Determining Electric Motor Load Factor M ' ost likely your operation's motors account for a large part of your monthly electrical bill. Make certain your motors are properly loaded. This will increase their reliabiZity and efjciciency-saving you money and energy, and helping you avoid potential problems. This Technology Update enables you to determine the load factor and efficiency of your electric motors-information you can use to identify motors that should be replaced with a different size or increased efficiency model. Reasons to Determine Motor Loading Most electric motors are designed to run at 50 to 100 percent of rated load. Optimum efficiency is at 75 percent of rated load. Thus, a 10 horsepower (hp) motor has an acceptable load range of 5 to 10 hp; peak efficiency is at 7.5hp (see Figure 1).Surveys of installed motors indicate that a large portion of motors in use are improperly loaded. Underloaded motors, those loaded below 50 percent of rated load, are ineffiaent and exhibit low power factor (see Figure 2). Power factor is a measurement of the phase angle lag between electrical voltage and current, with 100%as optimum. (See Technology Update, Reducing Power Factor Cost for more information.) Low power factor results in increased electrical distribution system losses. For this reason an increasing number of utilities charge a penalty for low power factor. Replacing underloaded motors with correctly sized motors improves efficiency and raises power factor. I Motor Part Load Efficient Y as a Functlon of % Full Load E ficiency a r 0 .-: s o % G i;i u m 8oo/c 0 J -- Lad Ranger: 40% LL 3 c c Q1 20% $ p. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% e Percent Full Load 0 - 1 P 1.5-5 hp P Toll-free Hotllne 1-800-872-3568 Bonnwille POWER ADMINISTRATION FAX 1-800-872-3882 .....lO..hP . ?!:SP. .......... ------ 15-25 hp I hP 75-100 hp Electronic Bulletin Board 1-800-762-3319 Figure 2 rotates under its full rated load and is usually about 3 to 5 percent slower than synchronous speed. Most electric motors have a full load RPM rating stamped on their nameplate. Motor Power Factor %O%j as a Function of % Full Load Amperage Slip is characteristically linearly proportional to load (see Figure 3). For example, a motor running with 50 percent load factor has a slip halfway between full load and synchronous RPM. By using a tachometer to measure actual motor speed, it is possible to cald a t e motor loads. i5% 45% !k'o i5% kyo k0/, 85% 1do% Then calculate load using the formula in Figure 5. Percent Full Load Amperage Overloaded motors can overheat and lose efficiency. Many motors are designed with a service factor that allows occasional overloading. Service factor is a multiplier that indicates how much a motor can be overloaded. For example, a 10 horsepower motor with a 1.15service factor can handle an 11.5 horsepower load for short periods of time without incurring significant damage. Although many motors have service factors of 1.15,running a motor above the rated load reduces efficiency, and if done frequently, reduces service life. If your operation uses equip ment with motors that operate for extended periods under 50 percent load, consider making modifications. Sometimes motors are oversized because they must accommodate peak conditions, such as when a pumping system must satisfy occasionally high demands. Options available to meet peak condition needs include two-speed motors, adjustable-speed drives, and management strategies that First, determine fullload slip and measured load slip. The formulas are listed in Figure 4. maintain motor loads within the design range. Determining if your motors are properly loaded enables you to make informed decisions about when to replace motors and which replacements to choose. Measuring Motor Loads is relatively quick and easy when you use the worksheet provided in this Technology Update. You should perform a motor load and efficiency analysis on all your major working motors as part of your preventative maintenance and energy conservation program. "9 Motorlat Rep acement Annual Savings and Simple Payback The "Motor Load and Efficiency Analysis" form (on page 4) provides a stepby-step process for determining motor load and efficiency, and calculating the potential annual dollar savings and resulting simple payback I Figure 3 Percent Motor Slip Determining Loads A relatively simple way to determine the load on a working motor is by measuring "slip." Slip refers to the difference between the motor's synchronous speed and loaded speed. Synchronous RPM is the speed of the motofs rotating electric field, usually either 3,600,1,800,1,200,or 900 RPM. An unloaded motor rotates at approximatelyits synchronous speed. Full load FWM is the speed that the motor 2 as a Furctlan of M o b Load 0 ND Load Full Load Load full load Slip = synchronous speed (RPM) - rated fullload speed (RPM) load = motor HP x (measured running slip/full load slip) measured load Slip = synchronous speed (RPM)- measured load speed (RPM) Example: 10 HP 1,800 RPM