Renken, Joshua M
Riley, Thomas W
Rose, Mark A
Scannura, Louis D
Sharma, Sheetal
Staten, Donald J
Trost, David R
Van Sandt, Rodney H
Wilmert, W J
Woolbright, Eric K
Danville District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Ashton, Randal P
Governor’s Club
Fuesting, Michael L
Conn, Phillip W
Cooney, Jane
Hardy, James M
Lewis, Ronald L
Satterwhite, Jon T
Van Burk, Richard M
Zundo, George R
Chicago Dental Society
President’s Club
Cincione, Alexis M
Hale, Denise D
Kozal, John F
Krepps, Michael J
Moore, John F
Unger, Joseph G
Governor’s Club
Arrigo, Vincent R
Baptist, David B
Bartz, Raymond D
Bielik, Kathryn L
Crystal, Howard L
Damas, Beth A
Diaz-Albertini, Carlos
Doyle, Donald F
Durkin, David A
Gannon, Patrick J
Kowalik, Michael J
Lamacki, Walter F
Lubas, Janice A
Matthews, Robert F
Moss, Thomas J
Petreikis, Leona D
Petty, William D
Remijas, Thomas J
Richardson, Peggy A
Sampalis, Andrew J
Sullivan, Bernard J
Azab, Emad E
Bailey, Glenn E
Biank, Vincent E
Brendich, John A
Brenner, Richard J
Burke, John C
Butkiewicz, Michael J
Connors, Gerald P
Cusack, Blaine P
Decker, Eugene C
Delk, Alvin L Jr
Dwyer, Dennis J
Fatland, Warren S
Fitzpatrick, Robert
Germino, Thomas A
Gorski, Michael E
Grady, Emmett P
Grebliunas, Kenneth M
Green, John M Jr
Habbal, Walid
Haralampopoulos, Alex G
Hart, John F
Hlousek, Thomas A
Jilek, George J
Lang, Curt R
Lenz, John P
Lingen, George W Jr
Lingen, Mark W
Loduca, Joseph
Marshall, Richard M
McCartin, Joseph G Sr
McKane, Richard J
McNicholas, Robert A
Meehan, Michael P
Merbaum, Eugene
Meyering, Thomas J
Michet, Lawrence T Jr
Michet, Robert J
Michet-Apolon, Marilyn
Moormann, Andrew J
Mrugala, Frederic J
Naem, Islam S
Nicorata, Steven J
Nowak, Dennis J
Orrington, James L
Pagni, Carlo G
Patel, Dinesh J
Prochot, Alan K
Provenzale, Donald J Sr
Redmond, Ann Marie
Rodriquez, Dale F
Rogers, John C
Ruby, Jack W
Schultz, Lauren E
Sheehan, F M III
Sheth, Shamkant P
Soltes, James F
Swiatek, Donald J
Szafranski, Kenneth J
Szydelko, John
Tisoncik, Anthony J
Toussaint, Peter J
Tucke, Aaron G
Uczen, Donald W
Urda, Monica N
Varughese, Daisy E
Villasenor, Gilbert
Farid, Yasmin
Flowers, Jamal R
Franklin, Carlla D
Graham, Lou S
Guster, Roy B
Harris, James H Jr
Hussain, Sameera
Jacobs, Bryan P
Jung, Yun Joo
Karateew, Edward D
Katz, Paul J
Knowles, Cornelius L
Koos, Steven A
Kromkowski, Christina R
McCullom, Yetta G
Moore, Henry D
Morrissette, Debra B
Newsome, Max D
Pavel, Cristian I
Pettitt, Antoinette M
Rhim, Chang W
Rhodes-Gayles, Kellie A
Robinson, Mark A
Saddy, Affaf A
Sharma, Dipa G
Shust, Steven J
Smith, Ozzie E III
Thompson, Byron J
Walker, George L
Wang, Theresa C
Kenwood-Hyde Park
North Side
President’s Club
Alemis, Alexander G
Grinter, Jason M
Liu, Jack T
Watson-Lowry, Cheryl D
Governor’s Club
Blaney, Rodney A
Kaufman, Louis R
Lyn-Malinowski, Sharon A
Miller, David E
Watson-Montgomery, Cheryl
Argueta, Julio Jr
Atcha, Irfan A
Barnes, Eric M
Bibbs, Guy L
Bolden, Kimberley M
Bowden, Ogbonna B
Cheng, Ronald A
Davenport, Milton L III
Dillard, Melvin L III
Edwards, Twana
President’s Club
Boghosian, Alice G
Czerepak, Charles S
Drummond, Trucia A
Furusho, Cissy K
Hayes, Mary J
Klayman, Leonard I
Kollmann, Kirk B
Leonard, Irving J
Margolis, Fred S
Pavel, Ilie P
Simon, William A
Tierney, Mary E
Zakrzewska, Jolanta K
Governor’s Club
Andrianopoulos, Efi
Behm, David S
Berman, Daniel C
Cabrera, Peter O
Hagopian, John M
Jacobson, Ronald S
James, Douglas A
Kramer, Jeffrey A
Krinsky, Harold J
Kuhn, Janet M
Landman, Paul
Lauterbach, Katherine
Leyba, Richard G
Lim, Jun S
Mayer, Susan V
Omori, Mitchell D
Oppenheim, Joanne R
Rempas, Steven P
Robinson, James D
Romo, Genaro
Salzer, D Milton
Seidman, Sheldon
Sharifi, M Nader
Tiersky, Terri S
Tiffin Mascorro, Linda
Tsou, Raymond
Uditsky, Daniel N
Vold, Michael
Zarei, Payam
Anderson, Alexandra
Baer, Russell A
Bahu, Ramy
Barack, David
Barrington, Erwin P
Becker, Eliot
Bonanno, Lawrence M
Briney, Lynse J
Century, Janet H
Chen, Charles H
Chruszczyk, Agnieszka
Czarkowski, Michael A
Delfs, Kathryn Chang A
Desai, Trupti V
Dinkha, Nahrain Y
Diokno, Jose M
Dolnick, Ira J
Domanico, John M
Durfee-Amato, Sharon J
Dyoco, Kimberly A
Emalfarb, Scott A
Emery, Jessica T
Fei, Jenny H
Feingold, William C
Fisher, Larry A
Foes, Jennifer A
Frericks, William J
Freydberg, Barry K
Furmanek, James J
Gamalinda, Mark Thomas R
Gargiulo, Gloria A
Gershenzon, Richard N
Goot, Arnold L
Gordon, Stephen J
Hirsch, Martin A
Hochstadter, Bruce E
Katabi, Firas F
Katris, Chris T
Kennedy, Kathleen B
Kho, Marjorie
Kirovski, Sanja
Kitchens, Heather L
Kromash, Kenneth S
Kyin, Michael G
Landers, Kevin M
Landman, Carole E
Lason, Donald R
Lee, Anthony C
Lerias, Richie V
Mahler, Harvey J
Mannering, Marge L
Marcus, David H
Marcus, Martin J
Mariscal, Jose M
Marmor, Deborah S
Marszalek, Roman
Mathew, Jessie A
McCune, William L
Melnyk, Tetyana
Merlo-Murison, Mary A
Millard, Craig W
Miller, Scott
Montero-Fayad, Marilia J
Morris, Mark W
