On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 1 GEN E 123 (week 10) Prof Catherine Gebotys, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, DC3514 h I. AC CIRCUITS o Previous circuits we analyzed: solution = natural solution + forced solution (where in natural solution, we killed independent sources. forced solution was due to independent sources. Note the forced response was a constant or DC response due to DC source) o Next we look at other input sources : SINUSOIDAL o Important in communication systems, power, etc o Important in representing ‘any’ signal (Fourier series) o Sinusoidal input source or sinusoidal excitation or ac circuits o We will only analyze the forced response (since this ac response remains after natural response has passed) o IN a Circuit, IF (a) source(s) are sinusoidal THEN all currents and voltages are sinusoidal. o IN a Circuit IF sources are exponential, then all currents and voltages are sinusoidal. o We’re not limited to 1st order circuits (with one storage element, ie. C,L) higher order circuits can be handled with same method as used for resistive circuits! o So ac circuits can be analyzed with no more difficulty than dc circuits! Thanks to phasor analysis . o However before we discuss phasors… we start with sinusoidals. On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 2 -review of sinusoidals…ωφπθ∠ o v(t) = Vm sin ωt where ω is the angular frequency (radian frequency) in radians/sec or rad/s. where v(t) = v(t+T), periodic function with period = T = 2π/ω sec, and frequency = 1/period = ω/ 2π in cycles per second or Hertz or Hz. v(t) Vm t π/ω 2π/ω 0 / Below we have v(t) = Vm sin (ωt+φ), where v(t) leads Vmsinωt by φ rad. φ>0 implies a Left shift (leads), φ<0 implies a Right shift (lags). φ/ω displacement o o o o o o v1= 4sin(2t+300) leads v2= 6sin(2t-120) by 420 sinωt = cos(ωt-π/2) or cosωt = sin(ωt+π/2) sin(ωt ±π )= -sinωt and cos(ωt ±π )= -cosωt sin(ωt ±2π )= sinωt and cos(ωt ±2π )= cosωt A cosωt + B sinωt = (A2+B2)0.5 cos(ωt - θ ), θ=tan-1B/A M cos(ωt - θ ) = Acosωt + B sinωt , A=Mcosθ, B=Msinθ {quadrature representation of sinusoid} On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 3 o Next we need the use of Complex Numbers o A complex number is : a + j b , where a = real part, b= imaginary part (note: j2 = -1) o Why do we use complex numbers? Consider a source in a circuit vg(t) and a current somewhere else in the circuit i(t). o vg(t) = f1(t), we get i(t) = i1(t) o vg(t)=f2(t), we get i(t)=i2(t) o vg(t)=f1(t) + j f2(t) we get i(t) = i1(t) + j i2(t) o Next consider vg(t) = Vm ej(wt+φ) , the real part of vg(t) is Vm cos(ωt+φ), the imaginary part of vg(t) is Vm sin(ωt+φ). So we solve our circuit with vg(t) = Vm ej(wt+φ) as source then we take the real and imaginary parts of our solution as the solution to Vm cos(ωt+φ) and Vm sin(ωt+φ) input sources. o Example o We use as a source : vg(t) = Vm ej(wt+φ) ; then we solve for i(t) = S ej(ws t + φs) , o So if our given source is vg(t)= Vm cos(ωt+φ), we get i(t)= S cos(ωs t + φs) o or if our given source is vg(t)= Vm sin(ωt+φ), we get i(t)= S sin(ωs t + φs) On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 4 EXAMPLE: 2H where vg(t)=15cos2t, Find i=? 2Ω vg(t) + 0.1F First replace source with 15ej2t V source. Next write KVL: Differentiate and divide by 2: Substitute trial form i =A ej2t Next take the real part of the solution since the source was ‘cos’. On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 5 NOTES: Source Complex Source Source Phasor j(wt+φ) A cos(ωt+φ) Ae A ∠φ A sin(ωt+φ) A ej(wt+φ) A∠φ-90o Rectangular coordinates: a + j b Polar coordinates: r∠ θ , r = (a2+b2)0.5 , θ = tan-1b/a a + j b <=> r∠θ a = r cosθ , b = r sinθ V is a voltage phasor, v(t) = V ejwt = |V| ejθ ejwt = |V| ej(wt+θ) Phasors are the complex #’s we multiply ejwt in the expressions for i(t),v(t). In previous example, we could convert from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates to get a current phasor i = 6.7 ∠26.6 o EXAMPLE: 4 36 cos(2t+30o) + 3H 2 sin(2t-15o) On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE I-V laws for PHASORS All currents and voltages are of the form A ejwt. We’re only interested in the forced response. We have the following PHASOR laws (Recall: V is a voltage phasor, v(t) = V e jwt = |V| e jθ e jwt = |V| e j(wt+θ) ): Ohm’s Law: V=RI Inductor’s: V = jwL I Capacitor’s: V = 1/(jwC) I Impedance (in ohm’s) : (V/I )=Z o impedance in a general circuit plays the role of resistance in a resistive circuit. Impedance is a complex number (not a phasor). A constant that scales one phasor to produce another phasor. Real component of impedance is resistance (resistive component), imaginary component of impedance is reactance (reactive component). o Now we can use the impedance concept in analysis of RLC circuits where o ZR = R “resistive” § XR = 0 o ZL = jwL = wL ∠90o “reactive” § ZL = jXL , XL = inductive reactance (+ve) o ZC = 1/(jwC) = -j 1/(wC) = (1/wC) ∠–90o “reactive” § ZC = 1/(jwC) = jXC , XC = - 1/(wC) =capacitive reactance (-ve) Example: What is impedance seen from terminal? IR = VR/R , IL = VL/ZL , IR = IL KVL: I R + jwL I = V or I (R+jwL) = V Impedance = V/I = R+jwL = (R2+w2L2)0.5 tan-1 wL/R 6 On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 7 KVL: V1 + V2 + … + Vn = 0 KCL: I1 + I2 + … + In = 0 KVL, KCL holds for phasors EXAMPLE (see first example of this weeks notes, now rewritten with phasors) : Solve for i j4 150o + 2 -j5 On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 8 NOTE: phasors are useful for finding FORCED response. Typically though the natural responses decay to zero as time goes to infinity, whereas the forced response is the steady – state response. These circuits are called stable. So only for stable circuits, can phasor analysis be used to find steady-state response. (unstable circuits have a natural response that does not decay to zero) Analysis of the circuit: 1. Create a phasor diagram of the circuit showing impedances (& sources as phasors). 2. identify the method used to solve the circuit (ie. if you have all current sources use nodal analysis , etc) 3. write out the equations as done before 4. convert your solution from rectangular coordinates (a+jb) to polar coordinates ( r∠θ ) 5. from polar coordinates transform directly into cosine