Summer 2016 Conference Attendees Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department CU Department 2 Abdule jim'alle Hassan Range usage school Public health Public health Aten Betty Loveland High School English Barnes Christopher Longmont High School History Bayliff Pamela Standley Lake High School Math beamer brian Monarch High Math Berendse Fred DSST - Green Valley Ranch HS Physics Bitz Shoshanna none Sociology Blunt Maureen Widefield High School English Bobb Margaret East High School ENVS Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 1 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Bolyard Wendy TBD School of Public Affairs Brooks Sarah South High School, DPS English Bruce Sharon Colorado Springs Christian School Mathematics Bruce Rachel Brusven Keri Bruxvoort Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College (Denver Public Schools) Political Science Chatfield Senior High School Math Kerstin Fort Collins High School Mathematics Burke Devon Pueblo County High Physics Carruth Judith Fort Morgan High School English Carsten Brad Twin Peaks Charter Academy Mathematics Carter Chris Cherry Creek High School Mathematics Carver Greg Evergreen Senior High School Mathematics Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Chemistry Page 2 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Cervi Kristine Pueblo South HS Math Chaffee Susan Rocky Mountain High School Math Child Colene Dakota Ridge Mathematics Christensen Kirsten (Kris) None Geography and Environmental Sciences Ciccone Nancy ucd English Clinton Maria North Glenn English Coffey Shannon N/A Sociology (typically teach the Silver Program in DPS) Cole Cecelia Cheyenne Mountain High School D-12 Fine Arts Collette Ronda Pueblo South High School/ Pueblo City Schools 60 Physics Compton Susan Arvada West Math Comstock Michelle ucd English Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 3 of 14 CU Department 2 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Cook Rebekah Skyline High School Mathematics Cooney Terri CU Denver Sociology Corbo Christopher Evergreen High School English/Humanities Cordray Gary Ponderosa English Cruickshank Aida George Washington Sociology Curran Daniel Fossil Ridge, Poudre School District Mathematics Dady Dotty Cherry Creek Math Dahlberg Gregg Peyton High School Math Deininger Todd Frederick High School Mathematics DeJong Joel Berthoud High School Composition Dorman Katherine Ponderosa HS Environmental Science Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 4 of 14 CU Department 2 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Doughty Teresa Cornerstone Christian Academy Psychology Duran-Aydintug Candan North Sociology Easley Jillene Denver School of the Arts -DPS College of Arts and Media Espinoza Paual ucd Ethnic Studies Falconer Tina WHS Biology Farmer Jacob Fountain Ft. Carson HS Mathematics Fedak Darcie Rocky Mountain HS, Poudre School District Biology Felknor Jane Monarch high school English Fitzgerald Suzanne Fjerstad Barb Ignacio High School History Fjetland Shala Bear Creek High School: Jeffco Public Schools English Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Bridges High School, Roaring Fork School District Geography and Environmental Science Political Science Page 5 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department FREDRICK AARON Poudre Math Freeman rebecca Longmont High School Psychology Garrow Robert Golden View Classical Academy Political Science Gebert Paige Longmont High School Mathematics Gerster Mary Jo Ralston Valley High School Mathematics Haller Tara Durango High School Math Hamilton Lindsey N/A Psychology Department Hanson Kyla Poudre School District Humanities Hartt Tina North HS Sociology Heisel Mary Fountain-Fort Carson High School Mathematics Henderson Tara Bayfield High School English Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Philosophy Communications Page 6 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Hernandez Michelle CU Succeed--JFK Ethnic Studies Hernon Philip Saint Vrain Valley School District Political Science Herod Daniel Montrose High School Math Hoel Kristy Brighton High School Mathematics Hoffmaster David Longmont high school Human geography/environmental science Holladay Carlye Cherry Creek High School English Huebsch Lauren Cheyenne Mountain High School English Hugill Douglas Coronado High School Physics Humphreys Sheila Jeffco Public Schools Math James Patricia Ralston Valley High School/Jeffco