Munoz, Frank L
Nealis, Neal C
Padleckas, Edmund V
Patel, Priyanka U
Paulson, Taf G
Pearl, Steven L
Perrie, Robert M
Porembski, Pamela M
Rageb, Samia L
Ratliff, Megan A
Richardson, Tehemina G
Riyal, Tariq
Seder, Karen L
Shaw, Frank
Sheynman, Irene A
Shulruff, Charles
Silvers, Robert B
Spyratos, Jerry S
Strobel, Daniel G
Szekely, Olna H
Tannenbaum, Charles J
Tietzer, Gregory H
Tokowitz, Eliot M
Totonchi, Summer K
Toups, Joseph S
Tzanos, Alexander C
Ulffers, H G
Unterbrunner, Adam J
Valtcheva, Silvia
Van Fossen, Amy M
Vivit, Edward G
Voit, Norbert A
Wagner, Stephanie
Warshawsky, Neil M
Wegmann, Gary G
Weisbart, Howard S
Weisz, Alan S
Weller, Jeffrey A
Wilkin, F R
Youel, Benjamin
Zaffarkhan, Mohammad
Zager, Lawrence H
Zelikow, Ron
North Suburban
President’s Club
Arpino, Vincent J
Bitter, Robert N
Canty, Timothy C
Humenik, Mark J
Karkazis, Frank L
Konz, Lisa M
Nidetz, Alan J
Stuparitz, John E
Governor’s Club
Anderson, Kenneth R Jr
Benz, James D
Bleck, Thomas G
Cannon, Mark L
Canzona, Joseph E
DiGennaro, Gloria
Domagala, Peter S
Doroshow, Susan B
Duda, David S
Duda, Richard J
Durrett, Robert T
Engert, Arlene M
Fenchel, Stephen L
Fischl, Marie B
Fischl, Paul L
Foley, Patrick F
Fondriest, James F
Ford, John C
Fulton, David J Jr
Gordon, Joe
Klass, Michael B
Knudson, Randal A
Kohler, Craig S
Krueger, Robert S
Kwiatt, Thomas E
Lewis, David B Jr
LoGiudice, Benjamin A
Lyon, Eva M
Manning, Dennis E
Markiewicz, Anthony R
McClellan, Mart G
Minihane, Michael J
Mora, Cheryl
Oltean, Steven C
Quinn, Kevin J
Radke, Kermit M
Robbins, R L
Rosen, Jacqueline G
Rosenbaum, David S
Rubinstein, Sergio
Schroetter, Astrid E
Shorr, Wendy E
Straka, Timothy L
Szatkiewicz, Richard J
Toraason, James H
Tylka, Joseph A
Vickery, John M
Walvoord, Barry L
Wielgos, A R
Williams, David A
Wojciechowski, Mark A
Alsahlani, Eman J
Amidei, Mark J
Anasinski, Dorothy A
Anssari, Inna S
Antman, Robert E
Athans, Tony T
Azimzadeh, Nasrin S
Baboulas, Christos D
Baker, Mark C
Barlas, Spiro
Barr, Sanford L
Barth, Kathleen B
Bertini, James O
Beuttell, Jeffrey M
Beyer, Gary K
Beyer, Irene
Bloom, Eric N
Borden, Gary E
Bordignon, Thomas V
Brenner, Scott D
Brock, Jefferson C III
Brunetti, John
Burns, Michael F
Burns, William F
Campbell, Douglas B
Canty, David A
Carpenter, Arthur B
Ceisel, Robert J
Christie-Jaroch, Kathleen J
Chwa, Kyint
Constantine, Theodore J
Cooper, Howard I
Cottrell, Richard D
Culp, Christine L
Cwik, Aaron
Dooley, David L
Duda, Michael
Duffy, Robert F
Eisen, Eric J
Engelman, Michael J
Fadavi, Shahrbanoo
Farsakian, Larry R
Favale, John K
Fernitz, David
Foertsch, Sharon A
Friedman, Herbert I
Galdoni, Peter J
Garrett, G Neil
Gill, Nader
Goduco, Philip V
Gordon, Michael E
Goshgarian, Ara C
Graber, Susan D
Greenberg, Robert S
Gutierrez Ismail, Sonia
Ha, Mary
Hahm, Christine
Hammes, Peter J
Hauff, Thomas G Jr
Hauff, Thomas G Sr
Heffez, Leslie B
Hermann, Szilard
Hicken, Joseph T
Hime, Linda L
Hoffenberg, Steven M
Hoppe, Jerrold R
Isaacson, Richard D
Janzen, Marita K
Jesenovec, William L
Kabot, Timothy E
Kaplan, Marc S
Kaplin, Alan W
Karras, Louis G
Kaspers, Robert L
Katz, Carl S
Kelsey, John H
King, Robert S
Kurtz, Robert A
Landau, Mark J
LaTocha, Fabian
Lehtman, Craig D
Levitan Dani, Miriam
Lippitz, Stefen J
Macrowski, James W
Maddox, David S II
Madrigal, Doris
Mata, Felicia S
McClenahan, David
McMahon, John D
McNerney, John M
McWhinnie, David A
Mendelson, Gene E
Miles, Jeffrey P
Monteith, Michele R
Mora, Michael D
Neuhaus, Peter
Nickel, William L
Nykaza, Dan J
Orbon, James W
Patel, Rashmika B
Phan, Vu A
Phillips, Verena
Piotrowski, Ted J
Pladziewicz, Paul A
Poncza, Paul
Potts, David P
Reilly, Stephen T
Reily, Donald J
Reznikov, Vladimir
Riesberg, Jeffrey E
Robbins, Ralph
Rogers, Martin J
Rule, Bradley C
Sackheim, Michele K
Savers, Edward E
Schmidt, David E
Scholtz, Caroline
Schroetter, Ingrid B
Schussler, Craig A
Schwartz, David B
Sellke, Terry A
Shapira, Ira L
Shepstone, Ralph F
Shtilman, Alla
Sigman, Lloyd
Simуn, Maria L
Sommercorn, Linda M
Sommerfeld, Steven C
Steinberg, Mark J
Steinberg, Trina L
Stone, John H
Tylman, Joanna M
Valis, Vasilios
Vravick, John A
Wascow, Doreen A
Wasserman, Michael S
Weiss, Brad A
Williams, Georgia A
Wong, Amy Y
Wurzbach, David A
Northwest Side
President’s Club
Adley, Elise M
Biasiello, Michael J
DiFranco, Charles F
Imburgia, Louis A
Janowski, Daniel M
Schneider, Thomas F Jr
Sisto, John M
Spina, Anthony M
Spinazze, Mark A
Storer, Mark M
Yum, Grace
Governor’s Club
Abaygar, Romula F
Berni, David R
Bloom, Spencer R
Bogacki, Michele T
Cascio, Michael A
Cascio, Samuel J
Cecala, Russell J
Ciccarelli, Sam M
DiFranco, Paul Jr
Fitzgerald, Patrick I
Frayn, George R
Gilbert, Brett E
Gonzalez, Victor
Grandinetti, Samuel J
Grandinetti, Vickie J
Hann, Patrick C
Hijjawi, Nancy E
King, Kevin T
Kumamoto, David P
Luksha, Lorette M
Marshall, Steven D
Mousel, Barbara L
Nowak, John
Piekos, Martin J
Sodini, Joseph J
Starsiak, Mary A
Stipak, James P
Storniolo, Salvatore A
