Course Plan for Brochures Assignment and Related Assignments Client: Teacher: Semester: Unit length: Morrison Elementary School (now Clemson Elementary School) Summer Smith Spring 2001 Entire semester Assignment overview: Student teams wrote brochures to introduce and promote the environmentally friendly innovations incorporated into the new Clemson Elementary School building and grounds. For example, the school is heated and cooled by a system of geothermal wells. Teams researched the innovations and the school’s needs, wrote proposals to the client about the content and design of their brochures, and wrote and designed the brochures. Then, they submitted the brochures to the Technical Editing class (also taught by Summer Smith that semester) for editing. When the edited brochures were returned, the students revised them before submitting them to the client. Stages of the Project (from handout given to students on first day of class) Preliminary Research Report Before you plan the content, organization, and design of the document you will write for your client, you will need to understand its audience, the client’s expectations, and the available resources you can draw on for research on the topic. Your team will investigate these factors and write a report on your findings. Proposal Your team will write a proposal to convince the client that the document you plan to write will alleviate its audience’s problem. You will present research to support your understanding of the audience’s needs, and you will explain your plans for your document in detail. You will also include a work plan that will guide your efforts throughout the rest of the semester. Progress Report In order to offer useful suggestions to your team, I need regular updates on your team's work (just as a manager would in the workplace). During the semester, you will write a progress report on behalf of your team. You will need to gather information from your team members, select the most relevant information, and present the information in an organized, persuasive manner via email. Final Product Your team will be responsible for researching, writing, and revising the document you propose to produce for your client. Revised Final Product After your team completes its best work on the document for the client, you will submit it to my Technical Editing (English 495/695) class. A team in that class will offer you suggestions for improving the document. You will revise your document accordingly before submitting it to the client. Collaboration Portfolio As a team member, you will make phone calls, write e-mail and paper memos, conduct interviews, participate in meetings, and communicate in other ways with me, your team, and people outside this class. Keep records of all phone conversations and copies of all memos, e-mail, minutes, notes, and other correspondence. At the end of the semester, you’ll turn in an organized portfolio of these materials to document your role in the collaborative effort. Course Syllabus 1.2.4 Introduction to Morrison project Jan 11 16 18 23 25 Introduction to course and Morrison project. Writing in the workplace. The rhetorical situation. Matching audience and purpose. PREPARTION: Read textbook, pages 10-24 and 37-47. Audience: needs, attitudes, and knowledge. Developing questions about Morrison project. PREP: Read chapter 3. Guest speaker: Dr. Gina McClellan, Associate Professor of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management and Coordinator of the Morrison Outdoors project. Preliminary research report assignment. Progress report assignment. Group formation options. PREP: Read pages 477-484. Team-building Jan 30 Feb 1 Group formation. Collaboration strategies. PREP: Read chapter 5. Role of correspondence in successful collaboration. Collaboration portfolio assignment. Creation of team evaluation form. PREP: Read pages 580-598. Preliminary research Feb 6 8 13 15 Interviewing: collecting information about your Morrison project. PREP: Schedule interview(s) for February 7, 8, 9, or 12. Read pages 241-248. Writing sections of reports. Signaling organization to readers. NOTE: Group progress report due Friday, February 9. Writing introductions of reports. Giving credit to sources. Workshop on section. PREP: Bring draft of at least one section of your research report. Read pages 206-215. Draft workshop. [attendance required] PREP: Bring copies of a complete draft of your preliminary research report. Planning your final product 20 22 RESEARCH REPORTS DUE. Proposal assignment. Problem statement workshop. Goals and structure of proposals. PREP: Read pages 546-555. 27 Persuasion: strategies for building credibility and convincing readers. Problem section workshop. PREP: Write a draft of the problem section of your proposal. NOTE: Group progress report due Wednesday, February 28. Persuasion, continued. Mar 1 6 Draft workshop. [attendance required] PREP: Bring copies of a complete draft of proposal. Producing your final product 1.2.4 cont. Mar 8 13 15 20, 22 27 29 Apr 3 5 10 *11* PROPOSAL AND TEAM EVALUATION FORMS DUE. Workshop on next steps. Research and planning. Visit from Dr. McClellan to give feedback on proposals. NOTE: Group progress report due Friday, March 16. SPRING BREAK Document design: relations between text and visuals. Document design: designing text and headings. Creating emphasis and consistency with design. PREP: Bring draft of a section of final product. NOTE: Group progress report due March 30. Workshop on introductions. Making audience-based decisions about style. PREP: Bring draft of introduction of final product. Working with editors. Editors’ roles. Editors’ needs and schedules. NOTE: Group progress report due today, April 5. Draft workshop. [attendance required] PREP: Contact editors to provide answers to their questions. FINAL PRODUCT DUE BY 4 PM. Deliver three copies to my office. One copy will be given to your editors at 9:30 AM on April 12. Refining your final product 12 Developing a consistent design for all of the class’ final products. Preparation for meeting with editors about editing plan. PREP: Bring five copies of your final product. 17 19 Developing a consistent design, continued. PREP: Meet with your editors on April 17 or 18. Applying the agreed-upon design to your final product. 24 Distribution of edited documents. Workshop. [attendance required] PREP: Meet with editors on April 24 or 25, as arranged. Workshop. Wrap-up. 26 30 REVISED FINAL PRODUCT AND COLLABORATION PORTFOLIO DUE BY NOON. Deliver three printed copies of final product and one disk copy of final product to my office. One printed copy and the disk copy will be given to Dr. McClellan. 1.2.4 cont.