Stats 111/202: Midterm Exam Correction Instructions You have the opportunity to turn in midterm exam corrections, where corrections can earn up to half of the points back on the exam. For example, if you missed 2 points on one part of one problem, corrections for this part can earn up to 1 point, which will be added back to your exam grade. Read the following instructions carefully. Correction credit will only be awarded if these instructions are followed. 1. Write your exam corrections on a separate sheet of paper and turn in your corrections with the original exam. Do not write on the original exam. Any evidence that the exam has been altered will result in no credit on the entirety of the submitted corrections, and may result in an academic dishonesty report to your record. 2. Corrections must include an explanation of why the original answer was incorrect in addition to the corrected answer. I expect that you may discuss the exam with other students, and work through certain portions of the exam together in a way that is conducive to learning for all students involved. Thus, an exam correction that only states the correct answer without any explanation or reflection on why the original answer was incorrect will result in no credit for the correction. Additionally, any corrections turned in that have been copied from other students’ answers, either in the corrections or on the original exam, will be treated as academic dishonesty and will be reported to the appropriate Dean and become part of your student record. 3. Midterm exam corrections are due no later than Wednesday, February 24, by 5:00pm. You may turn in the corrections at the beginning of lecture, or you may turn them into the Stats 111/202 homework drop slot in the hallway across from DBH 2202. If you do not understand why you missed points, Lars or I am happy to help you. However, we won’t work through the problem with you. We will only try to guide you in the right direction so you can come to understand your mistakes on your own. Turning in midterm exam corrections is optional. If you are happy with your original midterm exam grade, you may choose not to turn in corrections. However, I encourage everyone to work through and understand any mistakes made on the exam since the final exam is comprehensive. Solutions to the midterm exam will be released after corrections are due. 1