Wittmus, Jeffrey S
Ziols, Gordon J
Adams, Thomas J
Artrip, James M
Baima, Robert F
Bjork, Paul R
Brandstatter, Robert W
Chung, Choongseo
Ciesco, James N
Connell, Melissa M
Diaz, Martha E
DiChristofano, Peter A Jr
DiChristofano, Robert P
DiFranco Bordignon,
DiFranco, Charles
Falcone, Angela M
Fitz, Brian J
Gasparaitis, Vincent
Gianfortune, Vincent L
Gracias, Maria L
Hanagan, Joseph F
Herrmann, David J
Hessberger, Bob W
Hocking, April E
Hryhorczuk, Christine S
Johnson, Lars A
Kaminski, John C
Kania, Joann C
Kelly, John J
Kim, Daniel Y
Klempka, Malgorzata
Kolar, Lawrence W
Kompanowski, Bob D
Kumamoto, Steven Y
Li, Jack C
Makowski, Joseph R
Marshack, Martin
Metelka, Ronald T
Moen, Robert C
Mogil, Michael S
Mycyk, Roman D
Nguyen, Linh D
Parker, Anthony J
Rosenberger, Paula R
Rzazewska-Johnson, Renata
Saad, Milad
Salzman, Steven R
Samulak, Jagoda
Song, Young
Stiles, Richard L
Sweis, Jubrail
Ticzon-Preza, Loida C
Treinkman, Gary M
Wojtowicz, David E
Northwest Suburban
President’s Club
Balas, Gary P
Demars, Nichole L
Durbin, Michael G
Eaton, Jeffrey D
Economos, James P
Fijal, Phillip J
Fournier, Maria J
Grise, Lorelei
Hofman, Walter S
Parry, Juliana J
Schroeder, Michael B
Segal, Edward H
Smith, Tina V
Socher, Jeffrey C
Spinazze, Dennis J
Spinazze, Russell P
Zak, Michael J
Governor’s Club
Artisuk, Alexandra M
Baldassano, Joseph V
Bogacki Skidmore, Angela
Borris, Theodore J
Dalessandro, Alan A
Distel, John W
Fitton, Russell P III
Fox, John S
Frett, James P
Geivelis, Milton M
Goldberg, Robert A
Greising, Daniel M
Halpern, Jeffrey A
Hayward, Michael D
Hicks, Brian A
Higgins, Michael S
Hogan, Daniel E
Hyde, Sheffield S
Kane, M Elizabeth
Kanter, Herbert M
Maloney, James D
Pappas, Renee P
Passehl, Robert E
Romano, Antonino
Schumer, David J
Seidman, Irwin M
Shandley, Steven J
Shapiro, Alan J
Skopek, Stephanie S
Skyles, Russel L
Smoron, Scott G
Thompson, John T
Ursitti, Victoria A
Zidron, Martin J
Zomorrodian, Sahand
Abbott, David M
Akhikar, Joseph Y
Althoff, William C
Angerame, Robert J
Bacos, Peter J
Bagdasarian-Olono, Rita
Baldare, David R
Ballis, Steve J
Bertoglio, Jessica R
Blaibel, Maha
Bonk, Jeffrey T
Bradley, Robert E
Cajiao, Flavio A
Calabrese, Sam P
Candre, Francis C
Caruso, Joseph L
Castro, Robin E
Cavers, John W
Chemello, Peter D
Cherny, Barry M
Chin, Daniel I Jr
Chin, Michael B
Chorzempa, James J
Couston, Thomas G
Davis, James C
Dumanis, Leo
Dziubyk, Roman M
Errico, Michael R
Faith, Matthew J
Fedyna, Michael D
Ferrari, Mark A
Ficek, Robert J
Foley, John H
Foley, Rita S
Forfar, Alan R
Furmanek, Sylvester W
Gartner, S C
Gauthier, Matthew E
Goodsite, Charles D
Grauer, David E
Han, Joon Hwan
Harris, Thomas A
Hecht, Robert I
Heck, Jeffrey A
Hofmeister, Mark A
Hogan, Richard A
Jafri, Ambreen
Jarosz, Jerome A
Jensen, S T
Jensen, Willis J
Johnson, Kenneth A
Jozwiak, Tom D
Kaplan, Leonard M
Kaplin, Kenneth B
Katsis, John
Kemp, Jeffrey C
Kiriluk, Harry J
Klock, Katherine J
Koller, Mark J
Kotsakis, George
Kraemer, Steven C
Lee, Eun-jin
Lies, Amy S
Lipschultz, Robert A
Litvin, Paul E
LoCascio, Robert G
Lovda, Michael A
Lowery, Martin F
Lucas, Kevin P
Malek, Robert B
Malin, Bianca
Manos-Balis, Debbie G
Mariani, Natalie A
Mategrano, Albert Jr
McAllister, Denise L
McMahon, Jaclyn A
Miller, Marc A
Mondo, Dennis M
Montgomery, Rebecca E
Mui, George
Nakfoor, Bryan P
Nelson, Carleton A Jr
Nichols, Dean
Niro-Kraemer, Jacqueline
O'Reilly, Bernard J
Orser, Stevan J
Orsini, Rebecca L
Partridge, Michael J
Pennino, Douglas
Petlak, Andrew F
Poles, Bilus D
Pollina, Russell S
Powell, Todd P
Prendergast, Thomas L
Razdolsky, Yan M
Reither, Randall E
Relias, Gary C
Ridenour, Timothy A
Romano, Giusto
Rubino, Ross E
Ryan, Robert J
Scambler, John G
Schuberth, Gary H
Schwartz, Jack G
Skoog, George S
Slovick, Robert A
Soh, Jin-Moon
Steichen, Michael G
Stump, Gregory A
Terp, Richard T
Todd, Gary S
Tomczyk, Carolyn J
Toto, Michael G
Unti, Michael V
Vavrik, Robert J
Von Heimburg, Petra
Walther, Corey J
Weinfield, Lois T
Wiese, James B
Wuerl, Daniel W
Zak, David F
Zanoni, John S
Zgoba, Michael
Ziah, James R
South Suburban
President’s Club
Booth, Barry E
Brasky, Theodore E
Cubbon, H Todd
Dubravec, Dominik B
Feldner, Loren J
Gedutis, F W
Ginn, Ralph W
Gradowski, Joseph E
Holba, Richard S
Kosel, Eric B
Murray, Bernard W
Noetzel, Ilenne
Noetzel, Joseph W
Patterson, Kevin L
Pope, D Spencer
Ruiz, Edward M
Schefke, Philip L
Governor’s Club
Algenio, Generand C
Bona, Richard A
Heaney, Stephen M
Helge, Wayne R
Hoffman, Michael G
Jagmin, Lawrence E
Johnson, Judy A
Joyce, Thomas M
Maloney, Thomas P
Mantoan, Richard J
Maoloni, Anthony J
Mintz, Michael J
Morris, George E Jr
Noetzel, Robert J
Oganwu, Vincent A
Pavlik, Edward J
Ryan, Michael P
Slavin, Michael S
Slavin, William H
Weathersby, LeRoy II
Agarwal, Anil K
Al-Rayyan, Najla A
Anderson, Mark W
Baptist, Joseph B
Beste, Lester L
Bogs, Therese M
Bonaguro, John G
Bosack, Robert C
Brewer, Scot E
Brown, Daniel J
Cable, Bruce M
