February 2015 Issue - Fort Hays State University

Advisor News
F eb rua ry
In this issue:
A c a d e m i c A d v i s i n g a n d C a r e e r
E x p l o r a t i o n : G r a d u a t e A d v i s i n g
C e r t i f i c a t e
The Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center is proud to announce the following
individuals who have completed the Graduate Advising Certificate through the TIGER
Workshop. Our goal was to assist in the development of effective academic advising based on our
University-wide Academic and Career Advising Mission and Goals. Fort Hays State
University prides itself on providing effective advising that contributes to a learning that fosters
each student’s opportunity to become an educated person.
Graduate Advising:
Angela Walters
Dr. Darrell Hamlin
Justice Studies
Dr. David Fitzhugh
Health & Human Performance
Dr. Janett Naylor
Dr. Scott Robson
Communication Studies
Dr. Tim Crowley
Graduate School
Dr. Trey Hill
Janelle Harding
Jennifer Kitson
Jo Anne Crispin
Graduate School
Linda Garner
Graduate School
Nikki Brown
AACE Center
Rachel Dolechek
College of Business & Entrepreneurship
Questions, comments or articles you would like to have included in Tiger Exchange, should be
forwarded to: Dr. Patricia Griffin Director, Academic Advising and Career Exploration
Center, Picken Hall Room 311, 785-628-5577, pgriffin@fhsu.edu
• Academic Advising and
Career Exploration:
Graduate Advising
•Academic Advising
Certificate Program
available in Spring 2015
• Save the Date: Seventh
Majors and Graduate
Programs Fair
•Deadlines: ACCESS to
Success—Student Success
•Your GPS to Major
•2015 Tiger STRIPES:
Freshman Pre-Enrollment
•2015 Tiger STRIPES:
Transfer Pre-Enrollment
•Academic Reinstatement
•FHSU Green Zone
•Veterans on Campus Do’s
and Don’ts
•Connect with AACE
Editor: Dr. Patricia Griffin
Design: Christine Hunziker
Page 2
Academic Advising Certificate Program available in Spring 2015
The Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center is proud to announce an advisor professional development
opportunity for the spring. This TIGER Workshop is for Faculty and Staff and is a free professional development
opportunity organized through the Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center. Our goal is to assist in the
development of effective academic advising based on our University-wide Academic and Career Advising Mission and
Goals. Fort Hays State University prides itself on providing effective advising that contributes to a learning that fosters each
student’s opportunity to become an educated person.
Ethics, Policies and Law Certificate
This certificate will provide information related to advising students in a fair and equitable basis while being informed regarding the policies and laws that impact academic advising. The topics that will be covered include Advising Ethics, Advising Related Policies, FERPA and Privacy and Title IX.
Tuesday, February 17 @ 12:30 – 1:30 PM in MU Stouffer Lounge: Ethics, Policies and Law: Advising Policies
Tuesday, February 24 @ 12:30 – 1:30 PM in MU Trails Room: Ethics, Policies and Law: FERPA and Privacy
Tuesday, March 10 @ 12:30 – 1:30 PM in MU Trails Room: Ethics, Policies and Law: Title IX and Clery Act
Tuesday, March 24 @ 12:30 – 1:30 PM in MU Stouffer Lounge: Ethics, Policies and Law: Advising Ethics
If you are wanting to attend these sessions, please contact AACE at 785-628-5577 or advising@fhsu.edu. Please provide
your name and academic department when responding. Participants must attend each of the four sessions to receive the
specified certificate.
Seventh Majors and Graduate Programs Fair
The date for next year’s event has been set for Wednesday, October 14, 2015. The AACE Center
plans to work to continue its partnerships with Freshman Seminar and the local high schools as well
as explore other means to continue the growth of the event.
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D e a d l i n e s :
S u c c e s s P l a n
t o
S u c c e s s — S t u d e n t
As we start back with the Spring 2015 semester, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind you of the deadlines for your 3 advisor meetings this semester for your ACCESS to Success - Student Success Plan. It is important that you meet with your advisor
by these deadlines & mark the date & times on your ACCESS Plan tab within TigerEnroll. Failure to do so may result in a hold
being placed on your enrollment for the next semester.
