Postering for Fun and Very Little Profit Guidelines for Poster Presentations Rick Pam Undergrad Summer Research Program Depts. Of Physics, Applied Physics,SLAC Stanford University 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 1 Why? • Communicating results is essential. If you don’t communicate, they didn’t happen. • Papers, talks, posters, public lectures, lawsuits, romantic poetry, ransom notes • Poster ≠ published paper – NOT as much detail. • Poster allows real time interaction between author and readers 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 2 Design Considerations • One main take-home message • Title: short, reflect your message, get viewer’s attention • Consider your audience • Design poster for stand-alone AND stand-beside • Design in one large PowerPoint (or equiv) slide • Design to generate real-time discussion--not too much detail. Want viewer to engage with you as you stand there. • If more detail needed, have hard copies of a more complete paper available to hand out. 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 3 Sub-picometer resolution from a low-cost wavelength meter Adam Banfield, Sarah Anderson and Chad Hoyt Bethel University, St. Paul, MN Wavemeter •Michelson interferometer •One arm comprises retroreflecting mirror on inexpensive air track cart • ~3 pm accuracy determined by I2 spectroscopic measurement Motivation •Accurate, precise measurement of laser diode wavelength •Laser diodes will be used for laser cooling and trapping Magneto-Optical Trap depiction: the ball in the center is a million atoms moving at only centimeters per second How it works: Because the beams travel identical pathlengths the wavelengths are proportional through the ratio of counted fringes, NR/NU: reference laser retroreflector Count r e Next Steps •Double-retroreflector on air cart to increase fringe count •Machined track & cart with air through cart to stabilize system Results Expected Δλ=0.85 pm, measured through a 640 MHz beat frequency LabView & GPIB automated data acquisition Special thanks to Sarah Kaiser for digital gating circuit Search for the sgoldstino Boson in e+e- Collisions (student), (advisor), SLAC & Dept. of Physics, Stanford University LOGO We present an analysis for observing a hypothesized resonance at 214.3 MeV. This resonance corresponds to the production of a proposed supersymmetric boson sgoldstino (P) in the e+ e- P channel, which needs to be isolated from the dominant background: e+ e- . The isolation is performed by a series of simple cuts on the angular and mass distributions of the decay products. In addition to this decay mode, there are also other samples that can be useful as potential signals, including the processes: e+ e- , e+ e- 0, and e+ e- . The dominant background is the e+ e- radiative, electromagnetic process. We must remove this background in order to identify the aforementioned signals. We define two of the most important cut parameters below: (2) cos (): Angle that the photons make with the e+ e- propagation direction in the e+ e- center of mass frame a) Our estimated sensitivity is given by our figure of merit, We observe many e+ e- events (Note that all graphs are normalized): Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and data agree for both rate and angular distribution Figure 2: Invariant Mass which corresponds to how well the resonance can be observed over the background. Our analysis places the optimal figures of merit for the 0 (135.0 MeV) and (547.5 MeV) channels at approximately 0.09 0.01, and 0.11 0.01, respectively, which demonstrates that we currently lack adequate sensitivity to observe these resonances. Note that both the 0 and have cross sections of approximately 0.46 fb = 460 ab = 0.00046 pb. Figure 10: Optimal Figures of Merit In order for us to observe the sgoldstino resonance clearly, i.e. 0.14 FOM >= 3, we need the 0.12 sgoldstino cross-section to be at 0.1 least 7.53 fb = 7530 ab = 0.00753 0.08 Pi0 FOM pb, which falls roughly within the Eta FOM 0.06 range set by Rubakov, from 1 pb 0.04 5 ab. Figure 3: cos() Distribution Legend Data MC Legend Data MC e+ e- b) M(Note (GeV) We observe many e+ e- events that all graphs are normalized) : Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and data agree for both rate and angular distribution 0.02 cos() 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cos(theta) of Photons in CM Frame Figure 4: Invariant Mass Figure 5: Invariant Mass This following example demonstrates how we calculate the FOM of a sample after making the appropriate cuts that remove most of the e+ e- events: CUTS: |cos(Pi0 Decay Angle)| < 0.8, and |photons’ cos theta| < 0.8 Signals of events from a Monte Carlo simulation and Background events in the same mass