Cantor, Jeffrey S
Coffey, Kenneth W
Dailide, Arvydas J
Daly, Daniel W
Davenport, Alan L
Demke, Richard S
Douvas, Alexandra N
Duffner, Gregory J
Enacopol, Horatio D
Fagan, Michael B
Falsey, Kathleen M
Feenstra, Craig M
Flor, Walter D
Foster, Mark B
Foundos-Biegel, Susan J
Gattone, Guy H
Gertsch, Russell H
Gordon, Laurie S
Gorman, Patrick M
Grant, Lisa H
Greenebaum, Charles J
Griffin, Richard J
Grosse, Gina L
Ilardo, Antonino
Jackson, Marilyn D
Jagmin, Gary E
Johnson, Thomas A
Kehl, Kenneth A
Kenny, Joseph W
Kirsch, Michael E
Kosel, Alfred C
Krafcisin, Peter S
Kreuz, James J
Lazzarotto, John R
Lenz, Lawrence J
LoCicero, James C
Lugowski, Lucille M
Mailapur, Shilpa
Malik, Shuaib
Manasse, Robert J
Maniakouras, Denise D
Mayer, David D
McIntyre, Stephen J
Meekma, Lawrence J
Mimms, Celia Y
Neidhart, Ronald
Oryhon, Harry W
Pappas, Amiel G
Pignotti, Carl J
Reiser-Loeber, Elizabeth A
Riechman, Mark R
Salem, Munther
Sandstrom, Nils F
Sasic Lalich, Laura M
Savas, Peter P
Sbalchiero, Gene J
Seidel, Christopher J
Shah, Keyur
Shahbandar, Leila
Shults, Ingrid E
Siddiqui, Saleem W
Solek, Joseph J
Sonneveld, Thomas C
Stanford, Robert A
Stanford, Walter B
Stifter, Patricia
Strauss, Sherwin L
Sullivan, John F
Tatel, Fredric S
Testa, Rebecca J
Testa, Ronald G
Tismensky, Vladimir
Tsoukalas, Dimitri T
Waryjas, Ronald J
Williams, Alexander S IV
Woerheide, Ralph E
Woodburn, Lori M
Yang, John W
Zollinger, Larry E
Zubinas, Thomas F
West Side
President’s Club
Bryniarski, James H
Caraba, Brian M
Orland, Frank R
Reyna-Vukotich, Monica
Whitesman, Louis
Zelazo-Smith, Susan K
Governor’s Club
Alder, Gary F
Alemis, Chris P
Amirsoltani, Shafa
Andre, Mira
Battistoni, Richard A
Beam, William R
Cain, Mary
Jennings, Michelle P
Matke, Gregory J
McMahon, Jill C
Orland, Carla P
Orland, Gina F
Perna, John J
Politis, Constantine L
Rock, Steven A
Salerno, A J
Tuck, Donald N
Zehak, George R
Smulson, Paul A
Soppet, Stephen E
Tahir, Ejaz
Tauber, Michael H
Tokarski, Nicholas R
Valenciano, Ana Maria
Vibhakar, Kamal M
Walsh, Marie T
Wenckus, Christopher S
Ziegler, Richard W
Baranovsky, Vasyl M
Buen, Rosemarie M
Catrambone, Frank P
Chan, Jit
Clemens, Gary R
Cravatta, John J
Das, Amit K
Deaver, Robert S
Dhadwal, Ritu
Dhadwal, Sushant
Everett, Carol A
Fieldhouse, James M
Fraser, Ross A
Garrison, Diane C
Geroulis, Nick A
Greico, Paul N Jr
Hao, Jianjun
Heiferman, Beth R
Hoffman, Ian W
Horwitz, Sharon C
Jacobs, Lawrence T
Klenetsky, Allan D
Kornak, Martin P
Kusnoto, Budi
Lake, Jacob S
Lepkowski, Joseph A Jr
Lieberman, Jack L
Lotsof, Henry L
Lynch, Frances
Lynch, John P
Lynch, Sheila E
Mangram, Treneice L
Martinez, Leticia
Mendiola, Mark M
Munaretto, Richard A
Navarro, Larissa
Olono, Charles
Pasquesi, Fred H
Perlman, Sharon J
Perry, Richard P
Poulos, James N
Reis, Raquel M
Reisberg, David J
Reyes De Lobos, Maribel
Santucci, Michael L
Singh Parmar, Sanjeet Raj
Skirius, Irene R
Smigielski, James M
West Suburban
President’s Club
Azad, Koushan H
Bauer, Bryan
Brown, Alyssa C
Chandler, Jeffrey W
Erhart, Michael J
Groh, Lawrence P
Hamel, William B III
Hollis, Maryann M
Huang, Yihsiung
Jackson, Eric G
Kipper, Donald G
Levine, Nolen L
Maragos, James M
Milgram, John W
Novak, Michael A
Reardon, Brian
Ryan, Kevin P
Satko, Cynthia R
Stone, Bob C
Suchy, Keith W
Sullivan, Thomas E
Governor’s Club
Aiello, John S
Babka, Marsha A
Banks, Robert G
Beck, Dennis J
Beron, Ivone A
Bogin, Harvey M
Bond, Michael E
Borello, John S
Chang, Barbara A
Chang, Douglas T
Chavez, Edward R
Dale, Donald A Jr
Discipio, James L
Discipio, Joseph V
Elasaad, Michael G
Elliott, Ian
Fako, Stephen
Figueroa, Alex L
Fornal, Joseph J
Gerding, John H
Girgis, Philip J
Goers, Ronald W
Guerrieri, John A
Harnois, Peter T
Hilo, Dan B
Houlihan, John F
Kempf, Paul T Jr
Kleiber, William P
Lane, Gregory L
Machnowski, Thomas J
Marchese, Frank J
Metcalf, Christopher A
Miller, Donald A
Miller, Marjorie
Miller, Tom J
Nicholas, Dean P
Oliva, Randall
Oslak, Robert R
Petranek, Keith E
Ploskonka, Mark F
Ridlen, James R
Sullivan, Michael E
Thomas, Chris T
Vongluekiat, Steven
Alwan, Rick D
Arnashus, Dawn M
Ashrafi, Seema S
Bannon, Patrick J
Bartell, Emily C
Beeson, Marlene L
Belniak, Richard D
Bergamini, Jerome A
Berley, A G Jr
Bhatia, Sudhir K
Blaney, Patrick C
Blass, Matthew L
Blass, Richard W
Blecha, Nowell E
Boland, Jeffrey
Brandys, Robert F
Brennan, William Jr
Brennan, William M
Brink, Matthew C
Bronke-Wind, Carolyn A
Brzozowski, Daniela M
Brzozowski-Sawicki, Paulina
Caputo, Paul V
Carney, James D
Cascino, Anthony M
Castline, Jill M
Cater, Mathew I
Cerone, Michael A
Chan Jacobs, Linda T
Chirban, Zivile Z
Ciebien, Gerald J
Conti, Kathryn E
Cook, Jeffery K
Cozzo, Daniel G
Cratin, Thomas L
Crombie, Timothy N
Cunningham, Michael P
Custer, Tim J
Darley, Karen V
DeLeon, Daniel J
Denemark, Paul J
Derrico, James L
Dettmer, Martin A
DeVaull Pinkerton, Michelle
Deweirdt, Glenn L Jr
Doerfler, Gregory E
Donohue, Thomas M
Drouin, Chad
Erickson, Steven E
Figueroa, Alvaro A
