With compliments Helmut Singer Elektronik www.helmut-singer.de info@helmut-singer.de fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany TEK DUAL 100 MHz TRACE OSCILLOSCOPE CALIBRATED SWEEP DELAY 02 10 X10 delay tlmeldlv Delay Time Range - settings 01 200 ns 10 0.5 s DiMerenlial TIme Measuremenl Accuracy Deley Time Setting +1S"C 10 +3S"C Over one or more major dlaJ dlvs " 1% Less than one maor dia I dlv :!:001 maar dial dlvs Jitter - one part or IeSS In 50.000 (0002%) of 10X fhe A sweep t!me/dlv setting One part In 20,000 when operating from 50 Hz Iine TRIGGER A Trigger Modes - Normal (sweep runs when trlggered) automatlc (sweep runs In the absence of a tnggering signal end tor signals beiow 30 Hz). Single Sweep (sweep runs one tln,., on the first trlggerlng event after the reset selector IS pressedl LED Iights Indicate when sweep IS troggered and when slng" sweep IS ready A Trigger HoldoM - Adjustable control permits a stable pro. sentat Ion of repetitive complex waveforms B Trigger Modes - B runs after delay time (starts automatl. cally at the end of the delay time) and B trlggerable after delay tIme (runs when trlggered) The B (delayed) sweep runs onCe In each of these modes followlng the A sweep delay time Time Base A end B Trigger Sensilivity end Coupling Coupling To 25 MHz AI 100 MHz InternaI 03 dlv deflectlon 15 dlv deflectlon External Extemal 7 10 50 mV 500 mV 150 mV 15 V Dc Ac Requlrements mcrease beiow 60 Hz Ac LF Reject Requirements Increese below 50 kHz Ac HF Reject Requirements increase below 60 Hz and abOve 50 kHz 465844 Dsci/ioscopelDMM s..,own above includes DM 44 DIgital MultImeter Jitter - 465B/DM 44 100 MHz at 5 mV/div 2 ns/div Magnified Trigger Sweep Rate with X10 Sweep View Versatile Trigger Alternate Sweep Selection Dellection Factor at BW S mV/div to S V/div Dellec1 1-2-5 1-2-S 5 sequence. accurate = 3% Uncalibrated. continuously variablE variable belween steps and to at least 12.S V/div LED warning Ilghtlnc light Indlcates uncalibrated setting In cascade mOde sensltlvlty is is ~1 ~1 rmV/dlv Display Mode. - CH 1: CH 2 ADD (normaland rnvened). Displ8) altemal alternate, chopped-=SOO kHz rate in any comblnation electromcal trontcally switched CMRR - Common-mOde rejectionratio at least 20 dB at CMRR 20 20 MH, MHz tor common-mOde signals of 6 div or less Automatic Scale Factor - Probe tip defiection factors tor 1X Aulom, or10X or 1OXcOdedprobeS are indicated by two readout lights behlnd knob sI skins LEDs are off when channel not displayed Ground referem reterence dIsplay selectable at probe (when dc coupled) Inno" Input D Rand C - 1 MI1=2%. paralleled by =20 pF It is the scope most preferred for servicing maintrames and minicomputersas weil as meeting the most demanding service needs in the telecommunications,medical instrumentation, and aerospace industries 4658 trace selection versatility allows you to choose channel 1 and/or channel 2, sum or difference, and A trigger view in any combination In addition, the 4658 has all the features of the original 465 5 mV/div vertlcal trace, delayed sweep, the differential time/DMM option, and a sharp, brlght 8 x 10 cm CRT, CHARACTERISTICS VERTICAL DEFLECTION (2 IDENTICAL CHANNELS) BandwidthO end Riaetime - (at all deflection tactors trom 50 !) termlnated source) -15"C to +40"C +40"C to +55"C Dc to 100 MHz. 3,5 ns 85 MHz, 4,1 ns °Measured al - 3 dB Bandwidlh may!Je limiled 10 ",20 MHz by bandwldlh /lmit switch Cascaded bandwidth is at least 50 MHz when signal out is termlnated in 50 !J Lower -3 dB point ac coupling 1X probe 10 Hz or less 10X probe - 