Math Jimmerson Katherine George Washington High School Graduate School of Public Affairs Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 7 of 14 CU Department 2 Criminal Justice Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Johnson J. Doug Longmont High School Mathematics Johnson Alexandra Denver School of Public Affairs Johnson Tonja Ponderosa High School Mathematics Jordan Thomas Fountain-Ft. Carson HS Physics Koop Liz Cheyenne Mountain High School English Lange-Kemper Gillian Pomona High School Modern Languages Laurie Robert Rocky Mountain High School English Lawson Larry Cheyenne Mountain D12 Geo Sciences Layman Leslie Columbine High School / Jefferson County Math / Statistics Lehman Rachael North High School Sociology Lembo Catherine Longmont High School English Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Philosophy Page 8 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Lowrey Lacy Abe Lincoln Communication Luckasen Craig Fort Collins High School Mathematics Mackey Andrea Mead High School English Mackey Janiece Denver Public Schools Political Science Macri Deanna Bear Creek High School Mathematics Maertens Curtis Standley Lake Mathematics Manley Amanda Rocky Mountain High School Mathematics McGee Jaclyn Pueblo South High School Mathematics McTee Sasha Boulder Preparatory High School Englsih Molloy Bridget La Academia at the Denver Inner City Parish Biology Montague Jenifer Simla -- Big Sandy School District 100J English Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 9 of 14 CU Department 2 Ethnic Studies Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Motichka Kelly Poudre High School Mathematics Muldrow Dave Bear Creek High School Math Muus Kate Chaparral high school English Nash Tyler Coronadi Chemistry Natividad Sarah DPS/Martin Luther King Jr. Early College HS Mathematics Neitzel-Hewes Kathleen Green Mountain HS Jefferson County Math Noble Keiko Pomona high school Math Ogle Jeffrey George Washington Philosophy Oleson Erik CU Denver Psychology Olson Dennis Early College of Arvada Modern Languages Palmer Shawn Rangeview Math Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 10 of 14 CU Department 2 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Parkhurst Kelley Thompson Valley High School Modern Languages Pearce Casey CU Succeed History Pitts Elissa Poudre Math Reichert Jennifer Cherry Creek High School Mathematics Revielle Jami Frederick High School Sociology Rhone Tamara Denver East High School Ethnic Studies Rosengren Neal Rypma Dan Fossil Ridge High School History Schultz John Grandview High School Mathematics Schulz Jared Dakota Ridge HS Mathematics Sciacca Michelle Pueblo County High School Mathematics Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Political Science Ponderosa High School, Douglas County Schoool District Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Page 11 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Segady Suzanne Doherty High School, School D#11 English Seligova Ivana Mitchell Mathematics Sifers Molly ? Criminology/Criminal Justice Silverman Emily Fairview Math Slagle Sara Fort Collins Hs Mathematics Smith Chere Denver Public Schools, East High School Math Snyder Kevin Montrose High School Chemistry Sparks monica Denver school of the ARts English Spears Lisa ucd English Spradling Rhonda Academy D20 n/a Stanton C. Danelle Douglas County/ Ponderosa High School Modern Languages Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 12 of 14 CU Department 2 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Storm Joli Colorado Springs Christian School Math Sumler Alan Silver Philosophy Swallow John ucd Biology Terada Lyanne Horizon High School Spanish/Modern Language Ulibarri Reyna North high school, manual high school Sociology Ventola Joe Arvada HS Physics Villani Janet Wheat Ridge High School Math Villano Sonya Bear Creek High School Math Vogan Eric Fountain-Fort Carson High School Mathematics Walter Zach ucd Philosophy Weeks Sandra Rocky Mountain High School Chemistry Monday, July 25, 2016 CU Department 2 Environmental Science Page 13 of 14 Last Name First Name High School or District Affiliation CU Department Whitten Pamela Wheat Ridge High School Mathematics Wilding Melinda ucd Philosophy Winkel Susan Standley Lake High School Math Zander Charles Longmont High School Mathematics Zevin Kelly Glenwood Springs High School, Roaring Fork School District Mathematics Monday, July 25, 2016 Page 14 of 14 CU Department 2