Fleming, Patrick J
Fornatto, Daniel J
Fu, Russell V
Gavrilos, Jim T
Gentile, Lawrence R
George, Thomas H
Gianakakis, James F
Giannini, Anthony F
Gibbs, Thomas R
Glorioso, Anthony T
Gonda, Michael J
Gotsch, Philip W
Gregie, Kenneth J
Grimley, Jeffrey M
Gupta, Kavita
Guy, Antoinette E
Hanna, Eva A
Hasiakos, Peter S
Hausten, Rebecca S
Hawkinson, Robert W Jr
Head, Douglas W
Hill, Tyron J
Jacobs, Mark S
Jacobsen, Gina M
Jaconetti, Daniel L
Jain, Priti R
Janowski, Sarah A
Jones, David L
Jones, Paula S
Kalant, Don C Sr
Karakourtis, Michael J
Kasper, Edward L Jr
Kats, William V
Katsis, John
Kaur, Sukhjit
Kay, Douglas L
Kelly, Marguerite H
Kennedy, James P
Kent, Dennis P
Kesman, Russell A
Khan, Hammad A
Kostko, Mark A
Kott, Nicole S
Ladone, Paul J
LaFemina, Gilbert J Jr
Lane, Gregory D
LaPorte, Anthony M
LaRoia, Neal
LaSpisa, Joseph A
LaVacca, Anthony
Lehenbauer, Daniel J
Lenart, Michael E
Levato, Claudio M
Levato, Sharon A
Lewis-Bauer, Danielle N
Liaros, Peter B
Libunao, Allan J
Liedtke, Eric P
Ligocki, Mark A
LoDestro, Peter A
Macaluso, Gregory P
Malecki, Joseph M
Malenius, Robert C
Mandelaris, George A
Marchese, John G
McGonigle, Robert S
McKee, James R
McKee, Lisa M
McNamara, John P
Minalt, John E
Mondroski, Gregory A
Morgan, Michael J
Mortell, John W
Mueller, George H
Mueller, Jay P
Musil, Scott
Naborowski, Michael W
Nasreen, Taiba
Neach, Charles R
Newkirk, David R
Newman, Thomas E Jr
Nimry, Nicole A
O'Connell, John F III
O'Donnell, Robert E
Orland, Anna
Paige, John S Jr
Pardon, Roger E Jr
Parisi, Mario J
Patel, Pranav V
Patelski, Richard E
Patino, Harold A
Pendleton, Patrick
Peske, Michael G
Petrelli, Charise M
Pick, Robert M
Pickett, Kenneth R
Pink, Michael T
Provenzale, Donald J Jr
Richman, Joshua T
Ricks, Linda
Rodgers, Gary A
Rojek, Keith P
Rosenfeld, Alan L
Scherer, Michael S
Sheldon, James F
Shuaipaj, Mazar
Slomski, Stephen J
Slovick, Jeffrey J
Sosenko, Lydia M
Spence, Elizabeth D
Stamas, Kathrine A
Steffens, Richard A
Stevens, Gregory N
Sun, Joon Y
Szeremeta-Browar, Taisa L
Szydelko, Christopher
Takla, Khalil
Talentowski, Diane R
Tempel, Steven F
Thangamani, Carrie H
Thompson, Jacqueline
Tropinski, Christine E
Troscinski, Christopher A
Verma, Rajan
Versaci, Vincent T
Visco, Diana M
Voorhees, Lisa K
Wagner, Kurt A
Wallace, Stephen A
Walters, William C
Wanders, Joseph A III
Wells, Keven D
Wenz, David A
Weyneth, Bryan A
Williamson, Derrick L
Witt, Matthew T
Wright, Mark D
Zajac, James A
Zajac, Joseph M
Zymantas, Kastytis M
Decatur District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Clark, Kelly J
Corley, Chad
Corley, Natalie A
Haarman, Greg J
Jerger, Bret M
Lewis, Amanda J
Norton, Patricia E
Osborne, Larry W
Stone, Charles H
Governor’s Club
Artime, Kevin M
Burmeister, Chad M
Cole, Ronald N
Cunningham, Carol A
DeGrauwe, Monica M
England, Terry G
Ferry, John L
Hudson, Hillarie R
Hudson, J M
Jurgens, Alan R
Jurgens, Carl E
Kneezel, Randy C
Paulson, Julie A
Paulson, Peter L
Sochor, John A
Tener, William S
Wintersteen, Bruce C
Bechtold, William W
Blackwell, Robert L
Brown, Richard D
Cavanaugh, Catherine
Colby, Alan D Jr
Cole, Mary T
Fiesler, William L
Hardy, Marcia A
Hissong, Brandon
Huss, Robert C
Jesek, Warren F
Smith, Joseph A Jr
Wherley, Eric M
Eastern Illinois
Dental Society
Governor’s Club
Hastings, Brian L
Banghart, Philip R
Dill, Gregory J
Hartley, Douglas M
Hildebrand, Darlene C
Jones, Phillip W
Jones, William J
Laij, Khin W
Laij, Lily K
Merry-Niebrugge, Margaret
Padgett, James M
Weber, M Katherine
Westra, Blake T
Fox River Valley
Dental Society
President’s Club
Ahasic, Gary L
Guzzardi, Thomas J
Karr, Gregory M
Nickelsen, Jon D
Rice, David A
Stith, Herbert D
Tonner, Brian R
Vence, Brian S
Willey, James L
Governor’s Club
Baginski, Steven J
Barnhart, Keith A
Bertoglio, Richard M
Chulick, Anthony W
Crosby, Tricia R
Dietz, Matthew K
Drancik, Scott A
Fauth, Gregory L
Horton, Michele S
Isbrandt, John M
Janis, Douglas V
Kissell, Denise M
Kloberdanz, Brian L
Maggio, Frank A
Mason, John C
Pauly, James C
Peltz, Frederick D
Prose, Scott E
Sacrey, Elizabeth B
Silfies, Dawn L
Skidmore, Timothy E
Sommers, Scott L
Sula, Daniel
Sullivan, Joseph T
Waters, John S
Wright, Randy
Young, Kimberley M
Arnold, Keven P
Bennett, Anthony J
Bennett, David J
Bicknell, Brian K
Boule, Melvin A
Bruno, Michele L
Chroust, Richard J
Chu, Felicia
Colella, Marco V
Collins, Dennis J
Commean, Mark R
Cummins, John M
Curtis, Todd A
Davidson, Robert B
Engen, Paul L
Fee, Donald J
Finger, Michael B
Galloway, Julie A
Gruber, Joseph W III
Haddle, Kevin R
Herman, Scott H
Holevas, William J
Jozwiak, Tiffany K
Karsten, Matthew J
Kelly, Daniel M
Kelly, William M
Koehler, Douglas A
Kostal, Dennis C
Lazzara, Dennis J
Lies-Keilty, Julie L
Lippincott, John S
Lipskis, Edmund A
Lipskis, Lynn O
McAuslan, David N
McGough, James W
Mehta, Ben P
Milazzo, Anthony G
Murphy, Ronald A
Nguyen, Cathy
Nudera, James A
Nudera, Robert J
Otto, Robert F
Rauschenberger, Cindy R