1 fiz or less, Dc coupied Ac coupled Delay Line waveform 250 V (dc + peak ac) SOOV (P-P ac at 1 kHz or iess) 2S0 V (dc + peak ac) 500 V (p-p at 1 kHz or less) Permits vlewlng ieading edge of displayed HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION Time Base A - 002 "s/dlV to OS s/dlv (1-2-S sequence) X10 magnified extends maximum sweep rate to 2 ns/div LED Indlcates X10 magnifled. Time Base B - 002 "s/div to SO msldiv (1-2-S sequenoe) X10 magnitied extends maximum sweep rate to 2 ns/dlv LED Indlcates X10 magnified Variable Time Contra! - Time Base A provides contlnuously variable uncalibrated sweep rates between steps and to at least 1.2S sldlv LED warning light indlcates uncalibrated setting Time Base A end B Accuracy, tull 10 cm +20'C to +30'C vlew displays the extemal signal used for A sweep trlggerlng This provides quick verification of the signal and time comparl. son between a verllcalsignaland the triggersignalwhichcan be displayedslmultaneouslyThe deflectlonfactor IS ~ 100 mVldiv (1 Vldiv with external 710) Level end Siope - InternalpermltsselectlonOftrlggerlng at any poInt on the positive or negativeslopeof the displayed wavefomn Level adjustmenl through at leasl :!:2 V In external through al leasl ,,20 V in externel 710 -1S.C to +5S.C Unmagnitied =2% :t3% Magnitied =3% ::4% Horizontal Display Modes - A, A Intensified. alternate (A intensified and B delayed), B delayed B ends A tor InCreased Intensity in the delayed mOde EiectronlCswitching between intensified and delayed sweep A sweep and B sweep may be vlewed simultaneously - A Sources Nomnal, CH 1, CH 2 Iine. external, and external ~10 - B Sources Stans after delay normal CH 1 CH 2 a~ externat Extemal Inputs - Rand C "" 1 M!! paralleled by 250 V (dc Maximum Input Voltage The 4658 continues the tradition ot the 465 as the industry standard 100 MHz oscilloscope - 0.5ns or less at 100 MHz and 2 ns/dlv Zero Deley A TriggerView - Electromcally switched trigger ~ peak ac) maximum x.v Full-sensit;v;ty OPERATION Horizontal, x-v (CH 1 "" 20 pF Input CH 2 Vertical) - 5 mV/dlv to 5 V/dlv. accurate :;: 4% Bandwldth 15dc 10 al least 4 MHz Phase difference belween amplifler5 15 3° or le55 Irom dc 10 50 kHz DISPLAY CRT - 8 x 10 cm display Horizontal and vertical centerllneS further marked In 02 cm increments P31 phosphor standard P11 optional 18 kV acceleratlng potential Graticule Internal. nonparallax; variable edge hghflng; marklngs tor measurement ot rlsetlme Beam Finder - Compresses trace to wlthln gratlcule area lor ease in locatlng an offscreen signal Apreset tntensity level provldes a oonstant brightness Z.Axis Input - Dc coupled. positive-going signal decreas8S Intensity; 5 V p-p sIgnal causes notlceable modulation at normal mal intenslty; inlenslly; dc dc to 1050 50 MHz MHz ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Ambient Temperature - Operating -15"C to +55"C N~ operating -62"C to +85"C Filtered foroed air ventilation 15 provlded Altitude - Operating to 4500 m (15,000 11);maximum all°.;"c:i ble ambient temperature decreased by 1"C/1000 ft Irom 5 to 15,000 ft NonoperatIng; to 15 200 m (50,000 11) Vibration - Operating 15 mInute along each 01 the t~ axes, 006 cm (0.025 in) p-p displacement (4 gs at 55 H 10-55 to 10 Hz in 1 minute cycles Humidity - Operating and nonoperating 5 cycieS (120 ~:' to 95./~97% relative humidlly as specified in MIL-T.28 I;; (par 392,2) C Shock - Operating and nonoperating 30 g's '/2 slne, 11I"-' d~ duratK>n,three shockS per axis In ..ach dlroction fCf a tot8 18 shocks " ., ;; : i, I) TEK DMM WITHIN ._- 400 - .;. ~ SERIES PORTABLEOSCILLOSCOPES ..;:- OTHER CHARACTERISTICS - ~lI1plitude Calibrator output Voltage 0.3 V 1% O.C to +40.C output Current 30 mA 2% +20.C to +30.C -Frequency ~ 1 kHz "ertical Signal Output - CH 1 vertical signal is dc to at least 50 MHz (-3 dB). and ~25 mVldlv termlnated into 50 {J, and ~50 mV/dlv terminated into 1 Mo. aate Outputs - Positive gates tram both time bases (~5 V). power Requirements - Quick-change line voltage selector provldessix ranges: 110 V. 115 V. 120 V, 220 V. 230 V. and 240V. each ;: 1O~'. 