
Modeling Wide-Eg InGaP PV Cells for Conversion Efficiencies Up to 16.5%
Yubo Sun1, Kyle Montgomery2, Xufeng Wang1, Stephanie Tomasulo4, Minjoo Larry Lee3 and Peter Bermel1
1Purdue University 2University of California, Davis 3Yale University 4U.S. Naval Research Lab
Why consider wide-Eg InGaP (2.19 eV)?
Theoretical Efficiency Limit of wide-Eg cells
Modeling Flow Diagram
• Shockley-Queisser solar cell
efficiency limit varies with Eg
Wide bandgap In0.24Ga0.76P
• Theoretical PV cell efficiency over
16.5% at 2.19 eV
τ: minority carrier lifetime
µ: electron/hole mobility
: surface recombination velocity
• Only recombination losses
considered here are radiative (this
excludes SRH, Auger, and
surface/interface recombination)
Fig. State-of-the-art record efficiency triple junction cell
structure and absorbed spectrum
Wide-Eg InGaP could convert highenergy solar photons more efficiently
It could serve as the top cell for
proposed ultra-high efficiency spectrumsplitting modules
Spectrum-splitting holographic
concentrator for ultra-high
efficiencies over 50% [1]
from n-p to n-i-p
Detailed balance calculation of single junction
solar cell efficiency as a function of Eg, accounting
for various loss mechanisms [2]
EQE, light
Fitting EQE
Fitting I-V
RS, RSH, n
• Layers were deposited using MBE
growth technology
In0.24Ga0.76P (2.19eV)
Extrapolation of InGaP absorption Curve
• In0.25Ga0.75P absorption data is
extracted from the extrapolation
of InP and In0.5Ga0.5P absorption
AlInP (2.4eV)
Cross-sectional view of modeled
InyGa1-yP solar cell
~360 nm
• The ratio of the wavelength
difference at the band edge is equal
to ΔEg between In0.5Ga0.5P and InP,
In0.25Ga0.75P respectively
• Urbach tail absorption beyond
band edge wavelength is neglected
GaP substrate enables high
transmittance of unabsorbed solar
Bandgap energy (and corresponding wavelength)
versus lattice constant for III-V alloys at 300K [4]
Fitting EQE for Recombination Parameters
Rs : series resistance
Rsh : shunting resistance
ideality factor
• Indium fraction y modulated to
bridge lattice mismatch between
p-n junction and GaP substrate
Fig. Cross-sectional view of metamorphic InyGa1-yP solar
cell presented in the experiment for measurement[3]
Energy Band Diagram,
EQE, light I-V etc.
Modeled Structure & III-V Grower Diagram
• Graded buffer has 10-16 steps of
~360 nm each, with y increasing
by ~2% at each step
Optimum ŋ
InGaP Cross-section Cell Structure
extrapolated InyGa1-yP
absorption curve
Light I-V Fitting and Parameter Extraction
Optimization of InGaP Cell Emitter Design
• Interface recombination between
window layer and emitter is
controlled by surface recombination
velocity (sf = 0 cm/s for minority
carriers to ignore the loss)
• Bulk recombination is quantified by
minority carrier lifetime (
EQE can be accurately modeled by
considering both bulk and interface
recombination losses
The optimum ŋ = 5.16%, when
t = 0.6 µm and ND = 3×1014/cm3
• “Ideal” EQE accounts for parasitic
absorption from window layer, while
eliminating interface and bulk
Measured and simulated I-V of 2.19eV InGaP PV
cell with extracted ideality factors, Rs, and Rsh [5]
Results and Optimization for n-i-p InGaP
30 nm
2 µm
Voc (V)
Jsc (mA/cm2)
ŋ (%)
Measurement [3]
Including lateral transport in
explicit 2D model would be
important for verification
Conclusions and Future Work
• Mobility did not include doping density dependence, due to the shortage of
mobility data at various doping levels for wide-Eg InGaP. Mobility should
follow the general form:
• Wide-Eg In0.24Ga0.76P were modeled. Both IV and EQE curves showed
excellent agreement with experiment, yielding surface and bulk
recombination parameters
• A modification to the experimental design (an n-i-p structure) was
proposed, which could double the cell efficiency (from 3.13 to 6.3%)
• Contact resistance increases due to lightly doped emitters were not modeled.
2D simulation of lateral transport is required [6]
Future Work
• Piecewise mathematic model to reproduce and improve absorption data
of In0.24Ga0.76P (e.g., to capture the Urbach absorption tail)
• Address other limits of current approach with refined models
• Model other direct, wide-Eg InyGa1-yP (y=0.18-0.30) PV cells and
compare directly to experiment
• Realistic ion implantation doping profiles for heavily doped emitters covering
intrinsic layers upon shallow p-type substrates [7]
Cross-sectional view of modeled InyGa1-yP
solar cell with optimized n-i-p structure
Fig. Cell Efficiency as a function of intrinsic layer
thickness and emitter doping. The experimental design
point is in blue, and the optimized result is in red.
References: 9
Limitations of modeling and optimization
The optimum ŋ = 6.3%, when
t i= 2 µm and NA = 9×1017/cm3
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emitter doping. The experimental design point is in blue,
and the optimized result is in red.