Raval, Amita P
Runne, Barbara J
Ryan, Richard J
Sakiewicz, Bruce E
Sexton, Laurence A
Sheehan, Timothy W
Sirin, Steven R
Smith, Peter J
Smunt, Steven W
Soderstrom, James W
Stojanovic, Zoran D
Tingzon, Mardi A
Varghese, Shaun R
Villa, Rosemary
Waid, Kory A
Wazio, John Jr
Weinhold, Mark D
Zimmer, Jacqueline L
T.L. Gilmer
Dental Society
President’s Club
Ketteman, Daniel E
Moon, Brenden D
Governor’s Club
Atwood, Rick D
Fauble, Curtis D
McClean, LuAnne
Obrock, Paul E
Connoyer, Maria L
Hauk, Lacey S
Liesen, Stephen T
Martin, Janet E
Miller, Paul E
Naff, David A Jr
Pritts, Jennifer S
Quintero, Louis J
Shahan, Dale D
Wagner, Dennis R
White, Douglas J
Wright, Richard J
Kankakee District
Dental Society
Illinois Valley
Dental Society
President’s Club
Adams, James M
Krisko, J M
March, Peter J
President’s Club
Benavides, Mark
Governor’s Club
Cechowicz, Joel R
Conness, John M
Dawe, Robert B
Grabowski, Michael J
Imel, Curtis R
Krabill, Elvin M
Kunkel, Terrence P
Meling, David L
Myers, Mitchell B
Rooney, Thomas P
Vaiana, James
Wrobel, William L
Governor’s Club
Guebert, James K
Hess, Richard D
O'Connor, Kelly
Slavin, William H
Burns, Nicholas J
Fogel, Scott
Gorman, Michael P
Jones, Syreeta C
Martin, John D Jr
Nicklas, Richard S
Rose, John M
Ryan, Bernard E
Waldschmidt, Frederick P
Wertz, Joseph A
Yergler, Rodney E
Prairie Valley
Dental Society
President’s Club
Bobofchak, Bruce J
Johnson, Stephen A
Governor’s Club
Bicego, John R Jr
Fifield, Charles A
Ladner, Paul T
Minor, Arnold J
Smith, Sid C
Doll, Nicholas D
Fitzgerald, Timothy R
Good, Brian A
Jones, W S
Kaspar, Dan W
McClure, Matthew S
McCord, Cynthia P
Melhus, Jeffrey E
Murmann, Steven K
Owen, Reuel D
Renfroe, Byron L
Sanberg, Adam
Welty, Adam C
Collins, Michael J
Engle, Robert J
Haas, Timothy P
Halkyard, Douglas R
Holder, Samantha L
Lavieri, John P
Ludford, Steven J
Miller, Thomas W
O'Connell, Daniel E
Vesely, William C
Madison District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Altadonna, Darren A
Barker, Byron E
Dickey, Keith W
Porter, Mark F
Rose, Edward T
Wolter, Scott M
Governor’s Club
Carrow, Martin J
Dunn, Rebecca L
Fischer, Gary M
Green, Rhonda N
Hanser, Rhonda B
Heintz, William C
Kollmann, Kenneth S
Kosten, Kathryn R
Maier, David P
Massie, Michael T
Merkle, James E
Rotter, Bruce E
Schwenk, Debra M
Boatman, Richard R Jr
Boente, Steven J
Borden, Charles S III
Bryant, Keith A
Caldieraro, Andrew
Claussen, Dale G
Colligan, Jeffrey A
Cox, Rick D
Csaszar, Danielle R
Dawdy, Victoria L
Dillow, Ronald W
Dixon, Debra A
Dondanville, William M
Foley, Andrea M
Guilbeault, David G
Hauser, Lesley R
Hawrysz, Donald J
Hite, Elizabeth M
Hopp, Christa D
Houseman, Stephanie Z
James, Kurt D
Kellerman, Kevin J
Kosten, Kenneth J
Kravanya, Nicolas
Longos, Cathy E
Lucido, Mary E.
Mastroianni, Jeffrey S
Mehelic, Jan M
Phillips, Rachelle I
Pranger, Timothy J
Rawson, Kenneth G
Reinarman, Roy H
Reinersman, James J
Roberts, Bradley W
Shafer, Kathy J
Snyder, Adam M
St Peters, Edward L
Stapleton, William J
Taube, Erik V
Valicoff, Philip S
Weems, Ronald D
Wheatley, Robert T
McLean County
Dental Society
President’s Club
Barnes, Bradley W
Beer, Daniel J
Evans, Keith A
Ocheltree, Thomas Jr
Sylvester, Colton W
Van Scoyoc, John P
Van Scoyoc, Stacey K
Governor’s Club
Baker, Nicholas E
Bowers, Kurt T
Capodice, Jack Jr
Day, James A
Doran, Stephen N
Drake, Carl T
Fox, Dennis P
Lauder, Robert C
Leverton, Gary M
Peterson, Scott M
Schultz, Kevin K
Sieraski, Steven M
Supan, Timothy D
Anderson, Bruce W
Beehner, Allison K
Beer, Andrew S
Bhatia, Vijeyta
Blue, Stephen T
Boyle, Clint
Burge Heller, Jennifer M
Burgess, Mark K
Carley, James A
Chrisman, Jay W
Dietz, Gregory M
Dietz, Renee K
Drake, Jim J
Efaw, David S
Hall, Thomas D
Hanneman Bowers,
Holmes, Dennis M
Horenkamp, Robert D
Houska, Holly J
Houska, Mark R
Hume, D S
Krug, Dennis R
Milligan, Daniel L
Milligan, Michael L
Morkin, Matthew
Noraian, Kirk W
Pecora, Anthony R
Pope, Joseph M
Proesel, Charles L
Rauen Dardis, Sara R
Schuler Young, Jill
Schultz, Douglas V
Sikora, Christopher M
Sikora, Richard L
Steadman, Daniel W
Swaar, Nathaniel B
Swanlund, Sarah L
Swanlund, Terry L
Taylor, Tracy N
Ulrich, Betsy
Unterman, Bruce E
Verban, Emil M Jr
Wyse, David D
Yontz, Mark C
U.S. Grant
Dental Society
President’s Club
Reedy, Lyle S
Ruter, Keith R
Governor’s Club
Chorak, Robert F
Hartog, Thomas J
Janecke, Martin G
Janecke, Peter G
Kerwin, Joseph J Jr
Ludwig, Duane
Sorenson, Steven G
Walker, George L
Wolfe, Jon D
Awender, Reinhardt P
DeGould, Michael D
Doak, Donald P Jr
Johnson, Dale A
Maly, Mark J
Petras, Stephen F
Schmid, Dale R
Schoenrock, Brian O
Spyrison, Stephen H
Tonne, William J
Visel, Daniel G
Peoria District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Anderson, Scott W
Bordenave Bishop, Susan
Couri, Christopher J
Danner, David L
Danner, Michael D
Grimm, Erika K
Johnson, Robert J
Kuntz, Darmon D
Mathes, Bruce E
Nelson, Kevin T
Paul, Roger L
Schuler, John L
Schwartz, Timmothy J