Friday, February 6 - Deadline for your first meeting with your advisor. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss how the Fall
2014 semester ended for you as well as a check-in for the beginning of the Spring 2015 semester.
Friday, April 3 - Deadline for your second meeting with your advisor. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your Spring
2015 mid-term grades.
Friday, May 1 - Deadline for your final meeting with your advisor. The purpose of this meeting is to pre-enroll in courses for
the Fall 2015 semester.
If you have any questions, please contact: Brett L. Bruner, M.S., Director of Persistence & Retention, Sheridan Hall 208, (785)
628-5824, blbruner@fhsu.edu
MAY 29, 2015
Fort Hays State University
$25 per student
Contact us!
Your GPS to Major Exploration is a one day workshop
Academic Advising &
designed to help high school students with identifying college academic programs
that match their interests, abilities, values and strengths. Participating students
will take two career assessments administered by FHSU’s Academic Advising & Career Exploration staff. Staff will assist students in interpreting their results and
identify ways to use them in choosing suitable college majors, preparing for scholarship interviews, and writing college admissions essays. Optional campus tour will
be held following the workshop for any interested participants!
Career Exploration Center
Nikki Brown— Coordinator
311 Picken Hall
600 Park St.
Hays, KS, 67601
Phone: 785-628-5577
Page 4
F i r s t
Y e a r
E x p e r i e n c e
T i g e r S T R I P E S :
2 0 1 5 F r e s h m a n
P r e - E n r o l l m e n t
2015 Tiger STRIPES: Freshman Pre-Enrollment dates are:
Saturday, April 18 (morning session)
Saturday, April 25 (morning session)
Monday, April 27 (afternoon session)
Monday, June 1 (morning session)
Monday, June 8 (afternoon session)
F i r s t
Y e a r
E x p e r i e n c e
T i g e r S T R I P E S :
2 0 1 5 T r a n s f e r
P r e - E n r o l l m e n t
2015 Transfer Pre-Enrollment dates are:
Thursday, April 16
Morning & afternoon sessions
Friday, April 17
Morning & afternoon sessions
Monday, June 8
Morning session only
Monday, June 15
Morning & afternoon sessions
A c a d e m i c
R e i n s t a t e m e n t
D a t e s
Date of Appeal
Deadline for Paperwork
Summer 2015 Semester
Summer 2015 Semester
Monday, March 2, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015 at noon CST
Monday, April 6, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015 at noon CST
Monday, May 4, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015 at noon CST
Fall 2015 Semester
Fall 2015 Semester
Monday, June 22, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015 at noon CST
Monday, July 27, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015 at noon CST
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015 at noon CST
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at noon CST
Friday, August 7, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at noon CST
Page 5
The FHSU “Green Zone” is an initiative that was dreamed up a year ago by Dr. Kenten Olliff (Asst. VP
for Student Affairs: The Kelly Center), Seth Kastle (Instructor: Leadership Studies and retired U.S. Army
First Sergeant), and Jeremy Carlton (Military Student Success Specialist: FHSU-Virtual College). It is an
initiative that strives to train and equip the faculty and staff at FHSU to create “Safe Spaces” (cp. the
LGBTQ Safe Zones) via their respective offices, for student veteran populations. Key is creating a space
where veterans can find encouragement, advice, and candid conversation. The faculty and staff training is
two-tiered. Firstly, the faculty and staff member does Kognito’s “Veterans on Campus” online training at
their leisure. It lasts about an hour. Furthermore, and upon having
completed the Kognito training, Seth and Jeremy provide a one hour
institutional-wide training in the form of a seminar once a semester at
the Memorial Union. The seminar lasts about an hour as well. An email
invite is sent to all faculty and staff beforehand in order to RSVP. The
seminar training is more hands-on and is used to provide faculty and
staff with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to create said
space. Essentially, it is a time where awareness is raised and where veteran resources are brought to light. Lastly, upon having completed
both sections of the training, the faculty/staff member is given a badge
that they can proudly display on or outside their door so that student
veterans know that their office is available to them should they need
them. It is also added to the teaching faculty’s tenure file.