synchronous motor Example: full load speed = 1,740 full load slip = 60 - synchronous speed = 1,800 RPM measured load speed = 1,778 RPM measured load slip = 22 RPM nameplate) = 1,740 RPM full load speed (f" full load slip = 1,800 - 1,740 = 60 RPM 10 x 22/60 = 3.7 HP load, or 37%o hull load measured load speed (bytachometer) = 1,778 RPM measured load slip = 1,800 1,778 = 22 RPM - from replacing a significantly oversized and underloaded motor with a more efficient, properly sized model. (Simple payback is a measurement of how long it will take for the efficiency savings to compensate for the increased cost of the more efficient motor .) We recommend that you survey and test all motors operating over 1O , OO hours per year. Using the analysis results, divide your m e tors into the following categories: H Motors that are significantly oversized and underloadedreplace with more efficient, properly sized models at the next opportunity, such as scheduled plant downtime. Motors that are moderately oversized and underloadedreplace with more efficient, properly sized models when they fail. Motors that are properly sized but standard efficiency-replace most of these with energy-efficient models when they fail. The cost effectiveness of an energy-efficient motor purchase depends on the number of hours the motor is used, the price of electricity, and the price premium of buying an energy-efficient motor. H The slip technique should not be used for rewound motors or motors operating at other than design voltage since full load RPM nameplate data is no longer accurate. H This analysis is designed for motors operating under steady load conditions. If loads vary, you'll need to perform a separate analysis for each portion of the load m e to obtain annual energy savings. 4 This analysis may be inappro- priate for motors driving conveyors or crushers, since oversizing may be required due to startup torque requirements, transient loads, or abnormal operating conditions. 4 This analysis requires use of a tachometer to measure motor RPM, and a Multimeter to measure voltage and current. Such monitoring is potentially hazardous and requires proper equipment calibration; it should only be performed by trained personnel. 4 Several of the values used in this analysis, including rated full load RPM, measured RPM, and current are subject 3 to rounding errors and variations. For example, full load ratings are often rounded to the nearest 5 RPM, and a specific motor may have an actual speed slightly different than the nameplate value established for that model. These differencescan lead to significant variation and uncertainty in this analysis, which should be considered when evaluating results. 4 Many utility energy conser- vation programs offer rebates for the purchase of energy efficient motors and other industrial conservation activities. Contact your utility conservation department for information. Company Plant Datemime Building Dept. Application Motor Shop Number Phase and HZ Make Frame size Model/Type Insulation class Serial number Efficiency rating Service factor NEMA torque type Enclosure type Temperature rise A) Full load HP B) Volts N) Running slip (E-K) C) Amperes P) Per cent load (N/F)(~00%) D) Full load speed Q) HP Output (A)(P)(l 00%) E) Sync. speed R) kW output (cq(o.746) 2 pole = 3,60O,4 pole = 1,800, 6 pole = 1,200) F) Full load slip (E-D) S ) Eff. per cent (w~)(loo%) T) kVA input (G)(H)(1.732)/(1000) G) Average volts U) Power factor (J)/(r)(i 00%) H) Average amperes v) J) Average kW W) $/Year operation (J)(L)(M) K) Operating speed, RPM X) $/Year losses (v)(L)(M) L) Full load operating hours Y)' Annual energy savings due to changeout with a h high-efficiency motor (R)(L)(M)(lOO/S - 1WIEFF) kW IOSSeS (J-R) W) Average electricity price including demand charges Z)* Replacement motor cost ($/kWh) Simple payback, years (Z)/(Y) @ EFF Is the efflclency (%) of a mpiacement premium efflclency motor at the appropriate load factor. !Costis the total cost of purchaslngand installing an optlmaiiy slzed, high-efficiency motor 4 p V Electric Ideas Clearinghouseis a comprehensive information source for and industrial energy users. It is operated by the WashingtonState Enflu Office and is part of the Electric Ideas technology transfer program sponsored by participating utilities and the Bonmille Power Administration. V Neither the United States nor the Bonneville Power Administration, the state of Washington, the WashingtonState Energy Office, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information,apparatus, product, or process disclosed within the publication or through the Clearinghouse Bulletin Board System. V Technology Update CH-17 ' I Toll-free Hotline: 1-800-872-3568 Fax: 1-800-872-3882 Electronic Bulletin Board: 1-800-762-3319 DOYBP-1768 lune 1992 15C Bibliography McCoy, G., T.Litman, and J. Douglas. Energy-Efficient Electric Motor Selection Handbook. Prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration by the Washington State Energy Office. DOE/BP-34623-3. October 1991.