February - College of Arts and Sciences

Political Science
Volume XVI, No. 2
February 25, 2005
Vol. 1
January 30, 2004
Congratulations to Jeremy Wolfe an International
Studies major in the Honors College, and a
Truman Scholar, for receiving an Honorable
Mention in the USA Today’s All-USA Academic
Harvey Starr and G. Dale Thomas (USC Ph.D.),
“The Nature of Borders and International Conflict:
Revising Hypotheses on Territory,” International
Studies Quarterly, Vol. 49, No.1 (2005), pp. 123139.
Jerrell Coggburn (PS Ph.D., 1999) and Steve Hays
published an article in a recent symposium (edited
by Charlie Tyer). “Innovations in Local
Government Hu m an R es ou rc e S ys te m s:
Observations from Several Best Practice
Locations.” Public Administration Quarterly
27 (Winter, 2004): 433-455.
Betty Glad has a new entry in the Oxford
Companion to Politics of the World entitled “Jimmy
Chuck Kegley has signed a contract with Prentice
Hall to co-author a book with Christine Day, entitled
The Globalization of American Politics.
Betty Glad presented “A History of Inaugurations”
to the National Association of Retired and Active
Federal Employees at Seawells Restaurant on
January 14, 2005.
Gordon Smith presented a 3-day workshop,
“Putin’s Agenda for Russia: Implications for
the U.S., Europe, China, and the World,” at
t h e F e d e r a l E x e c u t iv e I n s t i t u t e ,
Charlottesville, VA January 24-26.
David Whiteman presented a paper on
“Unleashing the Power of Documentary Film”
at the USC Com parative Literature
Conference on “Thinking on the boundaries:
The Availability of Philosophy in Film and
Literature,” February 12.
Gordon Smith participated in a 12-day
workshop, “Indian Politics and the Economy,“
at the Management Development Institute of
New Delhi, January 1-12. The workshop was
funded by a grant from CIBER.
Gordon Smith represented USC and the
Colum bia Council of International Visitors at
the 2005 National Meeting of the National
Council for International Visitors, sponsored
by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of
Education and Cultural Affairs, February 1012, Washington, DC.
Laura R. Woliver spoke on a panel about
“Religious Perspectives on Abortion,” January
20, at the Columbia Unitarian Universalist
Laura R. Woliver was part of a panel
celebrating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade
and it’s future at the College of Charleston,
January 22.
GINT News Bulletin, Vol .XVI, No 2
Laura R. Woliver, as president of the Women’s
Caucus for Political Science, attended the annual
Committee on the Status of Women in the
Profession meetings at the American Political
Science Association in Washington, DC on
February 4.
NOTICE: Also available on the web page at
February 25, 2005