region are shown below with the aforementioned cuts performed on the data. The data has a luminosity of 35 fb-1, which is scaled up to 400 fb-1 with the appropriate scale factors. The value in parentheses is the number of events within one standard deviation of the ’s invariant mass. Legend Data MC Figure 11: Background Invariant Mass M (GeV) Figure 6: cos() Distribution 1 e+ M Legend Data MC e- 2 Legend Data MC Signals 0, , P also have certain angular and mass distributions that give hints for appropriate cuts cos() 1 e- e+ cos() Figure 9: Decay Angle Distribution MC 2 Figure 12: Signal Invariant Mass (GeV) Figure 7: Decay Angle Distribution Legend Data MC Figure 8: cos() Distribution Legend Data 8/27/2012 N signal N signal N bkgnd (1) 0 , Decay Angle: Angle that the decay products (photons) make in the rest frame of the 0 , with the direction of the 0 and in the e+ e- COM frame c) Figure 1: HyperCP Dimuon Mass Distribution QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. OPTIMIZING THE CUTS UNDERSTANDING BACKGROUND EVENTS INTRODUCTION Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a proposed theory that solves a number of unsatisfying features of the Standard Model, such as the Gauge Hierarchy and Naturalness problems3. In addition to this, SUSY unifies the EM, weak, and strong forces by making quantum corrections to vacuum loop diagrams. Indeed, it is known that the three forces have interaction strengths that vary, or “run”, as the length scale is changed. This is caused by the fact that the vacuum in which these forces operate acts like a dielectric, screening the forces by creating quantum loops that negate the strengths of the forces. In the Standard Model, while the interaction strengths do run, the values never coincide at a single point, thus making unification impossible. However, with the additional quantum corrections predicted by supersymmetry, the three interaction strengths actually run to coincide at a single point. These quantum corrections, which are essentially additional quantum loops in the vacuum, involve the interactions of a new class particles. These new particles have a one to one correspondence with existing particles and are thus aptly named the superpartners of current particles. The particle we are interested in searching for, the sgoldstino (pseudo scalar spin 0 boson), is the superpartner to the goldstino matter particle. The goldstino itself is the longitudinal component of the gravitino, which is a candidate for the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle, or LSP. Recently, the HyperCP2 group reported seeing three p+- events with a dimuon mass of 214.3 MeV (see figure below), a rare occurrence that is expected to only have a 0.8% probability of happening. In an attempt to explain this, Rubakov predicted that this process could in fact occur in two stages1, with the sgoldstino produced as an intermediate particle, as shown in the following process: p + X, X+ -. Other processes where the sgoldstino might be observed include the following: K+ + 0 P, KL P, KS P, and the process most interesting to us, e+ e- P, and e+ e- e+ e- P, which might be observed in SLAC’s e+ e- collider. LOGO FOM (S/sqrt(S+B)) ABSTRACT Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Legend Data MC Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer cos() M (GeV) Ndata = 1.23457 * 109 Nbackground raw = 11106 (627) Nbackground scaled = 126926 (7166) Efficiency = 9 * 10-4 % Scaling Factor: (400 fb-1 /35 fb-1) = 11.4 N signal N signal N bkgnd M (GeV) Ngenerated = 100000 Nsignal raw = 7609 (5435) Nsignal scaled = 14 (10) Efficiency = 7.5% Scaling Factor: (0.46 fb * 400 fb-1) / 100,000 = 0.00184 = 10 / (sqrt (10+7166)) = 0.118 FUTURE WORK We would like to analyze the system with a higher luminosity (currently looking with only 0.35 fb-1), and look at how additional cuts on other parameters might improve the FOM. Finally, we can look into the e+ e- + - channel and perform a similar signal and background analysis. Like the current analysis, we expect the dominant background to be coming from Research 5 radiative electromagnetic processes. cos() REFERENCES [1] D.S. Gorbunov, V.A. Rubakov, “On sgoldstino interpretation of HyperCP events,” arXiv:hep-ph/0509147 [2] H. Park et al. [HyperCP Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 021801 (2005). [3] J. Feng, “Supersymmetry for Astrophysicists,” 2007 SLAC Summer Institute Lecture Readability • Poster is an art form but don’t get cute • 18 pt font minimum (this is 32 pt) • Smaller for captions (24 pt) / This is 18 pt • Title should be readable from distance • Serif fonts easier to read than sans serif. Times Roman is ok default; Arial for titles • Use color to aid understanding, not entertain • Minimize equations/derivations (see next slide, lower left) 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 6 Gravitational Wave Detection using Pulsar Timing Arrays {Name}, Physics Class of 2009, Advisor {Name} Wave Generation PSR J0437-4715 August 29, 2008 In the weak field approximation to General Relativity, Einstein’s field equations can be linearized to produce wave solutions. This gravitational radiation has been indirectly shown to exist but has not been directly observed. PSR J0613-0200 According to GR, the waves would be composed of two polarizations -- each a quadrupole metric tensor perturbation -- rotated 45˚ from one another. PSR J1713+0747 Figure 3. Logarithmic plot of strain amplitude versus frequency, showing the types of waves predicted to be produced by certain phenomena. The sensitivity regions of the major detection efforts are also shown. PSR J1824-2452 Observation Figure 1. Schematic showing the plus and cross polarizations of a gravitational wave, and their quadrupole signature. Gravitational waves are produced by the changing quadrupole mass moment of the source, according to the equations below: One of the proposed methods for detecting gravitational waves is to analyze their effect on pulsar signals. A passing wave will effect the time of arrival (TOA) to Earth of the pulsar’s pulses in a periodic manner. The TOA residuals from an array of pulsars can be analyzed to reconstruct information about the source of the gravitational waves. Thus an array can be used a telescope to study otherwise unobservable objects. The plots on the right show the effect of gravitational waves generated by the binary 3C 66B on the pulsar array shown below. The parameters for the binary (Jenet et al. 2004) used in these calculations are not reasonable, but are useful for demonstrative purposes. The binary is estimated to be composed of two ~10 billion solar mass black holes orbiting each other with a period of 1 year and eccentricity of 0.3. The binary is approximately 80 Mpc from Earth. The points in the plots are simulated residuals with characteristic noise. PSR J1909-3744 PSR J1939+2134 PSR J2129-5721 Conclusions Figure 2. Artist’s rendering of the inspiral of a white dwarf binary, and its emission of gravitational radiation. Figure 4. Aitoff plot showing the positions on the sky of the seven pulsars in the array used for these simulations. The larger the circle, the more accurately timed the pulsar is. Acknowledgements: Figure 1: Kostas Kokkotas, Presentation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Figure 2: NASA website; Figure 3: Richard N. Manchester, Presentation; Figure 4: Steve Healey; Equations: Hugo Wahlquist, 1987. Although the effects of this particular wave could be easily seen, more realistic wave amplitudes are still at least an order of magnitude from being detected. Pulsars are being timed to greater and greater accuracies, however, and the prospects for detection in the next decade using this method are promising. 7 Content • Break into sections: – – – – – – 8/27/2012 Abstract Statement of the problem or question investigated description of the method used (iff relevant) Results, including data/plots Conclusions If this is a work in progress, next steps or future directions Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 8 Abstract • Full summary of the work – What you did – The Result(s) • Based on Title and Abstract, viewer decides whether to continue • Next slide – good abstract, title font good, other font too small 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 9 Don’t Forget • Acknowledgments • References • Contact info 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 10 Printing • • • • • Design in one full-size PowerPoint/Keynote slide Standard poster size is 36” x 42” (inches) BUT our poster boards are 30”x40” Use printer in your group if they have one Printer in Varian 240 (next to Rick’s office)has 24” roll; size your poster for 22” x 34” • Convert slide to pdf, then print from the PC next to the printer. • V240 printer instructions: 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 11 Resources/References Some material in this presentation is adapted from 1. Prof. Steven Block (Depts. of Biology, Applied Physics): Block, S.M (1996). Do’s and Don’ts of Poster Presentation, Biophysical Journal 71(6), 3527-29. : (some of this is dated but the main ideas are still good) 2. VPUE Poster Presentation info: A random sampling of web resources [search "designing poster presentations“] – UW/NASA: poster recommendations – UCSF: Detailed PowerPoint instructions: – Penn State: Samples and Templates – DOE guidebook for general writing and presentations 8/27/2012 Stanford Physics/AP/SLAC Undergrad Summer Research 12