The initiative was welcomed with open arms from the start and has been met with no resistance whatsoever. A testament to FHSU’s continued commitment of being a leader in providing outstanding student support to an increasingly diverse student population base. Kenton, Seth, and Jeremy are thrilled to see an initiative like this take shape and are sincerely hoping that most faculty and staff take advantage of this incredible program. Student veteran populations have a lot going on and sometimes an ear and/or word of encouragement is all they are looking for as they brave this next chapter in their lives.
Should you have any questions about the initiative itself please feel free to contact either Seth Kastle
(skastle@fhsu.edu) or Jeremy Carlton (jlcarlton2@fhsu.edu) at your convenience.
See pages 6 - 7 for ‘’Veterans On Campus Do’s and Don’ts’
Page 6
Do’s and Don’ts
When student veterans come to you with issues related to their service…
• Understand that they may have commitments that aren’t under their control—like reservist
training, deployments, or appointments at the VA—and may need more flexibility than other
• Know what services are available for veterans at your university.
Best Referral Opon (if available): Veteran Liaison or Veteran Services Office
Quesons about GI Bill Benefits: School Cerfying Official
Quesons about Academic Accommodaons: Disability Services Office
Support for Emoonal Issues: Counseling Center, VA Hospital and/or Vet Centers
Meeng Other Veterans: Student Veteran Club
• Make sure you are referring to the right office by calling first.
When talking with student veterans about their service…
• Ask open-ended ques'ons—like “What did you do in the military?” or, “Where did you
serve?”—that allow them to decide how much or how li,le to share.
• Keep an open mind about what they have learned about the world.
• Ask specific ques'ons—like, “Did you see any suicide bombers?”—that might pressure them
to talk about topics they’re not comfortable with.
• Ask if they’ve lost friends or killed anyone.
• Ask personal ques'ons about their mental health like “Do you have PTSD?” Make assump'ons about how easy or difficult their deployment was.
• Assume they were in combat.
• Act as if you know more about the military or conflicts overseas than they do.
When talking about military topics in class…
• Be aware that there could be veterans or service members in class and that this topic may
make them uncomfortable.
• Ask student veterans (privately) if they’d like to share their experiences with the class.
• Ask, “Are there any veterans here who’d like to talk about their experiences?”
• Help students define what they want to say, some'mes reframing their comments in a more
objec've tone.
• Call on a student veteran or use them as an example in class without their permission.
© Kognito 2011. All rights reserved.
When you’re worried about a student veteran…
• Recognize warning signs for psychological distress:
O>en late or absent
Easily startled
Doesn’t appear to be paying a,en'on
Turns in assignments late or incomplete
Does poorly on exams, even when you know he/she understands the material
Agitated; outbursts of anger
Overly concerned with structure; asks for excessive clarifica'on
• Trust your ins'ncts. If a student puts effort into class, but doesn’t get corresponding results,
then it’s good to be worried and talk to him/her to see what’s going on.
When talking to a student veteran about your concerns…
• Let the student know you’re worried about him/her.
• Men'on specific, observable behaviors and ask what’s causing those behaviors.
• Ask ques'ons to be,er understand the student’s need.
• Feel comfortable asking if the student is a veteran.
• Normalize the process of geGng help.
• Let someone know right away if you’re concerned for the student’s safety or the safety of
• Generalize (e.g., “You always do X. You never do Y.”).
• Use nega've labels (e.g., “strange,”“weird,”“messed up,”“crazy”).
© Kognito 2011. All rights reserved.
Page 7
Fort Hays State
Academic Advising and
Career Exploration Center
600 Park Street
Picken Hall Rm 311
Hays, KS 67601
Tel: 785-628-5577
E-mail: advising@fhsu.edu
C o n n e c t
w i t h A A C E
Looking for an easy way to share
academic and career information
with your students? Connect with
our social media to find information on academic deadlines,
career exploration resources and
tutorials on how to use TigerEnroll.
We’re On The Web