48 to 440 Hz. 85 W maximum at 115 V and 60 Hz Operation from 12 or 24 V dc is avallable with option 07 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Cabinet Dill1ensions mm WKJth(wlth nandle) Helght oepth(wlth panel cover) Oepth(nandle extended) Weights ~ Net(wlo panel cover) Net(wltn panel coverand accessorles) Shlpplng 328 157 460 516 Rackmount in mm 13.1 6.2 181 203 in 483 177 457 190 7.0 180 kg Ib kg Ib 103 115 22.8 25.3 133 294 167 370 26.3 580 INCLUDED ACCESSORIES Two P6105 10X probes (010-6105-03): blue accessory pouch lor standard cabinet lIerSlon only (016-0535-02) blue accessory pouch fot DMM lIerSlon only (016-0594-00); clear pouch (016-0537-00): blue GAT light filter (337-1674-00); clear GAT light filter (337.1674-01); ground wlre (134-0016-01): two 1'.',amp fuses (159-0016-00) one ",- amp fuse (159-0042-00) Rackmodels also include mountlng hardware and ,lide out as5emblies.bot not pouches ORDERING INFORMATION 4658 Oscilloscope R4658 Rackmount Oscilloscope 465844 OscilioscOpe/DMM Option 01 -Delete 465844 INSTRUMENT OPTIONS Temperature P'obe on - Option 04 EMC Modificatlon Option 05 TV Sync Separator (ProvIdes tflggerlng on TV fjeld and TV line) Option 07 Ext Dc Operation (not tor 465844) Option78 P 11 Phosphor Modlficatlon kits for field converSlon 01 existing 4658s, to Option 04 Option 07, or 465844 scopes are avaliable These are typlcally more expensive than when the option is ordered wlth the Instrument Contacl your Tektrorux Sales Engineer Distributor or Representative for Information DM 44 DIFFERENTIAL- TIME/DMM 1% timing measurements were never this easy! With the DM 44 Option, available on live Tektronix 400 Se ries Portables, time intervals can be read directly from the 3 '/2 digit LED Screen. Simply use the Delay Time control and the ~time dial to position intensilied spots at the beginning and end 01 the interval you wish to measure. Next, switch to delayed sweep and use the ~time dial to superimpose the end of the intervaion the beginning. Then read its differential time or Irequency tram the 3'/2 digit LED panel. It's thaI simple Time intervals are accurate to 1% and the Irequency of periodic wavelorms can be read out with 2% ac. curacy by simply pushing the 1/Time button. INTERNATIONAL POWER CORDS AND PlUG OPTIONS - - Option A2 Option A3 Option A4 - Universal Euro 220 V!16A, 50 Hz OPTIONAl ACCESSORIES Probe Type P6063B 6 11 P6202 FET PrObe 2m Current Probe P"022 5 11 Inpul Impedance Bandwidth' lX Switchabie 10X 1 M!! 105 pF 6 MHz 10 MI! 14pF 90 MHz 10X 10 MI! 2 pF 100 MHz 100X Head 10 MI) 2 pF 100 MHz Ac Head 10 Mi! 4 pF 100 MHz Altenuation Insertion Calibration Impedance 1 mAimV 10 mAimV (Seleclable) 003 ~! @ 1 MHz Increaslng to 02 ~I @ 120 MHz "Sandwld//Js aremeasureaa/ (/Jeupper -3 dB andapplyonly 10l/Je cable leng//J s/Jown general/y. s/Jorter Gable leng//Js Increase IJandwldl/J 0-20 MI! Resolution - 0 1 \1. Accuracy Range Accuracy 200(J wlth,n0.25~'o;t 1 count 2 k(J. 20 k(J. 200 kll, 2 M(J wlthin 025% ;t 1 count 20 M(J wlthln 03% ;t 1 count +- probe reslstance - within 1 s Voltage, resistance, and temperature measurements are also much easier with a DM 44equipped 400 Series Oscilloscope The DM 44 measures dc voltage with 0.1% accuracy, reslstance wlth 0.3% accuracy, and temperature from -55°C to 150°C Previously, you would have needed aseparate DMM and digital thermometer in addition to your oscilloscope. Now, these features are combined in one smalI, inexpensive, integral package. 