Sinclair, Craig A
Walz, Jack G
Governor’s Club
Amodeo, Paul A
Baldi, Steve
Benjamin, Stephen M
Boyd, Thomas R
Cormier, Landall L
Cusack, Patrick M
Davis, James L
Dean, Jessica K
Donlan, John E
Gray, Todd
Herberger, Gary R
Hosein, Fabian G
Johnson, William C
Kinsinger, David W
Kowalske, Randal M
Liu, Noel
Meiss, Kenneth D
Moon, Michael C
Moon, Richard T
Roehm, Stephen C
Steinwedel, John R
Stigall, Melissa K
Stinauer, Jesse
Stinauer, Robert F
Sudholt, Nicole M
Watts, Harry
Abrams, Kelly L
Al-Dadah, Monzer K
Armstrong, James L
Bucher, Bernard L Jr
Buhr, Shawn W
Burton, Dennis C
Chiou, Wun-San
DeGise, Brian R
Derry, Gregory L
Dickey, Steve E
Doolen, Deane E
Dutz, Mark D
Flanigan, Ronald J
Flynn, Denise R
Forsyth, William F
Frost, James R
Harkness, Wayne J
Harris, William L
Hudson, Joshua A
Jani, Krupa D
Juluri, Ravichandra
June, Richard P
Kohler, William R
Krick, David L
Krueger, R Todd
Kuban, David S
Littlefield, Kevin
Long, Gary W
Loudermilk, Christopher
Lovell, Daniel A
Mahany, Steven J
McMurray, Stephan J
Meier, Michael D
Moon, G R
Murthy, Shantha
Nalepka, Thomas R
Nelson, Ralph T
Opperman, David C
Opperman, Erik C
Opris, Lucy J
Otte, Larry D
Otten, John J
Pollard, Robert M
Ranson, Leticia
Ranson, Ronald L
Reed, Isabelle
Reed, John C
Rider, Stephen L
Roberts, Micah A
Schroeder, Nathan D
Spates, Christa Y
Sudholt, Eric T
Vakili, Reza D
Valerin, Manny
Zaayenga, Mark D
Zichterman, Michael J
Rock Island District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Blew, Bryan C
Jackson, Joseph D
Larsen, Christopher C
Riggins, Ronald D
Wainwright, Brandon M
Governor’s Club
Bishop, James E
Bollaert, Mark D
Cabay, Ronald J
Day, Richard L Jr
Hlady, C S
Hogan, Daniel J
Lemon, David E
Marine, K K
Millman, James R
Murphy, Gregory N
Strasser, Muna B
Welser, Randall C
Williams, John R
Bishop, Catherine A
Caras, Peter D
Daniels, Thomas A
Egger, Richard A
Feehan, Johnathan J
Fehlman, Bruce R
Fehr, Dale E
Glade, Gregory
Hansen, Kirk J
Hirschfelder, Jeffrey J
Kenney, Casey P
Lutchka, Bradley J
McManus, Michelle M
Melin, Kory M
Naert, John J
Nonnenmann, Regina M
Peterson, Kyle W
Pletscher, Steven R
Richards, Anne B
Solis, Kevin J
Thatcher, Craig J
Thatcher, Leanne P
Vroman, Maura M
Weinberg, Gregory A
St. Clair District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Beard, Darryll L
Beyersdorfer, Kevin C
Breda, Edgar J Jr
Diliberto, Adam J
Drum, Deryl W
Feder, Thomas J
Hesterberg, Michael R
Holmen, Charles R
Hood-Olson, A Lauren
Koentz, William G
Markarian, John R
Markarian, Randall C
Markarian, Ronald C
Mello-Burstadt, Gerusa
Parmlee, Randy A
Rottschalk, John L
Governor’s Club
Acker, Philip M
Ames, Ronald P Jr
Beard, Graham L
Biegler, Paul M
Bollmeier, Ellen C
Bowman, Tonya L
Connolly, Steven M
Devine, Kevin P
Drake, Dean W
Gehrs, James L
Heilig, Katherine E
Hentscher-Johnson, Jodi K
Leib, John M
Renner, Joseph A Jr
Renner, Kathleen S
Schlechte, Eric J
Stanczyk, Jason L
Wilson, Randall E
Barrow, Sarah
Cioni, Joseph A
Dorf, Steven E
Dragich, Jerry R
Drake, Gary E
Droege, Timothy H
Gladson, Jason J
Graham, Stephanie E
Kinsella, Jill A
Kloess, Kenneth R
Kniffin, Nicole M
Littlefield, Amanda G
Martin, Lance P
Miller, Glenn A
Miller, Kristin A
Miller, Patrick D
Miller, Philip A
O'Hara, Patrick A
Raney, Stephen J
Reynolds, Brian H
Shelton, Kevin L
Shim, Jaehee L
Stone, Steven J
Stubblefield, James K
Trost, Lori R
Wessol, Sidney D
Whitener, Sara J
Southern Illinois
Dental Society
President’s Club
Burton, Jonathan W
Cosimi, Michael J
Hudgins, J J
Otte, Raymond C
Governor’s Club
Braid, Martha J
Davison, Isaac E
Guebert, Donald G
Holloway, Ray E II
Kays, Kevin E
Loughran, Timothy J
Rea, James A
Summerlin, Donald C
Wetherell, Robin A
Adelakun, Alaba A
Akridge, Donald E
Beadle, Virgil A Jr
Butt, Mazhar M
Casper, John M
Childers, Kyle R
Cittadino, Dominic
Cook, M Kevin
Fredrickson, Dennis W
Gaultney, Dianna G
Gustave, Frederick
Hawkins, Wayne R
Heine, Kyle W
Hill, Jerry D
Houseworth, James M IV
Hughes, Christopher H
Jacob, Jeffrey T
Kimbrough, Ralph A
Lawler, William M
Main, Robert J
Massie, Daniel L
Mihalopulos, Jennifer E
Morley, Melissa A
O'Keefe, John F
Parmley, Daniel R
Pirmann, Peter J
Platt, Robert L
Powers, Terry M
Settle, Justin D
Shelton, John H
Simpson, W R
Teel, Douglas A
Vancil, S Michael
Waltemate, Thomas L
Wells, Ai-Ran S
Wells, Mark J
Wabash River
Dental Society
President’s Club
Barnfield, Terry L
Neal, George E
Governor’s Club
Campos, Gregory J
Fischer, George A
Horin, Charles R
Kessler-Bookhout, Patricia L
Lowry, Jay J
Luchtefeld, Jason M
Marley, Robert N
Abel, Don E
Balda, Brian A
Blair, David R
Boughan, Jerri A
Brokhof, Herbert H
Brunk, Mark G
Fulton, Michael K
Geha, Carla
Klein, Brian
Klein, Christopher K
Kroeger, John T
Light, Steven B
Link, David M
Martin, Harold L
Miller, David R
Miller, James B
Morrison, Stanley E
Rankin, Ron E
Roser, Timothy
Runde, Gerald P
Schaefer, John W
Schmidt, William T
Smith, Samuel M Jr
