HW 3 Mathematics 503, Mathematical Modeling, CSUF June 2 2007 Nasser M. Abbasi June 15, 2014 Contents 1 Problem 1 (section 1.3,#1, page 40) 1 2 Problem 2 (section 1.3,#1, page 40) 4 1 Problem 1 (section 1.3,#1, page 40) problem: Find the general solution of the following differential equations (m) u00 + ω 2 u = sin βt, ω 6= β solution: We start by assuming ω is real, hence ω 2 must be positive. Now, the general solution is u (t) = uh (t) + u p (t) = c1 u1 (t) + c2 u2 (t) + u p (t) Where u1 (t) , u2 (t) are the 2 independent solutions of the homogeneous differential equation u00 + ω 2 u = 0 and u p (t) is the particular solution. To find u1 (t) and u2 (t), we assume the homogeneous solution is uh (t) = Aemt for some constants A, m and substitute this assumed solution in the ODE. We obtain the characteristic equation Am2 emt + ω 2 Aemt = 0 → m2 + ω 2 = 0 → m2 = −ω 2 or m = ±iω, hence u1 (t) = A1 eiωt and u2 (t) = A2 e−iωt . Since the homogeneous solution is a linear combination of all the independent solutions, we take the sum and the difference of these solutions, and using Euler relation which converts the complex exponential to the trigonometric sin and cos functions we obtain u1 (t) = cos ωt u2 (t) = sin ωt 1 and we now write uh (t) = c1 cos ωt + c2 sin ωt Now to obtain u p (t), we use the method of undetermined coefficients. Assume u p (t) = a cos βt + b sin βt and plug into the original ODE, we obtain (a cos βt + b sin βt)00 + ω 2 (a cos βt + b sin βt) = sin βt (−β a sin βt + β b cos βt)0 + ω 2 (a cos βt + b sin βt) = sin βt −β 2 a cos βt − β 2 b sin βt + ω 2 (a cos βt + b sin βt) = sin βt −β 2 a + ω 2 a cos βt + −β 2 b + ω 2 b sin βt = sin βt Hence by comparing coefficients we obtain a ω2 − β 2 = 0 b ω2 − β 2 = 1 Since ω 6= β (given), then ω 2 − β 2 6= 0 , hence this must mean the following a=0 b= 1 ω2 − β 2 Therefor, the particular solution now can be written as u p = b sin βt sin βt = 2 ω −β2 Hence the general solution, which is y (t) = yh (t) + y p (t) is given by βt y (t) = c1 cos ωt + c2 sin ωt + ωsin 2 −β 2 Where c1 and c2 are constants that can be found from the initial conditions. 2 3 2 Problem 2 (section 1.3,#1, page 40) problem: Find the general solution of the following differential equations (n) u00 + ω 2 u = cos ωt solution: First, let the forcing function be called f (t), hence f (t) = cos ωt in this example. From (m) we found the homogeneous solution to be uh (t) = c1 u1 (t) + c2 u2 (t) where u1 (t) = cos ωt and u2 (t) = sin ωt Now to find the particular solution we can not use the method of undetermined coefficients since the forcing frequency is the same as the undamped natural frequency of the system ω and this will lead to the denominator going to zero. Hence use the method of variation of parameters which is a general method to find particular solution which will work with this case. u2 (t) f (t) u1 (t) f (t) u p (t) = −u1 (t) dt + u2 (t) dt W W Where W is the Wronskian of u1 , u2 given by W = u1 u02 − u2 u01 Hence W (t) = cos ωt (ω cos ωt) − sin ωt (−ω sin ωt) = ω cos2 ωt + sin2 ωt = ω Hence Z Z sin ωt cos ωt sin (ωt) f (t) dt + cos (ωt) f (t) dt u p (t) = − ω ω Z Z cos ωt sin ωt =− sin (ωt) cos (ωt) dt + cos (ωt) cos (ωt) dt ω ω = I1 + I2 Z Z We now evaluate I1 and I2 . Start with the easy one, I2 sin ωt cos (ωt) cos (ωt) dt ω Z sin ωt = cos2 (ωt) dt ω sin ωt 1 = (sin 2tω + 2tω) ω 4ω sin ωt = (sin 2tω + 2tω) 4ω 2 Z I2 = and now I1 cos ωt sin (ωt) cos (ωt) dt ω We can use integration by parts (do it twice) or use an trigonometric identity. From tables, Using the formula of λ +ζ λ −ζ 2 sin cos = sin (λ ) + sin (ζ ) 2 2 I1 = − Z 4 so if we let λ = 2ωt and ζ = 0 we obtain the integrand above, hence 2 sin (ωt) cos (ωt) = sin (2ωt) Substitute into I1 cos ωt 1 I1 = − sin (2ωt) dt ω 2 cos ωt −1 =− cos (2ωt) 2ω 2ω cos ωt = cos (2ωt) 4ω 2 Z Therefor u p (t) = I1 + I2 cos ωt sin ωt = cos (2ωt) + (sin 2ωt + 2ωt) 2 4ω 4ω 2 cos (ωt) cos (2ωt) + sin ωt (sin 2ωt + 2ωt) = 4ω 2 Hence the general solution is u (t) = c1 u1 (t) + c2 u2 (t) + u p (t) cos (ωt) cos (2ωt) + sin ωt (sin 2ωt + 2ωt) = c1 cos ωt + c2 sin ωt + 4ω 2 Verify using Mathematica 5