2 M(J ranges 20 M(J ranges within 5 s The DM 44 is available as a factory installed option on the 464, 4658, 466, 475 and 475A Portables. It adds Delta Delayed Sweep and Independent DMM capabilities to these 400 Series Scopes First, consider your bandwidth. sensitivity, storage, and price requirements Then specify the DM 44 Option tor simple and accurate digital measurements Timing Measurements Differential Time Delay Accuracy +1S"C to +3S"C -1S"C Used wlth 464. 4656. 466. 475. and 475A Used wlth 464 4656. 466 475. and 475A Maximum Safe Input Voltage used wlth 475 and 475A wlthin 2.5% 01 reading ;: 1 count within 15% 01 reading ;: 1 count 10 +SS.C uSed Wllh 475 and 475A wllhln 3.5% 01 reading ,,1 count within 3% of reading ,,1 count DC Ranges - to +SS"C used wlth 464. 4656. and 466 Wilhin 2% 01 reading ,,1 count Vollage 0-200mV 0-2 V 0-20V. 0-200V. 0-12 kV. Resolution - 100 "V Accuracy - Withon0.1% of reading ;: 1 count. Input Resistance - 10M!) for all ranges Removal of an Inter~ 1000M!! on 200 mV and 2 V ranges Normal-Mode Rejection Ratio - At least 60 dB at 50 Hz and 60 Hz Gommon Mode Rejection Ratio - At least 100 dB at dc. 80 dB at 50 Hz and 60 Hz Recycle Rate - ~33 measurements/S. Response Time - Withln 05 s - 120 V RMS between + and common Inputs. Temperature Using P6430 Probe Range - -55'C to -'-150'C Accuracy DM 44 Temperalure P6430 Tlp Temperalure Accuracy (Probe Calibraled 10 DM 44. -,-1S'C 10 +3S'C -SS'C 10 -,-lS0'C ",2'C -SS'C 10 +12S'C +12S'Cro +1S0'C ;:3'C -lS'C 10 1-SS'C ;:4'C INCLUDED ACCESSORIES used wlth 464. 4656. and 466 -1S.C ~33 measurements/s. Response Time DM 44 CHARACTERISTICS nal strap Increasesreslstanceto 85 MHz Resistance 0-200 \1, 0-2 kl], 0-20 klJ, 0-200 k\1, 0-2 M\1 and 200 (J through 200 k(J ranges +1S.C 10 +3S.C Probes Ranges - Recycle Rate Withln 1% of reading :!: 1 count UK 240 V/13A, 50 Hz Australlan 240 V110A, 50 Hz North American 240 V/15A, 60 Hz Maximum 5ale Input Vollage - ct 1200 V dc + peak ac between + and common inputs or between + and chassIs ct500 V (dc + peak ac) common floating voltage between common and chassis Compare the DM 44 sequence with the measure. ment technique you may now be using. Calculating the interval tram the CAT may take 10 limes as long - Option A1 OPTION One pair, Test Leads (003-0120-00); one P6430 Temperature Probe (010-6430-00) ORDERING INFORMATION 4658 DM 44 (Order 4658 44) 475 DM 44 Oscilioscope/DMM 475A DM 44 (Order 475A 44) 466 DM 44 Oscilioscope/DMM 464 DM 44 Oscilloscope/DMM Option 01 - INSTRUMENT OPTIONS Delete Temperature Probe Moditicatlon kifS tor tleld converslon of exlstlng 464s, 465s, 466s, 475s, and 475As to DM 44-equIPP9dscapes are avarlable These are typlcally more expensive than when the option IS ordered wlth the Instrument. Contact your Tektronix Sales Engineer Distributor or Representative tor Information. INTERNATIONAL POWER CORDS AND PLUG OPTIONS Option A1 - Universal Euro 220 V/16A 50 Hz Option A2 UK 240 V/13A 50 Hz - Australian240V/10A,50 Hz Option A4 - NOr1hAmerlcan 240 V/15A, 60 Hz OptionA3 For information on hoods, covers, filters, car1S, banery packs, rack adapter, and cameras, see previous page.