Thackrey, Bruce W
Tinsley, Tyson W
Illini District
Dental Society
President’s Club
Howell, J Barry
Kassem, Nezar A
Sensenbrenner, Kenneth C
Governor’s Club
Cheng, Chifan
Grote, Heath A
Hemann, Vickie L
Seibert, Steven W
Shafer, Robert W
Anderson, Scott F
Brunson, Jeffrey T
Dale, Galen L
Dankle, W C
Escobar, Victor H
Frerichs, Jeffrey D
Goldstein, Susan L
Gurga, Lee S
Hans, Lindsey A
Hudson, Mark R
Huls, Mark B
Karich, John T
Kim, Yoolim
Lee, Paul J
Martin, W E
Massey, Karen E
Massey, Michael T
Mitchem, Curtis R
Pitch, Russell H
Ruffatto, Michael R
Sahni, Paul S
Sammons, Bruce G
Schwalbe, Anthea L
Scott, R Benjamin
Sensenbrenner, William K
Stevenson, Cheryl A
Stewart, Deborah L
Wallen, Douglas M
Wetzel, Roger T
Williams, Mark N
Whiteside-Lee County
Dental Society
President’s Club
Shapiro, Elizabeth A
Governor’s Club
Crisham, Joseph M
Brokaw, Kim L
German, Mark E
Hey, James O Jr
Hochstatter, Joel P
King, Patrick F
Klein, Brandon R
Kruger, Thomas E
Mathewson, Michael W
Moss, Theodore L
Patel, Shailee
Rastede, Donald L
Readel, John T
Tomasino, John A Jr
Wells, Wendy L
Whittaker, Robert A
Will County
Dental Society
President’s Club
Carollo, Gary A
Ritchey, Alexander E
Governor’s Club
Braun, Thomas B
Casey, Michael V
Cortopassi, David
Disera-Geissler, Lanette M
Faber, Jonathan E
Faber, Katherine L
Jones, Patrick G
Martello, Charles P
Ross, Tom M
Rubis, David J
Rubis, Joseph
Ruginis, Algis A
Soderquist, Scott A
Tamulis Shea, Rita J
Beallis, Scott D
Bebar, Philip G
Brumund, Thomas J
Desai, Chirag N
Dunham, Christine L
Funk, Robert S
Gibbons, Candice L
Homerding, Paul A
Hoyland, Michael P
Hutton, Frank G
Kapila, Neha
Kuhn, Steven T
Kulig, Glen J
Lee, Michael A
Logan, Steven C
Maurice, Thomas J
McGehee, James D
Patel, Vishruti M
Red, Clarence J III
Reilly, John J
Roechner, Andrew A Jr
Smith, Garrett B
Smith, Patrick J
Sweetnam-Boyd, Hanne T
Thakkar, Devang T
Tharp, James R
Vercellotti, Paul F
Whittingham, Raymond J
Yale, Bonnie L
Yerkes, Patrick J
Zale, Brian
Zale, Kenneth R
Zoladz, Marissa A
Winnebago County
Dental Society
President’s Club
Bruksch, Matthew J
Cheng, Derek S
Flanagan, Dennis J
Hull, Brandon M
Laco, Edward P Jr
Nguyen, Loan
Rentschler, Edward P
Schoening, Joseph M
Soltys, Brian F
Stern, Todd D
Tumilowicz, Kristoffer J
Tuneberg, Perry K
Governor’s Club
Anderson, Denis D
Bernstein, Leonard S
Brenza, Tina
Corcoran, David M
Degner, Curt N
Drake, Dale A
Ethington, Janice M
Foster, Gary L
Grzelak, William J
Jensen, Kurt F
Keller, John D IV
Kossman, Alan J
Lindman, R Mark
Lu, Pamela
McGarry, Robert F
Muldowney, Martha M
Pesavento, Julia R
Sachs, Cynthia M
Schmidt, Pamela A
Schmidt, Roger C
Weyrauch, Daniel P
Wilson, Scott R
Woolery, Jennifer K
Austin, Jeffrey D
Bischoff, Richard J
Bradel, Mark S
Brankin, Gary W
Brechon, Michael L
Burch, Jeffrey V
Chapko, James R
Daniels, Thomas A
de Guzman, Vaughn J
Dimke, David L
Dreier, Brandon E
Herlihey, Phil J
Jafri, Nazish H
Johnson, Daniel W
Johnson, David W
Johnson, Jeffrey J
Kokinias, Dean J
Kyle, Donald J
Larson, David D
Lopez, Lito D
Malcolm, Andy J
Milos, Jamie L
Mommers, Emil A
Moore, Kelly J
Moore, Lindsay D
Moore, Ryan T
Murphy, Dean J
Nijoka, James E
Oates, Henry C
O'Brien, John A
O'Brien, Kenneth
Parsons, Gregory J
Paul, Bart J
Pumilia, Pacita M
Runne, William J
Sciortino, S A
Shold, William G
Shultz, Robert D
Soltys, Brenton B
Tartaglia, David A
Tussing, Kristin
Usedom, Richard K
Varland, David A
Vatcheva, Tsveta
Vecchio, James V
Zanocco, Richard
McHenry County
Dental Society
President’s Club
Colvard, Michael D
Farris, Bruce M
Fiandaca, Dante J
Hagenbruch, Joseph F
Heaton, Kyle W
Kubik, Gregory F
McDowell, Dennis J
Norten, Mistie E
Palliser, Paul A
Pescheret, Marc G
Richard, John J
Rucks, Lindy
Rybicki, Brian A
Thompson, Michael A
Governor’s Club
Anderson, Kevin M
Barnes, Roland J
Basile, Robert H
Bloom, John D
Bruksch, Kurt E
Cohen, David M
Conlon, Michael L
Conway, Timothy D
Emmons, Elli T
Eskoz, Norman L
Goldman, Scott D
Hasken, James A
Hoffman, Robert B
Janis, Janet L
Kopp, Thomas A
Korreck, Brian W
Krol, Michael J
Leix, Nirvana L
Lynott, James V
Mayer, Carl Eric
Mazeski, Conrad W
McNerney, William E
Minutillo, Anthony L
Osmanski, Richard J
Overmyer, Brian P
Ozment, Adam M
Schroeder, James J
Schroeder, Kathleen A
Sexson, Gary D
Skleba, Thomas J
Sridhar, Anupama
Sturt, Michael D
Tobias, Edmund F
Basile, Martha K
Botian, Alexey
Brandeau, Donald G
Bruggeman, Kevin M
Bruggeman, Paul A
Cannizzo, Gregory R
Chiakulas, Mary
Colthurst, Douglas R
Cox, Kenneth
Czapla, Marc E
Dettman, Gary
Duncan, Craig A
Faubl, John R
Gough, Thomas L
Haraden, Robert E
Hauck, Theresa C
Henry, Kathryn K
Hornyak, Gregg R
Kaiser, Morgen M
Langefeld, Douglas R
Luce, Natalie A
Matthaei, Mark A
Miller, Gerald J
Miller, Sharon R
Opon, Candace M
Pacana, Mark R
Sbigoli, Aldo M
Schmidt, Deanne M
Sierminski, Gregory V
Sim, Audrey M
Thillen, Misty L
Wernquist, Dwight W
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